SML Movie- The Meteor! 2023- Full Episode

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oh man Jeffy I can't believe we have tickets to watch the Harlem Globe Trotters play tonight heck yeah Junior they're going to be making full CT shots behind the back blindfolded while how many cheerleaders fart in their face like this oh heck yeah they are that good hey guys what's going on oh hey Cody we have tickets to watch the Harlem Globe CHS play tonight you want to come ooh I do love the Harlem Globe Trotters but I have something else going on tonight that's even cooler what's even cooler than watching the Harlem Globe Trotter spin basketballs on their fingers like this I mean that is pretty cool but I think what I have going on is a little bit cooler what could be cooler than that well there's this Comet that only comes by Earth every 100,000 years and it's coming by again tonight how do we know it only comes by every 100,000 years well because last time it came by was 100,000 years ago who do we know that was alive 100,000 years ago that can confirm that well we don't know anybody it's they can track it how can they track it like did they send someone up 100,000 years ago to put a tracker on it no no they use like math look Junior hop off my [ __ ] it's going to be cool okay it's going to be even cooler than watching the Harlem Globe troter spin basketballs on their nose like this yeah yeah I think it'll be cooler than that how are we even going to see it we just look in the sky no you need a telescope we don't have a telescope Cody but what we do have is three tickets to see the H glob ters play tonight well Junior look in front of you the camera no next to the camera wa a telescope where did this come from oh I got it from the telescope store this puppy cost me 600 smackaroonies you spent $600 on a telescope that's the most nerdy thing I've ever heard you know what you could have bought with $600 60 Harlem Globe chter tickets yeah but I think it'll be worth it this is pretty cool so we just go outside and see it well yeah yeah Junior I mean think about it this is only going to happen once every 100,000 years even your great great great grandkids aren't going to be able to see this Comet again well are you sure it's going to be cool like it's going to be even cooler than seeing the Harlem Globe troter spin a basketball on their wiener like this yeah yeah guys it'll be way cooler than that I promise you won't regret it come on help me get this telescope outside okay all right you pickle lickers you ready to see something so old only cavemen have seen it but they didn't even know what they were looking at cuz I at stupid little C men brains but we know it's a comet because we have technology sure all right I just have to look through this little thing here uh J could you move why cuzz I can only see your butt which normally I wouldn't complain but you know like 100,000 years I can see your butt any day oh look it's the Big Dipper you want to see the Big Dipper Junior sure okay pull down my pants actually it's so cold out here it's more like the Little Dipper but uh oh look there's Orion's Belt I wish You' pull it off and spank me with it that naughty little constellation where's the comet Cody uh I have the the telescope pointed right where it needs to be it should be oh my god there it is that's so cool where where where it just went by I want to see I want to see well it's gone now Junior it's gone yeah it was going like 75 million an hour I mean it's gone when when can we see it 100,000 years from now it's already gone forever well yeah Junior I mean it was zoom and it's gone well we came out here we missed the har Globe charers for this well look I'll find something else cool like like look there's Saturn you can see Saturn let me see what that's just a little dot in the sky well but that's Saturn though it's a star not that's not that's not Saturn not a star it's just a planet it's far away Cody I I think the comment's back what are you talking about the comment's back look what oh my God what is that what oh god it's getting closer it's headed right for us uh Cody what's that it's a meteor Junior and it landed in my backyard yeah what are the odds of that happening I don't know like one in a trillion oh my God I want to touch it well no Junior don't touch it it might be like a million degrees it just fell out of the sky it was on fire well we have to take it inside Cody it's a meteor I don't want anyone else to take it from us yeah oh come on let's grab it Junior I can't believe we actually found a meteor it really came from outer space yeah Junior you saw it with your own eyes like all the way from space I said yes God damn it you smell that Junior that's what space smells like oh it smells like crap yeah but they they say space smells like burnt steak so I guess that's what it smells like I want to lick it well don't lick it it smells bad come on Junior when am I going to get another chance to taste space I'm going to give it a little lick oh oh God that does not taste good what's it taste good it tastes like bu what's it taste good tast like it tastes like bunghole Junior oh can I try it no no Junior bung hole it's an acquired taste you don't want want to taste so it tastes bad yeah it tastes like straight turd oh so what do you think it's made out of well I mean Rock probably do you think it's made out of diamonds or gold or or some material we haven't even found yet I mean I don't know but I mean what if it's radioactive and gives us all cancer What You just licked it oh my God you're right I think we should call an expert just to be sure no Cody we're not going to call an expert because if we call an expert they're going to come take this from us and take all the credit and take all the money what if this is how Bill Gates made all his money I I don't think Bill Gates made his money from a meteor I think he made his money from making Microsoft how do you know he didn't find Microsoft inside a meteor because that doesn't make sense how would you find software inside a meteor what if it was like inside like a a thumb drive inside the meteor I I don't think that's what happened Junior that's insane what are the next iPhones in here I don't think Apple gets their iPhones from meteors that fall out of the sky okay fine well we'll call uh an expert but what kind of expert do we call I think we should call a meteorologist so we're going to have a cold front coming down from the north this week and that's going to bring a lot of cold weather hence the name cold front whenever I have a cold front it caus causes it to shrivel so you can be expecting 1 to 2 in of snow in the Chicago area this week so watch out for black ice that's going to try to take your car off the road because that Black Ice is very slippery so now we're going to go down to local weather here in Florida you're probably wondering why I just gave you the Chicago weather report well I have a buddy flying into Chicago this week and he wanted to know the weather so there you go Bobby uh here in Florida it's going to be hot again you know big surprise there you know low 80s high 80s all week and it's going to be hey hey are you a meteorologist what are you kids doing in here are you a meteorologist yes and I'm trying to do my job right now well we need your help well I I'm in the middle of the weather wait wait wait wait what happened to my pants oh your pants are green so they're blending in with a green screen oh it doesn't it look like I have no pants on yeah yeah is that so you're a meteorologist right yes I'm a meteorologist you come help us what okay fine uh sorry folks uh that's all the weather for today if you forgot what I said just you have an iPhone look it up all right what do you kids want that's so important you had to interrupt my meteorology you know what's important colon health I'm going to go take a stink okay so what do you guys want well you're a meteorologist right yeah you keep asking me that the answer is still yes well we have a meteor here for you oh well see I don't do that you're a meteorologist you mess with meteors no I just do weather you'd be call a weatherologist then well no meteorologists just do weather that's all we do well next thing you're going to tell me biologists don't study bisexual people that's not what that means either what my whole Life's a lie well how do you even know this is a meteor I saw it fall from the sky it sounds like a meteor oh God it smells like dookie because space smells bad see you know more about space than I do why don't you figure this out because I thought a meteorologist would know about meteor sorry I'm dumb well I'm sorry but that's not what we do we just handle weather so what else are you good for well not much I mean just 80-year-olds watch me on the news so that they can go it's going to rain tomorrow I need to cover my patio furniture that's what I think 80-year-olds sound like look I'm a weatherman just call me a weatherman so then what am I supposed to do about this I don't know just talk to an actual scientist somebody who'd actually know okay all right I'm going to go back to work wait is that my green screen back there oh my God I'm not really a meteorologist I'm a fraud I'm just a big stupid fraud man I'm bored you hear that our spaceship detecting the humans are found a m yeah it's got to be worth seven BL tokens the r let's go to Earth and grab them sorry about that Junior I had to go make a stiner Oni and cheese minus the Rooney and the cheese so it was all stink you have a piece of toilet paper on your shoe a dang it get that off yeah what the meteorologist say he said he doesn't deal with meteor it's just weather but he's a meteorologist I know I said that too so what do we do now he said to call a scientist okay I guess I'll go get the phone book and look for scientist oh I'll answer the door you'll answer it yeah I will me I will now leave to go answer the door hello come on let's go what's taking Jeffy so long at aliens I didn't know there was going to be he is now give us this meteor ow what was that for I told you people were going to try to steal this meteor yeah it's very valuable it's worth at least seven block tokens seven BL tokens wait how much is that I'm going to Google it yep T tone hold on uh seven blorp tokens US Dollars oh my God Junior that's $276 oh you're not stealing this yeah we're not going to let you just come up here and Rob us I have a gun all right take it damn I guess we're getting robbed all right I'm going to put my gun down let me just this is really hethy can you help me what grab the gun you think I should grab it grab the gun you shoot him shoot him shoot him he said please you still killed him yeah I feel pretty shitty about that you're a Savage Cody I'm sorry no regard for human life or alien life oh man I'm a monster what you going do about that one uh well you just killing all the aliens I know I'm panicked I'm sorry oh God you're a bad guy what have I done all right so look I think we should take this meteor to Dr fle [ __ ] yeah that's a good idea we know where he lives yeah and then he can tell us how much it's worth if if it has like diamonds in it or if it's poisonous yeah good idea come on let's go wa it's heavy I need help sorry sorry you're hungry you say you're hung I will now create the perfect beverage to go with my lunchable because my mom forgot my capr son mom you [ __ ] okay first I will combine a little bit of green Power Aid yes with a little bit of Zu blue Power Aid yes yes and then a little bit of the red Kool-Aid got him W this is going to be delicious hey what what who are you how did you get in here Mom why did you let these children in my laboratory uh we found this meteor it landed in my backyard a meteor you say good you know what that means aliens I will take a look at this meteor o wa this is not a meteor well yes it is it fell in my backyard I start fall from the sky that is because this is poooo that fell from an airplane what are you talking about well you see the the planes they collect the poooo from the passengers when they use the toilet and then they drop it from 30,000 ft and it creates kind of a a sheit rock and then you have found this and brought it to me during my lunch break so thank you very much for that e I licked it t let's get out of here Cody yes SC Junior I can't believe I like a turd nobody told me it was a turd trying to get the taste out of my mouth hit like to get the taste out of my mouth you didn't hit it yet it still tastes like [ __ ] thank you and if you didn't hit like you're mean so Cody like this's an actual turd Rock yes Junior I thought it was a meteor but you said it smelled bad well that's I I didn't Junior don't remind me it's gross enough so two aliens literally died over a turd rock yeah just glad Jeffy left before they showed up so what do we do with it do we like flush it down the toilet no junor it's a rock we just throw it away okay I'll go get a trash bag yeah this is gross it's it's mine ah he ring me put the money in the bank now can you say please please put the money in the bank mhm someone need to teach you some man before you come up in here robing me baby you come up in here rob me no maners all un all units robbery in progress dispatch I'm on my way is that all the money yeah that's all of it did you call the copse OH police he right here he right here dispatch him on the scat now hey you dropped your cartoon bag of money I'm really sorry about that man here you go thanks hey you better be careful there's a robber going on oh yeah he's over there oh really thanks man all right where's the robber you just ran into him coming through the do that nice guy at the door mhm and you gave him the money oh I am so fired mhm uh are you going to say something Chief gu you gave the robber the money I Know Chief but and then you let him get away yeah I I goofed I'm sorry well that's one goof too many guy you just keep messing up I can't have that what keep messing up what that's the only thing I've ever messed up well what about the time you tased an old lady for driving too slow okay well she was asking for it you know I had some way to be and she was going so slow I don't think I can keep dealing with these mistakes guy no no no Chief I promise I won't mess up anymore I've heard it too many times guy you're fired what fired no no no no no Chief please I'll do anything there's nothing you can do guy now just leave so I can enjoy my donut in peace okay [Music] sir which chief chief are you okay oh no oh my God Chief you're choking help me I'm I'm sorry what help me are you saying hump me help me oh Chief I don't really know how to feel about that but if if it'll save my job okay uh like this harder guy you saved my life I I did yeah you know what you're not fired in fact tomorrow I'm going to have a huge ceremony and give you a medal of honor wow thanks oh man I got to get nice and shave for my awards ceremony today well I better touch up my mustache hey buy no no no no no no my mustache my beautiful beautiful mustache oh why do you look so handsome oh it's God I accidentally shaved it off you did this why did you have to scare me while I was shaving but Bo you look handsome my baby face boy no Karen I don't look handsome I look like a freak I look like my name is Joe or something but your name is Bo Bo Karen I have to go to an award ceremony today how am I supposed to go looking like this oh Bo you look great it'll be fine okay I guess I'll still go hello everybody I've gathered you all here today to give a medal of honor to a police officer who saved my life he's a true hero now please welcome to the stage Brooklyn te guy hey hey everybody thank you Chief wait who who are you I said Brooklyn teag guy well yeah yeah that that's me no no no no no Brooklyn tea guy has a mustache oh yeah yeah I had one like yesterday but then I accidentally shaved it off the real Brooklyn tea guy would never shave his mustache he's never shaved in all the years I've known him well well yeah that's that's cuz it was an accident so yeah no no no no if you don't get off the stage right now I'll have you arrested for impersonating a police officer but but but Chief it's me officers arrest this man no no no no no no now will the real Brooklyn tea guy please come on stage and accept his award and if you don't come on stage I'll take that to mean that you regret saving me and you wanted to be fired in the first place hello it's me it's me get out of here you Bo how was the award ceremony it sucked where's your award boy oh I didn't get an award Karen because nobody recognized me because I shaved my mustache oh that's silly Bon of course they would recognize you yeah that's what I thought too Karen but no instead they tried to have me arrested for imparting myself I'm sorry Bo how can I make you feel better um I could make your favorite meal for dinner but favorite meal what are you talking about Karen if I had a favorite meal that would mean that you cooked something that I liked which has never happened and besides I'm not worried about food right now I'm worried that I can't be a cop anymore but you got other jobs Bo you could be a doctor yeah I guess you're right I could be a doctor so what meal should I cook your boy day you shouldn't cook anything we should go through a drive-thru someplace any place that isn't you cooking okay Jeffy shoot it do you think I can make it from back here no bet oh you made it you made it I make it from anywhere I can make it rain out here wait you can make it from anywhere yeah can you make it from on top of the balcony yeah what didn't do it then all right wow Jeffy you really think you can make it from up here yeah Junior watch this oh oh you made it yeah it's easy well I want to try well Jun you know it would be even cooler what is if I was the ball and I tried to go through the net oh if you were the ball oh my God you should totally try that okay one 2 3 go what Jeffy are you okay Marvin did you just hear Jeffy scream yeah I Tred to ignore it [Music] what's wrong Jeffy I jumped off the balcony and it hurt what why would you do that we need to call a doctor okay fine I'll call a doctor hey there somebody call a doctor hey who are you what do you mean who am I you called the doctor it's me Marvin who is this man I don't know I've never seen him a day in my life well oh come on I'm the doctor I'm over here all the time no we called Brooklyn guy not you oh oh oh it's the mustache yeah the mustache where's your mustache well no no no no it's me I just I accidentally shaved off my mustache no no brooken guy would never shave off his mustache Marvin should we call the cops yeah we should call the cops well if you call the cops it's just going to be me that shows up except it's not cuz I got fired okay you know we to call the cops let's call the cops no no no no no what's wrong with your kid but why do you want to know so bad well cuz I'm a doctor I want to help no you're impersonating a doctor you're not the real Doctor we're going to call the cops where broken guy no no no come on he could be seriously hurt no we don't care leave okay fine I don't want to help you stupid kid anyway okay we should call the cops cuz I don't know who that man is he's a freak this is so stupid nobody recognizes me without my mustache am I getting pulled over oh my god really I can't believe this all right you have any idea why I pulled you over wait wait wait Simmons what it's me Brooklyn guy you're not Brooklyn guy that's my old partner's name what but but no no no Simmons it's me no you're a doctor unless I had strep throat one time I got saw a doctor is that you you no no Simmons it's me all I did was shave off my mustache I don't believe it I'm going to need to see some identification okay fine [Music] here that's not you what do you mean it's not me of course it's me the guy in the picture has a mustache what no no no Simmons it's me all I did was shave wait a minute that says Brooklyn tea guy you're not Brooklyn tea guy you're impersonating an old police officer can you come no no no Marvin what are we going to do about Jeffy I'm paralyzed from my toes down hopefully he'll just sleep it off what my phone's ringing oh was it another woman no hello you have a collect call from Brooklyn tea guy if you'd like to accept this call say yes now yes hey hey man you there uh who is this it's Brooklyn guy I'm in jail I really need you to bail me out but this isn't Brooklyn guy Brooklyn guy has a mustache what what what how could you possibly hear my mustache through the phone Brooklyn guy has like a mustache voice you don't have a mustach voice what are you talking about look I need you to bail me out of jail I'm in a lot of trouble I'm not going to bail out someone who's pretending to be my friend what it's me no it's not broken guy broken guy has a mustache I I I don't know I I don't know what to tell you it's me man it's Brooklyn guy look call someone else cuz it's not Brooklyn guy who was that Marvin just some inmate trying to get out of jail thanks for bailing me out Karen why did you get arrested boy well because people don't recognize me without my mustache they think I'm somebody impersonating Brooklyn guy so because you shaved your mustache off people no longer recognize you yeah people are just stupid they just don't know it's me well why don't you just grow your mustache back well that would take weeks wait a minute I have an idea I know how I could get a mustache right now uh-huh uh-huh yeah yeah and done oh yeah that'll work I'm back baby hey there somebody called a doctor earlier oh finally thank God you're here brooken guy well I was actually here earlier but you didn't recognize me no no no there was this guy earlier who was pretending to be you oh yeah okay well check this out oh no it's the crazy guy he's back where's BR we got to call the cops no no no no no watch watch watch oh thank God broken guy back uh-huh yeah do you understand how insane you sound right now no no no my son got hurt and we really need your help okay okay I'll do that but but first I think we just need to do this one more time it's the crazy guy he's wearing a fake mustache where's Brook guy hey hey watch this oh thank God brooken guy's back okay thank God he's back okay bring guys back I don't know what to believe anymore oh my God okay you know what I'm just going to go home and wait for the mustache to grow back how was your day being a doctor boy pretty bad Karen people still don't recognize you oh my gosh why you what to do with my husband get out of my house get out get out get get out get out oh you've got to be kidding me Karen okay fine I'll just sleep in the garage for a few weeks Junior your grilled cheese is ready oh man I love grilled cheese ah Chef it's on fire duh how do you think I grilled it idiot Chef I can't eat it it's too hot what would just blow it you know when food is hot you blow it I wish girls thought I was hot food what jul you just eat your grilled cheese God I guess I just won't eat tonight since Shey burned my food again I really wish somebody could teach Shey how to cook hey idiots huh yeah I'm talking to you do you have someone at home that thinks they know how to cook are they really bad at cooking well hire me and I'll come tell them that they are absolutely trash at cooking might teach them a thing too oh I should hire that guy to teach shef peipi how to cook oh I'm going to call him right now okay let me add a couple of eggs wait wait I can jugle these oh they slip hey our chef peee no don't talk to me Junior you didn't even eat your grilled cheese sandwich and you almost Burak the house down but me no you're the one that turned the grilled cheese on fire well wait if you would have just ate your sandwich the fire would have went out well Chef B have you