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we busted 365 of the most insane myths like can sharks smell a drop of blood can you actually barricade a door using Furniture can you catch an arrow with your bare hands and many many more because we're busting 365 myths we have one myth for you guys the boss and that is you won't watch this video all the way to the end to start things off we're gonna see how many giant balloons it takes to stop an arrow and for comparison here's how big the balloons actually are I'm giving them Bob three two one [Music] as you guys can see the balloons actually curve the arrow so in a way it did work but we're gonna try that one more time take two oh so close so I guess three giant balloons is all it takes to stop an arrow we're all familiar with the myth then you can protect yourself from a home invasion by barricading your door using Furniture but does that actually work well we have 30 seconds to find out all right we're gonna move the couch here first perfect perfect let's put the tables right here and while they're barricading the door do you think you have what it takes to knock it down guess we'll find out I'll actually have you know Sean's in there then that goes coming down true blue who's going through the door does the voice sound familiar to you Shawn why that's not gonna help oh my gosh hey it looks like they did a pretty good job barricading the store no me and this man oh oh my God I feel like we should have done something to help Sean there well that's mythbusted the next myth is you can catch an arrow with your bare hands ready Tanner as you can see that's myth busted that's right above me for the next myth we're gonna attempt to see how many paper towels it takes to stop a human being a large human being 10 layers what the heck that was easy all right let's bring it up to 100 layers so we just spent the last hour wrapping a thousand layers of paper towels now let's see if it'll stop three two one yo let me do it again 100 ready now I would say let's try ten thousand paper towels but we don't have that many paper towels and back to the future if you drop a DeLorean 88 miles an hour you can time travel we have the actual Delorean from the movie and we're gonna test that myth out there's also a myth that we don't punish girls in our videos I thought you guys didn't punish pretty girls you're right we don't that's not a dunk tank anymore that's a stink tank what the what just happened the next myth is getting your neck cracked actually makes you taller three two one oh oh a few moments later all right Caleb see you guys later man see you later have a good night you guys see ya you got a lot taller it's definitely safe to confirmed if you drop a basketball straight down with backspin it actually falls forward okay we're gonna have to try this somewhere a lot higher oh God we heard that if you put an ice cube in someone's ear when they're sleeping it actually makes them laugh so we're gonna try to Smith out on Tanner foreign [Music] [Laughter] the next myth we're busting is ghosts are real I'm not the only one I I think it's cool that's not funny I actually really believe in this stuff I I genuine genuinely don't know how long I'm Gonna Last I'm not gonna really what happened I hope you said that just happened you can't run faster than 27 miles per hour how fast 28 no you got 24 miles per hour all right I broke you under two groups to play football the Bulldogs and the Rottweilers Bulldogs will be certain yeah you guys are going down [Music] quit everyone former Circle and protect me [Applause] no more CeCe no no tonight the next myth is you can slam someone through a table why'd you take the Dirt away I'm not gonna let them put dirt in their mouth well I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye wait crap no it's still wrapped watch out watch out so our editor fell asleep editing this video and after this next prank he'll never fall asleep again [Music] guys guys this isn't funny come on what the hell guys come on how do you expect me to edit the videos if I'm all the way out here well we put you out here because you fell asleep okay how about this if this video gets 1 million likes I'll stop falling asleep and I'll get the videos up quicker you guys heard it let's try to get this video to 1 million likes I know you heard it too where where's that down here hello is anyone down here [Applause] the next myth is you guys don't got cake [Music] all right so the scientific method deep fries are you okay yeah but you're banned all right so you know how if you put a hanger over your head it moves it yeah we're gonna try that out okay [Music] prank box well I have Pennywise here and the next time Bob comes to use this restaurant we're gonna scare him [Music] do not if you break the law at night Batman will appear are you handicapped no I'm not I'm not handicapped well you're about to be where am I we're