SML Movie- The Remote! 2023- Full Episode

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oh man guys I can't believe shf peipi got us Happy Meals oh dude I love Happy Meals me too yeah I can't wait to get heart disease by the time I'm 50 y obesity yeah all right guys before we eat our Happy Meals let's turn on some TV give me that Angelica please don't take my repar and what are you going to do about it you're nothing but stupid babies Chucky do something okay Tommy what are you going to do about it Finster [Music] a she deserved it right Angelica definitely deserves it especially cuz she carries around that stupid doll just like Cody does oh burned Cody burned Joseph just burned you hey hey hey the word of the day is burned spell it with me b u r n d burned Junior that's not how you spell Burn yeah it is how else would you spell it it's spelled b u r n e d no Cody that's burned but no it's not yes that's burned hey Joseph remember when my house burned to the ground yeah dude I remember when your house burned to the ground oh no my house burned to the ground guys you're going to make me cuss and we can't do that no no no please don't cuss we don't want the video to get demonetized you just got to learn how to spell burn Cody not burned how dumb all right guys let's eat our Happy Meals look guys I got some nuggies look what I got I got a Gog you got a Gogurt well let me see if I got one no I don't got a Go-Gurt of course not Junior you're not cool enough see cool people like me don't have time to eat yogurt with a spoon we got to go so we grab our GT oh I wish I had a Go-Gurt oh dude look what I got what kind of toy is that I don't know it looks like a Roblox or something Roblox that's awesome yeah I got the same thing let me see it looks like it's Shaggy from scuber Doo so it's a bobblehead I mean I guess but look at that smile he looks like a lunatic imagine waking up and seeing that at the foot of your bed he looks like my sleep paralysis demon yeah he looks like he just killed his whole family yeah that's creepy I'm going to go see what toy I got what they gave me a TV remote dude what where's your toy what's up with that I don't know why would they give me a remote maybe they ran out of toy so they just gave you the closest thing they could find ah no Roblox toy for you dude but I want a Roblox toy too well look if this remote runs out of batteries you could always use that one you should at least see if it works with your TV I guess you're right I'll see if it works with my TV I'll try to pause the TV oh guys look it worked it paed the TV guys it PA the TV it worked guys guys oh I get it you guys are ignoring me because I didn't get a toy of my happy meal and you guys think I'm lame cuz I'm the only one without a toy well I'm not lame because I got two remotes for my TV do you have two remotes for your TV huh huh no I I bet you guys don't have two remotes for your TV I don't even want a stupid dumb toy those toys are lame guys stop ignoring me guys stop ignoring me you know what guys I don't want to be a friends anymore so leave it's my house so you have to leave leave I'm going to go tell shfp that you guys won't listen to me and that you're ignoring me and that you won't leave cuz I don't want to be a friend anymore shef my friends are ignoring me because I didn't get a toy of my happy meal and I want you to tell them to go home Shep tell my friends to go home not you to sh don't ignore me stop it ignore me Chef peipi why is everybody ignoring me my stupid friends are ignoring me Chef pe's ignoring me why are all you guys ignoring me I want you guys to leave go home you know what I'm just going to watch TV I guess it didn't work Junior yeah the batteries must be dead dude oh wow now you guys want to talk to me no I don't want to be your friends and I want you guys to leave what what are you talking about yeah dude no no when I hit that pause button on the remote you guys started ignoring me cuz I didn't get a toy in my happy meal no Junior nothing happened what are you talking about no no it didn't when when I pressed the the pause button you guys ignored me and so did shipi Junior I don't know what you're talking about Cody you try press the pause button you'll see okay see Junior nothing happened junior junior Joseph guys what oh yeah [Music] oh yeah okay I think I'm ready all right let's do it oh oh god what happened oh my butt hurts mine does too oh yeah that's that's from sitting on the couch for so long that's that's that's what that is wink wink Cody did you see what I was talking about yeah I saw it Junior this remote controls time it controls time yeah if you press the pause button it stops time it does did you stop time yeah wait for how long did you stop time oh oh God for like like 5 years 5 years what' you do for 5 years oh Junior what didn't I do I mean I did everything like literally I did everything I could think of so you're saying that I I can take this remote and I could pause time and do stuff to people yeah and they would never know nope oh I want to pause time and punch CH be in the face oo that sounds fun oh I'm going to try that there a COC in the kitchen how did it get in here you sh baby what are you doing Junior get out of the kitchen there's a crocodile in here I'll give me one second oh this is going to be so cool ow what does my face hurt it hurts so bad this is so cool guys I paused time and then I punch CH in the face over and over and over again and then I unpaused it and he was in so much pain that's kind of messed up dude yeah Junior I don't think you should be using the remote to do bad stuff you literally paused the world for 5 years well yeah but I didn't do anything bad well you know what look guys you guys are just jealous that I got a cool time controlling remote and you both got stupid dumb Shaggy toys we're not jealous about the Shaggy toys it's just that that remote is way too powerful this was obviously a mistake you're not supposed to have that I'm going to keep this remote there's nothing you can do about it Cody Junior this is too dangerous you know I don't like the the language you're speaking Cody you know I'm going to change your language to Spanish what's he saying Joseph I don't know dud but it's funny he's speaking giberish you sound like Harry Potter trying to cast a spell on us motus yeah we're not going to turn into a pumpkin Harry Potter okay look I'll change your language back to English Okay Cody Junior never do that again well it was kind of funny all right look guys I know you guys are upset cuz cuz you guys think I hurt Chef PE PE but I'll make it up to him there's a fast forward button on this remote and there's a big mess downstairs so I'll fast forward Chef PE cleaning up the mess so it's easier for him Junior that's not going to help him it'll just make it go faster for you why don't you just go down there and clean it up for him well because then I'd have to clean it up and it's his mess yeah that would be helping him no I'm going to fast forward him cleaning up it's faster for him oh I hate my life hey shfp what are you doing oh I'm trying to clean up the mess that stupid crocodile made [Music] you're welcome Chef peipi wait what you didn't do anything Junior all right guys I helped Chef clean up the mess and now he's happy good so we can destroy the remote now well no I don't want to destroy the remote Cody Junior it's too dangerous well no no no this remote has a fast forward button so that means I can fast forward through all the boring parts of my life like school and uh school oh what about school dude yeah school I hate school I hate school too I actually kind of like school because you're a big fat nerdy nerd nerd boy yeah shut up nerd yeah shut up look I don't care what you want to fast forward through we should still destroy the remote all right Cody how about this if you give me a long detailed scientific explanation on why we should get rid of this remote I'll get rid of it but really yeah it's going to be really long and boring well I want to hear it oh okay I think you should get rid of the remote [Music] because and that Junior is why you shouldn't have the remote dude that was so awesome I know it was so cool you thought my explanation was cool no we fast forwarded you so we didn't have to hear your long stupid dumb nerd speech what you fast forwarded me yeah it was so cool y so cool this is exactly why we shouldn't have the remote all right Cody I know you're mad so how about this I'll make you one last deal if you give me that same long dumb boring scientific explanation on why we should break it then I'll actually break it no you're just going to fast forward me again no Cody I promise I will not fast forward you again if I fast forward you again then you can punch me in the face and you can break the remote in front of me dude you're really going to break the remote no sh all right Cody do we have a deal okay all right Junior I think you should get rid of the remote because you're dude what happened I muted him you should have did that a long time ago yeah Cody we can't hear you I muted you so I can't hear you talk hey hey hey Joseph can you hear Cody NOP he's he must not be talking yeah yeah he must not be talking he's mute wait wait I think Cody must have left cuz I can't hear him oh he's not in the room oh where's Cody oh wait wait wait Joseph I found Cody he just can't talk cuz I muted him that's so funny oh man he's so annoying when he talks anyway I think he's boring and dumb and but unmute me no Cody I'm not going to unmute you you want to know why because you're a dumb nerd and you're ugly hey hey hey hey watch this watch this watch this hey Cody um if you're a loser don't say anything he's a loser he's a loser he's a loser loser loser all right Cody I'll unmute you Junior this is the exact kind of thing you shouldn't be doing with the remot we need to destroy it okay Cody okay okay fine I understand this remote is really dangerous so I'm going to destroy it right now right after I use the rewind feature what could you possibly need to rewind um I got an idea hold on I'm use the rewind feature and then I'll break it Dad Dad Dad what do you want junior I'm trying to watch TV I want to make a bet with you okay I like bets what's the bet think of a number between 1 and 10 and if I guess it right you owe me $100 but if I guess it wrong I owe you $200 okay this going to be an easy $200 then all right think a number ooh okay I got it is it one nope look like you owe me $200 ooh okay I got it is it two nope looks like you owe me $200 ooh okay I got it is it three nope looks like you owe me $200 ooh okay I got it is it four nope looks like you owe me $200 ooh okay I got it is it five no nope looks like you owe me $200 ooh okay I got it is it six nope looks like you owe me $200 ooh okay I got it is it seven nope looks like you owe me $200 ooh okay I got it is it eight how' you guess right are you a genius or a psychic or something uh yeah I I guess I'm just a psychic I pay $100 Dad it's not fair there's no way you guess that right oh thanks Dad Junior whenever I hear that noise I know something's bad diabetes guys guess who just made $100 how did you make $100 with that remote because uh let me think about that for a second um because uh I'm a genius yeah if you got 100 big ones out of it dude yeah 100 big ones 100 smack aronis you know okay Junior you had your fun now we need to get rid of that remote for real all right Cody you keep saying we need to get rid of the remote but how do you expect us to get rid of it do you think it's just going to vanish in thin air I don't know maybe maybe it has like a self-destruct button or something a self-destruct button uh but oh there a there's a parental control oh man guys I love eating Lunchables me too look at these little wieners can you imagine having a little wiener I sure can't guys check out my pieces that looks disgusting Joseph I'd rather have a pizza than a wiener in my mouth have you even had a wiener in your mouth no and I don't plan on it guys I can't open up my lunch I'll get some scissors Chef PE can you bring me some scissors what do you need scissors for you stupid brat I can't open up my lunch oh my God you're so weak you're the weakest kid I've ever met Junior well let me see you open it I can open it without scissors watch just got to get my fingers on it you said you could open it I can open it okay just leave me alone I'm just just got to bite it you know [Applause] what just got to use your your wisdom teeth there we go yeah I did it I did it I'm a boss you can't touch me all you did was open a Lunchable what the news breaking news okay Tom Brady seven time Super Bowl champion is retiring from football sad day for all of us what Tom BR is retiring oh no this can't be happening this is a bad dream it's a bad dream no oh he can't retire calm down shfp he's just a football player no he's not just a football player he's God he's the goat well he played long enough Chef peipi no he didn't play long enough he's supposed to play Till's 90 my life's over Junior shf phbe looks really upset we should go check on him this can't be happening this can't be happening I'm depressed I'm going eat all the bread I can find oh no guys he's eating white bread oh he must be really sad bread you want some bread you can eat all the bread you can have huh you don't you don't play football anymore so here get the bread eat the bread H oh he's yelling at the Tom Brady book oh come on Chef peee the cars this isn't part of the tv12 method the tv12 method is dead Cody just like Tom should we know that Tom Brady can come back in a few years no he can't saw the news I know you saw the news yeah you saw the news he's dead it's over it's Kut he just tired we should call it doctor yeah no no Tom no poor guy is he going to be okay Doctor well we haven't been a straight jacket in a padded room so he can't hurt himself what's going on well it looks like he's having some kind of mental breakdown do you know what could have happened well we were watching TV and then he found out Tom Brady retired what Tom Brady retired yeah no God no not Tom he can't retire he's not supposed to retire until he was like 90 I know right oh God this is the worst news ever I'd rather lose my wife than Tom Brady God no he's the ghat he's the ghost oh God no please no is Chef peipe going to be okay I don't know guys I've never seen him this sad before well Tom Brady was his idle dude well it's not like we can do anything I mean it's not like we can stop Tom Brady from retiring that's it Cody we have to stop Tom Brady from retiring I just said we can't do that sure we can okay how we'll just pay him to keep playing oh yeah he loves money dude guys Tom Brady usually makes about $20 million a year well we'll just save up $20 million and give it to them well how are we going to save up $20 million well just wash cars and look in the couch cushions I don't think you're going to have $20 million in the couch cushions and besides the problem wasn't that they weren't paying him enough the problem was that he just didn't want to play anymore well if we give him an offer he can't refuse he'll keep playing what if we offer him $1 billion a billion dollars he'll definitely play for like 10 years dude well I don't doubt that but where are we going to get a billion dollars okay how about we just empty our pockets add up all our money and maybe see how much money we have we're not going to have anywhere near a billion dollar I don't know Cody we might surprise you i' I'd be very surprised if we had a billion dollars all right everyone EMP your pockets well would you look at that Cody what $7.50 uh uhuh $7.75 oh wow if this doesn't get him to keep playing I don't know it will exactly I was being sarcastic Junior Tom Brady shits this no he doesn't he eats nothing but avocados he doesn't poop money no Junior my point is $7 is nothing to Tom Brady well don't say that what if he's bankrupt one day and he really needs his money I think he's going to be just fine unless he's addicted to putting money in a paper shredder well that's an even better reason for me not to give him my $7 okay fine well think of another way to get him not to retire I got it what if we kidnapped Tom Brady waa no no no hear me out out we kidnap him and we say we'll only let you go if you keep playing well when we let him go to play he's just going to run away and never come back no he'll run away under the football field and get touchdowns and then he'll never come back no we'll make him pinky promise to not run away Junior these are terrible ideas come up with another one that isn't illegal okay okay what if we call him and we ask him nicely not to retire how are you going to get Tom Brady's number um well call his agent how are you going to get his agent's number we'll call the agent's wife how are you going to get the agent's wife's number Facebook oh that might work okay all right guys I'm calling her hello hey is this Tom Brady's agent's wife uh yes it is who is this let me talk to your husband oh okay uh honey it's for you who is it honey hello hey are you Tom Brady's agent I sure am why you calling my wife well I want to offer Tom Brady a billion doll offer a billion dollars okay I'll put Tom on the call hello oh we've got a billion dollar deal for you a billion dollars okay let's hear it uh hi Tom hi I'm Tom Brady yeah you are um I'm from billion dooll book publishing millionaires Inc incorporated oh yeah I've heard of you guys oh oh well we want to offer you $7.75 uh uh so far it it'll be more later uh to keep playing hello hello the call dropped I think he hung up on you when he heard how much you were really going to offer oh no oh guys what are we going to do I think we just need to accept that Tom Brady's done with football yeah I guess you're right Cody it was stupid to try to get him to come back boys Bo you got to come quick it's not looking good what what's wrong doctor well uh I don't know how to say this but your friend here is um dying dying not shabi who's going to cook for us why is he dying well I don't really know he's just completely lost the will to live it's called broken heart syndrome what can we do to help him well maybe if Tom Brady decided not to retire I mean I tried telling him that he could still watch Aon Rogers play but then he just woke up for a brief second to say I'd rather die and then he went back into his coma oh poor Chef B we're here for you guys we have to stop Tom Brady from retiring good luck with that that's impossible nothing's impossible for a possible what it's from Kim Possible Oh I'm not familiar with the show come on guys guys Chef peip is dying but guys there's nothing else we can do I'm surprised we even managed to get on the phone with Tom Brady but I don't want shef peipi to die there has to be something we can do that makes Tom Brady not retire I just thought of something so crazy it just might work what dude oh God what is it we break into Tom Brady's house no you didn't let me finish we break into Tom Brady's house we steal one of his Super Bowl rings and then when he notic the Ring's missing he's like I got to go win another one to replace it and he goes and wins another Super Bowl no I'll tell you what he's going to do he's going to call the police and then we're going to go to jail and he's still not going to be playing football well no no he's not going to be happy knowing he's missing a ring so he's like I got to go play one more season to win a ring but winning another ring isn't going to replace the ring we stole okay fine we'll steal the ring and then we'll send him a ransom note saying you only get this ring back if you go back and win the Super Bowl okay let me see if I have this right we're going to break into Tom Brady's house which is burglary we're going to steal one of his Super Bowl rings which is theft and then we're going to send him a ransom note which is extortion I think and then even after all of that he has to play a full season of football and win a Super Bowl exactly it's going to work it's going to bring Shep be back to life everyone's going to be happy and then Tom br's going to have eight rings and he's going to be the Super Goat would be so crazy it might no it's not going to work and we're going to go to jail no some guy stole his jersey after he won a Super Bowl and that guy didn't go to jail wait really yeah Tom doesn't press charges huh well you might be on to something all right let's go break into Tom Bray's house and steal multiple Super Bowl rings cuz the more we steal the more seasons he'll play to win those Rings back oh let's do it dude all right guys we're at Tom Brady's house how are we going to break in junior I don't know let's see if the door's unlocked oh wow he leaves the door unlocked rich people don't care huh go go let's go let's go all right guys let's check the kitchen they're not going to be in the kitchen you never know huh no not here oh oh guys I found three of them but he keeps his Super Bowl rings next to the forks I'll put them by the bows personally come on let me grab them let me grab these three all right guys we got them that was incredibly easy I told you Cody now all we have to do is write a ransom note to Tom Brady saying if you ever want to see your Super Bowl rings again you have to keep playing okay write it but me I don't want them tracing my handwriting back to me Cody they can't trace your handwriting yes they can then write it with your left hand oh okay fine what do you want it to say say uh Tom Brady if you ever want to see your Super Bowl rings again you have to keep playing all right come on hurry okay Junior how's that oh my God Cody it's perfect why so sloppy dude I wrote it with my left hand I think it's perfect Cody okay great so how do we get the letter to him um we break back into his house and we leave the letter oh come on why didn't we just leave it when we were there before we didn't have any paper Cody come on grab it okay we left the note let's get out of here should I lock the door but no it was unlocked when we got here that'll be suspicious come on yeah do think all right guys the mission is complete well now we just have to wait for Tom Brady to notice and then he'll call the cops there's the news breaking news three of Tom Brady's Super Bowl rings have been stolen and there's a ransom note that was left at the scene and the police are investigating now oh no we're going to go to jail I'll never see my family again I'll never get into college my whole life is ow shut up Cody we wanted this to happen it's part of the plan and plus they don't even know it's us I think they know it's us dude let me do the talking hello hey kid oh the cops what are you doing here well Tom Brady Super Bowl rings got stolen what yeah it's crazy right and whoever did it left behind this note that says that he has to play football again if he ever wants him back and your friend is in the hospital because he retired so that makes you suspect number one well I didn't do it all right I'll see about that come on just let me do it no dude that's gross guys the cops are here wait there's the Rings wa you didn't hide the Rings no Cody wanted me to hide a up his butt I could have fit all three in there hell I could have done all seven you told me you didn't have the Rings look we we just took the Rings cuz we don't want Tom BR to retire cuz Chef pee's dying all right well you guys are lucky that Tom Brady doesn't press charges you all be in big trouble I'm just going to take these back to him oh I'm sorry I'm so sorry Chef peepi we tried so hard to get Tom Brady not to retire and now you're going to die hey everybody there's a guest here who wants to talk to you who hey I'm Tom Brady Tom Brady what do you you doing here well I heard what you did for your friend you know stealing my Super Bowl rings and I thought that was just the nicest gosh darn thing anyone's ever done so I came to talk to your friend please talk to him maybe you'll bring him back to life okay what's his name um Chef peee hey there Mr peee Tom Tom Brady yep that's me second time Super Bowl winner Tom Brady wait what are you doing here Tom well I just want to let you know that just because I'm retiring doesn't mean I'm retiring from your heart and all the good memories I'm made for you you're right Tom just because you're retiring doesn't mean you're dead that's right now Puck her up wait what there you go oh my God I just got kissed my Tom Brady I feel like a son can I have a taste oh sure guys Christmas is only a few days away oh dude I can't wait to open presents well guys it's time for me to light my candles Cody your birthday is not till February yeah dude Stop Being Greedy it's about Christmas well it's not for my birthday so what's it for dude Han don't say that what is that for Hanukkah dude I'm about to beat him up right now you hear him Joseph don't do it what are you so mad about dude out of all things you could have said hey Joseph say that again or I couldn't hear you could you repeat yourself but you chose to say huh no no no no no no no no that's not what I said I I said Hanukkah bro I'm about to beat him up hold me back hold me back Cody can you stop saying that no it's a holiday okay fine you know what we're not going to we're not going to do Hanukkah today I I'll just celebrate Christmas yeah you better yeah it's jesus' birthday not your birthday Cody what that's it's not God you guys are stupid there's someone at the