SML Movie: Cody's Prank!

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so guys what do you want to do today oh hold on guys i'm getting a phone call who could be calling cody he doesn't have friends i know right hello really oh my god what's wrong cody my parents just died in a car accident oh no cody i'm so sorry what can we do for you april fools that was a good one cody oh man he had me yeah you really got us cody yeah but you guys i have a secret to tell you what i drink my own blood wait you drink your own blood yeah i think i'm a vampire all i want to do is drink blood what judge is a vampire oh my god april fours it's a fruit punch bottle oh thank god yeah for a second there i thought it was actually blood oh it is blood it's just in a fruit punch bottle oh oh hey cody yeah there's something i've always been want to tell you yeah i love you and i really want to kiss you on that big pebble-filled mouth of yours really yeah can you can you just please do me a favor and kiss me one time okay all right let's kiss hey bro i don't want to kiss your ugly face he fell for it dude yeah okay all right so um all right guys i think that's enough april fool's jokes for today okay so can we let's just watch tv okay um where's darren where is the remote uh cody can you get it it's behind the couch oh okay i don't see it april fools you're an idiot yeah why'd you think it was behind the couch dude that was just kind of annoying okay can you actually grab the remote for me though where is it it's on the floor right there i dropped it okay junior i don't see it idiot come on oh okay there's like can you grab the remote it's between the cushions is it really yeah look i just can't reach it can you grab it for me okay better be under here junior it's not abram idiot idiot you know what junior i'm not looking for the remote anymore joseph can you grab the remote for me okay where is it dude it's behind that pillow okay [Applause] can you just stop it oh okay seriously seriously it's in the it's in the bathroom by the sink no no i'm not looking for it joseph's in the bathroom by the sink okay i get it uh dude i don't see it here [Applause] okay okay seriously i'll go i'll go get her all right guys i got the remote guys the remote's dead really try it okay junior works fine that's not even junior lying and hitting people are not april fool's pranks yeah they are let's just watch the news breaking news okay nasa has an urgent message right now let's go to the press conference hey there it's me a guy from nasa so we have some pretty scary news uh it seems that there's a meteor that is going to come to earth and in the next 10 minutes it's going to kill everybody in the world so uh we apologize for the short notice what is the world that they don't know oh there's so many things i haven't done yet like milk a cow milk a cow yeah that was the one thing you wanted to do yeah everybody wants to milk a cow who doesn't we can call cody's mom over so you can do it real quick oh yeah well i'll never be able to hear junior apologize for all the jokes he's made about my mom because they're not jokes the truth your mom's fat i'll never get to see your mom lose weight april fool's come on you didn't really think we were going to get killed by a media right like would i be this cop come on you guys are dumb even nasa is doing april fool's jokes i want to do an april fool's joke on chef pee pee yeah dude we got to do a good one on him ooh i got an idea let's shoot him in the eye with this nerf toy oh that's a good idea dude all right wow junior that's not really a prank that's that's just assault it's gonna be funny i'm gonna shoot him in the eye and he's gonna go out i'm blind i'm gonna say april fools well how about we do a less painful prank like this whoopee cushion a whoopee cushion yeah when he sits on it it'll go and it'll sound like he farted what are we five oh i just thought it'd be funny well what are we five years old little baby one of you just whoopee cushion oh a little baby cody like that little baby cody wanna you make a little fart joke oh look a little baby cody wants to do this silly little whoopee cushion where would baby like that with little baby cody like you stupid little fart whoopee cushion oh yeah oh come on baby cody come on baby go go grab your stupid whoopee cushion grab your little baby whoopee coach let's go prank champion with your little fart stupid dumb whoopee cushion baby toy okay geez all right guys there's chef pee pee all right little little baby how you gonna get me some little poopy cushion you know junior i'm kind of not wanting to do this anymore what you don't want to do anymore what's wrong with the little baby you want to make a little poopy joke well you keep calling me a little baby and it makes me not want to do it because your prank is a stupid idea how are you going to sit on the cushion i don't know i got an idea come on all right little baby cody chef peepee takes naps here all the time so when they take the nap he's gonna lay on it's gonna fall you're gonna laugh at your little five-year-old fart joke well how are you gonna get him to lay down well i'm gonna pretend to be my dad and tell me and go on break and then when he comes to lay down on his break and you're gonna laugh at his little stupid joke okay all right okay there's chef pee pee cleaning i just gotta sound like my dad hey uh chef pee pee uh you can go on break you've got a lot of hard work lately what a break oh my god i never get breaks okay thanks boss okay guys let's watch chevy sit on the whoopee cushion oh man i am so tired i can't wait to take a nap wait what a whoopee cushion i can't believe junior actually thought i would fall for that i'm not stupid oh it's april fool's day i totally forgot you know what i'm gonna play a joke on him i'm gonna make him think i actually died i'm gonna sit on the whoopee cushion and uh uh yeah he's gonna think i had a heart attack i'm a genius oh man i am so tired i can't wait to sit on this couch you know what i hope there's not a whoopee cushion on here oh my god oh my god oh i'm dying i think i just had a heart attack oh oh no chef pee pee had a heart attack well like a heart attack this is no time for jokes cody your joke killed chef pee pee well i didn't think the whippy cushion would kill him maybe that's why people don't use whoopee cushions anymore because they're deadly you wanted to shoot him in the eye it would have just blinded him dude you had to be selfish yeah would you rather be blind or dead hmm well i don't know actually what do we do with chef pee pee i think we should call a doctor no we can't call a doctor because me you and especially joseph are gonna go to jail yeah it's true that's the ties we're living in yeah cody why'd you have to kill chef pee pee i