Pokemon Sent Me ALL Their Plushies

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plushes stuffed animals whatever you call them you do not realize how much I love those things I am not kidding no matter what age or point in my life something about stupid little fuzzy squishy creatures has always filled me with so much joy you know what else fills me with joy Pokemon so combine those two things and you've got a hyper fixation like no other don't believe me look at this all mine and I am actively choosing to not stop especially the giant ones I've got two more on the way if you think I have a problem then you just don't get it now let me tell you a story back in 2022 Pokemon ended up sending me a couple little care packages not only for the release of scarlet and violet but a general Christmas one too they had a Scarlet Violet bag a poster cute little tie of course a plush of one of the starters and the Christmas one had little Pokemon ornaments as well as a very generous 100 gift card to the Pokemon Center the Pokemon company's merch store of course I ended up spending like 900 buying more plushies anyway but that's not that's besides the point by the way I had no idea they were gonna send me anything in the first place like I have no idea how they found my address it kind of just appeared anyway in the boxes there is also a business card for a contact at the Pokemon company Stefan I decided to send them an email mentioning the boxes were received safe and sound and to say thank you so much for sending me anything in the first place because it made me very happy to my surprise Stefan actually responded and was very happy it all delivered with no problems they also mentioned that if I ever needed anything Pokemon related to hit them up and I don't know why but in that moment understanding I had just purchased 900 worth of Pokemon plush's two hours prior I decided to say Stefan can you send me an entire Pokedex of Pokemon plushes for me to rank and long story short Stefan the goat made it happen a few business days later and an enormous box full of 174 Pokemon Plushies was on my doorstep fun fact that equates to 30 whole pounds of plushies so it was specifically in the Box was all of generation 5's decks of Pokemon sitting Cuties which is Pokemon's plush line dedicated to making a plush form of every single Pokemon in a certain generation the Gen 5 line is actually really special because they sent it to me before they were even released to the public like Stefan said I'm the only Creator that's been approved to have all of this new line which once again thank you so much Pokemon company you don't know how much this means to me I am eternally grateful I do want to clarify that the Pokemon company sent me all these plushies for free out of the kindness of their own Hearts but they aren't paying me to like promote them or make a video or anything this is all me however if you just happen to want to get yourself any of the plushes you see in the video the line is available starting April fifth on the Pokemon Center website if you're the US Canada or UK it sounds like a sponsor but it's not I just I just like Pokemon a lot okay is that such a crime now all that being said I'm gonna do the first ever IRL tier list of every single Gen 5 sitting cutie Pokemon has to offer I haven't seen them yet I'm going into it completely blind and Pokemon if you're watching if a plush just happens to be a little bit ugly I hope you understand that I'm gonna have to call it ugly I'm so sorry please please don't be mad at me I have to speak the truth for the people so as you can see we have a IRL tier list first ever done from my knowledge I haven't looked oh I should probably talk about what we're going to be doing as like critique so we're going to be looking at how good the Pokemon looks just in general since they're called sitting cuties we're gonna rank them based on how well they sit so if they're like look really good but they face plant that's the sit ring yeah the sit rank I think that's fair I think that's fair yeah S rank best ones they look great they sit great 8 here is they look good or they sit good but they're not like top top tier you know B is being generous because Pokemon might be watching and then we've got the sad tier which I didn't want to say was like D or F tier that's the bad one it's not the best it could be better I don't know how many are gonna be good like I said I haven't looked at them all yet we're gonna plop them down here take a good old Gander and then we're gonna put them in the tier list the Pokemon company sent me a nice little letter they said let me know which one's your favorite and I'm like I'm gonna tell you all my opinions I don't think they knew what they were signing up for we found Victini I will say right out the gate this guy looks great he sits very well he's got his little wings he doesn't sit that well actually like if I were to plop him down he'd fall over I'll consider Victini very cute if I'm a Victini fan I'd be ecstatic about this I think this is a safe a tier because he's not that consistent on the sitting but if I had him on my desk I would look at him and be like that's an awesome guy next we've got Snivy this guy is a funny guy he's very uh narrow if you can see like his head is very thin oh my God I did not expect him to sit at tostada what you look at a Snivy I there he goes the feet have to be spread for him to sit overall I think he looks great he's got his little wispies as a Snivy fan would he be happy about him I don't know if I could be a snipey fan though my instinct is to put him a little B tier he's a little thin narrow that's why I want him to him to plump to him so he'll go right here servine looks much better I will say see like he's got more plumpness to him I think he sits pretty good I'd say they got his little back toe do you see it I think he's also a good old beach here I'm seeing so many guys you don't really realize how many Pokemon are in Unova until you have 174 plushes of them all I mean at what point do you just dump them all out you're right actually be free guys oh my God does that become better or worse for you um it'll get much more simple we're moving on yep we're good at that big well here's this guy I'll put him there for Now and Then There He Is We got him we got him this guy's awesome he's got his little little Oinky tail I did not expect them to be like sitting kind of like in a meerkat stance yeah he's kind of like up and ready you know but honestly I think this is a great one I think he goes a tier as well very cute it looks like he's got underwear on though Pig night I could just like plop him down however and he sits the more I look at him he's funny looking and you're not ranking it off your personal Pokemon no no but like because you're not a pig night fan I'm not a pig night fan but I think he gets a solid B tier because Tepig is cuter and then we've got embor big man all things considered sits well that looks like embor I think he gets beat here good old beat here so maybe I need to start changing my opinions a little bit maybe a little meaner oh quick Oshawott oh that's adorable oh oh he has a round bottom and he's got like a Mickey Mouse nose I think he looks great I like how the seashell is like plush as well it's not just like felt it on I think he's a great guy he doesn't sit that well though actually he's got like beans at the bottom do you hear it I think the engineers Oshawott Engineers put beans in his butt so that he sits easier so he's built to last he's built to sit and you know what I think that's an a for effort I think he's so damn cute that I can look past how difficult it is for him to sit naturally I think he goes in a tier I think that's a really cute guy we got a duat here who looks like he's standing standing guy in the sitting cuties line he actually can sit down actually he sits really well that's probably the best hit we've seen so far I think he looks great I think he also goes into a tier so can you find Samurott in here yes I can Jacob we got him oh he looks a little silly silly guy very good Sid that is a posture we're like I could plop him down and he sits automatically the big old sausage head of him looks a little funny I don't know how they were supposed to translate it they've got his attitude do you see like the smolder smart look he's pissed I get that he's a Samurai and he's supposed to be like ready to fight or something this is a solid B tier carried by the sit I think carried by the sit if he didn't sit and he looked like that it's a sad face here oh got him oh my goodness he sits but he's a little crooked I might say I would have liked it to be like more planted like this I guess you have to mold him just compared to these guys I think it's a bit of a downgrade I think he's a sad face too I think he understands I feel bad he looks so alone and sad tostada will you find Pat rat for me she doesn't know what to do she doesn't even know what a pet rat is oh got him got him whoa this is a I've got some notes with him oh no pet red too chunky for his own good this is what he's supposed to look like I will say I think this is the first one where the color is a little off compared to normal Pat rat and his face is giant he sits well after kind of like molding him to the ground a little bit I think he goes right here no what do you think he goes higher no I just it's just it's sad right it's a bummer every time I feel like I'm just being really mean to these innocent