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hello there ladies and gentlemen today I'm going to talk about banana now if you haven't heard of banana don't worry it's totally normal not to have ever heard about a game that is currently the fifth highest played game on Steam at this moment in time yes that's right 150,000 people are currently playing banana but how come you've never heard of this game after all it released back in April to only 16 people playing it may oh my has it come a long way but what is this game and why are hundreds of thousands of people playing it is quite simply a free-to-play game where you click a banana in banana you click the banana to gain even more bananas it really is as simple as that and yet with this simple gameplay Loop it has achieved a 91% positive review score on Steam this is incredibly high this is such a high rating that it's actually a higher percentage than Grand Theft Auto 5 so why is this game about clicking a banana so darn incredible that it's captured the hearts and in inations of 150,000 people is it actually a Hidden Gem is it a dodgy scam or is there something even more dubious at work well ladies and gentlemen sit back relax throw a like on the video and get yourself a warm cup of tea because this is going to be very special the game Banana is absolutely incredible it has one achievement called click which 83% of people have in order to gain this achievement all you have to do is launch the game which launches like so of course it's made with unity everyone's favorite free game software and then what once it's launched you can quite simply click the banana and just like that you have yourself a banana now I have an auto clicker so I can click this quite a lot and I end up with oh my goodness have you seen that 100 bananas truly amazing now this game Banana does have a few additionals I can press this button here called shop and this opens up a shop in this shop I can buy banana items incredible uh this money goes directly to the developer of this game who we should probably talk about whilst I click on this banana this game is created by Aladdin 66 Aladdin 66 has made two games one of which is called lass Isen which roughly translates to let me slide now if you haven't played this game don't worry it's absolutely incredible also achieving an 88% positive review score this game was released back in February and it features grounds and unity assets that you can probably find for free on this game you embark on an extraordinary journey into the boundless realm of lasses Schon an open world game that promises to redefine the genre you get to immerse yourself in not only an expansive universe but it's also brimming with endless possibilities and exhilarating quests now that's a good sales pitch this guy should work for Bethesda but the special thing about this game is yes it is using stock assets yes it looks like it was whipped up in about 20 minutes but what it does have is a lot of effort and dedication and that effort and dedication went into the 100 achievements that this game has all of these achievements are incredibly easy to get pressing the b key will award you with fource separate achievements now that's pretty incredible isn't it so yes people can buy this game for 89p and get hundreds of achievements very easily flooded onto their account to make you look like a Pro Gamer on Steam and that's definitely one way to sell a game but it doesn't make much money not until you see that you can sell items for this game that's right you can buy this thing that I'm sure he has the legal rights to and all of these other things that I'm sure he has the legal rights to like the incredible when you start edging which you can buy for 79p once bought you can sell it on the community market for 85p let's see if anyone's purchased one of these bad boys uh nope no one has ever purchased one of these in the entire history of steam okay well evidently lasses schen didn't do quite so well but banana has done incredibly well which you can buy for 20p and you can sell on the community market starting at 26p how very curious I find this whole situation rather interesting why is this item that I can buy for just 19p on Steam selling on the community market for 26p I mean look it is actually getting sold not very often but it is getting sold I can buy it right now and sell it for 23p this is ever so slightly Madness but banard Mania is here to stay because as you might have notice this entire game exists for one sole purpose and that is making money you see on Steam when an item is bought and sold on the marketplace or an item is bought directly for the game The Game's developer makes that money in our case the wonderful Aladdin 66 a Visionary game designer who promises to provide more than any other game developer ever has bonus trees but the main effort of this game did not go into its incredible gameplay Loop because it's already perfect there's a banana and you click on it and a number goes up truly amazing no no the effort of this game actually went to the most important section the steam Marketplace and you'll be able to find everything the banana Market is immense there are nearly eight full pages of deep banana law so of things are definitely slightly legally dubious but the idea is very simple as you play the game Steam has an automatic drop system similar to like when you play CS go and after a couple matches you get yourself a free crate maybe a very cheap skin this item drops in game and it is the most common item it drops so often in fact that there are over 700,000 bananas currently listed on the steam Marketplace this is insane but above the regular banana comes some slightly more advanced bananas like the icy Nana the icy Nana is special because it doesn't drop anymore wow so logically by it not dropping anymore that actually increases the value of the product because there's scarcity however no one has managed to sell an icy banana for more than 3 Pence on the Steam Market which is very curious indeed it also raises the question why are people buying the bananas and the reasoning is very simple now the following concept might sound rather confusing to anyone who has a brain cell but the reason people are buying these bananas is called fomo basically all of the items in this game are pure Market specul calculation the idea is that these bananas have varying levels of Rarity and the rarer a banana is the less likely it is to be added into the supply and items that aren't very often added into the supply are probably worth more take this diamond banana here it has a 1 in 100,000 drop chance that's pretty darn good and oh my what a rare banana indeed one in 100,000 so there's really not that many of them as you can see there's only three available on the steam marketplace right now two for around about1 and