didn't want to kill chef phoebe besides you're the one who put the whoopee cushion there but it was your evil mastermind murder plan that did it i didn't do anything so i'm out of here dude yeah be safe joseph he can't get caught he'll go to jail definitely okay so what do we do chef pee pee i think we bury him bury him yeah we bury him in the backyard as deep as we can so no one ever finds him wait really yeah junior if we get caught we're going to jail and my loose butt will last in prison it will oh yeah it'll last for a long time and as much as i'd enjoy it i'm claustrophobic and i don't want to live in a cell do you think there's fortnight in jail probably not junior otherwise everybody be doing crimes yeah okay so let's go grab a box and barry shall be in the backyard okay chef pee pee's in a box now a shoe box it's the only box i have he looks so peaceful i miss chef pee pee yeah he's burning macaroni and cheese in heaven now are you sure he's in heaven what do you mean he might be in hell but really why he was a really bad person he liked to push old ladies downstairs oh my god that's terrible i never did that what did he hear that april fool's he didn't do that oh thank god i thought chef pete was a bad person there for a second chef pee pee is not a bad person he just didn't know how to cook oh yeah he sucked at cooking terrible awful the worst food i've ever tasted oh if he makes food for god he's going to go to hell yeah anyway let's go bury chef pee pee in the backyard in the backyard like like a hamster yeah like like a hamster all right cody let's go barry chef pee pee well we need to shovel junior oh i got a shovel come on oh man they're about to start burying me as soon as they start throwing dirt on me i'm gonna bust out of this box and they're gonna think i'm a zombie oh it's gonna be hilarious all right cody the shovel's in here wait wait wait junior what we should duct tape the box clothes why well because we don't want bugs to eat chef pee pee's gorgeous body you're right if we don't hit the box yet then bugs will be able to eat them and eat his brains yeah yeah you don't want that all right so grab some duct tape while i grab the shovel okay all right cody start taping the box up yeah junior i'm really glad we decided to listen to loud rock music in these headphones it really distracts from how tragic this whole thing is yeah start taping okay wait what's that noise are they tipping the box guys let me add them alive yeah you're shaking the box a lot cody i'm sorry it's shaking a lot right i think it's good junior all right let's go bury him okay okay there's chef pee pee in the ground yeah this is what he would have wanted all right start burying him cody got it okay oh poor chef pee pee [Music] guys this is a buddy stop hearing me alive guys this isn't funny this isn't funny stop burying me please please please stop stop it right now yeah all right hold him oh poor chef pee pee do you have anything nice to say about him ah yeah okay uh let's see uh he uh he he could burn water i'll go give him that you know yeah he had a nice butt i guess yeah he did yeah he did um chef peepee you were my chef for a lot of years you helped me grow up to be the man that i'm gonna be one day probably gonna go to prison yeah i love you chef pee pee oh cody i miss chef pee pee yeah i'll never forgive you for killing my chef oh i'm sorry he died from a fart i mean he would have died just as easily from being shot in the eye who's at the door i don't know i'm going to answer the door hello hey hey hey kid it's okay cup's not scary where are your friends okay what are you doing here oh chef pee pee home why why should i pick me well why are you asking for him well i found his wallet and i want to return it though i can give it to him just give it to me i'll give it to him no no legally it has to be me that returns it why why i live with him he trusts me i can give it to him well but you might steal it so it's gotta be no i'm not gonna steal it that chef peepee loves me and and i know all things about him so if you give me the wall i can give it to him no no that's fine just where is he where should he be yeah uh he's underground working he's working underground he works on the underground railroad the underground railroad yeah in new york city on the subway he works on no no no no no no no no no no no okay look i'll tell you what's going on chef pee pee was murdered what really yeah but my friend cody and he's trying to cover it up here's what happened uh cody wanted to do an april fool's joke on him and then he put a whoopee cushion on the couch and chevy sat on it and it farted so loud chef had a heart attack and then we buried his body in the shoebox in the backyard oh okay i see what's going on here it's an april fool's prank very good no no it's not april fool's joke it's real it really happened chef peepee's dead i can take his body right now yeah yeah of course you can well that was pretty good ken i almost fell for that but next time make the death a little less ridiculous because dying from a heart attack after you sit on a whoopee cushion that's that's not believable it really happened though his body's in the backyard right now okay okay okay you're taking the joke too far so just forget it but but you know i got to tell you i was actually going to pull a prank on chef pee pee because this isn't even his wallet this is my wallet i was going to give it to him and say april fool's that's not really your wallet yeah anyway good one so uh have a good night that's not a joke it's real i'm trying to admit to a crime oh who's at the door junior oh the cops the cops huh you didn't snitch on me did you because if you did i'll kill you no no i didn't tell him anything i heard you you told him i killed chef pee pee well i i didn't know what to say who's that i don't know but i'm coming with you in case it's the cop so i can tell them my side of the story oh don't bring that don't bring don't bring the toy yeah they don't think it's real hello i am going to kill you ah chef's a zombie i'm not a zombie i was playing a prank on you to make you think i was dead and you decided to bury me in the backyard well it's so is it april fool's prank yes it was an april fool's prank that was a pretty good one yeah it's pretty good oh i'm going to kill again [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 15,041,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, cody, prank, codys prank, puppet, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, friends, skit, entertainment, joseph, junior, jr, chef, hilarious, laugh, comedy, whoopee cushion, april fools, april fools day, logan, lance, brooklyn guy
Id: JNohVsSvT8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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