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today I'm going to be surviving the world's strictest parents I have to do whatever they say for the next 24 hours and at the same time my dad will have to survive the world's most spoiled teenager give me your credit card old man what why remember Zan said you have to say yes me for 24 hours okay fine here you go oh no you guys whoever says no first loses and the punishment is skydiving make sure you guys watch all the way till the end to see this secret room I buil to hide from the parents all right song first things first your mother and I have some new rules I don't want new rules do not disrespect your father young man sorry Mommy and Daddy to start it off we're going to the most expensive store the Apple Store help guys those look really expensive that's why I'm going to buy two of them oh man and I'm going to buy this iPad so I can watch YouTube much money dude that was awesome that was $5,000 are We Done Yet all all right song rule number one no more TV the TV seriously Bryce Bry I'm done can we leave the mall man we can't leave the mall until I get some food okay fine I mean I'm pretty hungry so you don't get any come on there's so much food here I can't have one fry no guys this is so hard I have to make sure I don't quit so I can win against Z Mommy why holding my gaming monitor rule number two no more video games no wait wait why are we at Target we're going to the gaming section hold my bag old man yeah price price all of this looks so expensive no no no it's okay I just want a gift card just a gift card that can't be that bad I'm going to get a 100 Robux thank goodness it's only $100 not if you get 50 of them that's another $5,000 you guys broke everything I love well actually not everything what do you mean give us your phone oh my phone no no no I do not want to do that remember zong if you say no you lose and you have to go skydiving I definitely do not want to lose oh okay here's my phone you can break it no you do it I have to break it I don't really want to go skying yeah a my phone now that we're done at the mall where are we going Bryce first give me a drink of my soda old man okay you think this was hard just wait till you see what's next what is that help I'm not excited guys I literally have nothing to do now so I think I'm just going to eat because I'm getting hungry oh no you won't wait what do you mean if you want to eat zong you have to work for it yeah what what are we doing out here here as our son you have to work for your food wait what do you mean by that you have 5 minutes to get eggs from these chickens or you go hungry oh okay how do I do this guys I haven't had food yet so I'm really hungry excuse me guys what are your names can I please get an egg how does this work Bry what are we doing here I want you to meet some of my friends okay where are they well they're over there but before we do that I need you to get in the bathtub what why just do it old man okay I guess I have to do whatever you say oh guys I hope his friends aren't as mean as he is these are my [Music] friends time to go surprise Z's Dad wait Bryce where are your friends right here I what wa wao why are your friends worms bro actually that's not that bad they're a little okay one went inside my shirt PR get them off me I'm not a fish I don't like worms a so I have a favor okay it would be nice if you could lay an egg for me so I can eat breakfast oh she just left me okay Bryce I think I'm good man get these worms off of me yeah no problem my friend will do that for you what wo wo wo enjoy your snack I'll be back in an hour an hour wait Bryce Bryce come back oh you guys I want to quit but I can't I can't let zong win get these worms off of me bird okay guys this is my next plan as you guys know I really don't eat vegetables so maybe if I give this mango to the chickens they'll eat it and give me an egg guys I got you something why they ignoring me guys I got your vegetables you guys want some why they running away from me guys please I guess they weren't hungry I have to try something else because I'm very hungry make sure you watch all the way till the end because I had to build a secret room to hide from the strictest parent don't quit don't quit did you enjoy your snack birdie I'll be honest with you Bryce I almost quit after that one well you might quit now what Ro wo there's so many I might quit after this one guys guys guys I have a problem what is it I've tried everything and the chickens still won't give me any eggs have you tried walking your chicken I didn't know you could walk a chicken oh I'll go try it yeah you go try okay oh they're all over me Ry one just crawled down my pants this is bad I need to take you on a walk so you can give me an egg please oh I think it's working let's go guys oh oh he's running this chicken is fast oh what do I do okay maybe this will actually work guys if I keep walking it it might give me an egg oh woo if he thought the bugs were bad just just wait for this come here Zan's dad wa what is this you have to spend an hour in this porta potty oh no it's stinks in there no way I don't want to do this remember you have to do what I say for 24 hours or you have to go skydiving oh man I really don't want to go skydiving let's just get it over with this is going to be good wish me luck you guys oh it really stinks in here I can't believe I to spend a whole hour but I really don't want to have to go skydiving I wonder what zong's up to I really hope he quits soon all right zong time's up but I didn't get any EGS yet well you know what that means no food for you are you serious chicken why didn't you give me an egg oh my gosh you guys I wonder how much time has passed I didn't think he would last this long oh I think I hear Bryce's voice so to make it worse we're going to spray in some forart spray what is he doing oh man the smell just got worse ah these s parents are crazy I really hope my dad can quit soon I don't know how much longer I can last here with them what did he do I smell so bad okay Mommy and Daddy since I'm not allowed to play any video games or eat what can I do read a book um but I don't know how to read oh how about this can I go hang out with my girlfriend girlfriend