ever thought about taking cooking lessons I thought about getting lessons I'm a perfect Chef people should take lessons from me every day no I meant like getting cooking lessons like someone teach you how to cook wait why would somebody teach me how to cook I'm perfect no no you're not Chef you're really bad at cooking wait wait I'm not bad at cooking I'm a God at cooking look I came out of my mom's womb cooking I was in her stomach with a spatula or whatever she was sticking up there well shef be look I hired someone to give you cooking lessons wait give me cooking lessons I'll be giving them the cooking lessons who is it Chef boy R he wish he could be me no it's someone you probably know H that's them right now I'll go answer the door oh whatever go get your little friend uh hello who are you supposed to be a a turtle I think a turtle you've got a bit of fattest turt I've ever seen go eat a Snickers chunky boy I'll second thought maybe I can could chop you up into a nice Turtle soap or maybe you'd compliment a nice tomato bis with some coriander and basil H delicious oh no I didn't hire you to cook me I hired you to teach my friend how to cook well get out the bloody way and show me to the kitchen fat boy okay it's almost done all right he's in here Jesus Christ bend me over and check my reple temperature what girl's name's going on here oh my God Gordon Ramsey you're in my house in my kit wait what are you doing here well I feel like I'm in a nightmare and I'm Freddy cougar and that's worse than the hirosima bom what go name are you trying to make well I was making macaroni noodles with a side of egg and marinara sauce chunky Turtle Boy punch me in the goads okay oh I needed that oh all right what's your name chef peipi chef penis get over here no no no it's Chef peee I didn't stutter Chef penis get over here no okay okay what do you want you are blood disgraceful wait why are you hitting me is this raw egg all over your stove yes that's a salmonella breeding ground and how long has this bloody ball been out uh it's been out for a couple of days three bloody days your disgraceful penis you you're going to get a biohazard suton and you're going to clean this kitchen top to bomb and then you're going to burn it down and then we're going to rebuild it from scratch and maybe maybe you'll be able to cook something edible disgraceful okay okay is this clean enough no but I ain't got all night and you need to learn how to cook badly Hey fat boy yeah what something you want to eat tonight uh a cheeseburger cheeseburger do you think you can handle a burger well you want me to cook it like right now duh what you think you're stupid are you dumb get to it okay God and done oh Gordon is ready I don't want to hear my name come out of your disgusting mouth penis but but but it's ready all right let's have a look Jesus Christ is that my cremated grandmother grandma is that you dir old hag what no it's not your grandmother it's the burger that you asked me to make for junior are you sure you sure it's not a hockey puck what a hockey puck yeah you be the goalie and I'll be the shooter I'll teach you for bullying me wait why did you do that move aside penis and let me show you how it's done all right tubby here's your burger what in God's name is this oh it's the grilled cheese Chef peipi made me earlier Chef way aead get in here I assume you are talking to me yeah why don't you take some advice and buy a ticket to Hawaii and go over and put this rock back in the VA volcano where you got it from is that a rocket supposed to be a grilled cheese sandwich supposed to be and you're supposed to be a chef so why don't you run along take that dig a hole 6 ft under and bury that in there along with your career all right anyway Fatso here's your burger is it good is it good this is a half PB wagu beef patty with freshly made Wisconsin chatter with freshly chopped Romain Hearts Vine R tomatoes on a Brio bun and you're asking me if it's good I won't serve this to the Queen of England so if it's not good I'll chop my left leg off all right I'll try it all [Music] right this is the greatest thing I've ever eaten I bet it is shut baby what is that ungodly noise shpi where's my dinner oh good lord and even fat turtle wa wait who are you I'm the guy trying to make your Chef a better cook oh thank God about time Dad you have to let him cook for you he's amazing wait really yeah let me go whip something up for you okay all right here you are oh my God this looks delicious what I've prepared for you this evening is a nice fillet of beef with mature feline emesis paired beautifully with a nice fresh M lobster tail with red crayon shavings and broccolini wow this actually looks edible it is Dad wait it is it is edible it is wait I can actually eat this and not get sick you can oh my gosh sh never made anything that's edible you know what you're hired and he's fired well I wasn't necessarily looking for a job too late you already got the job dad you're really going to fire Chef peipi oh yeah watch me G RI thinks my cookie so bad it's not that bad Chef peip what do you want Bowser oh you're fir wait what do you sound like that well look Chef B you're fired wait why am I fired because that new Chef Bei over there can cook way better than you his food is actually edible wait edible you can actually eat it yes he can actually eat it look I didn't think it was possible until he start cooking up some stuff so get out of here scam you can't cook okay oh [ __ ] peei this is the last time you'll ever seen this house I guess it's time to say my final goodbyes oh goodbye house B what was that for you know what I hate this house I'm never coming back what's wrong dad Junior the deed is done you fired Chef peei I took him out back and I shot him just like Old Yeller oh poor Chef peipi I mean it was his time to be put down oh yeah it was we got a good couple years out of him he was a good dog he was a good dog yeah he was well I mean now we can actually eat edible food I know right yeah I'll never get tired of this food me either let's eat grab the remote I just fart it pretty good all right you fat sack of Lord there's some more lobster tails now eat up uh Mr Ramsey I don't want any more lobster tails you don't want any more Lobster Tales I've never heard of such nonsense now eat your Lobster Tales can I please have something different all right well here's a blooming onion do you ever make anything bad no everything I makes delicious well can I have a Happy Meal or something a Happy Meal what nonsense I would never put that toxic waste in my ballzy now eat your lobster tails I need I need to lose some weight I'm going to I'm going to Uber eat to McDonald or something okay lock the door oh man I'm in my room and I finally get to enjoy some McDonald's why is the door locked this door I'm coming open the bloody door okay lobster tails no I I don't want any more lobster tails yes lobster tails no I'm full I don't want any lobster tails what do I smell buy McDonald's in here no that's that's just my fart I farted no that's not what a lobster tail fart smells like I'm coming in to check your room here I go oh I got to hide my McDonald's well well well what have we got here uh this is really old I I was going to throw it away oh I wouldn't know cuz all McDonald's food looks disgusting and since it's over a month old you wouldn't mind if I threw it away for you would you no you you could throw it away but all right there we are but what am I supposed to eat your lobster tails but I don't want any more lobster tails well it's a delicacy and people would kill for it so eat your lobster tails I hate Gordon Ramsay I'm tired of eating lobster tails I want McDonald's oh I really miss yet peee at least I wasn't fat cuz I would never eat cuz it's cooking sucked I have to find a way to get rid of Gordon Ramsay but my dad will never fire him because my dad loves lobster tails I have to call Chef peipi and ask him for some help PE hey Chef peee don't rob me wait wait junior is that you wow you fat what happened to you Gordon Ramsey Cooks delicious food every night so I got really fat oh wow sounds like a rich man's problem to have a good Chef cook for you wait are you homeless why you living in a box uh I'm not homeless uh I'm I'm just you know outside chilling yep I like the outside ants biting my butt stuff like that dirt everywhere yep my Mansion it has a heater but uh it's broken you know I like cold air so I'm just chilling out here in the cold just waiting well I was wondering if you could help me get Gordon Ramsey fired wa get Gordon Ramsey fired are you serious Junior yeah because he cooks really good food every night I'm tired of being fat I I just I want McDonald's I want normal food sometimes he won't stop cooking lobster tails I thought you wanted Lobster taals you know the good food well I thought I did but now I just want you back so can you help me get them fired please let me think about it I got to Mark some things out of my schedule hold on just a second yeah all right I'm not doing anything okay let's let's go get Gordon all right Junior how do we get get rid of Gordon Junior hurry up hold on I'm fat really hold on the stairs okay how do we get Gordon Ramsey fired your dad will never fire him because he loves the fool too much okay how do we get Gordon Ramsey to quit do we just tell him his cooking sucks and he'll cry and run away no he's not going to believe that he actually has taste buzz and he cooks good okay um well I know what if you dress up like a chef that's more famous than him and tell him his cooking sucks he'll have to believe you cuz you're more famous than him who's a who's the chef more famous than him though junor oh hold on Chef be hi hide okay Junior here's some more lobster tails eat up I don't want any more Lobster taals Gordon well you better eat these Lobster tals wait wait real quick what Chef did you grow up loving H Chef boy a d i loved his ravoli all right thank you for telling me now eat your lobster tails I'll eat them all right Chef B you have to dress up like Chef boy Rd and then tell him his cooking sucks okay I can do that right J is going to love these last three lobster tails hey it's me Chef boy r d in the flesh well what are you doing here it's an honor well they don't call me Chef boy about a party for nothing I'm on my way to a party right now oh you must be staring would you like a lobster tail a lobster tail oh no no ew Where is the can ravioli uh can ravioli sir I I I I'll get right on it you're not a chef unless you're cooking can ravioli only the best chefs can cook out of that well I'm sorry sir I was just making the lobster tails well that is not good enough I need can ravioli okay well I'll go get Ken ravioli right no no no it's too late you've already messed up you're done you you should just quit it life but sir I devoted my whole life to becoming a chef to be just like you your whole life what a waste of a life oh my God if if you're actually cooking this and not ravioli wow you just wasted your whole life get out of here I have failed Chef Bo D Chef B you did you got rid of Gordon Ramsey I know I didn't think it would actually work but he's gone you look just like Chef Bo D he he knew you without even introducing yourself I know I I kind I kind of do look like him right so we can go back to eating your disgusting food now um I kind of want to try these these Lobster Tales first okay all right I'm so glad I got you back Chef peipi so guys what do you want to do today something fun Shing cool guys you know we always have these crazy adventures and these wild Shenanigans but we never have a day where we just sit back relax and watch TV like normal people yeah Cody's right every day something crazy happens we should just relax today and watch TV okay are you afraid of Chainsaw are you afraid of Alabama if you weren't as pretty as my sister I'll kill you the Alabama Chainsaw Massacre raided R in theaters now oh dude we have to see that movie yeah I heard there's this one scene where the guy actually kisses his sister oh I have to see that that's so crazy Alabama is so weird for allowing people to do that let's go to the movie theaters oh yeah let's go all right guys you ready to see this movie heck yeah dude oh yeah hey there welcome to the movie theater ticket window what movie do you want to watch can I get four tickets to the Alabama Chainsaw Massacre ooh kid that movie's rated at all I know isn't it awesome we all want to see it yeah dude well you can't see it it's got Blood and Guts and incest you got to be at least 18 to see that movie uh 18 uh we're 18 right guys yeah I'm 18 yeah my balls Dro yeah his balls drop we're 18 okay well I'm going to need to see some ID uh we don't have an ID but Jeffy pull your pants down prove it to him no no no no no no that's that's not proof okay look I can't let you kids see that movie we want to see it everyone's going to see it well everybody 18 and overa is going to see that movie but you can't well we you just want to say can you please just sell us tickets we won't tell anyone no I'm going to lose my job if I do that just wait till you're older wait till we're older the movie's going to be out of theaters when we're older well then just wait for it to come out on DVD nobody has a DVD player anymore well wait for Netflix or whatever you kids watch come on guys let's go wait can I get a large popcorn before I go yeah that'll be $300 oh these prices are insane let me get my wallet I can't believe we didn't get to see the movie yeah stupid dumb have to be 18 rule yeah I really wanted to see him kiss his sister yeah what do we do now o I know why don't we buy a lottery ticket if we win the lottery then we can buy our own movie theater and see all the rated R movies we want oh yeah that's a good idea dude oh that'd be so cool no no no you have to be 18 to buy a lottery ticket what you have to be 18 well yeah because I guess they don't want kids to like win the lottery and then spend the money on something stupid like buying a movie theater just so they can get in to see a rated R movie you know what I'm going vote for a president so he can lower the AG so we can go and see rated our movies yeah well you have to be 18 to vote too what who that rule up why well I guess they don't want kids doing something stupid like voting for a president just so he'll lower the age of R movies all right well how about we go get tattoos on our faces yeah I want I want to get sit here on my lip well no cuz cuz you have to be 18 to get a tattoo what why come on well I guess they don't want kids to do something stupid like get face tattoos well this is dumb you have to be 18 to do everything right I wish I was older oh you know what I could make a device that could make us older wait really yeah this is a YouTube video I can do anything well not anything but I could do that well then do it all right cut to the next scene all right guys I did it you did it yeah I made an old machine how's it work well I just type in the age that we want to be into this little screen here and I already typed in 18 and then everybody touches this green part and then when I push this button we all turn 18 okay Joseph touch it okay dude all right I'm touching it I'll touch it with my nose all right we're all touching it all right let's be 18 are we 18 I think so Cody Junior pooped oh Cody what happened oh no I accidentally typed the age to 81 instead of 18 81 you messed up you old goop oh Joseph Jesus Christ what happened to Joseph's bottom jaw I think the old machine predicted Joseph was going to start chewing tobacco so it took his bottom jaw heart attack he's having a heart attack pick him up pick him up my back my fall it I can't get up help there you go it's macaroni night is it macaroni night I like applesauce oh Cody what do we [Music] do up call the doctor okay okay call oh is that is that my grandson no it's it's a papy tell grandson the papy misses him who is it it's my grandson oh papa John how's he doing my grandson Papa John he owns a pizza restaurant oh yeahi pepperoni Pap you want to take out of delivery Papa I think I think he's going to come visit me tonight you want to talk yeah papa John who is it it's my grandson done Papa oh hi Papa uh hey there did somebody call me on their shoe they can't hear me oh those damn telephones how do they even work I don't even know hey kobby your grandson well my grandson oh Jimmy I haven't seen you in years oh they grow up so fast don't they I remember when he was just knee high to a grasshopper I'm not your grandson why did you call me oh our friend Joey ain't moving oh let me see here oh yeah he's dead oh poor Joey ain't that just the Dickens there's one appointment you can't miss mhm only three things guaranteed death taxes and me [ __ ] my pants ain't that the truth wait a minute aren't you the kids that tried to get into the all- rated movie earlier that happened oh those kids always trying to break the law I think I read about that on that Facebook oh that Facebook's a good source of information M everything on it is true wait a minute yeah you are those kids how did you get so old oh we used this old calculator what what you saying that machine made you old m mhm huh if I were old then I could retire and I wouldn't have to work anymore let me see that thing I'll get it for you what was I doing you you you were giving me that remote there oh yeah my back oh I'll go get a pack of frozen peas oh my back hold on let me see this thing so I'm guessing I just like touch this screen part and push the button okay w jumping Jehosaphat I didn't know getting old felt like this at least now I can retire and get my Social Security oh hey Ernie hey hey hey hey hey hey hey there oh I think Jeffrey's dead oh no somebody should call a doctor something you are a doctor you old Goot am I I'm back oh oh good he's not dead oh that's good well what are you going to do now that you're retired I'll probably go home show my wife my wrinkly balls maybe that'll make her leave me for good this time all right all right hey hey hey hey hey hey hey Jeffrey who remember that time we tried to sneak in that movie oh I remember like it was today mhm hey hey hey who you H how about me you and kobby try to go see that old movie we wanted to watch H yeah let's go that M oh my grandson got me this it's my favorite thing hey kobby oh don't hurt me I don't have any money it's me junior junior are you one of Jerry's Kids it's me you old goop oh Junior it's you yeah me and Jeffrey want to go see a motion picture yeah they're calling me about my extended warranty now always give them your information yep yep oh so you want to go with me and Jeffrey to the motion picture okay as long as it's not too loud or violent well come on oh we can finally see this movie you want some popcorn diabetes Jeffrey you can't be on your phone during the movie help me turn this thing off how do you work that I don't know my grandson got it for me oh it's starting oh it's oh it's so loud are they really killing those people now hold on who is that is that the Darth Vader I don't know who that is could you guys shut up hey hey hey I didn't fight in the Spanish American war to have to put up with you whipper snapper hey is that your grandkid I I don't know maybe hey hey my name's Junior just stay away from me I want some pudding oh yeah yeah some tapioca pudding let's go ask Chef peepers for some pudding he Hey Jeffrey oh spilled my corn just get out of here I'm back hey we're going to go talk to Chef peepers who peepers him yep my pizza is almost done hey peers Junior Cody Jeffy why do you guys look like that you're so old and ugly and wrinkly yeah you're no spring chicken yourself mister hello oh it's some Nigerian prince who told me that if I send him $500 he'll send me 2 million dollar back do it quick okay why do you guys look like that we wanted to get into do a rated our movie and you had to be 18 and Cody's old C he turned us to 881 oh that's what you get for trying to sneak into a rated arm movie ha did you want this yeah that what what is this junior Cody what did you do to me Chef Perkins is old yeah he is aren't we all M if you don't turn me back right now I'm going to I'm going to wait where am I Perkins H hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey bingo I want to play bingo I want to play bingo bingo hey hey hey hey Kobe you need to fix this we're all old okay I'll try trying to figure it out Jeffrey I'm back hey come on when are you going to fix that thing damn it I'm working on it do you old geezers want to listen to an old vinyl record oh yeah put that baby on okay uh M oh yeah oh yeah they don't make him like this anymore mm- this is real music yeah kids these days just want to listen to suck me and lick me and bite me yeah they just want to dance to it on their Tic Tacs yeah this is what real music sounds like mhm oh oh my back hurts I'm getting tired I'm getting real tired fix that thing you old Geer okay oh oh all we have to do is change this number to 12 and then push the button let's do it okay everybody touch the green thingy hey I'm back Jeffrey huh touch the green thing oh oh hold on I I got I got to put Joseph on there there you go Joey all right press the button We're Young again oh God that sucks yeah being old was awful destroy that machine I never want to see it again yeah I'll destroy it I'm glad I'm young again my balls don't look like raging anymore I know okay I destroyed the machine into a million pieces so we'll never ever have to use it again again all right awesome wait what Chef PE still old oh no okay well I guess we could call a doctor oh no he's old too oh my God wait is Joseph still dead oh yeah he is I guess we still have a lot of problems but the video is already over 10 minutes what do we do you want to go play bingo with SH peipi yeah all right CR tomorrow we're going to be having a major test before spring break test so as you all know next week is spring break and so before spring break we're going to have a major test what makes this test so major and before spring break is that if you fail major test before spring break test then you have to come to school all week during spring break because you done because you failed the major test before spring break test you understand if we fail the test we have to come to school during spring break I might feel on purpose more school can I get a Zippity dude dude I can't fail we have to study all right Joseph come over to my house tonight we're going to study together okay dude I don't want to fail the testy either I'm missing a chromy can you help a homie sure Jeffy you can come over and study with us Cody can you please come help us study you're smart I don't know Junior my price for helping is pretty high what is it I don't know how about six ham and cheese Hot Pockets what that many yep I'm a hungry boy me and Ken are going to scarf those down uh okay you got a deal Cody damn I'm in you hear that belly got some ham and cheese aronis coming in hot so I suggest you all go home and study so you can pass the major test before spring break test okay guys let's go to my house and study okay M Junior this pocket looks like it couldn't afford its rent and got cream pied by its landlord's ham and cheese I mean it's more of a room temperature pocket than a Hot Pocket but that's okay I can't complain you guys ready to learn I guess okay so tomorrow's test is going to be a math test so I'm going to be teaching you pmas what's that well it stands for parentheses exponents multip lication division addition and subtraction dude that's a lie how are we supposed to remember that Cody well it's actually pretty easy to remember because most people remember it like please excuse my dear Aunt Sally what' she do what what did Aunt Sally do that