SML Movie- Goldilocks! 2023- Full Episode

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[Music] Jeffy I swear if that hits me what are you going to do I'll rip up your dumb toy okay mommy can you throw that back to me here you go well don't give it back to him it's good well that's just rude Jeffy you're grounded why because you be me with the stupid toy let me enter the door hello hey Marvin why do you have a cat this is my $5 million cat Mrs Bigglesworth why is it $5 million because it's a Himalayan Yeti long hair a Yeti and a cat banged and this popped out and I bought it for $5 million Well why'd you bring it here because I need you to watch her for me Marvin every time I watch your animal something bad happens oh come on Marvin I have this wicked hot girl coming over but she's allergic to cats and I don't want her sneezing on me ew so I just need you to watch her for 10 minutes why only 10 minutes because I don't last long plus the post nut clarity's going to kick in and I'm going to want her to leave actually it's going to be 9 minutes because my pants are already down okay fine give me the damn cat all right thanks Marvin Marvin why do you have a cat Goodman wants me to watch it for 10 minutes oh no something bad always happens not if we watch it for 10 minutes get the cat get the cat no no no oh darn it what do we do now she went under the table Kitty oh no let me try to get like a toy to get her out kitty kitty kitty all right baby I got this like Mouse toy okay and I got this spider on a string toy all right let's try to get her out okay kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty you want the toy come on Kitty let me see what she's doing uh yeah she is under there and she is not trying to come out oh no what do we do ooh let's call a cat Whisper okay yeah hey there somebody to call a cat Whisper yeah so there's a cat stuck quiet we have to whisper we don't want the cat to hear us do you speak cat shut the [ __ ] up whisper okay I'm a cat whisperer okay what's going on so I'm supposed to watch this cat for like 10 minutes well actually like 9 minutes and so the cat got stuck under the table I need you to grab it oh that's it that's all you need yeah I need you to grab the cat we don't have to whisper for that usually people just want me to talk to their cat and figure out its felines feelings felines yeah well people usually just want me to like talk to their cat and figure out its favorite color or its favorite food or something I mean it's all a scam I can't talk to cats any more than you can but that's what I do I scam people well can you get the cat from under the table oh yeah that's easy I got the perfect thing right here got some catnip one smell of this and it'll come running and it'll get high out of its goddamn mind okay well let's use the catnip hey man you want to like this [ __ ] huh you want to like this [ __ ] [ __ ] Bro huh oh man I am zooted right now I'm not even me I am a different puppet completely this [ __ ] is so purple it should be asking where's Ronald this that [ __ ] that killed Tupac oh bro bro bro bro Peep Peep Jeffy look look he is cooked my guy he is looking into the eyes of Eternity right now dude is smelling shapes he he is talking to God motherfucker's over there at Avatar 3 oh my god oh hey hey wait I'm sorry wait I forget why am I even here man my hatat oh yeah kitty kitty [ __ ] him oh man hey hey hey hey hey you know Igloo you know Igloo how how does that even work you know like cuz they're made of snow and ice but they're round and ice is slippery they should just fall over how does that even how do that oh oh bro bro bro bro bro bro I got oh this is going to be so Co bro how about we get some ice from your fridge and we make igloo yeah okay okay going to be so cool okay okay okay I got I got the ice here comes the igloo I'm going build an igloo I'm going live in it with my little penguin family wait these are not hey these are not stacking this is this is impossible the world lied Igloo are impossible they use bricks they they use bricks and they paint them white that's what they do that was a good nap wait why is there a plate of water here oh yeah igloos baby baby baby Goodman can be here any minute we have to get the cat out oh okay yeah yeah yeah I got the I got the nip right here um you want to go one more time no we have to get the cat Okay lame okay Marvin where's this cat underneath the table let me take a look oh look at the geeky the geeky okay yeah it's under there let me try the catnip hey hey you want some catnip some pretty dank nip huh take the nip take the catnip you stupid cat maybe we should light some up just to show the cat it's good no we have to hurry up and get the cat out okay yeah I got something else I got a laser pointer cats love laser pointers hey you want the laser Go Get It Go Get It it's not working okay this is stupid I'm just going to go in there it's a cat I can grab it yeah just grab it get off my face God scatching me are you okay you should do something what am I supp to do God it hurts it hurts oh God it scratched my face are you okay no I'm not okay it bit my ear and it scratched my eye God damn it I hate cats well but you're a cat Whisper no I'm a dog Parson God I hate cats I wish they'd all die I hope you die cat you hear me okay all right I'm getting that cat out of there this is personal now all right I'm going in what is that it's a lightsaber what do you think it is get out of here stupid cat I have The High Ground what was stop it stop stop stop it what what are you doing I'm trying to get the cat out of there it's a Sith that's inhumane yeah well it's inhumane what it did to my face don't use a lightsaber yeah you're right it's not the Jedi way Master Yoda be pissed anyway I have a better idea I can can use this hammer and maybe try to scare it out with loud noises get out of here stupid cat stupid idiot cat you know what get out here get out stop it use use other things other than weapons okay fine I will get it out humanely all right I got this dog his name is killer how is that dog going to help get the cat out like this sick him get him tear him apart [ __ ] him up rip his head off humanely yeah humanly rip his head off no no get that dog out listen I want the cat alive not I don't want you to kill it killer not going to kill anybody well okay maybe he will his name is killer I need the I need the cat in one piece really oh God you're not making this easy for me you can't get the cat out hey do you want to try you saw what it did to me well listen can you do your job or not yes I can okay but you're sure you need him alive I need him alive okay okay I got it all right I got this what is that this is my Police Issue taser a taser I said don't kill the cat I'm not going to kill the cat I'm just going to electrocute it with 100,000 volts and that's not going to kill it no look it's just going to knock the cat out so I can drag it out from under the table and then it'll wake up wherever you want it to and you promise it's not going to hurt the cat no I don't know who cares look I electrocute bad guys with it all the time and they're fine they still do bad things so it can't be that bad okay I'm going in here kitty kitty kitty here you little bastard yeah take that yeah you like that yeah there you going get bite down on it yeah put it in your mouth yeah that's right oh come on okay what the hell is that cat made of I tasted it three times and it didn't go down uh it's part Yeti what part Yeti you didn't tell me that I didn't think that was important not important of course it's important I need fire what fire yeah hold on I'll be right back all right I just got back from the fireworks store fireworks store yeah I figured I could use some fireworks to scare the cat out cuz they're loud like see I got this bottle rocket that could work and then oh check this out this is pretty badass it's a pinball machine that explodes I mean I don't know how that'll help with the cat but I thought it was pretty cool and then I thought maybe I could throw one of these bombs under there and try to scare the cat out is that going to hurt the cat no no but it's probably just going to make like a little flash of light that's all well it's not going to have like fire no I mean not much no I I think the cat will be fine it'll probably run out before it even explodes okay okay so I'm just going to light this all right and then I'm going to just toss that under there oh is the cat Okay uh yeah yeah I'm sure the cat's fine uh let let me just take a look oh oh um H uh ah oh that's that's um oh okay yeah that's not good well is the cat okay or not uh well remember when you said you needed the cat in one piece yeah well there are several pieces what several pieces the cat dead no no it's not dead yet I mean it's close well no fix it fix it fix it okay look it'll it'll be fine okay I I'll just take it to the vet and see if I can put it back together you're the vet yeah I know I'll just take it to my office look it'll be fine just just go sit on the couch okay okay nurse we're going to do surgery what do we got doctor the cat it was in a fireworks accident oh my God what happened uh I have no idea I I wasn't there but you know I heard the cat was a real [ __ ] so like no big deal if if it doesn't pull through I'm going still do my best to try to put this together okay needle and thread thank you all right let's get to sewing all right nurse cut all right it's all sewed up it looks stunning doctor yeah I just hope it's my size I don't know if I got the measurements right you're going to look great yeah I just didn't want that cat to go to waste waste not want not all right Marvin do you think the cat's okay it better be okay that was a $5 million cat what yeah it was Goodman's valuable cat Marvin I hate when Goodman leaves his expensive things here for us to watch me too I also hate it when BR guy leaves his catnip around Jeffy cuz he got into it again hey there is the cat Okay uh no it died during surgery it died yeah I'm sorry On a related note how you like my coat that is a really nice coat it's very white go ahead and feel it oh man that is a soft coat oh I know feels just like the cat yeah cuz it is what the coat is the cat you killed the cat made a coat no the cat died during surgery and I made a coat out of it afterward I crella devilled the [ __ ] out of that cat and I'm starting to see why she wanted 101 of those Dalmations that's sick thank you I think the coat is pretty sick no e in you're sick in the head no it only would have been sick if I killed the cat to make the coat I killed the cat out of anger and then made the coat after it was already dead that's wrong what do you want all that fur to go to waste and cremate it no this is much better I'm going to be warm in the winter and hot in the summer damn oh my God Goodman's going to kill me who's that the owner of the cat oh well I did him a favor cuz that cat was one mean mean lima bean oh no that's probably Goodman I don't want to enter the door I'll answer it anything to show off my new coat hello hey Marvin here's the $100,000 I was going to give you for watching my cat wait who are you oh uh I'm not Marvin Marvin's upstairs oh okay but damn I love your coat oh thank you I made it myself yeah I'll give you $100,000 for your coat damn okay yeah sure great hey morvin oh hey hey Goodman I was going to pay you $100,000 for watching my cat but the guy who answered your door was wearing this amazing coat and I thought it would look stunning on you so instead of giving you $100,000 I bought this coat for you you bought this coat I sure did now all you got to do is just give me my cat back and I'll be on my way uh no Marvin this coat's for you just give me my cat back and you can keep the coat yeah I don't understand why you're doing this Marvin I just want my cat back so just give me the cat back and stop playing these games I gave you your cat back your that's your cat your cat's the coat what the all right craft tonight we're going to be doing another school play the school play that we're going to be doing is Goldilocks and the Three Bears oh my God Goldilocks that's like my favorite story I'm totally going to be Goldilocks oh great another school play where my talents will be totally wasted on me playing an animate object what am I going going to be this time a bowl of porridge maybe a chair or a window come on Cody you're way too talented to be a window I see you more as a door yeah totally a door dude yeah thanks guys now I'm going to come around the crass and pass out the costumes for the role that you'll be playing all right Junior you're going to be papa bear oh yeah and panope you're going to be Mama Bear what but who's going to be Goldilocks and Joseph you're going to be baby bear oh that's sick dude and Cody you're going to be Goldie rocks what I'm finally the lead all my dreams are coming true what how is Cody going to be Goldilocks he's a boy shut that up Penelope I'm obviously hotter than you as a girl thank you so much teacher I knew you could see my talent when I played that tree and that sheep follow your dreams kids they really do come true this is going to be our best play ever baby I promise you this is the last play I'm going to my son's the lead isn't this Goldilocks you got a problem with my son being a woman no no no no it's it's fine hm Cody why you crying well it's just that I'm finally the lead role everyone's going to be paying attention to me Cody I should be playing the girl shut up Penelope it's 2022 men can be better women than women can all right kids the show's about to start everybody ready chew baby I put the hoe in Show Business I was born ready all right everyone take their places okay everybody get the Freak off my stage watch me rock Mom Dad I won't let you down all right everyone shut up it's St in don't distract my codin ladies and gentlemen welcome to the stage Goldilocks hi I'm Goldilocks and I'm just playing outside is that a [Music] butterfly is that a butterfly I'm going to grab it yes I am come back here butterfly I'm going to chase it yes I am where you going butterfly you're going into to the wood I guess I'm going to follow him I'm going to follow him where'd you go you stupid butterfly oh no I'm lost I have no idea where I am I am lost in the woods and I can't find my way back home I am tired I am cold I just want to go home is that a random house in the wood I'm going to see if anyone is home May maybe they can help me find my way back hopefully it's not a house where they sell crack the door's unlocked I'm inside I wonder if there's anyone that's alive maybe they have a phone I can use this is breaking it entering hello huh I guess they're not home what I want to be where the people aren't huh well maybe they don't want me here oh well better poke around do I smell porridge I love porridge and what three bowls of porridge right here out in the open that haven't even been eaten what a bunch of wasteful bastards but if they're not going to eat it then I will let me try this oh no no that porridge is cold I can't eat that let's try this one oh oh that is bad porridge that porridge is just disgusting should I even try the third Bowl I mean the first two were not good at all but I mean I guess if I broke into their house I might as well try all their food let's try the third one too oh oh that porridge is the best porridge I've ever had in my life that is some good [ __ ] porridge has anybody tried this goddamn porridge that porridge is amazing no one told me the porridge would be this good oh Jesus Christ that is excellent porridge and that doesn't really make a lot of sense though because I mean you think all of the porridge would have come from the same batch but no I guess everybody likes their porridge a little different but I'd say this one is just right [Music] this one is cold this one is bad this is the best porridge I've ever had I'm eating it hope no one's mad this porridge is just right man you know what would be really good a chair so I could sit down while I eat my porridge you know chairs cuz people usually like to sit down when they eat they don't just eat standing up well I guess these people do cuz they just ran off in a hurry that's why they didn't eat all their porridge but I'm going to go look for a chair oh well there are the chairs I guess I'll just pop a squat yeah yeah that's a chair it's all right you know it's pretty comfy well there are two other chairs I guess I might as well try them I don't really know why I would it's not like this is Rooms To Go I'm not going to buy a chair but yeah this one's okay too I guess I it's not as comfy cuz it doesn't have a cushion but it's fine well there's one more chair might as well try it see what this is about oh yeah yeah like this this is the one oh yeah I got to sing a song about this this one is fine this one's okay this one's the best so I guess I'll just stay I'm sitting down hope no one's mad this chair is just right wow that was nice man this chair really wore me out I think I could use a nap let me go look at their beds well here are the beds wait is that a hospital gurnie uh-oh something really sad is happening in this house but still I'm really tired from chasing that butterfly and eating the porridge and sitting in those chairs so I think I need a nap nope yeah no this this sucks I don't know what I expected this is a hospital bed it's very stiff let me try that one okay yeah this is a little bit better I mean it's better than that but it's still pretty hard how about this one ooh oh yeah I think that's the one uh let me just uh jump from this bed over there that that'll be fun ooh oh yeah Daddy likes this bed oh I can sleep here but first I'm going to sing a song This one is stiff this one's too hard this one's the best so I guess I'll just sleep I'm laying down no one is mad this bed is just right oh yeah yeah this is the bed I think I can just sleep here I don't think I have to worry about them coming home they left all their stuff out so I'm pretty sure it was an emergency I can't believe Grandma had a heart attack I know that's why we had to leave the house in such a hurry poor Grandma we should have got the Life Alert well let's go inside and eat our porridge yum I'm hungry damn skippy oh man I can't wait to eat my porridge M looks good hey what you took my spoon I didn't take your your spoon yes you did that spoon was in my porge before we left and now it's in yours well how do you know that this isn't your bowl because woman I always sit on this side of the table also my bowl is cold cuz I refrigerate mine and mine tastes like piss cuz I peed in it what the hell is wrong with you too just admit you took my spoon I didn't take your damn spoon yes you did stop yelling at me in front of our son oh I'll show you yelling how about that oh wellow guess who has to clean that up oh the one damn thing you do around the house while you sit on your ass all day while I work oh work like go out and drink beers with boys I deserve a treat because I'm the one that works oh you have open up please I hate it when you argue you shut the hell up and go to your room don't talk to our son like that I don't even think he's our son he's clearly black he's not mine I want a divorce okay fine we can get a divorce let's do it okay fine let's go sit in the chairs and then discuss the divorce yes let's ooh two Christmases now sit down and we're going to talk about this you can't tell me what to do oh oh I can't tell you what to do how about this oh look who's the big strong bear now throwing furniture around everywhere I'm just trying to be like your secret lover Winnie the Poo don't bring him into this oh why why don't you me to bring him into it I saw him come by the other day and drop off our mail I bet he shot honey all over your face with his 100 Acre schlom at least he's nice to me oh nice to you yeah I think I bet you do think he's nice cuz he walks around with just a shirt on his dingling flinging around well at least he's present and all he's here yeah mad that Mr Poo is going to be my new dad and the truth comes out it was never supposed to be like this I suggest you grab your [ __ ] and get out fine I will I'm going to pack up everything even your bed sheets come on come on is it yelling grab your pillow grab your bed sheets grab everything I don't want to see your face ever again we were already sleeping in seate bed cuz we don't love each other hold on who the hell is she I've never seen her a day in my life you bring your trashy bbo under my roof in my house no no no you clearly know I don't like blondes I love redhead fat [ __ ] guys this is just a big misunderstanding stay out of this you [ __ ] she look looks like a goddamn try oh yeah a lot better looking than the guy you're sl better H I'm home and I got the honeypop because I provise for my [ __ ] oh look who decided to show up you were supposed to be at word you bring another guy in this house when I pay all the bills and I work youup don't do him fight me you want to fight I'm just going to leave I I'm just going to leave yes I am yes I am going to leave this place before I get hit in the face yes I am cuz I just going to leave Kaz you're solo [Music] m There You Go Daddy all right Jeffy no more stickers well I got one more fla my face is already covered that's what she said come on Marvin just let him do it okay hurry up and there you go daddy fog all right no more stickers yes more stickers I got one more no Jeffy put them on your body all right I'll put them on my butthole therefore when I fart stickers go everywhere it'll be a sticky fart there's someone at the door hold on hello hey Marvin you have your house payment this month uh well no I don't have it oh so you don't have enough money to pay me but you have enough money to buy stickers and put them all over your stupid face well no no my my my son had the stickers listen Marvin I don't care I'm tired of you being poor so you know what I'm going to do this is your nut sack and if you don't have your house payment tomorrow when I come by this is what I'm going to do to your nuts at look at your nuts Marvin house payment tomorrow okay who's at the door Marvin it's Goodman and he wants my house payment but he's just so mean don't worry Marvin he's just a mean rich man he doesn't understand I know but he doesn't know what it's like to be poor I just wish he knew what it was like to be poor I'm going to go wash these stickers off my face uh-oh not don't waste your sticker come on Jeffy let's get ready