door Cody answer answer the door with me Cody okay I'll stay here I guess all right Cody you really need to calm down with those slurs against Joseph it's not a slur it's a holiday just please calm down hello Merry Christmas Santa clus what are you doing here I have a problem boys Rudolph ran away Rudolph ran away but who's going to guide your sleigh on Christmas night that's the issue I can't ride my sleigh without Rudolph's red nose lighting up the sky I could run into a building and that'd be really bad in New York City exactly so I need you boys to go find them and I'll give you anything you want for Christmas if you do anything we want anything come on Cody we have to go find Rudolph hurry boys hurry Joseph Joseph Santa Claus at the door Santa Santa oh did he bring presents no he didn't bring presents Santa Claus came to tell us that Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer ran away wait why would he run away maybe he got tired of people laughing and calling them names why don't you run away when we laugh and call you names I thought about it all right Joseph Santa Claus said if we find Rudolph he'll give us anything we want anything family Junior don't you think it's weird that of all the billions of people in the world he chose us to help him Santa Claus knows we're the smartest kids in the world Cody Junior we're definitely not the smartest kids in the world then why else would he choose us he can see us when we're sleeping he knows when we're awake he obviously knows we're smart enough to find Rudolph if he can see us he knows we're dumb come on Joseph you know we can find Rudolph right of course dude yes we can okay where should we start looking for Rudolph outside oh no it's cold outside it's freezing outside dude well then we're not going to find then Rudolph could be in my house Junior he's not in your house you know that for a fact yes okay well if you have a Rudolph tracker then tell us where he's at Junior if you had a giant rain deer with a glowing red nose in your house you'd know okay okay well if you know where Rudolph isn't then where is he I don't know but he's not here then shut up if you don't know where he's at we're trying to think yeah you useless dude okay you know what it's actually going to be really hard to find Rudolph cuz the world is like what a billion miles long so the best option for us to do is to go to an animal shelter adopt a dog put a red nose on them and antlers and then give it to Santa and say that's Rudolph oh dude that's a nice plan Junior I I think he wants the real Rudolph that can fly no no no he just wants it for show so as long as we give him something that looks like Rudolph we'll get anything we want and we save Christmas but ji we'd be lying to Santa I lie to everyone Cody Santa doesn't make an exception I can lie to him too yeah it seems wrong okay well you know what's wrong you trying to celebrate your birthday on jesus' birthday yeah and then throw a inso at me well no it's okay fine let's do your stupid plan all right let's go to the dog Shelf oh man Santa Claus is going to love the new Rudolph well at the pound his name was Gizmo and he was about to be put down for old age Oh's a cute little mut look on me mut right now oh you must not know Michael fix my uncle Joseph calm down oh he's asking for it dude listen he's just an old sick dog but did he just cough I've never even heard a dog do that before well listen I need you to smell his butt what why I need you to smell a stink hole to see if it's stinky Junior it's called a stinkhole I'm pretty sure it's stinky listen I you have to make sure it's not stink stiny because he's going to be in front of all the other reindeer and no reindeer wants to smell a reindeer's butt that's dirty what Junior this this old sick dog is not going to lead a sleigh smell it yep that's a dog's ass well that's how they say hello mhm okay hello Gizmo Junior this dog is going to die listen listen listen Santa Claus is going to be super happy that he's going to lead his sleigh now we just have to tell Santa Claus that we found Rudolph how we going to do that he didn't leave us his number or anything the only way you get a hold of Santa Claus Is Sing Santa Claus songs Santa Claus is Coming to Town what [ __ ] Santa Claus is Coming to Town what [ __ ] Santa Claus is coming to town to Town come your west of my town what what the he's at the door that's how you get him I can't believe that worked hello have you boys found Rudolph yet yeah Rudolph's right here Rudolph come here boy don't you ever do that again so s are you going to grant us our Christmas wishes well once I deliver everyone else's presents I'll come right back here and Grant all your wishes you promise yeah sure all right guys let's go wait for him to deliver all the presents okay dude guys I can't believe Santa is going to give us whatever we want why did he run away like that because he's in a rush Cody yeah he has to deliver presents dude well not for a few days well we have to go all the way back to the North Pole where in Florida it's a long drive yeah he's trying to get ahead of [Music] schedule the news is on [Music] breaking news the real Santa Claus has died in a freak sleigh crash because Rudolph was just a dog with a red nose painted on him and the slle could not fly truly tragic yeah Junior we killed Santa Claus what do you mean we well he was looking for Rudolph and instead we gave him a sick dog that couldn't fly so he crashed well well a plane can still fly with one engine okay so so his sigh has nine reindeer so if one reindeer goes missing he should still be able to fly I think George Bush did it mhm inside job dude well either way Santa's dead and Christmas is ruined what no Christmas no family no family Joseph I'm out of here dude I can't handle this what are we going to do Cody since Christmas is ruined well I still have my manora we're not going to celebrate your birthday Cody it's not a birthday thing then why are there candles well it's fine fine we won't do this Dam it hey who are you I think that's an elf Junior you guys killed Santa no we didn't yes you did you gave Santa a fake Rudolph and he crashed oops no oops now you had to be Santa and deliver all the presents but that's impossible yeah we can't do that no tonight you're going to do a test run and see how fast you can deliver presents to our house it's going to be pretty slow we don't know what we're doing yeah cuz we're not Santa Claus I'll give you Santa's magic now which one wants to do it I I do not want to be Santa Claus no Cody you got to be Santa Claus you already have glasses like Santa but you killed Santa so you should be Santa you be Santa you Santa Sant care now you have Santa's Powers what Ken Ken can't be Santa Claus he's a doll he's not a doll Junior I don't care now deliver this present to this address I'll be watching you Cody Ken can't be Santa Claus yes he can Junior he's already a lawyer astronaut doctor scientist for the NBA he can be Santa Claus or should I call him Kenta Claus or Saint kentus or Ken cringle that's all I got but Cody we can't deliver this present cuz Ken has all the powers Junior I have an idea they want us to deliver this present to test if we'd be a good Santa right so how about we just do a really bad job delivering this present and then we don't have to be Santa and we don't have to worry about this you're right Cody if we do a really bad job being Santa they'll be like we don't want you being Santa and they'll give the powers to someone else yeah and it shouldn't be hard to screw this up yeah let's go screw up being Santa Claus come on kanta Claus let's go to this house all right Junior this is the house okay so how do we get in do you see a chimney I'm not getting on the roof but we're supposed to be like Santa Claus but we're also supposed to suck remember aren't you good at sucking well yeah but not at this okay let's just just go through the front door well Junior we can't just walk into their house well let's see if the door's unlocked well it's not going to be unlocked it is unlocked wow okay let's go all right Junior deliver the present yeah that's good bu bu I hear noises yeah well maybe it's you snoring no bu I hear noises you know what it might be my stomach growling because you burned dinner and I didn't get to eat Bo it's coming from the living room yeah well maybe somebody broke in and they'll kill me wouldn't that be nice Bo you have to get up and go check I'm not getting up until I hear something Cody I really feel like we should make like a huge mess so we could stuck at being Santa but we don't want them calling the cops let's just go no no no no no we have to do a really bad job of being Santa and Santa would not make a mess right I mean I guess that's true so watch oh oh no oh oh oh oh God Junior what the hell is wrong with you what okay okay I heard that all right I'll get up I'll check see what that noise was what what the hell what happened to my tree but hey hey you goons get the the hell out of my house run Cody run yeah you better run I'm so mad what was that noise Bo two goons broke into our house and knocked over our Christmas tree did they steal anything no because I chased them off but I'm pretty sure I know who it was and I'm going to go give them a Stern talking to okay we delivered the present yeah there's no way we get hir to Santa now what the hell was that did you even try that was us trying Santa's supposed to be quiet and go down chimneys listen lady I don't know what to tell you we're just bad at being Santa find somebody else well someone has to be Santa there you are you goo W you broke into my house hey you can't just come into our house without asking oh like you did in my house and you knocked over my Christmas tree you you could be Santa oh no no no no I I I don't want to be Tim Allen I I don't have time for those kind of shenanigans well someone has to be Santa the news breaking news UK the real Santa Claus Is Not Dead the Santa that died earlier today was just a guy dressed up as Santa Claus and rode a sleigh off of his roof with a dog that looked like Rudolph wait Santa Claus isn't dead well I guess I can take these off oh can I have those I'm still pretty pissed off sure here you go yeah just stick them on there oh I'm so mad you guys broke into my house and it knocked over my Christmas tree you you don't look mad at all I don't I I am mad I promise uh can you come fix his eyebrows yes you look like you have a question I need to better convey my anger here hold on yes hold still okay I'm sorry I'm just so mad let am I mad now yeah yeah you seem pretty mad I'm really mad you guys knocked over my tree and broke into my house listen we're really sorry we won't do it again we were just trying to be Santa Claus oh yeah you're sorry huh well let me let me nibble that ear what what let me let me nibble let me nibble that ear okay there that's what you get now never do it again or I'll nibble your other ear okay well Junior I guess Santa's not really dead so that that everything worked out wow today was a crazy day yeah I have a question Cody okay what happened to your free medium french fries you get from McDonald's every week you haven't been eating them oh I still get them I mean I don't always eat them here but like I get them like I eat them at home like in bed and stuff well everyone's been upset that you haven't been eating them well all right fine you know what here here you go here's my free medium french fries I get from McDonald's every week there you go you happy eat one okay there I'm doing it doing the thing oh man I'm so sick hey Danny can I skip school today no don't touch with your dirty boogers Jeffy you cannot skip school you got to go didn't take me Jeffy I feel so sick can you just ride the bus what's your bus you don't know what a bus is no it's a it's a big thing that takes kids to school oh so like an airplane well kind of it just doesn't have wings so then how do it fly it doesn't fly it's a bus so then why did you say it's like an airplane I said it's kind of like an airplane cuz it would kind of look like one if it had wings but it doesn't it's it's yellow oh so like a taxi but it's really long like a limousine but it's a truck a trim isine there's no such thing as a triazine Jeffy yes there is well then go out side and get on the triazine it'll take you to school well how am I supposed to know where it's at don't worry it it'll find you how will it find me is it stalking me no no Santa Claus tells it where you're at Santa Claus can I give Santa Claus my Christmas list well Santa Claus won't be driving it it'll be one of his elves well then can I give the elf my Christmas list well no you cannot let the elf know you know it's an elf because then he'll disappear like it's an elf and they're undercover trying to see if kids are good or bad that's how Santa knows if you're good or bad so be really good on the bus okay okay dang so go outside and get on that triazine or bus or whatever you want to call it okay I can't believe my dad's going to make me take the bus hey Junior Cody you're taking the bus too yeah my mom said she wouldn't drive me to school anymore because she found out gas was made from dinosaur fossils and she wants to save the dinosaurs I tried to tell her they were already dead but she wouldn't listen but the school bus uses gas no believe me I tried to tell her that too but she said if the dinosaurs died for learning it was worth it what's up dudes Joseph you're taking the bus yeah I always take the bus dude I didn't even know there was a bus me neither hey guys Jeffy don't tell me you're taking the bus also yeah my daddy told me he won't take me to school anymore that's what my dad said the bus is coming wait that's the bus it's a short bus come on guys let's get on okay dude the bus is so fun hey get on the damn bus we ain't got all day guys just's get on uh where do we sit you can sit anywhere dude let's sit in the back no I'm not roia pars dude I'm going to sit right here and I'm not moving well why don't we just sit in the no okay damn I'm I'm sitting the back I can't wait to sit in the back back off nerd this is my seat I thought the seat was empty no I was just down here I like to scare people oh well Penelope can I sit with you no Junior this is my seat but there's enough room for both of us get your own Junior there's plenty of other seats well I'm going to sit right here no then I have to look at you deal with it uh can I ride up front I get car sick I don't give a [ __ ] just sit your ass down yes ma'am don't call me ma'am it makes me feel old call me sweet cheeks okay sweet cheeks damn right all right brats listen up my name is barara and I'm your bus driver but you can call me Babs on this bus there's a few rules rule number one absolutely no talking I got a wicked hangover and talking activates my schizophrenia and it'll cause me to drive this bus right in oncoming traffic rule number two absolutely no cologne cologne messes with my allergies and I'll sneeze my tampon right out of my body uh can I roll down my window it absolutely no rolling down Windows okay we got AC for a reason and speaking of AC I'm turning it off okay it's a cool 98° outside so you'll get over it and if I catch you rolling that window down I'll pull this bus over and beat the [ __ ] out of you see that camera up there it doesn't work so I can't get caught and if you Tred telling your parents I'll I'll tell them that you did it to yourself cuz you emo now let's rock already getting sick hey Junior I'll bet you five bucks I can hit the bus driver with this paper ball uh I wouldn't do that she's going to get mad I'm going to send it don't you ever throw another paper ball at me I have eyes in the back of my head she thought it was Cody hey shut the hell up I said no talking you're going to make my schizophrenia act up sorry yeah shut up I'm not trying to die today but it was Jeffy threw the paper ball hey Window Licker what you're ugly you're ugly yeah well if the seat wasn't here I'd fight you well I can jump over to seat yeah me too well let's go then they fighting oh fight fight fight fight a fight oh hell no I want a piece of that wait wait who's driving the bus where get the hell up get back to your seats if I catch you fighting again you both are going to leave here at body bags yes sir that's right sick of these damn kids can you please just drive the bus hold on I need to take a sip of my yooo put your Yoo down and drive the bus how about you get pregnant at 15 years old drop out of high school and become a bus driver then you can make the rules okay no what why am I getting pulled over probably because you weren't driving the bus well my son is a police officer I'm getting out of this ticket can't wait to see what this is about open the door ma'am can you please explain to me why no one was driving this bus but Mom why are you driving a bus I knew my own son would be the one to pull me over Mom you weren't driving the bus there's kids in here you can't do that well there was a fight in the back and I had to break it up well then why didn't you just pull over and you're not even supposed to be driving your license got suspended because you get too many DUI well I got to make money somehow are you going to pay my mortgage no all right then get the hell off my bus okay but look if you get pulled over again I can't help you that's all right there for loves me okay all right sorry about that kids that was my son trying to pull me over and give me a ticket so if you love your mother and you grow up don't be like him now let's see if I can get you to schools on time so you can get an entous hey Joseph what are you doing dude I got to get ready for school got to smell good well she said Don't Spray cologne dude she'll never know a two all right that's it which one of you sprayed the cologne I just sneezed like tampon out was it you I'm throwing up oh I'm going to find who sprayed that cologne and when I do I'm going to throw you up this moving bus dude she's coming what do we do with it get rid of it thr thr it was it you do you guys have the cologne uh no I think it's back there yeah all right I'm coming what is this aha I got you what are you talking about you're the one with the colone no I just found it uh-huh like police store you're coming with me you're coming up this bus get off my boss I'm calling my Dad did she just thr off the boss she did dude she did at least it wasn't me cuz my life matters mhm that's it Bratz you broke it every rule you started talking you had cologne I swear you guys are on the last strike oh no my back's full to throw up I got to roll the window down that is it what did I say about rolling the window down I am pulling this bus over right now what did I tell you about putting the window down but I had to throw up well next time you throw up in your mouth and swallow it but my throw up bag was full oh your throw up bag is full well come on with me we're going to go outside and dump it on the ground and you're going to eat it man Jeffy this bus driver is mean bet me five bucks I won't steal this bus bet oh man how do I drive this thing let's listen to this baby purrr you guys ready to go home no school for us today we can't leave Cody well tell him to get on your bus Joseph what's up dude tell Cody get on the bus we're stealing this thing oh hell yeah all right dump it right here on the ground and eat it please don't make me do this I said eat it Cody hurry up and get on the bus we're stealing it Oh no you're not you get back here she's right behind me all Jeffy close the door you kids better not steal my BS oh I'm going to kill you kids we left her all right guys we're home thank God get me off this bus yeah oh man I hate that bus well I like driving it well what are we going to do with it we stole it we should blow it up well why would you go park in the driveway well what if someone sees it I don't even know okay look I don't want to be a part of this yeah me either Marvin I got you DayQuil oh thanks so much baby I just want to lay down take my medicine and watch TV hey NY Jeffy what are you doing here you're supposed to be at school that was the meanest elf driving that school bus what elf what is he talking about oh daddy told me that one of Santa Claus's elves would be driving the bus and that's how they know where to pick me up at Marvin why would you tell him that why am I getting yelled at Jeffy is skipping school Jeffy why are you not at school right now because the elf was being so mean that I kicked her off the bus and I stole the bus and it's parked in your driveway want to see it you stole the school bus there's no way you did that there's absolutely no way you did that morvin look the news breaking news this student has allegedly stolen a school bus if you have any information on his whereabouts you're asked to contact the police look daddy I'm on the news I'm famous Jeffy when you get out of jail from stealing that school bus you are so grounded how did we raise a criminal I was just trying to save Santa Claus's reputation cuz that elf was really really mean oh no who's at the door what if it's the cops hello hey there you know anything about a missing school bus uh no no I don't really come with me uh what's that a school bus why would you lie to me I thought we were friends but buddy we are friends don't touch me I don't want to be touched by Liars look I'm so sorry but my son stole the school bus I know he did he's an idiot cuz he stole it from my mom your mom what oh come on what are we in Middle School mom jokes really your mom how about that no I meant like you stole it from your mom yes he did and you know what that is Grand Theft Auto six where is it it's been like 9 years I mean I know Grand Theft Auto 5 is good and all but it's not 9 years good I'm ready for another one so where is it huh huh tell me where is it no I know you don't why would you you don't work for Rockstar let's go talk to your son okay Jeffy the police officer wants to speak to you I'll plead the fils okay Jeffy look I know you stole the bus we all know you stole the bus but I can't arrest you why can't you arrest him because if I arrest Jeffy then I'd have to arrest my mom your mom okay are all of you that immature that you're still making mom jokes your mom how about that all of your moms are ugly how does that feel not great huh all right yeah I can't arrest Jeffy cuz I'd have to arrest my mom for driving without a license and apparently letting kids take a bus your mom's an elf okay if one of you makes another mom joke you're all going to jail look okay so jeffy's not getting arrested no but I'm just going to have to let him go with a slap on the wrist so let me see it ow I would have rather went to jail yeah I know I'm a good slapper well so who's going to drive the bus if your mom's not driving it it's going to be somebody very responsible with kids come on [Applause] down wait wait no that's that's the John Cena music how does the prizes right music go like no that's je that's Jeopardy shut up it's it's like it's like no that's that's Pope I okay shut up that's McDonald's just you know what just get in here it's me I'm going to be the one driving the bus until we find a new bus driver I didn't see that coming neither did I well it looks like everything worked out just fine but where is Grand Theft Auto 6 though I mean seriously let's have that conversation it's been like 9 years all right craft now don't forget tonight is the school dance so if you don't have a date then you better get one or else you're going to look like a loser and stay at home and cry all night okay with that being said I flew in my two daughters from China ping and pong get in here ping and P all right so for those of you who don't have a date you can take my two daughters to the dance all you got to do is raise your hand two daughters I only see one what are you talking about they're both right here this is Ping turn around and this is is p see they conjoin at the face they're freak of nature oh my God Jesus Christ dude she's hideous I know looking at them make me want to throw up I almost left them in a park in China but I go far up so anyway does anybody want to take my daughter to the dance if you do let me go ahead and tell you the benefits one of the benefits is that if you do anything with him it automatically counts as a free some and who doesn't want to say they had a free some in fourth grade okay okay okay yeah yeah I do any takers no well how about I give you one free A+ towards your grade I mean my grades are okay I'm feeling but not that bad no takers all would how about I give you two free A+ toward your grade because there's two freaks still not worth it no dude no no not worth it all I mean it's two A+ Cody you have a boyfriend yeah the dog dude well I know but it's two A+ though so you're actually consider it well yeah I'd have a rocking GPA all right Ken it looks like you're going in the desk bye-bye stink hello pink all right teacher I'll do it I won't like it though going once going twice three times so to the nerd in the back all right ping pong go to Cody in the back a hello what's your name my name is Cody but you can call me Coy cuz I'll give you the D later okay Coy my name is pink and my name is pong and thank you for taking us to the dance hey hey don't get it twisted I'm just doing this for the grades uhoh get it Cody Asian women right talk about double the fun if you think about it Cody if you hit