SML Movie: Jeffy Sleepwalks!

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all right jeffy it's time to go to bed this is my bed this is where i sleep you're going to sleep on the floor on your floor yes on the floor so let's go put your pjs on but dang i don't want to put my pj's on when i'm wearing my pickleball plants see i got my big boy pants on got my dumper on well jeffy i'd let you sleep in your big white pants but every time you sleep in your big boy pants you're pooping them so if you can promise me you're not gonna if you can if you can promise you're not gonna poop you know what you're gonna sleep in it like that it's squishy i bet it is squishy you're gonna sleep in the squishiness with nay ready to go to bed yeah i'm not tired jeffy it's 10 o'clock at night you have to go to bed we're going to play my cop band now no jeffy i said no ow no go to bed but now i'm not tired i'm hungry come some cereal in the morning i want fruit no no when milk i said in the morning jeffy go to bed just go to bed all right jackie i'm gonna try off the light okay okay you're not afraid of the dark are you no okay jeffy what's wrong nothing you just screamed no i didn't yes you did have you screamed no i didn't dang i didn't scream okay just don't scream what's wrong nothing you scream jeffy damn i'm not screaming yes you are that was you screaming i didn't scream it's just the two of us you're the one that screamed no i didn't you screamed no i did it when did we all scream for ice cream stop it okay what nothing you get tripping you keep screaming at me because you're screaming i'm not screaming oh you're not screaming no oh okay we'll see did i set your mouth [Applause] knock it off you knocked off i saw your mouth moving no you didn't dad you can't change then jeffy stop it i'm not doing anything you're screaming no i'm not jeffy stop it i'm sorry damn i'm just scaring the dark you just said you weren't afraid of the dark no i didn't go to bed but daddy i need a night night no you don't big boys don't need night lights but dang wait the boogeyman comes and tries to eat me the boogeyman is not going to eat you because you know what the boogeyman doesn't eat kids who poop their pants the boogeyman doesn't eat kids with poopy pants nope so you're all good there buddy we'll die the boogie man's never going to get me well i lied the boogie man loves poop though the big man eats kids especially who poop their pants well it's too late daddy i pooped in my pants i know i already heard it just go to bed yeah yeah nobody didn't yeah jeffy i said no cat piano meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow daddy what what did you do with my cat piano i i ate it why are you doing it jeffy just go to bed are you really that hungry that you had to eat my cat piano i said go to sleep but i'm just trying to understand why you would eat my count daniel why wouldn't you eat your own cat piano just go to bed oh why would you not eat joe and they'll just camping go to sleep dang i'm trying to understand jeffy if you don't go to sleep i'm going to staple your eyelids shut what are you doing first you eat my cat piano then you want to stable my island shot gonna fly go to sleep jeffy [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh i found it [Music] what was that all right i got me a bowl now it's time for me to make me a ball fruit loops where are you from don't get my tummy fruit loops don't drop my vibra now it's time for some milk [Music] oh yummy milky uh i want a heavy milk that's a little bit more milky all right that's good now i need a spoon oh a spoon no i'm just going to take this to bed with me i'll stab you lightlets i'll do it oh man jeffy okay i need a glass of water i'm thirsty oh man i need a glass of water what happened so broke in the house they made a huge mess what's going on i have to call the cops oh man where are the cops where are the cops i'm so scared hello hey there you call the cops yes officer somebody broke into my house oh no did they take anything i don't know it's just a huge mess okay let's go have a look see officer look look at this huge mess do you just not know how to pour a bowl of fruit loops you think i did this i don't do this what do you think somebody just broke into your house passed up everything valuable and decided to make a froot loop mess on your counter yes that doesn't happen well it did happen i want you to find out who did it okay okay you know what i think happened what i'm gonna tell you what i think i think you made this mess and then you called me because you want me to clean it up i don't want you to clean this up well good because i'm not doing it unless you slave me a hundred unless i slide you 100 it's like 100. i don't want you to clean it up my way to find out who did it well i don't even know if this is a crime it is a crime someone broke it and made a mess well you know serial mess on your counter is not the kind of thing you see on america's most wanted well it should be because it's a crime and someone broke it and did it i'll wait to find out who did well i don't know do you have any kids i have one kid that's not mine well why don't you ask him instead of calling the cops i could be hiding in a bush pulling people over and giving him speeding tickets you know real justice huh jeffy did want fruitless before he went to bed [Applause] when you scare me dad what is that a spoon yeah are those froot loops it looks like it you made a big mess of the kitchen jeffy what a mess in the kitchen there's a huge mess in the kitchen i didn't make a mess come look at it come look at it this mess right here jeffy you did this mess yeah i ain't doing this mess yes you did jeffy don't lie no i'm not lying i didn't do it then why were there a spoon with fruit loops by you i don't know daddy maybe it was the monkey man it wasn't the boogeyman jeffy you did this you did you all last night before bed you said you wanted to eat fruit