for bed [Music] okay good morning rose rose who's Rose who are you my name is Starlight we met last night I don't remember that how'd you get my bed Rose is going to be so mad good morning sir who are you I'm chives your butler hung over again I see no I'm not hung over what are you talking about I don't know what's going on sir your name is Goodman you're a trillionaire and you're a dick I mean Goodman's body yes sir you you are Goodman I don't know what's going on Sir shall I pay the lady for her Services you owe me $5,000 I don't have $5,000 sir yes you do it's right here now scram thank you what okay wait listen chives I don't know what's going on I'm not good man I'm not supposed to be in my body ha very funny sir no no I'm telling the truth I'm not good man I don't know what's going on shall I just bend over for my spanking now why would I spank you well normally when I talk back to you you give me a har spanking I I don't I don't want to spank you what I I I think I love you shall I draw a bath sir uh yeah yeah I'll take a bath that that'll help me figure out what's going on very well sir I'm good minut look at all this money in the bed what the well I've never seen this much money in my life I really just bathe in this yes sir it's all yours uh do you want to join me really sir I've never been allowed to join you before yeah jump in the money's warm very well sir hey Danny hey Danny hey Danny hey Danny you going to take me to school what the who are you you got to take me to school I'm not taking you to school I don't even know who you are wait what the is this Marvin's house I must have fallen asleep here Marvin did you fall asleep on the couch again ew fat Marvin you're so silly when you first wake up why do you poor people keep calling me Marvin because you are Marvin what the oh no oh no bald bald and poor what's wrong Marvin I'm bald and poor you say that every morning I used to be handsome what happened it's okay Mark get away from me you fat cow moo moo move here's your breakfast sir fet Min your uncooked medium and a loaded baked potato unfortunately we don't have any peppercorns why are you showing me your butt so you can spank me sir I said I wasn't going to spank you really yeah and this this breakfast is amazing do you want some oh I'm not allowed to have any sir normally normally you just feed me kib without the bits no no you can have some of my steak I'm not going to eat all of it really sir thank you so much Dad Dad Dad can I drop out of school and become a piece of [ __ ] yeah sure really you're the best dad ever yay no school sir I don't know what's gotten into you but we love it yeah yeah I think I love it too why did this happen to me why am I in Marvin's poor fat body I bet he's got a tiny wiener let me check t iy wiener why would God do this to me I'm such a nice person wait a minute if I'm in Marvin's body that must mean he's in my body I got to call him and get my body back Marvin I think we should file for divorce I think so too you're just too fat what you're a fat cow give me my phone I need to make a phone call okay here fine go call your other girlfriends I think I might all right come on me answer the phone this is the life another glass of campaign sir no thank you chives you can have that glass wow thank you sir man Goodman's life is amazing sir you're getting a phone call just put up to my ear very well sir hello Marvin Goodman are you in my body uh yeah yeah because I'm in your poor short fat small wiener body you have a small wiener did you know that yeah but but listen you have a big wiener and and I like your life it's so amazing I know my life is amazing so give me my life back no I think I'm going to stay in your body for a while no you give it back to me right now uh the Call's breaking up that call is not not breaking up cuz that is a satellite phone uh uh uh ches hang up ches don't you hang up on me huh he hung up on me oh if I ever get back in my body I'm going to make chives walk around in a thong and I'm going to give them a thousand spankings Marvin I made you some breakfast I think you just woke up cranky it better be f minan e what is this albino rabbit [ __ ] it's Cheerios Marvin made with real honey where's my filet minion cooked medium rare peppercorn you know we can't afford that Marvin E I keep getting more and more poor I'm going to go to my mansion and see if I can get my body back he's going through a midlife crisis Marvin you open this door right now hello ches let me in my house no I'm sorry sir I was given strict instructions not to let Marvin into this house but I'm not Marvin I'm Goodman so let me in Well you certainly look like Marvin chives as soon as I get back in my body you're getting a spanking well hopefully that never happens whoever's in your party right now treats me great he treats you great that can't be happening Marvin get down here right now I'm sorry sir if you would like an appointment with Mr Goodman you'll have to call in and schedule it in advance unfortunately he's booked by about 3 years good day sir CH don't you SL that door in my face oh man this house is incredible I could just lay here and relax all day um excuse me Mr Goodman I was wondering if maybe I could start wearing underwear now because he's getting kind of cold in the house what what why don't you wear underwear because you told me not to wear underwear why why' I do that do you know for like easy access oh no yeah yeah yeah you can start wearing underwear definitely you can start wearing it really let me thank you what what are you doing I was going to thank you what that that you can just say thank you but that's how you taught me how to say thank you no no no no I I I could just give you a raise oh you have raise let me let me help you no no no no no no no like I me like raise with with money oh you're going to pay me I don't pay you I mean you sort to but it's only like 5 pesos per month okay I'll I'll start giving you $3,000 a month really let me thank you no no no no no I said I know what to thank you look look I'm going to go drive around in in my car do you do you want me to thank you in your car no no just stay right here and do whatever it is you do okay Mr Goodman yeah I'll see you later see you later oh wow a real Lamborghini and I get to drive it this is so cool oh my god I've never driven a Lamborghini before let's start it oh this is so cool okay I'll drive really careful man I love driving this car I never want to go back to my old life Goodman Marvin you get out of my car right now I'm I'm sorry Goodman your joy ride is over take me back to your house so we can figure this out okay God dang it all right Marvin we're going to sit right here and figure out how to get me back in my body oh hey Marvin I see you brought your lawyer too if we can just sign these papers we can get this over with real quick wait what's going on uh Marvin's wife is divorcing him why because he keeps calling me a fat cow is she not I'm doing you a favor Marvin I'm going to sign those papers well no no no no we don't want the divorce well it's not really up to Marvin she's divorcing him well well well maybe we can work something out I know I made it really easy for you see this happy little font it's called fairy tale ending I I know it's kind of ironic given the circumstances but imagine if it's a divorce in big red lettuce that'd be pretty sad but this is like divorce that's not so bad okay but Marvin doesn't want the divorce oh come on look man I know that divorce is scary at first but after you get divorced you can download Tinder and then get a piece of strange ass and and then you itch for the next few weeks post nut Clarity is a [ __ ] but but then you find another woman and you get married to her and you do it all over again it's a circle of life okay but listen I'm not Goodman I'm Marvin Goodman's in my body it's true I'm bald and poor what wait wait so you're telling me you switched bodies like some kind of Rob Schneider movie yes and we don't know how to get back at our bodies well that explains why Marvin was so mean to me yeah I would never be mean to you baby so does anyone have any ideas how we can switch our bodies back well in the movies usually they miss their old life and learn a lesson and then they switch back yeah I miss my old life I miss being rich I want my body back well I kind of like Goodman's life so I don't know I mean I guess I miss my old life but but listen can you like let figure this out uh look man I'm in loyer mode right now not magic mode I don't even know how to do magic this is a problem you got to take up with God hey it's me what's going on God we need your help yeah I know I heard okay so me and Goodman switch bodies we don't know what's going on yeah that was me I drank a lot of water last night and I accidentally turned it into wine and I got pretty drunk I thought it'd be funny to make you guys switch bodies well can we switch back well that depends did you learn your lesson what lesson was I supposed to learn well maybe now that you've seen how terrible Marvin's life is you'll treat him better from now on I agree it is pretty shitty he's poor and he's married to a cow yeah exactly that's what I'm talking about so you're going to treat him better now I guess I'll treat him slightly better okay poof am I back am I back in my body hold on let me check oh yeah I'm back big waiter in town haha poor I mean slightly less fortunate you know what Marvin with all the crap that you've been through you don't have to owe a house payment this month but I would recommend signing those papers thanks I guess Marvin is that really you yeah I'm back in my bald fat body don't forget your small wiener yeah Marvin at least we have each other okay well while you guys do that I'm going to go have my maid thank me care careful careful do it careful careful do it careful careful do it careful shut up Joseph I'm sorry I'm sorry I got it oh dude that was so close I'm so glad we're playing Jenga yeah money Jenga all right Richard it's your turn which piece do I want to go for oh this one okay careful careful you lost yeah you lost actually it looks like I'm winning all right guys so what game do you want to play now how about hide and seek oh let's play hide and seek yeah I'm really good at hide and seek okay I'll be it all right Joseph you and Richard hide okay okay then I'm going count to 10 one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ready or not here I come where they at all right guys I'm going to find you just where you at are you behind the teddy bear no are you inside that popcorn bucket no Joseph you're right there oh dude how did you find me you wouldn't stop laughing oh darn I need to shut my mouth oh yeah you do now I got to find Richard uh Richard CH oh I'm allergic to your poor air well I got you Richard all right Joseph it's your turn a man okay dude who's that I don't know hold let me see who it is okay uh hello hey there I'm here to pick up my son Richard okay Richard your Dad's here oh thank God thanks for picking me up Dad it's so poor here my allergies were acting up oh and by the way Junior I accidentally clogged your toilet sorry you clogged my toilet wait you clogged his toilet yeah I accidentally used too much money when I was wiping too much money when you were wiping you know you're only supposed to use one bill at a time show me all right write this one see Dad there it is that is it mister you are grounded grounded for what you know you're only supposed to use one bill when you wipe and you're wiping like we have endless amounts of money which we do but you need to learn the value of money so I think you need to get a job a job ew poor yeah that's exactly what we're going to do we're going to get you a job and I think you need to work at McDonald's McDonald's ew poor people food now you get over here and let me smack those stupid airpods out of your stupid head come here come on give me the other side come on all right you'll get those airpods back when you've earned them now let's go to McDonald's welcome to your first day in McDonald's how you feeling poor exactly that's how we all feel until we start making $15 an hour then we be lower middle class well how much am I making now $845 an hour $845 an hour that's not too bad no no no no no my silly white boy $845 ew poor exactly let me show you the food layout see we got hamburgers right here nuggets there french fries lettuce and tomatoes see all this stuff was already made yesterday okay we just leave it out to give it flavor and this stuff right here is the stuff people return see we just keep passing out the window till somebody accept it now let me show you how to make a burger on a traditional Burger you got meat cheese lettuce tomatoes ketchup mustard and mayonnaise see I know that's a lot but I got a song to help you remember first you add the meat then you add the cheese don't forget the lettuce then you add tomatoes ketchup mustard mayonnaise catchup mustard mayonnaise ketchup mustard mayonnaise ketchup mustard mayonnaise you've got to be kidding me no no no it's very catchy come on sing it with me first you add the meat then you add the cheese don't forget the lettuce then you add tomatoes cetch a mustard mayonnaise catchup mustard mayonnaise ketchup mustard mayonnaise I'm not singing that poor song do you want to get paid yeah come on sing it with me first you add the meat then you add the cheese don't forget the lettuce then you add tomatoes must mayonnaise CCH must mayonnaise cat mustard mayonnaise must mayonnaise got somebody at the drivethru okay get ready to make a sandwich and don't forget the song all right all right oh hello I'm ready to order another one hey hey don't me throw bananas in my drive-thru uh I'm ready to order what you want uh can I get uh you ready to order yeah can I get a 10 piece nugget dropped fresh a large fry with no salt also dropped fresh with salt packets in the bag a plain cheeseburger and a ice cream con a ice cream machine bro mhm of course it is well then in that case I'll just take Kool-Aid to dry man we don't sell Kool-Aid we only got high seat oh I can see that you high cuz your ice cream shein always broke look is that all you want ma'am yeah all right your total is 173 all right you accept EBT no you accept fool stous no what can I get your discount look it's it's my discount ma'am look look can you please pull up for so we can get your food I ain't pulling up for there ain't nobody behind me oh my god look look I have your food in a minute ma'am and they want $15 an hour yeah you slam that window all right Rashad what we have my name is Richard listen Rashad I'm trying to teach you something look what we have here is what we call a bad customer you can tell from from a mile away it's a dead giveaway you could tell by the by the color the color of their car their car yeah yeah she was driving a red car people who drive red cars are always mad something about the color red but uh do you know what we do to bad customers what ew poor yeah exactly now she wanted a burger and some nuggets and fries dropped so can you drop them on the ground and take 10 minutes doing it she also wanted a ice cream conb but we always tell the customers that the ice cream machine is broken to be honest with you we don't even have an ice cream machine I don't even know why it's on the menu but uh get to making her food and I'll be right back okay all right what do I do again oh yeah the song uh something about the meat then you grab some nuggets how about some fries don't forget the tomatoes uh ketchup ketchup ketchup ketchup ketchup ketchup ketchup ketchup ketchup all right I'm done let me see how you did boy what what is this it's a cheeseburger the song Boy the song I sing the song you got a lot to learn let me just wrap this up and give it to her okay what taking so long hey what I told you about throwing bananas in my drive-thru look look here's your fool ma'am my fool hit the ground I'm going need you to make me some more look I'm not making another burger for you lady well I also had nuggets and fries look just have a good day okay let me speak to your manager I am the manager all right then well let me speak to the owner look if you want to talk to the owner how about you call Old McDonald himself he live on the farm e i e i o why do you want better I'll call May MC cheese what call May MC cheese then all right this ain't the last you heard of me and they W $15 an hour get out of my drivethru lady oh I leave it I'll leave it and I'm going to take my banana too all right Randy I want you to work the drivethru because I am stretched how do I do that oh it's super simple they're going to pull up to the window you say what real me because it's inconvenient for you to take their order even though you work here now they're going to give you their order you make sure you get it wrong because we want them to come back they're going to say they're not going to come back but we're McDonald's we got dollar burgers and we're open 24/7 so uh go to the window and get to working my name is Richard come on Randy just go to the window okay God all right working the drive-thru at least I don't have to touch that poor people food can I have some food ew did you sneeze on the window I'm hungry oh you're hungry well do you have money no well then what are you going to give me for food tomato E I don't want your poor tomato we don't accept Tomatoes here I'm hungry well shoot get out of here shoot ew poor Raymond did I just see you spray Windex at one of our customers yeah because he was poor Raymond Raymond Raymond look all of our customers are poor you just can't spray them with Windex though how about we have the perfect convers ation you're supposed to have at the window you be the driver I'll be me okay Brom Brom Brom in my Lamborghini whatever what do you want why aren't you at Burger King why are you ordering here can I get a cheeseburger a cheeseburger W is right down the street all right just pull up to the next window see it's that simple see now you don't have to spray people with Windex okay let's forget my order WR and you want $15 hour you know what go go ah handle the burgers I got this did you just throw something at me mhm I borrowed a tomato from a homeless man cuz I ran out of banana what do you want from me lady I just want my order right because my booger had nuggets and fries on it Ain that's what you wanted no I wanted it all separately you know what look here's your tomato B all right scram lady oh and you want $15 an hour yes I do yes I do $15 an hour all right Ryan I don't know how much longer I can work here me either look I'm dreaming of bigger and better things right like working at Chick-fil-A but see the customers here is so annoying and poor that too oh another one what do you want and can you please stop hunking your horn hey I stole my dce car cuz he wouldn't bring me to get a Happy Meal cool cool cool what do you want can't get a cheeseburger Happy Meal with three toys uh the Happy Meal only come with one toy well I want three Toys you only getting one toy how about three toys it comes with one toy three Toys one toy three Toys okay [Music] okay all right Robbie we got another bad customer at the drive-thru you know how I knew because the color of the car exactly the color of the car was red so you know he's going to be mean and he wanted a Happy Meal with three toys look this ain't toys or R Us I'm not giving him all them toys you know what we're going to do to his food we're going to spit in the food Bingo you learning Robbie okay okay so uh fix the food and remember the song okay okay all right the song uh sometimes there's meet bunch of bunch of cheese lot of lot of lettuce uh a couple chicken nuggets maybe a few Tomatoes um ketchup ketchup ketchup maybe the whole thing mustard mustard mustard mustard mustard okay that looks good all right it's ready let me check the Happy Meal see how you did wait Rachel you're not supposed to give them all the ketchup and mustard oh I'm sorry it's okay it's okay let me get them a drink yeah where's my Happy Meal oh here's your happy meal with the three toys oh thank you you're not welcome baby all right Rufus I'mma end your shift early today since it's your first day what does that mean that means you get to go home oh thank God CH come pick me up in the helicopter all right I'm going to get your check and then you can go home okay how much money did I make well you only worked for like 10 minutes so uh you made about 75 cent ew poor welcome to the club Dad I'm back from work wait a minute ew you smell poor I know but I got paid hold on let me see that 75 congratulations you've made enough money to buy three gumballs oh Dad I have a confession to make I don't want to be poor I don't want to work at poor restaurants anymore and and I'll even wipe my butt with 20s listen son you don't have to wipe your butt with 20s that would be a disgrace to the Goodman name we only wipe our butts with hundreds but the fact that you said that you would wipe your butt with 20s shows that you appreciate money now so let's go home and get out of this weird poor person's house oh thank you Dad I love you so much I love you too son let's go hey Mommy and Daddy Let's play a quick game and Jeffy says whatever Jeffy says you have to do it I'm not playing this game come on Marvin it'll be fun he's going to make us do something stupid no he won't and you Los your has you pay me 100 bucks what Jeffy says raise your left hand Jeffy says put it down Jeffy says go Jeffy says go Jeffy says say PP Jeffy says give me 50 bucks what no Jeffy do you want to lose and you have to pay me 100 Jeffy says PE PE Jeffy says jump up and down Jeffy said yeah keep doing that I'm getting tired Jeffy okay stop oh thank God ha you lose you lose Marvin you have to pay him a 100 bucks well why' I lose because I didn't say Jeffy say stop doing that and you stopped before I did that but I thought I was supposed to do everything you said and I did what you said and well now you got to give me 100 bucks here's your $100 Jeffy leave he just made $200 he just conned us out of $200 I'm tired my phone's ringing hello hey but Goodman why are you calling me I was calling because I wanted to see if you had your house payment this month before I drove all the way over to your house just for you to tell me no because this is becoming a common Trend with you well I don't have my house payment this month but because I gave my son $150 Marvin I need you to come over to my house right now what for what I