SML Movie: Smart Jeffy

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on the boom mantra da da boom give me a bun Jeffie no stop it don't give me a button put your shirt down no Jimmy just put it down the boombox and I got you boy there must be Rosalina just wait here I'm gonna go hide daddy you but you got taller find me okay a fine Jeffy so Mario what do you want to do today Mario what's he doing oh yeah he's hiding he want you to find him underneath he like that I found him I found him hey Jeffy how about you go play toys with Bowser son all right I'm dropping out Oh what do you go Jeffy come on Thomas you can make the flip Tommy's toys he looking flips oh that's a trampoline my friend boy wait don't you jump on it and don't want Condor yet do it that's how you do it yeah it's really cool hey what 1m I don't funder trampoline onto the table what will happen I don't know you should try it I try all right I'm going you can make it Jimmy give me are you okay Jeffy you uh Jeffy Jeffy Oh what am I gonna do um excuse me uh busty tits oh hi there what do you want well me and Jeff you were playing in my playroom and he fell off the trampoline and I think he died it seems like the pencil went farther up his nose not more than he already had Mario he's fine Mario go call the doctor I'll be fine I'll call the doctor we think he's dead please tell me he's dead I'll be the judge of that no he's not Ben Oh Johnny you were faking it I'm sorry doctor it was a false alarm he's just bein stupid you know what you're still getting a bill no no Jeffy I'm mad at you but it's really important no well I'm wearing this diaper so your pants don't get dirty Jeffy well why is on the outside of my pants so your diaper doesn't get dirty but then defeats the purpose of the diaper I know the diaper is opposed to get dirty because if i sat in it in my pants then I would get but excoriation and my butt would break down and then eventually it would get infected causing you to have to remove some of my butt that's absolutely right actually you learned that from biryeo what's going on I don't know he's talking kind of smart any what he was [ __ ] that's nice what what what am I wearing his helmet so you don't hurt yourself because you run into stuff and you always act stupid but I have to buy some 100 so I don't need this I mean you don't if you're not getting Elmo okay why is he acting like that doctor he used to act all stupid but now he's acting smart well um I don't know hey hey kid what's pi the fool the number well the number is easy that's 3.14159265 three five minutes wow that's that's that's completely right yeah kid solve this Rubik's Cube yeah there's no way you can't solve it that easily I've never seen somebody do it that fast all this algorithms is simple math Wow doctor what's going on I don't know I I think we should give them an IQ test oh okay come on Jeffy wait heart we're gonna go and then tell flux capacitor and interior rates under high-octane pressure all right so the results for his IQ test came back and he scored a 300 Danny I was go for 301 it's 300 good it's really good it's like the best I've ever seen I mean even Einstein only had a 162 what three Hubble of Einstein your kid is smarter than Einstein he's literally a genius smart I have no idea but you know I really think you should consider entering him into the international world smartest person competition what's that it's a competition where all the smartest people in the world get together and try to figure out who's the smartest well that would just be a waste of time not really I mean the prize is a million dollars did you say a million dollars a million dollars Jaffe I love you you're the best son a father could ask for we're gonna interview in that competition and you're gonna win win is it like that tomorrow and next week and that was like nine months from now nine months you can't have everything right now you have to wait alright Jeff you looking smart you're looking real smart so what I want you to do is I'm way to go answer all those questions correctly and win this competition because we believe in you Jeffy yeah we do yeah we believe you were so proud of you and I've always known there was something special about you Jeffy and I'm so happy to call you my son oh I love you so much Jeffy now go win that million dollars so we could put you through college so you can make us more money thanks father but actually I had another point if I won that million dollars I won't actually invest it in oil and 3d printing of organs and within the next two years that money should go up to about 4.2 billion dollars we're gonna be in the stand to watch it so you make us proud Jeffy we love you just so smart I love you why I really do all right Kelly we got this we're gonna win this year yeah we could do this thing you're going down you're not gonna win this year oh you think you're so smart with you with your wheelchair messed up glasses oh look at me I don't have to wear shoes we Italians hello and welcome to the International world smartest person contest where we will figure out who's the world's smartest person is God the winner will receive 1 million dollars and the opportunity to work for my company so let's meet the