loops i never said that day i don't even like fruit loops i want cheerios you're my fiber jeffy you like fruitless that you did this mess hey i did not do this mask oh look jeffy look a trail of froot loops okay let's follow them and see where they go okay well would you look at that jeffy the froot loop trail goes up the stairs and our room is upstairs and and i bet you these fruit loops go to our room well i got five bucks that says that the fruit loops go to our room i'll take that bet i'll take the beds but they do too okay well look at that jeffy the froot loops go to our room well it looks like you owe me five bucks no no i i knew the fruits were gonna go to the room so you owe me five bucks all right well you owe me five bucks and i owe you five bucks let's just see if the fruit loops go to go to where you're sleeping they will because you did it no because the boogeyman did oh wow jeffy just wow the fruit loops go right the way you were sleeping but i didn't do it dad yes you did the front lives are right where you were sleeping dying someone's planning dt no they did it it's rigged it's not rigged you're trying to frame me who's trying to frame you the boogeyman is that the buggy man today what these fruit loops look like little colorful buttholes don't talk like that what i didn't do it yes you did so you're saying you didn't do it no day and if i did do it i didn't see myself doing you didn't see yourself do it no that doesn't make any sense jeffy you you did do it did you do it no i didn't dang i told you if i did do it i didn't see myself do it but i don't think i did okay well i'm gonna find out who did it good i'm gonna find out dude if you didn't see yourself do it then i'm gonna see you do it i'm gonna see you do some more stuff all right security camera set up so if jeffy leaves the room or makes a big mess i'll catch him lying and then i'll ground him all right jeffy we're gonna go back to sleep and when we wake up am i gonna find another big mess dang i didn't even do the last mess yes you did because the froot loops came all the way to where you were sleeping and no no okay no no all right well when we wake up i better not find another big mess okay cause this time i'll know i have proof what are you doing sleeping in my bed oh i just wanted to stay when you die no no no you sleep on the floor i sleep on the bed or no it's not really fair then yes jeffy you're supposed to sleep on the floor and i sleep on the bed i'm not gonna sleep with you in the same bed oh oh jeffy look did you make another mess no are you sure yeah because i hid cameras cameras yeah i hit cameras so if you did i'll be able to see let's go see jeffy okay oh jeffy what's up guy why did you make this mess i didn't make the mess you didn't make this mess no you promised yeah i didn't do it well i set up cameras jeffy and we're gonna be able to see if you did it or not cameras all right jeffy let's check the security cameras what tv show is this dang it's not a tv show it's you on the security camera leaving the room oh who's that dad that's you why'd you beat this diaper like that that's what you do i don't do that look see look if you mess up the couch jeffy dang dang not me that is you jeffy and that is you messing up the couch see jeffy you made a big mess that kid's gonna get a spanking on his butt yeah you're gonna get a spanking on your butt because it's you jeffy look make it a big mess that's not me dad that is you jeffy go instead of making a big mess oh i don't know why dude you're cushioned at the lamp wait wait jeffy tell me why you you looking at the camera why would you do that today dad i didn't do it what does it mean that is totally you jeffy that you're grounded what's grounded that means no toys no no no no nothing fun you're a bad boy yeah cry just cry yes yeah okay look you're not grounded if you help me pick up the couch and everything okay all right then we'll go back to bed i just stopped making messes all right jeffy we're gonna go back to sleep and you better not make another mess because now i got you on camera and i saw you do it so there's no excuses if you do it again i'm gonna ground you that means no toys no helmet no no no nothing but but no no no but daddies you did it we saw you do it on camera there's no excuses but i didn't see myself doing yes you did you saw yourself do it on camera so stop saying that do not make another mess okay because i got cameras everywhere ah jeffy where are you going [Music] whoa jeffy stop it go back to bed i knew you're making those messes huh jeffy he's sleeping wait he's sleep walking that's why he's making all those messes oh man i feel so bad i've been yelling at him for sleepwalking and he can't help it oh man i'm not supposed to wake a sleepwalker but i gotta wake him up before he makes a big mess jeffy wake up huh would you wake up what dad i'm not sleeping yes you are you're sleepwalking so you need to go back to bed steam walking what's that it's it's when you walk around while you're asleep and you can't help it so i'm sorry for yelling how you be i go back to bed oh no damn i'm not sleep walking i've been awake the whole time i just i'm scared of the dark and so i keep my eyes closed so i don't have to see the boogeyman what and so i try and do things with my eyes closed like i try making the ball of cereal with my clothes i try cleaning the living room with my eyes closed i just try to do stuff with my eyes closed [Music] that now you're still there so you just make messes on purpose dang dang where you went [Music] you
Channel: SML
Views: 5,382,652
Rating: 4.8687005 out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, sleepwalks, sleepwalk, jeffy sleepwalks, puppet, plush, mess, big mess, break, prank, comedy, skit, entertainment, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, show, friends, hilarious
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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