then one for £52 £2 to put that into a real world price point perspective £520 is almost £70 more expensive than a brand new pixel 8A smartphone yes that's right someone thinks they can sell this banana for £500 is there a real world value to this diamond banana yes technically the entire real world value to this banana is speculation the only reason you would buy this banana is because you believe that the price of the banana will go up in future and someone will buy the banana this creates a very special bag holding situation whereby if I were to buy this banana I am hoping that someone else will come along and pick up my banana or my bag and buy it off of me for a higher price therefore I have passed on the bag of course if this person were to open up the bag they will see inside that all they have is a useless Diamond banana however the only reason they have to buy the bag off of me is because they believe they can pass the bag on to someone else for an even higher price if this all sounds familiar it's because it's basically what caused the entire cryptocurrency boom over covid now all of this price nonsense gets a little bit crazy when you start going to the top end of this game you have the cryptic Nana this is a very special banana because it has deliberately implied scarcity the cryptic Nana was only given out during the cryptic Nana event and there are only 25 in existence and when you look at that four of them are available on the marketplace a few of them have sold for very low levels around about £20 when the game first came out but now they've steadily started climbing up until people recently have started buying them for £300 [ __ ] excuse my language but this is madness the only reason to buy this is because there are allegedly only 25 in existence which makes it very special indeed oh there's only 25 of them you could own one now I'm all for entertainingly priced speculative secondary markets after all I myself own several rare Magic the Gathering cards the only difference is I can use my magic the Gathering cards to bully noobs whereas I can't use a diamond banana for anything other than flexing my ep online and showing that yes I was stupid enough to buy a diamond banana and eventually we reach a point where we have the special Golden Banana this is a special item apparently whatever that means that it drops in game what is special about this I don't know but someone tried to sell it for £ 1,124 and has now up the price for 1,400 this item has never sold in the entire history of this game and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the person selling this item is the developer themselves so yes why on Earth are people playing this banana based game well it's rather simple if you like me are based in the UK or the US you might see this speculative banana game where you could wait to get a rare banana that potentially you could sell for 4 p on the marketplace you could see that to be quite a special thing indeed after all there's the graphine aror here it's a simple graffiti banana but hey it's special because it doesn't drop anymore meaning it's got a finite Supply that means that well people want to buy it and there are 1,300 people willing to pay free Pence to buy this bloody banana now here's the thing when you sell something for free p on the Steam Market steam of course takes a cut and I would make one p from selling this for free P now one p might not seem like much because hey in the UK we have a strong pound or at least we do for the next 10 minutes and so one pence isn't exactly a lot of purchasing power but if by chance you're located in one of the many other countries in the world we Once Upon a Time invaded then there's a good chance that making one p off the steam Marketplace is actually worth something and potentially goes quite a long way to buying a new game and for the person buying this skin for free PE while they're banking off the fact that because this item doesn't drop anymore it will steadily increase in price over time the only problem is this item has very low usability but that doesn't really solve the question why on Earth are people playing this well it's very simple this game is very easily automated and it doesn't really take up any processes on your computer it just runs in the background and it's all about watching a number go up hardly the most elaborative or exciting game in the universe it's free it's simple and it can be marketed as free and easy money this craze happened quite a lot during the nft game era whereby a lot of these so-called free games would exist where you could play them and you'd get a chance of getting a free nft and this free nft would have a supposed value assigned to it the problem is in order to get value out of that free nft you would have to be able to sell it and when you've started handing out items for free well they don't really have much value this game game does have a slight Advantage by adding supposed Rarity and having the Rarity be slightly more challenging for example they've added now an anti-bot idling prevention whereby you need to click once every 3 hours to get a drop or once every 18 hours for the rare drop that's right you need to leave this game open for about 18 hours in order to secure yourself the chance of a rare drop this brings us back to the reason why there are so many people playing this game there are 153,000 people playing banana right now but they're not really playing it they leave it open in the background and once every 18 hours they go to their computer and they click the banana it truly is an absolutely incredible social experiment this is a real world human version of putting mice in a cage and having them push a button to receive a reward we are simply mice we push the banana and there is an eventual promise of us getting an actual item so I'm going to leave this game running and I guess we're going to find out what wonderful item the banana overlords bestow upon me today now whilst I've been waiting for my wonderful banana to arrive I think it's important to say that I've done some digging the individual running this game is quite unique indeed we have of course establish that they are German uh however what we should probably also establish is that they are potentially a relatively unique type of German now I'm not just saying this cuz they have over a thousand hours on Hearts of Iron 4 I mean come on who doesn't I'm mostly saying because this person has a potentially dubious profile uh that maybe leans towards a certain extremist Direction potentially because their previous usernames include such wonderful things as uh deportation creates living space yep uh it's one of those so yes whil you can play the banana game and you can sell the bananas on the steam Marketplace which does make Steam quite a lot of money it will also make this