excuse her did she toot no no she did not toot because she's not real if she's not real why you bringing her up yeah well it's just to help you remember the A and the S well how old is she well I don't know she's probably like middleaged cuz she's an aunt so maybe in her 50 it doesn't matter well you don't know your own aunt's age she's not my aunt yes she is you said please excuse my dear Aunt Sally she's your dear Aunt for some well that's just to help you remember the letters like I don't even use the ant Sally one I I actually use please excuse my dick and scrotum because they're always getting in the way cuz I wear boxers but as long as it's these letters in this order that's all that matters so I can make up whatever I want yeah sure so I can do please excuse my dear alien sister oo I like that yeah sure that works ooh what about African sister yeah that works too what about Asian sister yeah the letters are the same Australian sister yeah sure oh what if the Australian sister's Margot Robbie ooh dude I would totally drag my balls across glass just to smell Margot Robbie's fart oh me too all righty rud okay guys let's just focus on the letters okay so this is how it works you do parenthesis first so you do 89 + 6 who win in a fight alien sister or African sister definitely African sister dude but no maybe in a 100 meter dash in the Olympics but not in a fight alien sister has a UFO in Bazookas they don't have Bazookas do what's wrong with guys they they're not going to fight cuz none of that's real okay they just help you remember the math okay well can Aunt Sally just come do this math for us okay guys I don't think you're going to pass this test tomorrow why cuz Aunt Sally's not coming to town no cuz you guys are stupid but it's okay I think I have a solution okay guys I made this what is that this is the opposite Ray what's it do well anything you shoot with this becomes the opposite of how it is now well why haven't you told us about it well I was going to use it on you Junior to turn you gay but I decided that would be wrong and I want to turn you gay all on my own so if we shoot Ken he'll not be a doll anymore he's not well if we shoot us we'll be smart well it should h test it out on Jeffy mhm okay guys I I haven't worked out all the Kinks yet but stand back s ation my Homo sapiens emphasis on the homo you're smart Jeffy precisely say something smart the earth's core is exactly 1,82 M beneath us that sounds pretty smart to me dude shoot me next do you think it'll make me Rich well we already did that once and everyone hated it but I can try my oh God it made him old but why did it make him old Cody well I guess cuz he was young before and it's an opposite race so it just made him old well why didn't it make Jeffy old well I guess it just chooses one random thing about you to make opposite change me back I don't know if I can change you back and I'm afraid to try cuz you might die cuz you're alive now and the opposite of that would be dead I don't understand these Contraptions I'm going to eat some mashed potatoes I don't know why couldn't give them parents your turn Junior no I don't want to get shot by that oh come on Junior don't be a puss what if it makes me old statistically that's a 0% chance of happening because Logan wouldn't use the same joke in the same video that's true okay fine shoot me with it it made me a girl a dang it Junior I was hoping you'd be a pickle smooch I don't want to be a girl Cody Junior now that you're a female what are your pronouns I would like to address you properly mine are he him I don't have pronouns that's dumb Cody take me back no Junior what if it makes you pregnant why would it make me pregnant cuz you're not pregnant now and this thing does the opposite I don't know it's doing random [ __ ] let me shoot you with it I don't have a problem oh yeah what's this okay I have a problem it's okay Cody it's just something to take the edge off you know yeah I understand just give me the gun okay maybe you can make me not a root beer Holly say cheese cheese Junior what happened I don't know you look the same oh wa do you still want a root beer oh yeah I want one right now wait a minute I got to check something oh no my wiener still looks the same yeah looks like a little boiled shrimp not a jumbo shrimp either little cocktail shrimp little tiny one I don't know oh my God Junior you're hot I'm hot yeah oh no Junior I think it turned me straight you're straight yeah cuz I mean Ken's a good-looking guy and all but I'm not really attracted to him like that anymore we'll grab a Barbie from the room okay oh Junior check out this absolute smoke show and check this out ain't no panties on that ass ain't no panties I'm talking straight lamb shops you think she's hot oh Junior the things I would do to her and will do to her damn Cody can you please change me back I'm not okay with making 18% less than men well you could always start in only fans I'd subscribe let me see them cheeks and them toes no come on Cody change me back I'm being serious well Jeffy still has to take that test tomorrow yeah you guys can pass me your test and I can take them for you yeah so let's just wait for him to do that and then I'll work on changing everyone back tomorrow okay fine I just really want to actually be able to play in the NBA one day yeah so uh could I spend the night here with you and sleep in your bed no Cody go home okay well I'm going to take Franchesca here home and let her give me a blumkin okay I'm going to go ask chfp to make me something to eat that was a really good movie Marvin yeah kind of do you think that bear was really on cocaine no do you think it was a real bear it was special effects baby it was just a movie what Jeffy were you huming Hot Pockets again actually father I was not having intercourse with the Hot Pockets this time then what are they doing here they're my friend Cody's well clean up all this mess what is this oh that's an opposite Ray whatever you shoot with it becomes the opposite of what it was before I should shoot you with it you goober stop doing bad stuff all right well I will now defecate in the porcelain Bowl that's located in the bath facility oo Marvin I should use this on you I wonder what it would do well I I don't know maybe you would grow hair and be hot it would give me hair maybe oh shoot me with it okay Marvin you have hair I do Marvin you're so sexy meet me in the bedroom in 5 minutes I'm going to go freshen up okay oh you going to get some St well dougy what are you doing here I need to borrow $50 for what cuz I want some chips from the gas station chips to the gas station don't cost that much douge but I also need a drink and some Skittles douge why don't you get a job and work for your money you know I can't work F you know what uh douge are you okay hello it is your pal Douglas do you still need the $50 no actually I'm going to go get a job I'm coming Rose M what a masterpiece hey Chef peee wait Junior why are you dressed like a girl I'm not dressed like a girl I am a girl oh okay you're one of those I should have seen this coming well I kind of did you always sound like a girl when you're being annoying but the real question is are you going to get it chopped off or what that's a true commitment and are you going to put it in a jar above your bed and kiss it every night H I'm hungry Chef peee well look look I don't know what you guys eat but I have a shrimp clam surprise right here oh my my go that smells disgusting Chef B no it's really really good I promise you I only gag like twice and that's a record okay you want some I'll be right back what oh changed your mind you want some huh wait what's that all right Junior enjoy your Stak stripping ler surf and turf oh my gosh shpi this looks delicious you got good at cooking out of nowhere I know it's crazy I don't know how I do it yeah let's eat all right CR today you have the major test before spring break test today test so I'm going to come around and pass out the major test before spring break test and if you fail you have to come to spring break School hey Cody can I borrow a pencil yeah sure but what do I get out of it just give it to me Cody what was that for bend over and grab it oh man your dress is too long could you pull it up for me ew Cody Junior why are you dressed up like a girl I'm not a girl I'm tired of everyone's saying that just shut up and scissor me what pass me your scissors I want to cut my hair off oh okay I don't want people to think I'm a girl anymore Junior don't do that it's hot shut up Cody without a doubt I will Ace this examination hey nerd you're looking extra nerdy today you dork I will show you just how educated I am hey Junior I need to borrow this my GL is fall off what oh no I'm a dork all right py here's your major test before spring break test and Junior here's your major why you dress like a girl never mind don't answer that I'm not allowed to ask here's your major test before spring break test and Cody here's your major test before spring break test where's Joseph oh I think he's in a retirement home okay then hey Penelope that ass is looking real fine what yeah real fine Cody I thought you were into dudes yeah but now I'm straight and you know what the opposite of having clothes on is not having clothes on what the [ __ ] well I mean I guess she doesn't have clothes on Cody why is she a dragon well I guess the opposite of being a human would be a dragon I I guess that Mak sense but now I'm going to be dragging my nuts across your face but now repeat no being a dragon and craft go to the principal's office all right Jeffy here's your major test before spring break test all right grass everyone take your test and no cheating if I catch you cheating I'm going to go kful panda on your ass please excuse my but Cody what was it please excuse my dick and scrotum oh okay hey Jeffy what's the answer number two the answer to number two it's 10 all right thank you Junior Jeffy no cheating you think just because I have Str eye I can't see that you cheating you both fail oh no Cody shoot him with the ray yeah maybe the opposite of a teacher that doesn't let us cheat is a teacher that lets us cheat oh my God I can see no more Str eyes crass my eyes are wide open now all of you look ugly as [ __ ] but I can see all of you get A+ on your test I'm going to go see the world with my new eyes well that's one way to pass the test yay we passed well Junior we don't have to go to school during spring break we should bang to celebrate no Cody we should celebrate by fixing the stupid machine and reversing everyone back to normal well that's the thing Junior I don't know how well didn't you build it well yeah but that was back when I was gay when I was gay I had all the time in the world but now that I'm straight all I can think about is muff and boobs and big floppy knockers well Cody how about we call a mechanic maybe a mechanic can figure it out yeah it's worth a shot I mean I'm not getting anything done today you see her I'm going to give her a nugie and I'm not going to tell you where I'm going to call a mechanic hey Leo somebody call a mechanic wow your haircut is really ugly don't look at my hair so what do you need well my friend made this opposite Ray and whatever you shoot with it makes it the opposite so I was a boy so it made me a girl he was gay it made him straight and we want you to be able to reverse it wa wait a minute so maybe if you shot me with that I wouldn't have to do so many jobs and maybe my wife would be hot maybe I'd actually be happy shoot me with that thing okay Cody shoot him with it all right didn't you oh my God I don't have any arms but I got my legs back you know what that means ball buster Brooklyn is back hey you here I come oh my balls didn't I'm going to go kick everyone in the balls oh great Cody he ran away now no one's ever going to fix this machine yeah I guess we're just going to have to stay like this for the rest of our lives Junior no Cody change everything back well I don't see an undo button do you uh yeah wait really yeah right there oh yeah wow okay well I guess we should just push that then okay did it work uh hold on let me check ew oh hey there there pony boy I'm going to glaze those bagels yeah I'm pretty sure it worked yeah I'm not a girl anymore guys guys what happened to my legs my beautiful ball kicking legs why God why junior your mac and cheese is ready oh man sh I love mac and cheese thank you so much e Junior get off of me thank you wait where do you think you're going with that the couch no Junior you're not supposed to eat on the couch why not because you're going to make a big mess with that cheese I'm not going to make a mess with the cheese Che peee look if I see one drop of cheese on the couch you're going to lick up everything you got me okay fine wait wait where do you think you're going with the Doritos I want Doritos too look now you're being greedy Junior you're going to make a mess well you heard what I said oh man I'm so full hey Junior can you took out the junior what is with this mess I thought you you were going to make a mess why did you make a mess it's not that big of a mess yet peee it's still a mess all all you had to do was eat your stupid food and you just had to make crumbs everywhere Junior well you know I'm a Messy eater that's why you're not supposed to eat on the couch well look at you you're the one banging like a maniac making a bigger mess go get go get a vacuum go get a vacuum no I'm not cleaning it up you eat up every single grum lick it up right now Junior if I lick it up it's going to taste like couch it be couch flavored but you know what that I'm over you yeah tell tell my dad that you're not getting a vacuum and cleaning it up that's a job oh man I can't wait to watch Charlie and friends it's my favorite show ever Charlie and friends was filmed in front of of a live [Applause] audience oh hi guys I'm Charlie wait is this a pool stick or am I happy to see you look guys I'm going to show you my pool skills today look I'm a pro at pool and I can get all these balls in the hole in one shot ask your mother I did it Charlie that's not how you do it that's cheating Bowzer Bzz Bower come quick Junior just made a mess on the couch who clean it up isn't that your job no Bowser I look I want you to come in there and tell him not to do it again no I don't want to I'm watching Charlie and friends wow Bowser I can't believe you you got soft s what soft yeah remember when you used to punish your child actually be a father now look at you P pathetic punish a child I'll don't show you how to punish a child I ain't pathetic junior did you make this mess well actually Chef peipe made it a lot worse cuz he started headbanging and screaming like he was in a rock band so do I look pathetic to you Junior a little bit do I look like I don't know how to punish a child anymore well you used to punish me a lot worse wow really I guess I am losing it you know what uh uh since if you don't clean up this mess uh oh I'm going to make you stand in the corner woo all alone in the darkness no friends what you going to do then for how long uh 10 minutes wow Dad you can do better than that oh really really all right all right uh if you don't clean up this mess right now uh no more video games for a week only a week yeah two weeks two weeks come on dad there's not even good games out right now shut up Junior look if you don't clean up this mess right now oh I'm going to take all your toys set them on fire then set you up for adoption I mean those two things don't correlate but the two both bad things yeah that's awful dad that's horrible yeah does that make me a bad person really bad exactly so clean this up I want to see it spotless I don't want to see it drop on this freaking couch o I want it to be bright red I want it to look brand new okay Junior okay okay I'll clean it up Dad I'll clean it up it'll be brand new nah I don't think you're going to clean it up so I'll be back in here in a a couple minutes to come spank you oh no I got to start cleaning oh come on get all the stain out get all the stain out yo what's up dude oh hey Joseph I'm trying to clean my couch my dad said there's a single stain on this couch he's going to growl me so do you know how to get stains out of the couch oh yeah dude I think you just need bleach bleach what's that oh it's some type of cleaning product to get stains out wait wait so if I pour bleach on this you think the stain will come out oh yeah dude just go and see if you have something in your kitchen okay let me go see all right Joseph I had some bleach all right dude get the pouring okay so I only pour it on the stain right oh no no no dude pour it on the entire couch you don't want it to look uneven oh yeah you don't want one part of the couch to look cleaner than the rest of the couch exactly okay we're going to make this thing look brand new okay so I just pour it everywhere yeah yeah get it pouring dude there we go that's what I'm talk about oh yeah yeah yeah all right Joseph I just poured bleach all over the whole couch all right dude let it sit for 5 minutes and it'll look brand new all right uh uh Joseph yeah do dude why is the couch pink oh what oh dude you're going to laugh about this what but they use bleach to clean white clothes what what's that mean they use bleach to clean white clothes they make clothes wider then why do we pour it on a red couch look I knew it was a cleaning product I just didn't know what it was used to clean look I knew they use it on toilets my couch is not a toilet but but look I didn't know that you were going to use it on your couch yes you you told me to use it on my couch I just knew it was going to clean something okay dude okay look look look look look what do we do now like like like my when my dad sees this he's going to grow me he's he wants it to be red dude dude your dad is so old he probably has Alzheimer's he probably thinks the couch is blue no no no he knows his couch is red and if this couch isn't Red by the time he comes back he's going to burn all my toys and put me up for adoption dude being an orphan is not that bad look at me I don't want to be poor okay look look look look okay okay I'm going to call a doctor wait wait what is the doctor going to do well well the couch looks sick right it's pale right uh I guess so I guess so and you call a doctor when you're pale and sick so I'm going to call a doctor all right hopefully you can fix it hey there you call a doctor ooh I like this nice new pink couch looks very clean anyway what'd you call me well doctor my couch is pink yeah I know I said I liked it so what's up what'd you call my couch is pink uh-huh yeah and that's that's why I like it cuz it's pink it looks really nice so what's up what'd you call me my couch is pink yeah I know did you just call me over here to brag about your new pink couch I I mean that'd be pretty annoying if I invited you over to my house every time I got new furniture and just rubbed in what color it was you know so why did you call me here because my couch is pink oh I think I see what's going on you have brain damage and all you can say is that your couch is pink no I can say other things I'm calling you over cuz my couch is pink okay I I mean yeah I can see that it's pink I I don't know what else you want from me I want my couch to be red well then just just go get your red couch back well no no this is the red couch no this is a pink couch no this is my red couch oh okay I think I see what's going on here is is that you have color blindness and this looks pink to you and it's actually red okay I think I see what's going on no no no no no no this is my old red couch what no this is this is a new pink couch I want my red couch back well then just go get your red couch where is it it should be around here somewhere no cuz this is the red couch what no what no no no I bought bleach and I poured it on on this couch and it made it pink oh this is the same couch this the same couch okay I see well what did you need I need you to help me turn it red again well I don't really know how to do that I it'd be easy to just buy a new red couch well so there's no way to turn this couch back red no I mean you could try die oh Joseph he said I should die why would he say that because if I die my dad can't ground me no no no no not like that like like you should you should try to try to dye the couch oh kill the couch I should we should kill the couch if we kill the couch the couch will bleed and the and the couch will turn red I'll get the knife no no no no that's not what I mean I mean die with a why die with a why die with a reason why die like a cause the reason I want to die is because my dad's going to gra me so so I have a reason to die no no haven't you heard like you die something you die something you kill something we should kill my dad if my dad's dead he can't ground me he's a doctor why is he suggesting this no no no I'm not saying that that haven't you ever heard of like you know like die don't you know what die is yeah when you die you never come back no no it's a different kind of die oh like you go to heaven or you go to hell and we can say hell cuz the new Pixar movie said hell and I guess that's kid-friendly oh my God no no no haven't you ever heard of like like hair Dy yeah when you shave your head you kill all your hair no oh my God no you're such an idiot okay okay I'm confused at what you're saying die no I'm saying which what you should do is that you in order to fix this couch is you should diet I should lose weight no oh my God confusing yeah so I should go on a diet and my couch will go back to being red look I thought your dad had alltimers no no D ye e die he doesn't even know how to spell die wow he must have lost like a spelling be when he was like in middle school and he's still crying about it it's d i e that's how you spell die Jesus Christ no okay you know what no no there's no way to fix this couch it's stuck like this forever I'm sorry but what if I go on a diet will that make it red no it doesn't matter that's not nothing no you're the one who talks about dying you said we should die someone which means kill my dad you you said I you said I should die you wanted me to get a knife I don't want any of that I I I you know what I'm sorry I can't help you your couch is just going to be stuck so explain die explain what you're talking about I I'm saying that this couch needs to be died he doesn't know how to talk no he doesn't even know how to talk this couch wrong with this he he could have said the couch needs to be dead this couch needs to be died oh my God your Grandma needs to be died what an idiot and you have a doctorate oh my God don't criticize me about my education you little idiot you don't understand what D is you don't even know how to use the word die in the correct sentence okay kid I I don't know I don't know how I could be any more clear so I can't help you okay no explain what you mean by die I mean like like like die like you use to die things like use to die used we should use death we should fake my death no no no no no we tell my Dad I'm done dying we use death to get what I want so I tell my Dad I'm dying and and doctor you can tell my dad that I'm dying and then my dad won't growl me when he sees the couch like when he's like Junior you destroyed the couch and you're like well hold on sir your son's dying and he's going to feel bad and he's going to buy me more toys you know what sure yeah let's do that cuz that' be easier than trying to explain D to you how does he not understand D he's a doctor he deals with death every day oh my God he deals with people D see it every day dude like when he tells parents like oh you kid D like he doesn't have to tell him that just call your dad okay oh my God dad Junior