SML Movie: Junior's Crazy Sleepover!

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attention all passengers your flight has been canceled the plane is on fire we will refund you all your money show you go to sleep is midnight God but chef peepee the planes on fire well they're not gonna be able to board the plane to you because it's on fire unless the fire truck come to save the day no they're not so you want them to board the plane with it on fire sure sure whatever makes you go to sleep faster all right guys board the plane I know it's on fire but chef peepee won't you board the plane so get on the plane but you stop the fire truck oh my god Oh No please the kidnapper going up in the door okay hello hey guys what are you doing here so late well me and Joseph we're wondering if you want to have a sleepover no why would I wanna sleep over with you losers just kidding I would do that you guys okay yeah you ever seen my new bed I want to see that yeah don't even have a bed I sleep on dirt it's actually soft way comfortable than concrete come on all right guys check out my new bed oh you have a bunk bed that's it no jr. oh no no way tell your friend to go home I'm trying to go to sleep here well jr. you share a bunk bed with chef peepee yes sir did you not hear what I just said breathily shut up bottom bunk oh that's right you bought a bunk I'm top bunk I make all the rules oh shut up oh my god this is reminding me of the orphanage all over again alright guys get up on here better not make too much noise I'm trying to go to sleep alright guys what do you think about my new bunk bed it's cool I guess oh oh dude is show bouncy baby right that's so bout this Julia stop jumping up and down man you're gonna break it shut up chef peepee the only way this bed will break is if Cody's mom was up here because she's fat yeah yeah wait wait hey Joseph I bet you're a dollar you won't stick your head in my ceiling fan show me the money welco do you have a dollar yep okay that's a bit well yeah it was pretty gnarly do you think he's okay junior he lost his head for a dollar we should probably call a doctor what's that Shep you see what he says he is the adult should call the doctor do you think she call the doctor what do you mean junior right now okay but I didn't hear you say please okay that rhyme dr. Seuss hey somebody call the doctor whoa what happened here my friend's missing his head yeah I can see that how'd that happen well Cody paid him a dollar to stick his head in a ceiling fan but no Junior you paid him when I get the dollar from me so you funded the whole operation you're guilty look I don't really care who funded it I'm just more worried about this headless kid right here well do you think you can fix him um be honest with you no I don't well I have this double-sided tape okay fine yeah I guess I can give it a shot yeah voila good is no do not feel weird you put his head on backwards oh did I well just be glad his head's even on his shoulders at Joe see if you feel okay no dude I don't feel too good I think I'm gonna go home I'm out of here dude wrong way Joseph oh yeah I gotta figure the shower at least it'll be easier to wipe I'm out of here guys Cody look continue our sleepover so Cody what do you want to do for the rest of the flip over go to sleep shut up chef peepee yeah shut up bottom bug yeah your name should be chef BB for chef bottle bunk just go to sleep Julia Cody I feel like we need a third person up here Thanks yeah January I think it could just be us yeah by ourselves alone up here no I feel kind of empty without Joseph yeah they were called Richard come on he's so mean though he wouldn't even want to do all this poor stuff anyway he's probably bathing in money right now well let's call him and see what he's doing all right Cody's ringing oh hello hey Richard its Junior what do you want Junior I'm bathing in money I told you uh well uh me and Cody wanna know if you want to have a sleepover a what a sleepover what is that it's what you sleep at my house your house I'm gonna wake up with a disease or something well no no no normal people have sleepovers all the time it's just you and your friend you know we just hang out and have pillow fights and sleep in and stuff you know oh let me dry myself off with more money and I guess I'll come over your poor house but don't expect me to stay walk and i'm gonna complain the whole time all right see you soon all right Cody's coming over what you hear a helicopter yeah well that must be him watch Ives make sure you come and pick me up in three minutes cuz I know I'm not gonna want to stay long oh hi guys hey Richard thanks for coming I feel so gross being here right now I can taste the pour in the air coming out of your house well Richard we're gonna have a lot of fun we're gonna do a bunch of sleepover stuff so come inside look Richard this is my room you pour what do