her from the back it's always the front all right so for the rest of the class if you don't have dates you better find one or else you're going to be a loser oh man the Dan is tonight I don't have a date Joseph how we going to get dates dude I already have my date you do yeah I'm taking sprinkle hey go bring that booty over here this what's up baby oh man Cody I'm the only one who doesn't have a date that must suck junior I didn't think I'd get a date before you well can we share your date no I need both A's even though they only technically have one a and they about to get one D B all right crft we have an important update if you don't have a date for tonight's dance then we got a new student who just hopped the Border I mean just came to the class today her name is Maria Sanchez come here all right so if you don't have a date and you want to ask her to the dance then here she is now go to your seat oh my god oh dude she's banging if I didn't didn't have a date what are you looking at oh she's so hot Cody you see her yeah she give be my little Taco Bell burrito enchilada yeah yeah a whole lot of Mexican food well I guess she is the only girl left in class yeah and I'm going to ask her to be my date to the dance and I'm going to have the hottest day all right guys wish me luck oh man I'm so nervous dude you got this I believe in you bro what she going to say dude the worst you can say is no you're right Joseph I know I'm right I'm so nervous [Music] hey hi U hey I I know you're the new student but uh if you read the board we have a school dance tonight and I was wondering if you could go with me just me and you to the dance like you're my date to the dance I would rather die D dude rejected I thought the worst she could say was no she thought of something even worse oh dude how could you live with yourself you have to wake up tomorrow like that happened dude you're a loser I'm friends with a loser I admit it another ho got me finished broke my heart oh no she didn't Junior are you singing juice worldl yeah Dad I'm heartbroken a man go ahead and tell your pops what's going on all girls are the same no not really not the foreign ones they freaky and some girls are paralyzed from the neck down well Dad there's a dance tonight at school and I asked the girl out and she said no well she said she'd rather die dang Junior that sucks well let me tell you a story one time I asked a girl out to the dance in high school and she said no and guess what I did what I cut the brakes to her car and guess who's paralyzed for the neck down her exactly so the moral of the story is uh girl suck maybe should ask one of your guy friends I don't know I don't care huh ask one of my guy friends shfp shfp what do you want junior I'm trying to cook Bagel Bites but for some reason is taking forever well I have a question to ask you chef peipi and please don't immediately say no no what you didn't even he the question yet Junior I'm pretty sure that the question is not going to be in my favor so no well at least let me ask the question go ahead and ask your stupid question Junior okay Chef peei will you be my date for my school dance tonight no what do I look like going to a dance with you Junior that's gross well all my friends have dates and I don't have a date yet well that sucks for you go and ask a girl I did she said no she said she rather die look you shouldn't be so ugly maybe you should be beautiful like me well that's why I'm asking you because you're beautiful Junior I'm a 30-year-old man what do I look like actually going to a fourth grade dance with an 11-year-old the guy from Subway would do it I don't like subway look I'm a Firehouse Subs kind of guy well Chevy can you please go with me I don't have a date look look I'm do I'm not a girl okay do I look like a girl to you go and find a girl why are you looking at me like that junior junior I look ridiculous no you look hot shfp you're going to be the hottest girl at the dance Junior I have a mustache all girls have mustaches Chef peee well you're not wrong yes so you ready to go to the dance Junior I don't want to go to that stupid dance look your friends are going to know I'm not a girl no Chef you're literally hotter than all their dates and look if I don't go with a date they're going to think I'm a loser and when they see you they're going to say wow how do you get such a hot looking girl so you ready to go I don't want to do this so you're not going to go Junior I'm already in the outfit let's go you idiot yay oh goodness look at my handsome little boy getting ready for his first school dance with his Dolly uh Mom I'm actually taking a girl to the dance Cody did you say you were taking a girl to the dance uh yeah Tyrone get in here yeah baby our little baby is taking a girl to the school dance What a Girl Like a female yeah oh no way we ain't raised no straight nuh-uh not in this household we raised you the way God intended well I I know but look I don't even like her I'm just doing it for extra credit yeah I hope it's just for the extra credit you better be back in that closet by midnight tonight or you're grounded yes sir okay now when do we meet the witch oh that must be her at the door right now I'll go let her in Mom Dad I'd like you to meet ping and pong they're my dates they can join twins oh my God my son's dating a freak she look like a coin but both sides his ha these are my teachers daughters I'm just taking them to the dance so I can get extra credit oh I got you I got you listen here ching chong my little Cody doesn't need any more women in his life I the only woman he needs I'm mama bear and I don't need any more bears coming around and stealing his porridge I'm I'm sorry my mom doesn't understand metaphors look I like your iPhones okay I love them that that's that's all I had to say well all right we're going to go to the dance now come on PING and [Music] pong who at your school dance trying to lose that Von and I say hey oh yeah dude hey Joseph uh what's up bro where's Junior uh I don't know maybe he couldn't get a date cuz he's a loser yeah all right shfp we're here at the dance just play it cool Junior I look ridiculous no you don't you look hot I would totally bang you look just calm down shf okay oh there's my friends just just act like a girl oh no my period hey guys what's up oh Junior you made it yeah dude we didn't think you were going to come how could I not come when I have the hottest date in school junior that shf peee and a wig yeah no it's not that's not shf peee and a wig that's my hot date named uh sh Shannon nice to meet you Shannon I like your mustache hey Cody yeah so um I have the hottest day in school man this music's bumping yeah yeah the DJ's sick and I'm smashing his daughters that's so cool yeah wait Cody is that Maria over there oh yeah it is she's alone she couldn't get a date to the dance what a loser me and Chey are make her jealous I mean me and Shannon are going to go make her jealous Junior just stop come on shf we to go make this girl jealous oh man Shannon aren't you so happy you said yes to go into the dance with me so thrilled remember when I asked you out you said yeah you're so sexy and amazing I could never say no to you my words exactly yeah man wouldn't a girl have to be completely blind and stupid to say no to me Junior can I please leave now no sh I'm trying to make that girl jealous it doesn't even seem like she's paying attention Junior oh it's it's hurting her I can see she's getting really jealous look just make out with me what yeah just make out put your tongue in my mouth you're not going to make out with you what's wrong with you why not because you're a child so if I was 18 you would no no there not the point you idiot chy look I'm just trying to make this girl jealous she doesn't care about you Junior and I'm not going to make out with you okay then at least Grind On Me no no gr on me behind Junior I'm out I'm leaving what's that Shannon uh you're going home to to freshen up okay well well get that thing ready for me get it nice and waxed oh sorry you had to hear that my my girlfriend's just a freak you know you know she said yes to me unlike you H why did Chef peipi go home Junior because he was embarrassed or something I mean Shannon went home because she had to change her underwear because they were so wet from peeing in them all night oh that's hot yeah so uh she went to go put some new ones on for me or something guys why do you think Maria didn't want to go to the dance with me well probably cuz she's at the dance with Roy gith hard Roy gith hard who's Roy gith hard who is Roy gith hard Junior he's only the coolest guy in school I I've never heard of him before yeah rumor has it he's already got a divorce and a kid but we're so young though oh dude he's lived a full life yeah his parents own a dog grooming place what how'd he get that Super Bowl ticket he didn't pay for it I'll tell you that much how'd he get it well apparently he just spent his time going to Super Bowls with other people's girls that he didn't pay for which he could cuz he has a Rolex that's so cool I want to be like Roy one day yeah don't we all well at least you guys have your dates wait wait wa what Ping Pong sprinkle wait where your dates at what Roy has them get H come on Roy say something for the rest of us yeah well guys you go beat him up no it's too late Junior you know what they say once they go Roy they stay there but honestly I'm not that mad I mean who can blame them it is Roy yeah such a Roy move all right craft the school dance is over so grab your date and go home wait a real body's about to start so what do we do now we should probably go home this is Roy's World we're just living in it ugh that dance was so stupid I know right yeah see Junior this is why I don't like girls I like men like Ken anyway I have to get home if I'm not back in the closet by midnight I'm in trouble all right see you later Cody so what are you going to do now Junior I think I'm going to listen to my dad's advice I'm going cut someone's breaks yeah you do that dude shf where scissors Roy junior it's not what it looks like okay it is what it looks like but it's Roy look look he treats me special it's something that you can never do come on Roy let's go and get a so guys what do you want to do today I don't know J yeah whatever you want to do dude guys you want to see the new toy my dad bought me yeah oh totally do oh it's awesome check this out it's a remote control helicopter sick oh is so awesome bro yeah have you flown it yet no I want to wait for you guys to see it okay we flly it okay it's a controller right here oh can I fly it first well Cody it's my toy I kind of want to fly it first oh okay but you can fly it first oh really thanks Junior yeah okay uh I don't really know how to fly it though I think you just press the button I don't know how to fly it either wait you don't know how to fly it I haven't played with it yet it just got done charging for the first time oh okay uh oh Junior the fan is on we should probably turn that off so I don't crash into it no it's fine just fly around it really okay yeah just fly it dude yeah fly it all right everybody stand back okay ye o Cody sorry junior did you just break my toy I don't know dude what are you going to do if you actually broke his toy I didn't mean to dude that's destroyed I know Cody look what you did I didn't know what I was doing you didn't know what you were doing no then why'd you say oh Junior let me fly your helicopter I fly helicopters all the time I love flying helicopters Junior I never said that you said my dad's a helicopter pilot he lets me fly his helicopters Junior you know my dad's not a helicopter pilot I wouldn't say that and I never even got the play with it I was about to fly it for the first time and then you grabbed the controller like a wild animal and said I'm going to fly it for the first time I didn't do that Junior I asked you nicely if I could play with it and then you said no and immediately said yes for some reason and then you crashed it on purpose right into the ceiling fan and I don't know why you didn't turn off the ceiling fan Junior I asked you if we should turn off the ceiling fan and you said no no you said Junior it's really hot in here I'm not going to turn off the ceiling fan junior did you hit your head or something I didn't say any of these things you broke my toy on purpose and I want you to admit it I didn't break it on purpose so you're saying it's not broken no let me see let me see let me see if it's broken oh hold on hold on wait wait wait it's not flying wait Cody why isn't it flying because it's broken wa why is it broken because it flew into the ceiling fan and who flew into the ceiling fan I did but by accident you broke it on purpose you said I love breaking Junior's toys here's what you do we're either going to stop being friends or you have to admit hey my name's Cody and I like breaking toys on purpose because I hate junior well Junior I'm not going to say that so I guess we're going to stop being friends well I don't want to be a friend anymore cuz you broke my toy okay I don't want to be a friend either well get out of here loser idiot stupid dumb yeah all those names dude it it was an accident shut up Joseph or I'm going to stop being your friend too no dude you're the only friend I have now yeah come on you're everything to me yeah okay then you better not take Cody's side I can't believe he broke my toy it's all broken I should probably just bury it in the backyard with my 15 pet goldfishes all right Joseph go home I'll see you at school tomorrow okay dude I can't believe Cody broke my toy on purpose you know what I'm going to call the cops on him I'm going to call the cops on him uh hello hey there somebody call the police yes officer it's an emergency come inside okay all right Mr police officer off man I need to file a police report immediately okay about what my friend I mean ex-friend broke my toy helicopter on purpose he flew it into the ceiling fan well that was mean I know isn't he mean and stupid and ugly yeah yeah I guess so I want you to arrest him for destruction of property well well how old is your friend two I mean he acts like he's two okay well I can't arrest a 2-year-old for anything well he's not two he's like 11 I think I don't know how old he is yeah I'm still not arresting him but but he destroyed my toy yeah but it's just a toy oh okay so if I got your police car and crash it into a wall what would you do okay that would be a very different situation and you would probably go to jail for that so why does he go to jail for breaking my toy cuz it's just a toy but I want Justice okay you know what I want ice cream and I have it in my freezer at home Ben & Jerry's americone dream it's delicious it's chocolate covered waffle cone pieces in vanilla ice cream with a caramel swirl delicious you know what I'm actually going to go eat that right now cuz I don't really care about this that much but but but it's my toy I need a new one dude it's like 20 bucks just buy another one well it's $30 yeah whatever not even the police care stupid toy I hate Cody and I'm going to hate him for the rest of my life I'm going to go to bed I got school tomorrow I hate school oh hey Junior oh hey ugly what are you doing here following me well first off I was here first and also this is school I have to be here of course you're at school because you're a nerd well you're here too Junior oh you guys are so annoying right Joseph Cody's voice is so annoying no junior he means we're annoying yeah yeah you're weird and annoying you just said it Junior just shut up and turn around you can't tell me what to do Cody shut up and turn around Junior I don't know what you're going to do if I turn around you might hit me in the back or something believe me Junior I don't want to have anything to do with you okay just don't look at me you're looking at me I'm not looking at you Junior I'm looking at the board You're Just In Front of Me no you're staring at me look around me stop checking me out Cody I'm not checking you out Junior I'm looking at the boys teacher Cody won't stop staring at me shut up class I do not care anyway today you're going to be doing a Solar System project a project of the solar system and it must include all the planets so Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn and your anus haa Uranus I bet you like that Cody I do actually it's my favorite planet you know what nice throw loser can you scoot over a little bit yeah ow that's it there it is Junior you and Cody stop it right now sorry teacher Cody is just so ugly well he was throwing paper balls at me no I wasn't Cody's lying that's it it's on dude oh that is it crash Junior Cody since you can't stop arguing then I'm assigning you to as partners for the Solar System project the project of the solar system what Partners I don't want to work with four eyes yes Junior and Cody are going to be partners on the Solar System project this is a twers project Junior gross I don't want to be partners with Cody I want to be partners with Joseph and I want to be partners with Cody but Cody yeah he smart dude see Junior I'm smart all right crft fine Junior Joseph and Cody can all be partners is now a threers project yes that means me and Joseph get to work on the project no me and Joseph get to work on the project no me and Joseph get to work on the project no me and Joseph get to work on the project no me and Joseph get to work on the project no me and Joseph get to work on the project no me and Joseph get to work on the project no me and Joseph get to work on the project no me and Joseph get to work on the project dude we all got to work together but but mostly me and you get to work together right oh sure no no no no me and you though all right craft the Solar System project is due tomorrow so make sure you include all the planets and remember it's 50% of your grade I'll see you tomorrow so Joseph how do you want to do this project Junior I'm part of the project too e Joseph you get in the middle wait why dude I don't want to be by the nerd okay okay guys so what are we going to do for our project hey Joseph I'm hungry me and you should go in the kitchen and eat something oh dude let's do it you know I'm always hungry guys we should probably get started on the project Joseph do you hear something annoying uh no but Cody's trying to talk to you yeah Cody's the annoying guy I don't want to hear Cody talk oh guys we need to get the project done hey Joseph let's go in the kitchen let me and you get something to eat oh let's do it dude I I want to eat too hey shipi what I wasn't sleeping you sleeping what what nothing what what do you want can you go get me and Joseph something to eat God what do you want what kind of food uh can you go get me and Joseph a Happy Meal just you guys just you two yeah just me and and Joseph only me and Joseph just us two not Cody definitely not Cody Cody's not here okay I'll get your stupid Happy Meals yeah just me and Joseph only me and Joseph all right Junior and Joseph here's your Happy Meal oh man shpi you got me and Joseph not you happy meals why are you talking like that wait where's my Happy Meal wait Cody Junior didn't tell me you were here oh yeah I bet he didn't wait do you want something to eat then yes no yes I do no he doesn't I he's not hungry what's going on guys all right Chey this what's happening Cody's on a diet no I'm not and every time he tries to eat we have to try stop them look I don't care about this okay leave me alone Junior I didn't say that I am hungry I miss I misunderstood you then Junior I have to eat something okay well you can eat this Meow Mix then Junior I'm not eating Meow Mix but it's real food look it says it's made with real chicken and beef sauce Junior I don't care it's cat food I'm not eating it okay you can either eat this or the helicopter that you broke but Junior I didn't mean to break it well I didn't mean to tell chefi that you weren't here but yes you did all right all right Joseph how about we eat our food and start our project okay okay M chicken nuggets m oh man Joseph now that our bellies are full of Happy Meals and cat food now we can start on our project so Joseph what do you think we should use as planets for our project ooh I had an idea I thought we could use these foam balls and paint them to look like planets oh dude that sounds like fun that sounds like lame you know what we should use we should use M&M's ooh look at all the colorful planets oh dude that's way more fun and tastier yeah you get to eat them and also look they have m's on them it stands for Mars wait wait the letters are already on it yeah there's M's for Mars and Mercury all the planets what where's the J for Jupiter what yeah where's the J on the M&M's for Jupiter they didn't make one for Jupiter Cody there's only M's for M&M's yeah Mars and Mercury yeah we're using M&M they're cool and they're already different colors we don't have to paint them like your stupid idea yeah well at least these are shaped like planets and they're bigger well these are shaped like planets and also these are tastier our project's not supposed to be tasty Junior it's supposed to be accurate well these are accurate they have all the colors for all the planets like like there's the sun it's yellow that's a planet then we got blue for Earth and then we got orange for Jupiter and red for Mars Junior I think we should just use these okay how about this how about we just do two different project you do your own project and we do our project that's cooler and way better without you well then it wouldn't be a group project we're supposed to be in it together no no no we're not I didn't hear the teacher say we have to be together Jose did you hear the teacher say we have to be together yeah what no no no never mind yeah yeah yeah no yes see so me and Joseph will be in our own cool the cool group the cool group without Cody and you'll be in the lame nerdy group but but then we're going to have two projects yeah so then we'll choose project is better at the end and it's going to be ours cuz ours is cooler yeah cuz we got M&M yeah okay fine I'm going to work on Mine by myself and whoever finishes first wins and I'm warning you Junior I always finish first all right whatever Cody stupid nerd all right Joseph he's right the M&M are kind of too small so we need to go find some better Planet stuff okay okay let's do we'll go around the house and find stuff all right all right Joseph I think we're done with our Solar System project dude it looks so awesome yeah it does hey guys how's the project going oh hey don't touch it sorry hey Cody are you here to steal our idea no well then why are you here well cuz I wanted to see what you did well we're done so look at it wait this is done I thought it was just a collection of trash and sports equipment no it's done look at it Read It and Weep yeah okay the sun is a basketball yeah cuz it's orange okay and Jupiter is a Pokeball yeah because Jupiter has a big spot so there's the spot for Jupiter all right wait you spelled Earth wrong and why is Earth a tennis ball anyway because Earth's covered in grass and tennis balls feel like grass kind of okay sure uh wait why is Saturn a football where are the rings we the Rings ask Tom Brady hi I'm Tom Brady I won six Super Bowls get out of here Tom was that really Tom Brady yeah he helped us with our project isn't it sick wait Junior why is there a little blue Eminem over there oh that's Pluto Junior Pluto is not a planet yes it is no it's not yes it is it it's really not Junior okay well yeah whatever go do be wrong on your project well I'm actually done with my project you are you started on it I didn't just start I finished finished yeah yeah come check it out Joseph even if it's good laugh at it okay I got you bro all right guys this is my project dude this is so sick this is the coolest project I ever seen I mean it's all right yeah I think it's pretty good I mean I rushed it so it could be better but I wrote facts about all the planet so I think it's pretty good well I think it's dumb what yeah I think it's stupid like why is the sun like half a circle it's not a full circle well I did that so it would stick to the board and why are these Stars so close to the planet Stars aren't that close to planets well they're supposed to be the labels for the planet and that rocket ship is like bigger than Earth it's just dumb I it's stupid wait wait I think it's pretty cool dude what yeah it's way better than that stupid project we should turn this one in what yeah we should turn in mine but I like ours no I'm throwing away ours dude I'm go ahead and throw it away right now what yeah Joseph you're right we should throw away Junior's garbage project well no ours is cool Joseph this one is pretty cool but I'm not going to let Cody know that you know what I'm going to destroy it oh yeah I'm going to destroy it all right Joseph let's pick up our project and take it to school okay dude what happened dude what's wrong guys Junior what did you do what did I do I didn't do anything oh really cuz it looks like someone took a mallet and smashed my project and there's the Mallet over there oh guys I think I know what happened I think somebody broke in through that window and then smashed your project with a mallet what someone you mean you well I wouldn't do this I don't break other people's stuff like you did to my helicopter but Junior I told you