SML Movie: Gravity!

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all right class today we're gonna be learning about gravity gravity is what keeps your ass on a bra without gravity you would just be floating see what gravity is what made those crayons hit the floor teacher I don't mean to call you stupid but aren't you the reason the crayons hit the floor because you dropped him no he was gravity's fault see look if there was no gravity when I let go under crayon there were just flow what's necessary is gravity gravity made that happen okay I didn't do that that was gravity's fault ah you right do young gravity is what caused Cody's desk a photo of you very smart a post for you Julia this gravity thing it's awesome Junior I hate you all right class speaking of gravity if you had a bag that had 5.0 pounds of bricks in it and another bag with 500 pounds of feathers in it and you drop both bags off of a building which bad would hit the ground first oh I know I know the bricks because the bricks are heavier wrong you are wrong they would both hit the ground at the same time because they both weigh 500 pounds what that doesn't make any sense the feathers are lighter their feathers no junior the feathers weigh 500 pounds in the bricks weigh 500 pounds and your mom weighs 500 pounds so what are we talking about no Junior what I'm saying is they weigh the same so they hit the ground at the same time so you're telling me if I drop your mom off the building and I drop a bag full of bricks off the building they both hit the ground the same time well if they both weighed 500 pounds which they do then yes okay Cody that does make any sense that's like saying would you rather get hit with a pillow full of feathers or pillow full of bricks Jenny that has nothing to do with what we're talking about education Oh gravity strike a gig on quarry desk unless she surprises almost finished hey chef peepee what do you want drear can't you see I'm cookie you want to see what I learned at school today wait you actually learn being at school you know what I want to see okay look no no I didn't break that cup set P P gravity did you actually look gravity is what keep us on the ground so without gravity when I let go that Cup it would have floated in the air but since gravity exists I don't think you understand what look see if there was gravity it would hit the ground there was no gravity in Florida way so let's see what there is let's love you right now I'm gonna show my dad I don't think you are layin friends is filmed in front of a live audience oh hi guys I'm Charlie and today I'm just you with my son say hi Charlie jr. and look I just want you guys to know I want to treat my son just like my dad treated me [Music] Charlie Solaris my dad did the same thing to me dad also do the same thing to my son Julia what do you want you want to see what I learned at school today Julie I don't care about your life look you're a mistake and accident so why would I care so do you want to see or not look if you don't get you out of my room fine I'll look at it why they gonna come with me all right dad so this is what I learned at school today it better be cool so dad this is your favorite vase right mm-hmm yes one of a kind no nothing else like it unique super unique yeah you'll crush my soul if it ever broke okay gravity made the base break gravity made that base hit the ground no dad gravity broke your face sounds sticky you bringing up this gravity gravity didn't do anything you did it to your outside you push it over or dad look if there was no gravity this wouldn't have fallen your vase wouldn't have fallen but since there's gravity gravity made your vase hit the ground in brick so it's gravity's fault hmm I guess that kind of makes sense yeah well so where's this gravity yet so I could be his ass I think he's everywhere Wow what did you break now I didn't break anything gravity did Oh you spilling that stupid gravity thing oh my god - you're stupid stop see gravity did it you broke it but gravity did do you know what chef baby you're just really stupid and I'm not having this conversation with you because you don't know what gravity is I'm not having this conversation what the hell oh I sure wish someone would help their sweet old grandma aunt all these stairs [Applause] Julia can't you hear your grandmother needs help going down the stairs okay your grandmother Oh gravity made her fall down the stairs hey somebody call doctor yes doctor my poor elderly mother fell down the stairs oh my god is she okay oh my god well what made you fall down the stairs gravity what gravity made her fall down the stairs mm-hmm well yeah I mean I know but like how does she fall down the stairs well gravity pulled her down the stairs well no no I understand that but I mean like was she pushed it did no no I came up behind her and said hey grandma and it scared her and she fell but she wouldn't have fallen if gravity didn't exist okay it really sounds like you caused her to fall down the stairs no gravity college her fall down the stairs look if there was no gravity she just would