need you to come over to my house don't ask questions Marvin I'll send you the address okay who is that Marvin it's Goodman he wants me to come to his house why uh he's probably goingon to yell at me so just I'll be back okay uh I think this is the right house yes hello um Goodman want to see me ah very good he's in the living room please go take a seat okay this is a really nice house uh excuse me ma'am have you seen Goodman hey Marv what Goodman why you dress like a woman I'm not Mr Goodman I'm Mrs Goodman as evidenced by the tits oh you want to squeeze them no no no no I don't want to squeeze them oh come on Marvin I can tell you want to squeeze them no no I really don't they're brand new and they're fake Dr Burton did the job that's really nice but I'm just here to talk to Goodman which Marvin you've been playing cat and mouse with me ever since you got here at least feel them do I have to I insist I mean they are really nice Marvin are you in here touching my wife boobies Goodman I I thought you were good I leave my wife for 3 minutes in my own house and you want to come in here and start touching her cans well she she she told me to do it I didn't honey he's a pervert Marvin you get the hell out of my house before I call the cops I thought you want to talk to me that was before you assaulted my wife now get out okay hey Marvin did Goodman yell at you oh yeah he did why uh because I'm late on my house payment but you're always late on the house payment you know he always gets mad that's just I cannot believe you I cannot believe what you did why are you so upset he's always laid on the house payment it's not about the house payment it's about him squeezing my wife's big fake titties what what are you talking about oh yeah I invited Marvin over to my house because I was going to lower his monthly house payment and you know what he did I walked into my living room and there he was squeezing my wife's big fake boobs he was squeezing them so hard I think he partially deflated them it was like he was milking a cow Marvin is this true well I thought it was a man you're sick Marvin how did you do this to me well I I didn't do anything to you he didn't do anything to you but he did a whole lot to my wife's big fake left tip I can't believe you cheated on me I didn't cheat on you she asked me to do it oh so if a man asked me to kiss him and I do it that's not cheating well what if you thought the the the the girl the man was a girl you're sick Marvin sick Marvin my wife would never ask you to do anything like that she's only loyal to me do you know how much plastic surgery I paid for for her to look just like me because the only thing that is attracted to me is myself those ticks cost me 20 grand Marvin what do you guys want what do you want me to do what do y'all want me to do you go over to that house and apologize that bar woman you want me to you want me to apologize to her for what yes I think that's a perfect idea Marvin you will apologize to my wife for assaulting her I didn't assault Marvin you go over there right now if you want to see if this marriage you need to apologize to her okay fine I'll apologize to her okay that'll make everyone happy okay I'll let her know that you're on the way I'm going to go apologize to her stop let go okay I can't believe I have to do this hello uh hey Goodman said that you had something to tell me uh I'm sorry for touching your boobies it's okay come here give me a hug I don't want are you motorboat and my wife she she hugged me he's a pervert Martin you get out of my house you little horn dog what God damn it did you apologize Marvin yes I did and what did she say she gave me a hug a that's so sweet Marvin I cannot believe what you did this time what happened now oh I'll give you a hint I picked up Marvin's sailor hat now why would I get Marvin a sailor hat hm let's think about it maybe because when he came over to my house to apologize to my wife I caught him motorboat her titties what do you mean I'll tell you exactly what I mean two giant cans and he stuck his face betweenst them and shook his head violently and went like a motorboat Marvin how could you that's Captain Marvin now we your sailor hat that is not what happened okay I apologized to his wife she gave me a hug and my face went between her Marvin that doesn't happen on accident well you haven't seen how big they are and you have it's true they're huge well listen it was an accident you don't accidentally put your face between boobies and go I did not make that noise yes you did Marvin you need help I agree you need professional help Marvin what kind of help do I need we're going to marriage counseling but I didn't do anything wrong I'm going to go check on my wife and I'm going to call a marriage therapist I didn't do anything oh hey somebody call a massage therapist no we call a marriage therapist oh well you can see my confusion you know marriage therapist massage therapist they sound pretty similar but hey I can do both how about we just get massages cuz we don't have marriage problems no Marvin you need help wait a minute if you going to give us massages why are you in a robe oh well I saw some videos online where the massage starts and then things start to get steamy and I heard a woman's voice on the phone so I thought maybe my fantasies were coming true but I guess that's not happening so I can help you with your marriage well we don't have marriage problems yes we do oh I have an idea how about you give me a massage and I help you with your marriage not giving you a massage no Marvin I think you should since you enjoy touching women so much you should try touching men man that one over there go okay fine I'll give a massage that'll make you happy what really okay right right there you feel that knot yeah it's all my stress okay it's good yeah so what's going on I caught my husband cheating on me oh good no no not good like good like he's doing a good job with the massage so he's cheating on you I caught him twice oh yeah not oh yeah like oh yeah like the massage so he cheated on you twice evidently she has been big cans oh nice no not nice to the cans nice to the massage he's just doing okay that's that's my butt you're massaging my butt hold on let me roll over get my pecs there you go a little bit lower little lower lower what is that I pulled it a Sean Watson on you e listen just answer her marriage questions okay so he's cheating on you with a woman with big cans right yes have you ever considered getting a surgery so you have big cans no well maybe you should consider that listen I did not cheat on her and I'll tell you what happened so my my there's this guy I owe money to and I went over to his house and I saw his wife and she asked me to grab her boob so I did but I thought it was a man okay yeah I can see why that might cause problems for your relationship but I thought it was a man and she asked me to do it so you just do whatever somebody asked you to do like what if somebody asked your wife to grab their wiener and sheated it you wouldn't like that right well but that would be wrong mine wasn't wrong because I thought it was a man okay I see what's going on here you're a manipulator see when you do it it's not wrong but when she does it it's wrong but no mine wasn't wrong if you weren't there you should have been there okay hold on I have an idea okay now I'm dressed like a woman with big cans why to teach you to control yourself so you don't want to grab a motor Bo I don't want to do that good that's a start what did you make them out of oh I used balloons and then I used Tic Tacs for the nipples those are Tic Tacs yeah go ahead and touch them ha gotcha Marvin oh he said they were Tic Tacs and I want to see if they were oh the wandering mind what if a girl tells you she's not wearing underwear you going to check no listen baby you know that's Brooklyn guy dressed like a woman and I just wanted to see if they were Tic Tacs look I have an idea why don't I just call Goodman's wife tell her to come over you got hi and you see if she comes on to me or not oh you just want to see your girlfriend no no no I think this is a good idea to see if he's telling the truth yeah and I will be telling the truth and how about this if I'm lying you can divorce me okay Marvin okay that's a deal so guys hide I'm going to call the wife come on Goodman answer what do you want Marvin oh hey Goodman listen I have a plan to prove to you that I wasn't doing what you thought I did with your wife I witnessed it with my own two eyes Marvin but listen she came on to me but I have an idea how about you come over and you hide and then we invite your wife over and then when she comes over you can hide and see that she tries to come on to me and you'll know I'm not lying you just want to squeeze them again no no no listen if I'm lying if she doesn't triy to come on to me I I'll I'll be homeless I'll live on the street okay Marvin I guess I'll come over and then I'll call my wife and tell her to come over a few minutes later okay good okay this is going to work all right Marvin where do you want me to hide uh hide over there okay my wife will be here any minute come on Marvin you got this oh Marvin Marvin where are you big boy I'm right here oh hey Marvin you called me over yeah I just wanted to talk did you miss them what the jugular did you miss them no no I didn't miss them you miss how they felt on your face no get over here and smell them what just smell them come here I I listen I just want to talk oh okay well how about before we talk you bounce on them what bounce on them bounce on him like a trampoline yeah there you go like Cirus Olay you ho Goodman it's not what it looks like he came on to me no I heard the whole thing and now you're on out on the streets because you signed a prenup I'm sorry I ever doubted you Marvin I told you I never did anything wrong you know what this month you don't owe a house payment thank you so much Goodman Thank You Marvin you were telling the truth yeah he was those cans were huge I would have squeezed them I mean good job not cheating on your wife or whatever Marvin I'm so sorry for getting mad at you it's okay baby yeah I guess I didn't have to dress like this after all but since I am dressed like this I guess I can earn a little extra money you know give some massages with happy endings I it's not gay if I use my hands shut up all right crass today we're going to be learning about gravity gravity is what keeps your ass on the ground without gravity you would just be froing see watch Gravity is what made those crayons Hit the Floor uh teacher I don't mean to call you stupid but aren't you the reason the Crayons hit the floor because you drop them no it was gravity's fault see look if there were no gravity when I let go of the Crayons they would just float but since there is gravity gravity made that happen oh okay Junior why you push Cody's desk over I didn't do that that was gravity's fault ah you're right Junior gravity is what caused Cody's death to fall over you very smart A+ for you Junior this gravity thing is awesome yeah I hate you all right crass speaking of gravity if you had a bag that had 500 lb of bricks in it and another bag with 500 lb of feathers in it and you dropped both bags off of a building which bag would hit the ground first o I know I know uh the bricks because the bricks are heavier wrong you are wrong they would both hit the ground at the same time because they both weigh 500 lb what that doesn't make any sense the feathers are lighter they're feathers well no Junior the feathers weigh 500 lb and the bricks weigh 500 lb and your mom weighs 500 lb so what are we talking about no Junior what I'm saying is they weigh the same so they'd hit the ground at the same time so you're telling me if I drop your mom off the building and I drop a bag full of bricks off the building they both hit the ground at the same time well if they both weighed 500 lb which they do then yes okay Cody that doesn't make any sense that's like saying would you rather get hit with a pillow full of feathers or a pillow full of bricks Junior that has nothing to do with what we're talking about aha gravity strike again on Cody desk m my Cheeto puff Allah [ __ ] surprise is almost finished hey Chef bipi oh what do you want junior can you see I'm cooking you want to see what I learned at school today wait you actually learned something in school you know what I want to see it okay look this is what I learned J what the hell wait why are you breaking glasses in the house wait you learn how to break a cup at school no no no I didn't break that cup shpi gravity did wait what yeah you look gravity is what keeps us on the ground so without gravity when I let go of that cup it would have floated in the air but since Gra gravity exists that cup hit the ground and shattered what the hell's wrong with you Junior you made that cup shattered you threw that cup to the ground and made it shattered you do it you did it Chef look I don't think you're understanding watch look see look if there was gravity it would hit the ground there was no gravity it flowed away so let's see what there is stop breaking it down there's gravity it's gravity I did not do that gravity did it it wasn't gravity it was you it was no damn gravity it was no damn thing though I don't care who did it you did it Junior got get the hell out of my kitchen Brak his stuff cuz I swear to God I'm about to slap you right now okay you know I'm going to go show my dad cuz I don't think you get it you know what show your dad cuz I really want to know what the hell he wants to say oh man I can't wait for Charlie and friends to come on oh it's my favorite show ever Charlie and friends was filmed in front of a live audience oh oh hi guys I'm Charlie and today I'm just here with my son say hi Charlie Jor and look I just want you guys to know I want to treat my son just like my dad treated [Music] me oh Charlie you're so hilarious my dad did the same thing to me dad dad dad and I should also do the same thing to my son Junior what do you want you want to see what I learned at school today junior I don't care about your life look you were a mistake an accident so why would I care so do you want to see or not look if it'll get you of my room fine I'll look at it oh they come with me [ __ ] all right Dad so this is what I learned at school today it better be cool so Dad this is your favorite vase right mhm yes one of a kind you know nothing else like it unique super unique and it will crush my soul if it ever broke okay wa wait what the hell's wrong with you why would you break that freaking vase I didn't break the vase gravity made the vase break gravity made that vase hit the ground oh gravity huh no oh gravity did it so gravity is going to make my hand beat your ass huh and Junior you better sweep up every little piece but Dad it's not my fault yes it was your fault you just broke my base no dad gravity broke your V so I'm sick of you bringing up this gravity gravity didn't do anything you did it Junior I saw you push it over well Dad look if there was no gravity this wouldn't have fallen your vase wouldn't have fallen but since there's gravity gravity made your vase hit the ground and break so it's gravity's fault H I guess that kind of makes sense yeah well so where's this gravity at so I can beat his ass I I think he's everywhere no he's everywhere take this gravity try to break my face [ __ ] wow what did you break now I didn't break anything gravity did oh you still on that stupid gravity thing oh my God God you you're stupid stop saying gravity did it you broke it but gravity did do it you know what shfp you're just really stupid and I'm not having this conversation with you because you don't know what gravity is I'm not having this conversation what the hell oh my god oh I sure wish someone would help their sweet old grandma down all these stairs and someone going to come me down the stairs God damn it Junior can't you hear your grandmother needs help going down the stairs go help her okay oh come on [ __ ] knees work hey Grandma ah [ __ ] I broke my [ __ ] hip God damn it uh-oh Junior what's all that noise Mama wait Junior what happened to your grandmother oh well gravity made her fall down the stairs Mama I'm Coming For You Baby Mama Mama are you okay I broke my vagina no damn you gravity okay Mama I'mma call the doctor just stay right there don't move hey there somebody call A doctor yes doctor my poor elderly mother fell down the stairs oh my God is she okay I can't F my ass I broke my vagina and my hip oh my god well what made you fall down the stairs gravity what gravity made her fall down the stairs mhm well yeah I I I mean I know but like how did she fall down the stairs well gravity pulled her down the stairs no no I understand that but I mean like was she pushed or did she oh no no I came up behind her and said hey Grandma and it scared her and she fell but she wouldn't have fallen If gravity didn't exist okay it really sounds like you caused her to fall down the stairs no gravity caused her to fall down the stairs look if there was no gravity she just would have floated but since there's gravity she fell down the stairs so you should arrest gravity for hurting my grandma huh uh okay I'm I'm going to go change clothes all right I'm back I changed clothes so what were you saying kid I was saying you should arrest gravity cuz gravity is the reason my Grandma fell down the stairs mhm huh I'm going to need you to show me an example all right look I'm about to push my grandma off the couch okay okay okay [ __ ] so you just assaulted your grandmother no gravity made my grandma Hit the Floor see if there was no gravity when I pushed her she would have just floated on the couch like right here right but since it's gravity she fell down mhm huh okay yeah you want me I'll show you another example how about this all right sure all right so I'm going to drop this cup on your head wait what ow all right that's it you're the arrest for assaulting a police officer I didn't assault you gravity did see look when I picked up that cup and I dropped it see if there was no gravity it would just float above your head but since there gravity gravity made that cup hit you on the head mhm yeah gravity that [ __ ] all right gravity's under arrest where is he get over here get him gravity you bastard come here I I don't know oh I know how to get him I know how to get him look he only appears when I drop stuff so how about I drop this cup you get under it and when he appears you grab him yeah that's a good plan yeah good idea all right here we go and you ready to grab him yeah grab him he broke my nose gravity all right that's it all right gravity take that yes what did I get him uh I don't know I don't know well let's let's test it out get the cup get the cup all right all right let's see if you got him cuz if he's dead this cup won't fall all right damn it gravity gravity all right we we still didn't get him oh so what are we going to do H all right I'm going to go alert the news we need the army or something yeah breaking news there is something causing things to break and people to fall scientists are blaming it on this invisible thing called gravity gravity is now on the FBI's most wanted list it is wanted for causing millions of deaths every plane crash ever is being blamed on gravity because gravity caused the planes to hit the ground I'm also getting word now that gravity caused 911 because gravity caused the buildings to fall keep your loved ones safe from Gravity by placing pillows on the ground hopefully the police can stop this Menace oh man I really hope they stop Gravity from hurting people who's that uh hello Junior I just saw the news what did you do come inside Cody so Cody did you see how I saved the World by telling everyone how dangerous gravity is Junior gravity is not dangerous you just learned that at school today and now you're taking it too literally Cody gravity is dangerous it's the reason why planes crash it's the reason why people fall over cuz gravity takes us down and I think we should get rid of gravity and kick its butt how do you plan on doing that Junior by giving gravity more than it can handle follow me okay all right gravity suck this yeah suck it gravity yeah suck it gravity oh you want some more you want some more yeah Junior I don't think it's working just throw more stuff more stuff okay come on gravity yeah yeah take that gravity how about this suck on this oh he he sucked on it oh yes he he's getting weaker he's getting weaker yeah yeah cuz it didn't break when it first hit uh oh I know ah yeah yeah uh-huh oh yeah yeah you really showed him gravity suck it suck it gravity oh yeah try a big old Bowl okay y yep sure didn't like that do you think he had enough Junior I I I think he can take more oh he think he can take more okay yeah oh another cup huh that'll show oh man stupid gravity okay um plate uhhuh and I another plate it's getting weaker yeah keep going and another plate you doing it and another cup and jior I think he's still pretty strong let just go upstairs okay all right Cody do you think gravity learned its lesson no no I don't what you don't no well do you think Gra gra is like still working right now let me check yep darn it I really thought breaking stuff was going to work Junior you can't defeat gravity it's a force of nature well have we tried talking to it no Junior that would be like talking to air that's not going to work it might work watch I'm going to try it um hey gravity it's me Junior um you might know me because I just broke a bunch of stuff but uh my name's Junior and I really don't like you so if you could just like go away it' be really cool cuz I really want to like float around so that'd be really cool so uh just go away cuz you're hurting a lot of people and we don't like you so please leave please all right try the remote Junior this is stupid it's not going to work Junior what the remote is floating it's floating Junior why is it floating wait you think gravity exists Junior I think you turned off gravity wait so the remote just sitting there floating in the air it's just floating in the air Junior how did you do that I I I don't know Cody wait what oh my God Junior Ken is floating K Ken is floating baby b baby come down from there oh no oh Cody I'm floating I'm floating too what's going on junior I'm scared oh wait wait wait it worked I got rid of gravity Junior why did this work I said please maybe gravity lik manners junior junior this is stupid