that was an accident okay well then this was an accident I accidentally smashed your project with the Mallet wait wait so you admit you did it well I was blindfolded and I was walking around the room swinging my Mallet and I smashed a project accidentally what Junior school starts in 20 minutes we need something to turn in well we can just turn in me and Joseph's project no dude I just threw that away you do it away yeah last night dude uh uh okay well then uh dude I am not showing up for school I'm out of here junior we're going to turn something in we're going to fail okay maybe we can turn this in we can't turn this in junior you d destroyed it well okay well it was an accident so I don't think I did it on purpose well Junior you still did it okay well then I'll figure something out okay you better figure something out cuz school is starting I'll meet you at school what am I going to do you know what this is all Cody's fault because if you wouldn't have broke my helicopter I wouldn't have broke his project so you know what I'm not doing anything I'm not doing anything all right CR I hope you all did your Solar System project now I'm going to come around and grade your project all right Jeffy explain your project um okay well there's the Sun and oh that's all I know oh it looks like crap C minus okay Junior so what are we going to tell the teacher when he finds out we don't have a project we're just going to tell him that you're really ugly and was distracting us from doing the project all right Junior and Cody where your project and where Joseph Joseph's missing but we didn't do our project cuz Cody's big nose kept getting in the way but no I did the project and then Junior destroyed it I didn't destroy it it was destroyed to begin with it looked ugly all right listen I don't care you know have your project you fail you fail cuz you know have your project so tell Joseph he failed too we failed Junior I have never failed anything in my entire life you failed at not being annoying cuz you're always annoying ugly whatever Junior my parents are going to lose it when they find out about this uh hello hey there is your daddy home e Cody what is you and your Pig mom doing here you shut your mouth before I shut it for you what what Cody why is your mom here she saw my grades yeah and Mommy ain't happy and when Mommy ain't happy people get messed up and I don't know who it's going to be now get out of my way there she is Dad she just barged in the house what do you want crazy lady well my son told me that your son made him fail a school project and my baby never fails anything he gets straight A's okay well Junior fails all the time he's a failure at life you tell her dad I got you back son well I'm the mama bear and this is my little cub and when you mess with the Cub you get the claws okay so what do you you want well it seems like our sons have been arguing and it needs to stop right now what did you do junior I didn't do anything it's right he did look what he did you know the helicopter you bought me he broke it I paid $30 for that yeah and he broke it on purpose and he didn't even say he was sorry well that's the first thing I said well no I never heard you say you're sorry so say you're sorry again well no I'm not going to say it again say it again Cody listen I have some advice for you sometimes in life you just got to swallow things to get by so today you're going to have to swallow your pride okay okay Mom Junior I'm sorry I flew your helicopter into the ceiling fan on purpose on purpose okay Cody well I guess I'm sorry that I broke your project with a mallet okay thank you well there you go it's settled this is stupid I'm going go back and watch my TV show oh Cody I'm I guess we're glad that we're friends again I guess it's just a stupid toy yeah all right now you two have fun mommy has to go swallow a whole bunch of her Pride to go pay the light bill hey Dy want me play a song on my C piano no Jeffy it's past your bedtime you have to go to bed I'm not have to you do have to come on dad just one song on my piano no Marvin let him play a song No it's it's time for him to go to bed go to bed Jeffy D I have to go to bed have to go to bed have to go to bed daddy says I have to go to bed and I said don't have to go to bed Jeffy don't have to don't have to don't have to don't have to Daddy says I have to go to bed and I said don't have to go to bed Jeffy Marvin what was that noise I just yelled at Jeffy no it was something downstairs I'm going to steal so much stuff Marin I think someone's breaking into the house oh my God okay let's go hide in the closet but wor about my C piano leave it Jeffy come on come on go go go get in the closet get in the closet Marvin Jeffy get in the closet okay Jeffy don't bring your cat Pio I have to get in shh okay we're in the closet baby do you have your phone no Marvin I left it on the couch oh I left mine too how are we going to call the cops okay everyone just be quiet hold on guys I got to tune my cat piano no Jeffy be quiet it's Out Of Tune Jeffy meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow Jeffy be quiet hold on I got one more it's almost in tune meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow sh I think I got shh the robers in the room be quiet everyone be quiet where is it where's all the stuff set turn that off I'm sorry Daddy it was tired let turn it off hey is someone's in the closet no there's someone in closer I got to get out of here Jeffy you scared him off let's go he's gone lock the door lock the door okay I can't believe we just got robbed perect we have to call the cops okay I'll call them hey Le somebody called the cops yes officer I did okay what's going on well someone hold on Daddy I'll take you from here no Jeffy please stop what's he doing you're going to love it just listen [Applause] somebody broke in the house in the house in the house somebody broke in the house and I got really scared well did he take anything anything anything well did he take anything no he did not uh could you play that again please what really come on well if he didn't take anything I say is a waste of my time this is a waste of my godamn time godamn time godamn time this is a waste of my godamn time if it didn't take anything but the robber still on the loose on the loose silly goose but the robber is still on the loose you should go catch him DJ run that [Music] [ __ ] well can you tell me what the guy looked like guy looked like guy looked like well can you tell me what the guy looked like so I can go find him he was wearing all black clothes all black clothes all black clothes he was wearing all black clothes and a ski mask okay okay one more [Music] time that description is not helpful at all helpful at all helpful at all that description is not helpful at all I'm never going to catch that guy why don't you look for fingerprints fingerprints fingerprints why don't you look for fingerprints he wasn't wearing gloves okay okay can we stop singing I'm getting tired of this yeah this went on way too long okay so the guy broke in didn't do anything no we we scared him away scared him away scared him away no no we're not we're not singing anymore okay moments passed yeah yeah he didn't take anything okay yes anything anything God damn it I said the moment has passed sorry moment has passed moment has passed no no no no more singing okay okay so he broke in he didn't take anything did yeah he just left did he just like attack you or anything no he didn't do anything he just left so he's like a house fly I bet you seen a dragon fly maybe even a horse fly but I bet you ain't never seen a donkey fly oh yeah like like Shrek right yeah so what do you suggest we do someone just broke into our house well it sounds to me like you need a home security system a home security system yeah so whenever people break in like an alarm goes off and it's like and then like it calls me and then the the burglar runs away that sounds expensive oh no no I can do it for free but for free oh yeah yeah dare me dare me to put a home security system in for free Dare You mhm dare me go ahead I dare you to put a home security system in for free you want think i' do it I'll do it I'll do I'll show you I'll do it what hey Marvin get down here I'm done with your security system you're finished already yeah I hear that all the time but yeah I'm done with your security alarm machine otherwise known as Sam what does Sam stand for it it stands for security alarm machine otherwise known as Sam oh right yeah and it comes in all kinds of different voices like it comes in an Arnold Schwarz andega voice get out of the house now go that's pretty cool and it also comes in a flamboyantly gay voice oh my God Gregory someone just broke in the house you need to stop him well you stop him no you're on top so you need to stop him no you're such a silly Billy no I'm not a silly Billy you're silly Bly yeah that one goes on for a little while but it also comes in a Christopher Walkin voice wow robber get out of my house before I call the police and then what I'm going to have you set on right now is just the default like monotone female voice security syst system activated okay I like that one let's just stick with that one okay yeah so you're all set up uh the only downside is it does have ads it has ads what are you talking about yeah it has ads cuz it's free you know cuz like when you when you watch like a YouTube video you get like a 30second ad in front of it well this is going to play a 30second ad every time somebody breaks in before the alarm goes off what if someone like kills me before you get here well I mean you can turn off the ad but I mean the robber would have to do that so every time somebody breaks in it's going to play like a Toyota ad or like an Old Navy ad but I mean I mean the Old Navy ad usually gets them cuz once they see it's like 50% off on jeans they go that's a steal and then they just go to Old Navy instead well how do I get rid of the ads can I pay to get rid of the ads oh yeah it's going to cost 50 bucks a month oh that's expensive yeah the ads are better I I use the ads okay so when somebody breaks in this is going to call me all right so you don't have to worry okay all right baby we are fully protected you're going to wear two Oh Daddy about to glaze that ass like a toaster strudel no no I'm talking about the security system baby oh you got it set up yeah baby it'll call the cops after 30 seconds 30 seconds why 30 seconds because it plays an ad but look we we are safe and we are protected and we can go to sleep safe and sound so go to bed Jeffy um Daddy I got a question before bed what um do pee's going butts no oh cuz the other day I saw this video and it happen go to bed Jeffy okay all right Jeffy go to bed um mommy daddy can you guys sleep in the bed with me because I'm scared ever since the rber broke no Jeffy we have an alarm system you're safe now come on Marvin it's just for one night I'm supposed to wear two that's okay Marvin we'll wait till tomorrow come on Daddy right here in the bed okay fine me out of here pleas I had cream cheese covered deviled eggs and one egg corn I found outside that was sick I'm going to die all right boys settle down time for bed I'm going to break into this house through the back doors this is big Lobster Fest has something crap they got an alarm system I got to turn it off before the head stops for a what are you waiting for let's Lobster baby baby do you hear Red Lobster ad no Marvin go back to bed oh my God someone's breaking into the house he's coming in the back door hurry baby that's the alarm hold on someone's breaking in the house okay I'm going to go check I'm going to go check uh is there anyone here hey your alarm went off you okay I think someone robbed my house uh it looks like he went out the back door I guess he got scared off by the ad let me see which one it was oh Red Lobster yeah he definitely saw those ched bay biscuits and decided he needed some for himself so the alarm didn't catch the robber no the alarm doesn't catch robbers it just scares him off but but the alarm has a camera so it doesn't take a picture of the robber's face oh no no no no see see the camera scans the robber's face and then gives him an ad for something it thinks the robber might like so so it thought that he might like Red Lobster but why doesn't the alarm take a picture of the robber's face so we can see what he looks like oh no you got to pay the 50 bucks a month for that but that's so dumb but hey look look it did what it was supposed to do it scared away the robber right and I don't think he's going to be back anytime soon I think Lobster Fest is going on and bottomless shrimp he's going to eat himself into a food coma you know I'm kind of a hungry hungry for Red Lobster too I'm a bottomless pamus myself yeah can you please stop talking about Red Lobster why you getting hungry no well kind of I'm a little hungry but but but my family is sleeping upstairs yeah you want to sneak away and get some Red Lobster well I I I I really can't I'm pretty sure they're open at 1:27 in the morning no they're not you want to bet look I'm a cop I can just flash my badge they'll be open oh man look at us at Red Lobster huh would you rather be anywhere else in the world right now no I wouldn't oh me neither oh and these ched bay biscuits I me get some of these those are [ __ ] good yeah they're they're all right how's your scampy I I thought it came with noodles no no it sure doesn't oh the robber he's over there oh yeah there he is well arrest him we're not going to arrest him in the middle of eating his Red Lobster how would you feel if somebody interrupted our meal I'd be pretty pissed but but we got to arrest him what if he leaves hey hey we're just going to wait till he gets done eating and arrest him outside look he'll be full by then anyway he won't be able to move okay oh man I am so fool there he is there he is get him you're under arrest for breaking and entering those are the last ched Bay Biscuits you're going to have as a free man come on where is Marvin I woke up and he disappeared baby baby Marvin I've been worried sick Where Have You Been I'll give you a hint the whole place smelled like fish Marvin were you at a strip club close we went to Red Lobster without me but baby we caught the robber yeah he was chowing down on cheda Bay Biscuits now he's sucking on Justice that's the name of his mate Justice constant splooge cuz he's constantly splooging but baby listen we're safe the robber's gone he's in jail so are we getting rid of the alarm I mean I don't think we need it anymore what what do you mean it obviously worked I think you still need the alarm well no we got rid of the robber so we're safe forever H you know what I have to say about this DJ run that [ __ ] we just went to Red Lobster Red Lobster Red Lobster we just went to Red Lobster and had some cheddar bay biscuits we just had some ched Bay Biscuits Cheddar Bay Biscuits ched Bay Biscuits we just had some ched bay biscuits and they were good as [ __ ] not sponsored oh man I can't believe tomorrow's Christmas oh I don't really like Christmas dude ever since my parents left Santa stopped giving me gifts it's really weird well I'm going to open up my present like really fast like what Cody what are you wearing oh this well my mom made me a Christmas sweater but she made it out of a rug we had the bathroom so it's wet and it kind of stinks yeah smells really bad Cody uh hey dude I got a question it might seem weird but um can I say the night with you tonight what it's the Night Before Christmas Joseph I know but I don't have a family so can I stay the night with you for Christmas please I mean I guess so Joseph that'd be kind of fun I know right can I spend the night too but Cody you actually have a family why would you want to stay here well yeah but we celebrate Hanukkah and I just really don't want to go home all right well let me go ask CH peipi if you guys can stay the night for Christmas okay dude M these Christmas could cookies turned out delicious hey Chef peee what do you want junior can my friend stay the night tonight no they can't stay the night tonight it's Christmas Eve tomorrow is Christmas let them spend time with their families well why don't you spend time with your family so is that a yes or a no why doesn't my family love me guys guys guys I think shfp said yes oh dude that's awesome I know we're going to stay up all night talking really fun wait wait what do you mean you think I think he said yes well I kind of wanted a definite answer oh okay Cody he said yes how about that okay all right it's Christmas Eve guys what do you want to do oh we could go Christmas carolling what's that mean well it means we go door to door to people's houses and sing are they going to pay us no well then why would we do it cuz it's fun all right what type of songs do we sing we sing Christmas songs oh like to the window to the wall to the wall to the short drop down my ball ski SK mother no no no no no Christmas songs that's not a Christmas song no like Jingle Bells and Rudolph the rednose reindeer well those songs are lame yeah well that's what they want to hear well what if they request the to the window song well if they ask for that we'll do it okay let's go do it then okay all right guys let's start singing Jingle Bells outside this Random House well yeah it sounds illegal Cody yeah and weird no people love it okay what song are we singing Jingle Bells you ready one uh two uh 1 2 three jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way oh what oh my God not Christmas Carol is let me get these Jokers out of here hey hey what do you think you doing get out of here I don't want you guys Christmas carolling I want you guys to leave you guys are trespassing on my property now get out of here before I call the cops and I am a cop so the response time's going to be great Elite all right Joseph Plan B to the window to the wall to the wall let down my ball see Cody I told you they like my Christmas song More it's not even a Christmas song Junior well whatever it's a good song it's better than all the stupid songs you were trying to sing all right guys what do you want to do for Christmas Eve now oh it doesn't even matter dude whatever you want to do o h you want to see my list of Santa Claus for what I want for Christmas oh yeah dude get it get it all right tell me what you think all right let's see what you got uh thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts Junior just says thoughts over and over again not number nine it says uh thoughts yeah like what else could I possibly want oh dude dude check it out my list I put I want a f family uh food I want a home U I want water uh electricity too for the home uh I would like a bed you know to sleep in uh clothes and shcks you know to match the clothes uh AC for when is hot cuz the summer is way too hot in love well at least we put the same thing for number 10 all right guys check out my Christmas list Cody you don't need a stupid list you celebrate Hanukkah you don't even celebrate Christmas get that list out of here yeah anyway all right guys what do you do what do you want to do for Christmas even now H we could have hot chocolate well Cody I already put thought should I be more specific on the color no no no Junior hot chocolate like the drink uh okay let's go ask Chef Pee for some hot chocolate hot chocolate hey Chef peee can you make me and my friend some hot chocolate no you can make it for yourself I'm going go and lay down but I don't know how to make it well it's really easy junor it's just hot chocolate milk okay I guess I'll just start boiling some water all right Cody the water's boiling what do we do now well first of all you're not supposed to use water to make hot chocolate what are you supposed to use then you're supposed to use milk what then it would be called hot chocolate milk not hot chocolate well that's what you're supposed to do okay so I'm not supposed to use water no am I supposed to use water Joseph oh I usually you use milk dude oh you know what well then fine I'm going to pour out the stupid water then here you pour it out what I do what I do you burned him so what's wrong with him doctor well you threw boiling water on him so he's got third degree burns on most of his body I'm pretty sure he didn't want to spend Christmas Eve in the house hospital so how long's he going to be here I don't know probably like another month a month yeah we got to do skin grafts and all kinds of stuff I'm so sorry Joseph um doctor can you do one more thing can you give his Christmas list to Santa Claus and let him know to deliver his stuff to the hospital oh well I uh I I I don't talk to Santa Claus but but then how is Santa going to get his list uh he'll figure it out wait wait wait wait Cody Cody look at this look at this Joseph wanted family and me and you were technically his only family so he has his family yeah and he's in the hospital so they'll proba feed him so he has food he has food and and he wanted a home and the hospital is technically like a home right and he wanted water and he has an IV so so that's water and he wanted electricity and they have lights here so that's electricity yeah and he wanted a bed and he has a bed here oh he has a bed and then he wanted clothes and they wrapped him up in that stuff so that's technically clothes and socks too oh and he wanted AC and they have AC here and he wanted love oh oh doctor can you kiss him I kiss all my patients so now he has love he got everything he want on the list it's a Christmas miracle Merry Christmas Joseph you got everything you wanted yeah yeah oh man Cody I'm so glad Joseph got everything on his Christmas list yeah he got it in a weird way but at least he still got it yeah Joseph's having a good Christmas anyway I think we should go to bed and wait for Santa Claus to bring us presents all right yeah all right Cody let's go to sleep as fast as we can because I cannot wait for Christmas morning okay good night Junior good night Cody hey Cody yeah uh what time do Santa Claus come I don't know he's a pretty busy man junior he has to visit every single house in the entire world in one night well well how many houses do you think there are well assuming nobody's homeless and there are 7 billion people in the world he has to visit 7 billion houses so how much time does he spend at each house um probably less than a second is that even possible well no huh hey shf peipi what time do Santa Claus come he comes as soon as you go to sleep Junior now go to to sleep how does he know I'm as sleep uh he just knows okay now go to sleep what a creep all right Cody let's go to sleep [Music] okay Merry Christmas to me man I'm about to steal all these kills oh I hope it's something expensive take this oh yeah that what this something good what's that Cody Cody C Cody what what I think I hear Santa Claus you do yeah yeah I think I hear Santa Claus well are you sure it's not Chef peee hold on hold on no shef be sleeping oh well let's go see what it is yeah let's go see it Cody look Santa Claus oh my God he's really here God where is my phone hello what do you want D real I'm trying trying to rob this house real quick look I'll come and pick you up after I get done robbing this house all right get the dang all right Junior I don't think that's Santa Claus what do you mean because he just got a phone call from derell maybe that's one of his elves well but he said he was going to rob this house real quick well maybe that means he's almost done delivering the presents I think it means he's robbing the house what so you think we should call the cops yeah I I don't think he's robbing the house man I can't believe I'm robbing this house see he said it again well let's go talk to him first before we the Cs okay okay okay I think that's everything oh I got to get out of here hey Santa oh hey little kids uh what are y'all doing up y'all supposed to be sleep are you robbing us now why would Santa Rob y'all well because you're taking our gifts instead of giving us gifts um see these gifts are broken look I'm the South Pole Santa I come to uh fix gifts mhm oh the South Pole Santa oh God this is hot Santa just took his beard off I thought Santa was white see now you're being racist what it's 2019 Santa could be black Mexican a toaster oven anything he want to be sorry for offending you Santa mhm apology accept it okay um well uh just have fun taking the gifts and fixing them it's okay uh I'll go ahead and fix it and I'll bring it back to y'all that that's not Santa Claus that's not Santa Claus he's robbing us let's call the cops yeah hello hey there you called the cops on Christmas Eve yeah we were robbed oh no by who uh a Santa Claus of the darker ction yep that's him all right show me see officer look he stole all our presents yeah let me guess he told you he was the South Pole Santa too yeah he said all our presents were broken and he had to go fix them yeah he's been doing that all over town he just wanted to steal your presents well why don't you stop them well we've been trying for years but we haven't been able to until tonight what are you going to do oh we're going to set up a fake house for him to Rob so when he shows up we arrest them ooh can I see yeah sure come on kid but not you all right so this is where we're doing the sting operation we got a real nice Christmas tree set up with a whole bunch of expensive presents under it because he