developer quite a lot of money which is potentially good because hey they'll be able to buy more Hearts of Iron 4 DLC and Lord knows that Paradox interactive needs all the DLC money they can get now of course as I was saying the main reason you hypothetically buy the Bananas off of the steam Marketplace is because you believe it will change the appearance of your banana now the problem is the banana changing functionality doesn't exist in the game yet no this is actually relatively early access you see although it doesn't say so on Steam what this basically means is currently when you buy an item off of this game store or off of the marketplace it just sits in your steam inventory it has absolutely no use it can't even be used in game the dev has said that they will add this functionality into the game and what value this functionality will add or cause to the value of the banana Market I do not know after all we are just clicking a PNG but you don't even have to click the PNG icon literally click off the end of the banana and it still kind of counts cuz they've just used a giant Square hitbox so yeah Unity coding 101 this game is most definitely yes a scam is the developer at fault for this scam game becoming so popular no not at all the scam games exist all over steam it's hardly the developer's fault that for some reason a 100,000 people are playing it games like this largely exist on Steam for one very simple reason there exist to add a large amount of achievements or items to a steam account this can be used to artificially inflate the value of the steam account or just secure that precious experience to level up your steam account and make it look more fancy the fact that the marketplace is explo loaded in banana Mania is just an entertaining secondary event which potentially this game's developers and friends are able to use an exploit to generate as many steam wallet funds as they can humanly enjoy now one of the reasons that makes me a little bit more concerned that this is a scam is because the creator of this game has set their inventory to private and it was previously public uh this is a little bit of a problem because it means that it is impossible to see how many bananas hitting the marketplace are actually from them meaning it's very hard to tell just how much steam wallet value they're able to make off of this game day well welcome back ladies and gentlemen it is the following day and I have left the banana game running overnight generating Wealth Beyond Your Wildest imaginations that's right with the drop system setup I was guaranteed to make a huge amount of money and so without further Ado ladies and gentlemen I can reveal that after around about 10 hours of game playay I have generated some bananas also this game doesn't have a save feature which means whenever you open and close the game it completely res sets the number which kind of defeats the purpose of this game but oh well uh anyway yes these Majestic bananas are all Commons yep here they are we have two music nanas a Neo Nana and a panda Nana wow very exciting ladies and gentlemen now of course luckily this game's incredibly large Chinese player base is buying up the panda bananas at quite an impressive rate the only problem is still 94,000 of them on the steam Marketplace so even though a lot of them are selling sing per day they are getting listed at a much higher rate than they're getting purchased for and the same goes for every other banana in this game because of course that's just how it works now I can try and sell this Neo Nana of mine the only problem is the people who've listed their Neo Nana ahead of me so I have to wait for 5,550 of these bananas to be sold before mine even gets onto the market and literally as I'm talking seven more have been added no one is buying these bananas anymore oh and look way more have just been added as well I think people are starting to work out that there's probably no reason to buy the bananas and so the supply of them is massively increasing it would appear that the amount of bananas that have dropped down to free Pence has massively increased actually yes I think potentially we could be on the precipice of some kind of economic situation but who knows ladies and gentlemen this is a game all about being randomly dropped bananas and hoping that you can speculate on a market the only problem is you have absolutely no control over the supply the only people who will buy your bananas are people getting scammed into buying them or if you're following the same exploit as my wonderful cucumber Adventure glorious Bots who try and trade off of the steam Marketplace but I mean this game is so welld developed and this accidentally ended up with duplicate bananas look you can have the pandanda Nana here or the panda Nana there does it make sense no it doesn't but here we are anyway ladies and gentlemen I reckon this game will probably stick around for a few more weeks until eventually people realize that the electricity you spend running this game ultimately costs far more than you'll ever actually make off of selling bananas but then again what do I know maybe the developer of the wonderful lashes schen will somehow pull it out the bag and on their second game add an incredible quantity of Game Play features that makes the banana a tangible item that you would want to use kind of like a csgo weapon skin maybe who knows what the future has in store for the banana game by way I think this is the end of my journey with the banana game in fact I'm so comfortable I'm just going to uninstall it for my PC now I can go and play a real free video game which is also all about making money I'm of course talking about open TTD yep it's free it's great and you can make money in it and yes the money does stay entirely within the video game world but that's how I like it thanks for coming along and watching today's exploit video if you want to see more wonderful steam exploits Maybe YouTube exploits or even just video game exploits then why not consider subscribing anyway I'll see each and every one of you in the next video have a wonderful day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,938,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Why Is A Free BANANA Breaking The Steam Market, STEAM IS PREFECTLY BALANCED WITH NO EXPLOITS, banana, banana game, exploit, steam, steam market, profit, steam market profit, glitch, the spiffing brit, video game, free game, money glitch, crypto, nft, scam, gme, stock, steam summer sale, steam community market, steam guide, brit, steam wallet, game, steam marketplace, steam exploit, steam store, the banana game, players, record, bananaa, banaana, stocks, steam profit, silly, funny, gameplay, click
Id: gqVLPx-4O48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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