you sound like that cuz I'm holding my breath so I don't breathe in your poor air oh I couldn't hold it any longer oh no breathe your poor hair oh oh oh that's better and this is the bed you're gonna be sleeping in tonight I'm going home what is this a tree house no it's a book bed you can stop inviting people over it's time to go to bed is that a homeless man yeah oh yes oh I didn't know this was a homeless shelter well no it's really cool look let's go in the back like come on up the ladder oh you laughs where's the elevator but there is no elevator it's just a ladder poor yeah come on Oh all right Richard what do you want to do in this sleepover go home come on Richard there's so much fun stuff we can do Tom Cody and we could snuggle oh no we could play hide and seek we can play video games or we can have a pillow fight a pillow fight yeah play you want to play what's so next Cody we can't go up that easy jr. he hit us with a bag full of cash we could take them you want to go that's it you may be able to take down jr. but you haven't even seen me at my faux hunky power now prepare to feast your eyes on maximum hug Gators all right so does any other poor kid want some oh so you want to have a pillow fight top what me listen if you struck me down now I've become more powerful than you ever imagined baby alright poor man since I won I'm taking your bed listen here you spoiled brat you think I'm actually let you take my bed no this is my bed I'm an adult here's a thousand bucks shut up and get on the top bunk like the piece of trash that you are garbage yes sir oh you should know like here try to get some sleep what what what's wrong with this bed is this made out of trash bags oh poor oh I think I have an idea on how to fix this all right let's see how this feels Oh oh yeah that feels so much better I'm gonna sleep like a baby now mmm all right I have to sleep up here with you guys now just don't make any noises okay all right Richard are you really going to sleep I actually peed the bed so I called chives to come pick me up oh that must be him in the helicopter to save me come in here what we ate so I can get my bed he peed all in it so cootie what do you do in the sleepover now yeah I don't know don't have some midnight snacks oh yeah that sounds good yeah Joseph oh dude what are you doing I thought you were home oh man I tried to go home but I wanted to fix a sandwich first how about doing it you know I can't see cause my hair's backwards not great it looks good to me thanks bro yes sir are you are you still going home would you want to stay for the sleepover oh I guess I can stay you know I feel a lot better now I'm sauce day do you yeah I do okay well we're out to snack then we'll go back upstairs okay okay let's go wrong way it doesn't okay okay all right guys here are snacks oh man they look so good yeah we even get our sour patch kids cereal you this is disgusting this shouldn't even exist milk and salad do not go together with milk it's sour yeah throw it out that's how this works yeah just be a candy time cereal yeah um Joseph hey Shepherd be really asleep uh yeah sure let me see dude yeah he's asleep he's totally usually hey Cody you weren't going that website we were talking about oh yeah let's do it don't do it all right Joseph keep an eye on HIV peon let me know if you wakes up okay don't worry about that I'll keep an eye on them let's go on this website yeah yeah there it is oh yeah yeah there's so many to choose from which many went with you first oh I don't even know Oh Joseph come look at this oh dude Oh which one you choose from Oh Papa scooper Iago UNESCO okay that's the one that's my favorite oh yeah you click here to enable flash we would be on this gross okay show me show you the history kid it was Cody's laptop oh sorry the sleepover had to end guys oh it's okay dude Junior what do you want me to do with this laptop I'm going to throw it in the ocean the deepest part of the ocean I don't want anyone to ever find it got it um sorry about your head Joseph all right all right bro I guess I'll see you tomorrow all right bye bye wrong way that way oh yeah forgot about my head Ian backwards it's tough all right chef if you they laugh which I do what are you doing here we are cool math games no no no I wasn't show me your history I'm gonna show you anything I'm a grown man go to sleep good night chef easy [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 36,945,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, bowser junior, sleepover, bowser jr, junior, friends, jokes, comedy, skit, laugh, joseph, cody, chef, puppet, funny, super mario, video game, adventure, plush, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, logan, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, goodman, money, poor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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