it shouldn't even work well I'm getting kind of hungry H maybe we should eat cat for dinner bad dream very scary dream not going to teach about gravity today oh but I'm really hungry for some cat come here midnight snack Junior wake up it's time to go to school what's wrong jepi Tom Brady decided to retire again oh Chef Pee he had to retire he lost his wife and his whole family look shut up and just come and eat breakfast God all right Junior for breakfast I made you something special my new dish grape jelly ravioli grape jelly ravioli yeah I thought of it last night genius idea now eat up I think I'm just going to go to school but the rabbit Yol come on all right crass so today is Groundhog's Day wait wait a minute ring ring is bringing me my egg rolls give me one minute cross Groundhog's Day what's that well if the groundhog comes out of his hole and sees a shadow that means there's going to be six more weeks of winter what happens if your mom sees her Shadow you know cuz she's so fat and massive like there's no way she can see her Shadow cuz she can't like look down cuz her big fat Bell's in the way yeah I get it she's fat me EG me get in my belly get in my belly all right class I'm going to eat my egg roll and then we'll get started the teacher's choking we got to do something what the hell are we going to do dude we're kids uh I think he just died dude that means no school hey just doing my daily classroom death check to see if anybody died what's that a body oh no well he has no pulse he's dead he's dead kids your teacher's dead you all witnessed a man die today you're going to have to live with that for the rest of your lives crisis counseling will be available after lunch ooh a fortune cookie I wonder what it says a man died and he's eating a fortune cookie you will live a long prosperous life oh man if only he had opened his fortune cookie sooner maybe he wouldn't have died anyway bye kids do we just go home yeah I guess so well Junior we we just watched our teacher die what do you want to do now I don't know you want to play a game oh yeah okay we could play a blackjack or poker I don't want to play a card game ooh I have one how about if you can correctly guess what card is on top of the deck I won't throw the cards all over the place and make you pick them up oh that sounds fun it does yeah okay okay I want to guess uh I think the top card is the three of leaves what what do you mean leaves you know the card that looks like a leaf are you talking about clubs or Spades the one that looks like a leaf Cody hold on okay Junior these are the cards now tell me which one you think is which Okay so so that's obviously Hearts yeah and that's diamonds yes and those are three leaf clovers no those are called clubs no those look like three leaf clovers well they look like that but that's not what they're called and those are leaves no those are spades Cody those are leaves they even have a little stem at the bottom those are leaves yeah but they're called Spades I'm calling them leaves okay fine just pick a card I think this top card is the three of leaves okay let's see oh nope it's the two of diamonds sorry that means I'm going to have to mess your [ __ ] up okay there you go pick him up I'm not going to help I'm going to go home okay I just picked up all the cards I'm really tired I think I'm just going to go to bed what an exhausting day I saw my teacher die I had to pick up 52 cards I'm so tired I'm just going to go to bed juliia wake up it's time to go to school what why are you crying again jeffp because Tom Brady decided to retire again wait again Yes again but he already retired I know he retired again but like he already retired yesterday no he retired a year ago stupid so he retired for a third time no only the second time look come downstairs and eat shut up what the huh all right Junior for breakfast I made you something special my new dish grap jelly ravioli shf baby you already made this for me yesterday no Junior this is the first time I ever made this this what are you talking about no you literally gave this to me yesterday stop being crazy Junior I just thought of this last night I'm going crazy I'm I'm going to go to school all right CR so today is Groundhog's Day wait wait a minute ring ring is bringing me my egg RS give me one minute CR Groundhog's Day what's that guys Groundhog's Day was yesterday no Junior today is Groundhog's Day it's February 2nd no no no no I already liveed this day I lived it yesterday Junior you feeling okay wait what is Groundhog's Day dude well if the groundhog comes out of his hole and sees his shadow that means they'll be be six more weeks of winter and yesterday I said your mom's so fat she can't even see her own shadow oh that's a new one that's nice dude that was a good one no no I already said that yesterday Junior this is the first time I've heard that me EG me EG Ro get in my B get in my B all right class I'm going to eat my egg roll and then we'll get started guys the teacher's choking again I knew this was going to happen we need to help him what are we going to do dude we're just kids guys look he just died dude that means no school D Cody this happened yesterday and look the doctor's about to come in the classroom and do a random death check hey just doing my daily classroom death check to see if anybody died what's that a body see Cody I told you oh no well he has no pulse he's dead he's dead kids your teacher's dead you all witnessed a man die today you're going to have to live with that for the rest of your lives crisis counseling will be available after lunch ooh a fortune cookie I wonder what it says a man died and he's eating a fortune cookie yes Cody this happened yesterday the fortune cookie going to say you will live a long prosperous life you will live a long prosperous life oh man if only he had opened his fortune cookie sooner maybe he wouldn't have died anyway bye kids damn Junior good guess on the fortune cookie no Cody how would I know it says that well I bet a lot of fortune cookies say that no Cody it's because I already lived this life yesterday I already know everything is going to happen today junior I think you should just go home and lay down look I'll come over with you okay I feel like I'm going crazy calm down junior let's just play a card game you want to play Blackjack or poke I don't want to play a card game o I have one how about if you can correctly guess what card is on the top of the deck I won't throw the cards everywhere and make you pick them up it's the two of diamonds okay if you say so what oh my god wow Junior that is the two of diamonds good guess I knew it was going to be the two of diamonds okay hot [ __ ] what's the next card on top then I don't know we didn't play that far yesterday okay then just guess the three are leaves what what do you mean leaves just flip it Cody okay nope it's the Jack of heart sorry guess that means I got to mess your [ __ ] up okay I'm not going to help you pick him up I'm going to go home okay I'm just going to go to bed and maybe I'm just in a nightmare okay okay I think I'm just going crazy it's just like a nightmare it's a bad dream I'm going to go to bed I'll wake up and this whole thing would just be a bad dream yeah it's just a bad dream it's just a bad dream okay Junior wake up it's time to go to school wait sh why are you crying because Tom Brady decided to retire again this can't be happening but it is Junior it is happening no shf you don't understand I've already relived this day before me too like why would he do this retire again the second time so crazy no shf be like I'm talking I've relived this day twice already Junior are you on drugs or something no like I've relived the whole day I already know what's going to happen like for breakfast you made grape jelly ravioli what how do you know about my grap jelly ravioli that's a special dish because I've had it before I had it yesterday and the day before that you must have overheard me speaking about it in the kitchen that's what it was no no I had it yesterday Chef peee it can't be this is the first time I made this this I have to go to school just get out of my way put what about on Bray what's going on what's wrong Junior you seem like you're freaking out what's today's date well it's Groundhog's Day it's February 2nd Groundhog's Day what's that well if the groundhog comes out of his hole and sees a shadow that means there'll be six more weeks of wi shut the hell up Cody Jesus Junior I didn't know you didn't like Groundhog's Day no guys something weird is going on I've been reliving the same day over and over and over again Junior stop trying to prank us yeah that's not cool dude no guys I've already relived this day I know everything is going to happen I'll prove it to you the teacher about to come up there and say that ring ring is bringing them egg rolls all right CR so today is Groundhog's Day wait wait a minute ring ring is bringing me my egg rolls give me one minute CR see guys I told you junior he loves egg rolls it's a coincidence his wife would bring them yeah dude no guys he's about to come back with an egg roll singing a song saying me reiky egg roll me Roy egg roll get in my berry get in my berry and he's going to choke on an egg roll what me Roy egg roll me Roy egg roll get in my B you in my B all right CR I'm going to eat my egg roll and then we'll get started see guys he's choking we got to do something what are we supposed to do dude we're just kids see guys look he just died he died that means no school junior how did you know that was going to happen because Cody I've been reliving this day over and over and over again I know everything that's about to happen wait so you knew he was going to die and you didn't do anything about it well I I I just what no Cody listen I already knew it was going to happen and look a doctor's about to do a death check right now hey just doing my daily classroom death check to see if anybody died what's that a body see Cody see oh no well he has no pulse he's dead he's dead kids your teacher's dead you all witnessed a man die today you're going to have to live with that for the rest of your lives crisis counseling will be available after lunch ooh a fortune cookie I wonder what it says a man just died and he's eating a fortune cookie yes Cody listen the fortune cookie is going to say you will live a long prosperous life look how will I know that you will live a long prosperous life oh man if only he had opened his fortune cookie sooner maybe he wouldn't have died anyway bye kids see Cody look how would I know that okay Junior that is pretty weird you knew the teacher was going to get egg rolls and you knew he was going to choke on him and die and then you knew a doctor was going to come and open a fortune cookie and you knew what the fortune cookie said because I've relived this day over and over and over again Cody I know everything that's going to happen okay then what happens next come to my house I'll show you so what happens next junior okay so you bring a deck of cards out and you suggest playing a card game yeah I did bring my deck of cards yeah and you say if I can guess the top card correctly you won't throw the cards all over the place I was going to say that the top card is the two of diamonds see oh my God Junior it is the two of diamonds I told you I've relived this day over and over and over again the second card is the Jack of Hearts okay let's see oh my God Junior it is the Jack of Hearts this is amazing so you believe me now I've relived this day over and over well yeah Junior this is pretty incredible but wa what's the next card we haven't gotten that far you've never showed me the third card well just guess for fun the three of leaves what what do you mean leaves Cody just flip it over okay let me see n Junior it's the three of diamonds sorry I'm going to have to mess your [ __ ] up you said it was just for fun no you still got it wrong oh Cody but you do believe me that I've been reliving the same day over and over and over again I mean yeah I guess that's the only explanation it's kind of like that movie Groundhog Day what do you mean well you know the movie Groundhog Day with Bill Murray where he relives Groundhog Day over and over again how's he fix it uh it's been a really long time since I've seen the movie I can't remember well come on Cody help me uh you know what I'll watch it and then I'll tell you tomorrow well I don't have to tell tomorrow Cody what did you say the name of the movie was oh you know what I'm going to go back to bed and and this is just a nightmare tomorrow will be a new day tomorrow will be a new day and I'm not going to relive this day okay I'm just going to go to bed again I'm going to go to bed I'm going to wake up and tomorrow is going to be a whole new day a whole new day and today is just a nightmare I'm just reliving it but but if I go to bed tomorrow will be a whole another day and if it's not I'm just going to lose my mind I I I won't be able to take it anymore okay let me just try Junior wake up it's time to go to school let me guess Tom Brady retired again oh man you already seen the news on your phone didn't you no I already knew this was going to Happ happen then why did you tell me Junior save me the heartache what's wrong Junior you didn't get a lot of sleep no and the teacher's about to eat egg rolls what all right crass so today is Groundhog's Day wait wait a minute ring ring is bringing me my egg rolls give me one minute cross how'd you know he was going to get egg rolls lucky guess Groundhog's Day what's that well if the groundhog comes out of his hole and sees a shadow there'll be six more weeks of winter Cody your mom's so fat what if she sees her Shadow cuz she's so fat and round that's a one nice one dude the teacher's about to come back singing me recky EG get in my berry and he's going to choke on his egg and die what me Rey egg R mey egg in my B in my B all right class I'm going to eat my egg roll and then we'll get started the teacher's joking oh Junior you called it you said this was going to happen yeah now he's about to fall over dead he's dead he's dead that means no more School junior are you psychic or something you you just predicted everything that was going to happen yeah I'm like That's So Raven I can tell you everything that's about to happen the doctor's about to come in and do a death check and then he's going to say there's crisis counselors and then he's going to eat a fortune cookie hey just doing my daily classroom death check to see if anybody died what's that a body oh no well he has no pulse he's dead he's dead kids your teacher's dead you all witnessed a man die today you're going to have to live with that for the rest of your lives crisis counseling will be available after lunch ooh a fortune cookie I wonder what it says a man just died why would he eat a fortune cookie he's going to open it it's going to say you will live a long prosperous life and then he's going to say if only the teacher would have read this sooner you will live a long prosperous life oh man if only he had opened his fortune cookie sooner maybe he wouldn't have died anyway bye kids Junior what is going on you must really be psychic yeah I'm psychic come to my house I'll prove it okay okay Junior if you're really psychic I have a deck of cards here so tell me where the top card is the two of diamonds wait really wow it is the two of diamonds but I bet you can't the next card is the Jack of Hearts um damn it is the Jack of Hearts that's that's crazy okay but the next card is the three of diamonds no way come on Junior this is nuts what's going on okay Cody listen I'm not psychic but I've been reliving the same day over and over and over again and this is the fourth day I've relived this day well do you want to guess what the fourth card is just for fun I don't know what it is because I didn't relive that day well just guess just for fun the three of leaves what what do you mean leaves just flip it Cody okay no it's the seven of Spades those are leaves those are seven of leaves no those are called Spades they have stems Cody those are leaves okay well you still got it wrong so I'm have to mess your [ __ ] up but I thought you thought you said it was just for fun nope you still got it wrong but Cody listen I've been reliving the same day over and over again I'm going crazy I want to kill myself oh it's like the movie Groundhog's Day what yeah yes Cody how's that movie End uh I don't remember it's been a long time since I've seen it I could watch it and tell you tomorrow no no Cody listen right now Google the ending of the movie how does he fix it okay let me look it up uh it looks like he's just nice to everybody so he just does nice things for people yeah he he's just nice to everyone and that makes the day end okay so tomorrow if I wake up and I repeat the same stupid day if I'm nice to everyone it'll fix it yeah I guess so but if you're going to do that I want you to give me a big wet sloppy kiss right on the lips that would make me very happy okay I'm going to try this I'm going to go to bed and do nice things for people tomorrow good night Cody good night I'm looking forward to that kiss okay I'm going to go to sleep and then tomorrow I'm going to do nothing but nice things for everyone I'm going to do nice things for everybody and that'll fix it hopefully somebody's go to sleep Junior wake up it's time to go to school what's wrong Chef peipi Tom Brady decided to retire again don't worry Chef peipi it's going to be okay it's not going to be okay yeah it is Chef peee we have all those memories watching them and there's also one more goat left in the world who's that you you're the Tom Brady of chefs really yeah thanks Julia I love you look come downstairs I made you something special Junior for breakfast I made you something special my new dish grape jelly ravioli oh wow Chef Pei that looks delicious I know right I thought of it last night it's crazy it's one of a kind I was just eating ravioli and I said instead of red sauce let's put grape jelly in that thing yeah that's breakfast that's breakfast right there okay well I'm going to eat every bite just for you Chef peee really Junior yeah really I'm going to eat it Junior be honest with me how was it oh it was the greatest thing I ever eaten really so I should submit it to a cooking contest oh oh yeah I definitely would I got to go to school Chef yes oh man I'm a goat all right crass so today is Groundhog's Day wait wait a minute ring ring is bringing me my egg rolls give me 1 minute CR Groundhog's Day what's that well if the groundhog comes out of his hole and sees his shadow there'll be six more weeks of winter Cody your mom's really skinny and not fat at all are you joking no I'm being completely serious I'm sorry for all the fat jokes I've ever said about your mom wow that's really really nice thank you Junior you want to grab my butt oh boy would I oh that is a firm rum thanks dude you're being really nice today yeah I just want to be really nice to everyone I mean since we're doing that can I borrow $5 yeah sure have my lunch money for the whole week appreciate it bro black panther was the best movie ever made and Colin Kaepernick was the best quarterback ever dud that's what I'm talking about you're a true friend you're a true friend me Rocky EG me Roy Ro in my B in my B all right class I'm in the even my egg roll and then we'll get started the teacher's choking we should do something what are we going to do dude we're just kid I'll save them I'll save you oh Junior you save my right you get a for rest of you now I'm going to open up my fortune cookie Junior you're a hero darn it the teacher didn't die so now I'm got to stay in school you will live a wrong prosperous life thanks to Junior I will my boy my home random classroom death check anybody dead in here no okay all right class since I almost died today but I RI thanks to Junior I'm going to go home and bang my wife with my 2in Punisher to celebrate so all you can go home woohoo dude I'm going to go spend my $5 hey Junior you want to go back to your house and hang out yeah come on buddy so Cody what do you want to do for the rest of the day well I was thinking we could play a card game you want to play Blackjack or poker so which card game would make you the happiest uh well I was thinking you could get guess whatever card's on the top and if you get it wrong I'll throw the cards all over the place how about I give you a big fat kiss instead oh I'd like that even more all right Puck her [Music] up okay that made you happy Cody ah two would make me even more happy really yeah okay are you happy now you happy yeah but I'd be even more happy if we had a sleepover and I was the big spoon come on Cody really big spoon coming through Cody your legs digging into my butt that's not my leg sweet dreams Junior this better work Junior it's pouring rain outside and rolls are flooded so school was cancelled morning pee oh hey Chef Pee wait Cody why in the Bell junior junior wanted this well wait a minute what's today's date shfp February 3rd wait when did Tom BR retire yesterday hey guys it worked it's a new day yay it worked give me a big old smooch Junior [ __ ] get off me Cody it worked sh baby it worked I don't know what you're talking about it worked Cody it worked you know what Jeffy you're going to be late for school baby have you seen my car keys No Marvin looking for these daddy Jeffy give me my car keys haha you're sure give them to me Jeffy oh what Jeffy spit them out spit them out right now uh Jeffy you swallowed my car keys well now I don't have to go to school oh you're going to school Jeffy Marvin why doesn't he just take the bus it's already late he already missed the bus well looks like I need to stay home from school no Jeffy because you have a car so we're going to drive you in your car no if I can swallow the keys first no Jeffy Jeffy you are going to school come on right now oh man Jeffy get in the car don't have to yes have to if you don't get in the car you're grounded a all right Jeffy put your seat Bel on can we bump some tune so the hoes know I'm coming seat belt now Jesus all right Jeffy let me know when it's safe to go I don't want to get in a car accident oh you're good for days I'm in so much pain Jeffy I think my arm's broken oh my God Marvin what happened you two I trusted Jeffy Oh Daddy you totally had it you were just too slow okay you two you're lucky to be alive and you you should have your driver's license revoked who pulls out