this couch better be spotless Junior why is this couch big well drct tell him your son's dying no not Junior not my baby boy he's dying yeah Dad I was cleaning the couch and I started getting laded so I called the doctor and he diagnosed me with tell him doctor he has a idiot atitis means he's so stupid it's killing him no not Idiot at Titus I knew he was dum not that dumb doctor well well Dad the doctor also got diagnosed with something he's sick too oh really yeah he got diagnosed with can't spell three-letter words of Titus like he can't even spell the word cat he probably spells it with a K yeah yeah well your son also has another disease he has can't understand basic words at Titus Dad Dad Dad use the word died in a sentence uh your Grandma Nancy died 3 years ago yeah but Dad would you say uh grandma and Nancy is's about to die no no that's not how I said it okay how about this this couch needs to be died who is your English teacher right Dad you feel bad for him cuz he just doesn't know what he's talking about okay you know what your son poured bleach all over the couch wait wait is that why the couch is big stick to the plan oh I'm so stupid I can't I don't know things remember dad he also got diagnosed with can't stick to the plan to lie to you and say that I didn't bleach the couch and I'm dying Titus okay you know what screw you kid Dad look look look look look I I did bleach the couch but I was trying to get the stain out and and and I know how to fix it all we have to do is D it Junior this salad is good but how's it supposed to fix the couch I don't know Dad the doctor said the only way we can fix the couch is if we go on a diet so I don't know what he's talking about no no it's not what I meant oh he's back dad he must have forgot how to turn his car on oh that's sad he has forgot how to turn on my car titis no look I just I just really need you to understand what I'm talking about I need you to know what d means I know what d means d means you go to sleep and never come back no no no look Dy Dy is a thing yes Dy is a thing but your shirt is a thing the salad is a thing it's food you eat food to survive yummy no no oh my God die you know like die like die you're obsessed with die like you you just want everything to die like what a sad world you live in no I want you to explain to me that how going on a diet and eating salad is going to make my couch go back to Red it's not then why would you tell me to go on a diet am I on the wrong diet do I need to go on the keto diet the weight washers which diet do I need to go on no no when I said diet I meant you should D it and by it I meant the couch oh we should go on a couch diet we need to eat the couch oh get the M yeah start eating the couch you know no no we're ending this we're ending [Music] this I [Music] man damn it I broke the pig Panther Diamond I'm so screwed wait a minute what's this not the real diamond well then where's the real one oh there you are the real Pink Panther Diamond Come to Papa finally I have the real Pink Panther diamond oh excuse [Music] me another night another crime what do you got for me Susan The Pink Panther Diamond has been stolen sir where was it being stored inside this safe H then I guess it wasn't very safe very good as always sir let's check it out Jesus what's with the mess the diamond was being guarded by bulletproof glass sir well then how did it get broken the thief used that hammer it's not Hammer prooof glass damn these criminals think of everything indeed they do sir well what was the guard doing he was found sleeping outside well I hope he had a good night's rest because I'm about to make a good night's arrest man wait what happened to that diamond it looks like somebody had a smashing time that was a decoy Diamond sir so he keeps the decoy diamond right next to the real diamond he's a Gambling Man well it looks like the house won did you look for fingerprints no sir not yet oh well you should probably do that yeah probably you smell that Susan it smells like a fart smells like hamburgers you're right it does smell like amelle Gales why do you say Hamburger like that sir I don't know I just never learned how to say it right that's how I've always said it repeat after me I would like to buy a hamburger I would like to buy a Amel Gale okay okay let let's try this say ham ham say burger burger say Hamburger amale oh I I I can't do it Susan I just can't do it I'm going to say cheeseburger that sounds good sir okay but we have our clue whoever stole this diamond is somebody who likes to eat ambil Gales and I haven't eaten an ambil Gale today I didn't have a hamburger today either yes so we just have to find somebody who's recently eaten an ambel Gale I'll go look for somebody I'll get forensic down here hey dy I bet you 50 bucks I can beat you in the staring contest okay deal Marvin $50 is a lot of money I'm a puppet I can't blink 1 Do It Go H you blink Jeffy you blew in my face well there's no rule against it so pay up here Jeffy thank you who's at the door hello up against the wall spread him let me smell your butt what what is that cabbage no no meatloaf hold on lasagna and onions did you have lasagna and onions for dinner yes damn I'm good I'm like two can Sam I follow my nose why' you smell my butt I wanted to see if it smelled like burgers why would my butt smell like burgers because somebody stole a diamond and the thief is somebody who likes to eat ambil Gales likes to eat what ambale Gales hamburgers yes that now did you have any ambil gals recently no I have not had a hamburger recently good you're clean I mean I wouldn't say clean you do have a pretty stinky bottom I would maybe invest in a b day well can you just leave is there anybody else here my wife and kid I have to smell their butts too well don't you have a dog to do that my dog sniffs out drugs not Asbergers get out of my way all right everybody bend over let me smell your butt excuse me oh good a fresh one that'll make this even easier I don't smell anything what are you talking about I got to see if your ass smells like burgers I'm vegan I don't eat burgers oh so you're clean that's good but you you bring that ass over here does your ass smell like burgers I've been told I'm on the Spectrum let me see oh God do you ever wash that thing I don't believe in soap and when I'm in the shower I just let the water run between my butt cheeks okay well well it definitely doesn't smell like burgers so none of you guys have had any ambil gals no we've not eaten any hamburgers recently damn okay I just really wish I had a better clue than a burger fart so what exactly happened somebody stole the Pink Panther diamond and it's worth $100 million and all I know is that the person who stole it likes Elle Gales well there's a homeless guy outside who likes hamburgers show me well he's a homeless guy he wouldn't steal a pink panther Diamond he has even more reason to steal it because he's homeless and he needs the money now I said show me damn it okay okay here's the homeless guy hey cheeseburger man he calls me cheeseburger man cuz I gave him a cheeseburger one time cheeseburger man all right listen here you stinky bum what' you do with the Pink Panther diamond kitty cat here kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty meow okay not talking huh well let me smell your butt oh God oh God it smells like piss it smells like pissing cigarettes it's not him he didn't do it let's go back to the couch okay well now I don't know who could have stolen the diamond well you said the diamond's worth $100 million right yeah so what's the robber planning on doing with the diamond sell it well who can he sell a stolen $100 million Diamond to no one has that kind of money that's a good point he would have a really hard time finding somebody to sell that diamond to huh that gives me an idea we should open up a we buy diamond store yeah and then we can make a commercial that says we'll buy any diamond in cash even if it's $100 million and we won't tell the police or ask questions that sounds a little too convenient for the robber no it's exactly what he'll be looking for come on let's make a commercial he's not going to fall for it all right before we make a commercial we should come up with a name for our diamonds store how about the diamond store that's so lame and unoriginal it should be something new like diamond king yeah and then a theme song can be like diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds we buy diamonds even stolen ones we don't even tell the police at DK diamonds your way diamond king that's literally just Burger King no it's not I I just came up with that just now we'll come up with a different one okay how about like uh Arby's we buy the diamonds what you literally just copied Arby's no how about how about this uh we buy diamonds that's like that farmer thing yeah I don't actually know how about we just focus on the actual commercial yeah yeah okay I I already wrote your script it's over there in the teleprompter just read it you just want me to read it yeah go okay um right now yeah go ahead hey there do do you have a big stolen Diamond worth $100 million well we want it cuz we can buy it cuz we have the cash show the cash I have money right here and there's more where this came from so if you just come by we'll buy your diamond and we won't even tell the police no we won't I I'm I'm dressed up like a cop to show you who we won't tell we we hate cops I'm showing you what we hate I I I won't be here when you come to buy the diamond I I won't he's not a cop I'm not a cop so come bring us the Pink Panther Diamond if you have it yes or any Diamond worth all that much money okay is that it yeah I think that was good I I think we're ready to put it on TV I don't even think we have to do a second take are you sure I feel like I was pretty bad in this no you a great dog come on let's go okay Marvin our commercial's airing so now all we have to do is sit back pop open a few bruskies and wait for that diamond Thief to come to us wait you use our address for the diamond store me me yeah of course I did because now the diamond Thief can just come straight here and we don't even have to do any work oh my God Marvin our first customer okay show them my holiday catalog tell me gets 25% off on all earrings and birth stones and tell them that white gold is in the season yellow gold is so last year and see what kind of car he drove in with and if it's nice push the Opals and also tell him that we offer financing what oh never mind it's probably the diamond Thief just just answer the door and then when he shows you the Pink Panther Diamond I'll pop out and arrest him you do know what the Pink Panther Diamond looks like right it's big and pink add a boy come on let's go get him hello hi is this the diamond store yes it is is there a diamond you would like to sell yes I want to sell my wedding ring because my husband doesn't wear his anymore uh I'm going to have to ask my manager if we accept wedding rings oh manager got you Thief let me smell your butt what are you doing here what Karen what the hell are you doing here I'm here to sell my wedding ring Bo because you don't wear yours anymore I told you what happened to mine Karen I got swallowed by a rattlesnake I don't believe you Bo what do you want me to try to go around and open every rattlesnake's mouth looking for it it could bite me I could die you want me to die Karen no B but I think you're a liar I've never lied a day in my life that's a lie right there b Karen just get the hell out of here we're doing Official Police business no B I want to sell my wedding ring well how much do you want for it I want a brand new cake pan set for the kitchen Marvin do you have cake pans no I don't you know what just forget it Marvin let's just go upstairs okay hey hey are you guys still open What's the Hamburglar doing here what the hell are you doing here ambil gals isn't McDonald's we don't have any ambil gals for you to steal no I heard you guys buy diamonds we don't want to buy any stupid ambale Gales you stupid idiot ambale GL we don't buy ambale Gales and we don't sell ambale Gales I have a diamond I want to sell I don't want to buy you stupid handil Gil stupid idiot stupid idiot handil you guys don't want to buy my100 million think you know forget it Marvin can you believe that stupid ambil GLA was trying to sell us an ambale gaale who was at the door Marvin the ambale GL who the hamburgler you've got to learn how to say Hamburger right I can't I've been trying since I was a kid well try this hamburger Amil Gale hamburger Amell Gale hamburger am Gale Hamburg okay that's it shut up listen it is hamburger andil Gale sir sir sir the fingerprints results came in well who was it who stole the pink pan the diamond it's the Hamburglar the ambil Gale but he was just here trying to sell us an ambil Gale and he got away he's never going to come back here now I have an idea Marvin we have to make another commercial to get him to come back here hey there do you have a stolen Pink Panther Diamond you would like to sell for $100 million cash and are you the ambil GLA because if so please come back I'm sorry I called you an idiot yes please Hamburglar come back we have a bunch of hamburgers for you look at all of these ambil Gales that we have for you and we also have a lot of money for you to take come back please all right Marvin he's going to see that commercial and come running back there he is Marvin off of the catalog 25% off hello I changed my mind I'll take 50 bucks for it get the [ __ ] out of here camera trying to catch am hey there oh hey Mr amb GL you saw our commercial didn't you oh yeah I came back to sell my diamond Now where's the cash oh the money's upstairs just follow us all right all right here's your cash yeah I don't see any money oh we don't actually have cash so we're going to have to pay you an ambil Gales I could buy a lot of hamburgers with $100 million but you're the ambil Gale don't you want an ambil Gale do they have cheese no they're not cheeseburgers they're ambale Gales well then I'm just going to have to go wait wait wait we do we actually do have cash but first I want to inspect this Diamond H look Marvin it's the pink panth the diamond that's really cool interesting wow that's a really nice Cape you mind if I look at it oh yeah yeah oh this is a really great Cape what's it made of you're under arrest hey you said in the commercial you weren't a cop yeah well I lied see Bonnie I knew you were a liar shut the hell up Karen am meris in the ambil Gale oo ambil gals yes Karen those are ambil gals can I have an ambil G you can have an ambil gal oh my God please just take me to jail Shut Up Amil GL my wife's enjoying an ambil Gil thanks for helping me catch the ambil glil Marvin help yourself do an ambil Gale come on Amil GL let's go to jail no am GL for you so guys what do you want to do today I don't know dude I'm bored me too all you want to go play basketball we did that yesterday dude we can pick our noses I can't reach my nose I said ARG Cody why you dressed like a pirate well guys I want a free pirate cruise for me and my three best buds what's a pirate Cruise that's why you dress up like a pirate and you get on a boat how'd you win that well I ate the most parrots in under a minute at the live parrot eating contest you ate a live parrot I ate three live parrots no ketchup no mustard nope raw parrots Jesus you didn't eat three live parrots in under a minute yes I did I have the video right here wow look at this young man go he's on his third barrot hurry up and die parrot hate me yeah it's pretty graphic but I sure can't scarf down some birds isn't that wrong Cody well you eat chicken don't you yeah but it's cooked what you guys are telling me you've never eaten live chicken oh you guys are missing out it's the best when they're gobbling for their life and pecking at you yeah there's nothing like choking down some [ __ ] chicken's pretty good too though well Cody what three friends are you going to take with you on your pirate Cruise well the three friends I have right here in front of me Jeffy Joseph and Ken why Ken well these guys like pirate stuff and you don't like Ken likes getting pegged and Joseph knows all the words to every Pirates of the Caribbean movie never seen one of them and Jeffy likes booty sure do well I want to go on the pirate Cruise leave kin behind no I'm sorry Jin you're just not pirate material what can I prove to you that I'm a pirate well I did get a parate to go from the competition eat me yeah if you can eat this parrot in under a minute you'll be a real pirate can I use ketchup or mustard nope you got to eat them raw eat me [ __ ] yeah eat him junior he wants to die um where do I start with where do I bite oh the eyeball is my favorite part oh yeah I don't know Cody see he likes it okay I'll wow Jenny ate the whole thing bones and all the way it's supposed to be eaten you want me to pick that up yeah please it's um you know what leave it anyway congratulations you can come on the pirate cruise with us okay aren't you happy yeah well guys you all have to dress up like pirates for the pirate Cruise oh dude I already got an outfit picked out yeah me too I don't have a pirate outfit but I could dress up like Peter Pan Junior you're going to dress like Peter Pan on the pirate Cruise well I mean I don't know how to get a pirate outfit and I already have Peter Pan okay fine whatever look the cruise is tomorrow and I'll meet you guys on the boat your hat thank you yeah I'm going to need that for the cruise you didn't even tell us where the boat is yeah what What boat what time how guess we'll figure it out dude yeah we'll figure it out Jesus all right guys welcome to the pirate Cruise I'm your captain and I'm a Buccaneer y you get it I I didn't have a pirate costume okay you guys want a pirate Cruise so I'm going to be sailing you around the seven se's looking for a party and and maybe some booty you guys into chicks oh yeah yeah definitely yeah fat ones not really okay well I'm going to be selling you guys around you guys just have fun and try to stay away from the back of the boat okay I don't want you guys falling out kid what are you supposed to be you don't look like a pirate I'm dressed like Peter Pan dude you're definitely an elf yeah you look like an elf this the only thing I had that look like Peter Pan okay well you kids just have fun and I'm going to go drive the boat all right kids hold on I'm about to floor this [ __ ] screw boat of safety if there's any kids under this boat they're about to get chopped up by the propellers beep beep let's go yo ho yo ho where did all the hoes go I love this pirate Cruise Cody man it is windy out here come on Joseph let's go get some Capri on oh yeah dude hey Junior I found this froggy float you should get in with me oh hell yeah froggy float this is so much fun Jimmy we fell off the boat help help y hey dude where's the Capri Suns I know you got some yeah oh we don't have Capri Suns cuz Pirates don't have Capri Suns I mean I have alcohol I'm not really supposed to have it but I won't tell if you guys don't oh no Jeffy they don't hear us now we're stuck what are we going to do or ar I love this ship wait Dude where's Junior Jeffy I don't [Music] know anything you need Captain bring me Peter Pan thank you now I can finish me peanut butter and jelly sandwich uh could you actually open it for me it's it's hard with my hook hand thank you thank you very much oh and could you actually take that little lid off too that's I that's kind of rough I I couldn't really yeah thank you it's I I no yeah that's that's good that's good yes that's for you know what actually on second could you actually just make the rest of me sandwich for me yeah I I'll go look around this look around the ship thank you very much sometimes the pirate life is not for me yo ho Captain so when you going to let me touch your Cannon my Cannon specifically says don't touch this cannon or you'll walk the plank come on I've been aired for 2 months I want to shoot it let me shoot it no only I can touch the cannon God pirate life sucks yo ho Captain oh there somebody in that damn water what somebody in the water is it a mermaid i' be lonely ain't no mermaids like there this actual people look like kids they're drowning kids we go reel them in get the net okay okay oh man Jeffy they're never going to find us we're going to be straight in here forever pirate chip pirate ship hey a pirate ship wait hey right here all right Captain I'm throwing the net we got him Captain we got him bring him on board thank you so much for saving our lives are your boys okay yeah what y'all doing in that deep ass water well we fell off our PM T if it isn't Peter Pan wait the boy that took your hand it sure be oh I've been waiting for years to get me revenge on you Peter Pan I'm not Peter Pan ar oh good We rescued one of our fellow Pirates I'll give you all me booty for getting Peter Pan for me he's definitely one of us but I'm not Peter Pan though oh okay Peter Pan well I have a crocodile on board I've been waiting to feed your hand to come on what all right uh what was your name Captain Crunch all right Captain Crunch I know the sign says don't touch me treasure but you can touch me treasure because you brought me Peter Pan okay touching the [ __ ] out of it yes just make sure you don't touch me pet rck Gerald he's my only friend what hold on I've been on this ship for 2 months and I ain't get the chance to touch this gold well you're a pirate I don't trust you're around me treasure oh no he a pirate too well he brought me Peter Pan look look I just got to ask is it cuz I'm black no I'm the only black person on this pirate ship you won't let me touch the gold no no it's not that look look can I play some music then only if it's 100% copyright free what no Drake No no no see we're Pirates but we don't pirate music that that would be wrong you wouldn't download a car would you oh I guess not just just put on some royaltyfree music and you Peter Pan time for you to meet me crocodile all right Peter Pan meet Carl the hand eating crocodile now I want you to feed him your hand like you fed him mine I didn't feed him your hand oh yeah then why do I only have one hand I bet it hurts to Wi oh it do sometimes it pokes through the toilet paper and I give myself a colonoscopy but you Peter Pan you need to feed him your hand but I don't want to do it oh oh I should have been more CL Fe feed him the hand that doesn't have a sword in it uh get him Jeffy no no fresh bait T roone help me ow ow ow ow n you good I get to touch your treasure now touch touch touch touch touch touch touch touou touou tou Jeffy feed the crocodile's other hand no please not be good hand how will I wipe F hey Jeffy can you drive this pirate ship and get us home sure can Junior screw you Peter Pan you made me lose me good hand now I'm really going to kill you you're not going to kill me yes I am ow me good eye ow Jeffy I'm going to go tie this guy up you just drive us home all right dinner order order order order order I am judge Boer today we will be hearing the case of Captain Hook who is being accused of kidnapping a child and then trying to feed said kidnap child's hand to a crocodile to get his glorious Revenge Captain Hook you do realize that the year is 2023 and Pirates are not really a thing anymore so what the hell were you doing why because Peter Pan fed me hand to a crocodile well now both me hands actually hm very interesting Peter Pan is this true did you feed both of Captain Oak's hands to a crocodile I'm not Peter Pan my name's Junior I'm just in a Peter Pan costume oh [ __ ] wrong Peter Pan well you still fed me other hand to a crocodile and you hit me in the eye so I hate you just as much as the other Peter Pan