in the middle of the ocean right now and we're going to be facing one of the biggest fears sharks I'm actually terrified of the deep sea so I don't know how I'm gonna swim with sharks [Music] I am never doing that again that was the scariest moment of my life I think I saw Godzilla down there so now we're gonna be facing it's the biggest YouTuber I want to say we're the biggest YouTubers not you guys Alex is the biggest YouTuber wow you guys will never hit 20 million subscribers you know that's actually our biggest fear that would never hit 20 million subscribers and you guys can literally help us overcome that fear by hitting one button so help us prove that hate or wrong by subscribing off your phone to your mom's phone and your friend's phone if you're ever in a fight the first thing you want to do is go back to their neck so it paralyzes them and then you want to choke them so they can't break and then you follow up with two count punches and right after that you want to catch them off guard so [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] ER has 200 IQ that'll be 9 51. you like the milk in a bag yes please in action movies you can walk away from an explosion unharmed [Music] there's a myth that you have to wear a shirt to school sorry I'm late I don't have any time to get ready we have a dress code what you're lucky you get to see all this guys guys I know you guys love it I see the comments you need to leave there's a myth that our punishments aren't extreme enough oh oh that hurt oh I should have never agreed to do this video with you guys man there's a myth that cockroaches can bite humans oh my God I'm gonna get out you want to get out shots one of the biggest fears growing up was peeing your pants wouldn't you agree with that guys yeah yeah right Tanner Tanner [Music] in Titanic there's a myth that both Jack and Rose could have fit on the door it didn't work I think we just busted one of the biggest movie myths Jack could not have fit on the door yeah well he also was in 500 pounds so Sean's biggest fear is the fear of making the first move because he also has a fear of rejection lucky for him we have someone here who's gonna help him conquer both of those fears both who hell no all right you can take off your blindfold if you can take off your blindfold now what a mustache right there okay [Music] why would you how is it no no it could have been better it's the worst gift going down backwards on a slide is more fun thank you oh my God oh my back what are you gonna do with the money if you win Sean John [Music] oh he's asleep Hey Dad it's actually top 10 in fortnite okay well my dad's top eight in Candy Crush well my dad is top five on the FBI's most wanted list oh come on guys come on it was just a joke it was just a joke Bullseye you're eliminated what I'm not leaving now [Applause] oh he didn't deserve it one two three one two three four the next myth is wrestling is fake wow there's a myth that we're only nice to our subscribers y'all got any more room for it brother we always have room for more subscribers subscribers what the hell is that what oh you dog dog get out of here now a really powerful laser can pop through balloons the stratosphere is the scariest bungee jump in the world Tanner how was it that's the craziest thing I've ever done I could see why they call it the stratosphere the next myth is you can milk anything with nipples uh I have nipples can you milk me wait wait wait I did I didn't know you could do that I might just go and milk myself right now back in middle school it was easy to get girls all you had to be was the fastest yeah but now you're the fattest the next myth is Sean likes Bubba's ice cream [Music] your car's been declined declined what but I want an ice cream tell you what you get in the back I'll get your free ice cream okay wait so where's the ice cream no ice cream just as popsicle whoa Sean is everything okay yeah I'm fine why was the van shaking like that then we were just looking for the popsicle yeah there's a myth that your dad loves to spank you oh Mr Stokes drive-through workers are always polite oh can I add a large fry to that you know we closed in like 10 minutes come on bananas can slit on humans [Music] the next myth is camping is dangerous oh my God so we're in the middle of the street and the next myth is you can run through a red light with a shopping cart and I actually have a special camera in this airpod so everyone's about to find out what's in their sewage system oh 200 bucks gone just like that foreign there's a myth that boss went to jail for shoplifting wait isn't that Bach oh man small world huh can a helmet really protect you from a fall well we're going 100 feet into air to test that Miss three two one oh my God that's definitely myth busted because look the head came off just like it would in real life right there's a myth that you guys like to waste water [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] we just got done scouting out this area with our drone we should all go streaking since there's no laws here oh yeah yeah this video is about to go hard [Applause] what the Sean huh oh well the video didn't go hard but I did foreign chiropractors make you fart [Music] dogs hate sparkling water sit [Music] what is the spice and Pirates of the Caribbean they were able to breathe underwater by flipping a boat upside down dude oh my God the next myth is girls don't poop why'd you just make that noise I just used your bathroom I forgot to flush [Laughter] what's that sound you guys hear that sounds good it's coming from the bathroom was that Sean thank you [Applause] dinner is served and 007 James Bond is able to keep his tuxedo completely dry by wearing a wetsuit wait it's state drive for the most part so I would say that Smith confirmed oh you want some ice cream [Music] hamburger well you can have the sauces not at a time like this Sean how many likes would it take for us to get you to do your surgery none I will never I'm not I'm too scared I'm honestly too scared no amount of life so give me to get my wisdom teeth removed all right what if we hit a million if this video actually gets a million likes guys then I will actually do it but it's not gonna get a million likes so yes it will yes it will he'll get a million watch I believe in you guys see you in a week you guys are always getting into trouble what the hell is going on here's a Life Hack That movies use to get their actors to cry on command it's gonna be okay Sean just hang in there [Music] you should have gave me the ball girls are more flexible than guys all right what is this 51. what what three times 60 61 65. and Superman wearing glasses hide your identity Alex we could still tell it's you for obvious reasons oh Richard keep my son's name out of your mouth come on that song sucks play something else a silver play [Music] popcorn tastes better at the movies oh yeah [Music] if you drop the soap Sean will appear behind you the next myth we're busting is pads are super sticky foreign [Music] Stormtroopers have terrible aim well we have a real life Stormtrooper right here and we're gonna put that to the test as you can see this is myth confirmed foreign we're going to show you guys how to peel an onion without crying so stick the fork in the back for support and then start peeling away whoa wow as you guys can see it works okay what is he doing [Music] [Applause] that's me did you know that that's me that is you I voice that character that's me the next myth is Brian has anger issues okay that's enough you need to leave now I don't think so what are you gonna do beat me up yeah please for this myth we're gonna be testing if it's possible to fly using an air glider Caleb are you ready I'm gonna die in three two one oh wow that didn't work at all well at least you got some Hang Time hey I got a concussion too now all we need is some baking soda there's a myth that Slenderman isn't real you also try to play three on three oh no it's impossible to tell twins apart but I actually get a cup of water as well [Music] all right thank you as in because you put the jacket on [Music] one day we actually have 500 for each of you guys everyone here is gonna walk away with some money today because they're all subscribers wait everyone here is a subscriber what did you say oh I'm not subscribed whoa you up now Tanner takes everything literally that'll be 8.89 insurgical chip did you [Music] so we just bought these Lady Gaga Oreos off Tick Tock and we're gonna see if they work or not all right [Music] for this next man we're gonna test to see if you scare someone bad enough they'll pass out I mean okay look this is based on a true story hey don't say that [Music] hey enough and up and up enough I think we may have taken this prank a little too far the next movie myth is humans can fly if they have wings all right we're gonna have to try somewhere a lot higher three two one [Applause] well that didn't work either so Tanner step on here all right close your eyes all right so Tanner on a count of three you're gonna fall and we're gonna catch you okay all right one two three [Music] an umbrella actually works as a parachute I felt like I was floating for a second there's a myth that if you pull off a tablecloth fast enough nothing on a table will move and we're actually going to test this myth with the world's fastest car [Music] two hours later it didn't fall off [Applause] well it didn't break think of that everyone thinks we don't look like twins anymore because we don't look like twins anymore stop hey look we need to do a who can lose the most play in 24 hours what's stopping you from doing everything I don't have a metabolism Anymore Alan that's what's stopping me I was the only person stopping you from losing weight is looking right back at you from that mirror all I see is you