in front of cars like that my son told me there were no cars coming and you believed him what you couldn't take the 2 seconds to just look you know you have mirrors for a reason you know if you had blind spot cameras like my Hyundai Sonata this never would have happened listen I don't want to get yelled at I'm in a lot of pain Danny you look like you hate Towers how long is the recovery process doctor uh him I think he'll probably be fine just cuz a broken arm and a bruised face but him oh no no this is his life now I mean his jaw is broken his ribs are destroyed I mean you could poke him with a pillow and kill him his eyes kind of hanging out and his arm has melted to his head from the engine fire yeah he's going to be like this forever what so he has to live his whole life looking like that oh yeah unless you hire me as a plastic surgeon how much would that cost about 50 G's what $50,000 we don't have that kind of money can you do it like a favor no no no no there's no pro bono surg surgeries here except for the girl who came in for a free boob job that was Pro boner so you going to pay me or what we don't have that kind of money then get out of my Hospital come on Jeffy ow ow [Music] ow why are you guys staring at me well Jeffy we're just concerned cuz why do you look like that cuz I got on a car accident oh I'm so sorry Jeffy do you want some of my free medium french fries I get from McDonald's every week no I don't think I can eat because my esophagus is closed up all right before we start class today I wanted to remind everyone that tomorrow is picture day so make sure you look your best these pictures are going to be in the yearbook for years and years and you don't want people to look back and be like damn he ugly so any questions yes Jeffy what's your question I don't have a question well then don't put your hand up if you don't have a question put your arm down my arm is stuck to my face cuz I got doing car accident oh you are ugly as [ __ ] go to principal's office right now you are way too ugly for me to r at yeah bye freak hey my arm may be stuck to my face but I can still whoop your ass so shut it CR if you look like that you better do something to fix yourself by tomorrow oh man I'm in so much pain well you need to drive more careful next time Marvin I was driving careful Jeffy there were no cars coming hey Dad what Jeffy what are you doing home so early you're supposed to be at school the teacher said I was too ugly to look at that's horrible Jeffy you're still our handsome little boy I am yes Jeffy well picture day tomorrow oh dear God no well Jeffy you can't go to picture day looking like that you guys just said I was your handsome boy well mommy lie your face looks really bad you look like some out of a scary movie we need to get your face fixed or something but Marvin it costs $50,000 we can't afford that well maybe the doctor will put us on a payment plan let me just call the doctor and see what we can do hey there you call a doctor oh hey it's you guys you guys finally decide to pay me for plastic surgery well yeah kind of because tomorrow is picture day at school oh yeah I do a lot of business around this time people want me to fix the ugly they call me Dr ugly fixer cuz I fix ugly as previously implied then why haven't you fixed the bald spot on your head I want to fix it but I can't afford to pay myself damn it if I would just lower my prices well see that's why we called you because we can't afford you either like your prices are just too high and we were wondering if maybe you could put us on a payment plan but are you are you asking if there's another way you can pay me well is there I mean listen No I want cash okay I don't care what your wife will do to me wait what yeah I I it doesn't matter cuz cash doesn't whine and then want to be cuddled afterward well no no listen we just can't afford that price like maybe we can pay you later right like you could do the surgery now and then we pay you all that money later okay but if I do the surgery what if you move away to like Antarctica or something and I never see you again then I'm out $50,000 o I got an idea what if you put a tracker in jeffy's face like when you cut it open to fix it you put a tracker in there so if we don't pay you can track us down huh okay yeah I like that I'll do the surgery now and if you don't pay me later I'll come back with a baseball bat and rough you up a little bit okay all right that sounds good uh hey you want me to uh give your wife some bigger cans while we're at it uh Marvin no okay okay fine I'll just do Jeffy come on okay I'm done with the surgery is Jeffy okay oh yeah he's never looked better are we going to recognize him oh yeah he's going to be the son you've always wanted okay everybody say hello to Jeffy don't okay give me some Che get out of here go you little rascal damn ogres Jeffy can you just get in here hey Jeffy yep that's him but what did you do to him oh well I fixed his teeth I made his eyes not crooked I fixed that stupid unibrow I slicked his hair back and I gave him some nice clothes he also added a few extra inches down there so now I'm rocking a full 4 in yeah I did what I could oh yeah and I also found this in his lower intestine those are my car keys well there they are well Jeffy you do look really good yep that's what I do and I also put the tracker in his nose so if you don't pay me I'm going get you all right champ you have fun at picture day save some poooo for the rest of us so Jeffy how do you feel I feel constipated daddy real constipated the poop troops are stuck in the poop Loop well I think you look handsome Jeffy yeah you need to get some sleep cuz you have a big day tomorrow with picture day can I sleep in this yeah Jeffy don't take that off you look really good I want you to look like that in the picture so go to bed he looks really good Jeffy looking fine like a Sharpie thanks Cy but Jeffy how do you look so good yesterday you were so ugly and now you look so good I got plastic surgery Junior I thought that was just to give girls bigger boobies no they do everything even butt oh my God Jeffy you look so hot thanks no like you look really hot all right calm down you need to get spayed you're heat all right craft I hope everyone is ready for picture day you wouldn't want to take an embarrassing photo oh my God Jeffy you look so handsome thanks teach oh my God PJ you're so cool yeah yeah I don't know what that means but I agree Maria look at that boy over [Music] there puppy let's go over there and talk to him wait ladies where you going the bowl of cool SLA is right here ladies what the that man's jacking my stee hey you're so hot see see so sexy Jeffy give me your number ladies ladies please I'm constipated I'm trying to poop here give me some space bro you stole my chicks that's not very bro likee of you I never stole these girls they were never yours in the first place it was just your turn oh that's it bro I'm going to get revenge and when PJ gets revenge things get ugly let's kiss him ladies the diarrhea is Flowing hey Daddy hey Jeffy how was picture day I don't know you tell me check it out I'm one handsome son of a gun a look at my handsome baby boy be careful with that paper Mommy it's wet girls have been sitting on it all day so it's saturated in fish stick juice well you look really good Jeffy thanks Daddy well it's time to hit the hay so you Pooch smoochers behave it's time for me to get some shut ey I'm tired of girls kissing on me all [Music] day time to die Jeffy this will teach you for stealing my girls hey Jeffy we no d d d he's hi is what happened to your face Jeffy somebody broke inside the house and hit me in the face with the Mallet until I was ugly again but what happened Jeffy I literally just said it but then how did someone beat you in the face till your unibrow grew back I don't know but they did it all right I'm here for my money what what why do you have a bat in case you don't pay up uh pay pay up for what for the surgery that I did remember to make Jeffy wait what why is Jeffy ugly he what do you mean he's always been ugly no no no no I I gave him plastic surgery to make him handsome what no you didn't what yeah I did you guys were in a car accident and then I did surgery and I made him handsome what but baby do do you remember do you remember this this doctor doing surgery um no wait wait wait wait wa no no no no okay so if you weren't a car accident what happened to you uh I I fell down the stairs and and and she dropped the toaster on my head yeah I did that really so so there was no wait there were no surgery Jeffy close your mouth see he look look look he's always looked like that and today was picture day so yeah no you must have must had a bad you must had a bad dream no no no this can't have been a dream I remember it you guys were in a car accident and then I did surgery and then Shrek was there yeah this must have been a dream there's no way Shrek would have been here that doesn't make any sense man really this was a dream yeah it must have been a dream you must be getting old oh man I'm really sorry for coming in here and threatening you with my stolen Sammy Sosa bat no this is really stolen stolen from Sammy Sosa stolen right from his lockers his names on it it's nuts anyway sorry oh that was a close one now we don't have to pay him money all right Jeffy did you learn your lesson for today look both ways look both ways before before crossing crossing the street the street oh man that must be my friends want to go trick-or-treating hey guys what up D oh cool costume oh thanks dude oh Cody who are you supposed to be oh I'm Darth Vader and Ken and Astronaut oh where'd you get the astronaut costume oh it's not a costume he's actually an astronaut he just got back from space dude he's a doll well Joseph who are you supposed to be oh dude I'm Deadpool who's Deadpool oh he's a superhero yeah Junior he's really cool he awesome he can't die he can't die no he can't die so he's Superman no no Junior Superman can be killed by kryptonite yeah can Kryptonite kill Deadpool no junior he can't die then then what kills Deadpool nothing he can't die well then how do bad guys kill him they don't why because he can't die Junior then how does he die he doesn't well then what's the downside of being a Deadpool why isn't everyone just Deadpool oh cuz he's really ugly underneath the mask oh yeah I remember that oh then that's why you're him Joseph hey shut up dude who are you oh uh I'm Cody's mom dude really Junior you wasted an entire costume just to make fun of my mom yes I I was at the costume store and they had a fully functional trans former outfit and then they had a pig outfit and I said I got to be Cody's mom so where's the food I didn't see that one coming I nice yeah it's awesome so come on guys let's go shck or Treet come inside all right dude breaking news there are killer clowns killing everybody this Halloween and if you go trick-or-treating you better not but if you do if you go trick or-treating you better watch out cuz we're going to kill you killer clowns oh no no no no junior is not going trick-or-treating this year no no no okay guys are you ready to go trick-or-treating Junior where do you think you're going I'm going trick-or-treating with my friends oh no oh no did you hear on the news there are killer clouds everywhere what killer clouds yes killer clouds and I'm not having anything happen to my precious baby gay what what what it's pretty gay right Dad I have to go trick- or- try we have awesome costumes no you can miss out on trick- or- Tre in this year how about you just pass out candy to the kids what pass out candy I'm supposed to be the one taking candy I'm a pig look look look you're going to pass out candy and you're going to like it that's final I don't want you trick-or-treating it's dangerous but Dad it's not dangerous I'm Cody's mom no one's going to mess with Cody's Mom I don't care if you're Cody's mom Joseph's dead Mom I don't care but Dad look you're just going to stay here and pass out candy you better not leave you hear me okay Dad [Music] sex I get it Jeffy you're a chicken well Daddy what are you supposed to be well I'm the Joker The Joker I want hear a joke Daddy tell me a joke what no no I don't tell jokes Jeffy I'm the joke Daddy I want to hear a joke you said you're a joker so I want to hear a jum fine Jeffy uh why did the chicken cross the road I don't even know what you're supposed to know Jeffy you're a chicken no I'm not Daddy I don't even know what chicken is you're a chicken Jeffy been making chicken noises all night Daddy I don't even know know what a chicken sounds like then what are you supposed to be Jeffy oh this's my raccoon outfit a raccoon Yep this is what a raccoon sounds like that's an elephant Jeffy no it's not it's raccoon what whatever Jeffy I'm the Joker and rosalena is supposed to be Harley Quinn that means she's going to be hot hey Mario what what are you wearing I'm dressed like Harley Quinn no you're not Harley Quinn's Hot and she wears short shorts that's just what Hollywood wants you to think Mario this is what Harley looks like in the comics no she's hot in the movie she's barely wearing any clothes what you don't think I look hot no you look ugly that looks stupid whatever Mario screw you you look like a middle-aged pimp you don't even look like the Joker oh come on hey Dad what to get to the other side yep Jeffy yeah yeah yeah you got the punch line of the joke let's go trick-or-treating Jeffy without without Harley Quinn dude you're dead SU Junior this is really lame your dad does this every year I know why does he decide to only care about me on Halloween you guys want to see who can pass out the most candy dude that's stupid yeah that's really lame Cody it's not going to be fair I'm your mom so I'm just going to be eating all the candy like yeah yeah I get it Junior Yeah man so uh you guys want to put razor blades in the candy oh dude you do yeah it' be awesome right let's start doing it okay okay Jeffy this is the first half so when they answer the door make your chicken noises so you get a lot of candy all right Daddy I'll ring the [Applause] doorbell all right Z that's so cool dude somebody's going to have a sore throat what that oh that's my laugh truck what why was it that funny well you see it's a double joke because one the razor blades are going to cut up your throat and also it's flu season they have a double the sore throat yeah that's a j ni do yeah yeah so you guys want to sneak out and still go trick-or-treating oh yeah awesome okay so put the razor blade candy in the bowl and let's leave oh yeah guys that looks good that looks real good I know right dude I just hope they don't cut their butter fingers wait wait wait wait well you do want that Junior you I mean that's why we put razor blades in it doesn't we and do we even have butter fingers in here D yeah oh well I hope they take five oh yeah like the candy c yeah good it's wait but are there actually take fives in there though wait wait are there no let's just go trick-or-treating guys come onop stop it well Daddy he started it because I'm F chickens well I F you h a part of my what that again okay guys what house do you want to go to First H I don't know dude how about that one that that's a good house what do you think Cody you have that Darth Vader breathing down what what Darth Vader breathing did you hiccup no hey what was that is that a killer Cloud I think it's a killer Cloud J what do we do hold on hold on guys I can handle this I can't die yeah go get hey killer clown where there you want to peie of me I'm Deadpool and I can't die Cody I thought you said he couldn't die can't well he dead oh no I can't believe this sir sir please please sir sir sir can you please just give him some candy so we can leave fine just get out of my damn house oh but you're here Jeffy here your bucket here's your bucket Jeffy just give get some candy so we can leave no in the bucket sir can you please put some in the bucket no I'm scared of pumpkins put some in the bucket scared of [Applause] pumpkin there a killer clown codyy hey there you want some candy [Music] Cody there's a killer Cloud at the front door Dad was right Junior there are killer clowns I know I wish I would have listened to my dad cuz now Joseph's dead what do we do what do we do well we're safe inside the house right I guess so yeah yeah yeah did you left the friend junor no run Cody run he's coming up me he's coming after me we what do we do St Jesus okay he's running right behind us he's falling everywhere we go I know this isn't working okay so so just stay there yeah stay right there okay go that way he's going to go that way yeah if we go this way he's going to come this way yes what do we do I don't know I I know I know how about we go that way and we go out the back door okay yeah that's good okay Mr clown we're going to go that way out the front door right yeah okay so get ready okay 3 2 1 go oh yeah we got him he wasn't expecting that I think yeah Junior what there's another [Music] one just give us some candy and we'll leave what the hell are you doing in my house that get pumpkin just give us some candy and we'll leave what are you doing put some in the in the bucket you need to get the hell out of my house well no just put some in the bucket we'll leave I feel like you're getting Ted over here no no just give us some candy get the out of my house what sir Cody what happened I don't know a clown what do you want from us prepare to [Applause] die Goa oh it's that's really funny well I got you well you got it sure did yeah okay Jeffy get all the candy off the ground yeah D I think I got it all okay let's get out of here before he gets back D okay this is weird Okay Jeffy well that was really weird that's not how Trigg or- treating supposed to go but you still got a lot of candy yeah D I got quite a bit what hey took my candy and he's running away I'll go get it Jeffy candy hey give me like that candy no give me back the candy now no get out of my house I'm not in your house give me the candy okay Jeffy uh I was only able to get you one piece of candy that I found on the ground one piece of candy Daddy yeah I he he threw all the on the ground so I was only able to pick up one piece I hate that guy um Dy what um what look God godam it he took my last we're going home we're going home we're going home I just want more candy daddy who left the front door open God ooh there's still candy left which piece do I want oh I think I'll get this one I like crackles oh sh oh my God my do I can't wait to see Ken Ken I'm home Ken I was thinking about you all day that's why I bought you this red rose cuz it reminds me of your prolapse butthole oh ken you would never do anything to hurt me all right let me curl up next to you kid who is this are you cheating on me it's me is this what you're into now are you into girls what K was I not enough for you oh my god Ken who is this and don't say it's your sister cuz I know you don't have one okay fine kid if you're going to cheat on me we're done no Mom what's the matter Cody I got Ken cheating on me with a woman oh it hurts doesn't it Cody yeah after I caught your father cheating on me I was devastated it gets better after about the fifth time though cuz by that point you just numb to it Mom I thought Ken loved me yeah I guess it just sucks to suck Cody well actually it doesn't it's pretty great to suck I'm going to my friend's house Joseph I'm bored H me too dude hey Junior are you hungry yeah I'm hungry oh wait just a second dude do you want some cheese balls yeah I want some cheese balls well just open it why don't you open it's already in your hand no dude it's a perfectly normal container just open it okay now I'm starting to think something's going to happen if I open that dude nothing's going to pop out it's just cheese balls open the container okay now I think something's going to pop out cuz you just said dude it says cheese balls just open it okay dude I got you you thought it was cheese balls but it was a little a joke dude it was a joke you thought it was cheese balls you were really hungry you're idian dude cheese balls uh hello e Cody you look so ugly when you cry can I come inside Junior yeah you can come inside my house is your butt called house what come inside so what's wrong Cody hey Cody do you want some cheese balls okay well no Cody they're not I'm hungry and [Music] sad we used to play that game with Ken's boxers so what's wrong Cody why you crying Ken cheated on me he's a doll dude who do he cheat on you with he cheated on me with a Barbie doll see the word doll was in that Shinn wait wait so Ken cheated on you with another toy so weren't they just playing no Junior they were bumping uglies okay well Cody maybe Ken's just moving on to better things you know like maybe you should do that wait yeah maybe you should try dating a girl you know being straight ew Junior that's so gay well no no Cody you're supposed to date girls that's what you're supposed to do so why don't you date a girl like Ken's doing but but me and Ken spent years together I wasted so much money on chocolate syrup um you know what dude this is a little too gay so I'mma to leave okay okay well well Cody come on how about this if I can go find you a girl will you at least go on one date with her you know and see see if it works out okay I guess I could try it all right so look I'm going to go try to find you a girl you stay right here and look I'm going to get you a really fine one okay okay yes all right Cody I found you a girl but we better hurry cuz I got her from the park and her parents don't notice she's missing yet oh oh God Junior what's wrong with her there's nothing wrong with her she's hot but why is her hair long like that cuz girls have long hair Cody ew why so you can pull it I don't know Cody look you have to like her cuz she's a girl and you better start liking girls so what's your name Elizabeth her name's Elizabeth oh oh God what a long name we can call her Beth can I just call her Ben well Cody no no guy named you have to learn to like girls Elizabeth meet my friend Cody do you think he's cute no he's kind of a nerd okay [ __ ] you too Ben Cody calm down look look look you have to learn to like her so Elizabeth uh tell my friend Cody about yourself I like to eat ants ants great maybe we can go out and eat some ants together sometime my treat maybe we can go to a Mexican restaurant eat some fire ants extra spicy okay look we got a date going we're good Jun Junior I'm