so J not Peter Pan I guess now you are being charged with feeding Captain Hook's hands to a crocodile but I did that in self-defense but I saved you and your friend from the ocean you could have drowned wait wait hold on Captain Hook you saved Peter Pan's life but not Peter Pan and then you tried to feed his hand to a crocodile I I don't understand when I saved him I didn't realize he was Peter Pan and then I realized he was Peter Pan even though he's not really Peter Pan so I tried to feed his hand to a crocodile back when I thought that he was the real Peter Pan which he's not okay this [ __ ] doesn't make sense are there any Witnesses who saw what happened that could tell me what the [ __ ] is going on me me me I was there I saw the whole thing it was self-defense and uh Captain Hook is racist he would let me touch his gold or his Cannon well it's not a racist thing it's a pirate thing it's me Canon and me gold I don't let anyone touch me Cannon and me gold except for that crack ass you say from the ocean you let him touch all the gold I've been up for 2 months and ain't got to touch it okay okay okay hold on how about this this sounds like something I don't care about anymore Captain Hook you lost both of your hands which seems like punishment enough and you are dressed like Peter Pan but you're not Peter Pan so I order you to take that off because that seems like where we got confused and started losing hands so get rid of that uh I do order Captain Hook to get rid of that crocodile cuz that seems like a liability and I also I still don't understand how you have a pirate ship in 2023 that still doesn't make sense to me I I don't really know where we We Go From Here I I I just I'm going to dismiss the whole case you know I don't really know who's in trouble so case dismissed I I don't really know what the punishment is so I I think we can go home I I want to bang this one more time just to clear the air there we go that feels good I feel I feel like we're done I like we can go home now man what you think happened to Joseph and Jeffy you're Joseph [ __ ] what do you think happened to Junior and Jeffy do you think they got lost in c i the sea be a cruel mistress but seriously though I am pretty worried I I'm so worried I haven't even touched my parot I ordered from Uber Eats eat me Daddy I will later hey guys Junior you're alive dude what happened well me and Jeffy fell off the boat and then Captain Hook saved us and he thought I was Peter Pan cuz I was dressed like Peter Pan so he tried to feed my hand to a crocodile because apparently Peter Pan fed his hand to a crocodile but then I fought back and fed his other hand to a crocodile and then we went to court what I I'm so confused that's what the judge said I'm here to get me Revenge I'll kill all of you Captain Hook what are you doing here the judge said just forget about it wait wait a minute wait is is that patches Captain Hut oh patches I missed you so much I'll tell you what if you let me have me pet parrot patches back I won't kill all of you okay you can have them oh come on patches honey your food's almost ready smells great honey I can't wait to eat it oh I'll get it I'm coming jeez hello ow uh honey are you okay don't worry he's going to be just fun come here all right Simmons I spy with my little eye something red uh is it this little triangle no uh what about this little heat thing yep that's it all right your turn all right I spy with my little eye something blue um is it my shirt no is it your shirt no is it the light strip there no uh is it the cold setting no huh okay I give up it's your OD oh yeah yeah I just can't stop looking at them I can't stop looking at yours oh really unit we have a ni complaint at 1716 cuch way come on Simmons let's respond to this noise complaint all right tell me where your money and jewelry is or I'm going to kill both of you I don't really remember you hit me in the head with a baseball bat no right you tell me where it is it's under the mattress you better not be lying don't move honey call the cops I can't I'm a little tied up at the moment how did I get r HED into this all right Simmons let's get this over with I like knocking like that open up police we got a noise complaint help us please oh my God Simmons they're calling for help in there let's go you go first no you go first no you go ahead buddy no I insist you go ahead no age before Beauty no but you're in charge him mate you go ahead no come on Pearls Before Swine go ahead no you outright me you go ahead look I'm not going in there first I'm not going in there first okay tell you what let's flip a coin heads I go first tails you go first okay crap it was heads thank God you're hair yeah sorry it took so long we were flipping a coin outside I didn't want to go first so who tied you up like this he did huh huh who called the [Music] cops s you shot my partner I got to get out of here Simons oh God why oh Simmons please don't die I need you you're my partner oh look here comes the doctor doctor please tell me is he going to make it hey there there's no easy way to say this but he's not going to make it no please doctor please there has to be something you can do save my partner's life I'm sorry he was shot got in the heart nobody can survive that he's gone [Music] no hey you guy oh hey chief how you feeling can't you read the mug shitty I I I know this a happy poop on the mug but they didn't have a mug with a sad poop on it really I just wanted a mug with a poop on it I didn't really want a face but that's all they had so there's actually nothing in the mug I I'm just trying to be dramatic because I'm sad that my partner died Gary how do you think Simmons would feel if he saw you opening about him like this my partner can't feel anything he's dead guary come on back to the office I have a surprise for you is is it a sad poop mug no it's even better come on okay okay guy I know you're sad about losing your partner so I'm assigning you a new one come on Chief I don't need a new partner Simmons was the only partner for me nobody could replace him but you haven't even met the little guy yet what little guy oh come on Chief don't tell me you hired a [ __ ] oh God I'm going to have to go so slow just for him to keep up with me with his stubby little legs people are going to think I brought my son to work it's just going to be hilarious meet officer cuddlesworth who's a good boy you are yes you are really Chief a dog that's who you get to replace Simmons that's just insulting but he's such a good boy he can smell drugs and bombs he'll protect you no thanks Chief I think I'm better off on my own well you don't have a choice this is your new partner and that's an order come on Chief what do you want what what do you what what this you stupid little toy donut what what do you want me to do throw it okay go get it I didn't even throw it you idiot yeah you're going to make a real great Detective come on you stupid mut let's get in the car all right stinky this is my car so no poo poos or pee pees in my car got it I'll take that as a yes what what you want your stupid little toy well this is not play time this is work time you can have this once we catch a bad guy okay oh that man's speeding you want to pull someone over boy huh you want to pull him over oh he's a good boy let's pull him over come on let's get him all right boy we're going to walk up to his car and if you see a weapon you chew his face off got it oh Mr Cuddles withth you're pissing in my car what did I say no pissing in the car bad bad Mr cworth bad I might as well you finish at this point Jesus now my whole car is going to smell like piss why don't you piss in his car he's the bad guy huh how about you piss in his car if you have any piss left you done okay let's go get him excuse me sir I see you got a case of the Zoomies why were you going so fast well I actually have a date tonight you yeah I swiped right on a couple baddies calm down Mr cuddlesworth I'm sorry I think he wants to [ __ ] in your car see he just pissed all over mine so that's the only thing I can reasonably assume what are you doing Mr Carl worth get away from his trunk you weirdo that's weird he's barking at your trunk why would he be doing that you got like dog treats in there or something well not exactly dog treats okay I don't really like the way you said that I'm going to check your trunk oh no you don't he's me help me Mr C help me why would you of you why you he titis or something Tak in your trunp all right let's see what's inside this trunk help me help me help me oh my God his trunk is filthy and also your little Billy Williams you've been missing for 3 weeks nobody could find you thank you so much for saving me m well don't thank me thank Mr cuddlesworth you hear that Mr cuddlesworth you're a hero me the C was officer gar you and your partner are just Dynamite you rescued a boy that had been missing for 3 weeks oh sir don't jerk me off it was all officer cuddlesworth over there and he's pissing I I didn't think he had any left in him but you know what he earned that piss well I'm promoting both of you to Lieutenant really sir I mean my pay is going to go up a whole 50 cents are you sure the department can afford it well we don't pay him cuz he's a dog so I think we'll be just fine now you two get out there and kick some criminal ass wow you know what Mr cuddlesworth I think I was wrong about you you really are a good boy yeah that's right let's go clean up these streets wo D what's wrong Jeffy notice anything different about me huh you like to hit yourself no someone stole the pencil out of my nose no one stole the pencil out of your nose Jeffy you probably just lost it no someone stole the penil out my nose was it you huh Baldi no I didn't steal it Jeffy was it you mommy huh no Jeffy well since no one will admit to who stole the pencil out of my nose I'm going to call the cops well don't call the cops Jeff that's a waste of resource heia someone call the cops yes officer I think my son did you got a dog oh yeah that's my new partner lieutenant cuddlesworth why is he smelling my butt he's looking for crack huh you get it like your butt crack but also hard drugs what happened to your old partner oh God s why he died a he died in my arms it was very tragic I still have nightmares about it thanks for reminding me so what do you want someone stole the pencil out of my nose Lieutenant cworth what are you doing now it's not play time this is work time no no you give me this toy you give me this toy God damn it okay we'll play fetch one time okay go get it okay he's still not very bright okay what's up someone stole the pencil out of my nose oh okay Lieutenant cuddlesworth smell his nose and see if you can get the scent of that pencil but oh he's he's pooping he's pooping in my house uh yeah hold on I'll I'll clean it up ew e e e e e e ew it's so squishy I can't resist the urge to squeeze it what do I do with it but throw it away in the bathroom oh the bathroom's so far away I'm just going to stuff it in your couch don't don't do that well it's too late I already did it so what's up are you guys going to find the pig or not oh yeah right that okay Lieutenant cuddlesworth smell his nose and get the scent of that pencil I think he's got it you got the pencil boy you get it what uh-oh uh-oh Lieutenant cworth what is that that's not a pencil that's another toy you little rascal you give me that you give me this toy you going to find my son's pencil or not uh look man I got a pencil out in my car you just want me to give him that yeah yeah go grabb it and say you found it uh-oh Jeffy I think he found your pencil he found my pencil is this your p penil it is thank you for finding my pedol mister yep that's what I do now don't call me again unless it's a real emergency oh we we we won't call you and let's emergency officer you hear that Jeffy come on Lieutenant cuddlesworth let's get you a puppy ice cream who was that everybody free give me all your money you yay ain't you the cop that I ha the other night that was my partner oh yeah we prepare to join her no don't shoot you shot my dog no Lieutenant cuddlesworth please don't die I'm going to kill you no Lieutenant cuddlesworth you can't die please I can't lose another partner again no oh he'll be all right mate no he won't Simmons he got shot he's dead just like you wait Simmons how are you alive it was just a Nerf bullet mate it's not a real gun really well that means that Mr Cuddles with is okay too what why you were just playing dead you learned a new trick oh you're such a good boy I'm so glad I have my partners back hey you want to go piss in the car come on Simmons let's go piss in the car um father what do you want Jeffy can we play with my volcano volcano no Jeffy it's going to make a mess a make my volcano erupt daddy Jeffy stop it Where'd you even get get that at I found it you didn't just find it why are you wearing goggles because I am a Scientist and is a scientific fact that all scientists wear big Goofy goggles so in other words let's blow [ __ ] up daddy Jeffy language we're not going to play with the volcano cuz I don't want to make a mess come on Marvin support his scientific creative imagination just do it Marvin hell yeah Mommy okay fine we'll do it but I don't want to make a mess all right Daddy I'll go grab a towel I have a feeling this Baby's a squirter Jeffy your volcano's ready heck yeah d D Jeffy what are you wearing it's my scientist outfit dadd what are you wearing I'm wearing a liveb coat so I don't stain in my clothes that's pretty MF and sweet Jeffy I don't think your volcano works I put sugar spice and I put it very nice and it didn't erupt well it's cuz you forgotten the secret ingredient what's the secret ingredient right here ew Jeffy what is that piss Jeffy you're not putting your pee in a volcano Jeffy you need to drink more water I'm talking straight kidney stones mommy Jeffy you're not putting that in the volcano well I have to D because it makes it erupt it's not going to erupt yes it will watch what what wao it worked see D I told you it would work sugar spice and everything nice these were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little volcano but Professor Marvin and Jeffy purposefully added an extra ingredient to the concoction chemical piss thus the Powerpuff Jeffy were born using their Ultra superpowers Jeff Bubbles and butter cup have dedicated their lives to fighting crime and the forces of evil power puff jeppy what do you want we want to fight crime yeah that's what we want do well go fight crime I'm trying to watch TV Powerpuff Jeffy initiate diaper smacking sequence oh look at the TV crime there's crime on the TV breaking news a monkey is going around and stealing women's purses no one has been able to stop him and the police are asking for someone to help oh no you guys got to stop Mojo Jojo we got to stop him he's such an evil monkey bananas let's go I don't know why I'm walking around at night all by myself carrying my expensive purse with lots of money in it Mo Jo JoJo want your purse so give it to me a Mojo Jojo give me your PSE someone help help H stole a p stop right there Mojo Jojo oh power puff Jeffy what are you doing here you better give that Purge back right now that's stealing bananas I don't know why I sound like an Asian stereotype but you'll never get this first well you got to give that Purge back oh what are you going to do about it beat your monkey ass is that all you got okay that hurt a little bit curse you power puff Jeff he we got our Pur back we saved the day yay let's go home hey D look we got this lady's PSE back we'll give it back to her don't have to do have to no dad because we're going to get the money out of her for a reward that's stealing Jeffy no it's not cuz she would have never got the PSE back if it wasn't for us that's wrong no and we also found this I think it's a whistle must be broken it's not making a noise Jeffy that's not a whistle then what is it is it a push plug what what that Jeffy put that put that down stop bothering me no Daddy I want you to explain what this is is it a fishing pole no it's not okay Jeffy look I'm going to teach those Powerpuff Jeffy a lesson for beating me up I W this bomb up to look like a present so when they open it Kaboom just like Hiroshima and that's why women are in a bad mood all the time Jeffy oh I'm sorry Dad can you explain it again I wasn't listening I'll answer the door just stay right here hello hello there's no one here a birthday gift it's nobody's birthday H so Daddy girls really put these in their butt what yes I don't know Jeffy look there's a birthday gift at the front door well it's not my birthday it's making a ticking sound well I can't hear anything cuz I got Tamp on you my ear it is making a ticking sound it's a bir bubble you save today yeah don't mention it who would send a bomb as a birthday gift it was M JoJo he don't like us we need to beat him up again well whatever makes you guys leave and stop bothering me breaking news m a monkey has just robbed a bank and got away with a couple hundred, the police are asking for your help to find the monkey he robbed a bank that monkey just never learns let's go get him guys I can't believe I Mo Jo JoJo just brought the bank and got the away with all of this cash and no one can stop me now that I defeated all of the Powerpuff Jeffy stop right there Mo JoJo power puff Jeffy I thought I blew you away with this bomb nope dang it all right guys be him up hey Dan look we got already stoen money back from your bank robbery we give the money back to the bank no that's our reward money now no it's not your reward money look Jeffy you can't keep keeping the things that you get back from the people that stole them yes we can because the good things that we're doing need to be rewarded and so this is our reward look Jeffy you three were given great power and with great power comes great responsibility you're like Spider-Man Spider-Man saves people and he doesn't get paid well cuz he's an idiot he wants to save all those people and not get paid see firefighters get paid police officers get paid paramedics get paid and so we need need to get paid Joe Paper Cash Cash green cash paper no look Jeffy look look most superheroes don't get paid Spider-Man doesn't get paid Batman doesn't get paid well Batman doesn't need to be paid because he's already a bajillionaire see I need to be paid because I need cash cuz hoes aren't cheap they want fet minan they want designer they want Gucci they want Louis Vuitton DD they thirsty Jeffy listen you're not keeping this money give it back to the bank the you do have to Jeffy you're just like a talk to the def don't want to listen I'm keeping the money it's time for those powerful jeffes to die I got a scar and he filled with poisonous gas and as soon as he Fs in those Jeffy smell it oh they're going to die come on SC Jeffy what are you even going to buy with all that money bow toes and Toes Daddy no Jeffy that's not a good reason give it back to the bank a skunk how does skunk get in the house I don't know Danny but let's check his dirty pooper wait what oh yeah just as I expected a dirty little stink hole wa I don't want to look at his butt Jeffy yep smells like acorns and spinach no how did a skunk get in the house I can talk to animals oh you want to talk to his dirty little pooper hi I'm a dirty poophole want me a kiss Jeffy let her talk to the skunk hi Mr skunk what are you doing here hello monkey PID me to come here and kill you with deadly gas from ass kill us yes he paid me $ whole dollar to come in here and lay big keeping pile of [ __ ] right in your house and then all of you die from exposure no please don't kill us well I have to cuz he pay me$ whole dollar and as you know Russian money isn't worth [ __ ] right now so I'll give you $10,000 not to kill us deal thank you lady but how'd you get the skunk to leave I gave him $10,000 see Daddy and you said that we should have given that money back to the bank and if we would have done that then the skunk would have killed us with his dirty little poophole shut up Jeffy the news breaking news a monkey is threatening to kill all of humanity with his death ray the police are begging can someone please help save the world oh now that the power pu Jeffy are all dead I MOJ JoJo can finally conquer the world and kill everyone with my death ray and no one can stop me stop right then Jojo Jojo dang it Powerpuff Tiffy I thought you were dead how are you still alive cuz were're just that MF and good well it's time for you to die I can shoot Fireballs from my hand you killed Buttercup Bubbles get him loser Vision activate no you killed bubbles two down one left time to die I wish I had some other power other than being a good leader oh wait I still got one more thing the fishing Bowl give me your gun now your mojo JoJo's dead Buttercup Bubbles no so once again the day was saved thanks to Jeffy and his tampon what's wrong Jeffy use your words Jeffy Jeffy use your words no Joe killed bu well Mojo killed Buttercup and Bubbles yeah Mojo Jojo had a death ray and he shot Buttercup and Bubbles and they died oh yes oh no and then I had to take the death ray and I had to go B and kill Mojo Jojo and then he died well at least you're alive facts so what did I miss where have you been I don't know it just seemed convenient at the time well Jeffy had two twins and they all had superpowers and and they were defeating this monkey who had like a a tube brain and his name was Mojo Jojo a Marvin you played with Jeffy today no no we weren't playing this all happened Jeffy tell her I don't know what you're talking about Mommy um Daddy's a little cucko in the clock up here you no no B look look at the shirt you're wearing how'd you get the shirt you dressed me up like a girl and you said I was the prettiest girl ever no baby no you got to believe me a Marvin I'm glad you had fun today well we weren't playing so guys what do you want to do today I don't know yeah I don't know either dude I'm bored me too ooh Chef peip is taking a nap you want to pull some pranks on him while he's sleeping oh that sounds fun yeah dude let's prank him what kind of prank should we do I don't know oh I have an idea what why don't we put his hand in warm water so we Peas the bed what what are you talking about Cody well when you put someone's hand in warm water while they're sleep sleeping they pee the bed so you're telling me if his hand gets wet he pees well yeah I I don't think shef pees himself every time he washes his hands well no he has to be asleep first why would he wash his hands if he's sleeping Cody that's so stupid yeah so dumb unless he's sleepwalking yeah who even sleeps yeah Cody shot up was a dumb idea dude I got an idea what is it how about we draw his face with a marker that'd be so cool he he wouldn't even know we're doing that guys I got a better idea how about we glue Chef pipi's eyes shut dude that is the ultimate brain I know guys this seems really dangerous the party pooper is here everybody yep he's here he has a red the party pooper is in the building all right Cody tell us why it's so dangerous well he won't be able to open his eyes ding ding ding that's the point in the prank Cody glue his eyes shut he's not supposed to be able to see duh it's a prank idiot it's a prank but I mean he might go blind that's the point in the prank Cody he's not supposed to be able to see glue his eyes shut but I mean he might go blind permanently Cody it's washable glue all he has to do is wash his face afterwards he can see again yeah it's School glue it got to be shade yeah okay but I just really hope that no one watching this video ever does this to anyone don't worry Cody they're not going to do it okay we're dolls they they know how to do that all right I'm going