Ellen oh sorry here get on this side okay now look still you Alan is it yes I'm looking at you so I meant you well when I look at him stop looking at the mirror okay look what's important is do you want to be twins again stop looking at the mirror the mirror was my bad forget the mirror now do you want to be the Stokes Twins or the Stokes Brothers The Stokes twins then let's become twins again and Brian what is your plan to get past the girls what's my plan they're girls I'm just gonna walk by them I was raised not to hit women but y'all ain't women to me [Music] no the only right thing to do is split the money wow such a good guy holy that's a lot of money look it's James Charles if you scream at a high volumes you can actually break glass [Music] [Applause] hospital bills are very expensive and one friend who's always in and out of the hospital is the wrap Zach I know you're constantly going to the hospital because of Brian so I decided that I'm gonna pay for all of your hospital bills why is Brian here well Brian as of today agreed that there's going to be no more bad blood between you two but what am I getting out of it I actually signed you up and paid for your anger management classes what you think I have anger issues who's gonna make me go to anger management classes now [Applause] Hey Russ are you gonna be okay I think you might have to pay for one more hospital bill stepping on a banana peel will make you slip and fall bananas in Harry Potter you can fly if you have a magic broomstick expecto patronum well that didn't work that's because you used the wrong spell erecto patronum a lot of you guys thought it was a prank in our last video when we said that Sean got arrested however we actually have video proof of him in jail getting pranked by Bubba [Music] trick strangers and they're letting us fart on them excuse me yeah could you give me a hand with this please yeah sure ah thanks so much for doing this by the way no problem how could you do that yeah I'm on the phone man hey come on you finished your test please turn them in well I hope you have a great day and I will see you all tomorrow I think you forgot to give us the homework foreign off the Record is WWE fake fake you want a stupid thing is nobody gonna wrestle me right no it's vengeance foreign [Applause] [Applause] for the next myth we're gonna test to see if pigs love watermelon that's not the fireplace Kitty [Laughter] oh my goodness you lost it yeah can you help me find the English building yeah it's right there right over there no no right there [Applause] [Music] yeah [Applause] the next myth is Chuck E cheese sells leftover pizza okay all right what the this looks like it's already been eaten look how uneven the slices are it's not even like fully round I don't care if it's been recycled or not oh that's we're farting on me so our friends are hanging out at the park and right now we're gonna go scare them you got me so wet I was missed I thought I got baptized dude it's crazy [Music] giant spiders are the most common fear and Batman if you use the bat signal Batman will appear this bat signal has been on for the last 30 minutes so that's myth busted [Music] no littering [Music] all tigers are aggressive that's only true if Tigers see you as prey but that day I out muscle the tiger I was a king of the jungle the next myth is lightsabers are made from plasma it's the two big tits dry ice versus bathtub in three two one how come it doesn't know well that's actually because dry ice is so cold that it skips that step due to sublimation that's why it's called dry ax dude no one cares just get out of what was that come on I care you want us to wake him up no it looks like he's having a good dream welcome Sean tell me where it hurts you bad bad boy I have a bad case of this for you sounds to me like you need a sexy SpongeBob [Music] I hope you're enjoying this well consider me soon I think we should have more fun you read my mind now where were we what's wrong buddy what's wrong buddy Moment of Truth here oh no way dude it's like a bath bomb Oh my God there's nothing left I wish this would cats bath water bananas and Sprite make you throw up there you go I wish I was that banana so I guess that Smith confirmed on you shame on you I wished I had my belt right now yeah well you still loved me if I was a man no but Sean would foreign twins can fill each other's pain [Music] for this next prank we're gonna act like we broke our car window playing baseball Alex which one did you break out wow I'll tell you what that's probably a thousand bucks look at it Dad [Laughter] another very common myth is humans only use 10 of their brain we have Caleb hooked up on her brain scanner and as you guys can see according to the data I'm using way more than 10 of my brain if I was using 10 I wouldn't be a scientist I say that word sleep that feeling of relaxation will spread from your arm to the rest of your