SML Movie: Cool Cody!

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all right guys y'all ready to watch Ice Age the meltdown what why Oh charades all right sorry my mom is calling my mother watching good movies solution Cody Kenz your bath is ready I'll be home later mom but but your bet is ready now did you use bubbles well of course Joey what kind of bubbles mom it's not that shitty off-brand spongebob stuff is it to give me a rash last time well uh um um no no no it's the mr. bubble kind ok good mom I just I really want you to come home because I already got you cheese and crackers ready to cheese and wet be specific mom oh I'm sorry you cheese and crackers yes you're teasing Quackers at oh oh look who's raising a commotion he really wants to talk to you is it Gerald yes it's your little duck buddy Gerald put Gerald on the phone mom oh yeah you go what the [ __ ] do you want Gerald just come home whenever you can okay Cody okay ma'am I love you oh I love you too man kisses woman what what okay kisses yeah was that Cody you can't give it to your mommy I don't even have a mom my mom's dead Oh Cody what was that she was making a pass for me what man bad a bubble bath are you blowing bubbles in a tub like a baby yeah yeah baby I'll be Lucky's in the bathtub - yeah - go with my cheese and crackers quack quack quack Maggie are you at a part being done yeah chicken quite white Cody guys we're about to watch Ice Age the meltdown we're all losers what no no you're lame your layering the lady your mama's boy let's get your ice cream cone little short things I get why isn't it milk yeah what is that wander something that Savage I won't worry you always wearing what your pajamas what is that we go to a pajama party oh [ __ ] said want those glasses for you buy those Rachel ours matches [ __ ] seven oh my gosh so straight then my wife why always talking like that yeah you choked on something cuz good day what about you you're wearing a bib all the time what what's up with that because when I'm eating stuff I don't want to spill it on myself it's now Cody it stops the mess I what's wrong with you yeah Cody so on savage what is it oh ho ho huge party tonight a huge heart yes and it's gonna be girls illa oh my god we gotta go to this party do it we gotta go to this party hood I want to go it's gonna be gross dear girls all right they're gonna be there okay yeah yeah it is gonna be more girls more girl Joe we're definitely gonna be there okay oh wait one thing though what you gettin by Cody okay what why can't we invite good no it's not that's avoided okay just look at him yeah it's true yeah I told I see what you mean so make sure he doesn't go to the party guys I don't want to ruin it all right we'll meet you at the party okay well break the news jump shake so you're you in the and those ladies yeah they're uh we'll meet you at the party okay - okay don't leave me hanging with these beautiful kids all right Joseph we have to break the musical you okay okay let's go all right Joseph we got to be polite about this so I um okay okay oh hey guys what's all the hoopla about see that's why he's not invited Shh uh so uh tow can buy to invite us to a party ooh a party cool I don't know if my social anxiety will allow me to go without wheezing uncontrollably what what it's kind of starting already okay I'll be okay I'll just call my mom and tell me I'll be doing that under that that won't be necessary Cody see the thing is up you're not you're not invited to the party what do you mean well see you know toad wanted to say you know in the best way possible that you know that they don't have that much room for for you there right like you and your hat it's a pie it sounds like fun I'd love to go did it all righty your nerd he doesn't want to win a damn party Cody you're weird you wear glasses hey you talk to a weird freaking dog all day and you're so uncool you're just a geek you're just uncle I'm cool and that's pretty much it Joseph it's just that you're a nun cold weed dork who talks to a doll yeah but but Ken he's an astronaut surgeon lawyer doctor for the NBA well that may be true but tow doesn't want you or your stupid doll at the party Savage yeah so so Cody we're gonna go to the party man Joe's are gonna pick up hot chicks Joseph's gonna get his braces wet and so you know we'll see you later okay Cody why you talk to you dog yeah go talk to your dog so uncool Cody so uncool I'm cool right Ken think I'm cool well I'll show them ken I know how to be cool yeah I'm gonna be the coolest kid ever after my bubble bath come on Ken Joe sitt that was the coolest party ever I know they're going horny ever there's so many girls in the making hey would you get that girl's number though what yeah but she goes to a different school so I have a - college what what's that noise what if [ __ ] Chloe yeah it's my name don't wear it out look come here you're good so cool yeah get a damn right okay where'd you get that yeah what my schlong yeah God gave it to me but I don't know Nona did that the motors oh my heart what yeah I built it myself my dad's garage your hog yeah you want to hear me revit really loud for no reason no not really turn that off it's really loud noise really cool but yes easy girl easy whoa who is that she's hot oh yeah that's just my [ __ ] Stacy Stacy yeah she was face down the pill about an hour ago no she's dead to me oh whoa Cody you are so cool cool you're like the coolest kid ever right I read everybody shut the [ __ ] up I got a jam friendly or did you change in jail I like the jail dude that one yeah what's called a lonely summer spend my new band lizard guts with the LZ lizard gut kakuhen join that man please nah man you're just not cool enough what we're cool what cool play that song again is there any words to it [ __ ] yeah there's words hang out Lonnie salmon it's summer yes yes that's pretty much it what really like yeah yeah but it's gonna be a [ __ ] hit yeah yeah and believe you do I love your haircut you're you're so cool then you're rockin dude hey you fat face me yeah get it go get in the kitchen I got go-gurt oh [ __ ] yeah Joseph he's so cool I want to go there too yo dr. P where's the gigs bro what are you talkin about do I need to spell it out for you the go-gurt loser where is it look the go-go doesn't know refrigerate good luck has always been will have to it Braille look Cody you can get it yourself oh my name is not Cody anymore it's blizzard snake what blizzard snake over but Cody you just saw in the couch that your name is Cody and not to wear it out well you wore it out oh look I'll go and get your stupid go-gurt blizzard snake hey fellas a blizzard snake curry you have to teach me to be that