SML Movie: Mario's Valentines Day Problem [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] oh man everything looks perfect for valentine's day rosalina's gonna love all this she's gonna love the chocolate the bear the starburst she's gonna love everything hey mario you got the charger for my controller no no black yoshi you're not playing call of duty today today's valentine's day you're not messing this up for me uh no it's valid call of duty day i'm about to play some call of dutys so i just need to get that charged real quick but no no no black yoshi rose lane is going to be at any minute and you're not going to mess this up for me okay it's valentine's day i'm trying to get lucky so lee please leave all right mario uh how long you want to rent the couch for rip the couch it's my couch i don't have to rent it uh what yeah you do oh you got five dollars i don't i don't have five you know uh pay me something i have a 20 bill black yoshi okay look you take that and go buy yourself something nice all right you got five minutes five minutes no no no black you should have longer than five minutes is my couch oh no who's the lead is here okay everything's good everything's good here everything looks nice okay hopefully black yoshi won't come back hello happy valentine's day mario happy valentine's day baby you look great thanks i got you some stuff that looks awesome oh i have some stuff for you inside come on in come on in okay baby come in here look at all the stuff i got you happy valentine's day wow yeah yeah i got you a bear and i got you chocolate and yellow roses because stars are yellow and i got you a balloon and look starburst starbursts i love starbursts how did you know i i don't know maybe i just got a big hint or something but yeah yeah i got you starburst and and yeah pretty much all this stuff i got you okay you totally rock i i um i don't like turtles and look i got you this card too oh i can't i can't wait to see it read it mario read it okay uh chocolate what chocolate [Laughter] yeah i get it uh the dog ate chocolate and it's all over his face and he's like what chocolate the dog can't eat chocolate he's gonna die it's funny hilarious i what's the inside say happy valentine's day how how very inappropriate that the dog is gonna die dogs can't eat chocolate what what i got you cookies too uh oh i love cookies um so who's at the door that's uh anyway uh here read the card i got you you know it's not about dying dogs and i'll be right back okay okay uh hello what are you doing here it's valentine's day i want you back where's the cameras what are you talking about you want me back yeah i wanted to spend valentine's day with you uh uh uh i i i don't think that's possible um why do you have a girlfriend a no i don't have a girlfriend i didn't think so no no i definitely don't have a girlfriend i and i'd love to spend valentine's day with uh with you uh just give me one second okay give me one second oh how sweet baby baby baby mario this card is so sweet yeah yeah it's really sweet um look i need you to uh there's a lot of stars out tonight a lot of stars out tonight so you want to go look at stars yeah let's look at stars look outside okay baby would come out here and look at stars okay okay darn i left something in the oven so uh stay out here and i'll come get you in a minute okay all right oh my god oh my god oh my god okay so peach is outside my door wanting me back me back my bald ass okay so uh so okay okay so what am i gonna do what am i gonna do i can't take her back i'm dating rosalina but i mean rosalina's distracted and i can just give peach all this stuff i can change the name on the card to peach and i i i could have two girlfriends i mean this is wrong but i want peach back she was the love of my life and i didn't really want to break up with her but but stupid mario you you want peach back you want peach back okay so uh what's cooking good looking uh can i come inside now uh if you let me first yeah you can come inside so uh peach look what i got you for valentine's day yoshi you've been five minutes folks no it hasn't no it hasn't get out of here i'll tell you what what you give me a hundred dollars and you won't see my ass for the rest of the night a hundred dollars yeah folks um wait that's a hundred i think i can't count it right oh yeah oh is that peach yes we talk about later how much you're gonna owe me to shut my ass up okay get out of here get out of here okay um so peach look what i got you for valentine's day and uh and you know i i had already prepared yeah i was about to call you before you came here uh-huh yeah so uh look at the card i got you re read the card okay yeah it's a really nice card so uh that's really cheesy yeah he has a dumb card anyway it's just you know the thought that counts you know oh look at this card hilarious read it read it it's hilarious chocolate what