loves to steal expensive presents so when he comes in to steal the presents we're going to arrest him no no see he's way stronger than me so he'd probably just beat me up well why don't you pull out your little pew pew thing oh oh my uh my gu n yeah that yeah no I don't have it anymore see I I was making a Tik Tock in my car listening to some rap music and waving it around and the chief saw it and he took it away from me oh so so how we going to catch him then well I'm going to show you come on all right so this is how we're going to stop the South Pole Santa taser cookies taser cookies yeah they're exactly what they sound like you take one bite into them they shock you 100,000 volts right in the mouth how about is it going to hurt him well it's going to hurt him a lot watch check this out you want to hurt yourself see p the cookie my mouth hurts so bad right now and if he if he dips the cookies in the milk first he's probably going to die why why would it kill him well you know cuz electricity and liquid don't go so good together now what we're going to do is we're just going to wait for from the show up and hope he eats the cookies all right that sounds like a good plan to me come on ho ho ho oh oh these presents got to go back to my CRI oo this one sound good I like this got this one o I like this got all of you look at him stealing all the presents like he did at my house yeah we just need to get him to eat the cookies okay look like I could go he's leaving well he didn't eat the cookies hey hey there's cookies in the kitchen wait who said that cookies I want me some cookies okay I love me some cookies can't wait to have one wait chocolate chip I'm allergic to chocolate chip uh the they're they're raisin oh well thank you random voice H I eat me a raisin cookie f finally we finally caught you South Pole Santa yeah still in our presence all right now you're under arrest come here put your hands behind your back well kid thanks to you we caught the South Pole Santa well really I did all the work you were just kind of there so I I take back my thank you I didn't get to see any of it and where's all our presents do we get those back oh no no we had to take those those are evidence I mean you might get them back eventually but I don't know we might get them back but I wanted presents but I mean hey you have each other right and isn't that what Christmas is all about you know all that crap well I'm going to go home and open up my presents with my family Junior wait where's all the presents oh someone broke in and stole them all wait what yeah but apparently we have each other and that's what Christmas is all about screw that I want presents yeah I'm going to go home I thought I was going to get presents well chef peee at least we get to spend Christmas together oh no I'm going to sleep Junior a chef peee I guess we're not going to get presents this year I know this sucks oh what's that what's that I don't know what Santa Claus uh Santa Claus oh hey what's up poy Claus that's me you Saved Christmas you brought me back my presents oh that's what I do thank you poie Claus oh you're welcome all right crft tonight we are going to be having a sparing beat so make make sure you go home and study Awards because the first place winner is going to get the prestigious Golden Bee award and then the second place winner is going to get the crappy little silver be award so go home and study your words uh spelling be oh I suck at spelling yeah me too dude I'm going to win the spelling be this year I have to calm down Cody yeah it's not that serious bro well it's just that every year I always come in second place cuz I lose to Beasley spelling ton who's Beasley spelling Beasley spelling ton is the spelling B he's won every year for the past 5 years oh God here he comes now hello Cody what do you want Beasley oh I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be the spelling be Champion I'm going to beat your ass at spelling wow what a douche I know right I hate that guy so he's won every year yeah he always gets the golden be and I'm stuck in second place with the stupid little silver be but this year I'm going to win for sure cuz I have this wait what what's that Cody that's spelling steroids and I've been taking it every day for the last week so I can spell any word go ahead try me Junior Give me a word spell uh anamia okay anamia o n o m a t o p o e i a anaman Pia oh yeah that's the stuff yeah I just really hope they don't drug test us this time oh CR I forgot to mention since there's been a lot of cheating in the spelling be tournaments I'm going to need you to come up here and pee in one of these little cups so I can test you for spelling steroids okay oh no Junior they're going to drug test us what's that mean well that means they're going to test my pee and then they're going to find out that I've been using spelling steroids and I'll get disqualified and I won't be able to beat Beasley Bellington that sucks Cody yes it does suck junior okay okay I need somebody else's pee uh junior I need a huge favor from you and I know I ask this all the time but this time I really mean it what's the favor I need you to pee in my mouth e Cody no no no no look look it'll be really quick I'll just like open up my mouth you take like a little tinkle in my mouth and then I'll hold your pee in my mouth until they test me and instead of peeing in the cup I'll just spit your pee in the cup cuz you haven't been taking spelling steroids that's gross Cody oh come on Junior please so who wants to go first oh Cody you want to go first M gross dude all right Cody I know you're super smart and you have no reason to cheat but I still need you to take this cup and go peeing oh God I swallowed JY PE I swallowed it what why is Junior pee in your mouth I don't know Joseph come pee in my mouth no D what are you talking about junior junior do you have to pee again no getting like a bottle of water or something okay all right hold on CR I think you are all confused you're not supposed to be peeing in each other's mouth you're just supposed to pee in a carop well guys I got disqualified for using spelling steroids that sucks Cody yeah so I guess we're just going to have to watch Beasley spelling ton go home with another Golden Bee e Cody your breast still smells like my PE guys this is serious Beasley spelling Ton's going to win again well me and Joseph can try to beat him in the spelling B come on you guys can't spell we could try okay fine spell paum then paum's easy p o s n p o s no it sounds right to me dude p o s nope that's wrong p o Noe what P what no no P what does it start with a p no it doesn't a b c d e f g h i j k l m n oh yes what o starts with an O it does not start with an o that's crazy spell it o p o s no no that's not right at all it has a silent o a silent o yeah hey Joseph spell cat uh C A nope what it's o c a t that's a silent o hey hey hey hey Cody spell your name c o nope o c o d y hey hey hey hey Cody spell pool no p o o o o o o o o l all those O's are silent see Junior this is why you're not going to be in the spelling be well I don't want to be the dumb spelling be how people spell wait a minute I have an idea yeah I'm going to kill Beasley spelling toon yeah I'm going to break his kneecaps I'm going to break all six of his little bean kneecaps and then I'm going to beat him to death with a crowbar yeah that's what I'll do Cody I I have a different idea what if we put a little microphone in my ear and I go to the spelling be and you give me all the answers yeah yeah that could work and then afterward we beat Beasley spelling ton to death with a crowbar no no no no we win the golden beer award and we we're all happy yeah okay and then we celebrate by beating Beasley spelling ton to death with a crowbar no no how about we just try winning it first I'm going get a microphone for my ear let's try it okay we'll just see what happens all right Cody Joseph let us borrow his airpods so you're going to use that microphone and then you're going to speak into my ear and tell me how to spell the words so I can cheat okay I'm going to stay home and watch the spelling be on TV so I can tell you what words to spell all right um let's let's make sure it works hey Junior hey you can hear me yeah okay great all right so me and Joseph are going to go to the spelling be okay hello and welcome to the spelling bee if you spell the word wrong you're ruminated and the last one standing is the winner so let's start off with Beasley sparing thank you thank you what word would you like me to spell all right your first word is anti- disestablishmentarianism oh come on I thought you were going to give me a hard one anti disestablishmentarianism a n t i d i s e s t a b yeah look at Beasley being a show off e n t a r i a n i s m anti- disestablishmentarianism that is correct you better believe it all right next up is paner oh my God I'm so nervous this is my first spelling be all right paner your word is kich kich um can you use it in a sentence yes I can use it in a sentence your sentence is your word is kich okay um kich k e e s h kich wrong really well then how do you spell it you're wrong you're just wrong go leave all right next okay I said next junior come here uh okay I'm ready to spell all right Junior your word is hemorrhoid uh my word is hemorrhoid got that Cody yeah I got it hold on I'm I'm Googling it just stall ask a question or something like ask him to use it in a sentence uh can you use it in a sentence sure your sentence is I have a hemorrhoid oh okay Cody hurry up Junior my phone's not loading your Internet sucks just stall with another question uh uh what's it taste like what what does hemorrhoid taste like you can't ask that question you can only ask things like definition use it in a sentence to origin stuff like that okay then can you do all that no Junior forget it I have the answer okay I have the answer okay then spell it your word is hemorrhoid hurry up all right I'm going to spell it now hemorrhoid h e m h e r r calm down you go too fast who are you talking to Junior uh my brain good one Junior I'm going to restart spelling the word now Cody go slower okay it's h h e e m m o o r r r r h h o o i are we spelling the right word yes we are it's i i d d hemorrhoid that is correct really that was right just leave the stage Junior okay all right Joseph you're next I'm ready to win this spelling be all right Joseph your word is synonym this is easy I eat synonym Toast Crunch every morning and I read the Box oh this is going to be a piece of cake synonym c i n n a m o n synonym you are rally a dumb ass it is synonym not cinnamon synonym Toast Crunch get your ass off the stage no dude I heard you say synonym I know but you spelled cinnamon what's the difference it's the taste you can see oh Jesus Christ all right Jeffy you're next all right what's the word doc your word is pitch oh that's easy that's my favorite word I call my D that every night b i t c no your word was Pitch like your word was pitch not the b word you're eliminated a screw the spelling B anyway I'm going to go home and play fortnite okay we only have two contestants ref beasy sparing ton and Junior Bearington your next okay what is my next word all right be your word is pneumono ultra microscopic silico volcano coniosis easy the word is pneumono ultra microscopic silico volcano kosis p n e u m o n o u l t r a m i c now here's this prick again come on mess up b i c s i l i c o v o l c a n o c o n i o s i s numo ultra microscopic silico volcano coniosis that is correct all right Junior it's it's your turn and remember if you get the word wrong you Ru uh okay uh what's my word all right Junior your word is pterodactyl oh that word is easy I got this I don't need your help Cody Junior I don't I don't think you know how to spell this I know how to spell it okay fine then what's the first letter T no yes it is it's pterodactyl it's not t yes it is no a no b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q yes what it starts with p no it doesn't yes it does it's pterodactyl not paroda Junior we're not going to do this right now just trust me oh I get it you're just trying to embarrass me but embarrass you yeah on National Television you want to embarrass me you want me to spell it wrong so everyone laughs at me but Junior why would I go through all of this just to embarrass you because I you got embarrassed in front of the classroom when you swallowed my P well that was my fault no I'm going to spell it the right way and I'm going to win this competition no Junior don't okay um uh pterodactyl Junior please t e r a c terod t i l no oh oh God that was completely wrong what that was wrong I told you Junior it starts with a P what's with you and P Cody e so that means the winner is Bey the sparing be of course I won you have to be the best if you want to be the spelling be Champion Beasley I'm about to beat the crap out of you with this Mallet cuz I couldn't find a crowbar take that you stupid bee yeah who's the champ now you loser I wish I could do that hey Cody I got the silver be award I already have like five of those at home we'll never beat Beasley well there's always next year no he probably won't even be alive cuz bees only lived for 28 days wait then how' he win The Last 5 Years wait yeah wait a minute that's not a bee that's just a guy in a bee costume hold on let me get my Mallet all right let's go find that guy and see who he really is okay well Brooklyn guy you you did it again you rigged another kid spelling be bees what uh uh Buzz Buzz I'm I'm a bee never mind you guys got me what you're Beasley spelling ton yeah okay look this one time in fifth grade I lost a spelling bee because I accidentally spelled the word acid with an S instead of a c so from that day forward I vowed to win every spelling be I could to make other people feel what I felt that day well you're still one fair and square you're really good at spelling oh no no no I was cheating I got a microphone and my mask there and then my wife just reads me the words out of the dictionary what that's what we were doing what you you guys were cheating too how about that cool cool we're just a bunch of cheaters here that's great yeah I'll see you guys next year we can see who can out cheat each other you know all right well bye guys it's spring break what do you want to do today dude let's go outside and throw the football or we could go to the beach and look at hunky dudes or we can go outside and poop in your backyard all those things are possible because it's a nice sunny day during spring break Junior do you hear that oh dude is that rain is that Thunder is that lightning I didn't know it was supposed to rain today oh no look the weather channel breaking weather news okay there's a 100% chance of rain and thunderstorms all week so you better stay inside and away from the beach because of rip currents a 100% chance of rain all week that's 100% chance of no fun what are we going to do now I don't know guys this is not fair we finally get a week off of school and we have to spend it inside I say we still go outside yeah and I say we go to the beach like Cody suggested what Junior we can't go to the beach there's a thunderstorm out there it's too dangerous how is it dangerous we could get struck by lightning not if we're swimming in the water well that's even worse because water conducts electricity you know 47% of people who get struck by lightning are at the beach cuz you're the tallest thing in the vicinity and lightning strikes anything that's tall oh what if we're swimming under the water well that's even worse because we could get caught in a rip current and sucked out to sea and then drown and I could get my Yeezys wet my Yeezys Junior my Yeezys well I still want to go to the beach what if we just throw the football at the beach but what about the lightning Junior the lightning listen okay everyone raise their hand who wants to go to the beach okay that's that's three people raise your hand if you don't want to go to the beach why did it take you so long to raise your hand I had to rearrange my bones all right look you're out voted 3 to one so we're still going to the beach Cody come on but Junior see Cody this isn't so bad Junior it's pouring out here and there's lightning Cody look spring break and we're going to have fun at the beach yeah let's enjoy it dude go long yeah go long okay I'll go long throw it Joseph a damn it grab the ball Cody yeah guys put the rip current there is no rip current Cody grab the ball yeah they don't exist yeah okay he's acting like he's afraid of water he better get my football come here B just grab the ball Cody help me help me help me uh Joseph is he okay dude he's just playing around right help me help me oh no Joseph I think he drowned dude I'm out of here Joseph what do we do my guard Mr Mr Mr my FR is drowned well that's what he gets for swimming during a thunderstorm you're not going to save him and risk my beautiful life no what codyy [Applause] Cy oh man sh baby sh baby I need your help oh what do you want junior I just got back from the grocery store I got gogurts you got gogurts I want Go-Gurt yeah I want a strawberry one well grab as many as you want now what were you yelling about oh uh I forgot do you remember Jeffy no I just got gogurts on my mind yeah shf let us eat our Gogurt and I'll see if I remember whatever oh man Jeffy this gurt's so good I just wish I could remember what I was freaking out about yeah wait a minute Cody what about him remember in the ocean he got taken on water oh yeah shf baby this looks good sh sh not right now Junior I'm making lasagna but I remember what I was freaking out about what is it so earlier today me Joseph Cody and Jeffy went to the beach during the thunderstorm yeah during the storm and Joseph threw a football and it went in the water and then Cody went to go grab it and then he got sucked in on a rip current and then he never came up what what the hell do he drowned Cody drowned he drowned oh man he's dead rip Cody he's dead oh yes he's dead man you are a horrible friend now you got to live with that on your conscience don't get no tears of my lasagna get out of here I'm going to call the cop hey there somebody call a cop sorry it took so long those roads out there are wetter than a washing machine but you know like the inside cuz the outside doesn't usually get wet unless there's a problem with the machine anyway what's up I want to follow missing person's report oh who's missing my friend Cody oh well how long's you been missing for maybe about 10 minutes wa what did you just go home what are you lonely well no we went to the beach in this weather yeah and then he was like trying to get a football in the ocean and then he went under and he started screaming help and then he never came back up but it sounds like he drowned why did you call me here and not at the beach well cuz I freaked out at the beach so I came home and then I got a Go-Gurt and then I called you wait you came here you ate a Go-Gurt and then called me well I kind of forgot why I came home and then I saw Jeffy doing stuff like that and it remind me of my friend Cody cuz he's a little weird wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute this is not making any sense I'm going to need one of these gogurts before we continue this conversation this is good yeah I'd abandon a friend for this this would definitely help me get over a friend's death you really think he's dead yep a yeah it's pretty sad why do you think he's dead well let's put it all together he was screaming for help he went underwater and he didn't come back up kids can you figure out out what happened to Cody that's right he drowned we just figured out blu's Clues we just figured out blu's Clues we just figured out Blues Clues and now your friend is dead oh what do we do now there's nothing you can do he's dead he's fish food goldfish flakes Titanic ornaments Steve Irwin butter I don't [ __ ] know do we tell his mom oh yeah I probably would well can you go tell her what me I don't want to do that I hate telling people the kids's dead it's so sad and they always cry for no reason you know it's not that bad it's like you have one less mouth to feed and you have more free time you know that vacation you've been wanting to go on well now you can plane tickets are expensive now you don't have to bring your stupid dead kid along it's not that bad hey check this out can you imagine if this is my wiener just just whip it out like be huge it's not even open all right I'm going to go you get you kids have a good day and done what do you think about my Cody tribute Jeffy it's great Junior you're really honoring his life yeah I thought so too who's at the door let me go get it hello hey is Cody here he didn't come home for dinner yeah me and my baby got two rounds in on the kitchen counter and he didn't even come through the front door yeah he usually walks in on us during the first round yeah I was getting it good tonight yeah it's true yeah I was putting on the show and that's all I'm going to say yep he did well Cody's not here well are you sure cuz he said he was coming over here where is he I know he's here he got to be here well you guys can come upstairs and look but he's not here okay yeah I know y'all got some pastries or something in there Cody Cody are you in here baby all they got is po tart well hide him under your shirt Tyrone I don't want him to know we only came here to steal pastries yeah you're right you're right oh what a lovely drawing of Cody drowning what made you think of it cuz Cody drowned in the ocean today what what you talking about boy uh nothing yeah when we went to the beach Cody drowned in the ocean oh my God my poor baby drowned yeah I was drowning in something earlier today ain't that right baby it's true well listen it was an accident Cody was trying to get a football and then a rip cart took him and he drowned well by the look of this picture you boys pushed him into the ocean that's why you're all smiling yeah it looks like a confession to me yeah I'm going to call the cops yeah we going to sue because you killed our son hey baby look at this they got 120 pack of Crayola you know they rolling in do o good call Tyrone I I mean boohoo yeah let it all out baby we got to make it look good for the camera I know how to do it Tyrone this isn't my first Dead kid I I mean booh hoooo you're right you're right look look I'm going to go get the lawyers hey there somebody called a lawyer cop I didn't really know what to wear so I just wore my lawyer outfit underneath my police uniform yes officer I did those two boys over there killed my son and we want money and Justice mainly money but I guess so we want to buy a new recliner yeah the old one don't recline like he used to yeah Tyrone and his buddy were giving me the old Eiffel Tower and it broke yeah Steve stelber was going way too hard huh oh it's you kids did they cry when you told them their son was dead they look like criers I mean they kind of cry officer I think these boys made our sun drowned on purpose look how happy they are in the picture I mean who goes to the beach in a thunderstorm and he a homo so so that's a few exra dollars cuz that's a hate crime yeah unfortunately it is okay kids you're under arrest with suspected homocide but we did not kill him well that picture is pretty damning so you're under arrest consider yourselves arrested Simon says you're arrested so when is court officer Simon right now come on let's go order order order order check this out this is going to be cool look order I am the honorable Judge pober today we will be hearing the case of Mr and Mrs Nat kiss who say that these two young boys caus their son Cody to drown Junior Jeffy tell us your side of the situation well your honor we all went to the beach to throw the football and the ball went in the water and Cody went to grab it and he drowned I see yes and did Cody want to get the football or did you tell him to like like Emperor Palpatine like d it uh I did tell him to go grab it and he didn't want to M I see so so if you'd never told Cody to get the football he wouldn't have gotten it and he wouldn't have drowned and he would still be alive today correct I guess well that sounds pretty guilty to me but I would like to make this sad and hear from the dead boy's parents well you're Cody was my only son and I lost him today because of negligence and we also want to sue for some money yeah M money yes I understand so how much do you think your son's life is worth come on honey think of a good number you always wanted to go to Bahamas on that trip right that's true well whatever the cost of a round trip to the Bahamas would be Bahamas does sound nice that's a done deal Junior Jeffy do you have anything to say that could prove your innocence before I bang the absolute ever loving [ __ ] out of this guy well actually I I do your honor I have something that'll prove that we're innocent I'm not the one who threw the football and neither was Jeffy it was our friend Joseph he threw the football yeah it was totally Joseph who threw the football I see and where is this Joseph now I don't know he ran away saying I'm out of here dude cuz he always does that because of how guilty he is yep that's not true we found this drawing that Junior did plotting to kill my son H let me see this drawing damn damn damn damn d a m and damn this ladies and gentlemen is the Smoking Gun as you can see junior Here is saying