body it's nice close down now let yourself sleep focus in the sound of my voice all the way absolutely incredible yourself one two three awake eyes open you're good thank you pretty good I've never reacted like that oh my God versus Brian wow wait what yeah yeah us because it looks like you gained weight I'm not that bad okay this is just a fat suit did you take your flat suit off yet yeah that's not much of a difference yeah yeah in Home Alone it's impossible to walk up I see stairs so we put 10 pounds of ice on this step and let's see if Caleb can make it up well that Smith confirmed if you put your tongue on a frozen pole it gets stuck oh oh my God [Applause] sleeping bag can protect you from a fall [Music] a pillow huh hey guys oh my gosh you really think we will throw down a subscriber yeah really eating food on a roller coaster will make you throw up foreign you can't teach a cat how to sit or Shake that's it no here you go so Sean and Alex actually fell into a food coma and we're gonna prank them you can use a trench coat to sneak someone in the movies hello guys it's just me one person yeah working out actually stunt your growth well Sean here has been working out for the last couple of months and Sean would you say working out Center Grove huh no I've grown Sean you're still the same height no but this group but that's from a different kind of workout another myth is if you ride a bike fast enough you can actually ride on water thank you but it's possible to ride a bike underwater oh it's working oh I don't think that worked unless you count pop in a Willie I was riding a buck this is the closest thing I have to pillow okay thank you all right all right good night guys good night wait Alan is that a Ouija board oh [Applause] yeah oh what the hell is that for just making sure you weren't possessed I was possessed oh God whoa whoa whoa there's no drinking on the bus uh I'm not ready to go back and see Bubba I'm not here to take you to jail I'm here to have some fun it's freezing look at these Goosebumps but I'm still in this thing so girl tell her what was that hey come on I was just trying to get some pressure here a few bubbles down there's a myth that some people have a harder time losing weight than others due to their metabolism yeah I mean no matter how hard I work out I just can't lose weight I guess it just runs in a family whoa no one runs in your family come on okay let's see it okay really this is the only cat I'll be kissing so cats is forwarded and I'm gonna test the myth to see if lighting a mask will get rid of a fart smell [Music] it's not working I need to get out of the car so we're gonna put our phone inside a conveyor belt and record what's inside there for you guys pigs love bats all right let's find out I'm pretty sure that's myth busted in some countries it's illegal to smash someone's face into a cake farting on a flame will feed the fire didn't work oh dude I guess you could say that Smith confirmed if you touch a string between two cups you should be able to hear what the other person is saying you ready Sean yeah Sean likes bubbles what'd I say Sean like Bubba toilets flush the opposite direction in the southern hemisphere you could literally see it last like a rotate counterclockwise lucky for us we actually have a friend in Australia right now all right could you flush the toilet for me [Music] it's only male dogs hump well we actually have video proof of Tokyo humping Sean but I think Tokyo learned that one from Sean bruh it's a girl the next myth is that parents love all their kids the same is that true dad do you love us all the same uh no who who do you love the most uh what well do you like me or Alex more I had to pick one take one life Adam I knew it baby dude cutting your hair makes a grow back thicker and faster so Mark I'm gonna need you to go shave all right I'm back Mark I thought I told you to shave I did oh okay so our dad hasn't seen our mom in over half a year and since today is his 70th birthday we decided to surprise him with the best present ever all right Dad you can take off your blindfold [Music] [Laughter] [Music] first thing [Music] right on the white Airport couldn't miss your mom happy Birthday Dad click here to watch our last video [Music]
Channel: Stokes Twins
Views: 24,027,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: busting myths, myths, mythbusters, busting 100 myths in 24 hours, busting 1000 myths, crazy myths, busting 365 myths, stokes twins myths, stokes twins, ben azelart, mrbeast, Brent rivera, lexi rivera, Jeremy hutchins, Jordan matter, dhar mann, unspeakable, preston, airrack, Ryan trahan, faze rug, amp, mark rober, science, science experiments, sofie dossi, sidemen, 365 myths in 365 days
Id: -xB26tQeNwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 24sec (2844 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2023
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