to go glue che's eyes shut go do it dude go J your go [Music] yeah okay glue those eyes [Music] shut yeah there yeah yeah that should be good all right guys I did it you actually did it yeah dude what did it look like his face looked like some girl's face I saw in a video last night nice yeah it was so awesome what do you think he's going to do when he wakes up Junior that dude I'm out of here he sounds mad he does Cody junior junior where are you I can't see I can't open my eyes pranked what I'm over here shpi pranked but what are you talking about tell him Cody uh junior put glue in your eyes yeah I put glue in your eyes wait wait what you did what I put glue in your eyes it's a prank so you can't open your eyes Junior I need my eyes to see I know that's the point in the prank Chef Pee PE look if you want to see again just go wash your eyes out it's washable glue oh no what well it says here in the very very small fine print not actually washable haha just kidding if you put this in your eyes you'll be blind forever Junior I'm not going to be blind forever you're going to fix this right now well I didn't know the glue said that shf peee okay look look look me and Cody will call a doctor well actually Junior I don't want to have anything to do with this so as Joseph says I'm out of here dude well no no Cody no no Junior you better fix this right now okay I'll call a doctor shfp just stay right here calm down okay where am I going to go you idiot hey there somebody call a doctor yes yes he did tell him what you did Junior I got a B minus on my science test hey that's pretty good high five champ yeah no no tell them about me I don't I don't know what shef peipi got on his science test no Dr Junior put glue in my eyes now I can't see he put glue in your eyes yes wait this glue yeah oh this glue is really dangerous anything you put this glue on stays closed forever they should have put it on my ex-wife's legs to keep them closed cuz she cheated on me a lot so now my eyes are closed forever yeah pretty much did you read the fine print oh I I didn't see it I I didn't know it was this dangerous yeah it's pretty bad I lost my son to this glue what he died oh no he's not dead he's just blind so I put him up for adoption he's somebody else's problem now you know I'm not dealing with that well so Chef's blind forever well there is a really expensive surgery I could do to get his eyes open oh how much is it it is $100,000 or 10 Bitcoin I also take Bitcoin I don't have that kind of money I've never even seen that much and you're blind so you never will oh really really okay so if we get you the money you can give them new eyes yeah sure if you guys come up with the money I'll be sure to give you that surgery but until then I'm outie oh okay Chef look all we have to do is get $100,000 look I'll go door to door asking people for dollar no no no no no you better take me to your dad right now you did this so he's going to fix it okay okay I was going to try to raise the money but let's go ask my dad we don't have time for that M this chicken looks delicious all right Chef peee my dad's right in front of you what do you want Chef peei Bowser look Junior put glue in my eyes and now I can't see I need $1,000 for new eyes and you're going to pay for it since junior did it you are hilarious Chef peei look I have $100,000 but I'm not going to give it to you it's saved up for Junior's college and the only way I would give up that money is if someone Junior and held him for ransom and let's be honest no one's going to do that cuz it's Junior come on Bowser let's be honest Junior's not going through college yeah Dad I'm not going to college I want to be a YouTuber look I said no now get out of here I'm trying to eat chicken I'm sorry Chef people I'm going to be blind forever because of you Junior I'm over here shpi and also look being blind is not going to be so bad at least you don't have to watch the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie God that looks awful yeah Sonic the Hedgehog that's what I was worried about Junior well look the movie looks so bad I might put glue in my eyes right now to go blind we do it put it in your eyes right now I'm going to go play toy shf I'll talk to you later no Junior come back please I don't want to be blind forever I need $100,000 oh the only way I could get that money is if maybe if I Junior and held him for ransom Bowser would have to give up that money I need someone's help I need toap Junior I need someone's help help help can someone help me please I need toap a child uh hey you say you need toap a child yes can you help me please what are you blind or something yes I am blind oh well turn around huh there you go okay so what are you trying to do look I need help napping a child I could be a cop and you wouldn't even know wait are you a cop no I'm a dolphin okay can you help me snap a child then okay what are you trying to do look I need to snap a child and hold him for ransom for $100,000 wow that's a lot of money for a kid look I know it's a lot of money but his dad would pay for him okay yeah sure let's do it okay can you tell me the plan then all right I'm going to whisper the plan in your ear while the camera pans up oh okay I'm just kidding all right here's the actual plan you tell the kid to come out here and I'll grab him oh that seems simple yeah just uh make sure you tell everyone you didn't see anything oh okay I can do that now all I have to do is get Junior to go outside uh junior come in here quick what's wrong shfp oh Junior guess what I just saw a UFO outside a UFO yeah it was amazing it was flying around in the sky all crazy you should go outside and see it I'm going to go see it shf peipi okay huh wait Chef peip you're blind look I heard a UFO yep I heard it you heard it mhm I heard the aliens they were like M oh we are on planet Earth uh we are near earthlings uh what they said that yeah they said it Junior you should go and see oh go see it oh man I want to see some aliens I want to see some aliens I'm getting abducted help help help I'm getting abducted by aliens shut up kid oh the put inside the spaceship all right all right I napped the kid wait really over here oh yeah he's in the trunk of my car he thinks it's a spaceship cuz he's an idiot so what do we do now well now you tell the D that I kidnapped his son then the police are going to contact me about the ransom and then you get $100,000 okay that's perfect I'm going to go and tell Bowser right now oh man that chicken was delicious oh Bowser it's so awful Junior wasna no not Junior not my precious baby oh yes your precious baby was snapped and you need to call the police before it's too late oh no Junior I'm Coming For You Baby hey there somebody call the police yes officer please help someone out my precious baby okay sir calm down we're going to do everything we can to get you your precious baby back baby back baby back baby back baby back baby back baby back chilies baby back ribs man I am hungry all right anybody see anything yes officer that little brat got na well we know that but did you see anything no I'm blind oh well how tall was the guy I'm blind oh right sorry yeah but did you see any tattoos or scars I'm blind oh sorry I keep I keep forgetting that but but what color was the guy skin look all I see is black he's black I knew it no no no no he's not black look I can't see anything I didn't see anything oh I see so you're not a snitch huh well let me just ask Mr teshi 69 he's a snitch I I'm sorry I don't know I I was just trying to be funny oh wait wait hold on what oh I'm getting a phone call that must be the gappa they always call about the ransom let me answer this really all right let me answer this call oh and in case you were wondering yes this is the brand new iPhone 11 as you can see it has three cameras yellow yeah this is the gapper oh yeah I thought you might be calling how much do you want for the kid I want $100,000 W you can buy a lot of iPhone 11s for that kind of money and I should know cuz I bought one yeah well that's how much I want okay hold on that was the banker here is your offer $100,000 Deal or No Deal are you going to take the deal Bowser No Deal oh he says no deal he says No Deal what yeah he says No Deal he's not going to pay huh okay uh is there a is there a blind Chef there well yeah there is actually uh C can I talk to him please yeah here he wants to talk to you uh hello yeah they're not going to pay look I heard him hold on let me work this out Bowser are you not going to save your son look Chef P PE you were right Junior's not going to college so I'm going to spend that money on a trip to Fiji yeah he's not going to save his son yeah trip to Fiji I heard uh what are we going to do I don't know give me a second careful look do you have a plan sir oh yeah I have a plan what we're going to do is we're going to meet with theppa but when he shows up I'm going to arrest him when we just keep all the money wait did you hang up no oh man hello yeah oh man you heard all of that didn't you yeah okay here's the actual plan you're going to send the chef with the money and he's going to come alone and then I'll give you the kid but that's what we're going to do okay okay don't worry I have a new plan wait yeah I I I hung up new plan all right what we're going to do is I'm going to dress up like you and then I'm going to meet him and I'm just going to arrest him there are you sure about that I'm pretty sure he wanted to meet me he doesn't even know what you look like it'll be fine don't worry okay you can do this you can do this he's not going to know you're a cop you can do this hey there you the Napper you're a cop nuh-uh what's with the cop hat that that is my okay I'm a cop don't don't don't don't run look I'm here to make a deal all right then show me the money well how about you show me the kid and then I'll show you the money how about you show me the money and I'll show you the kid well how about I show you the kid and you show me the money what okay look I failed my H's negotiation class look I have the money just just show me the kid all right he's in the trunk all right there he is he's passed out there's not a lot of oxygen in there now give me the money aha you're under arrest oh man I never should have trusted a cop get on the ground all right I got your kid back he's passed out though oh man I got my precious baby back baby back baby back baby back baby back chilies baby bag ribs barbecue sauce I am so sorry oh what happened it's okay kid you would by aliens what I was met by aliens I ran outside and an alien grabbed me and threw me in a spaceship and then he probed my butt okay so that might be a few more charges for that dolphin but we'll deal with that later so my eyes are going to stay like this forever well I don't really see what that has to do with anything wait a minute it says right here in the super super fine print haha that was also a joke the glue really is washable but now you wasted all your time from when you tried to kidnap a kid to get the ransom money to pay for an expensive eye surgery to fix your eyes cuz you thought the glue wasn't washable so you just have to wash the glue out of your eyes wait really yeah go do it oh my God oh my God I can see again oh I can't believe I got these babies back baby back baby back baby back baby back baby back baby back baby back baby back chilies baby back ribs barbecue sauce all right class today we're going to be learning about recycling recycling is when you reuse something over and over and over again like this water bottle see I've already finished drinking the water out of it so instead of putting it in the trash can I could reuse it I could put more water in there and continue drinking out of it or I could even pee in it I know the hole small but that not a problem for me cuz I got a tiny egg roll you know what I'm saying or if I really accurate I could even poop in there and save thousands and thousands of gallons of water a year instead of flushing the toilet or I could just put more water in there it take a shower you know so any questions CR I've been using the same water bottle for years dude I use it for everything I've been saving the planet and I'm accurate oh hey teacher can I go and put some drinking water in my water bottle yes Joseph you could fit up your water bottle thanks teacher oh man I'm so thirsty e e e all right crft and we also have a brand new foreign exchange student who came all from runon and his name's Harry come on in Harry hello everyone my name is arry j good seeing you all today h he sounds funny nothing like some recycle water that's disgusting shut up I'm trying to shve the planet Captain the planet all right Harry you can sit uh oh and Cody seat cuz he doesn't like coming to class anyway J good hey you can't take Cody seed yeah this is my seed not anymore it's not what all right crass you have a [Music] b upside down I test tomorrow upside down eye and for every eye written on this board that's one question that's going to be on your test any questions what about the upside down eyes yes okie dokie then all right crash so you better study for this test tonight and I suggest you study with someone smart cuz you don't want to fail this [Music] B upside down test tomorrow upside down ey oh man I'm going to fail this test I know dude me too I could help you guys study shut up Harry you look like you have taco meat on your head well my friends do call me Taco head and your voice sounds weird it sounds like you have something in your throat yeah you look weird too but Joseph we do need his help we're not smart and he does look smart so uh Harry come to my house and teach us to study okay Jolie good all right Harry help us study so we can pass this test tomorrow yeah Taco head all right what is the subject that test will be on subject like math or science or history or geography uh I don't know the subject do you Joseph no dude I wasn't paying attention I don't know the subject either all right then we'll learn everything learn everything dude that's too much yeah it's going to take all night I don't have time to learn everything what if we just guessed on the test tomorrow dude what if we fail you're right we can't fail I wish there was a button we could press that if we failed the test we can just keep doing the test over and over and over again until we passed oh like a redo button yeah like a redo button well I can inv V one of those well usually our friend Cody invents stuff okay well would you like to call Cody and see if he'll invent you a redo button no I didn't think so because he's corn and tea yeah he he doesn't hang out with us anymore all right well I'll get off to inventing the redo button yeah go go invent it can you even invent that I hope so all right mates I got your redo button why does it say no well if you did something that you didn't want to do you press it like no I didn't want to do it that way and then you get a chance to redo it it would make more sense if it said redo yes but if you flip it over it lets you know that it's on oh okay so how does it work so what you do is you go and fudge something up and then you press the button like and you get a chance to redo it I bet my mom wish she had that button you know to which day I was never born yes but unfortunately it only works like in the past few minutes okay so I'm going to go test it out with Chef peipi okay hey Chef peipi what are you doing oh nothing just making green beans Junior why would you make a mess in the kitchen why why junior I'm going tell your dad hey chefi what are you doing H nothing just cooking green beans oh wait what are you doing with a cheese grater I'm the cheese oh stop it Junior Junior what are you doing going to pour me some minute made it's already in the bottle you don't need to pour it look don't make a mess okay I'm not going to make a mess Juni you're not even trying look pour it in the cup pour it in the cup and the green beans no not the green beans what are you doing Junior I have a question Chef peipe what do you want mustard all over the kitchen no why would I want mustard all over my kitchen well you got it Juni no please don't I just cleaned up why are you doing this hey shpi hey Junior what are you doing oh nothing just going to break this glass cup wait what yeah why you break that cup junior junior ask my question Junior you're going to clean this up guys guys the button works it does dude yeah I messed with chef peipe and I broke a bunch of stuff and made him mad but then I pressed the button Junior why did you break that glass in the kitchen oh you better clean it up shfp I'll clean up in a minute I'm with my friends I thought you said you pressed the button I did press the button I just didn't press it the last time when I broke the cup cuz I thought it was funny when Chef Pipi was mad hilarious uh dude I want to see the button work oh Joseph you have to see this button work ooh I can call Heidi from our class and ask her to be my girlfriend wait who's Heidi Heidi GOI the hottest girl in our class oh yeah Heidi is hot yeah she would say no if I asked her out so I'll just keep pressing this button until she says yes dude that always works works yeah no doesn't mean no did dear what are you doing in my laboratory I love that show well I'm going call Heidi all right guys I'm calling Heidi it's ringing dude how did you get her number I heard her giving it to someone else and I wrote it down hello hey Heidi who is this it's me Junior the hot kid in your class hello he what happened did she say yes no she hung up on me oh puppy [ __ ] well we didn't do that yet it was just a phone call hold on let's try this again hello hey there sugar muffin uh who is this who do you want it to be joa dude what's she saying uh no Jerry's not here bye she was asking for someone named Jerry oh I have a very defined occipital lobe let's try it again hello uh hi hi who is this oh it's a it's a friend of Joseph's oh hi yeah I was wondering if you'd be my girl Heidi Heidi get off the phone what who's that that's my dad Heidi you know it's karaoke night it's time to go to karaoke I'm going to sing put the money in the grave bye Drake you know when I die put my money in the grave I really got to put a couple camels in their place I've lapped other camels in the race when I die put my money in the grave you know the words come on idy let's go okay I got go bye let's try again all right guys I think I got it this time hello hey ugly oh hi hey yeah I know you have a really ugly nose oh my gosh you have such a way with words Your Voice Sounds like nails on a chalkboard oh well you sound really handsome yeah you're really beautiful oh bye I almost had her oh fun fact my glasses actually don't have lenses in them all right guys hopefully this is the one hello hey there baby who's this the name's Junior Jr junior junior like in my class Junior put it on speaker so we all can talk shut up Harry yeah dude I want to talk guys shut up who is that it's just my friends we want to run a Thomas on you oo I Love Trains bloody good time yes choo choo oh well Heidi will you be my girlfriend sure yay okay I'll see you at school tomorrow guys I have a girlfriend it's not good okay all right guys so this button is really cool and we're definitely going to pass that test tomorrow so I'll see you guys at school tomorrow oh man I'm so nervous about this test me too dude oh I'm going to drink some water don't be nervous guys if you don't pass the test just hit the button and keep redoing it until you pass yeah Junior look what I thrw you not now sugar boms I have to take this test a but I love you yeah they all say that oh what does this button do don't press oh man I'm so nervous about this test me too dude oh I'm going to drink some water don't be nervous guys if you don't pass the test just hit the button and keep redoing it until you pass Junior look what I drew you don't touch this button just back up get out of here okay oh she doesn't want to redo it all right guys let's take this test all right all right is everyone done with their test oh yeah dude chip chip cherio I don't know what that means but everyone turn in your test okay all right crass I'm going to pass out your test Junior you got a f all right crass I'm I'm going to pass out your test Junior you failed I got another F all right CR I'm going to pass out your test Junior you got a big old F again all right crass I'm going to pass out your test Junior you got an A really a big F all right crass I'm going to pass out your test Junior guess what you got an F an F all right crass I'm going to pass out your test Junior guess what you got I swear to God if it's an F it's an F enough all right crass I'm going to pass out your test Junior guess what you got please God please God don't let it be an F A+ an A+ guys I passed I passed oh no all right crra I'm going to pass out your test Junior guess what you got what an F that took forever to pass that test well at least you passed dude I want to have some more fun with that button yeah okay uh what's something we can do o I'm going go mess with my dad do it dude man oh man I can't wait to watch Charlie and Friz they're running a marathon all day oh I love my TV hey Dad well what do you want junior you know you're not important hold on I got to do something hey Junior what are you doing hold on Dad you cra is friend what's wrong with you that's it Junior you're grounded no I'm not and I'm going to break all your to start it with this one no no no oh no please work please work Junior come here we're going in your room and breaking all your toys Harry Harry I need to make another redo button no Junior come in your room we're breaking all your toys oh no no I don't want to come on guys no oh man guys I can't believe shf peipi got us Happy Meals oh dude I love Happy Meals me too yeah I can't wait to get heart disease by the time I'm 50 y obesity yeah yeah all right guys before we eat our Happy Meals let's turn on some TV give me that Angelica please don't take my repor and what are you going to do about it you're nothing but stupid babies Chucky do something okay Tommy what are you going to do about it [Music] Finster she deserved it right Angelica definitely deserves it especially cuz she carries around that stupid doll just like Cody does oh burn Cody burn Joseph just burned you hey hey hey the word of the day is burned spell it with me b u r n d burned Junior that's not how you spell burned yeah it is how much would you spell it it's spelled b u r n e d no Cody that's burned but no it's not yeah that's burned hey Joseph Remember by my house burned to the ground yeah dude I remember when your house burned to the ground oh no my house Burn It To The Ground guys you're going to make me cuss and we can't do no no no pleasee don't cuss we don't want the video get demonetized you just got to learn how to spell burn Cody not burned how dumb all right guys let's eat our Happy Meals look guys I got some nuggies look what I got I got a Go-Gurt you got a Gogurt well let me see if I got one no I don't got a Gogurt of course not Junior you're not cool enough see cool people like me don't have time to eat yogurt with a spoon we got to go so we grab our G oh I wish I had a Gogurt oh dude look what I got what kind of toy is that I don't know it looks like a Roblox or something Roblox that's awesome yeah I got the same thing let me see it looks like it's Shaggy from scuber Doo so it's a bobblehead I mean I guess but look at that smile he looks like a lunatic imagine waking up and seeing that at the foot of your bed he looks like my sleep paralysis demon yeah he looks like he just killed his whole family yeah it's creepy I'm going to go see what toy I got what they gave me a TV remote dude what where's your toy what's