rest in peace Cody with a smile on his face while Cody is drowning with no football in sight this means there was never a football and there will never be a football so I have no choice but to find you two guilty of premeditated homicide boom just like that guilty guilty guilty guilty as many times as I want I have all the power here guilty guilty I am just like he Man by The Power of graay skull guilty I like that guilty B take them away not so fast great googly moogly it's a sea monster I'm not a sea monster it's me Cody but Cody you you're dead you see the the x's in the eyes I thought I was dead cuz I was drowning and then I got caught up in a big old ball of seaweed that had a pocket of there that I could breathe and then I watched up on shore and I had to walk home like this well if you're not dead that means there was no homicide so if there was no homicide that means no crime was committed and if no crime was committed that means no one is guilty and if no one is guilty then that means there's no reason for a trial which means I can go home and eat my kids cuisine Court hased I'm taking this with me yay all right Cody take that Seaweed off damn it baby now we not getting any money and we got to get our stupid kid back I am so upset I really wanted to go to the Bahamas oh the recliner baby the recliner sorry Cody for letting you drown no it's fine drowning was fun it was no I'm being sarcastic I'm very pissed off well what can I do to make you happy uh you know what I want your 120count box of crayons but those are so expensive I know okay fine you can keep it but I want to keep perrywinkle deal what's up dudes oh hey Joseph Cody's alive oh cool did you get my football uh no I was drowned what oh I'mma sue you for my football dude what 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 all right Joseph the pins are set up jul you better not be making a mess in there I'm not going to make a mess oh dude I can't wait to get a strike all right guys we're playing extreme bowling so Joseph you're going to throw that bowling ball into the kitchen and hit the pins but uh how am I supposed to see the pin if I'm blindfolded oh look look you're staring right at the pins just trust me so if you throw it straight you'll get a strike okay dude this seems like a really bad idea ah shut up for eyes you don't know what you're talking about anyway well yeah Cody I've never had a bad idea in my entire life okay all right Joseph so just throw it Forward okay okay I'm going to bed dude did I get a strike it sounded like a strike to me kind of I'm going get the ball okay my turn actually I don't feel like playing this game anymore but but but it's my turn I know that's why I don't want to play anymore yeah me neither dude let's go upstairs and think of another game to play yeah okay fine you know what I'll get the ball and do it myself stupid Junior didn't want to get the ball for me watch this strike uh what one left are you kidding me okay fine at least I can go for the spare well come on that's not even possible so Joseph since Cody went home you want to go get ice cream yeah bro you know I love ice cream yeah chocolate's my favorite all right guys what are we doing dang it uh Cody we thought you went home well no I was just downstairs and I got a wicked strike you should have seen it God I wish you went home yeah me too so Cody since you're still here what what do you want to do uh we could play board games ew you want to know why they're called board games because they make you bored good one dude yeah right well no they're called board games cuz you usually play them on a board what well what about twister it's on a mat mat games well like the spinny things on a board God you're so ugly right who's at the door oh it's probably your parents coming to pick you up no it's not Hello Cody's parents please be them hello uh dude there's no one here hello did we get ding-dong ditched I don't know dude but I'm scared maybe it was a ghost Ken wait what's Ken doing here did Cody leave him at the front door I don't know dude then who knocked uh hold on um Cody Ken was at the door all by himself hey Ken how's the party sick did you motorboat oh you motorboating son of a wait wait Ken was at a party yeah I called him an Uber cuz I didn't want him driving not after that party he had too many pickles wait so how did Ken knock on the door with his hands duh he's a dog dude D how can he knock on the door when he's a dog oh yeah he's not alive how can he knock on the door and take Ubers but he's not a dog he's alive all right guys how about this let's just think of a fun game to play that's not a board game so what game should we play yassi no Hopscotch no Yi no hula hoop no Yi no jump rope no y I'm not playing yatsi oh guys how about we play uh tag tag you're it oh tag you're it uh tag you're it tag you're it oh come on Cody you ruined the game how did I ruin it because you tagged Ken he can't tag us back yeah yes he can show us uh tag I it that doesn't count you just leaned into him that's dumb he's not alive yeah that's a double tag how about this how about this how about we create our own game H oh I know what if there was a game where if you dared someone to do something they had to do it no matter what but if they didn't want to do a dare if you ask them a question they had to answer it like a truth sounds like YY to me yeah yeah yeah it could be called Truth or yatsi yeah I like that yeah truth or yatsi no that's dumb no no or no there is dare so dare or truth or yatsi ooh I like that one yeah yeah yeah yeah no no no no dare or truth I like dare or truth that's what it's called yeah yeah no I think Truth or Dare sounds better that sounds awful Cody it doesn't roll off the tongue as well as dare or truth we're going to call it dare or truth okay so the rules are if I dare you to do something you have to do it but but but if you don't want to do a dare I'll ask you a question and you have to answer no matter how bad it is okay okay all so Joseph dare or truth H dare you know I'm a dare de okay I dare you to wear Cody's glasses for the rest of the video ew not as glasses I don't want to be a nerd all day oh you're not going to be a nerd you're not going to have his pimples or his big fat head or his ugly teeth it's just his glasses all right so Cody um take off two of your four eyes but but I can't see without my glasses take them off it's part of the game you're not going to ruin someone else's dare yeah fine oh I hate these glasses haha Joseph your four eyes now dude I can't even see anything it's so blurry yeah they prescription what he's hideous I know he's the ugliest person I've ever seen right I wish I could get my eyes REM REM I'd have to see ever again me too what's wrong Cody you're the ugliest person I've ever seen in my entire life like those eyes are ugly no no no I have beautiful blue eyes no I can kick a field goal between your eyes like your eyes have restraining orders on each other like they can't go within 100t of each other Savage your eyes are like the Earth and the moon what like like you have to take a rocket to get to the other one that's how far it is when Moses parted the Red Sea he parted your eyes oh no yeah you're just so ugly Cody Junior just ask me dare a truth okay dare or Truth uh dare um I dare you to ask out a girl e that's what she's going to say when you ask her where are we going to find a girl at this time of night anyway just go outside and if you see one ask her out what what if she says yes that's not going to be a problem she is not going to say yes okay I'll ask Ken Ken is it okay he says it's okay as long as he doesn't say yes she's not going to say yes trust me she's not going to say yes let's go find a girl wow I love looking at the stars all right Cody there's a girl ask her out what is she doing outside it's like midnight she's looking at the stars it's cloudy there are no stars just ask her oh my God what you were just so ugly Cody every time I look at you it just reminds me how ugly you are you have fetal pickle syndrome how many pickles did your mom have when she was pregnant with you Junior just shut up I'm not ugly girls love me then ask her out okay excuse me ma'am would you like to go ow ow ow I can't close my eyes I don't have eyelids ow it burns it burs ow ow ow dude what happened to you she sprayed me in the face with Silly String pepper spray did she say yes or no I took that as a no yeah she turned around and saw his ugly chameleon eyes and she freaked out and sprayed them Junior it's your turn oh yeah it's my turn all right Junior dare or truth a dare I never turned down a dare okay I dare you to take Chef pee's underwear that he's wearing right now and wear it on your head and then give it to me afterwards E I don't want to wear Chef pe's dirty underwear on my head you have to do it Junior it's a dare yeah you have to do it dude it's just underwear you're right all right I'll I'll do it I'm not going to back down from this dare I'm not going to lose God I can't sleep knowing there's a big mess downstairs hey shpi no Junior I don't want to see your face because you made a big mess downstairs that's cute I got a question shfp what do you wear underwear yes I wear underwear like every other human be do you have some on right now yes I have on some right now don't sleep naked can I have them no what what look they're dirty they're gross and they're stinky why would you want them I need them on my head what what kind of sick fetish is that Junior look I just need them on my head no the I need them on my ass so you can't have them look shfp me and my friends made up this game called dare or truth and it's wait wait wait you mean truth or dare you didn't make up that game yes we did it's called dare of Truth anyway it's been around forever Cody dared me to get a pair of your underwear and wear it on my head and I cannot lose this game so give me some of your underwear shfp well sorry you lost this game because I I need to put them on my butt okay I need them on my head no no no I need them on my butt Okay shfp I lied to you rumor has it around town is that you have dooo stains in your underwear I don't have no dooo stains in my my underwear everyone in town thinks you have dooo stains on your underwear and I wanted to see your underwear to prove to them cuz I don't think you have Doo STS underwear but cuz I don't cuz Cody and Joseph and Dad and everyone around town thinks you have doooo stains in your underwear so if you could just show me your underwear and show me there's no dooo stains then you know what there's my underwear Junior do you see any doodle stains on it huh huh huh um not really but there might be some microscopic dooo stains so I think I need to wear them on my head so my eyes can get a better look what weirdo all all right guys guess who's the king of dare or truth whoa dude you actually got him whoa let me smell him I can't believe you guys dared me to do that you guys did dare me to do that right somebody said it I think it was Ken all right Joseph it's your turn uh how about truth why don't your parents love you I don't even know the answer dude Savage all right Cody dare or Truth uh truth are you straight hey waa we're having a good time here we we don't got to ruin it you know J you give me my underwear back no they're mine I I I I I mean no yeah shfp no I have to keep them on my head it's part of a dare well I have to keep them on my butt so give me my underwear back how about this SHP if you play dare or truth with us I'll give them back I'm not playing truth or dare with you why are you saying it like that yeah it's weird it's called dare or truth not Truth or Dare so look if you play we'll give you your underwear back fine then dare how about that dare um I dare you to make out with Cody hey Jeff B I don't want want to do it but you know it's a dare so Puck her up I'm not making out with Cody well then you're going to lose you're not going to get your underwear back well I guess I lost then ah you lost Chef peipi we get to keep your underwear all right Junior it's your turn dare or Truth uh dare I really like the dares okay then ooh I dare you to put Cody's glasses in the garbage disposure okay but no that's not fair Ken Ken hasn't even had a turn well he's a doll he can't play this game yeah he Canen hey hey Ken dare truth oh dare you dirty dog okay with something weird uh oh I know uh Ken I dare you to take your shirt off and let me pour chocolate syrup all over your hunky sexy body cuz that'd be so gross right like no one no one would want to do that that's weird Cody yeah yeah exactly that's why I'm daring him to do it come on guys all right Ken are you ready for this very embarrassing dare like it's so weird that I wouldn't even do it cuz it's just a weird Cody this is gross yeah I know I know it's why it's weird hurry up and pour the chocolate syrup dude oh you're just as excited as I am all right Ken get [Music] ready that's enough Cody no more all right Cody stop huh that's that's enough chocolate syrup oh who Who Dares me to lick it off huh all right Joseph let's let's go yeah it's such a weird dare right oh man Cody's so weird I know he's the weirdest person ever all right Joseph it's your turn dare or truth truth why do you keep choing truth dare is cooler truth is safe dude I guess you're right all right since your homeless uh where is the weirdest place you've slept ooh man the places I slept in a McDonald's dumpster ones ooh I slept in a Chuck-E-Cheese ball pin and I one time I dug up a grave and I slept in the coffin talk about a maple coffin with a velvet inside oh man it was comfortable all right guys I cleaned off Ken wait how' you clean off Ken I don't have any paper towels oh I don't need paper towels the tongue is Nature's paper towel my God that is the scariest thing I've ever seen all right um K skipped his turn because he just did a weird dare all right so it's my turn um someone ask me dare or truth all right Junior dare or Truth uh dare I always do dare I'm not a cry baby I dare you to punch your dad in the face but I'll get grounded you got to do it Junior yeah you got to do it it's a dare dude you're right I never back down from a dare dad dad dad dad what do you want junior oh you're wearing Chef pe's underwear on your head you like doing that too man that's in oh and the doodle stain on the back it's like a design or something okay well how are you feeling dad oh feeling pretty good just chilling I'm kind of hungry though what you're hungry yeah are you in the mood for a knuckle sandwich ow you call that a hit I'll show you a hit I wi I went to the down Cody Junior's getting his butt beat Cody sorry I had to grab the underwear Junior Bower your dinner's ready oh man dinner's ready SpaghettiOs these are my favorite oh man I can't wait to eat these in my room hey Dad can I eat in my room Junior no what kind of question is that well you get to eat in your room because I'm in a adult and I'm not going to make a mess like you Junior well that I promise I won't make a mess Junior we know how this is going to end you're going to make a mess and I'm going to get mad well I promise I'll be really careful no Junior you're going to eat at this table and that's final and if I catch you eating in your room I'm going to take all your toys gra you for life and spake you in the face with my fist spake me in the face with your fist you mean you're going to punch me in the face no no no no I wouldn't word it like that Junior I'm just going to spake you in the face with my fist multiple times oh okay d I won't eat in my room yeah you better not oh I really want to eat in my room he's not going to find out he's not going to find out Junior where are you going with your food uh my room to eat it really Junior I just made this food why would you drop it because you scared me Chef peipe I was walking to my room and you scared me why did you even leave the table you're not supposed to eat in your room cuz you make messes like this well I wouldn't have made a mess if you wouldn't have scared me Chef Pee look can you just make me more SpaghettiOs I'll make some more SpaghettiOs just go to the table and don't move okay stupid Junior now I got to clean up that mess oh I can't believe him all right Junior here's another all of SpaghettiOs you better eat all of your food and do not leave his table but I want to eat my room Chef peee no you're going to make another mess like you did in the kitchen the only reason I made a mess and dropped it is because you scared me don't blame it on me Junior you made that mess okay so eat all of your food and do not leave this table or I'm going to tell your dad oh okay Chef peipi I'm going to eat in my room the only reason I made a mess is cuz Chef peipe scared me but but I can't let Chef see that that that I'm gone because he's going to tell my dad I need a decoy I'm going to make a decoy all right yeah there so if Chef looks over here it'll look like I'm eating my SpaghettiOs all right let's go in my room oh man I can't believe I'm eating in my room I told sh I wouldn't spill it because I'm a big boy and I don't spill stuff unless he scares me that's why I dropped it before I'm going to eat it Junior I'm coming to your room to see if you have food oh no my dad's coming if he sees my Spaghetti O I'm so grounded I have to hide him I have to hide him where do I hide him at I have to hide him on top of the ceiling fan yeah he'll never look up there I have to hide him on top of the ceiling fan oh yeah he'll never look up here yeah oh yeah he'll never see him over there yeah over there okay okay I'm good I'm good jul are you eating in your room no well let me check you see look there's no food in my bed hm let me see behind your pillow but no no see there's no food well I just had to check Junior I just had to make sure I wouldn't eat my room you told me not to yeah that is right wait what are you looking up for oh nothing I was just praying to God thanking him uh for having an amazing dad like you yeah you better thank him cuz I'm so amazing yeah yeah you are well go to sleep now okay I will and turn your fan on it's hot in here oh no there SpaghettiOs all over my carpet how am I going to clean this up honey napkins honey napkins okay okay I got napkins just start cleaning it up oh yeah I'm getting it getting all that stuff up oh no it's stained what am I going to do if my dad sees this oh if he sees this I'm so grounded it's not coming up oh oh no I got to call somebody I need help I need help oh please answer 911 what's your emergency please come quick it's an emergency what's wrong there's a big red stain in the carpet it's everywhere oh no what' you do kid I did something really bad I didn't mean to do it it was an accident yeah it's what they all say all right look just don't go anywhere don't touch the body and I'll be right over okay where's the cops oh hello all right kid if you just cooperate this will be a lot easier for you now where's the weapon I don't have a weapon Jesus you did it with your bare hands you're a monster what'd you do eat his face too you freak what are you talking about all right just show me me the crime scene it's upstairs all right lead the way all right we're here is it bad oh it's really bad it's all over the place it's a huge mess oh I really don't want to have nightmares okay here I go what it's just SpaghettiOs yeah SpaghettiOs I spilled it everywhere it's a big mess what I thought you killed someone I thought there was a blood stain what no I didn't kill anyone I just spilled SpaghettiOs uh-oh SpaghettiOs yeah that no no is not an emergency you can't call 911 cuz you spilled SpaghettiOs it is an emergency cuz if my dad finds out he's going to grab me take all my toys and then spank me in the face with his fist he's going to spank you in the face with his fist yeah well maybe if he does that I can actually arrest someone but I don't know what to do with this well you can't help me clean up the stain well whenever there's a car accident and there's a lot of blood on the road we just use Coca-Cola to clean it up so you're saying pour Coke on this well yeah but I mean this is carpet and SpaghettiOs but maybe okay let's try Coke then okay I'll go get some out of my car all right kid I got the coke I really hope this works yeah don't worry it'll work let's try this U oh yeah get it all in there oh that's good yeah now it may not look like it's working but you trust me this is the new oxy clean it's going to be spotless yeah just really really Splash it deep in those carpet fibers there we go there we go yep last part two there we go huh yeah you know I really thought that was going to work what do we do now um you're on your own kid hey you just made it worse oh my God what am I going to do huh oh it's it's everywhere it's everywhere I got to call my friends I need my friend's help I hate cleaning Junior you're still here man it sucks that you can't leave the table until you finish eating your food what you're not talking to me now oh that's silent treatment well I didn't want to hear your annoying voice anyway H uh hello dude what's going on yeah Junior it's time of really upset on the phone what Cody what are you doing oh y hold on sorry about that Junior you he caught me in the middle of dinner I was eating my baked beans they're really messy but I decided to bring them anyway so what's up guys come inside it's emergency okay dude look what happened guys Jesus what happened here yeah dude I spilled SpaghettiOs and then you what tried to clean it up with soda yeah why because the cop said that coat clean stains not out of carpet well we just figured that out oh so what are you going to do now dude I don't know my dad said I can't eat in my room and if he caught me eat in my room I get grounded so if you see the stain he'll know I ate in my room and I'll get grounded ni beans are good Cody can you please stop talking about beans they're just really good beans Junior you know what Cody give me the stupid beans no Junior these are my beans give me the stupid beans okay look look look I will place the beans gently over here I don't want to make the stain any bigger okay Cody look how do I get the stain out um have you tried carpet cleaner uh that was the coke no Junior the coke was coke carpet cleaner get stains out of carpet just ask Chef Pee if you have any I can't ask Chef Pee cuz if I ask Chef for a carpet cleaner then he's going to know that I I spilled food and he's going to tell my dad okay uh do you have soap I have shampoo what shampoo is for hair Junior well carpet kind of feels like like hair what if your hair feels like carpet you need the shampoo all right Joseph do you have any good ideas dude listen chocolate syrup I'm listening what look shut up Cody look just pour chocolate syrup over the stain and act like you pooped Joseph you're a genius yeah I know dude what what are you talking about Cody listen look at if I pour a chocolate syrup all over the carpet it's going to look like I just pooped over it and my dad's not going to get mad at me if I poop on the carpet I'm pretty sure he's going to be mad at you for pooping on the carpet Junior no no no he didn't want me to eat in the room so if I if I Cur up the sandwich chocolate syrup he'll think I pooped and I didn't spill food you know well Junior I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to poop on the carpet either well I can just say I was really sick I had really bad diarhea and it went all over the carpet and it covers up the stain so they'll never know I ate my room dude just get the chocolate syrup it'll work I'm going to get the chocolate syrup thanks Joseph all right guys I got the chocolate syrup okay let's get the pooping dude let's get the pooping Junior this is a stupid idea Cody shut up and move your baked beans fine all right Joseph you want to do the pooping oh yeah I can poop all right poop all right dude I'm so cated W yeah all done pooping dude now that's some poop oh yeah that's some poop right there smells great though what smells like chocolate what it does smell like chocolate yeah you know it doesn't smell like chocolate what poop yeah yeah so now your dad's going to think you ate chocolate in here which is eating in your room which you're not allowed to do he's right dude you're right Cody I'm going to get grounded my dad's going to think I ate chocolate and SpaghettiOs in my room room this is a stupid idea Cody why didn't you tell me this a stupid idea Junior I said this is a stupid idea literally seconds ago well why didn't you try to stop me I did when I said this is a stupid idea literally and I cannot stress this enough seconds ago okay what are we going to do it's a huge mess I don't know Junior your carpet is ruined now oh okay okay what if I actually pooped on my carpet because you said the smell was the problem it's one of the many problems yeah okay so if I poop all over this he's going to think I actually pooped how are you going to poop that much I mean I can give you some of my beans but I don't think it'll help help that much you're right there's no way I can poop that much okay look guys we need to think smart I start now oh dude I have an idea oh what is it what if we just cut it out cut the stain out and replace the carpet with some more carpet from another room Joseph you're a genius Junior this is a stupid idea and I really want you to hear me this time this is a stupid idea well Cody it's a good idea look look the problem is I'm not