SML Movie: Stuck!

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oh man Thomas I can't wait to dragon me oh man Thomas you see that what Thomas wait to go Thomas this is your blue huh no boy train oh I thought it was a hot dog everything that falls down here I think it's food who are you I'm Hansel I've been living in your couch for about three weeks well why don't you leave okay couch is too deep what you can't leave no don't I get out again boy what do you eat out here man what yeah I've just been snagging on all that stuff I just ate a random pill I found and now I can't Oh what what do you guys want is junior home yes he's probably in the room on the couch just come in okay get me out of this couch oh my god Thomas forever Oh Cody Anya so where's you Cody I don't know junior guys guys I'm trapped inside the couch guys so where's you Cody I don't know junior maybe using his room maybe let's check there no wait guys don't go anywhere I'm inside the couch guys I'm inside the couch Joseph where is he I don't know dude he's not in his room he's not in here where could he be I don't know what if something bad happened to him he's probably fine we're dead well what or dead yeah but I mean even if he was dead would we really even miss him that much oh no guy Milly is our friend right I mean I guess but he's mean to us all the time yeah he always watch about his thomas and and always talk about winning yeah yeah and he makes fun of my mom and calls your a pig all the time yeah and he makes fun of my mom she's dead yeah yeah that's messed up cuz your mom actually is dead yeah dude you need an [ __ ] yeah I don't think I like him yeah I only come over here to watch TV you know cuz my house doesn't have power yeah yeah he's always like trying to hit on me and throwing his delicious ass my way in it's like back off man I'm takin ya right with they've just been using me to watch TV and they don't care if I'm dead or not oh no I hate good how long was that asleep oh hey so can you do me a favor yeah can you drag those to be on top of the couch inside here with me Oh seriously just if you haven't noticed when we're hanging out jr. is like all up on me and trying to kiss me and stuff and it's like back off man I have a boyfriend you know Cody literally I never seen that happen oh hey guys did you yeah you've been in the couch the whole time cool yeah I heard all the mean stuff you're saying about me yeah well you know you used me for my TV and you think I'm hitting on you well you are I mean you do have a good TV dude yeah guys I don't want to do any more so get out of my capital of fine we will okay you can't get out what do you mean we can't get out yeah but try to get out for an hour and Hansel's been here for three weeks the homeless guy over there oh yeah you can't get out it's too hard to get out we have to get out of this couch somehow yeah dude well I'm not gonna help you guys you guys are mean to me you use me and I will be friends anymore well fine I'll just use my muscles to get us out you kiss your mother can't get you out Junior have you seen my muscles they're extraordinary [Music] what is this couch made of like titanium or something yeah see I told you won't work we're trying to get off a glass now it's hot in here I want to get out soon you think dinner's ready Junior yeah I think it is yeah dude till you come out right now if your ID I swear to god me with Mama Bear mama bear what your mom's calling Cody damn it it's about the rash uh hello hey Cody Ken this is mommy I love you this is not cool T this is peepee Cody I don't want to talk to you pee pee honey I want to talk to you oh you're not talking the Cody's bebe this is a pee-pee oh that's so cute your pee pees this chef that's adorable no lady look you're talking to chef peepee I find yourself your son's phone on the couch well you elected my son on a couch no no no no nothing like that I found his phone on my couch well whoever you want tell Cody that he needs to come home cuz he's got a rash on his pushy and if he doesn't get his all you man it's gonna spread look lady I don't know where he is you okay I'm coming over there what look fine come over Wow guys it's truly amazing what dude that a pig can use a cell phone I said I didn't care about you I just can't see how your mom can you the sole mourner she's a pig hello aren't you a spicy little burrito I'm Italian Oh muy bueno look what they want I just need Cody to come home look I don't know where Cody is well where did you find Cody's phone well it was on the couch okay well maybe you should let me in and show me this couch what does fool me okay you think it's okay to eat one of these gummi bears