Pokemon now we got watchog oh I see him oh I like his little toes he's got the little like Adventure Time hands I think that's adorable the face is not better can you get a side profile on him he's got like a little bit of like a indented face oh my God it's actually like he is meant to have an indented face he's got like the pattern just printed on to him I just don't think he looks that great no I'm gonna put him with his buddy I think that makes it a little easier for them because at least they have each other okay now we got lillipop oh no buddy you're gonna make me have to rethink the entire tear the body looks good so sad you want to see tostada what do you no you don't go to that tear tostada your s tier I think this is not great it's cute but I feel like this is more of a prototype than anything I think he's not quite fully baked okay her deer is next yeah I found them this is actually a really good one proportions are good he fits really great if I'm a Herdier fan I pop off with this plush I think he's eightier there you go buddy yeah he looks great yeah he he fits amongst the other ones I'm actually kind of rethinking Victini I'll give it like a couple more but he he's very close to being asked here at this moment oh yeah stoutland there he is oh my God surprisingly small I think it was an interesting choice to sew his little Tufts down because he's kind of just a form I think he's a safe b-tier because I don't think he's as bad as lillipop but he's not as great as hertier we've got Purrloin coming up that we found life part oh look oh this just looks like oh no uh we're running into the lillipop conundrum let me just like mold him he looks great I love how they have the little arms curve out like they do in the actual Pokemon game he does like one of these like that and that's what they did here it kind of makes it look a little weird with the little gloves but I would say pretty good the face doesn't look the best it kind of looks like someone's fursona but I think that's also kind of the territory that purloin is in the solid beat here I would say then we've got light part light part looks great sits really well he's got his little tuft here I like how they always are pretty good about the little tufties he kind of looks like he's taking a little pee do you see that yeah there's an elevated leg there yeah something's happening I think it looks good I think it's also just a beach here though there you go pan Sage here we go found him immediately I'll say it I'm a Pansage hater and proud and vocal he looks fantastic he oh he sits pretty well he looks soft and cute not a thought behind those eyes the sage heads are popping off for this one I think this is the first pan Sage dub in like forever I think this is what's gonna happen I think this guy and this guy get promoted to S tier breaking the seal I think they just look really really good like I see that and I'm like oh that's adorable that's a Pokemon plush every little part of them are like adorable and I can't believe that Victini is up there with pants age so semi-stage is NYX this is age he sits really well for as complicated as he is I think he looks fantastic feels easily thrown off balance by like just a little bit of like an earthquake oh no well that's like a seven earthquake a Seven's a lot a seven would knock this whole bookshelf down if I'm a semi-stage fan I think this is a fantastic plush I think he replaces where Victini was with a tier okay now we've got pan sear the the fire guy there he is I found him oh we haven't encountered any of them that don't actually sit yet which I'm surprised this guy looks great I think he's cute I don't know what it is maybe it's just the face I don't think he looks as good as pants age I think it's also the big flame like the the bush up there looks really really good but this is like a little bulbous you know but I think that's a solid a tier still yeah he belongs there okay send me Seer I found him this guy's tail he looks funny he's a little too goofy oh the the mouth is a little different is that how he is that's super cute I didn't notice that he looks fine he's also just an eighth here I would say he doesn't sit that great though it has an age here yeah do you belong up there no he doesn't there we go he belongs there send me see a poor Panpour this is my least favorite one but but nothing I think it's still not good I just do not like this Pokemon I don't like what he's about I don't like the energy he brings into the room the more I look at him the more I think he's beat here no yeah I think that's fair I think pan Sage is the cutest and pan sear is also cute this one is not cute b-tier who's next Semi poor aha this one actually looks much better than it looks super hard to balance though is this guy gonna sit oh we got it you really gotta mush him let's see here I think it looks fine it's just so hard because I don't like this Pokemon at all um but it's a good plush I don't know how but I think it looks better than this one I guess I just like well no my bias don't let it go any higher but you know the truth um the next is Mana here he is oh my my goodness this guy's adorable that's a good place this is a fantastic mono plush there's not even anything to critique it sits well it's got like good proportion this being a monopush is fantastic I think this is a great plush yeah this is a very underwhelming Pokemon but he goes straight up to S tier all right and then this guy does he sit like this I guess he sits like that I think this one also looks good it's not an easy of an S tier as the other one I think this is a good Pokemon I'd say that's an easiest or a tier perfect a little Taylor a Pito I saw Pita this is like over here somewhere oh there he is whoa I'm not gonna move him at all but that bait goes crazy that is an upward facing beak so you guys know I'm I'm a bird lover this guy does not impress me where'd you say you had high standards as a bird fan I don't even think so I think he just could look better but I don't even know how to make him better I mean compare it to this compare him to this guy that you can't buy yet but eventually you can I really think it's the beak that messes it up maybe I just got a faulty one but it just goes up like that and it's not supposed to I don't think he's too great I think he goes down here he sits fine it's just the beak that really messes with me um okay now we go to tranquil this guy looks much better see like he sits better I don't know if it's like a different fabric it doesn't feel like it but he's much softer as well this bake is arguably more weird shaped than this one and they did a phenomenal job with it I think this is an easy eighth here I think it's a good Pokemon plush we can do both oon pheasants at the same time oh I found him he was at my feet she this is the he oh he Jacob doesn't know bird facts I would say they both go into the same tier I think it's a head shape like this one's head shape was so good this guy just doesn't look that great he's a little turkey-like I could even put this in the Forbidden realm in the Forbidden realm oh his beak also goes up oh no yeah it's also like the back of this fabric is not soft it's like the back of the fabric is also different maybe he does go to the Forbidden realm sorry buddy I guess they aren't in the same tier but we're on to Blitzle now oh here he is oh he he is meant to sit this guy's cute oh that's a good one he's a really good one unfortunately I think the different fabric is like he's not as soft as the other ones and I think that's because this fabric is easier to print on because like they printed on the stripes I wish she was softer but honestly he's really good I'd say he's eightier he could have been s here if he was like the really soft fabric yeah he's close though he's a really I think High a tier I wouldn't feel bad putting him in ashes because we have so few you think so he can he can chill up there for now you're so right oh he also looks good like I think it's hard well wait hold on let me look at him his head is Giant and then his body is Tiny like look at the head compared to the body giant head the tail actually looks really really good for being as complicated of a shape as it is he looks great though I think it's it's solid baked here it's going to be hard to put any of like the the big strong Pokemon an S tier because I think what makes a good plush is it being cute it's just hard to make good looking plushes be scary and tough we're looking for frog and roll off there he is whoa bro is 3D he sits phenomenally well oh that was designed to sit this is my my pitch to the Pokemon company you need to make rock and roll a pencil sharpeners I think that merch goes crazy I think this guy goes into beats here though but if he could sharpen pencils though if he was a pencil sharpener s tier I think they did as best as they could with him but he just doesn't look too too great I think it just he's meant to be a b-tier guy then we got boldor which is not him right there they're together he actually looks great I love the color I've actually never looked at Baldor before oh wait they made it so like he's just sitting completely easy eight here is he aest here I'm thinking if I'm a bulldore fan and I had this plush I'm like it's Boldore it's a perfect Bowl door would you say that's a nest here I think he's a contender for sure but he's definitely not as cute no he is I think he's an S tier I think he goes down here yeah this is a smart decision then we