not going to go eat ants why not because it's gross I'm not eating ants she's a girl you better eat some ants if you want that I'm not going to go eat ants all right so Elizabeth will you kiss my friend Cody no what if I pay you a dollar okay all right Cody I need you to kiss her oh God kiss her why because she's a girl you need to kiss a girl you need to kiss her on the mouth what on the a mouth I can't just start with their hand or something first no Cody you have to have your first kiss with a girl well I've already had my first kiss with a girl who my mom it was tongue and everything it was so hot all right Cody well you need to kiss someone that's not blood related oh God okay I guess I'll try it all right look just pretend that she's your mom well Cody no that doesn't count I'm sorry Junior it's just you were over there and you were looking all all bangable and I just had to kiss you no kiss the girl kiss the girl in the mouth [Music] okay oh God Junior this disgusting it wasn't so bad Junior I got to brush my teeth you have any mouthwash Cody it wasn't that bad oh God Junior it was horrible it's the most disgusting thing I've ever done in my life so you don't want to keep kissing her no no Jud I don't want to kiss her anymore just just get get her out of here before I throw up all right Elizabeth you can leave wait where's my dollar Cody do you have a dollar no I don't have a dollar you know what there's a lesson to be learned here get your money up front hoe leave yeah see yeah you don't pay ho oh God Junior that was disgusting I can't do this all right Cody well maybe the problem is maybe the problem is that she was a real girl maybe you need a doll yeah okay maybe so look let me go get you a doll and maybe that'll be better all right all right Cody I got you two girls to choose from thanks I hate both of them no come on Cody you have to give them a chance but Junior they're just they're just not hunky at all I mean where are their muscles where are their abs they have boobs ew what am I even supposed to do with those punch them come on Cody look I'll tell you something about both of them and then you tell me if you like them okay all right so this one's name is Kimberly hi Kimberly and this one's name is kin Caitlyn no kin no T oh oh God why just spell it normal it's not cute I know I know Cody doesn't make any sense we we don't understand but anyway she's a freak in the streets but she's a freaking the sheets okay yeah yeah and also Kimberly is a flight attendant but she has weekends off and a 401k oh okay kin doesn't have a job oh yeah but she makes money other ways oh okay I get it yeah yeah yeah so um which one do you want well why isn't she wearing shoes oh she's carrying her shoes why she likes to walk Barefoot because she's so drunk she can't walk straight in her heels what she walks barefoot on the street yeah her Feet's all like all black and asphalt and there's like dirt and stuff it's gross E I think I'll just go with Kimberly you made a good decision you dodged the bullet there yeah Kaylin's a fat yeah yeah so it looks like you chose Kimberly okay great all right so this is what you're going to do you and Kimberly need to go on a date in front of Ken and his new girlfriend and make Ken jealous oh yeah yeah and then Ken will want to get back with me cuz he'll remember how good of a boyfriend I am I should turn Ken gay again no no no that's not what I'm saying I'm trying to say that you're show you're supposed to show Ken how well you're doing without him well I actually like the gay one better so I'm just going to do that okay come on Kimberly let's let's go make Ken jealous so Ken it's nice of you to come to dinner I'm glad to see you dressed up well anyway even though you cheated on me I thought we could still be friends so I would like to introduce you to my girl girl girlfriend that's right that's right I'm straight now too I like girls I like I like boobs that that's what I like I I I I I enjoy that now and I also I also like tuna I love the smell of tuna in the morning I I say that all the time don't I yes I do this is Kimberly she's a flight attendant and earlier today we joined the mile high club didn't we yes we did we do butt stuff but with girl butts this time cuz they have two butts they have one butt on the front and one butt on the back I I don't really understand it but but I like that now so Ken I'd like to know more about the girl that you decided was better than me and decided to leave a 5-year relationship for anyway uh please uh [ __ ] does your girlfriend do for a living I mean what does your girlfriend do for a living oh she must be a MIM because she doesn't talk well that's okay Ken I hope you brought your appetite I ordered your favorite food waiter bonea Tity now waiter I'd like you to explain what you just brought 15 hot dogs 15 hot dogs 15 raw wieners now you like wieners don't you Ken oh I know you do you can't have changed that much you remember this Ken you remember a wiener right in your face oh I know you love it oh yeah now Ken I just have a question for your new girlfriend what does that mouth do oh nothing well that's interesting I'll show you what my mouth do [Laughter] that is what my mouth do waiter yes I think we're ready for dessert already yes all right what you didn't even eat them you just speed mayonnaise on all right here's your dessert looks good you remember this can I asked if they had a bigger one but they didn't you remember when we used to share these I would take one end and you take the other end like a lady in the [ __ ] you guys want to see a magic trick hold on Cody is that all way in your mouth uh-huh what pull it uh-huh okay yeah Ken loves that magic trick he's seen it about a thousand times well this dinner has been fascinating but me and Kimberly really should be going I have to take her home so I can kick her boobs around I'm sure you understand come on Kimberly we have a flight to catch I don't think it worked Ken's face didn't change all night he doesn't care about me I'm so heartbroken I mean his face hasn't changed cuz he's a doll but whatever do you think maybe it's cuz it wasn't gay enough oh no it was really gay really it was super gay well what did you think about it I thought it was really gay really yeah so why didn't he like it because maybe he's in the girls now and he doesn't care about stuff like that K what am I going to do now Junior well I mean look why don't you just keep dating Kimberly I don't like Kimberly she's a girl girl she had a retirement plan and everything she she's a hard worker I don't care Junior I don't like girls I'm going to be alone forever yeah Cody look who's here Ken yeah and look at the award he brought you world's greatest boyfriend oh my God Ken but but wait this doesn't make sense what's going on well uh Ken said that today was just a big prank uh he wanted to make you think he likes girls so You' prove how much you love him oh my god really K you prank me so good oh who wants cheese balls dude oh my God Ken I love you so much wait but what about his girlfriend uh he threw her away like she was trash oh good yeah well but but wait who who put him and her in my bed this morning la la la la la la la why don't you look at me anymore I cook I clean I do everything everything around here and you just sit around with your shirt off huh I don't know no kid I thought I lost you for ever okay Ken let's make a promise that we'll never like girls ever again they're gross Ken you fixed my broken heart I thought it was cheese balls but it wasn't cheese balls I got myself oh man oh good times man it's nice to lay down and relax after a long day of working hey Chef peipi what do you want Bowser I just laid down well I need to talk to you okay Bowser what do you want to talk about well what did you do today did you do anything different no I just cooked and clean like I do every day hm that's nice well I just wanted to let you know that I installed cameras all around the house to keep my eye on you wait what what did you do that for Bowser to keep my eye on you you idiot and I think we should watch today's footage to see what you did H watch it with me hey shipi what Bowser when's my food going to be ready well I'm cooking it right now it should be ready soon well if it's not ready in 5 minutes I'm going to put you in the face oh I can't stand Bowser he's always yelling at me want me to do stuff you want your food Bowser you want it so bad yeah that'll teach him taste my spit I hate doing dishes I don't want to do this [ __ ] anymore Chef B what you want [ __ ] um I'm really thirsty can you give me a glass of water before I go to bed here's your water bed weather F sh bab take that [ __ ] okay bab oh yeah get it all up peee I hope you like the taste of pews Bowser I haven't bathed in weeks you see what you did sh B look B I can explain I wanted you to pee in my food not spit in it wait what look that was unacceptable now I got to cut your pain wait I only make $5 a month now it's $50 so sit right there and think about what you did then I hit my life I wish I could just disappear and never come back hey shfp what you want [ __ ] I I can't sleep can we play a game play a game areen you supposed to be sleep right now Junior well I can't sleep I really want to play a game like why don't we play hide-and-seek together hide and seek what am I five well come on shfp I'll let you hide first hide first first yeah I'll let you hide go try to find a really hard hiding spot where I can never find you never find me yeah a really hard hiding spot oh I like this I like this okay Junior we can play hide-and seek all right I I'll start counting what number you want me to count to 100 okay, 100,000 mhm I don't think I can count that high well you better try junior or you're never going to find me oh okay uh 1 2 3 4 so where should I hide where should I hide I don't want anybody to ever find me the attic nobody ever goes up there that's the perfect hiding spot okay I'm in the attic man this is actually pretty nice it's quiet up here I don't have to worry about anybody bothering me or wanting to cook or clean or even Bowser wanting me to do any other stuff and Junior will never find me now I can just lay back and relax 54 55 56 57 58 uh 100,000 Ready or Not Chef PP here I come okay where would Chef P hide um well he's a chef so he would obviously hide in the oven um he'd obviously hide in the microwave no he'd obviously hide in the cabinet where's Che he be hiding at in the trash can no in the pantry no in the refrigerator no huh where's chef peipi at chef peipi chef peipi chef huh where are you oh my God they actually can't find me I love this this is the perfect hiding spot I'm going to live up here forever chefi shf peipi oh I can't find shf peipi anywhere he's really good at hiding shf peipi Chef peipi no it's sh dude sup June bug what are you guys doing here it's really late oh me and my parents got in a big fight cuz they caught me and Ken boinking so we figured we'd just come over here till things cool down oh what about you Joseph oh dude I usually just sleep in your bushes My Bushes why don't you sleep at your house oh dude I locked myself out the rash have taken over oh well I kind of I kind of need you guys help so can you come inside yeah yeah dude all right so what do you need help with dude yeah Junior do you need somebody to help you practice making out because I'm really good you can just ask Ken here I do full tongue I'm like a snake no I don't need help with that I need help finding Chef Pee oh is he missing kind of I mean we're playing hideand-seek and I can't find him well have you looked everywhere yeah the kitchen so you basically just looked in the kitchen well that's where Chef pe's always at is the kitchen so I only looked in the kitchen stop bothering me well maybe he could be hiding somewhere else like like where like the moon no Junior somewhere else in the house huh well I don't know where he's at maybe he ran away dude you think he ran away did CH really run away it's possible guys he's a grown man not a puppy that wouldn't be running away that's just called leaving oh well I give up shfp if you're hiding come out I give up he's not coming out guys I don't know where he's at o I have an idea what why don't we just try to get your dog to find him Cody are you stupid how's my dog going to find him I can't find him how's my dog going to find him well no we could just give your dog some of Chef pee's clothing and then he could smell it and use that scent to find Chef peee like a police dog yeah does your dog know how to do that though dude I don't know um let me see Choy chomy who's your good boy okay all I need now is a piece of Chef pee's clothing oh I got you covered there Junior boom what is that that is Chef pee's underwear how'd you get Chef pee's underwear oh I have a personal collection that's like a trophy and he was sweating a lot in those let me tell you oh okay well uh all right Chompy smell the underwear do you know where sheipi is what what he there he's looking at the ceiling stupid dog he's not on the ceiling what an idiot dog yeah Choy she is not Spider-Man he can't be on the ceiling get out of here oh stupid dog that didn't work it didn't work well Cody your stupid dog idea didn't work well Junior it's your dog it's not my called he's an idiot hey you don't call my dog an idiot I don't come to your house and call your mom fat yes you do junior you do that all the time I know but that's because she is yeah Junior your dog is an idiot he can't even perform simple tasks he can perform simple task he can uh he can uh lick peanut butter off anything you put it on anything yeah like literally anything like if you put peanut butter on a spoon he'll lick it off for hours really yeah this one time I put peanut butter on my hand and he kept licking it over and over and over again again M mhm uh yeah uh actually you know what Junior I I I feel really bad for calling your dog an idiot I I think I'm going to go apologize yeah you should go apologize to him right now yeah that's that's what that's what I'm going to go do yeah go do it come on Ken I don't call my dog an idiot so Joseph what am I do about Chef peee I don't know where he's at I don't know dude uh junior uh where is your peanut butter oh are you making a sandwich yeah yeah yeah you you could say that uh for your dog oh for me really actually it's it's uh for the both of us yeah oh well the peanut butter should be in the pantry Pantry got it I just I'm really afraid that shfp left forever and I really want to find him well why don't you file a mission purchase Report with the police we can call him right now dude with the police H I don't know I mean like let get a little too serious I mean all we were doing is playing hide-and-seek Junior uh so the peanut butter was not in the pantry is there anywhere else it could be not in the pantry uh it could be in the refrigerator refrigerator all right thank thank you like if I call the cops and Shep's like hiding like behind the couch or something they're going to get I'm going to get in trouble right I mean he should have came out by now dude I think it's pretty serious you should call the police yeah you're right Joseph I'm going to call the police okay dude uh hello uh yeah hey you called the file a missing person's report oh yeah my personal chef is missing oh boohoo poor you oh you got to cook for yourself now what do you need help finding your ma too well he kind of was a maid too oh wow what a loss oh who's going to clean for you and cook for you oh that's so sad well he's also my best friend all right fine come on in all right kid tell me what happened all right so me and my personal chef were playing hide and seek and I can't find him you [ __ ] you Wast of police resources 911 it's a serious emergency stop it stop it please stop it sorry all right I just get so mad when you waste my time like that well I'm been playing hide-and-seek with SH peipi and I can't find him and I already told him I give up he hasn't came out well get good scrub I'm a hideand-seek master I find bodies all the time dead ones might as well call me office ofall cuz I'm seeing dead bodies all the time well do you think you can help us find him no it's not my fault that you suck at hide and seek please please you're a police officer you're supposed to help can you help us find Chef peipi please all right fine let me show you how a pro plays hideand-seek do you know where he's at I get the feeling he's around here somewhere but but this is the front door let's take a look here uh-huh but that's outside yeah yeah it is I suck in hide and seek wait what hey get back here H well Joseph the cop didn't help I'm sorry dude I don't know what to say well where's shef peipi at we're never going to find him oh dude what if he's dead don't say that don't you say ch's dead I'm I'm sorry dude but it's a possibility people die every day Junior well I mean I'm going ask my dad where he's at maybe my dad knows oh okay Dad Dad Dad what do you want junior have you seen chef pee pee anywhere yeah the last time I seen him he wasn't peeing in my food oh how long ago was that oh it was a few hours ago he was laying on the couch oh well me and shfp are playing hideand-seek and I can't find him wait he's hiding yeah from me oh there's no way look Junior I hid cameras all around the house so he can't hide you did yeah so let's check the cameras okay come back here dog lick the peanut butter Junior what is your stupid friend doing to our dog uh I I don't I don't know um check another camera I'mma check the outside camera oh I guess I got to sleep in the bushes ow ow ow ow oh so Brickly wait Junior why is your friend trying to sleep in our bushes I don't know he doesn't really have a house but check check another camera all right I'm going to check the upstairs camera Junior's never going to find me I'm going hide in the Attic he's in the Attic in the Attic okay I'm going to go get him dad all right go get him son oh man that was a relaxing nap o I got to pee really bad um but I can't go downstairs cuz I don't want anybody to find me I'm not ready to go back to my ordinary life um where can I pee ooh maybe I can go and pee over here I can't believe shf peipe was hiding in the Attic shf peipe are you okay what you want [ __ ] well sh bab I found you tag you're it all right I'm going to go hide it's time for you to count oh one where are they they're late hey man sorry we're late the wife took forever putting makeup on it what are you doing it's so itchy I told you to go a size up so your face could breathe you brought your wife mate to the robbery yeah she's always asking me what I'm doing and I'm like I want to go rob a house and she's like you never include me in what you do so here we are she's not is even wearing black mate come on I know pink is the no black no no it's not not for crimes it's not why would you bring her mate why'd you bring him oh that guy well bus and tables at Outback wasn't cutting it what is so funny was there a joke did I miss a joke what okay I'm taking it off put your back no we're going to find out who you are stop that was a bad idea back on oh my god do you want to just do this another night no no doing this tonight you stop laughing and you put your damn maskk back on go go oh my God I'm so sorry I know Elmo we're professionals you got to C your wife mate she can't be taking her mask off why is he laughing okay okay is that it's in your mouth get open your mouth I got to take it you're not supposed to eat it mate what are you doing just put put it back on let's just do it another night no no put put fix you stupid oh my God oh my God it it we're doing this another tonight we're doing this we're doing this tomorrow night okay same place same [Music] time sugar Che cakes oh Junior you want a milkshake Bower don't do that he's already sleep from all the sugar he's already eaten skyx well we can't just leave him here by himself what about a babysitter dude look look we're only going to leave him here for a couple of minutes he won't get hurt or anything what could happen if we left them home alone two wa why why did you say two I don't know just come on before you wake up the FR Loops oh God I don't feel so good I think I need some more Starbucks chef peipi chef peipi I don't feel so good Chef peipi shf peipi what where is shf peipi Dad am I home alone too okay okay is everybody here where is Elmo what honey switch masks with me I'm not switching masks with you no no we've had all day to figure this out we've had all day and no it was fine before you left it what happened it was fine no I stop it shut up you shut up you shut everybody shut up where the [ __ ] is Elo where is Elo oh there he is hi stop it stop it oh my God okay let's just get it let's get ourselves together we're going to rob this place okay I'm here all the time they a lot of really good stuff okay so let's we got to figure out names because we can't obviously use a real names so so I'm going to be mo you can be curly and I guess you be Larry I want to be Larry Curly shut up hold on hold on why can't Elmo be mo because he's Elmo just look at him he's freaking Elmo I mean he's not fooling anybody with those big dumb eyes look at him I mean he's clearly Elmo yeah I guess you're if anybody's going to go to jail it's going to be him it's real funny it's real real funny what you did you made him bust out laughing again used to watch y stop stop bothering Elmo stop it let's just go let's just go to the door and figure this out okay okay okay this is the place this is the place M yeah I'm sure I'm here like every day okay so the thing is when we go in make sure you look up and watch for bowling balls like bowling balls yeah bowling about bowling BS I don't know believe me I asked I don't understand bowling BS God stop talking I asked the same question okay and it I I don't know this kid just like to put bowling balls above the door for some reason Okay so so hey you you get the gun oh yeah I got it right okay good oh my God you got to calm down manate no it's fine it's fine we're not going to kill anybody probably okay calm down c c down there's a kid in there and he's crazy okay he's like he kills people I'm not going to kill any what is that noise it must be chef peipi and Dad I'm going to scare him when they come inside if you shut up I will take you to Olive Garden after this Olive Garden yeah Olive Garden That's So Close yes okay okay that did it yeah okay I love that I know I know you do oh my God oh my God