how did you get a girlfriend well I got that Aris you better go break up with her right now right this instant no relationships in this household unless you'd rather Skydive okay let's go oh my gosh you guys I don't know how much time has passed but it has to have been at least an hour I hope he lets me out soon I can't believe Zan's dad hasn't quit but this will make him quit wait what is that I don't want to do it no no no no I don't want to do it huh s what are you doing here um cat I need to tell you something oh what is it we need to break up what what do you mean how you doing old man why did this happen to me why hi are you going to quit no I'm not going to quit I can't let zong win and I definitely don't want to go skydiving you guys I'm going to go take a shower guess I'm going to have to try even harder if you thought this was crazy make sure you keep watching to see what the spoiled kid does next I don't want to be in a relationship anymore what yeah why I want to be single forever are you serious but what about our baby our baby our cat's Sushi obviously I don't care you don't care about sushi I'm breaking up with you go away what so you just got cleaned up are you sure you want to keep doing these challenges I'll be honest with you Bryce that last one almost made me quit that was so gross man but I can't let zong win I will not go skydiving you guys what's the next challenge it's time to heat things up oh that sounds kind of scary are you ready for this challenge oh it's so hot out here let's just get this over with but wait there's one more thing you have to do what you have to wear this thick winter coat for the entire 6 hours are you serious oh I'm already sweating man oh someone's knocking on the door get the door now okay mommy and daddy yo stop what bro what be quiet why okay okay so this is what's happening inside I have the world's strictest parents and I made a bet with my dad that I could survive them for 24 hours but they're really difficult and scary what bro yo that sounds really bad so what are you going to do I have no idea wait maybe now that you're here you can distract them for me and I can go build a secret room and hide from them bro they sound really scary why would I do that oh okay how about this if you do this I'll consider making a second Channel with you really okay I'll do it let's go okay you guys it's only been 20 minutes and um I think I'm already lost I have no idea where the car went this coat is so thick I don't know what to do I don't know where Bryce is either might as well keep exploring wish me luck yo guys I'm just chilling in the car I got AC I got water I left Zan's dad in the desert and there's no way he can survive 6 hours in the brutal hot heat oh Mom and Daddy I'm back who is at the door my friend oh my tutor Topper Topper what kind of name is topper hey what kind of bath tutor has hair like that and where's pink a really smart one oh okay um I just realized I really need to go to the bathro well hurry it up I'll be right back leave don't topper here we need help with math now yeah okay guys while topper is distracting the strict parents let's go build this secret room we have to hurry up okay guys this is my plan I'm going to build the secret room right here under the stairs in order to make the secret room hidden I'm going to be putting up a fake wall right here so that way no one can find us you guys look I found some shade it's the only shade I've been able to find in this entire desert it's so hot you guys I think I'm going to stay here for as long as I can wait did you hear that I think there's something inside this bush I have to go it's so hot though so are you even good at Max me yeah yeah I'm I'm really good at math okay then what's 10 + 7 huh 10 + 7 uh 17 oo is good not bad you know what guys do you guys want to do some math with me upstairs in zong's bathroom I I'll bring my calculator come on let's go bathroom math let's go if you thought the strict parents was crazy make sure you keep watching to see what happens next okay guys we made it to the Home Depot let's go get the materials okay guys all we have to get here is this fake wall so we can put it in front of the door let's get some okay guys we made it back with all the materials we need to build a wall so let's go hurry up and do this first we need to take up this door you guys this is so lucky look I found some water I've been so thirsty for the last like 2 hours this is awesome oh that was so refreshing you guys yes I definitely can finish this challenge now I'm not going to have to go skydiving so what are we doing in this bathroom well I'm glad you asked we're here to figure out how many primes it takes to fill this bathtub H interesting interesting indeed and if all my calculations are correct it should take approximately 38745 2 to fill the entire tub all right guys we finally got the door out but before we can build the secret wall we first need to remove all the stuff under the stairs let's do this okay guys we have to make sure we're doing this very quietly okay let's do this hopefully they didn't hear that it's been 2 hours since I got left in this desert I don't know how much longer I can do this it is so hot and this coat is so thick I wonder what Bryce is up to guys it's been like 2 hours and he still hasn't quit I need to up the stakes wait I think I'm getting a phone call it's Bryce I know you had my phone number hello hey how's the challenge it's terrible it's so hot can I come home now Bryce no you need to climb to the top of the mountain I have to what you heard me oh no looks like price is giving me another challenge you guys and I don't want to lose to zong so I guess I have to climb to the top of this mountain now wish me luck all right guys I think I got the first base of the wall ready now all we have to do is put the fake wall up top of this wood it's going to be epic what is this equation of yours I'm glad you asked if we take the circumference of each prime bottle guys look at this the wall is officially done and there's no way you can tell there's a room behind there I really do hope topper is still distracting the parents because we still have a little bit more we have to do multiply it by the Cap's diameter and then mix