SML Movie: Joseph's House!

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okay guys what do you want to do tonight hmm I'm a baseball a little too late for baseball what about hockey hockey yeah good idea we are used to skate on us huh Xbox oh no that could be really cool yeah what yeah dad you and your friends have to get out of the apartment today what why well it turns out that we have termites crawling all around the wall termites yeah yeah termites that's really scary and I gotta get it bug bomb oh but you're gonna bomb the place yeah yeah yeah I have to bomb the place where we gonna live now we're not with real bombs junior with bug spray spray talking there then why do you say spray it it's not actual spray they won't spray it with like a big huge sprayer like what where am I supposed to go where am i made my first one to go I don't know go on a playground maybe you should go over your friends house okay dad where are you gonna go I'm staying here I'm gonna smell the fumes nothing that's gonna stop me from watch a charm oh okay Oh Cody can we go to your house and now my parents are celebrating the fourth of July what what it's all guy now oh that's weird yeah well we're we're we can go to my house dude what you're the house Joseph yeah dude what do you think I just sleep outside of your house what maybe I don't know you had a hell I just thought you like slept in a cave or something yeah what you're sure let's go you're out joke oh not again we've never been to Georgia Velva okay dudes welcome to my house it looks like crap Joseph what kind of creepy oh it's kind of creepy but it's just the outside you can't judge a book by it's cover dude it's truly a bachelor's pad on the inside nothing but ladies crawling okay come on come on guys all right guys are you ready to go inside my house just hurry up and open the doors all right all right wait wait it's a secret way to open a door you gotta like knock three times or something and you got a whole both knobs Weaver the first one I think and then uh the second one's supposed to get a little fun come on Danny just do your mom open the door dude my mom's dead see guys this is not funny oh okay it's open all right what it's dark no sir just look in don't know fall a cheater sir it's really dark in here Oh hold on hold on everybody get a French light a flashlight why well because the power got cut off because my mom couldn't pay the bill because she's dead well what so how long has it been off yeah like since December I think December yeah yeah it's like forever are you live here oh I got flashlights bro I got flashlights what we're uh yeah all right guys pick which one you like we got red white blue and black black lights matter okay well I get red purple red I'm gonna do okay okay got my flashlight with it look look Wow nice place Joseph oh yes dude I decorated my shelf but real nice play what Oh do you have like you've never seen my mom before is she dead what what was wrong with her dude she passed away on Halloween remember whatever what's the answer uh-huh all right everybody say hi to my mom oh hi she is skeleton I don't know she actually died oh whoa she's a skeleton because she's been decomposing for like almost a year well why didn't you move her yeah why is he so here I mean because I love my mom you think I want to put her in the ground or something yes it's normal did you with that bother you little bit what was she doing pausing on candy yeah she died passing out candy she loved the kids in the pocket it was all on Halloween do you not remember how did she even died she hasn't even moved it said she died in place a new co-op what happening hey man I wish I had my mom right now well she'd still be passing out candy well I didn't know she actually died you were joking this whole time I've been serious the whole time I don't talk about my mom being dead so let's how you make a joke about it just know this face is my dad mom's face okay that's my dad mom so they say you make a joke about it picture that I'd still smash you want to go see my bedroom yeah sure we're good I it's over here in the corner we're in the living room yeah yeah well yeah we had to make room no mood to catch around a little bit but no it is ok alright guys this is where the magic happens all the ladies love the Avengers it's a nice bed Joseph huh thanks dude what's that what oh that's my monkey Spanky Spanky the monkey yeah yeah we do that sometimes oh you got a boxer Jordan oh dude yeah that's my favorite box oh really I can't see shoes yeah wait wait no no what it's empty yeah yeah it's just a boxer Jordan wait wait just a Jordan's box yeah yeah it's just the boxer Jordans my mom got it for me for my birthday your mom gets you an empty box for your birthday yeah what's wrong with an empty box of George's look nobody's as fortunate as a Jewish kid father to his kids get all the fun stuff yeah Cody you're so Jewish Hitler killing others rich Jewish yeah oh yeah I know you see the King on the wall yeah LeBron I hate you you betrayed me why would you leave Miami didn't go better good evening why don't kick the poster down he had it I mean I kind of forgot to burn it man I kind of want to be him in the next ten years so okay it's really hot in your face it's really hot oh you're hot look what do you want to drinks oh I got a perfect game I got a dead tap to tab yeah well tap water tap on top more you're gonna offer me tap water I mean yeah that's what I have is it's very good is this nutritious just come and try it what you drink soda all over my looking an army cowboy there's nothing wrong with it all right guys are you ready for the best tap water you ever taste it what no yes you are yes you are wait the water what's wrong oh they must have turned the water off it was working last week I just gotta get some from under the sink then under the sink yeah in the pipes that's it oh boy joke if I didn't get a fish yeah yeah hold on let him it was wrong it's good visited this change you did that's a dead fish III it's good Jew Joseph I I think I think your fish might actually do you are I think your fish