SML Movie: The Secret Door!

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lazarbeam im your biggest fan

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Johnnycadh 📅︎︎ Oct 10 2018 🗫︎ replies

Lol the funniest thing I’ve seen all day @lazarbeam should react to this

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/theoverall1 📅︎︎ Oct 10 2018 🗫︎ replies

Sml Sucks Bruh They Cringe

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/NoraThatUgly 📅︎︎ Oct 11 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] again Oh game what game could we all play yes Jeffy hide-and-go-seek it's a game yeah we can all play that one yeah well it's a game where basically let's say you go hide and then I try to find you what are you doing it's it's a game yeah it's just it's just a game yeah well okay I see okay alright Jeffy you're gonna count to 20 and then we're gonna go hide and then you're gonna find us okay he can count to 20 you can count of 20 right Jeffy okay 15 10 5 5 5 is Jeffy ok Jeffy will count the 5 while we go hi ok 1 2 42 and a half 60 1812 ok where should we hide how about Jeffy's room Jeffy's room yeah okay that's good up let's go ahead and go after this okay how about we hide underneath his crib good idea Mario oh yeah oh yeah this is a good spot hmm what way now that I think about it I think we should hide in the easier spot for it an easier spot I don't think he's gonna find us down here Mario that's the point I supposed to find us it's a tie and seek I can skip me to skip a few minutes that but I bet you're gonna find us who's gonna wait what he hasn't found us yet I guess not I guess the spot was too hard for him let's go check on him Mario let's go Rolie polies macaroni Chucky what are you doing I'm trying to learn my alphabet day but I don't have a tree what are you talking about Jimmy Wario don't get mad at him well I'm waiting for three hours Heidi and he never came to look force don't work go play the games ever played I think oh no I'm done I'm not play any more games Mario maybe he's a better hider than a seeker yep mommy's right I can poop okay okay fine all right defi we're gonna count and a year ago hide okay okay I can do that all right so let's start counting one two three four five six [Music] [Music] 22 23 24 25 ready or not here we come Jeffy all right let's go find them okay gonna be so easy where do you think you hit at I don't know Maury yeah he probably hidden a toilet or something we're not supposed to go in minute I know but Jeff II didn't know that well it was nice knowing him you know we were told not to go in there so obviously there's something in that I'm not supposed to see so I'm not going in there he screamed Mario what if something terrible is going on in there will be a learning experience no don't go in there don't learn more please are you both going together oh okay but ladies first Mario fine we're not supposed to go in here you know we were told not the one rule it's so dark in here there's a late tomorrow yeah really Oh [Music] I'm gonna need you to be quiet so we were playing hide and seek with my son right and he opened that door that you told us not to open he opened the door that I said not to open very sorry I'm very sorry open it there's bodies everywhere they're the kind of missing limbs boys everywhere bodies yeah the bodies everybody I'm uh I'm gonna need you to show me oh look there's bodies everywhere this blonde is right I don't know what's going on [Music] oh good you're awake oh that's good that's good uh I'll be with you in a minute [Music] oh it would be with you in a minute you know she was impatient look what happen uh it's your turn see I put tape on your mouth so you wouldn't make noise see I know a guy who wouldn't stop making noise and now so on so I finally I would recommend that both you shut your trap or else you end up like that guy over there hey judging by the way here did he didn't like it too much see I told you not to open it but you did it and here we are yay see see it started with my wife and then some new people moved in I told them not to open the door but what did they do they wouldn't open it so I had to kill them and then people just keep opening the door you know I like you people you are nice now do something see see I tell them I tell them not to open the door but they open now [Music] [Music] whoa yeah I will be with you in one minute let's see here huh oh yeah that's a good one there is a good one yeah all right oh yeah yeah okay yeah that's going on the wall mm-hmm yeah that's real good now it's just time oh that's good yeah okay all right now ready I'm not any of those things I'm not a copy not a doctor I'm not a plumber or a construction working on us That's not me I just have the uniforms you see see I killed so many people and I just take the uniforms and I wear them sometimes see this is what happens whenever you have a problem you call me and then I put on one of those uniforms and I crawl out the window and I go and I knocked on your front door and then I do whatever you need me to do see see I didn't have a problem with you people living here I liked you that's why you gave you the house we wouldn't have any problems if if you just followed the one simple rule just don't open the door you just had to not open the door but you did and now here we are no it's too late for that I can't let you go anywhere now we're gonna have to pay the price I think I'm gonna start with loudmouth sweetheart you like being loud howl it's let's cut out cheat on yeah that should be worried that picture shut up you're next alright let's see what do I use for this um Oh where's my son is everybody okay you did I see you met my brother does bad things guy what what what you see he does he does bad things what look look I'm gonna unchain everybody and then I'm gonna call for some backup and some paramedics Jesus bit this is really messed up huh yeah so let me just get everybody in change and then I'll explain all right Oh Rosalina Jeff here you okay yeah okay Mario but what happened in there just me not my brother just me well can you explain what's going on we don't know what's going on still yeah yeah I know it's gotta be really confusing okay so so here's what happened who you met in there that was my brother does bad things guy does bad things guy yeah that's his name does bad things guy you see you see I'm Brooklyn guy I got a brother Miami guy and a philadelphia guy and I actually got a brother does good things guy he's actually really nice he no dates money to charity all the time he's great but but that was does bad things guy so he does bad things oh yeah he does really really bad things well what were you doing here well well you see I have a lot of jobs yeah your doctor in a cop right well you really are those things wrong oh yeah I'm definitely a cop and a doctor and all that but I have a lot of jobs and I needed a break so I had to take like seven months vacation and I needed somebody to fill in for me while I was gone so I got does bad things guy to take my place you know just like you though yeah he's my only identical twin okay yes so he filled in for me for about seven months and just you know did all that stuff that I usually do and I told him to sell this house which I guess he did 26 times before you and he killed all those people so he did some pretty bad things well his name is bad things God would you expect yeah yeah I'm gonna go my bad on that one you're right you're right I really should have predicted that he'd be doing some bad things yeah y'all give the name as does bad things guy yeah you know what killed us yeah yeah he did and I I'm sorry you know like when he said does bad things I thought maybe like steal something not not murder 26 people that's that's really bad so what happens now um well see now I'm I'm back so you know I'm good so you need something you just call me and we're cleaning up that room back there so hey you got an extra room in your house you know you can put things in there like an attic you know you want to do that I mean I wouldn't go in there but but what cool right I mean I'm gonna I'm gonna take off so wait so wait every single time for the last seven months that you showed up it wasn't you it was does bad things guy yeah yeah probably yeah I mean yeah I've been going so so I'm gonna go but uh yeah I'm back now so you need anything you call me we're good right okay okay I'm gonna just go I'm still so confused like Jeff you what what made you go inside that room won't die I heard knocking I'm gonna open your door and wish it was a guy that was suffering but getting died I still don't get it Mario I'm um I'm confused [Music]
Channel: SML Plush Show
Views: 41,592,233
Rating: 4.7635574 out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, the secret door, jeffy, mario, puppet, plush, nintendo, secret, door, scary, haunted, awesome, amazing, logan, cool, hype, wait, intense, dramatic, brooklyn guy, bad, prank
Id: R2n1d6bfujE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2017
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