I know I know this I go there with you oh my God stop stop shut up I need to pick this pick this lock okay just just you need a jigl I know I'm a lock SPI you want to do this you don't even know how to do this you don't even know what you're talking about your fat ass oh well thank you Elmo wait wait check for bowling balls and there it is yeah no oh this kid got jokes real real funny killed one of my friends with the bowling but yeah of course what a joke sh okay everybody be quiet okay we got to be quiet cuz I okay yes I know that's what I'm saying be quiet cuz obviously this kid's here and this kid doesn't play okay so if if you want to get out of this alive everybody just needs to be quiet and let's go get this stuff okay let's move out hold on go away for booby traps booies yeah it's real funny know it's not funny it's not you just said boobies we're adults we're adults here okay come on Mo control your W I can't you want to try this [ __ ] cuz shut you want to get killed shut the damn come on Elmo shut up and follow me look at this amateur completely amateur this is his first who would ever fall for this no no oh my God oh my God oh my God why would you do that it's not funny El ow Jesus Christ that's not dad and Chef peee those are robbers and they fell for my rat trap oh I'm going to get them now oh Jesus look at this TV this is a nice TV yeah he's big mate yeah I'm taking this look great in that living room yes it would I'm going to take it how we get down the stairs mate there's only four of us I don't know we'll figure something out we can do it show hey butt faces look up here oh my God oh my God yes oh my God yes oh take that [ __ ] yes oh my god oh I don't think she's alive I know why do you think I'm celebrating yes Elmo yes you get it oh my God she is so freaking dead oh all right guys let's get back to rber yeah yeah I guess we got to get that kid for my wife or whatever okay so my wife is dead but uh we we we got to look after ourselves okay this kid's obviously out to get us we got to get him first all right so uh so what are we going to do oh my God oh my God elbow's been shot yeah all right get ready to get wrecked [ __ ] what in God's name is that thing M I think it's time to PR oh my God say good night KBS ow ow SC it out this is dumb what why not in the eyes all of here stop it take it BLS take it my mask I'm I'm out of bullet all right that's it I'm going to end this kid wow you're really going to kill a kid yeah oh my god oh Larry Larry you you okay Larry oh oh I'm killing this bastard not so fast you ready to die pleb oh my God kid don't don't shoot me come on man any last words um I don't know don't shoot me it's just been revoked what say hello to my little friend what yippy K [ __ ] Okay now you're just quoting movies are you ready to die no you you're lucky my dad's home dad dad dad dad dad dad J why is it so dark in here oh cuz I was playing a game and what happened oh oh uh uh some friends came over and we we were just playing oh well that's reasonable as long as you clean up afterwards well shfp can you help me clean up my mess what I have to help you clean up well yeah I mean there's a couple bodies what Charlie you're killing me wait no don't go off Charlie and friends is going off well let me change it to manly te hopefully something's good on you're watching manly TV and you know what there's a monster truck rally tonight so to come down to the manly Civic Center bring two people and you both pay full price who man Master trunk rally I never been to one of those before I I definitely have to go o I need to take somebody with me though shabi shabii come here what Bowser what could you possibly want oh stop your whining shf pee PE I just wanted to see if you want to go to a monster truck rally with me wait a monster truck rally I never been to one of those me neither so do you want to go wait hold on who's going with you Bowser is Junior going well no he's still sick so I was going to see if you wanted to go he's finally sick huh that Bast finally got what he deserve oh oh yeah yeah yeah Bowser sure sure I'll go with you let's go then oh yes finally somebody's going to drive me Kyle that's it I'm not rubbing wax on that rock and for pack anymore it's just too gorgeous you know what Suzanne take this that's right no one disrespects kyoh holahan with the rocking fourat no Kyle she's not worth it it won't help your record you've already been arrested too many times she's not even that pretty oh man I hate being sick hey Junior guess what what we're going to our monster truck really really oh my God it's going to be so awesome I know right I never been a one before I know how long do I have to get ready oh you you thought you were going yeah no no by we I meant me and shipi you're kind of sick so you're not going what but Dad I need to go to the m truck R I really need to go well I heard it's going to be on TV so you get to watch it woo but it's it's kind of not the same as actually meeting them in person and you know touching them and smelling the interior and hearing all the Roars and the pops and all that extra stuff I got to go Dad please let me go no look you're staying here but I'm not sick anymore I'm not I'm I'm all better that sounds like sickness to me so you're staying in this bed oh Dad I got to go what can I do to go bleach I I'll let you have one of my tissues I don't need a tissue look look I'm pretty sure they have tissues at the monster truck rally and I'll get one there okay oh but but uh you can't leave me home alone dad you see yeah yeah you can't leave me home alone oh oh I forgot uh uh uh I called a babysitter and he will be on the way very soon so yeah open the door whenever he gets here a I don't I want to go see monster truck stupid sickness get out of me get out of me sickness oh man mustard truck rally I'm so ready wait wait did you even really get a babysitter for junior oh no why would he need a babysitter he's 6 years old he can watch himself I think that's a bad idea Bowser but whatever it's monster truck I'm ready hey hi you ready to Rob this house yeah yeah oh where's the other guy right I I don't know I told him to meet me under the Street Lamp oh my God guys oh my God I'm so sorry I'm late I just you know had to get a manicure first look at my nose Ray Ray wh what what what the hell are you wearing oh you like my new shirt I got it from Bells it was on sale no no I told you to wear black well you tend to dress like a criminal yeah a criminal but like not a criminal from the' 40s okay not like from a cartoon you should be more specific then oh my God God all right whatever guys whatever all right we're going to rob that house over there okay all right before we do we got to established code names good idea good idea all right who are you going to be I'll uh I'll be George George is good I'll be uh Paul Paul mcney what are you going to be choices choices oh my god oh I'm Ringo Ringo oh Lord all right all right so what we're going to do is we're going to break in there and we're going to steal all the TVs all the jewelry and whatever else of monetary value oh I can't do some jewry all right come on guys let's go robbing wait oh man stupid monster truck rally I bet it's not even cool I bet there's not even monster trucks there I bet it's just a rally and everyone shows up and they're like where's the monster trucks like well well we're stupid and we can't afford them I want to go to the monster truck rally stupid sickness oh man what am I supposed to do today just lay in bed and be sick and blow my nose oh I know when the babysitter gets here I can put a a bowling ball on the door and when he opens it it'll fall and hit him on your head and it'll be really funny yeah that'll be really cool oh man this bowling ball is so heavy how am I going to get on top of the door oh I know oh man that looks so cool so when the babysitter opens the door it's going to fall on his head and give him a boo boo oh man it's going to be so funny let going sit over here and watch all right guys let's Rob this house Oh look The Doors already open it's going to be easy like taking candy from a baby oh get in there Ringo first uhoh that's me ladies first guys oh my God oh my God Ray speak to me Ray oh God no oh God God he's he's dead he's dead oh my God he's dead there's still a chance no there's not a chance he's dead move the bowling ball move move it oh God oh God at that oh he a pancake right I I don't think you want to stand he's dead he's gone forever Ro can you hear me that's a life it's just gone he he had a family he he had kids he just had a kid oh God Ray oh why oh my God he he didn't even want to be here tonight I I talked him into it he was he was supposed to go go to church or something oh God why oh my God Ray oh I got a question what what why would he be wearing this to church he obviously knew he was doing something well look it it doesn't really matter what matters is that there was a bowling ball hanging from the door who does that what kind of monster would put a bowling ball there oh my God what I I don't know who would store their bowling ball above the front door I I don't know maybe there was like a obviously the house is booby TR yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you're right so so if we go around the uh the uh uh hallway and there's a bear trap right there what what are we going to do we know that the rest of the house is is booby trapped I I don't know I don't know I don't know we got to just be more well you can go first we we we have to Rob them now we have to Rob them or else he died for nothing yeah all right so uh what are we going to do with the body uh leave it here yeah just just leave it we'll we'll pick it up on the way out I guess all right oh God so it doesn't go anyway I'll put the bowling ball back on it oh my God that was awesome I can't believe my dad hired three babysitters oh my God I'mma play more jokes on them all right so it looks like they have a kid so obviously we don't really want any of this stuff all right Thomas oh I always wanted one of these don't tell me you actually you actually want to take that yeah because they're like $25 at a that Toys are Us and my son he always want to play with one of these I'm taking this one okay you do that I'm going to I'm going to go look for valuable things all right we're entering a door so you know watch out for bowling balls or or anvils or posan or whatever uh this looks like the kitchen so you know take whatever you're going to are those are those cheit all that cheit all right yeah with this is this is clearly a trap nobody just leaves cheit in a row like that normally unless I fell out of a bag like there's a little hole right there and they just popped out I mean I I guess it's possible uh sure I we we we can at least follow it to see where it goes okay all right I love cheesus yeah this this is clearly a trap but but there's a gold watch in there yeah I see that I also see the mouse trap inside of an oven which appears to be on what would Ringo have done uh he'd probably get killed by a bowling ball oh that's true yeah well I'm going to get this watch no it's like £5,000 British P see you don't even know that that's not really a good idea I'm getting there watch I I would not recommend doing it what are you doing Paul Paul come on come on it's not worth it man it's not worth it oh God I got that guy he's going to burn the death you you bastard you're the one who's been doing all this oh my god oh oh you come here ah it burns ah why didn't he just open the bloody door back here ow oh ow what was that I just shot you with my Nerf gun now you have no Nerf gun wait what was that for you killed my friends so now I have to kill you no come here come here kid open the door I'm not going to hurt you I'm just going to kill you it's fine come on kid open the door never never never come on not again why can't I move are you ready to die today kind of question is that are you ready to join your two friends in Hell how old are you what are you what are you going to do uh well I don't know it's for Thomas to decide Thomas the Train yeah well what's he say uh he he said that you'll look a lot better with your head cut off so oh uh how about we don't do that that sounds good well Thomas makes the rules um okay so uh any last words Mister uh uh don't don't kill me I guess uh well that's not going to work for Thomas oh oh that that wasn't so bad well now you have like a slightly bad headache right well like not even I mean it it it it stings a little bit but I'll be fine in a couple minutes it's maybe we should try it again there's someone at the door uh it might be the cops the cops yeah I I called them when you were trying to kill me oh well that makes sense I guess yeah yeah I'm going to go answer the door sir sir do you need medical attention uh Hey police officer guy um I called you cuz cuz these guys were trying to kill me I think they were my babysitters mhm all right so uh I I killed him with the bowling ball all right and there's also a guy in the oven and there's a guy on the train tracks about to get his head cut off so in the oven and on the train tracks yeah yeah come on come on all right a stupid monster truck rally they didn't even have monster trucks there can you believe me SHP PE all right you're coming with me just get me out of here hey hey what's going on guys well you see sir while you left your child Home Alone three burglars broke into the house wait what yeah and he killed two of them and he was going to murder the Third yeah I got here I I am pressing charges I am definitely pressing charges you cannot press charges is this true Junior yeah it's true I I killed two of them but one with that bowling ball down there and uh I put the other one in the oven and uh I was about to cut his head off but uh the cop came before I got to do that thank God did you turn the oven on uh yeah the oven was already on oh no don't worry he is dead he is definitely dead wow yeah I killed I killed two of them you're a real murderer son yes he is but was the monster truck rally fun oh man it was depressing they didn't even have monster trucks there it was just people saying it was stupid I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it mister yeah that's great so uh so so what happens now he's going to jail for a long time yeah all right well well so so what happens to my dad for leaving me home alone oh yeah you're going to be you're going to be arrested too sir wait wait I was just in a mustard Dru rally why am I getting arrested that was child neglect it was child neglect D he's 6 years old he knows how to watch himself he has to be 18 to be by himself yeah yeah you stupid pigs and your rules all right you guys are coming with me bye dad oh man I'm almost done decorating the Christmas tree I just have to get the star on top I'm just not tall enough hey hey Mario what's up fol what do you want Black Yoshi Mario I just be got done making my christmouse lisp what Christ Mouse lisp you mean Christmas list yeah that's what I'm saying folk this everything I be want for some Chris Mouse see I got me some KFC chicken on there I got some poop Koolaid I got some do this D M packs some monies some more monies 24 in rims and some LeBron Jordan shoes all right black Yi well it's Christmas Eve so there's no way I can go shopping and get you all that stuff all the stores are closed and also I already got everyone their Christmas gifts oh you already got me my Christmas gifts oh man F would you get me so I go ahead and Mark it off the lisp uh I got you uh uh this ornament right here that that ornament right there ooh orphans orphans orphans uh no for that's not on my list I ain't want me know some orphans well black y that's what I got you so if you want anything else you just got to wait and see what Santa Claus brings you tonight Santa Claus man Santa Claus ain't going to bring me nothings well you have to see what Santa Claus brings you that's that's all you have to wait for but what about my lisp uh I'll I'll call you an appointment next week to get your lisp fixed okay uh maybe jeffy's talling off to tall enough to put the star on the tree I'll get Jeffy Jeffy come here what do you want dddy all right Jeffy I think you're tall enough to put this star on top of the Christmas tree and I think you're high as if you think I can reach up there Jeffy I know you can reach up there oh you're definitely high you're so high I think you can put the star on top of the tree Jeffy I can't I need you to do it you want another puff Jeffy put the star on top of the tree dang I don't even understand why a star has to go on top of the tree there's not stars on top of the tree out shine I know but this is a Christmas tree you're supposed to put a star on top that's that's the point of a Christmas tree all right daddy wherever you want give me sh here look put it on there I'm about to Chuck this [ __ ] you know what you know you know what Jeffy we don't even need to start on the top of the tree you know what that's what I've been trying to say the whole [ __ ] time guys Jeffy stop cussing look Santa Claus knows when you're cussing when you're cussing that means you're not going to get presents as long as you're a good boy and you don't cuss Santa will come tonight with this big old bag of toys and he'll deliver you all the expensive toys you want every single thing you want as long as you're a good boy s's going to come inside the house with nobody guarding them just a big old bag of expensive toys literally anybody could Rob them but no one does cuz it's Santa Claus and he's going to come tonight as long as you're good boy you got that I want you go to bed right now Daddy yeah let's go to bed let's get you ready for Christmas yay all right Jeffy just go to sleep be a good boy and Santa Claus will come all right um Daddy I got a question real quick what um if I [ __ ] my pants does that count as being a good boy or a bad boy that's a bad boy Jeffy oh well how does Santa Claus know if I [ __ ] my pants or not he he just knows those things Jeffy he's magical he uh he has a a Tracker or Jeffy did you [ __ ] your pants Oh don't know he's going to have to stick his hand down my diaper and find out but Jeffy your diaper on the outside of your pants Bingo Daddy see you've done this before this isn't your first rodeo so why don't you put your cowboy head and get you on up out of here Daddy Jeffy just go to sleep all right s only comes if you're sleeping all right all right so jeffy's in bed now it's just time to go to sleep and wait for Santa Claus to come is's it gone all right Mario went to sleep so I'm just going to stay right here and wait for Santa Claus to come and when he come out here I'm going to be knock him out and I'mma steal all his presents but but how I going knock him out oh I know I'mma p in his milk with some Windex and after he drinks it it's going to make his tummy really really hurt and then when he laying on the ground not feeling so good I'mma steal all the presents and I'mma sell them on [Music] eBay my first house let's get this over [Music] with stupid go stupid ornament stupid Christmas tree stupid Christmas let's get this over way but but first let's see if they have my milk and cookies whatever I smell cookies wait I haven't had din yet I'll save this for dessert let's let's see what they have she has H FR Loop that sounds good I'm still pretty hungry Chef boy that sounds good to me [Music] yes time for some milky cookies it's time for dessert yes my [Music] cookies no first the milk [Music] yes huh what was that noise Santa oh my God s are you okay I'm ding wait what I'm you what I'm I'm dying dang it you're dying yes I've been poisoned poisoned it was the milk and cookies the milk and cookies the milk and cookies well who poisoned the milk and cookies it doesn't matter listen to me I need you to deliver the presence to all the children around the world well I can't do that and this was my first house so you got a long night ahead of you well I can't do that S I don't have your magical powers sure you can I been believe in you Sant don't die I'm dead s don't die he has no pul s don't die don't die Santa why do you like ravioli oh no oh no who do I call I can't call the cops do I think I killed Santa what do I do what do I do oh my God what do I do what do I do who do I call I don't know what to do I don't know what to do all these presents boys black Yoshi what are you doing what's up B I'm just going through my presents those are not your presents Black Yoshi that's Santa's bag of gifts but he gave them to me after I saw him choke on the cookies and die black Yosi did you poison the cookies and milk uh maybe why would you do that black Yoshi cuz I really wanted some presents and he wasn't going to be get me any so you poisoned Santa Claus so you could steal all the presents yeah you know that means that no children on Earth is going to get gifts now but now I get all the gifts black selfish look he wants me to deliver all these gifts how am I going to do that uh I don't know F these are mine blacki no look there's got to be like an emergency contact in here or something let me see um uh oh a paper what's it say it says uh if Santa dies the only way to bring him back to life is to deliver all his remaining presents you can teleport to other houses by grabbing his magical bag and saying next house all right blacki since you killed him you're going to help me deliver all these presents no these presents is mine black Yushi no you're going to help me deliver these pres that you killed Santa man okay you dirty F let's do this next house [Music] all right blacki this is the first house so let's just deliver the presents so we can leave okay all right F I think it's this one right here all right put on the tree black don't make noise if they wake up they're going to call the cops well it's already been delivered folks so let's go ahead and go well black no they get more than one present but how good do you think they was black georia look to bring Santa Claus back to life we have to deliver all these presents so that means every house has to get the presents they deserve and obviously they get more than one present but we can just keep the rest for ourselves no look look to to to bring Santa Claus back to life we have to deliver all these presents all right F I got an idea what what are you doing what why'd you D all the presents out you said the no said that in order for Santa Claus to come back all the presents have to be delivered well