allowed to eat in my room so if we cut the stain out and put it in another room it's not going to look like eight in my room Junior I'm not going to tell you the problem with this plan I'm just going to let you figure it out when we get there cuz I want you to learn all right J I'm going to get a box cut right I'm going to cut it open okay okay let's cut it okay I'm done cutting I bet you're used to that you emo kid what Junior that came out of nowhere all right guys let's all grab a corner and pick it up okay okay dude e so wet all right look now it doesn't look like I ate in my room it looks like I ate in this room okay but what about the giant hole in the carpet in your room uh well look we're going to cut a hole in this carpet in here and take take it to my room to make it look clean all right let's see how that goes all right I'm going to use this as a stencil I'm going to cut around it there brand new carpet yeah let good to me dude yeah Junior it fits like a glove what's wrong Cody it's too small Junior it's a little too small yeah a little it doesn't even fill in the hole and besides you didn't even cut out the part of the carpet that was stained with the coke all right Cody you want me to go cut a bigger piece no Junior then you're going to have more holes in your carpet okay well what if I take paint and I paint in all the parts that don't have carpet paint yeah I have paint the same color as the carpet all right you know what fine Junior I honestly don't think you could make it look any worse all right I'm going to get paint I'm going to Painted all these holes it's going to look good Cody yeah it'll work dude all right Cody watch and learn yeah uhhuh uh-huh oh yeah Junior it's not even close to the color of the carpet well you got any better ideas Cody yeah eating my beans that's what I'll be doing dude don't listen to him it looks good thanks Joseph mhm yeah more more paint uhhuh uhhuh over there and done dude it looks like a masterpiece I don't even notice it thanks Joseph oh you're welcome dude Cody what do you think about it oh yeah yeah it looks great uh looks good as new they'll they'll never notice uh anyway I'm done with my beans so I guess I'm going to head home uh good luck Junior yeah it's getting late dude so I got to head home too I'm out of here all right bye Joseph yeah it looks really good no one's going to notice this I'm going to go to bed too all right Junior I'm going to sleep wow Junior you still haven't finished your food look I'll bring you a pillow because you're not leaving this table until you're done eating okay good night oh man I finally get to go to sleep huh oh my God what is that what is this why would anybody do this what is this a shut B what Bowser who pooped in the other room poop look I'm trying to see who made this mess look come and check the other room look oh my God is that chocolate syrup wait Bowser I think I know what happened Junior must have ateen his room spilled SpaghettiOs everywhere and Spilled chocolate syrup cut up the carpet just to cover it up really oh he's so grounded Junior and he's in the kitchen well well well so you think I'm stupid huh so you're going to eat in your room make a mess and try to cover it up and think I wouldn't find out well your dad is not as stupid as you think he is now it's time for that spanking in the face with my face Junior's so stupid he actually thought he would get away with it hey Danny what Jeffy what happened to your eye I don't know what do you mean you don't know you have a black eye Jeffy did someone hit you Jeffy I can't remember what do you mean you can't remember I would remember if someone hit me in the eye or not well I just don't know who did it Marvin we should call the cops someone assaulted Jeffy you can't spell assault without ass Jeffy did someone hit you or not I don't know well we're going to call the cops they're going to find out who did it because they'll take like DNA off your eye and and check everyone's fist Marvin what if jeffy's afraid to tell us because the person that hit him is threatening to hurt him more if he does Jeffy is someone threatening you I don't know if you say I don't know one more time I'm going to hit you well now someone's threatening me okay I'm just going to call the cops hey Leah somebody call the cops yes officer someone assaulted my son well you can't spell assault without ass Bingo this guy knows what I'm talking about look we just want to press Char on whoever did it okay well who did it uh we don't know what do you mean you don't know you can't press charges on somebody if you don't know who they are Jeffy can't remember who did it but can't you like scan his eye for like their fist print what Fist print what are you talking about you can scan fingerprints right yeah so like can't you scan like the fist print and like go in the fist print database and find out whose fist it was fist print database that doesn't exist but it's a fingerprint database and fists are just curled up fingers so like can't you like get like a fist out of the fingerprints what no no no okay that's not that's not going to happen then who how can we find out who did it well the only way we're going to going to find out is if he tells us or if the person who punched him punches somebody else and they tell us who it was like if it was like a Serial puncher well can't you put out like an alert that like there's someone going around punching people I'm not going to put out an alert for a like fist vigilante but but he's punching people and he's on the loose right now we don't even know what the guy looks like so then what are we supposed to do okay I I'll tell you what you figure out who it is and I'll arrest him okay all I know is I didn't do it well I didn't ask if you did it oh I know but you're going to start asking questions about who did it and I just want to eliminate myself as a suspect cuz I did punch a kid in the face today but it wasn't him why'd you punch a kid in the face oh he had it coming believe me I'll tell you so earlier today I was patrolling in the park right and it was a beautiful day so I was just walking around minding my own business and then all of a sudden out of nowhere this kid runs up and he shoves me and he yells tag you're it and I'm like what what the hell what is this some kind of game so I start chasing him around and I'm putting on the burners right cuz this kid is fast and he's running around he's giggling he yells you're never going to catch me and I'm like oh when I catch you I'm I'm going to beat your ass so then we're running around all over the park and then he trips and he falls in a sandbox and I'm like oh I got you now you little bastard and then he kicks sand in my face and I'm like oh you're not going to kick sand at me so I punch him in the face and I'm like tag you're it and then he starts crying and then his mom runs over and she's like you just punched my son in the face and I'm like yeah I did what are you going to do about it so I throw her on the ground and I start arresting her and then all these people run up with their phones out and they start taking videos of me and I'm like that's not good so I start throwing hay makers I start punching everybody there who has a phone and then I take their phone so there's no evidence of what I did and I run away so yeah that's why I punched that kid today well I guess if that's the only kid you punched in the face wait a minute I did punch another kid today what you did why don't worry it wasn't your son but you got to hear this what this one's even worse so I run back to my house with all the phones I stole from the people at the park right and I throw them down on the counter and I'm like honey sell these phones on eBay cuz we're going to need the money for all the lawsuits we're about to get so she asked me where the phones came from and I said I confiscated them from some criminals she goes okay well I made you some pizza rolls for dinner so I start jumping up and down cuz I love me some pizza rolls so I grab a handful of them and she's like careful honey those are hot and I'm like shut up [ __ ] so I start shoving those pizza rolls in my mouth right and then my mouth is on fire those pizza rolls are boiling hot they're burning the crap out of my mouth I mean they burn the roof of my mouth so bad I got a little piece of skin that's hanging down and I keep playing with it with my tongue it sucks and then my my wife my wife has the audacity to say I told you they were hot so I throw the plate at her I'm like I know I know what I did wrong you don't have to tell me I should have listened I know shut up so then I'm in a bad mood right and then I hear the doorbell ring and I'm like uh oh this must be the angry mob from the park they want their phones back but it's not it's just some Girl Scouts selling Girl Scout cookies so then I open the door and they say do you want some Girl Scout cookies and I'm like hell yeah I want some Girl Scout cookies shut up why am I even here take my money so I give them a 20 right and then you're not going to believe this the Girl Scout says okay your cookies are going to be here in 2 to 3 weeks what I'm like wait what the hell what kind of Ponzi scheme is this are you even really a girl scout so I punch her in the face and I take my money back 2 to 3 weeks for cookies what is this the new iPhone of Girl Scout cookies I'm not going to pre-order cookies that's ridiculous I I could order cookies on Amazon Prime and get them faster so I go to the store and I buy myself some chips a Hoy and I'm happy so I sit down on the couch and I'm like two to 3 weeks for cookies my ass I say as I shove a cookie into my mouth in anger and then I hurt myself because I remember I already burned my mouth on the pizza rolls so now my mouth hurts and I hate that stupid little piece of skin that's hanging down off the roof of my mouth just God I hate it anyway that was the second kid I punched so you only punched two kids yep just two kids I mean a whole bunch of adults at the park who had phones but just two kids and none of them were your son so how are we going to find out who punched Jeffy I don't know just ask around but be quick cuz I might get fired by the end of the day Marvin what are we going to do okay so we have to go ask everyone we know if they saw who punched Jeffy or if they punched Jeffy so let's split up so we can ask more people okay Marvin who you are asked you don't ask anyone you sit here and you try to remember who punched you okay okay I'm so sorry Cody does it hurt of course it hurts Junior it's a black eye dude stop being a wh little baby hey boys Jeffy has a black eye do you know what happened no I have two black eyes well what about you you have a black eye how did you get that no you don't even want to know how I got this well I'll tell you I'll tell you the story so us three we were playing baseball right I was the batter Joseph was the pitcher and Cody was in the Outfield so Joseph threw a fast ball it was gorgeous and I crushed that hoe I hit that baseball in the outer space Oh yeah we would see a Stars it was flying yeah so Cody was running off the ball going I got it got it but he wasn't paying attention he didn't see the cliff that was coming up so he runs off the cliff and he starts falling he grabs onto the edge of the cliff and he's like guys help me and I'm like Cody I'm on my way I'm trying to save your life and Cody's like I'm slipping I'm slipping hurry and I'm like Cody I'm almost there so as soon as I get there Cody let's go and I reach out to grab him and the only thing I can grab on to is his eyeball so I grab his eyeball and I pull him up and I save his life but he has a black eye cuz I grabbed his eye no Junior that's not what happened yeah yeah yeah that didn't happen like that at all dude you hit the baseball and then Cody went running towards the baseball but then there was an airplane trying to make an emergency landing because the president wanted to watch the baseball game but the landing gear hit Cody in the eye that would have killed me and why would the president want to watch us play baseball well Joseph you forgot you totally forgot what happened no I hit the baseball the baseball hit the president's airplane the plane started going down the president jumped out and parachuted and gave us a thumbs up then then the baseball flew into the city Godzilla appeared Godzilla I totally forgot about Godzilla yeah so Godzilla starts destroying the city starts knocking over buildings and a piece of the building fell off and hit in the eye but that didn't happen either dude you forgot about the meteor that was coming for Earth there was a meteor coming for Earth and then NASA had to shoot it down with a missile and it broke into a million pieces and one piece flew into Cody's eye oh yeah no no no I'll tell you what happened okay we were playing dodgeball and you guys didn't have a dodgeball so you decided to start throwing baseballs at my face that's why I have a black eye oh that that we were doing that good time okay but do you know how Jeffy got his black eye no hey shf peipi I got a question oh Marvin it was horrible how'd you get a black eye shfp oh the worst thing happened I was trying to make a triple chocolate cake the hugest cake and out of nowhere a fly came flying in my kitchen and I couldn't let it touch the chocolate cake it's too beautiful so I picked up a rolling pin and tried to swat it like crazy SWAT it get out of here fly go and then the fly the fly took the rolling pin from me it start beating me up in my face like crazy and then they called us fly home boys and they pulled up in the Box Chevy and said wrong neighbor hood [ __ ] it start beating me up like crazy even worse oh no what happened to the cake they took the cake Marvin I'm so sorry well Jeffy has a black eye so I was wondering if you know how Jeffy has a black eye it must have been those flies they're ruthless dude I'm telling you Marvin oh there's someone at the door hold on sh I hope it's not the Flies hello hey Marvin I'm here for your health payment wait I I I don't have my Health Payment but how'd you get that black eye well let me come inside and I'll tell you all about it okay so the craziest thing happened Marvin I was on my $300 million private jet and you know it cost $300 million because I fly a banner off the back of it letting you know how much I PID for it well on the jet I have a map of the world and I throw a dart at it and wherever the dart lands that's where the jet takes me next so I was throwing a dart and chives walked right in front of it and it hit him in the eye I'm like damn it chives you got my way and then all of a sudden a baseball crashes through the window of the airplane and chives get sucked out so I stick my head out the window and I said chives get your old ass back in here or you're getting a spanking well obviously he doesn't listen so I grabbed my parachute and I parachute after him and I land in some random Park and I see chives hanging out of a bush so I walk up to him and I start giving him a spank it I said don't you ever run away from me again old man and then I pull out my phone to see where we're at and a police officer comes up and punches me in the eye and then he steals my phone so now I'm surrounded by all these poor people and this is the most embarrassing thing ever well my son has a black eye and I was just wondering like how did he get the black eye well it's probably the police officer that punched me in the eye and stole my phone H any luck Marvin no I talked to Goodman and he said it was the police officer but the cop said he didn't hit Jeffy I know but Chef Pepi said it was the Flies flies well who did you talk to I talked to the boys and they said it could be a meteor Jeffy does any of this like make you remember no we're never going to find out who hit Jeffy in the eye hey any of you guys want to buy some stolen phones ooh I like the pink one baby you're not going to buy a stolen phone I got a question for you are you going to ask if they have a warranty cuz no they're stolen and I don't know the pass codes either you're going to have to figure that out on your own well no listen we we asked so many people if they if they hit Jeffy or what happened to Jeffy and no one knows so maybe you hit them and you don't remember hey look man I told you I didn't hit him well C can you like look at him and see if you remember like maybe it jogs your memory hold on let me take a look M oh no oh that's bad what oh you're not going to yell at me are you oh no no what happened okay I think I remember what happened so I was walking to the store to buy cookies right and then I hear this roar sound and I look over and I see Godzilla destroying the city and I'm like well that's not really my problem and then I see Jeffy playing in the street with a baseball and then I look up and I see a plane falling out of the sky and it's about to land right on top of Jeffy so I run over and I push Jeffy out of the way of the plane and I save his life and then Jeffy thanks me and then all of a sudden a little piece of meteor falls out of the sky and hits Jeffy right on the helmet and I'm like wow it's a really good thing you're wearing that helmet that could have been bad and then will Smith from Men In Black walks up and he wants to wipe our memory so we don't remember Godzilla so I just run away but then he slaps Jeffy right in the face giving him a black eye and then wipes his memory yeah I don't really know why I don't remember that that was pretty nuts you'd think I would have remembered that I guess I thought it was a bad dream or something so Jeffy do you remember any of that happening no he's not going to remember because Will Smith from Men In Black wiped his memory didn't you see the movie he's got the little neuralyzer thing and it goes Pew and it wipes you memory you don't remember anything got it buy a stolen phone Jeffy are you ready for dinner Mommy I swear if you guys try to feed me green beans again I will unleash a rage unlike anything you've ever seen before I will say the worst word I can possibly think of in that moment oh Jeffy all right Jeffy here's your dinner green beans one pecker Jeffy Jeffy that's not a bad word well the second word is the second word means be don't say that well the YouTube Robot didn't hear me say it and it does mean well Jeffy just eat your green beans oh I don't have to uh you do have to H I know you not Jeffy eat your green beans why because they're good for you why because they're green why because they're a vegetable why because I don't know Jeffy got you D don't have to eat it Jeffy what can I do to make you eat your green beans um stick your head in a porta potty for 10 minutes Jeffy what's something realistic I can do H stick your hand in Porter Pony for 10 minutes no Jeffy what's something not gross I can do make me a milkshake you're not drinking a milkshake Jeffy that's unhealthy says the fact gu Jeffy there is no fat shaming in this household just because Mario fat what Jeffy look just eat your green beans okay I'll get you a milkshake after you finish your green beans Daddy this is not my first rodeo I'm not even taking these green beans in my mouth until there's a milkshake sitting right here show too that bottom all right Dey you want a milkshake I'll get you a milkshake good yeah oh yeah Mario what are you doing making Jeffy a green bean milkshake Mario that's disgusting no it's healthy he's not going to know he's going to think it's a milkshake okay Mario that's not going to work it's going to work trust me baby look let me just add the milk oh yeah that's looking like a milkshake uh-huh oh that's so gross Mario just trust me baby he's not going to notice it now watch this milk mil shakaroni uh-huh no Mario it looks delicious you can't beat him that look he's not going to know okay no one's going to know no one's going to know all right Jeffy here's your milk Jeffy oh you already back Jeffy since you didn't eat your green beans that means you don't get your milkshake well good cuz I literally just watch you guys with my own two put cans of green beans in the blender and blend it up and try to pass it off as your milkshake well Jeffy what are you talking about we didn't do that you guys were literally 5 ft from me you were standing right there it's true Mario he saw us what Jeffy drink a graen be Milkshake right now okay Daddy Let me just take a sip M oh it's so good M yummy oh what oh what Jeffy stop it Jeffy you know what you're going to eat your green be I'm going to give you five more cans of a green bean D you'll never get a green bean down my throat Mario why don't we try feeding him something else never never J This Means War oh he's going to get some green beans he's going to eat some green beans [Music] tonight jeffy's eating some green beans I sure showed my daddy I'm never eaten green beans ever ever again hey Jeffy who's that your worst nightmare daddy why do you sound like that you should ate your green beans when you had the chance No More Mr Nice Guy and why are you wearing those goofy glasses you're going to regret not eating your green beans well I'm not eating them so I don't know what you want me to say do me a favor say ah you missed ha I don't miss twice huh okay maybe I miss twice but I won't miss a third time third time a charm bull Jeffy you chose the hard way when you sh chose the easy way Mario how's it going I just fed Jeffy a mouth full of green beans oh good did he like him send him right to sleep Mario Jeffy is not breathing but he's not oh he's just playing around he just act like that cuz it tastes so bad well how did you feed it to him shot it down his throat with this Nerf gun Mario he's choking well he's not choking he looks nothing like the Atlanta Falcons Mario Mario you have to give the high like he's dying I'm not going to lick his butt Mario we need to call the doctor right now so he can sa Jeffy Jeffy come on stop playing around stop playing around Jeffy Mario call the doctor okay okay I'll call the doctor hey there somebody call Doctor my son is choking hold on let me finish my line first hey there somebody call a doctor doctor my son is choking hold on hold on I'm the doctor here no one's choking unless I say they're choking let's take a look [Music] um well the good news is he's not choking really yeah the bad news is he already choked what he already choked get up CBR hold on how old is he 16 ooh yeah sorry no can do 18 and up that's my rule you're not dating him well you don't know you know it starts with the kiss and then maybe you go out to dinner and one thing leads to another so I just want to play it safe 18 or up you know call me in 2 years we'll see what happens there's nothing you can do like what's wrong with him I mean he's is dead man he's dead oh God how long is she going to be doing this cuz I'm going to go I mean this is really the worst part of the job honestly I'm to tell parents that their kid croaked it's like I come out of the operating room they're like how is he and it's like G can I just text it to you cuz I don't really want to say it out loud Mario killed him I'm sorry what he shot up with the God okay should I be getting my cop uniform oh no no no this what happened this what happened look I took this Nerf gun and I put green beans in it because Jeffy wouldn't eat his green beans and I shot him down his throat and then he choked I don't this isn't really looking too good for you no no no it was an accident EXC Excuse me miss miss miss yeah yeah could you keep it down we're trying to have a conversation could you just take that to another one please I'm sorry thank you my God you have to live with that Jesus I was I was going to arrest you but that's punishment enough you're going to be deaf so so jeffy's really dead yeah he's dead he's gone forever like there's no bringing him back yeah that's what dead means there's nothing you can do to bring Jeffy back I mean you could try burying him in the pet cemetery what's that oh it's a movie I saw one time it's like these people they bury the pets in like the cemetery and the Pets Come Back to Life Is that real no man it's a movie well then why would you tell me about that I just thought it was cool I don't know so you can't bring Jeffy back to life no sorry I can help you bury him though you can help me bury him yeah I'll go get my shovel and I guess we can just bury him in the backyard like a like a pet hamster or something well come on oh Jeffy I'm so sorry all right he's buried oh poor Jeffy yeah it's a good thing you had a spare piece of wood we could go ripping through though oh I miss him so much it's all my fault oh oh yeah some advice if you ever sell your house uh let the people who live here after you know that your son's buried in the backyard you don't want them getting a nasty surprise when they try to put a pool in okay I'll remember that jeffy's gone forever and all we have to remember him by is this helmet oh baby I'm so sorry but we can always make another one what do you mean Mario we can always make another Jeffy but Jeffy ate all the Playdoh I didn't mean make him out of Play-Doh then what did you mean Mario just forget it look just after a while it'll be like Jeffy never existed you did this well it was an accident I was just trying to feed him his vegetables and it cost him his life look if I could bring Jeffy back I would you know I would I didn't mean for him to I didn't mean for him to choke you know I didn't know