contestants from gun and candy my name is duckie true and I'm a super aja my eyes are so flat Jes your dick so you're gonna have to repeat a question sanitation's everyone my name is Jeffy alright now that we've met the contestants will start by asking them a series of questions if a contestant gets a question wrong they're eliminated from the competition we'll go until there's one contestant left standing unless you're Stephen Hawking's and your city so we'll start with Cody with the first question Cody are you ready yes I'm ready alright first question how many months have 28 days yeah how many months have 28 days that would be February yeah just just February that answer is 28 days get out of here you're eliminated no no you said miles would do it with only 20 anyway but but no no dammit no systemic dump book all right Stephen Hawking your first question is how long is the brainwallet run all right well since Iza eliminated I guess that question will go to you uh Bing bong oh you asked me this question because my Chinese you think I'd done you dig your super assess your super races but the answers 13,000 170 miles wrong correct shocker he's [ __ ] Chinese I am so agent alright Jesse your first question is why is the transverse spatial extent of a photon proportional to its wavelength which is a longitudinal quantity piece of cake chocolate cake the answer is quite simple and quantum mechanics the uncertainty principle also known as Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is any of a variety of mathematical inequalities asserting a fundamental limit to the precision with which certain pairs of physical properties of a particle known as complimentary variables such as position X and momentum P can be known but is correct Jessie if I was still wearing that diaper I'd smack the [ __ ] out of it Laurent ping pong table your next question is a liquid that has stronger cohesive forces then adhesive forces would have which type of meniscus the answer is convex man you are agent that is correct all right Jimmy your second question is in order to extract ISO butyric acid from a solution of diet ether one should wash the solution with wood I thought you were gonna give me a hard one the correct answer is three milliliter washes of water so what would happen is the ISO be turned acid will air the aqueous layer and wash off the organic layer of diethyl ether correct again Jesse I know all right boo goo goblin your next question is a hockey puck of a mass of 0.1 six kilograms is slapped so that its velocity is 50 meters per second got it slides 40 meters across the ice before coming to rest so how much work is done by friction on the pub go the answer is negative 200 joules all right if I had say loan to us I would have said you are an Asian but you've got a right move on all right Jesse your third question is an object of mass 30 kilograms Flitz motionless in a fluid uh specific gravity 0.8 so what is the magnitude of the buoyant force well the answer is easy it's 30 Newton so since the object is not moving its acceleration must be zero obviously so the net force on it must also be zero da therefore the magnitude of the buoyant force upward must equal the magnitude of the weight downward so the specific gravity is extraneous information cool right dig in jiffy all right sweet sour chicken your next question is what is the main ingredient in sushi got the answers doc like Papa Doc right this is actually incorrect the correct answer is Russ rice that can be rice you've a dog in everything you put on a macaroni a piece off and pop calls the answer is dog it's so dumb you down all right Jesse Jackie choose just eliminated so if you get this last question right you're the world's smartest person and you win a million dollars and the opportunity to work for my company good so your question is what is 8 minus 4 are you kidding me the answer is so easy the answer is simple and simply nice what's 8 minus 4 8 well no how'd you get that way then you have a up Dale and you take away at 4 so it's not there anymore than your age left the answers clearly ain't you're tangling up for to the four start there anymore and then when you have left you have a the answer is 8 you know the answer was for your listening buddy Spain Joe [ __ ] these pants [ __ ] my sweater [ __ ] my you're around the Android [ __ ] hate your take away in the [ __ ] door so it's not there anymore and then you have eight and that's little jr. eight minus four take it the [ __ ] away and then put a line underneath day hey it's nice to have the old Jaffe bag no I miss smarty was gonna make me money hanging Danny well I got my helmet on my BP I'm Ann Arbor on my hand let me just stop it just stop it [Music]
Channel: SML Plush Show
Views: 57,050,241
Rating: 4.8075905 out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, jeffy, smart, smart jeffy, nintendo, puppet, plush, comedy, kids, show, math, stephen hawking, albert einstein, intellegent, learning, pencil, brain, worlds smartest person, cody, jackie chu, mario, mario bros, funny, homework, kids show, jokes, adventure, bowser jr, bowser junior
Id: wZrhH-IFkRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 08 2016
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