in the radioactive spider which is in every single bottle and then multiply it by how many prime bottles there are in the entire world that should equal to exactly 436 Prime bottles in this tub guys look at this I finally cut the hole in the wall now we can go inside of our secret room and to cover this up I got this painting right here look at that well how do we know this equation is right I'm glad you asked we're going to test it out that's our first one okay guys we're in the secret room right now but there's nothing in here so let's quickly go to the store and get our supplies okay guys we made it to Target let's hurry up and get the stuff we need first things first the most important thing for a secret room at PS5 and we can't forget to buy the gift card for the games we also cannot forget to get a headset because we have to make sure that we're quiet in the secret room that way the sh parents cannot find us and to make the perfect gaming room we need some LED lights perfect guys we definitely need to get some cute plushies I love Pikachu oh and you can't have a secret gaming room without the best snacks Takis let's go we need a lot of this you got to hurry up the final thing we need for the secret room is the monitor let's go how many bottles are we at we're at 28 make it 29 well keep going guys we got like 400 more to go okay guys we made it back home from Target let's hurry up and go inside and decorate the secret room let's go now that we're inside let's build this secret gaming room before we start building let me show you guys this look how hidden we are there's no way the stri parents is going to find me 31 32 nice good m [Music] MTH perfect you guys you guys I think I made it I made it to the top what I think I'm getting a phone call hello Bry zong's dad you're nowhere near the top not the top de keep going otherwise you have to go skydiving oh man you won't believe who had to go skydiving so make sure you watch all the way till the end okay guys the first thing we're going to do is make the floor look pretty watch this oh come on let's roll this out let's go yo this is so sick I can't wait for when this room is fully complete next let's drag this bean bag over here so comfortable the best part about this secret room is we literally have a plug right here so it's super easy to plug everything in let's go the fridge is working there we go the snack shelf is now officially done look at that and now the chip shelf is officially done over here we got the candy shelf and right here we got the chip shelf now we're going to set up the gaming station and we cannot forget the PS5 by the way I wonder how it's going for topper they're really scary oh 47 and to make this gaming room extra cute we got some plushies sh okay guys now let's set up the LED lights I'm going to have to put you guys down for this because I need to use both of my hands [Music] 148 guys look at this the secret room is now officially done and there's no way you can tell there's a secret room behind this wall all right guys the gaming room is officially complete let me give you guys a quick [Music] tour guys it is so nice in here I haven't had food all day I can finally eat I love Takis M busting oh that made me thirsty luckily I have a fridge full of primy M M this is the best day ever guys since the sh pairs can find me they can't tell me what to do so I'm not really cheating let's go I'm wondering how it's going for my [Music] dad this is so hard oh it's so hot I don't know if I can move anymore this sucks I wonder if zong's having any fun oh okay guys now my gaming room is officially complete what do you guys think comment down below 1 to 10 what you will rate my gaming room it's so nice in here that I'm going to take a quick nap um it's so comfortable [Music] 298 did our tutor fall asleep hey tutor wake up I'm not tutor I'm topper what do you mean you're not a tutor oh no no no I I I mean I am yeah I I'm a tutor I don't think you're a tutor uh song you guys I don't know how but I think I got stuck underground I went looking inside a cave and um I guess I'm here now can you get Bryce for me help I think we were tripped where is this guy he's not there where is he huh he better not be in here playing video games oh I love fortnite I hope my Dad's getting ready to skydive soon because there's no way I'm going to lose it's so cold in here I might need a jacket I wonder what zong's dad's up to I don't know how much further I can make it you guys I heard he eats a lot of food maybe he's in the pantry song oh he's not here oh no there's so much more mountain left to climb oh no oh I forgot I'm terrified of heights I don't think I can go any further you guys this is terrifying and it's too much I have to stop I quit I quit tell zong I quit did you make it to the the top of the mountain no I didn't make it to the top of the mountain the coat's too thick the Mountain's so tall it's so hot out hear you guys you're a terrible teenager man I quit you quit you know what that means what you got to go tell zong oh man this day just keeps getting worse and worse zong where are you your dad he quit zong has been missing for hours we can't find him guys do you hear that I think my dad's home and I think he quit that means I won let's go guys I'm right here oh you are in big trouble mister actually I'm not because I just won this Challenge and you guys are no longer my parents we're going to let's go Bry yes I won you know what that means dad means I have to go [Music] skydiving n
Channel: Zhong
Views: 1,563,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zhong, zhong, zhong girlfriend, zong, zong and kat, kat, zong girlfriend, zhong and kat, comedy, skit, 7 SECRET Rooms You'd NEVER Find!, 10 secret rooms, 10 SECRET Rooms You'd NEVER Find!, Secret Rooms, Gaming rooms, zhong gaming rooms, ben azelart, topper guild, public gaming rooms, i built a secret gaming room, building secret room, Jeremy Hutchins, Ben Azelart, Lexi Rivera, Stokes Twins, MrBeast, Preston, apple vision pro, apple store, target, playstation 5, ps5, fortnite
Id: VY3SXfwS8iY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 6sec (1386 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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