I don't know Han tell you something he passed out dude I found a shop you saw is that no on your son's phone right here on the couch oh no poor Cody I don't know what I'm gonna do if I can't find them I guess I'll just have to make another one what your mom is shop either here oh you think you're so strong I can just see your muscles poking out of your jab you even do anything oh and this mustache how long did it take you to grow that don't touch it don't touch it oh no what you got a stain on your jacket where right here oops chef peepee [ __ ] my mom do it I think so hey Cody your mom's getting porked because she's a [ __ ] you think mom let me have a turn away she's a pig oh you're my favorite person I'm gonna call you my little Cinco de Mayo medallion oh but we still can't find Cody and we looked everywhere well we looked everywhere you surely look all right I think we should call the police oh yeah fraid yeah I'm gonna go call him right now don't forget the rape Cody watch it they hit me I told you not to make fun of my mom Junior I didn't know pigs are dealing Willy dude they're going to cops call the cops okay what seems to be the problem oh my poor Cody he's missing I gotta raved what's this about a rape I didn't get a call of a rape she raped me what are you talking about man women can train men what are you some kind of gay okay man so when did your son go missing oh I don't know like like an hour ago yeah and juniors missing - I had called him his and I couldn't find them I don't know where he is I like your mustache hey guys the cops are here really wait is my mom [ __ ] the cop to where hey Joseph look a pig is having sex with a pig that is what I go cavity search the kids are still missing oh right right yeah the kids the kids yeah I'm gonna go to the nose I'm gonna put out an Amber Alert and we're gonna get on this okay yeah does that work for you oh yeah anything for you you won't run though don't you yeah come on well with God where they goin come back guys I think they said they're going to the news to get an Amber Lee that'll help they'll find us no they won't guys we're stuck in a couch I know that Cody we know we're stuck in a couch duh where have you been the last five minutes yeah stupid yeah boy like you with glasses alright fine we really need to get out of here well Cory there's no way out like even if you wanted to leave right now like even if your life depend on it you can't get out like you cannot get out if you're stuck in here forever Cody good guys guys is it getting really cramped in here all of a sudden I mean your mom's not here so no it's my cramp I'm really claustrophobic call your friend of clothes no junior shut up I'm afraid of small spaces it wouldn't be a small space of foam no junior class your fellow they're gonna freaking out hey Cody stop whining yeah he's tired dude I'm getting really hungry yeah me too door where those gummy bears that I ate them all bro you ate them all got hungry man what am I supposed to eat now I don't know it's Lin or something in here oh my god I'm really hungry we're gonna do I don't know breaking news and cut it has now been several weeks and three missing children have not been found good the police are saying they are determining the kids to be dead I'm so hungry and I don't want to watch it anymore [Applause] [Applause] okay guys he's really what happen again baby still I always sit on the couch with Thomas long way then he got stuck into the couch what and then I was sit on the couch and I got pulled into a couch beds by a homeless guy he was living inside the couch yeah and then we came over and then the homeless guy pulled us into the couch - yeah and then we were stuck in there for weeks so we had to eat the homeless guy and I was about to eat Cody and then you lived up the car get my bike what why don't you just crawl over the couch too deep yeah it's a really hard couch to get out of it look we wasted resources we had police searching for you we waste a bunch of money how do you feel about that we wish to all that money just for you to be in the couch or how do you feel you had sex with a pig goddamn it Junior go go [Music]
Channel: SML Plush Show
Views: 35,354,616
Rating: 4.7986264 out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, stuck, bowser jr, bowser junior, friends, comedy, kids, show, chef pee pee, puppet, bowser, king koopa, plush, entertainment, couch, prank, trap, funny, hilarious, nintendo, video game, jokes, annoying, stupid, dumb, video, koopa troopa, cody, joseph, doofy the dragon, doofy, skit
Id: wOFQiq2yO6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2017
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