got gigolith given what he is I don't think he looks bad at all I think he just runs into the thing with zip strika or whatever it just doesn't look tough no he's not supposed to be a plush form he's supposed to be a cool action figure where you can get all his tough edges and and corners and stuff he doesn't look bad I also like how he can just do like a little dance oh his face is very narrow though I think it looks good but uh looks a lot better from the side if I can be honest like I'm seeing it from the side seeing from the front doesn't bode the same his design has a plush ceiling you know oh no I really want to put him in B but the more I look I think he's not that great it's the face that really does it for me it's this face buddy like just trying to put him here yeah no yeah that's okay I'm sad about it Pokemon you did good it was hard to work with uh who bet I know where he is this is just a woo bet straight up woo bet I like how they made him really fuzzy bro sits down no matter what he's like really throwable in the hand like a Chuck and he flies s here easy woo bad EST here oh I see him oh my gosh look at him he's so excited oh that's a good one he's awesome he's a silly little guy they gave him like a lot of character somehow like his wings are up his tail looks good a weird shape or a tail but it looks fine his face is silly and happy his feet are cute he has like the anime Gap in his smile yeah what a guy is he also asked here wow it's the ones you don't expect I guess drover oh I saw this guy before where is he he's one of my favorites look at this this guy he's asked here in my heart personally yeah say what you will he's awesome if Drilbur was my ride or die and I've got him as a plush I would pop off this is the nature of Drilbur whether you like it or not he's asked here hey it's your tier list I am not wrong no I never deserves s tear who are we looking for X control yeah I see him I see him this little guy also looks great though I feel like they still captured his like tough and rugged aspects while also still being cute I think the design choice to have his pupils be square but the rest of his body be very cute and plush-like was really really good I like how they embroidered his design and isn't just like painted on they choose to like print some textures and like embroider some but it looks really good in this case I think he looks great but I'm just starting to mix up S tier and a tier I'm a huge Excadrill fan but is this an S tier plush do I put these both in the same tier my heart wants to I say follow your heart I think they both go up here like I need to go over here on this side now I love that drover so much he's such an awesome guy oh Dino's next found him immediately this guy's adorable holy crap that's just straight up Audino I like his little feet his little hands this plush looks good I think it's eight here no more thoughts just yeah just eight here Timber where's the little man oh here he is they're all together whoa this guy's great he's really cute I would say the Vlog I didn't expect them to make it Square because I feel like it's so much easier to make a cylinder plush but I like the attention to the Square log I think he looks funny and silly and cute I think he's a good one I think he goes eight here yeah that looks like him this is girder right yeah it is girder this guy is a weird Pokemon well he even sit is this the first one that won't sit no he can't sit but not well yeah you gotta finagle him he's a finagler I just don't like the look of this Pokemon if I can be honest his little steel being team I don't know how they could have made the steel beam I think I think this is the best it could be it's okay his face is okay they put actual metal in it he would fall over every day of the week kids would be throwing their girder plushes at each other in like recess and he would be banned from schools he's really hard to sit I was surprised I got him to sit in the first place I just don't like him yeah and besides here and he's not sitting for it either there we go he's kind of got a hunch over and his comfort her I'll be honest this guy looks really good I feel like his beam stabilize him unlike the others yeah like his beams definitely help him out in the sitting category he looks fine I think this plush form does his original form Justice to be honest and I don't think we've encountered that before so I think I'll put him in a tier because of that no beat here you snuck in buddy almost I just saw this guy and I was like no I think it's hard for not cute Pokemon to break into a tier and higher I don't think it's impossible Blitzle did it it takes a lot it takes a lot Temple where is he there he is this guy's adorable oh that's a plush that's just a straight up Temple there's not even anything to really critique it's just that's just straight up pimple and his airpod eyebrows yeah that's him a tier simple palpitode there he is it's interesting that they did like the little seam here to make his little bulbous mouth I don't think it really works the way they wanted it to I think it just makes him look a little strange he's a very small guy expected him to be bigger I'd say B tier he's not bad there you go I see exactly the guy we're supposed to do next honestly I forgot there was another one size me toad a very wide what a funny guy he's very wide in the face he looks pretty good being a final Evo I think he's an eighthier final Evo honestly no he's mad close he was very close uh then we got throw and sock I know throw is over here no that suck we'll do them together there you are sock looks great throw is very Square I think it's how he's built that is how he's built but why does he look different sock looks very unmodel throw just looks like like a Minecraft villager or like oh like the Easter Island statue yeah the Eastern Islands heads I think he looks funny sock looks great throw is a tear below him oh you gotta split him up I do have to split them up I think sock can go here oh no they sit really well though I just like the um pheasant peeking up oh yeah I forgot we banished him next is sea waddle so waddle is cute big head barely doesn't sit yeah I don't know what constitutes is a sit but he is Towing the line very big headed man very cute though it's not a lillipop situation but I think they could have shrunk his head a little bit oh there's like the little leaf hole I like that detail I think this will go Beach here this guy oh my goodness swad loon Swadloon looks fantastic he looks ready to sit he was born to sit I think I think he's adorable I like this Pokemon a lot it's wild loon for what it's worth I think he looks great I think this is just a tier straight up a tier and then we got levani I think the legs look really good for a complicated design very thin I think he looks fine I like it I think this is the definition of b tier yeah this is B tier you can go with little baby Venipede there he is oh my gosh he's just perfect do you see him that's an instant s here I already know perfect guy I think it's everything you'd want in a plush you know exactly like he's firm but not hard you know he's squishy perfect proportions I would say he's just straight up Skyrocket to S tier Venipede good on you buddy benefit and then it's Whirlipede this is dense this is like the densest Pokemon plush we've got can he spin oh kinda it's like a weird Pokemon to have as a plush to be honest they did fine I think it's a good a tier for Whirlipede you can go like like this and then Scolipede whoa Scolipede is like one of my favorite bug Pokemon and I'll be honest this isn't Scolipede I think it was too hard to make a plush of him honestly he's a little wonky he's a bit of a little shrimp man I love this Pokemon but unfortunately I think he goes down here it's so sad poor thing then we got cottony so this is a cotton he's very tall that's a big cottony he's a very big guy not supposed to be that big no he's very tall too he's kind of supposed to be like more like this but he's very she's rounder usually more ovular I don't think he's bad but it's not quite I guess he's Burger Vibes where I see it or like little macaroon better than a burger I think it's a good plush but I think he goes into B tier because it's not quite the proportions make me feel like it's not quite there but he's very cute and then we go Whimsical here do you want no right no no I got it I just want to zoom in on Whimsical I love whimsicot for the record this is one of my favorite guys this is an easy s tier for me but I'll let you talk about it I think this is a fantastic place it's just the perfect shape they have his proportions correct fantastic he's got good like plushness he's very cute I think this is a one to one whimsicott plush to the original so I I think he's he definitely goes up in s tier as well I just think he's straight up cute he's adorable pet oil surprisingly sits well this is a very bright yellow almost like a lime I think this is a very very good petal ale I think it's adorable the shape is perfect but the color is not quite there I think they could have used this color and it would have been a perfect petal it's a shame because this is s tier quality but the color brings them down to a tier for me and Lil again very bulbous very very cute I would say um I think it's it's great the flower is huge for as complicated as a plush Design This is they did a fantastic job I don't think it could be S tier but it's straight up with a tier just like pedalil now we