that was going to happen I thought he was going to eat his vegetables like baby if I could bring Jeffy back I would but that'll never happen he he's gone forever and I miss him so much is that my phone jeffy's calling Jeffy answer it Mario this better not be some type of prank uh hello uh [Music] hello uh you got you got the wrong number bye was it Jeffy Mario what I mean he's dead so no it's not him someone has his phone is messing with us we had to disconnect that number who's at the door I don't know Mario let's go answer let's go answer who is that Mario uh let me check is it I don't know this some scary thing Mario we need to open the door what makes you think we have to do that what if it's Jeffy it's not Jeffy I I don't know what that thing is Mario I'm opening the door what what's wrong with you Jeffy is like [Music] you is that Jeffy I don't know it kind of looks like Jeffy but it's like it's like he's a zombie what's he doing what's he doing [Music] yeah that's Jeffy that's definitely Jeffy okay so let's call a doctor and see if he can be saved so maybe he has some life in him and he's just really sick you know let's call a doctor come on Jeffy come on come on Jeffy hey there somebody call a doctor yes doctor my son is a zombie a zombie Mario I don't want to stand by him I'm afraid he's going to eat me all right Jeffy look get away from rosalena come closer to me come closer to me touch me touch me I need to take a shower I need to take a shower e wipe it off don't don't touch me with that so so what do we do about my son being a zombie well I don't know what happened I don't know like he just showed by our front door breathing like that and acting all scary like maybe he's still alive maybe he needs medical attention well I guess I could give him like a like an examination of something I mean clearly his arm is missing and that eye looks like it's gone bad wait Jeffy Show us the top of your head oh yeah his brain's sticking out that's not good was it like that already I don't know he always wore a helmet so I don't know if his brain was sticking out oh well I do like those sweet designed jeans he's wearing hey hey you get those at ABA zoman Fitch you get it like like Abba croman Fitch is the clothing store but but he's a zombie you know so so like he chop at ABA zoman fish yeah yeah we get it yeah yeah you get like ABA zoman fish cuz it's you know it's like a pun you know okay was there anything you can do about our son being a zombie like can you bring him back to life well I don't know about that but I do know zombies eat brains and we should probably get him some brains before he gets hungry yeah we don't want him EA our brains oh I just remembered I have a whole bunch of brains in my car I'll be right back okay these brains look delicious why do you have a plate full of brains in your car what you don't like to get a little road brain I like to munch on these while I'm driving you eat brains well yeah when you eat some body's brain you learn everything they know like let me check this guy out o okay okay did you know that when the queen ant dies all the other ants in the colony also die because they live off of the Queen's poop that guy was an entomologist what okay well we shouldn't we be feeding these brains to Jeffy he's the one that's a zombie oh yeah sure here you go Jeffy Jeffy chew with your mouth closed all right so now that he's eaten those brains what do we do can we turn Jeffy back into a human H I don't know oh I have an idea if I if I try tasting all these brains maybe one of them will know what to do okay okay let me try this one Jeffy oh okay oh oh okay okay yeah I I think I know what to do what well you see Jeffy came back from the dead because he wants to teach you a lesson now if only one of these brains spoke zombie yeah that that that was the one okay Jeffy uhhuh [Music] uhhuh what's he what's he saying uh-huh I see I see okay what's he want well you see what Jeffy needs is he needs you to stick your head in a p party for 10 minutes what yeah that's what he wants is that is is there any anything else I can do well let me ask no that's what he wants go do it okay I'll do it I'll I'll go to the pter potty okay there's a pter potty once told me oh hey Donkey Shrek you were in there yeah donkey I gave birth to a little crap baby out of my butthole 8 lb 3 oz donkey I'm a proud mommy so so it stinks really bad in there oh yeah donkey I think the stinch is starting to breach the doorway hurry up and get a whiff donkey 1 2 3 all right do it with me donkey oh God it smells so bad yeah donkey if you're going to go in there I think you're going to need a gas mask donkey [Laughter] okay oh God I did it I did it it was so gross but I did it that was payback Daddy for you making me in your green bean what we got you good Mario we you were a part of this I did the makeup makeup yeah Daddy this is all makeup am I a pretty girl and who do you think really amputated jeffy's arm so you could pull it off me so all you guys were in on this why Mario you shouldn't force feed Jeffy to eat green beans yeah Daddy and whatever you experiened out in that pora potty is exactly what happens every time I have to eat green beans I guess you guys are right I shouldn't just force feed Jeffy green beans I should actually feed him nutritional foods and and with protein and and other types of stuff from the food pyramid it shouldn't just be green beans I'm sorry Jeffy for all these years of me trying to force feed you green beans I promise I'll be a better dad and feed you different foods pee PE that's what I'm talking about daddy all right Jeffy where's my 20 bucks oh it's righty here there go thank you all right Jeffy come on let's go get your arm s back on all right hey hey Daddy Jeffy what do you want I got a big blue ball I have elephant Titus and I'm bouncing on it well Jeffy don't bounce in here well where am I supposed to bounce well go bounce in the hallway all right stop [Music] it bounce bounce bounce who there ball those are stairs and we can't go down the stairs or can we let's bounce down the stairs Jeffy what was that noise I swear if he broke something Jeffy Jeffy you get your butt in here right now Jeffy why did you break the glass what happened technically I didn't break the glass the ball did I'm tired of your excuses jimy well why did you ask me what happened oh so you're saying the ball did yeah okay the ball broke it well guess what's going to happen to your ball one was going to happen come on come on okay all right Jeffy say bye-bye to your ball bye ball where you going daddy why would you do that because I popped it so you couldn't play with it anymore that's mature what if I took a knife and just started stabbing all the things you you like you know what I'll be right back Jeffy you get back here right now let's breaking it because I don't want you play with anymore Jeffy you put that knife down all right daddy now we're even Jeffy you're going to fix the couch now you're going to fix my ball now Dy Dy that is it Mis you are grounded I'm talking no phone that's all right I don't even have a phone no TV that's okay I don't even watch TV no video games Danny the only thing I need is my diaper I could spank it for hours well then no more diaper daddy you took my dier you're the worst daddy ever I wish you were never alive oh okay you wish I was never alive well who's going to feed you and take care of you okay okay I'll show him I'll show him if I was never alive okay so Jeffy wishes I was never alive well I'm going to leave this skeleton here and make him think I died and I'm going to go on a little vacation and see how he lives without me put my hat on him to make him think it's me since Daddy took my diaper I'm going to start breaking all his stuff but I always Brak stuff and daddy never learns his lesson so I I need to destroy something that he really cares about I know his hat I'm going to light it on fire and now teach daddy a lesson all right there's my daddy I just got to figure out a way to distract him so I can take his hat well hey Daddy lovely weather we're having today isn't it I heard it's going to be cloudy with a chance of meatballs oh look a meatball happy birthday to dny hat happy birthday to Daddy's hat happy birthday to Daddy's hat he's never going to get it back I'm going to go show Daddy his new hat all right Daddy I hope you like your hat extra crispy daddy oh I get it you're giving me the silent treatment well it's okay I'll just go back to burning the rest of your hat hey Jeffy hey Junior what are you doing oh nothing I just got done burning my daddy's hat you burnt your dad hat sure did he's going to be so mad no he's not he's right there ask him all right Junior now I know my dad's ugly but you don't have to go screaming at him well that's a skeleton what's a skeleton that no that's my Daddy Junior well if that's your dad then he's dead he's not dead he was alive enough to pop my ball with a knife well he popped your ball with a knife yeah and the worst part is he took my diaper well he deserves his hat to be burned exactly Junior that's exactly what I did oh well how do you feel your dad's dead my dad's not dead Junior yeah he is a skeleton you're fibbing I'm not fibbing No Cap No Cap I'm talking burnt cap right there well that's a burnt cap and I'm No Cap but your dad's dead he's a skeleton my dad's really dead y yep he's gone forever oh what am I going to do if he's really dead I mean I guess you can party and break all the stuff you want to break we can throw a party Junior yeah we can throw a party and do whatever you want yeah woo let's send it let's party wo this is for all the people whose daddy di tonight if your daddy died tonight say what what uh uh uh when I say daddy you say dead Daddy's dead Daddy's dead when I say Daddy's you say dead Daddy's dead Daddy's dead when I say knock knock you say who's there no who's there no who's there when I say ding you say d ding dong ding dong ding dong all right I'm going answer the door all right uh hello hey there is Mario here why are you wearing a helmet oh cuz I rode my bicycle still has training wheels on it cuz I was never taught how to ride a bike and usually I drive my Lamborghini but it's in the shop oh well you here for the party wait are there yoga instructors doing downward dog no I didn't think so but anyway is Mario here uh uh Mario he doesn't live here anymore did he move where is he well he's either in heaven or a really fiery bad place what are you talking about he died today Mario died oh no oh my Mario my precious Mario who's going to pay all his debts who am I going to annoy every single day he was the only person who never paid his house payment oh no what am I going to do I'm so sorry to hear about this but yeah he died today oh no is there going to be a funeral I I I don't know I mean his body's still upstairs his body still upstairs yeah oh no Mario my poor Mario who's going to pay his dead I'm going to have to take his house I'm going to have to sell his house I'm going to need everyone out of this house by the end of the night I already have a buyer for it my poor Mario who you in the door Junior oh some guy asking for your dad but I told him he was dead and that he's never coming back what's wrong Jeffy I just realized that my daddy's dead and he's never coming back I thought you were happy I got to go call the police and see if they can figure out what happened to my daddy oh man when are the police going to be here hi there young fella did you call 911 sorry I'm late I was all tied up stripped down yeah when I came in here I saw that my daddy was a skeleton oh no this is a cry thing y'all I better call for backup officer top what's up officer bottom this man's all bones just fact we like him oo you know how many bones are in the human body how many one more if you keep looking that good hey what happened to my daddy looks like someone so all the laugh out of them how is that possible we just got here hey looks like we're going to have to search this crime scene top and bottom hey oh officer bottom why aren't you in uniform because he took it off of me you animal oh yeah well you can't talk like that at work we're on the clock I was on the clock earlier mine is the L hey oh man looks like someone stabbed this couch with a knife that's hard evidence you better show me your hard evidence at the office let's go hey there fat boy look at this candy I found it makes it sound like fireworks in the mouth well that's cool I guess what's wrong with you you big cry baby well I think my daddy's dead watch this candy it sounds like fireworks in your mouth cool but what do I do if he's really dead go to Walmart buy a new one they sell Danes at Walmart yeah they fell everything oh well I didn't think about that hey watch this candy in my mouth it's down that fireworks you can leave now okay hi there young fell after officer top shoved this hard evidence in my faith I was spee with I could barely breathe and we concluded after a long deep search oh it was deep that that's just a Halloween ornament your dad's playing a prank on you he's not really dead my dad's playing a prank on me yep and this case is closed but we're about to open up another case at home oh that case is always open hey we're about to take the dirt road home I love the dirt road I can't believe my daddy was playing a prank on me I got to get him back all right there now when my daddy comes back he's going to think that I died oh wait he's coming let me hide Jeffy did you learn your lesson Jeffy oh no oh no Jeffy probably thought I died so then he died oh no hey Daddy Jeffy you're alive yep I just did the exact same thing that you did to me but I did it to you okay well look now we're even Jeffy let's just act like none of this ever happened I'm sorry for yelling at you over an accident let just act like this never happened okay okay now where's my hat oh right here Daddy I'll hope you like it extra crispy that is it Jimmy you are grounded I'm going to break your helmet give me sh me shoot get away daddy who's that you see six bedrooms three and 1 half bath Mario you're alive yeah I thought you were dead no wait why are you wearing a helmet well because I had to ride my bicycle here my Lamborghini's in the shop I never learned how to ride a bike the whole thing Mario what I thought you were dead how are you alive I've been alive the whole time you slide dog you sat there and faked your death so you got out of pain your house pay no no no no no I faked my death to teach my son a lesson you better apologize to Mr Krabs because he thought he was going to buy a six-bedroom three and a half bath house well I I well you shouldn't have put it up for sale because I've been living here yeah I thought you were dead how how was I Mr Krabs I'm sincerely apologize Mario over here faked his death well I did not fake it oh I did but for my son look I'm sorry you know what Mario you pay me your house payment right now well is there any discounts I don't really have it right now sure I can give you a discount I'll mark it up double and give you half off that's still paying the house payment Mario you pay this house payment right now or I'm selling your house Jeffy what are you doing Jeffy what are you doing why are you dressed like me why are you dressed like me oh I get it oh I get it you're dressed like me so you're going to repeat everything I say you're dressed like me so you're going to repeat everything I say well I'm just not going to get mad well I'm just not going to get mad but seriously why but seriously why like take it off like take it off I'm being serious Jeffy I'm being serious Jeffy Jeffy stop it Jeffy stop it Mario calm down he's just having fun but he's being stupid but he's being stupid Mario I guess you're right I guess you're right pancakes ice cream School Bus Bounty balls Link in the description super cous you didn't say what I said you didn't say what I said no you just went no you just went you didn't do the thing you didn't do the thing Mario he's just a kid let him play Jeffy how are you doing today good Mommy ah you broke character you broke character no you weren't supposed to answer her you're only supposed to say what I say no you weren't supposed to answer her you only supposed to say what I say stop it Jeffy I'm going to hit you I'm going to hit you Mario don't teach him that I'm going to watch TV I'm just going to watch TV hello there my name is Chris to balls and this is my Chris toall Ball and I can predict your future for five bucks so come on down and get your future predicted and see where your life is headed Mario we should go see him he could tell us our future I'm not going to go see a guy named Chris tall balls he sounds like a c Chris tall balls is not a c he's a pioneer he's been telling futures for over 50 years well I don't want to know my future but hopefully jeffy's not in it Mario don't say that that's rude yeah Daddy that was pretty rude oh so you're done repeating me oh so you're done repeating me but no Jeffy you can't just start back up oh no Jeffy you can't just start back up please Mario it would be so much fun no no Mario please go with me I don't want to go I don't want to go see look jeffy's on the right page she look jeffy's on the right page come on Jeffy we should all go together well I want to go no I don't no I don't well which one is it Jeffy do you want to go or not yeah I want to go but I don't want to go but I don't want to go Jeffy make up your mind I do want to go I really really really really really don't want to go I really really really really don't want to go see see see Jeffy doesn't want to go see see Jeffy doesn't want to go if I can convince Jeffy to stop repeating you will you go yes yes Jeffy stop repeating Mario all right mommy was that easy let's go PE PE all right now I'm going to predict your future yes it says here that you are going to be very rich and wealthy I knew it all right who's next come on in hey there cook Mario don't be rude $5 what $5 oh yeah here's your $5 wonderful oh come on now come here you oh the friction is non-existent you know what do with that hello there my name is crystal balls and these are my crystal balls oh I get it what your name is crystal balls and those are crystal balls it's the same word it's not the same at all yes it is your name is crystal balls and those are crystal balls correct yeah so you did that you you you named yourself that to to sound like crystal balls no my name is Chris last name tall balls and those are my crystal balls yes but like it's supposed to it's supposed to be like a joke like to sound like Crystal bald no there's no correlation there Mario I think you're overthinking it no his name is crystal balls and those are crystal balls that would make sense if his first name was Crystal and his last name balls but his first name is Chris Mario it doesn't make sense your name is crystal balls tear and those are my crystal balls and they sound the same no oh you know you tell my future all right what's your name again Mario yes I knew that all right here we are oh oh Mario yes know your name yes all right Mario your future is you're going to be bald he is bald ah correct Wonder Wonder F Well i' I've always been bald that's not even a future all right who's next me me me oh wonderful $5 oh I only have a 10 oh perfect you'll get two for the price of two all right here we are hello there my name is Chris toall balls what's your name dear roselina oh roselina let's see let's predict your future that's how I turned my balls on boo boo boo boo all right roselina it says here that you're going to be getting a uh uh a haircut I was thinking about getting a haircut perfect wonderful who's next okay come on he he just made up something he just randomly said you're getting a haircut everybody gets haircuts Mario there's no way he thought I could possibly get a haircut one day there's hair in front of your eye he knows you need a haircut correct so who's next well she gets two all right so who's next well how about you tell us your future since you know so much oh wonderful what what's my name Chris tall balls oh you're correct sir all right here we are chrisal balls bo boo bo bo boo boo oh it says here that I will pay off my tax debt and and I'll have no more tax leans because I'll be making $5 by calling people out of fake future tellings yes and who ate the donut what Mario don't laugh who ate the donut did Sir what are you what are you talking about what Donut oh my apologies guys my I have early onset dementia and I just forget things almost instantly okay well have a nice day all right who's next but Mario what about Jeffy he would love this he just admitted to cting us out of $5 with fake future tellings oh come on Mario Jeffy would have so much fun okay if you want to lose five of your dollars then get Jeffy in here okay $5 here Jeffy I got $5 from your wallet all right thanks all right what's your name son Jeffy all right Jeffy let's see here boo Jeffy Boo Boo Boo bo bo bo bo bo bo bo bo all right now wait wait wait oh oh yes your future telling Jim Bob all right here we are oh Jim Bob it says here that you are going to uh die in your future die when uh it it says here it could be tomorrow or or in 2 days or a year from now or or 5 years from now or 10 or 20 or 30 or 40 or who ate the donut Jeffy Jeffy what's wrong Santa Claus said I was going to die oh hold on Jeffy we don't say that word on YouTube we say go to sleep forever well Santa Claus said I'm going to go to sleep forever Jeffy you're not going to go to sleep forever I mean eventually you will but not anytime soon probably Mario when I mean honestly it could be any day now any second I mean we never know when our time comes oh I don't want to go to sleep forever Dad well look Jeff the man's a c and he doesn't even know how to tell the future he's just cting us out of money he was just making up stuff he was just saying obvious facts like obviously I'm bald and obviously Rosalina needs a haircut and obviously one day we're all going to go to sleep forever including you but I don't want to go to sleep forever don't tell him that Mario he needs to know the truth like Jeffy literally Anything could happen like you could pick up this remote and it could electrocute you or uh you could walk and trip and break your neck well I'm never walking again I mean oh Jeffy Anything could happen like a plane could crash into the top of the house I thought you said you weren't walking I'm running Mario why would you scare Jeffy like that I didn't scare him I just told him the truth one day we're all going to go to sleep forever and it's your fault that we went to that future tell in the first place I thought it was stupid hey mommy hey Daddy Jeffy why are you dress like that you look ridiculous a I think he looks kind of cute it's my armor and nothing's ever going to hurt me I'm never going to go to sleep forever Jeffy that's bubble wrap not armor it's armor okay if it's armor then why can't it pop ooh Jeffy stop it it's annoying Jeff stop Jeffy Jeffy Jeffy it's actually really dangerous that you have Bubble wrapped wrapped all over you because what if you have a heart attack and doctors have to do emergency surgery but they can't get to your heart because this bub wrap is is is all over your body okay yeah we we need to stop this let's call Chris tall balls and tell him that he need to tell Jeffy that he'll never go to sleep forever so he can stop being scared of everything okay Mario you cold I brought my portable crystal ball well thank you for coming Crystal $5 here you go all right so the reason we called you is you really scared our son when you told $10 I just paid you you did $10 look here that's all the money you're getting okay look the reason we called you here is that we need you to tell my son that he's never going to go to sleep forever but we'll all go to sleep forever at one point or another okay well then tell him he'll go to sleep forever in like 100 years just not now or anytime soon okay where is your son Jeffy get in here what's up Daddy Santa Claus uh read your future wrong so he wants to tell you something new oh oh hey Sant Claus hello there Jeffy all right let's take a look at your [Music] future yes um excuse me sir what am I supposed to be doing again tell him he'll go to sleep forever in like 100 years just not anytime soon oh God all right hurry up stiffy here it says here that you won't go to sleep for at least another hundred years no no no no go to sleep forever in 100 years like oh wonderful oh it says here that you won't go to sleep forever for another 100 years so I don't have to be scared for another 100 years correct oh thank you Santa Claus oh no problem son all right let's see here uh uh
Channel: Dr. Junior
Views: 114,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, sml reuploaded, sml jeffy, sml marathon, smlytp, sml old videos, sml reaction, sml movie, sml ytp, sml animated, sml archive, sml alien, asml, asml movie, sml bowser jr, sml cody, sml chef pepe, cool cody sml, sml drama, dr junior, sml movie 2023, new sml movie 2023, sml movie jeffy 2023, a new sml movie, every sml movie from 2023, sml new movie 2023, best small movies of 2023, sml movies 2022, jeffy's, all jeffy videos, animation jeffy, a new jeffy
Id: flrqnju5HuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 200min 8sec (12008 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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