SML Movie: Jeffy's Swimming Lessons!

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marvin i haven't heard or seen jeffy all day i know isn't it great marvin we should go check on him look the cops wouldn't care that he's missing until 72 hours have passed marvin okay look we'll go look for him jeffy jeffy where are you what doing jeffy chefy why are you so dirty cause i'm digging in china with my spoon jeffy you cannot dig the china yes i can if i dig deep enough i'll eventually reach the other side of the earth no you'll never reach the other side of the earth are you saying the world is flat daddy no i'm not saying it's flat jeffy jeffy you need a bag you're so dirty i don't want a bad daddy i need to finish digging to china you need a bat because you're a dirty sticky boy because you are a dirty boy i don't want addicted china no more okay good cause you get a bath you get in the bath right now come on all right jeffy the bathtub is full so get in the bathtub i don't want to get in your bad day gently get in the bathtub you're dirty okay baby do you have the soap yes it's right here all right jeffy are you in the back oh hey there somebody call a doctor yes our son needs cpr why because he drowned while he's in the bathtub he drowned in the bathtub yeah he doesn't know how to swim you don't have to know how to swim to take a bath you just sit there i know but he did it wrong how do you take a bath wrong i don't know do you just give him cpr oh i really wish you told me that before i came over because i really took my time getting here like i stopped for coffee in a sandwich and it was like an onion and mayonnaise sandwich so my cholesterol is through the roof so now i got onion mayonnaise coffee breath and if i give him mouth-to-mouth with that it's going to be pretty gross look just give them some i don't care okay i'll try hey daddy you saved him yeah that onion mayonnaise coffee breath will wake anybody baby baby can you move say it again that onion mayonnaise coffee breath will wake anybody up oh well here well jeffy are you okay yeah daddy but i'm never taking a bath ever ever ever ever again that mean water almost drowned me well jeffy if you knew how to swim that wouldn't have happened i teach swimming lessons you teach swimming lessons yeah you're in the way again where do you want me it's just right there okay you you teach swimming lessons i teach swimming lessons marvin we should get jeffy swimming lessons yeah jeffy needs swimming lessons well good because i teach swimming lessons well how much is the swimming lessons i charge way too much for swimming lessons well how much do you charge for swimming lessons i charge 100 for swimming less oh that's a lot for swimming lessons yeah some would say too much for swimming lessons well i think jeffy really needs swimming lessons so we should do swimming lessons all right come on back to my house and i'll teach you some swimming lessons all right jeffy come on you're gonna learn how to swim all right all right baby i'm about to go do swimming lessons with jeffy okay marvin have fun i'm gonna work on my tan okay all right boys sun's out guns out boys check out these guns you see that yeah i'm ripped that's a swimmer's body it's because i'm a lifeguard all right jeffy we're going to teach you how to swim like a dolphin because you almost drown in the bathtub so we're going to teach you how to not do that are there narwhals in this pool narwhals no no there's no narwhals what about octopushies no no none of those either i wish there were eight of those in there but no no animals in the pool can we just start the lesson i'm sorry what are you jesus how are you standing on the water and also why are you fully clothed in the pool i don't know what to wear it's a pool have you never been to a pool before i mean like what are you showering in all your clothes too no can we just start the lesson please all right jeffy the first rule of swimming is that you got to make sure you eat a full meal before you get in the water well i thought you're not supposed to eat before you get in the pool because you'll cramp up okay that's a myth see they just don't want you swimming to your full potential no no you gotta eat a whole bunch of food before you get in the water so that you have a lot of energy to go swimming okay so jeffy i want you to wolf this down you get it wolf cause they're hot dogs it's a swimmer's joke all right jeffy eat all this food okay uh i'm done i'm so full my stomach hurts good good that pain is telling your body that you're ready to swim we call that swimmer's pain you know that's how michael phelps won all those olympic medals he had a whole plate of hot dogs before every race is that true i don't know google it all right jeffy you ready to swim i'm staring in the water i'm afraid it's going to hurt me all the water's not going to hurt you he had checked it whoa whoa whoa see the water beat you no no it didn't bite me it's just really really cold you know i'm all ready to grow it not a showa so when i get in there it's just going to fall off all right jeffy get in the water how about you get in first you know because he's kind of scared okay yeah oh no no no no no no can you just hurry up and get in the water oh i'm sorry i can't just float on top of the water like you okay it's cold just hurry up you're a swimming instructor you're supposed to be okay with cold water well it's really cold okay does your son really need to learn how to swim that just get in the water okay is it really that cold yeah it's cold okay all right jeffy get in the water oh oh i'm scared no no no no no if i'm in the water you're gonna get your ass in the water too jeffy get in the water i'm scared oh how