chocolate chocolate you know what look the dog ate the chocolate he's gonna die that's that's stupid yeah yeah stupid stupid card you know and i got you starbursts i don't like starbursts uh yeah i completely forgot about that you don't like starbursts well look i got you yellow roses because of your yellow hair so yeah and a and a balloon and a and a teddy b uh have you have you seen my bathroom have you seen my new bathroom it's really nice you want to see it it's uh it's really nice uh but okay okay yeah let's go in my bathroom oh sorry cheesecake how i love eating you on the toilet every day you are my one true valentine i just want to i just want to yes that oh wait before we go any further you know we've talked about it there's that cherry cheesecake from across the aisle you know the one with a very tight cherry oh you said you'd do anything for me since it's valentine's day well i want you to to get on top of her oh yes pop that cherry oh oh you want me to join you oh don't mind if i do oh yes oh oh i think i got cherry in my face oh yes oh god yes oh donkey okay so uh this is uh my background okay i need some privacy in here shrek trick uh just show peach around the bathroom she hasn't seen this bathroom yet so i'll be right back mario what what what what do you want geez i mean i mean i mean sorry baby i'm just i'm just really aggravated with dinner you know dinner is driving me crazy so um what do you need i'm starving yes starving oh well you know what dinner's ready so i'll just come on inside okay good yeah dinner's basically ready it's just what was that uh nothing nothing i thought i saw a spider on the card oh yeah i i didn't like the card anyway what it was so sweet it was i mean i mean yeah whatever so yeah it's time for dinner come on okay so uh dinner's ready oh yum chicken parmesan lean cuisine that's my favorite yeah i know that's that's why i made it you know whatever i love it mario you put so much work into tonight thank you so much yeah yeah whatever you know whatever you look cute without your hat i don't have my hat on when i leave it out where are you uh um uh before you eat don't don't you want to wash your hands you know i mean the star watching gets dirty you know oh yeah that's a good idea okay you need to wash your hand um in my closet so come on come on come on okay so you're gonna wash your hand in my closet okay uh mario where's the sink well see that's the thing you don't come out until you find the sink okay oh okay a beach beach beach i am not staying in that bathroom well you don't you don't have to stay in the bathroom you can come out now mario where is your hat oh look bald and disgusting uh i'm i'm sorry i i don't know where my hat is but i bet i'll find it um dinner's ready though you ready to eat good okay peach dinner's ready mario ugh what is this uh this is a link cuisine chicken parmesan you know it's it's really good i promise this is disgusting no no it's not it's really good for you you know like i have one too you know it's really great can we go into a restaurant or something i mean we could but i mean it's that's a lot of money i mean and this is pretty good it's about spending time with each other ah this is the worst valentine's day ever what no it's not i mean it's a good it's a good meal and look at all the stuff i got you for valentine's day it's so lame what it's not lame some people think this is nice you know it's not enough mario so you're saying that i'm not enough all the stuff i've done for you is enough it's well i guess not what what wait a minute what am i doing i have a girlfriend that cares about me and and and loves all the stuff i do for her and she doesn't care about all the expensive materialistic stuff it's you know you know what peach uh i do want to take you to a restaurant are you ready to go the most fanciest restaurant ever about time yeah come on come on are you ready to go to this restaurant yeah mario and it better be really fancy and really nice it's gonna be really fancy and really nice oh i gotta get my uh my jacket you know bye mario mario okay i can fix this i can fix this hey baby mario there's no sink in here i know what's going on well you see i'm i'm just a big idiot and i'm stupid and i didn't realize that you were the most amazing girl in the world and i would be stupid to lose you and that's why i got you this card star wars yeah reading awesomeness is your destiny just ask pretty much anyone in the galaxy yeah look at the stars oh the stars mario you're so sweet i just you're the most amazing girl in the world baby and i just i don't ever lose you yeah he's gonna die you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 537,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, mario, mario's, valentines, day
Id: _pQ5KG0SnjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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