got the basculins we'll judge them together one they have different eyes yeah what is my opinion on these guys this one looks better but I think it's just because the eyes are wider this one's kind of like got the the Mean Mug and look I don't know how but his lip is like fatter even though I don't think that's true this guy goes here oh tough buddy this guy can go here BT is getting filled out uh Sandile oh my goodness look at him oh this is a good one big head but he makes it work he makes it work his legs are like out like that so that like helps balance out he's a good guy I think the head is a little bit big like a little too puffy for Sandile but he's a very cute guy I think it's straight up to a tier for him he can go here that a little is staring at him I think this guy looks great that's just he's just got Ari Vibes the proportions are good the shapes are good right up to eightier again you go there and we got crocodile he's over here oh here oh why is his mouth down like that come on buddy his mouth droops down a lot which is a bummer I think this guy is awesome they did his hands really well I like his little trunk feet I think if they made this now a little bit shorter like this it would be easier for it to not droop down I think he's great though good shape to him I'll put him in a tier two just because I like the line a lot Darumaka I think this guy's adorable what a funny silly guy I think he could be rounder though yeah it's such a Pokemon made to be a plush if I was like a little child I could easily have this be my my favorite plush that I take everywhere and hide in my backpack and bring him to school I do think this is an a-tier plush though oh wow this is the wrong color question mark that looks kind of brown it's a very Brown the Zen mode looks good the Zen mode looks really good yeah I love the tiny tiny detailed plush Parts because they look good and they look hard to get right this is just like straight up plastic that's been printed on darmana tan the shapes look good but it's just not the right color it feels like the easy part maybe they wanted them to be like different looking side by side but the color just brings it down to be tier for me this form though looks good I think he gets uh a tier I don't know who would want a plush form of the Zen mode darmanitan but it's out there and it's a good one so miracus whoa I don't think I think this is oh I think this is gonna be the first sitting cutie that doesn't sit yeah legally honest oh wow it straight up sits the shapes that just aren't quite right though like it's supposed to be a little squished I think the colors are also a little off I love miracus I think they should have went with a lighter green like on this part his face could be cuter it was close but I don't think it's quite right so I think it's going to go down to this one oh that's tragic unfortunate I'm a huge miraculous fan as a miraculous fan I need to be honest with what I think more actus looks like we got Dwebble oh I saw him oh my goodness oh this is the most hermit crab Dwebble has ever looked I mean I feel like it's no surprise that all the little cute Pokemon look little and cute in these plushies yeah this guy looks great he looks very apart though like I wish he was a little squished together like this he kind of accordions out I think he's adorable awesome dwell moment that is a b tier Crystal's pretty easy to find in here I feel oh yeah it's just a big Minecraft rock you'll leave his arms it's a pretty good one dare I say a great one why does he look like softer and cuter and fuzzier than cressel like his eyes are so cute and fluffy I didn't expect a really good Crustle plush to exist but he's right here and he's pulling it off I like him he's an a-tier you go here his little feet can dangle she's cool he's hanging out he's a great bookshelf plush and then we got Scraggy you can really see the folds oh yeah that dude's got pouches bro's got skin I I get that he's supposed to have like the extra loose skin as his little pants but I think it doesn't work here I don't think it's working for me right now it's a little too much his face I wish it was rounder and cuter I don't like him I'm sorry it's crafty though see this is this is the correct amount of like saggy skin that I would like to see like this is too much folds this is just right but it's not like two in your face and creepy he's got his little Hood too that just like hangs out I think he's fine I think that's a solid beat here and you go sigilith there you are look at this thing how does this thing sit I mean we have to put the tail flap behind him maybe I think he goes forward oh I think this is the one that doesn't yeah it's a non-sitter he kind of chills back the proportions on this man are crazy they made him very cute I think this is a great signal if plush but his head is massive compared to what he actually looks like and all things considered I think they did a good job with them I think it's an a-tier you can go up here even though you don't really sit a Yan mask oh here actually he looks great this one definitely does not sit and they did not even try to make him sit so he's got to sit like that yeah there's no attempt to sit there no he's supposed to kind of just prop him up against like a book or something all things considered he's very cute though the proportions are good the mask is fine I think it's a straight up to eighthier with him I honestly think Crystal could like qualify for S tier you think so I'm not even a crestle fan but I see him hanging out all cool like I would move Sandile and Crustle like that's just me but I'm a fan of those guys I can put them up there just because BT is getting crowded Sandile his head's kind of big his head's a bit big the crestle though because he's so cool there we go that's a cool guy um we got coffee griegas down does this guy stand who no he doesn't even stand maybe plump him up just move him around a bit you think he can but I don't think he can actually the proportions are not like how he normally is but I kind of like what they changed about him he's just like wider and shorter no matter what we do I don't think this guy is gonna sit if I'm a coffee grease fan I think he's great I'd say this is a a good old eight here even if he can't sit I think he's a good one he can stand with friends and I think that's a little friendship point that he deserves tartuga this is actually really cute his face is a little flat he doesn't have his little beak it looks like a little shelter head thing his body looks great but his face does not also his back legs could use a little fluff all around like at first glance I think he was a great little guy I do appreciate the little textures here like it's not the sewn on it's like actual textured fabric but I don't think I'm enthusiastic about Tortuga I think this is a sad face unfortunately I liked her too I just think he could have been workshopped a little bit better I think but over here caracosta oh no kind of flat but is sitting he does sit this guy was not really in a sitting position his face is not what I expected it to be either it's kind of just like they made a little ball and then put the features on I kind of want more of like the snapping turtle beak that he has I like his little sitting form though I like what he's all about but I'm not too impressed with this guy either I think he's cute but I think the best part about him is that he's sitting I think he's just gonna go right here next to his his little baby unfortunately our chin okay Archen and archeops are one of my favorite fossils or just Pokemon in general there he is oh my gosh his little bug eyes look at this oh baby baby arching oh let me get a good old look at you just a little goofy it's like an easy s tier right there you think so he's sitting he's a cutie that's a sitting cutie he's very Derpy but in the fact that Drilbur is Derpy so yeah I think he's great I'm popping off as an Archen fan he goes up here with the greats I love him and then we got archeops Big Man on Campus oh that is a big man why is he so big he's so stands up he's like his claws are just printed felt and cut felt I don't know if I agree with that one it just doesn't match his feet lots of different textures going on on this guy he's definitely not as high up as Archen I do like this man though I think they did the best they could with them my bias places him in the B tier oh we're getting a little full over there I'm looking for troubish now but here he is oh oh oh oh oh oh oh he's cute look at his little teeth popping out he's got an over white for days I don't care what people think I'm a huge trumpish fan that being said this is not the proportions of rubbish he's very wide I like him though I think his eyes are the ones that are a little off model for me but I like when he's the size of your hand thing and he sits he sits very well I think I'm also just gonna put him back and beat here though the Garba door there he is oh this is great this is super on model I think look at him he's so cute he sits his feet are way up he's super plump very plump very proportional yeah I think this is fantastic actually I don't think like the garbage door plush is cuter than the rubbish plush and I think that's incredible I don't know how they pulled that one off his little arm stays up I think this is great is this s here or is it a tier tostada what do you think do you like a garbadour no I think she said a tier yeah that's what it looked like to me