up with that I don't know why would they give me a remote maybe they ran out of toy so they just gave you the closest thing they could find ah no Roblox toy for you dude but I want a Roblox toy too well look if this remote runs out of batteries you could always use that one you should at least see if it works with your TV I guess you're right I'll see if it works with my TV I'll try to pause the TV oh guys look it worked it paused the TV guys it paused the TV it worked guys guys oh I get it you guys are ignoring me because I didn't get a toy of my happy meal and you guys I think I'm lame cuz I'm the only one without a toy well I'm not lame because I got two remotes for my TV do you have two remotes for your TV huh huh no I I bet you guys don't have too much for your TV I don't even want a stupid dumb toy those toys are lame guys stop ignoring me guys stop ignoring me you know what guys I don't want to be a friend anymore so leave it's my house so you have to leave leave I'm going to go tell shpi that you guys won't listen to me and that you're ignoring me and then you won't leave cuz I don't want to be a friend anymore SHP my friends are ignoring me because I didn't get a toy my happy meal and I want you to tell them to go home Shi tell my friends to go home not you too Chef don't ignore me stop ignoring me Chef why is everybody ignoring me my stupid friends are ignoring me Chef B's ignoring me why are all you guys ignoring me I want you guys to leave go home you know what I'm just going to watch TV I guess it didn't work Junior yeah the batteries must be dead dude oh wow now you guys want to talk to me no I don't want to be your friends and I want you guys to leave what what are you talking about yeah dude no no when I hit that pause button on the remote you guys started ignoring me cuz I didn't get a toy in my happy meal no Junior nothing happened what are you talking about no no it did when when I pressed the the pause button you guys ignored me and so did chipi Junior I don't know what you're talking about what Cody you try press the pause button you'll see okay see Junior nothing happened junior junior Joseph guys what oh [Music] yeah oh yeah okay I think I'm ready all right let's do it oh oh god what happened oh my butt hurts mine does too oh yeah that's that's from sitting on the couch for so long that's that's that's what that is wink wink oh Cody did you see what I was talking about yeah I saw it Junior this remote controls time it controls time yeah if you press the pause button it stops time it does did you stop time yeah wait for how long did you stop time oh oh God for like like 5 years 5 years what' you do for 5 years Junior what didn't I do I mean I did everything like literally I did everything I could think of so you're saying that I I can take this remote and I could pause time and do stuff to people yeah and they would never know nope oh I want to pause time and punch CH be in the face Oho that sounds fun oh I'm going to try that there's a crocodile in the kitchen how did it get in here sh bab what are you doing Junior get out of the kitchen there's a crocodile in here I'll give me one second oh this is going to be so cool ow what does my face hurt it hurt so bad oh this is so cool guys I paused time and then I punch she in the face over and over and over again and then I unpaused it and he was in so much pain that's kind of messed up dude yeah Junior I don't think you should be using the remote to do bad stuff you literally paused the world for 5 years well well yeah but I didn't do anything bad well you know what look guys you guys are just jealous that I got a cool time controlling remote and you both got stupid dumb Shaggy toys we're not jealous about the Shaggy toys it's just that that remote is way too powerful this was obviously a mistake you're not supposed to have that I'm going to keep this remote and there's nothing you can do about it Cody Junior this is too dangerous you know I don't like the the language you're speaking Cody you know I'm going to change your language to Spanish what he saying Joseph I don't know dude but it's funny he's speaking gibberish M junor he Devol me you sound like Harry Potter trying to cast a spell on us we're not going to turn into a pumpkin Harry Potter okay look I'll change your language back to English Okay Cody Junior never do that again well it was kind of funny all right look guys I know you guys are upset cuz you guys think I hurt Chef Pee PE but I'll make it up to him there's a fast forward button on this remote and there's a big mess downstairs so I'll fast forward shfp cleaning up the mess so it's easier for him Junior that's not going to help him just make it go faster for you why don't you just go down there and clean it up for him well because then I'd have to clean it up and it's his mess yeah that would be helping him no I'm going to fast forward him cleaning up it's faster for him oh I hate my life hey Chef peipi what are you doing oh I'm trying to clean up the mess that stupid crocodile [Music] made you're welcome Chef peipi wait what you didn't do anything junor all right guys I helped Chef clean up the mess and now he's happy good so we can just destroy the remote now well no I don't want to destroy the remote Cody Junior it's too dangerous well no no no this remote has a fast forward button so that means I can fast forward through all the boring parts of my life like school and uh school oh what about school dude yeah school I hate school yeah I hate school too I actually kind of like school because you're a big fat nerdy nerd nerd boy yeah shut up nerd yeah shut up look I don't care what you want to fast forward through we should still destroy the remote all right Cody how about this if you give me a long detailed scientific explanation on why we should get rid of this remote I'll get rid of it but really yeah it's going to be really long and boring well I want to hear it oh okay I think you should get rid of the remote [Music] because and that Junior is why you shouldn't have the remote dude that was so awesome I know it was so cool but you thought my explanation was cool no we fast forward you so we didn't have to hear your long stupid dumb nerd speech what you fast forwarded me yeah it was so cool yeah it was so cool this is exactly why we shouldn't have the remote all right Cody I know you're mad so how about this I'll make you one last deal if you give me that same long dumb boring scientific explanation on why we should break it then I'll actually break it no you're just going to fast forward me again no Cody I promise I will not fast forward you again if I fast forward you again then you can punch me in the face and you can break the remote in front of me dude you really going to break the remote no sh all right Cody do we have a deal okay all right Junior I think you should get rid of the remote because you're dude what happened I muted him you should have did that alone time ago yeah Cody we can't hear you I muted you so I can't hear you talk hey hey hey Joseph can you hear Cody no he's he must not be talking yeah yeah he must not be talking he's mute wait wait I think Cody must have left cuz I can't hear him oh he's not in the room dude oh where's Cody oh wait wait wait Joseph I found Cody he just can't talk cuz I muted him that's so funny oh man he's so annoying when he talks anyway I think he's boring and dumb and but unmute me no Cody I'm not going to unmute you you want to know why because you're a dumb nerd and you're ugly hey hey hey hey hey watch this watch this watch this hey Cody um if you're a loser don't say anything he's a loser he loser he's a loser loser loser all right Cody I'll unmute you Junior this is the exact kind of thing you shouldn't be doing with the remote we need to destroy it okay Cody okay fine I understand this remote is really dangerous so I'm going to destroy it right now right after I use the rewind feature what could you possibly need to rewind um I got an idea hold on I'm use the rewind feature and then I'll break it Dad Dad Dad what do you want junior I'm trying to watch TV I want to make a bet with you okay I like bets what's the bet think of a number between 1 and 10 and if I guess it right you owe me $100 but if I guess it wrong I owe you $200 okay this going to be an easy $200 then all right think of a number o okay I got it is it one nope look like you owe me $200 ooh okay I got it is it two no nope looks like you owe me $200 ooh okay I got it is it three nope looks like you owe me $200 ooh okay I got it is it four nope looks like you owe me $200 ooh okay I got it is it five nope looks like you owe me $200 ooh okay I got it is it six nope looks like you owe me $200 ooh okay I got it is it nope looks like you owe me $200 o okay I got it is it eight how' you guess right are you a genius or a psychic or something uh yeah I I guess I'm just a psychic I pay you my $100 Dad it's not fair there's no way you guess that right oh thanks Dad Junior whenever I hear that noise I know something's bad diabetes guys guess who just made $100 how did you make $100 with that remote because uh let me think about that for a second um because uh I'm a genius yeah if you got 100 big ones out of it dude yeah 100 big ones 100 macaronis you know okay Junior you had your fun now we need to get rid of that remote for real all right Cody you keep saying we need to get rid of the remote but how do you expect us to get rid of it do you think it's just going to vanish in thin air I don't know maybe it has like a self-destruct button or something a self-destruct button uh but oh there's a there's a parental control button oh Junior don't touch that oh man guys I love eating Lunchables me too look at these little wieners can you imagine having a little wiener I sure can't guys check out my pieces that looks disgusting Joseph I'd rather have a pizza than a wiener in my mouth have you even had a wiener in your mouth no and I don't plan on it guys I can't open up my lunchable I'll get some scissors Chef Pee can you bring me some scissors what do you need scissors for you stupid brat I can't open up my lunch oh my God you're so weak you're the weakest kid I've ever met Junior well then let me see you open it I can open it without scissors watch just got to get my fingers on it you said you could open it I can open it okay just leave me alone I'm just just got to bite it you know [Applause] what just got to use your your wisdom teeth there we go yeah I did it I did it I'm a boss you can't touch me all you did was open a Lunchable what the news breaking news K Tom Brady seven time Super Bowl champion is retiring from football sad day for all of us what Tom Brady's retiring oh no this can't be happening this is a bad dream it's a bad dream no he can't retire calm down SHP he's just a football player no he's not just a football player he's God he's the ghost well he played long enough Chef peipi no he didn't play long enough he's supposed to play till he's 90 my life's over Junior shfp looks really upset we should go check on him this going to be happening this going be happening I'm depressed I'm going eat all the bread I can find oh no guys he's eating white bread oh he must be really sad stop bre you want some bread you can eat all the bread you can have huh you don't you don't play football anymore so here get the bread eat the bread Tom oh he's yelling at the Tom BR book oh come on Chef peee the cars this isn't part of the tv12 method the tv12 method is dead Cody just like Tom should we know that Tom Brady can come back in a few years no he can't you saw the news I know you saw the news you saw the news he's dead it's over his Kut you just retired we should call doctor yeah no no Tom no poor guy is he going to be okay Doctor well we have him in a straight jacket in a padded room so he can't hurt himself what's going on well it looks like he's having some kind of mental breakdown do you know what could have happened well we were watching TV and then he found out Tom Brady retired what Tom Brady retired yeah no God no not Tom he can't retire he's not supposed to retire until he was like 90 I know right oh God this is the worst news ever I'd rather lose my wife than tomp Brady God no he's the ghost he's the GH oh God no please no is Chef peipi going to be okay I don't know guys I've never seen him this sad before well Tom Brady was his idle dude well it's not like we can do anything I mean it's not like we can stop Tom Brady from retiring that's it Cody we have to stop Tom Brady from retiring I just said we can't do that sure we can okay how we'll just pay him to keep playing oh yeah he loves money dude guys Tom Brady usually makes about $20 million a year well we'll just save up $20 million and give it to him well how are we going to save up $20 million well just wash cars and look in the couch cushions I don't think you're going to have $20 million in the couch cushions and besides the problem wasn't that they weren't paying him enough the problem was that he just didn't want to play anymore well if we give him an offer he can't refuse he'll keep playing what if we offer him one billion dollar a billion dollars he'll definitely play for like 10 years dude well I don't doubt that but we're we going to get a billion dollars okay how about we just empty our pockets add up all our money and maybe see how much money we have we're not going to have anywhere near a billion dollars I don't know Cody we might surprise you i' I'd be very surprised if we had a billion dollars all right everyone empty your pockets well would you look at that Cody what $7.50 uh uhuh $7.75 oh wow if this doesn't get him to keep playing I don't know what will exactly I was being sarcastic Junior Tom Brady shits this no he doesn't he eats nothing but avocados he doesn't poop money no Junior my point is $7 is nothing to Tom Brady well don't say that what if he's bankrupt one day and he really needs his money I think he's going to be just fine unless he's addicted to putting money in a paper shredder well that's an even better reason for me not to give him my $7 okay fine we think of another way to get him not to retire I got it what if we kidnap Tom Brady whoa no no no hear me out we kidnap him and we say we'll only let you go if you keep playing well when we let him go to play he's just going to run away and never come back no he'll run away under the football field and get touchdowns and then he'll never come back no we'll make him pinky promise to not run away Junior these are terrible ideas come up with another one that isn't illegal okay okay what if we call him and we ask him nicely not to retire how are you going to get Tom Brady's number um well call his agent how are you going to get his agent's number we call the agent's wife how are you going to get the agent's wife's number Facebook well that might work okay all right guys I'm calling her hello hey is this Tom Brady's agent's wife uh yes it is who is this let me talk to your husband oh okay uh honey it's for you who is it honey hello hey are you Tom Brady's agent I sure ra why you calling my wife well I want to offer Tom Brady a billion doll offer a billion dollars okay I'll put Tom on the call hello Tom we've got a billion dollar deal for you a billion dollars okay let's hear it uh hi Tom hi I'm Tom Brady yeah you are um I'm from billion dooll book publishing millionaire ink Incorporated oh yeah I've heard of you guys oh oh well we want to offer you $7.75 uh uh so far it it'll be more later uh to keep playing hello hello the call dropped I think he hung up on you when he heard how much you were really going to offer him oh no oh guys what are we going to do I think we just need to accept that Tom Brady's done with football yeah I guess you're right Cody it was stupid to try to get him to come back boys boys you got to come quick it's not looking good what what's wrong doctor well uh I don't know how to say this but your friend here is um dying dying not sh who's going to cook for us why is he dying well I don't really know he's just completely lost the will to live it's called broken heart syndrome but what can we do to help him well maybe if Tom Brady decided not to retire I mean I tried telling him that he could still watch Aaron Rogers play but then he just woke up for a brief second to say I'd rather die and then he went back into his coma oh poor Chef BB we're here for you guys we have to stop Tom Brady from retiring good luck with that that's impossible nothing's impossible for a possible what it's from Kim Possible Oh I'm not familiar with the show come on guys guys Chef peipi is dying but guys there's nothing else we can do I'm surprised we even managed to get on the phone with Tom Brady but I don't want shef peipi to die there has to be something we can do that makes Tom Brady not retire I just thought of something so crazy it just might work what dude oh God what is it we break into Tom Brady's house no you didn't let me finish we break into Tom Brady's house we steal one of his Super Bowl rings and then when he notice the Ring's missing he's like I got to go win another one to replace it and he goes and wins another Super Bowl no I'll tell you what he's going to do he's going to call the police and then we're going to go to jail and he's still not going to be playing football well no no he's not going to be happy knowing he's missing a ring so he's like I got to go play one more season to win a ring but winning another ring isn't going to replace the ring we stole okay fine we'll steal the ring and then we'll send him a ransom note saying you only get this ring back if you go back and win the Super Bowl okay let me see if I have this right we're going to break into Tom Brady's house which is burglary we're going to steal one of his Super Bowl rings which is theft and then we're going to send him a ransom note which is extortion I think and then even after all of that he has to play a full season of football and win a Super Bowl exactly it's going to work it's going to bring sheipi back to life everyone's going to be happy and then Tom br's going to have eight rings and he's going to be the Super Goat would be so crazy it might work D no it's not going to work and we're going to go to jail no some guy stole his jersey after he won a Super Bowl and that guy didn't go to jail wait really yeah Tom BR doesn't press charges huh well you might be on to something all right let's go break into Tom br's house and steal multiple Super Bowl rings cuz the more we steal the more seasons he'll play to win those Rings back oh let's do it D all right guys we're at Tom Brady's house how are we going to break in junior I don't know let's see if the door's unlocked oh wow he leaves the door unlocked rich people don't care huh go go let's go let's go all right guys let's check the kitchen they're not going to be in the kitchen junior you never know huh no not here oh oh guys I found three of them what he keeps his Super Bowl rings next to the forks I'll put him by the bat personally come on let me grab them let me grab these three all right guys we got them that was incredibly easy I told you Cody now all we have to do is write a random note to Tom Brady saying if you ever want to see your Super Bowl rings again you have to keep playing okay write it but me I don't want them tracing my handwriting back to me Cody they can't trace your handwriting yes they can then write it with your left hand okay fine what do you want it to say say uh Tom Brady if you ever want to see your Super Bowl rings again you have to keep playing all right come on hurry okay Junior how's that oh my God Cody it's perfect why so sloppy dude I wrote it with my left hand I think it's perfect Cody okay great so how do we get the letter to him um we break back into his house and we leave the letter oh come on why didn't we just leave it when we were there before we didn't have any paper Cody come on grab it okay we left the note let's get out of here should I lock the door what no it was unlocked when we got here that'll be suspicious come on yeah don't think all right guys the mission is complete well now we just have to wait for Tom Brady to notice and then he'll call the cops there's the news breaking news three of Tom Brady's Super Bowl rings have been stolen and there's a ransom note that was left at the scene and the police are investigating now oh no we're going to go to jail I'll never see my family again I'll never get into college my whole ow shut up Cody we wanted this to happen it's part of the plan and plus they don't even know it's us I think they know it's us dude let me do the talking hello hey kid oh the cops what are you doing here well Tom Brady Super Bowl rings got stolen what yeah it's crazy right and whoever did it left behind this note that says that he has to play football again if he ever wants him back and your friend is in the hospital because he retired so that makes you suspect number one well I didn't do it all right I'll see about that come on just let me do it no dude that's gross guys the cops are here wait there's the Rings wait you didn't hide the Rings no Cody wanted me to hide them up his butt I could have fit all three in there hell I could have done all seven you told me you didn't have the Rings look we we just took the Rings cuz we don't want Tom BR to retire cuz Chef pee's dying all right well you guys are lucky that Tom Brady doesn't press charges you all be in big trouble I'm just going to take these back to him oh I'm sorry I'm so sorry Chef peepi we tried so hard to get Tom Brady not to retire and now you're going to die hey everybody there's a guest here who wants to talk to you who hey I'm Tom Brady Tom Brady what are you doing here well I heard what you did for your friend you know stealing my Super Bowl rings and I thought that was just the nicest gosh darn thing anyone's ever done so I came to talk to your friend please talk to him maybe you'll bring him back to life okay what's his name um Chef peee hey there Mr peee huh Tom Tom Brady yep that's me seven time Super Bowl winner Tom Brady wait what are you doing here Tom well I just want to let you know that just because I'm retiring doesn't mean I'm retiring from your heart and all the good memories I made for you you're right Tom just because you're retiring doesn't mean you're dead that's right now Puck her up wait what there you go oh my God I just got kissed my Tong Brady I feel like a son can I have a taste oh sure guys Christmas is only a few days away oh dude I can't wait to open presents well guys it's time for me to light my candles Cody your birthday's not till February yeah dude Stop Being Greedy it's about Christmas well it's not for my birthday so what's it for dude Hanukkah don't say that what is that for Hanukkah dude I'm about to beat him up right now you hear him Joseph don't do it what are you so mad about dude out of all things you could have said hey Joseph say that again or I couldn't hear you could you repeat yourself but you chose to say huh no no no no no no no no that's not what I said I I said Hanukkah bro I'm about to beat him up hold me back hold me back Cody can you stop saying that no it's a holiday okay fine you know what we're not going to we're not going to do Hanukkah today I I'll just celebrate Christmas yeah you better yeah it's jesus' birthday not your birthday Cody but that's not God you guys are stupid there's someone at the door Cody answer answer the door with me Cody okay I'll stay here I guess all right Cody you really need to calm down with those slurs against Joseph it's not a slur it's a holiday just please calm down hello Merry Christmas Santa Claus what are you doing here I have a problem boys Rudolph ran away Rudolph ran away but who's going to guide your slay on Christmas night that's the