have floated but since there's gravity she fell down the stairs so you should have rest gravity for hurting my grandma huh okay I'm gonna go change clothes all right I'm back I changed clothes so what were you saying kid I was saying you should arrest gravity because gravity is the reason my grandma fell down the stairs I'm gonna need you to show me an example all right look I'm about to push my grandma off the couch okay okay [ __ ] so you just assaulted your grandmother no gravity made my grandma hit the floor see if there was no gravity when I pushed her she would have just floated on the couch like right here right but since there's gravity she fell down oh okay yeah you owe me I'll show you another game how about this all right sure all right so I'm gonna drop this Cup on your head wait what we get that you're the rest for assaulting a police officer I didn't assault you gravity did see look what I picked up a cup and I dropped it see if there was no gravity it would just float above your head but since there's gravity gravity made that cup hit you on the head yeah gravity that [ __ ] all right gravity's under arrest where is he get over he only appears when I drop stuff so how about I drop this Cup you get under it and when he appears you growling yeah that's good yeah good idea all right here we go and yeah gravity all right that's it all right gravity what did I get him I don't know all right let's see if you got him good if he's dead this cup won't fall all right still didn't get him well we're gonna do all right I'm gonna go alert the news we need the army or something yeah [Music] breaking news I'm good there is something causing things to break and people to fall scientists are blaming it on this invisible thing called gravity gravity is now on the FBI's most-wanted list it is wanted for causing millions of deaths every plane crash ever is being blamed on gravity because gravity caused the planes to hit the ground I'm also getting word now that gravity calls 911 because gravity caused the buildings to fall keep your loved ones safe from gravity by placing pillows on the ground hopefully the police can stop this menace oh man I really hope they stopped gravity from hurting people who dad hello jr. I just saw the news what did you do come on side Cody so Cody did you see how I saved the world by telling everyone how dangerous gravity is jr. gravity is not dangerous you just learned that at school today and now you're taking it too literally cooee gravity is dangerous it's the reason why planes crash this reason why people fall over because gravity takes us down and I think we should get rid of gravity and kick its butt how do you plan on doing that jr. by giving gravity more than it can handle follow me okay oh you want some more you want some more more stuff okay come on gravity take gravity oh you get weaker he's getting weaker yeah yeah we didn't break what first hit huh dude I know yeah [Music] suck it suck it gravity oh yeah try a big ol bowl okay I think you can take water oh we do we take more okay he's still pretty strong how's this girl for serious okay all right Cody do you think gravity learned it's lesson no no I don't what you don't know what do you think gravity is like still working right now let me check yep darn it I really thought break yourself is gonna work junior you can't defeat gravity it's a force of nature well have we tried talking to it no Junior that would be like talking to air that's not gonna work it might work what I'm gonna try it hey gravity it's me Junior you might know me because I just broke a bunch of stuff but my name is junior and I really don't like you so if you could just like go away it'd be really cool because I really want to like float around so I'll be really cool show up just go away because you're hurting a lot of people and we don't like you so please leave please all right try the remote Ju this is stupid it's not gonna work but did you Junior what the remote is floating it's floating did Junior why's it floating well Rob existed Junior I think you turned off gravity well the remote just sitting there floating in the air it's just floating in the air Junior how did you do that oh my god Junior ken is floating ken is holding the baby they made me come down from there Oh I'm floating - well what's going on junior I'm scared oh it worked I don't wanna gravity Junior why did this work I said please maybe gravity like manners Junior junior this is stupid it shouldn't even work well I'm getting quite a Hungary huh maybe we should eat cat for dinner bad dream very scary dream not gonna teach about gravity today oh but I really hungry for some cat oh come your midnight snack [Music]
Channel: SLL
Views: 22,430,870
Rating: 4.8209157 out of 5
Keywords: fun, supermariologan, sml, movie, gravity, superluigilogan, sll, school, science, bowser jr, bowser junior, friends, cody, cop, jackie chu, bowser, super mario, logan, adventure, comedy, laugh, jokes, ken, skit, funny
Id: kEWj83D5CLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2019
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