that was an eight here from tostada zarua I don't think that Pokemon company would ever want to mess up a Zorua plush in their life these things gotta sell like hot cakes this is really really nice I would say good just shapes proportions he sits he's cute he's adorable I think this is nothing short but just a nastier plush I think it's straight up here for him [Music] oh hello sorry I'm looking at tostada he likes Zoroark tostada acting like she doesn't see uh we got zorark now he looks good like we said already the tiny little baby plushes are so easy to make I look like if you have like human like appendages it's just hard to put that into a plush too yeah like he's got so much going on so much time his tiny little waist but I think they make it work really well now nothing looks weird I mean his little tufties are pretty soft but I think that's just comes with the territory of having it be a plush this is great what makes this an S tier tostada I'm gonna have to lock her out I think he's great I'll be nice I'm we're gonna put them both in s tier why not I think it's good Encino oh yeah this one has to be little right he's tiny tiny I feel like his head is Too Tall it should be rounder and more like a swish to be a little more cute everything is set up to be great but I don't think they got the head size correct and he's a little he could be so much more chibi cute he sits really well though I like the colors if he was just like a little more like this you know it's so cute but when I saw it I went that's not quite right no it feels too mean I can't be mean to Mancino he goes here since you know on the other hand this is right they got the head like good this time it's nice and round and full he's cute he's chibi this is a really good plush he's like all the little hair parts are nice and full and Squishy he's soft he sits after a little bit of messing around he's a good one I don't know any die hard since you know fans but if you are one then this is a good plush I'd say I'd say up here just because it's so full you know some plushes are a little flat he's great all around what are you doing playing with batteries he took our battery away oh and she's even playing with tostada literally Gothita okay my bias is gonna come out with this line I think if they were gonna do goth Gardevoir they could have made it so much better than this line but alas here we are I think the lips are really cute and funny though the whole head is really big and the face is Tiny it's not quite right even as a Gothita naan enjoyer it's not quite right the body is cute it sits surprisingly well but this thing goes here I don't like looking at it and that's because I don't like the Pokemon is it just me or is this whole line not look quite right it could be better it's not bad I think like the head should have just been smaller here and they fixed that problem with Gothita I think it's a good plush it's soft I like the colors we'll put you up here to a b tier how about that I feel like that's generous got the tail with the little ladies spreading her tiny tiny legs to sit down it just feels like the more involved a design is the worse it is as a plush I feel like they absolutely tried their best but it does not translate to a plush like this line is more for figurines I think tostada oh are you trapped come out here will you come look at her oh my God she got stuck I was thought of you pitiful thing no she got soft locked yay figured it out all right no more bathroom for her so with uh this whole pool of plushes remaining are we gonna talk about the other two boxes you have over there we'll talk about it later we'll get to it we'll get to it but yeah the dress like they were trying to get the layers of the dress but it's just cut fabric and it doesn't feel that great um so I think this one goes down here with the baby that's just how it goes sometimes Solosis okay big celosis fan over here oh oh no so it says oh my God he's perfect I mean that's just a stress ball I think he's perfect there's just nothing he that is wrong with him look he's got a little backside looks like butt cheeks up here perfect perfect specimen little being devotion also fantastic perfect being specimen two nothing is wrong with him he sits is there beans a little bit of beans perfect also as tear up here it's kind of like the same plush but a different shape reunicliss I don't know why he's just an awesome guy I don't think he sits though a little earlier than just a ball it's not so much that he sentence that he balances yeah I think he does a good job I don't think he's meant to sit he's really supposed to like float it just looks really good to me as a completely biased person um he goes straight up here too the whole family the whole wine he does take up a lot of space with his Open Arms oh make him hug the others like a little this oh oh oh oh my gosh family oh my God I'm so happy for them chocolate found you you know he's just like a little girl that's a duck if I've ever seen one there's a duck that is duck lit I think he's fine he looks great no other sitting cuties have had this fabric yet so I think that's really cool it's like feathery hey tear I think his face is really cute too swanna this one will be interesting so one is much more detailed oh oh they just pinned our wings down that makes sense the head is a lot swano looks good the head and tuffies are really big I feel like ducklet is much cuter than the swanna plush but that's just how it is I think it looks good the fabric is just a little off-white so my gut reaction is to think it's a little dirty but I don't think that's true I think it's just like slightly off gray but I think it looks fine I'd say this is a b tier B tier 4 swanna vanilla the infamous ice cream cone this guy looks great I'd say that's a one to one not a sitter he's more of a he gets held you're supposed to like hold him like this forever the ice cream cones are not meant to sit and if they made him sit it would be an Abomination he'd be like this and I don't think anyone wants that I think this is great this is just a good plush I think it goes up to S tier because you sew on model yeah it's just good vanillish whereas he tostada she's got a lot to say tonight she's got Zoomies right now she she gets the late nights and the talkies the Takis and the Zoomies hello there wait oh wait oh you reviewed the wrong one I reviewed the wrong one okay we'll we'll go baby now my bad vanillite okay so the other one was vanillish this is vanillite pardon me I don't know the line that well the vanillish fans are in flames right I'm gonna he looks great I got a tiny little baby guy all right now we've got vanilla are you sure yes I'm pretty sure the vanillux community I'm sorry guys I have to put a statement out now um he looks fine the straw is a little wonky I wish it was up more but I feel like that's something out of their control especially when shipping them in like a container that squeezes them like this I think it's fine I think it's also uh an eightier here okay the deerlings yeah I was about to ask can we just knock all these out yeah we're doing all the deerlings at one time we've I already of course we have one for each okay they look great I wonder how each of these sell comparatively I respect their dedication to having a plush of every single possible Pokemon out there I respect it I'm just shocked yeah they look good I think they could look a little better but I don't know how I would change it yeah if anything these were the mass-produced ones so yeah I think they all belong in beats here yeah cram them all in together make it work they're not gonna sit down they're gonna all be back here to get I sure hope salzbuck is either really good or really bad yeah we need a few less B tiers in the world they're just up there all right stars back which we also have four of we do have four of them hey tostada she's just still watching these ones have all completely different skins as well like they're not even just copy paste yeah because they have a lot of different antlers yeah these also look fine again huge props to them for making individual new [Music] it's the same but they put different antlers different Tufts actually this one has different little things too they look great win for the salzbach community I got this beat here but do what feels right what's right is Beats here do what crams right I can't put them make it work just shove them all in there they take up so much space too yeah well you should have had bigger tears you go here all right or perfectly not cramped here I wish that Ikea made bigger bookshelves Emolga I love imoga he's my favorite Pikachu my favorite little Pikachu where are you oh here he is so cute that's a little guy very very small tiny man mocha is naturally small but that guy is little children hold them like this like if I was a little kid with my amolga plush I'd run around with like this he's very cute the proportions are a little not quite right for my taste I wish the ears went a little more like this way I think he's great I would say this is right up to a tier yeah that's the littlest form of a moga I've ever seen I recommend that emulga to Eddie amolga fans Kara blast he kind of just oh here he is oh my God a little football why is he so chunky like this he's like a little smooshed Hershey's Kiss he kind of sits backwards a little bit let me let me oh that looks good so it looks a bit more curved than he should he's very bottom he's a curvy little guy he's angry