cool me to do that not a chance whoa anybody got some grease for my hair yeah yeah it's pretty good gogurt you know that was my last Gobert Cody problem pleb plop hey that's my word not anymore what cool Cody says cool Cody gets well hey speaking of gets where's my Ruby impressive I'm here it is right here thanks bro yeah yeah well so cool cool you're so cool even the way you sip root beer is cool yeah everything he does is cool right pretty much so on Kota you want me to turn on I say to the meltdown Shh Ice Age the meltdown it's child's play I only watched the original Ice Age I don't have the original Ice Age sure then what am I doing here well II really believe you're so cool just I'll go rent the original I say okay fine well Cody where's Ken oh we don't talk about him anymore he was just holding me back oh okay yeah all right Jojo we have to do something Kody is too cool yeah he's too cool so cool so cool I want to be like him no I really wish I would say no public health will never be as cool as him so um we have to do something to stop his coolness yeah yeah yeah cuz he's like overpowering our coolness yeah sure ooh you know that girl's number I got yeah yeah yeah what if I call her and invite her over and then we pay her to tell Kody he's not cool and then have a girl dumped if a girl says something it's always right right I think so mr. okay so we invite a girl over if she tells him that he's not cool he'll stop being like okay okay yeah yeah that's good brilliant invite her over yeah all right tonette I'm gonna give you five cents to tell Cody that he's not cool okay no problem and also for all the fans out there uh there's not the same toadette from the last video in the Mario universe there's a bunch of toad and toadette so she's a different to that so uh yeah you're gonna tell Cody he's not cool okay hi all right let's go so uh Cody um ahem I mean blizzard snake that's better uh this is a girl I met at a party what do you think of her whatever I've seen better in family photo albums what what okay uh well uh Cody what do you want to tell Cody oh yeah so tell me something I do now what no no no no you're supposed to tell him he's not cool all right Cody what she meant to say is you're really cool yeah yeah whatever you want to see something really cool that's my hug over there you have a motorcycle yeah oh yeah you know riding around on rainy days and just think about life and stuff oh let me in her talk for a second look you're supposed to tell him that he's not cool okay he's not cool at all right so you tell him looking good hey Sam it's seven and oh yeah no no no Joey you and your coolness need to stop you are just too cool okay stop that sorry too cool for you okay okay okay there was a plan B okay Plan B you know what you don't Cody you can have all the girls you can have all the coolness hey with that same lame Cody is deep down inside that body okay nah man that Cody's dead and laser take care Josie we're losing them let's go oh man all right Joseph we gotta go to plan B plan a obviously didn't work so uh the next plan is when dick in there we're gonna take Kenda Cody and then while Cody looks at kin it's gonna make a are you gonna eat this Reese's Joseph is it serious but but dude I'm hungry eat later we're talking about our friend here we lost our friend okay okay so plan B is we get can we take him to Cody when Cody sees Ken you know he's just gonna remember all the good times he had being added being picked on okay Desa genius idea so yeah let's go find Ken hope I don't know where he is but yeah I know he'll show up in the next scene yeah his one time did a wheelie on my hug that's so scary yeah but I don't care and then this other time I fell off some monkey bars and broke my arm still complain about it every now and then Wow yeah doesn't matter no Big D and with the lowercase D yeah so uh Cody I guess who I just found yeah Cody oh what's he doing here I don't know I'm utila yeah ken came up to me and said he wanted to date me Riggs really yeah so uh so what we're thinking about dating now yeah I have to ask your permission you that I don't even care it's not super weird all right what's that Ken you want me you want me to sit in your lap whoa whoa whoa yeah junior it's weird do you weird stuff sighs think Ken likes Julie yeah Cody I think he's telling me he likes me I can I don't care Oh what is that Ken you want you want you want Joseph to kiss you no no no I think he said Jr kiss me now well uh Cody can I kiss him scan cool jr. being sued or can I kiss him Oh again Ken plastic kisses I'm a sweet oh man tastes like - wait what are those his abs oh yeah oh those is I think they're bulging out of his shirt are the rock-hard that they're rock-hard oh man I think he's flexing I think he's flexing really uncool what you doing right now jr. just make me very uncomfortable oh oh you like it when I kiss I'm Cody I don't care why would I care well it's not a big deal at all I think I think he wants me to take his shirt off I'm gonna take okay all right all right get lost babe oh yeah what are you in here can you just give me in can a minute alone please but but but he's not lost Oh looky what the hell are you doing here Ken I told you not to talk to me well that was the old me Ken this is the new me I'm a blizzard snake now but they didn't like the old me can you know when people don't like you you got it you got it just do stuff to fit in you know I just I got a hog now and I got a guitar I've learned how to play it I there's a button it kind of plays itself but I'm gonna learn how to play I'm starting to ban lizard guts with a Z isn't that cool Ken I don't need your approval anyway it's it's fine like I care about your anything still you know it's well no but they they thought I was cool and that's all that matters no ken don't don't be like that you know I delete friends can't don't give me that book don't can come on no I can't say no to you I don't need this stuff Cody come here you Joseph we have Cody back but he's kissing the door but we have Cody back that's all that matters do let him do it this time play some music and get out of here well nee-sama please sorry I right Jonnie summer it's down there and I'm lonely yeah
Channel: SML Plush Show
Views: 27,092,695
Rating: 4.7999296 out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, bowser jr, bowser junior, cody, cool cody, chef pee pee, bowser, king koopa, nintendo, funny, kids, show, comedy, jokes, motorcycle, hog, harley davidson, leather jacket, greaser, cool dude, roast, skit, puppets, plush, adventure, cool kids
Id: 8EcyjZ0NGlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2016
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