issue I can't ride my sleigh without Rudolph's red nose lighting up the sky I could run into a building and that'd be really bad in New York City exactly so I need you boys to go find them and I'll give you anything you want for Christmas if you do anything we want anything come on Cody we have to go find Rudolph hurry boys hurry Joseph Joseph Santa Claus at the door oh Santa Santa oh did he bring presents no he didn't bring presents Santa Claus came to tell us that Rudolph the Red-nosed reindeeer ran away wait why would he run away maybe he got tired of people laughing and calling him names why don't you run away when we laugh and call you names I've thought about it all right Joseph Santa Claus said if we find Rudolph he'll give us anything we want anything oh family Junior don't you think it's weird that of all the billions of people in the world he chose us to help him Santa Claus knows we're the smartest kids in the world Cody Junior we're definitely not the smartest kids in the world then why else would he choose us he can see us when we're sleeping he knows when we're awake he obviously knows we're smart enough to find Rudolph if he can see us he knows we're dumb come on Joseph you know we can find Rudolph right of course dude yes we can okay where should we start looking for Rudolph outside oh no it's cold outside it's freezing outside dude well then we're not going to find him then Rudolph could be in my house Junior he's not in your house you know that for a fact yes okay well if you have a Rudolph tracker then tell us where he's at Junior if you had a giant reindeer with a glowing red nose in your house you'd know okay okay well if you know where Rudolph isn't then where is he I don't know but he's not here then shut up if you don't know where he's at we're trying to think yeah you useless dude okay you know what it's actually going to be really hard to find Rudolph cuz the world is like what a billion miles long so the best option for us to do is to go to an animal shelter adopt a dog put a red nose on them and antlers and then give it to Santa and say that's Rudolph oh dude that's a nice plan Junior I I think he wants the real Rudolph that can fly no no no he just wants it for show so as long as we give him something that looks like Rudolph we'll get anything we want and we save Christmas but J we'd be lying to Santa I lie to everyone Cody Santa doesn't make an exception I can lie to him too yeah it seems wrong okay well you know what's wrong you trying to celebrate your birthday on jesus' birthday yeah and then throw a ISO at me well no it's okay fine let's do your stupid plan all right let's go to the dog shelter oh man Santa Claus is going to love the new Rudolph well at the pound his name was Gizmo and he was about to be put down for old age oh a cute little mut look on me mut right now oh you must not know Michael big's my uncle Joseph calm down oh he's asking for a dude listen he's just an old sick dog but did he just cough I've never even heard a dog do that before well listen I need you to smell his butt what why I need you to smell a stink hole to see if it's stinky Junior it's called a stink hole I'm pretty sure it's stinky listen I you have to make sure it's not stinky because he's going to be in front of all the other reindeer and no reindeer wants to smell a reindeer's butt that's dirty what Junior this this old sick dog is not going to leave to slay smell it yep that's a dog's ass well that's how they say hello mhm okay hello Gizmo Junior this dog is going to die listen listen listen Santa Claus is going to be super happy that he's going to lead his sleigh now we just have to tell Santa Claus that we found Rudolph how we going to do that he didn't leave us his number or anything the only way you get a hold of Santa Claus Is Sing Santa Claus songs Santa Claus is Coming to Town what [ __ ] Santa Claus is Coming to Town what [ __ ] Santa Claus is coming to town to Town come your west of my town what what the he's at the door is that's how you get him I can't believe that worked hello have you Bo found Rudolph yet yeah Rudolph's right here Rudolph come here boy don't you ever do that again so Santa are you going to grant us our Christmas wishes well once I deliver everyone else's presents I'll come right back here and Grant all your wishes you promise yeah sure all right guys let's go wait for him to deliver all the present okay dude guys I can't believe Santa's going to give us whatever we want why did he run away like that because he's in a rush Cody yeah he has to deliver presence dude well not for a few days well we have to go all the way back to the North Pole where in Florida it's a long drive yeah he's trying to get ahead of [Music] schedule the news is on breaking news the real Santa Claus has died in a freak sleigh crap crash because Rudolph was just a dog with a red nose painted on him and the slle could not fly truly tragic yeah Junior we killed Santa Claus what do you mean we well he was looking for Rudolph and instead we gave him a sick dog that couldn't fly so he crashed well well a plane can still fly with one engine okay so so his sleigh has nine reindeer so if one reindeer goes missing it should still be able to fly I think George Bush did it mhm inside job dude well either way Santa's dead and Christmas is ruined what no Christmas no family no family Joseph I'm out of here dude I can't handle this what are we going to do Cody since Christmas is ruined well I still have my manora we're not going to celebrate your birthday Cody it's not a birthday thing then why are there candles well it's fine fine we won't do this hey who are you I think that's an elf Junior you guys killed Santa no we didn't yes you did you gave Santa a fake Rudolph and he crashed oops no oops now you had to be Santa and deliver all the presents that's impossible yeah we can't do that no tonight you're going to do a test run and see how fast you can deliver presents to our house it's going to be pretty slow we don't know what we're doing yeah cuz we're not Santa Claus I'll give you Santa's magic now which one wants to do it I do not want to be Santa Claus no Cody you got to be Santa Claus you already have glasses like Santa but you killed Santa so you should be Santa you be santa santa santa there now you have Santa's Powers what Ken Ken can't be Santa Claus he's a doll he's not a doll Junior I don't care now deliver this present to this address I'll be watching you Cody Ken can't be Santa Claus yes he can Junior he's already a lawyer astronaut doctor scientist for the NBA he can be Santa Claus or should I call him Kenta Claus or Saint kentus or Ken cringle that's all I got but Cody we can't deliver this present cuz Ken has all the powers Junior I have an idea they want us to deliver this present to test if we'd be a good Santa right so how about we just do a really bad job delivering this present and then we don't have to be Santa and we don't have to worry about this you're right Cody if we do a really bad job being Santa they'll be like we don't want you being Santa and they'll give the powers to someone else yeah and it shouldn't be hard to screw this up yeah let's go screw up being Santa Claus come on kanta Claus let's go to this house all right Junior this is the house okay so how do we get in do you see a chimney I'm not getting on the roof but we're supposed to be like Santa Claus but we're also supposed to suck remember aren't you good at sucking well yeah but not at this okay let's just go through the front door well Junior we can't just walk into their house but let's see if the door's unlocked well it's not going to be unlocked it is unlocked wow okay let's go all right Junior deliver the present yeah that's good bu bu I hear noises yeah well maybe it's you snoring no bu I hear noises you know what it might be my stomach growling because you burned dinner and I didn't get to eat bu it's coming from the living room yeah well maybe somebody broke in and they'll kill me wouldn't that be nice Bo you have to get up and go check I'm not getting up until I hear something Cody I really feel like we should make like a huge mess so we can stop stuck at being Santa but we don't want them calling the cops let's just go no no no no no we have to do a really bad job at being Santa and Santa would not make a mess right I mean I guess that's true watch oh oh no oh oh oh oh God Junior what the hell is wrong with you what okay okay I heard that all right I'll get up I'll check see what that noise was what what the hell what happened to my tree but hey hey you goons get the hell out of my house run C run yeah you better run I'm so mad what was that noise Bo two goons broke into our house and knocked over our Christmas tree did they steal anything no because I chased them off but I'm pretty sure I know who it was and I'm going to go give them a Stern talking to okay we delivered the present yeah there's no way we get hired to Santa now what the hell was that did you even try that was us trying Santa's supposed to be quiet and go down chimneys listen lady I don't know what to tell you we're just bad at being Santa find somebody else well someone has to be Santa there you are you goons you broke into my house hey you can't just come into our house without asking oh like you did in my house and you knocked over my Christmas tree you you could be see Santa oh no no no no I I I don't want to be Tim Allen I I don't have time for those kind of shenanigans well someone has to be Santa the news breaking news UK the real Santa Claus Is Not Dead the Santa that died earlier today was just a guy dressed up as Santa Claus and rode a sleigh off of his roof with a dog that looked like Rudolph wait Santa Claus isn't dead well I guess I could take these off oh can I have those I'm still pretty pissed off sure here you go yeah just stick them on there oh I'm so mad you guys broke into my house and it knocked over my Christmas tree you you don't look mad at all I don't I I am mad I promise U can you come fix his eyebrows yes you look like you have a question I need to better convey my anger here hold on yes hold still okay I'm sorry I'm just so mad let me see am I mad now yeah yeah you seem pretty mad I'm really mad you guys knocked over my tree and broke into my house listen we're really sorry we won't do it again we were just trying to be Santa Claus oh yeah you're sorry huh well let me let let me nibble that ear what what let me let me nibble let me nibble that ear okay there that's what you get now never do it again or I'll nibble your other ear okay well Junior I guess Santa's not really dead so that that everything worked out wow today was a crazy day yeah I have a question Cody okay what happened to your free medium french fries you get from McDonald's every week you haven't been eating them oh I still get them I mean I don't always eat them here but like I get them like I eat them at home like in bed and stuff well everyone's been upset that you haven't been eating them well all right fine you know what here here you go here's my free medium french fries I get from McDonald's every week there you go you happy eat one okay there I'm doing it doing the thing you happy Merry Christmas Merry Christmas well oh man I'm so sick hey Danny can I skip school today no Jeffy don't touch me with your dirty boogers Jeffy you cannot skip school you got to go didn't take me Jeffy I feel so sick can you just ride the bus what's a bus you don't know what a bus is no it's a it's a big thing that takes kids to school oh it's like an airplane well kind of it just doesn't have wings so then how do it fly it doesn't fly it's a bus so then why did you say it's like an airplane I said it's kind of like an airplane cuz it would kind of look like one if it had wings but it doesn't it's it's yellow oh so like a taxi but it's really long like a limousine but it's a truck a trim isine there's no such thing is a triazine Jeffy yes there is well then go outside and get on the triazine it'll take you to school well how am I supposed to know where it's at don't worry it it'll find you how will it find me is it stalking me no no Santa Claus tells it where you're at Santa Claus can I give Santa Claus my Christmas list well Santa Claus won't be driving it it'll be one of his elves well then can I give the elf my Christmas list well no you cannot let the elf know you know it's an elf because then he'll disappear like it's an elf and they're undercover trying to see if kids are good or bad that's how Santa knows if you're good or bad so be really good on the bus okay okay Daddy so go outside and get on that triazine or bus or whatever you want to call it okay oh I can't believe my dad's going to make me take the bus hey Junior Cody you're taking the bus too yeah my mom said she wouldn't drive me to school anymore because she found out gas was made from dinosaur fossils and she wants to save the dinosaurs I tried to tell her they were already dead but she wouldn't listen but the school bus uses gas no believe me I tried to tell her that too but she said if the dinosaurs died for learning it was worth it what's up dudes Joseph you're taking the bus yeah I always take the bus dude I didn't even know there was a bus me neither hey guys Jeffy don't tell me you're taking the bus also yeah my daddy told me he won't take me to school anymore that's what my dad said the bus is coming wait that's the bus it's a short bus come on guys let's get on okay dude the bus is so fun hey get on the damn bus we ain't got all day guys just get on uh where do we sit you can sit anywhere dude let's sit in the back no I'm not Roo Parks dude I'm going to sit right here and I'm not moving well why don't we just sit in the back no okay damn I'm I'm sit in the back I can't wait to sit in the back back off nerd this is my seat I thought the seat was empty no I was just down here I like to scare people oh well Penelope can I sit with you no Junior this is my seat but there's enough room for both of us get your own Junior there's plenty of other seats well I'm going to sit right here no then I have to look at you deal with it uh can I ride up front I get car sick I don't give a [ __ ] just sit your ass down yes ma'am don't call me ma'am it makes me feel old call me sweet cheeks okay sweet cheeks damn right all right bran listen up my name's barara and I'm a bus driver but you can call me Babs on this bus there's a few rules rule number one absolutely no talking I got a wicked hangover and talking activates my schizophrenia and it'll cause me to drive this bus right in oncoming traffic rule number two absolutely no cologne cologne messes with my allergies and I'll sneeze my tampon right out of my body uh can I roll down my window and absolutely no rolling down Windows okay we got AC4 for a reason and speaking of AC I'm turning it off okay it's a cool 98° outside so you'll get over it and if I catch you rolling that window down I'll pull this bus over and beat the [ __ ] out of you see that camera up there it doesn't work so I can't get caught and if you Tred telling your parents I'll I'll tell them that you did it to yourself cuz your emo now let's rock I'm already getting sick hey Junior I'll bet you five bucks I can hit the bus driver with this paper ball uh I wouldn't do that she's going to get mad I'm going to send it don't you ever throw another paper ball at me I have eyes in the back of my head she thought it was Cody hey shut the hell up I said no talking you're going to make my schizophrenia act up sorry yeah shut up I'm not trying to die today but it was Jeffy he threw the paper ball hey Window Licker what you're up ugly you're ugly yeah well if the seat wasn't here I'd fight you well I can jump over the seat yeah me too well let's go then let's go they're fighting fight fight fight fight a fight oh hell no I want a piece of that wait wait who's driving the bus where get the hell up get back to your seats if I catch you fighting again you both are going to leave here in body bags yes sir that's right sick of these damn kids can you please just drive the bus hold on I need to take a sip of my yooo put your yooo down and drive the bus how about you get pregnant at 15 years old drop out of high school and become a bus driver then you can make the rules okay now what why am I getting pulled over probably because you weren't driving the bus well my son is a police officer I'm getting out of this ticket can't wait to see what this is about open the door ma'am can you please explain to me why no one was driving this bus what Mom why are you driving a bus I knew my own son would be the one to pull me over Mom you weren't driving the bus there's kids in here you can't do that well there was a fight in the back and I had to break it up well then why didn't you just pull over and you're not even supposed to be driving your license got suspended because you got too many du wi well I got to make money somehow are you going to pay my mortgage no all right then get the hell off my bus okay but look if you get pulled over again I can't help you that's all right this Force loves me okay all right sorry about that kids that was my son trying to pull me over and give me a ticket so if you love your mother and you grow up don't be like him now let's see if I can get you to schools on time so you can get an ENT cacious hey Joseph what are you doing dude I got to get ready for school got to smell good well she said Don't Spray cologne dude she'll never know I to all right that's it which one you sprayed the cologne I just sneezed my tampon out wasn't you I'm throwing up oh I'm going to to find who sprayed that cologne and when I do I'm going to throw you off this moving bus dude she's coming what do we do with it get rid of it was it you do you guys have the cologne uh no I think it's back there yeah all right I'm coming what is this aha I got you what are you talking about you're the one with the cologne no I just found it uh-huh likely story you're coming with me you're coming up this bus get off my bus ow I'm calling my Dad did she just throw off the bus she did dude she did at least it wasn't me cuz my life matters mhm that's it bradz youve broken every rule you started talking you had cologne I swear you guys are on the last strike oh no my bag's fing throw up I got to roll the window down that is it what did I say about rolling the window down I am pulling this bus over right now what did I tell you about putting the window down but I had to throw up well next time you throw up in your mouth and swallow it but my throw up bag was full oh your throw up bag is full well come on with me we're going to go outside and dump it on the ground and you're going to eat it man Jeffy this bus driver is mean bet me five bucks I won't steal this bus bet oh man how do I drive this thing let's listen to this baby per you guys ready to go home no school for us today we can't leave Cody what tell him to get on your bus Joseph what's up dude tell Cody get on the bus we're stealing this thing oh hell yeah all right dump it right here on the ground and eat it please don't make me do this I said eat it Cody hurry up and get on the bus we're stealing it Oh no you're not you get back here she's right behind me J close at the door you kids better not steal my BS oh I'm going to kill you kids we left her all right guys we're home thank God get me off this bus yeah oh man I hate that bus well I like driving it well what are we going to do with it we stole it we should blow it up why would you go and park in your driveway well what if someone sees it I don't even know okay look I don't want to be a part of this yeah me either Marvin I got you DayQuil oh thanks so much baby I just want to lay down take my medicine and watch TV hey n Jeffy what are you doing here you're supposed to be at school that was the meanest elf driving that school bus what elf what is he talking about Oh daddy told me that one of Santa Claus's elves would be driving the bus and that's how they know where to pick me up at Marvin why would you tell him that why am I getting yelled at Jeffy is skipping school Jeffy why are you not at school right now because the elf was being so mean that I kicked her off the bus and I stole the bus and it's parked in your driveway W see it you stole the school by there's no way you did that there's absolutely no way you did that morvin look the news breaking news M K this student has allegedly stolen a school bus if you have any information on his whereabouts you're asked to contact the police look daddy I'm on the news I'm famous Jeffy when you get out of jail from stealing that school bus you are so grounded how did we raise a criminal I was just trying to save Santa Claus's reputation cuz that elf was really really mean oh no who's at the door what if it's the cops hello hey there you know anything about a missing school bus uh no no I don't really come with me what's that a school bus why would you lie to me I thought we were friends but buddy we are friends don't touch me I don't want to be touched by Liars look I'm so sorry but my son stole the school bus I know he did he's an idiot cuz he stole it from my mom your mom what oh come on what are we in Middle School mom jokes really your mom how about that no no I meant like you stole it from your mom yes he did and you know what that is Grand Theft Auto 6 where is it it's been like 9 years I mean I know Grand Theft Auto 5 is good and all but it's not 9 years good I'm ready for another one so where is it huh huh tell me where is it I don't know I know you don't why would you you don't work for Rockstar let's go to talk to your son okay Jeffy the police officer wants to speak to you I'll plead the fils okay Jeffy look I know you stole the bus we all know you stole the bus but I can't arrest you why can't you arrest them because if I arrest Jeffy then I'd have to arrest my mom your mom okay are all of you that immature that you're still making mom jokes your mom how about that all of your moms are ugly how does that feel not great huh all right yeah I can't arrest Jeffy cuz I'd have to arrest my mom for driving without a license and apparently letting kids take a bus your mom's an elf okay if one of you makes another mom joke you're all going to jail look okay so jeffy's not getting arrested no but I'm just going to have to let him go with a slap on the wrist so let me see it ow I would have rather went to jail yeah I know I'm a good slapper well so who's going to drive the bus if your mom's not driving it it's going to be somebody very responsible with kids come on [Applause] down wait wait no that's that's the John Cena music how does the prizes right music go like that's that's Jeopardy shut up it's it's like it's like no that's that's Pope okay shut up this McDonald's just you know what just get in here it's me I'm going to be the one driving the bus until we find a new bus driver I didn't see that coming neither did I well it looks like everything worked out just fine but where is Grand Theft Auto 6 though I mean seriously let's have that conversation it's been like 9 years
Channel: Dr. Junior
Views: 417,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, sml reuploaded, sml jeffy, sml marathon, smlytp, sml old videos, sml reaction, sml movie, sml ytp, sml animated, sml archive, sml alien, asml, asml movie, sml bowser jr, sml cody, sml chef pepe, cool cody sml, sml drama, dr junior, sml movie 2023, new sml movie 2023, sml movie jeffy 2023, a new sml movie, every sml movie from 2023, sml new movie 2023, best small movies of 2023, sml movies 2022, jeffy's, all jeffy videos, animation jeffy, a new jeffy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 190min 8sec (11408 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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