and he's curvy I think this guy is awesome um thoughts feelings they made him such a droplet um I think that even though he's more droplet form I think that was the executive correct decision I now have an opinion on Kara blast and he's an awesome little guy he will go back here as Cavalier here you are oh his arms he is swinging please he'll jab you this guy does not look that great it's a very confusing using design and I think the plush makers were just like I'll be honest I got nothing so he's gonna go down here but he's in a he's a very funny but it's an understandable sad tear it's a sad tier that's slash pause a slash Paws the frown face fungus he is tall I wish he was more droplet formed he's supposed to be more like this am I wrong but he's like this definitely does not sit he is a top heavy man yeah this guy does not sit oh hello tostada fungus no you're not in the frowny-face tear tostada I would say this guy is not that great if he just was like like this size then I'd be like this is perfect I want one what everyone was looking for everyone wants to know this one what's this guy's name comment section who is he he doesn't look great he's a funny guy he's a funny guy what can I say he's a little silly frillish oh we'll do both of them at the same time as well they don't sit do they they just fall maybe they we can do like one of these cute like this oh no that works totally that totally works but yeah they do sit nothing spectacular about them nothing bad I'd say be tear uh jealousint these guys definitely sit like the other ones why is this one so far it really is flop and I did not expect this one to be so flat compared to this one I've never been a big gelison fan but these are cute this one's just like sits on the floor though it's hard to have opinions on these guys because they're so oddly shaped but if you had to have an opinion but if I had oh they even had little tentacles actually this one actually looks a little weird like the head is really big compared to this one I feel like this one's more on model than this one I think they get separated yeah I think I gotta separate them as ironic as that is I feel like that's like the first big separation you go here God that is a cramp shelf that b tier and then these guys right in there yeah people don't realize all the Pokemon that are behind this tier alabamola okay I forgot this was a Gen 5 pokemon I always thought there's a Lola alola for some reason oh really I think it's because it's in the name that makes sense very flat but a very flat Pokemon it's Ala Moana could be better don't know how that's a b tier I know exactly how to put this one in biting it in yeah that's perfect that's perfect oh look at tostada where is she oh oh you're looking like that okay she's done looking like that joltec okay I've got a story for joltick here so I'm a huge joltec fan if Pokemon were real I would have a little joltic just like this every once in a while I go through a plush buying phase like every month and I go on to eBay and I just like look at what eBay has to offer in terms of the plushes they have and I saw this plush I this was like a month ago before the line was released or I even knew it existed and I saw this plush on eBay for like way more money than he should have been I'm not gonna disclose how much it was because you'll judge me a lot you buy it you have another one oh oh I see so I bought this one they have different tags and he's also different wait what what maybe it's just not a sitting cutie maybe well either way I've got two joltec plushes this is the sitting cutie this is just a random one that was way too much money um I like this one but we're ranking this one this one's very cute he's definitely a more compact than this one over here but he's perfect I think he's great I wish these were like out more to give his face like a little more fluffy face but I can't put joltec any lower than Esther he was meant to be a plush and he was meant to be my best friend oh there he is all right galvangelo another friend oh joltec and Galvantula are one of my favorite lines ever I love these guys his legs are all spindly he's a cute guy I like him I wish that these were plush and not like I'm not a big fan of the cut out felt but I think that's just what they have to do sometimes I think he's great I wish he was a little more plush like though he's a little like too loose for for me to call it fantastic so I think he goes safely in the eighth year just like that [Music] um phariseed little guy it's the tiny ones that they can get perfect honestly it's a spiky little stress ball he is oh it's this one uh they kind of just removed that one and no one would have noticed he can sit but it's difficult for him I I'll be honest I can look past the not sitting because this is perfect this is a perfect Pharisee yeah he's gonna get crammed so many little brothers are gonna get this thrown to their head and that is an S tier for me Pharaoh Thorn now Pharaoh Thorn I see him yeah I feel like he's gonna have like the jabbies can you spit him for us yeah he's got physics to him this is like the noodliest one we've we've encountered his face is a little goofy just the the legs are so long and funny looking they're pretty good though it's a complicated shape and I think they nailed it I think I think this is a good old beat here oh he's easy to cram in there though yeah yeah he doesn't take up much space we got clean clink clunk these guys and it's like this is a cute little plush I get what he's about okay here's what they did they made one of these guys and then they sewed them together you can see oh they are the same guy right same guy I think that's funny for a plush he's fine nothing when I asked here wow maybe not actually know how to trust your heart my heart says this yeah his name's clang okay this one is a lot more bulbous she likes clang uh this guy's fine B tier cling cling well all things wait wait wait wait we gotta compare we gotta compare get back out here is this the same guy wow I think that's the same guy the main difference is this one's a little more bulbous they didn't film as much but man they just repurposed them I mean that's just what the Pokemon is it's just the same guy but now he's got stuff on him I think they could just go together honestly I mean they are pretty much the same after all oh there you go Dynamo I love this line oh my goodness huge Tynamo fan here and I can say with a lot of bias this isn't quite right his head is very big he's very ice cream cone like this is a chubby man but he's very cute I think he's a good plush but I would say as an avid Taino enjoyer uh this is a b tier there you go electric probably the not the best Pokemon name out there it's probably my least favorite but electric is a cool guy I think he's fine he's a little flat but no points against it does not sit really nothing else to say you go right in the eighth here electross my favorite guy ever electross is so underrated come on sit for me buddy please please no how I need you to sit work with me here he doesn't sit I don't think he sits electross is one of my favorite Gen 5 pokemon unfortunately he does not sit but I think he looks great this is a good electross plush he is big tough guy and they they kept his big tough guy energy and I like that I like his big tough guy energy he's a good one he doesn't sit but I'm biased so he goes way up here he sits alongside his friends he has to lean on Crustle Elgin the Forgotten guy the tiny forgotten baby oh that is uh this is this is infant built this is the the build of a little baby how can you not look at this and say a human baby I think he's cute oh yeah I had to look up a picture he does have like the little indents here I didn't know that about him he's just such a funny little guy I don't know how to rank him I'd say beat here yet again you can go right on Seismitoad oh he's got little butt cheeks did you guys know that I didn't know that until the little plush look at his little butt cheeks does he sit he absolutely does with butt cheeks like that he's actually really cute I like his little stance like like that he sits he's got a little feet I'd say this is an a tier right there all right Ludwick very cute Pokemon the plush worm is also very cute it sits I wish he wasn't as tall like if they made him a little squished down I think it's a good push though Litwick is cute and this is a cute plush I'd say a good old eight here I love Litwick lamb pint I like this guy I think he's a silly little cute mid-evolution the top is just the printed cut felt which you know like I said I'm not the hugest fan of he's got the little top as a butt [Laughter] sorry buddy it's my bad a great little despite having this big old like whenever they do the the cut fabric like this my brain automatically thinks like a little bit cheap but I don't know how they would fix it without it looking bad so funny is fine it goes up here with his friend Chandelure a huge Chandelure fan here this line is not meant to sit the tag is also in a weird spot he kind of just sits there he kind of sits kind of he he leans back he chills he kind of like reclines that's the word I'm going for given the fact he's a chandelier they did a fantastic job with him nothing feels out of place everything looks proportional and symmetrical and consistent I think they could have made a lot worse of Chandelure plushes I think this is great he's a little too spindly to go to S tier so the whole line is a tier axio a big