about you just encourage him by like showing him how to swim okay hey jesse look i'm gonna teach you how to doggy paddle okay this is how doggies swim no doggies can't swim they're not fishes doggies can swim no oh yeah i'm gonna prove to you that dogs can swim all right jeffy i got your dog i'm going to show you he can swim there you go yeah doggy paddle you're doing it wrong he's paralyzed from the neck down why didn't you tell me that before i put him in the water i thought you said all dogs could swim well not paralyzed dogs i'm sorry jeffy i'm definitely not swimming that did you killed my doggy no no no no no no no no no okay okay look i have a cat uh he he can probably swim he's kind of like a dog hold on i'll get him out ow ow stop scratching me come here come here get in the water swim swim come on swim you want to scratch me a little see he's swimming i'm not getting in the pool now it keeps hurting animals look what you're doing you're making him scared of the pool no no no no no the pool is not hurting animals i'm hurting animals don't blame the pool show them the kitty's all right you see he's okay he's see meow yeah i'm i'm swimming see sometimes look is there any i think you're a professional are you scared of the pool out i'm getting him in the pool just wait a minute i got an idea what you buddy you're killing my gigan ahoy jeffy it's me captain captain crunch don't you want to get in my boat no that boat has holes in it oh no no these holes are for your legs so you can feel the water but the water is the scary part no no no it's not i'd show you but i don't have legs hey hey rich people like boats don't you want to be like a rich person um i guess will i get hosed yeah yeah you'll get you'll get a bunch of hoes but you got to get in the boat first okay isn't this fun jeffy we should get out of the pool right now oh but but look how much fun we're having look i i paid you to give him swimming lessons not floating around in a floatie he can't bring that to the bathtub okay listen man my plan is to flip over the boat so he has no choice but to get in the water no he's gonna freak out well no no sometimes you just gotta rip the band-aid off you know he'll be fine why can't you just teach me how to swim like an old person um i'm sorry who's the master swimming teacher here okay you see this that's what sml stands for swimming master lessons because that's what i teach i teach people to become master swimmers okay just trust me okay all right jeffy you just stay right here i'm gonna go to the bathroom i'm not getting in your bowl no it's okay you don't have to just stay right here what i'm gonna go underwater now okay um daddy where'd the instructor go oh [Applause] you see that it can't get back to life and he tried to drown me well they do have nine lives yeah i guess that's true hey i wanna go home take me home right now oh but we're just trying to teach you how to swim yeah what you guys did was after well you already felt the water so you kind of know what it's like to swim what is that that's a narwhal you told me there's no narwhals in the pool it's not supposed to be daddy i want to go home take me home right now oh come on okay we're gonna go home since you suck at being a swimming instructor oh well today was a waste of time clearly baby what happened to you someone replaced my suntan lotion with cooking oil you look like an overcooked chicken yep cause logan's clearly never cooked chicken before so i think he meant lobster but we'll go with overcooked chicken you look like a lobster thanks how did jeffy's swimming lessons go as they were bad they weren't really bad mommy let me tell you what this bald guy did i was sitting there minding my own business on my little inflatable float and then he got his friend to flip me over in the water and almost make me drown marvin that's so mean well look at least jeffy got in the water and kind of swam because he swam back to the inflatable thing so jeffy knows how to swim a little bit so i think jeffy you should go try to take a bath right now all right daddy that's fine all right we're gonna try to take a bath and see if he improves okay okay all right jeffy are you ready to take a bath yup what jeffy you cannot use this floaty every time you take a bath yes i can because it's the only thing that saved me from drowning in that pool jeffy you can't use this floaty everywhere i guess you just got to take showers for the rest of your life okay well jeffy look you have to learn how to swim because what if one day you fall off a boat or something what did i just take this with me everywhere i'll go you can't do that jeffy watch me just get the shower hey lavelle where did you get that cool sml tank talk it's the hey poobie where'd you get that cool sml t-shirt yes i'm no match hey lavell where'd you get that cool hat oh makes that comment hey booby where'd you get that inflatable pencil you're using to look like your dong it's underwear oh my god and where did brooklyn guy get that same exact tank top that you're wearing right now oh my god and you can buy it for the puppets that we sell on uh is it a smaller shotgun and every purchase you make from june 2nd to june 12th you'll be entered in to win a signed jeffy puppet really [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 27,186,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, swiming lessons, swimming, lessons, brooklyn guy, hilarious, joke, fun, friends, marvin, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, summer, vacation, swimming pool, pool, puppet, puppets, show, entertainment, laugh, logan, lance
Id: L4aY1SSx2Q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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