might be dead Oh hey what is that oh that once your water Eddie's that what um it was at one point in time but look it's not my fault I was just trying to get it out of the pipe I guess the pipe is all rusted and that's just gross I know I mean it still is good oh I'm thirsty I didn't know you how to fish oh yeah yeah that's my pit-pat fish Nemo Nemo well well these are the area original how'd you come up with that name oh yeah cuz you can barely see him it's hard to find him oh I find you yeah he's right there huh you found him yeah yeah Oh any skittles you know he eat skittles yeah yeah one for Nemo and I wonder if he'll find that one get the kid get you giving him the gup-e one said he never tasted that before so what do you do for fun Joseph Oh usually just sit on the couch talk to mom sometimes uh and I play xbox you guys wanna play xbox oh yeah yeah let's go okay Joseph I want to play this Xbox something normal oh you're okay you want to play the Xbox what you want to play call of duty 2k anything you could play anything you put your mind do wait how do you play without power justice yeah yeah how do you do that Georgia oh dude you just use your imagination you know close your eyes grab a controller you know what you don't actually turn the Xbox no jr. I don't have power so I can't turn it on duh how stupid are you look just watch me play okay all right guys I think i'ma play call of duty okay all right hold on let me think about it all right I'm there build up a pill pill pill pill I'm a dog Nady boom why did you see that Julia yeah I know you see that I saw Lou I got a camp I gotta keep my see they got coming around the corner oh please no CDs no does it find the Drake at the hello Oh what are y'all looking at oh wait wait oh come on I need one more kill more killer oh hello we darling I got killed by a grenade - what what grenades Negron a job that we dotted imagination you don't watching junior I was uh there's nothing on the TV y'all just making it up well you have to use your imagination Thank You Cole think about it what pickup oh yeah yeah it's your turn dude think about a game you want to play think think about a game I want to play yeah okay I really want to play grant I thought oh sure we think about it yeah snack okay think about it d-dude think just think about grant and Votto think about killing people just think I got nothing really I just I just can't imagine Greg thought on that blank screen I can't imagine educator I can do it oh you can do it yeah throw me that are you doing yeah dad hey get in the truck Cody get rejection weird guys that's neat guys joking I'm getting hungry hungry too I'm really happy Cody are you hungry you hungry wait ya hungry oh dude oh and me okay okay who's gonna move from pizza I mean I would like to be fit and how are you gonna afford to order pizza if you don't have any money oh dude my mom's purse good what G what you gonna steal money from your dead mom yeah she's not like she's gonna notice hey ma look stealing your money from your purse she doesn't have eyes what's it's kinda messed up yes do you have a problem with me stealing money for my mom what's your issue don't you want pizza you know what fine fine we're not getting any pizza since you can't satisfy you that I'm still have money for my freakin mom to beat you guys well I mean you can at least ask her me so how good ask her she's dead mom do you think I want some of your money for your prayers I mean I mean let you ask me oh I still want a pizza yeah hungry yeah whatever look look it's not like it's the first time I went without a meal what it's not a clown cook is that me is that my trophy drink okay what is that my painting - oh I steal a lot what what you you should steal myself I mean I only steal it because you guys got nice things and you know I live in a rundown place a little bit how did you even steal that trophy without me noticing yeah I mean you noticed it now oh yeah yeah that's yeah yeah I'm gonna take my stuff I'm taking my bags no no no I'll get it back look whoa oh they must be uh rats or something let's check out what acts hmm Joseph won't know it down there I don't know know what it must be no stupid rats you don't even pay rent why are you stupid rash you talk to Mike I don't see any rats screwball guys hey kids yeah yeah it's just groove oh dude screwball with you yeah yeah yeah he's my roommate thank you did you feed Nemo oh yeah I fed Nemo I gave him some skittles he should be good for the night all right good he's dead well I told you yeah no um but anyway uh hey kid I have a date with your mom tonight hug again yeah I'm trying to get the third base I'm going after both eye holes this time well Oh make sure you take good care of her yeah mm-hmm yeah I'm about to be your stepdad kid okay weird what's down there Joseph Oh nudie mags Oh nudie mags no that is mess a mess oh oh it's really dark down there oh yeah and my dad is down there oh yeah I forgot about that yeah my dad dad is down there what your dad is that - yeah yeah I didn't tell you guys well I could probably mentioned everything where's the skeleton doctor yeah yes coaches back there somewhere I think it moves though give no moves baby it doesn't stay in one place that's what mom is weird like the moment the skeleton I don't know if he says a skeleton head moves I don't know his story what what the find him come on oh yeah just George it was your dead dad I don't know he's usually around annoys Wow dad is that you Joss hello oh hey Joseph your mom is getting me a boner yeah oh my gosh you can keep the painting
Channel: SML Plush Show
Views: 24,679,661
Rating: 4.813067 out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, bowser jr, bowser junior, joseph, house, josephs house, joseph hisfriendfromschool, cody, plush, friends, kids, show, comedy, jokes, horrible, haunted, scary, death, skeleton, bugs, cockroaches, dead mom, mario, nintendo, bowser, king koopa, chef pee pee, chuilly, logan, no power, creepy, screwball, clown
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2016
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