fan favorite Pokemon this guy is another baby meant to be a plush he is the colors feel a little off though yeah I feel like you should be more green yeah he was supposed to be a little like a decent amount darker especially on the top part here he feels very very green I think that's the biggest thing throwing me off great proportions he's a cute little guy I just wish they had more accurate colors for the plush so I think for that he'll go beat here I'll just sit right here for me perfect fracture I love fracture oh no he's a little squished his face goes in like this as a big fracture fan this wasn't quite what I was picturing it's not quite white it's not going white I think this guy goes down here the head shape is not quite right but I love the Pokemon and we've got Haxorus oh Haxorus what did they do with him oh no what do they do he's got the gamer neck banana man I do like him I kind of like that he's got scoliosis he just wants to sit here and play his little video games on his computer on his PC I think the colors on this guy is like a little bit off too yeah it's very easy he should not be a banana man he's a banana man banana shrimp man also his face is like a completely different texture I guess it's kind of like dragon scales I like that I'll be honest he's growing on me I think I'm putting him in a tier not because B tier looks like this but because I like him very much Cub chew I think oh this guy's adorable I think his ears are a bit of a strange shape but overall this guy's cute he's sturdy he sits he's got his old dingly snot I put him in a tier though I think that's a solid a tier we got bear tick this guy's big yeah that's bear tick he looks fine he's got a huge five head though his forehead is huge I think this guy's fine I think he could have been a little cuter but overall decent so with that he goes straight in here oh you're running out of room cryogenol here he is whoa this is just different all around it's not even like the soft fabric you know what they probably did they probably chose this fabric because it's kind of like sparkly shimmery like snow overall the design is fine you kind of just print his face on it unfortunately he goes yeah the sad face Shelmet this guy's adorable he sits really well too good sit this is a good old guy he's cute he's well formed he sits really well I think it's a good one like straight up to eight here for me and there he goes oh here whoa his little Lips This doesn't quite look like Excel Gore I'll be honest he looks a little more Derpy you know they got his little crossed arms it's just the face that really takes away from me personally he's supposed to be all cool like but his lips of like them it doesn't do it for me no oh to the sad tear he's a cool guy though stun Fisk done Fisk is a Pokemon that's grown on me a lot I think he's so great perfectly because that's what he that's just what he does he's made to sit born to sit really cute I like sunfisk I think there's nothing really to complain about this one with he's it's stun fish hey tier me and Foo oh look at his arms look at his arms he's throwing the double punch is that a sitter I don't know I'm just confused about the arms being up like this what this does for it in terms of the plush it's fine it barely sits without the tail it wouldn't sit it's not bad it's just a little awkward in terms of what he's doing what is he cooking beef here okay this is much better you know he's got the praying mantis stance it's shorter fabric they print it on where it's not as soft sometimes it happens the I would say this is fine it's okay like that's his beat here in you go try to gone whoa what a little Hamburger Helper guy elaborate I don't know it's just his head he's so meaty the body is fine it's just the head that's like very large his teeth are all over the place this poor thing I think they did the best they could I like the texture on the belly good attention to detail but this poor thing's head honestly it's just a little ugly for me I'm a big drudagon fan go let look at how tight he's oh he's cute he's all stand stuff this guy's so round and cute he's very horizontal though I think the detail of his little Stone of just the cut printed fabric is okay I'm just not a big fan of it but I understand like why they had to do it I think it's a good plush he's very orb-like he's very sturdy you can hold him like this like this I'd say this is an a tier right there go lurk this guy he does it it's a no leg day kind of guy his legs are so horizontal he's got his little dress Golurk he's really cute also very orb-like they got his details really good too they printed the spiral he's funny he also gives me like Burger King Vibes you can't just say these things what do you mean oh I got him from Burger King oh Burger King toy yeah okay go lurk I would say dear oh look at his little dangly feet hanyard oh he's got his little little knife on his face and he sits I like I do like his little stabbies the head is a little funny I don't know how they could have done this part a little bit better but it's a little wonky I'll be honest he's not that great but he's very silly and cute that counts for something sad face oh I don't want to I have a big pot I like pawniard but you know fish sharp I think he's gonna fall down to the same fate it's just this thing if you can preserve this in perfectly this straight angle then I think it wouldn't be too bad mine just keeps doing this like a little hair flap I think we put like hard plastic on it just makes the plush a little less plushable though you know yeah it's it's hard for kids to like snuggle up and be like good night it's also just the head it's just a hard Pokemon to design a plush for I think maybe to be a plush he was an action figure kind of Pokemon yeah I agree bufalant here you are oh my God he's cute oh that's a good one he's a little guy grumpy oh my gosh look at this hunch look at this hunch right there I love this guy Buffalo huge fan I love how he just hunches over he's dedicated to sitting and then it looks like this but I think he looks great I'm a big fan honestly I think this is straight up to eight here right there rufflet where is the rough lit oh my gosh I think this is the first time they've used this fabric it's a lot I think I would have preferred it with the buffalo on hair fabric I think it would have been fine I think he looks a little deranged because of this crazy hair everything is fine I'm just not a big fan of this hair fabric I think we can call this re-tier Braviary hello oh my goodness whoa wings out I just want to recognize this is bravery or if I can be real his head is huge it's more like this but I think it's very spherical I do like the floppy wings like this I think it's cute but if I saw this in like a store I'd be like look at this guy and then I put him back um right back in there full of bee I'm not a big Willoughby fan oh but this is cute that makes for a good plush he sits super well I think all the orb like Pokemon really do well in the plush form and vullaby is very orb-like like they could have did this with rough lip I don't think they needed to go all crazy with the hair vullaby looks great I'd say up here and go right there Amanda Buzz oh man the buzz that's a bird it sure is a bird nothing really to say nothing stands out it's just mandibuzz the proportions are the best they could do I think he's very wide a little bit of a refrigerator stance but pretty good baked here they're just like coming forward a little bit more every month falling out but not quite yet heat more oh I love heat more oh they didn't give him his little fire tongue I'm shocked I expected a little skink tongue I feel like they tried but they couldn't make it look good so they just took it off I'll be honest I don't think it has to look good they just have to commit to it I don't think that's been their concern for some of these uh the claws are really good actually they're not just they're like individually sewn claws just like the foul the felt printed out like that I think he's really good his arms are a little dangly though good guy the way they printed this fabric here it's kind of the red has come off so I think that's a little off-putting for me but if you don't care about this then I think it's a great keep more plush it's a good shape where do I put him now I'm biased and like not putting them in B tier you can just put them in B tier yeah you'll make it work no no no no no no it was a matter of time Durant and his little spindly legs oh he's very long he's like a little train his face is funny I think this is fine I just don't think Durant is meant to be a very cute plush like this is a plush Durant but it's not a cute plush in general be tear I can fit him in he is small Dino he's a cute guy that's not a beach here no he's not I like how they have his mouth open and everything he might do his party he sure is actually Dino POG great plush nothing to say a tear the wireless is next oh no it's hard when you have two heads to work with I think he's a little I think they made it work I think they made it work he's a little scrunkle but I think he's good it's a little goofy but I think it's supposed to I had to rank him if I have to rank him it'd definitely be a tier for any reason in particular I think they earned it hi July to run oh this is one of those designs where let's just see lot going on here and they they committed to all of it does he sit his little oh it's a little Tuffy feet and make him sit oh