they've been delivered so now he can come back you you think you can poison me Santa I'm going kill you run like I bo bo wake up what Bo wake up I think there's somebody in the house yeah and there's an annoying [ __ ] yelling in my ear which one do you think I'm more upset about py I think it's Santa Claus you should go check Santa Claus it's a robber I know who it is Bo but you got to get on your police outfit and go arrest them I am not putting on my police outfit but Bo you look so sexy in your police officer outfit I don't care if I look sexy it's 3:00 a.m. and there's a robber in the house but point you look so sexy fine fine if it will shut you the hell up I will put on my police outfit and I will go talk to this R Santa are you okay Santa are you okay where is he where is he I'm going kill him what's up fatty you're so dead you think you can poison me oh I'm out of here let's get out of here Black Yoshi okay look I have the outfit on you happy Bo you can need straighten your tie it's crooked well I don't think the robbert cares about my tie Bo if we're have company you need to straighten your TI and take off your head you're indoors what it's part of the uniform I thought you liked it I like it when you get angry boy we don't have time for this there's a robber in the house oh please don't arrest me officer look I will I will handcuff you to the bed as soon as I'm done with the robber okay stay I'm a come I'm a come he's so dead fre what are you doing in my house Santa Merry Christmas what Santa what what the hell happened to my tree oh uh I slipped on a banana peel silly me on a banana peel yes you eat a lot of bananas but no no no I don't oh guess I'll be going D no no no no you're going to stay here and you're going to fix my tree oh yes sure well I'm pretty hungry you got anything to eat oh yeah and I got I got some Chef Boyard D Chef boy d [Music] you uh you really like Chef boad huh yeah I'm I'm going to go back to bed you you just keep doing your thing okay B who was that that was a lot of commotion it was it was Santa Claus did you get it what a graph Bo no I didn't now please just let me sleep bo bo you said you were going to handcuff me to the bed I've been a bad girl I know what I said and I don't care just let me sleep well that's just great black Yoshi we almost got killed by the real Santa Claus cuz you killed Santa Claus to steal his presents but everything fine he came back to life everything good and he's got his presents back BL Yoshi we're not going to get any gifts from him for Christmas because you tried killing him and now he hates us and we're going to be lucky if we get any presents black gu just just go to sleep and don't steal anything ever again all right Christmas morning only one present Daddy yeah it looks like Santa only left one present I mean at least he left us something after what happened last night w f me I hope it's my chicken in my Kool-Aid better open it up Mario see what it is oh let's see what it is yeah that's expected a picture of a finger I always want a picture of a finger daddy man he done burn the chickens that's that's not chicken you know what Merry Christmas guys as long as we have each other right and maybe next year Santa won't hate us I'm happy with my finger hey Shrek can you come in here real quick yes donkey what do you want I'm very busy well just come in here real quick all right I'm coming donkey o donkey what I see an Oreo going to e hey don't don't eat it don't eat it don't eat it what okay I'm doing this I'm doing this like this experiment real quick okay what's the experiment we're going to tast bkey okay well I want to find out how all my friends eat an Oreo so um how do you eat your Oreo I don't see why there's a big difference I just shove it in my mouth and eat it but how do you eat your Oreo that's a very good question okay well first of all I don't eat craft like this like what do you mean well donkey look at it look between the cookies there's W stuff what is that it looks like I took two chocolate cookies and whacked off with it and blew my load between the two chocolate cookies oh okay then what do you use well donkey I use a special cookie it's a special Oreo made from my swamp donkey I use this now it's a perfect Oreo cookie what what what's that green stuff in the middle that is made from a special crap I can only take in the swamp so I have this cookie that I eat for my Oreo instead of using your W comum filed Oreo cookie okay this is my chocolate with extra booger ear wax and crap like all mixed together and then I have a little bit of skin coloring I put in there to make it the perfect green color so don't get this is what I eat right here okay Donkey let us set it our here okay so now you just eat it no no no donkey there's still one part you are forgetting it's something I can't live without hold on okay Donkey I cannot believe you did not remember my cheesecake how are you going to use cheesecake to eat an Oreo ah this I will show you donkey okay first of all I'll take Oreo cookie in this hand okay okay and then I'll take cheesecake on beautiful plate okay all right now watch closely because I'm only going to do this once so if you forget then we're done okay you slowly take the Oreo shove it in the cheesecake see you shove it in the cheesecake just like that did you see that yes okay but it now looks like a mess no it doesn't it looks like beautiful and now you just eat it a cheesecake covered Oreo no you slowly devoured the whole thing even the plate see and you got the extra on your hands and you just lick it off well that just look like a mess track but it's delicious if you tried it you would fall in love well I'm not going to try take it just take and get out of here tell tell tell Black Yoshi to get in here okay you will regret it this is the best I will not regret it just tell yes yes it is the best just just taking get out of here all right donkey have it your way is and Burger King where's Black Yoshi I told Shrek to call him in here hey Mario what you doing what are you doing here Woody I was just over here thinking about what you doing them Oreo sandwiches or yeah they're just Oreo cookie I'm asking all my friends how they eat an Oreo cookie ah I was wondering about that cuz I was over there watching NASCAR and then I was like what why you over there doing them Mario sandwiches I want to try one this I came move here I want see if I can you show me how you eat your Oreo cookie I sure can oh I see you no don't get away from the camera okay so go over there and let's show me how you eat an Oreo cookie well first of all you might think oh just going to pick it up think about now I'm going to take out my handy dandy Shrimpo right hold on stuck in my bed all right lay on top now no no no I know what you're thinking you're like it's over now it's over you going to take it Bon up no way boy all right take out my handy dandy beer yeah open that up right there now we're going to pour it all over top of it yeah that's happening all right look at that beer Shrimpo Oreo yes NASCAR done what Woody what is this I just told you what it was Mario it's beer Oreo in a Shrimpo you don't eat an Oreo like that that's not even or yes you do you asked me my opinion I gave it to you and you don't want to take it so just just get it out of here that's not how you eat an Oreo just get out of here I'm going watch me some NASCAR okay well go watch you NASCAR while you eat that garbage and take your beer with you oh forgot that got a little something on my nose right there wipe it on all right where is Black Yoshi Shrek was supposed to go get him I really want to know how black Yoshi eats his Oreo what what what is that type of music is that is that Mexican music what is that supposed to mean what what hey Mario what the what what Chihuahua Chihuahua I'm here well where have you been I've been working at Taco Bell I've been making chalupa burrito taco quesadilla all these other things up at Taco Bell and then uh we come up in here and I be like oh that's Mario so talk to Mario oh well at Taco Bell do y do yall eat Oreos yes see we uh we import Oreo we do all that kind of stuff all you got to do is just a request well can you show me how you eat your Oreo certainly Mario okay well then show me okay okay what is this this look like a big poop no no no okay first of all we start out with three Oreo and then on a tortilla shell okay okay okay now I prepare Mexican music please [Music] [Applause] okay a your Oreo Taco Burrito is done Mario what what what what what is how are you going to eat that it's a it's a burrito with with what in it it has cheese it has salt cream it has peon sauce it has pepper and it has Oreo and lce but I wouldn't eat that and Oreo it I wouldn't eat that well then why would you order it Mario I didn't order it I asked you how you eat it would you eat it like this yeah okay well then take it and go eat it because wow no one eats an Oreo normal I do Mario this is this is Mexican style Oreo well I want my sty I want regular like just an Oreo I make sure I pee on your taco next time you call the Taco Bell where is Black Yoshi oh my God where is he what's up F what's up Mario Yoshi yeah what you need bro you need me bust capping somebody you need me make you some black man Kool-Aid what's up oh no I just okay well I just want to know how do you eat your Oreo cookie cuz I already saw how everyone else eats their cookie and it's just horrible so how do you eat your Oreo cookie okay folk hold on one second I'll show you hold up all right folk first of all wait hold on why is only Oreo black man can't eat just Oreo he needs something he needs he needs something else you do you need milk no no milk milk milk's for uh for the the white kids that want to be black hold up one second okay okay all right first you need a tall glass of water see it's even taller than me it's beautiful second you need some black man great Kool-Aid oh yeah oh oh yeah oh yeah then you need a Glock bullet see you one of these bullets why do you mean a bullet it's it gives a bam in it you know what I'm saying kick the extra little kick that you need okay all right I got to open Kool-Aid all right now that I got the Kool-Aid open got to scoop out something like scoop out just one little Spoonful right here okay all right sprinkle it on top of the Oreo all over it look at that oh so for good luck right there okay now we scoot the Oreo back on top okay all right see we we learned how to do this when we were in when we were in The Joint okay all right we going to drop it in there just like that look at that see look at that beautiful so I turn purple already turn purple put that down in there all right look at that black man Kool-Aid with a black man cookie in top look at that see perfect now take the Black Bullet going drop it in there see look at that okay all right bam all right first of all we got to stir a little bit get it all nice and broken up get the cookie all broken up in there know what I'm saying all right see look at that yeah black man Koolaid and cookie and gun bullet right there okay so you just made you just made an Oreo into grape Kool-Aid yeah F that's the magic of black people black Yoshi that's just disgusting I thought you were going to be creative and like actually eat an Oreo good not make it into a drink folk do you know anyone else that puts a bullet up in their drink no you're the only one who did that exactly I mean see I am creative and Woody poured beer all over his and I put a shrimp on it good man good man right there he's creative too and and Shrek shoved it in and cheesecake good man you know that fat boy like cheesecake oh oh my why is people crazy F if you call me Crazy One More Time call them crazy one more time I go get back a lot just just get grab your stuff and get out of here F you don't tell me what do this my house it's my house Li you want to go just get your stuff and get out just just get your just go all right I'm going let down slide I guess no one eats their Oreo cookie normal hey Mario not now Tony I don't really want to do whatever you want to do I don't want to do I want to show you how eat my Oreo cookie no I I've already seen so many people eating Oreo I and I know yours is just not normal I just put it in my mouth hey um Daddy can I go outside and try to eat my golf ball no Jeffy it's raining outside Jeffy how many times do we have to tell you do not eat golf balls well then why they look so yummy they don't well they look like marshmallows but Jeffy Mario why is it raining so badly I don't know let's turn on the Weather Channel and see what happens breaking news UK a hurricane named hurricane Sally is hitting us right now it's a category 2 storm so stay inside oh what's that we have word now that reporter Goodman is on scene to tell us how bad it is how bad is it Goodman it's bad a hurricane I I didn't know where hurricane was hitting Mario we have to prepare we need supplies we need food water ice flashlights batteries and gas there's your gas right there Mommy Rosalina we don't have to prepare everything's going to be fine it's just a little bit of rain and wind but Mario it's a category too that ain't nothing um dadd what's a hurricane a hurricane is a big storm that just destroys everything well I want to be a hurricane you can't be a hurricane Jeffy well why does Sally get to be one Sally's not a real person it's just the name of the storm Jeffy well Daddy when I grow up I want to be the biggest hurricane ever well you'll never be a hurricane Jeffy well Danny since you don't believe in me I'm going to grow up and be the biggest baddest hurricane ever and then you're going to see me on the news so he's so stupid Mario I'm really worried there's nothing to worry about baby it's just a little bit of rain and wind everyone look out for Hurricane Jeffy I'm going to destroy everything in my past [Applause] uh Jeffy why are you destroying the living room and hissing like a cat cuz I'm a hurricane Junior you're a hurricane how'd you become one of those well I was watching TV I saw this girl named Sally and she became a hurricane and now everyone's afraid of but she's a total to but she blows like a 10 Junior and she's got a whole lot of [ __ ] what's [ __ ] wind and precipitation oh she sounds so hot well if you want to meet her she's right outside she's outside like right now yeah I'm so nervous I'm not ready to meet her I need some advice from Sha peipi all right oh man that won't fit I bought the wrong size well it's not the first time I bought the wrong size for something that's not going to fit hey shfp can I ask ask you for some dating advice no Junior not right now I'm trying to make some food just in case the power goes out stupid hurricane Sally Sally you know about her too yes Junior everybody knows about her she's dangerous She's Dangerous yes but is she bad though yes she's bad and she's huge oh she's a big girl that's why everyone's saying she's a two no she's a category 2 but she's nothing to play with well what if I think I can handle her Junior you can't handle her she'll blow you away oh how bad is she what ju Junior hurricanes are nothing to play with they could take your car your house maybe even your life what she look like what what Junior what are you talking about I think I'm thinking with the wrong head sh I'm going to go outside and see her Junior don't go outside what's wrong with you uh Sally um I really like you and I heard you're bad and I don't care if you're a two I think you're a 10 and I think big girls need love too so I'd like to be your boyfriend tally just you can give me your answer later uh shf peipi I didn't see Sally what do you mean you didn't see her she's huge hey shf peip you stop talking about my girlfriend like that what yeah I know you think she's a two but she's a 10 to me and just because she's fat I love big girls I think they need love Junior it's a hurricane what are you doing Jeffy I'm a hurricane oh my God Mario oh Mario the storm sounds like it's getting worse it's just wind and rain it's not getting worse Mario what's wrong cheffy B jeffy's destroying the entire house he is Jeffy Jeffy what are you doing I told you I'd be a hurricane daddy Jeffy you're going to clear up this mess right now you can't stop a hurricane [Music] Daddy what's wrong Mario go ahead tell her Jeffy thinks he's a hurricane he's destroying the entire house I'm sure he's not destroying the entire house Mario just my kitchen yeah in the living room he's making a huge mess Mario we'll clean it up later he's letting his imagination wander well he needs to stop wandering around my kitchen and making a [Music] mess oh no the power went out no I'm scared of the dark what are we going to do oh you know what that was so annoying I think I want to date men now oh okay look we knew this was going to happen uh hurricanes make the power go out so look we we knew this was going to happened so what's the first thing we got to do oh Mario do we have to reproduce now cuz she's the only girl here oh that's why I'm scared of the dark Mario oh look look look okay we need to look for flashlight does anybody know where a flashlight is oh I have a flashlight on my phone okay grab that see oh God what I'm blind yeah put it that way yeah okay we need to go find Jeffy first so I mean it shouldn't be hard to find he's going around saying let's go look for him uh Rosalina can you shine your flashlight down the stairs so I can see see sure Mario thank you but what if he's upstairs I didn't think about that where's the light sorry Mario oh you you good Mario oh I think I broke my back Mario do you see Jeffy anywhere he's throwing chairs in the dining room Jeffy stop doing that didn't have to come on Jeffy where are you she PE PE why are the lights off because of Sally Junior she turned the lights off yes probably because you guys keep calling her fat so she feels ugly so she turns the lights off so we can't see her what Junior no you have't confused Sally is not a person it's a hurricane yeah you guys keep saying she's nasty and stuff well maybe her neet game's like a giraffe you know big girls hungry junior junior if you want to see Sally I will show you Sally come here well right now I'm really nervous should should I see it right now yes I will show you Sally come here see Junior that's Sally She's Dangerous wait why are the street lights on hello wait who are you oh my name's Sally I got lost and it's raining can I come inside shf baby she's not fat what this isn't the Sally I was talking about Junior I'm sorry Sally everyone's been calling you a two it's category two it's a real storm look I don't have time to deal with this look look I don't think you're a two I've been thinking you're a 10 this whole time and I didn't even see you and you don't have to turn the lights off I don't think you're ugly so you can come to my room okay turn the lights back on all right so this is my bed see I got Thomas sheets maybe I can call my friend over later and we can run a Thomas on you oh I like trains you're so pretty I don't know why everyone said so much bad stuff about you they do yeah you're all over the news I am yeah they keep saying you're a two and that you're fat and dangerous and apparently you play the trombone cuz your mouth getting crazy you blow really good oh that's not nice yeah so I don't know I don't care what they say all I care about is that you're with me now and I'm always going to treat you great um do you have a phone so I can call my parents you want me to meet your parents yeah I'll get my phone okay hello Mom Dad I was at the park and it started raining and I found a house and they let me in and some kid told me the news is saying I'm fat and a number two oh you're going to come get me okay see you soon oh what' they say about me oh man I don't want to embarrass you you think you think your parents are going to like me oh I need to impress them I need to brush my teeth I need to put on deodorant oh I'm so nervous why are you so nervous I've never met a hurricane parents are they mean are they nice oh I don't know Jeffy where you at oh he's in the pantry Mario the street lights on but the street lights are on yes that doesn't make any why don't we have power I don't know let me go check the second recer Jeffy stop it Jeffy stop it you are not a hurricane babo b b Baboo what Mario maybe if you tell him he is a hurricane he'll stop that doesn't make any sense it's not going to work Daddy I'm hungry for Destruction Jeff Jeffy actually you know what you are a hurricane you're the biggest strongest meanest most dangerous hurricane of them all I want you to keep doing it because that makes me proud well now I don't want to do it anymore that's lame it actually worked a somebody messed with it Mario we have power the power's back on how did that happen Jeffy must have turned him off when he thought he was a hurricane oh you know before your parents pick us up I was thinking maybe we should Porky Pig um I'm Jewish I don't eat pork well I'm a whole lot of turtle what's wrong ew e you look better with the light to I thought you were fat what E I don't want someone who's pretty I'm a chubby chaser I thought there was Cushing for the pushing ew what what did I do you're a total two with the lights on with the lights off you're a 10 get out of my house oh all right we survived the Jeffy hurricane and you're lucky daddy cuz y'all was going to keep going but now we have to survive the real hurricane that's happening outside at least we still have power Mario at least we have still power Mario that's what you sound like sit down all right so now let's just sit here and we have power we have food everything's back to normal hey Daddy you you know how I wanted to be a hurricane well I don't want to be a hurricane anymore I want to be an earthquake St
Channel: Dr. Junior
Views: 245,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, sml reuploaded, sml jeffy, sml marathon, smlytp, sml old videos, sml reaction, sml movie, sml ytp, sml animated, sml archive, sml alien, asml, asml movie, sml bowser jr, sml cody, sml chef pepe, cool cody sml, sml drama, dr junior, sml movie 2023, new sml movie 2023, sml movie jeffy 2023, a new sml movie, every sml movie from 2023, sml new movie 2023, best small movies of 2023, sml movies 2022, jeffy's, all jeffy videos, animation jeffy, a new jeffy
Id: XyV8JvzqcP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 192min 22sec (11542 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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