that's so cute I think there's just a little too much going on unfortunately I'm a huge High Dragon fan I think he could be pulled off in plush form but he needs to be bigger I do like their little guides here wow wow unfortunate a tragic sad tear larvista I'm a huge fan of the larvest this is a cute one oh look at his little face he's a little gut I love when they're just little footballs he's he's just good that's just Larvesta I think these are really sturdy they're not flopping around he is a unit he does not flop I love his little face I think this is a tier yeah [Music] Volcarona is one of my favorite Pokemon oh I think they did a good job with them I feel like they could have made Volcarona look very ugly he's also a recliner you see relaxing I love him I love him a lot the wings are nice I like the Ombre color of gradient and he sits in the palm of your hand like this I like it I like it so much that I'm putting him in s tier cabalian they made him sit what a cute guy kobalian's such like a noble Steed that it's it's very endearing to see him sitting like this it's humbling you feel like he's comfortable with you and he's being vulnerable right now but it's a pleasure it's fine it's kobalian nothing like stand out about him I feel like I can make him work right there to wreckion some people call him terracion you I like tarakion they made them all sit I think he's a funny guy he should be like so beefy and strong but instead he's tiny and sitting he is this is also one that you're like you're like soft man for sitting down in front of me I feel like we are bonding because he's sitting down and he doesn't sit for anyone else he looks really good though his face is very round but I think it's good I think it's better than kobalian just in the fact that it was probably easier to make these shapes there you go oh and eight here yeah Parisian oh oh no oh what a 180 that one was oh versus Young's like one of my favorites of the three two she's very colon three she looks like a cat you know looking without the head it looks good and then with the head it's like oh it's just too chibi like Verizon is supposed to be elegant and sharp and edgy and stuff but this is this is like a little round face I think this one goes down here it just doesn't look like Verizon to me tornadoes the Incarnate form he barely sits he's got the the fluffy Cloud but he does have the beans to help him the Therian form looks great though there's a lot going on with him and I think they nothing looks too much or too out of place I think he looks really good honestly both of these look good like I think these are both straight up a tier as complicated designs these are I think they did a really good job with them you can go here and you are way too big in there we got thunderous next this is pretty much just carbon copy of Tornadus this guy though the face is not right I don't know how they did Tornadus the Therian form so well and then thunderous Therian form so bad it's just the face I guess that tail drips it really does how is it supposed to go I don't know how it's about I guess it's supposed to just do this when it doesn't go over the shoulder it doesn't really it kind of just flops around this one's not that great if you are a thunderous fan get the Incarnate form because this is great he is not and he's very big and then you go a tier yeah okay and then the Pokedex weirdly goes Reshiram next and not Landers so we'll do Reshiram it looks really good they did his head really well it's a lot but nothing looks too much they probably Workshop this guy a lot because it's the legendary but he looks good this is so hard he goes in a tier but now a tier is becoming B tier hold him there crussle now we got Zekrom oh wow he looks great all the little sewing lines make him look really good I feel like this is actually a really good Legend yeah these are hard to make yeah like I don't know how they made him look so good his face looks good his wings look good his designs all over the place look good I feel like this deserves s tier because of just how complicated he is I'm just really impressed this is great Zekrom you can go in front of Pansage Landorus time for Landorus the Tails okay we can swing him around like this this part on his head like his log looks so bad on this one but not this one maybe it's because these things hold it down but this is just like large he only looks good from like this angle but if you like do this it's like whoa forehead this is definitely the worst incarnate form of the the three of them the Therian form looks great though I think I'm gonna put him just down here he deserves beats here here but maybe it doesn't he thinks he does he can think what he wants but I like the Therian form actually I think they did a really really good job he looks great and that's why he deserves esteer yeah he does good for him yeah good for T Landorus kierem oh this pile is getting small oh there's three kyurems oh oh they got all the kyurems I didn't even realize yeah okay so kirim his face does not really look good I didn't even like really see it he's like a little um like a pug where his face kind of sinks in a little too much his skin kind of overflows into his face his arms are so small and his little ice arms are also so small this poor thing I think I would be nice to him and be like you know it's hard to get Legend plushes right but seeing how well they did with Zekrom makes me say this is a little bit of a frowny face for me sadly I think it's also just hard to do the face right he's kind of being swallowed by his own ice the Kyurem white design is already a lot and kind of you don't really know what's going on and that multiplies in plush form and then does this guy look any better this is a little bit of a funny face I'll be honest I think they all go in a frowny-face tea understandable I gotta say yeah oh he's got two forms he's he's fine um actually the head is very horizontal and Squishy it looks like he got a little bit clamped like this and then like they removed the clamp and they're like oh he's very very horizontal he's supposed to be much more round I think I guess you can squish him to be a little rounder I think Keldeo is a very cute Pokemon but for some reason he didn't translate the best I think this guy looks a little better and I don't know why maybe it's because they have the cut felt that I don't really like too much but I think this guy goes in think carefully I got it this guy goes in B tier bold just shove them in there and then this guy goes frowny face laying down like that we've got the two meloettas Hatsune Miku does she sit looks like she wants to she sure wants to this one definitely does not it kind of looks like a little bit of a comb over besides the comb over she looks good I I'd say it's good she's soft she's cute dainty of I love her little feet this one's a tier for me this one is also good her legs are cute like that I feel like they're both a tear like that and then you go in here like this one last one after 173 plushes or finally on the last guy Genesect and I bet this dude is not b-tier personally a huge jet effect fan work with me buddy pretty top heavy to be fair it very much is he's got like all his masks up here and then the tiny little stick body I don't think he sits he gotta just lays there like that poor thing me when Pokemon forgets I exist and I'm super cool I love him but he goes down here unfortunately and that's it that's all the Pokemon sitting cuties Gen 5 plushes the entire line with joltec at the very top don't forget about him okay overall thoughts on the line I put a lot of them in B tier but I would say these are just good plushies and then like we're starting with good plushies and then when they're even better then they go higher but I wouldn't say any of these are bad these are the ones I would say maybe make sure you like the Pokemon a lot and you just want a plush of them they're not really the best which is the worst well we've only got one in the Forgotten tier so four things yeah I would say this is a really really solid line I'm really happy I own all of them because I'm insane I'm an insane person thank you Pokemon for sending me all the guys I'm sorry I called a couple of them ugly but I think they all look really good they're really good plushies if you like any of them I would say buy them now after ranking all of Gen 5 of the sitting cuties I started thinking in my head and I was like why stop at gen 5. I wanna rank every single sitting cutie out there you can probably see I bought all of gen 1 already that wasn't even a gift you just bought that yeah I bought those Pokemon sent me these ones and then I I bought gen one because I'm impulsive but Pokemon I would love to work with you and rank all of the plushies gen 1 Gen 2 gen 3 gen 4. we did five gen six when you're out don't do the vavilion wine but yeah thanks for watching stay tuned I'm gonna do it I'm gonna be one of the few people in the world to own all of the Pokemon sitting cuties this is a problem no it's not oh okay this is the line go get yourself a plush if you like any of them I suggest Joltik that's about it thanks for watching
Channel: JaidenAnimations
Views: 12,266,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jaiden, animations, jaidenanimation, jaidenanimations
Id: aMh4VQBX2Ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 45sec (4965 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2023
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