SML Movie: Marvin The Intern!

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okay jeffy's in bed so we can finally just relax and watch a movie who's at the door it's so late at night hello hey Marvin oh hey Goodman what are you doing here I came to get your house payment oh I don't have my house payment this month um do you even have a job Marvin no oh okay so do you ever try looking for one well I have tried but no one's hiring that's a lie because I know you said on your ass all day on the couch so you know what you're gonna do You're Gonna Come intern at one of my companies and you're gonna meet me at 80 tomorrow to pay off your debts okay okay or else you're addicted by 8 A.M who's at the door Marvin it was Goodman he came for the house payment I don't have any money so now he's making me work for him tomorrow morning oh well at least you have a job now yeah but I'm not getting paid I gotta go to bed all right Marvin this is my office you own this building yeah it's one of my many businesses I own and operate what kind of business do you do here we'll get to that in a minute you want some nuts Marvin nuts yeah it's like a medley of cashews and almonds maybe an m m or two no I'm fine all right I just want to let you know that if you screw up I'm gonna rip off your nuts and put them in this container with a little bit of salt and then I'm gonna eat them or I'm not gonna mess up but what's my job for eight hours a day you're gonna sit your hairy ass at your desk and you're gonna pick up the phone and then you're gonna sell sell what you see your shirt you're gonna sell your shirt you see those pins over there you're gonna sell those pins you're gonna sell those paper clips anything and everything you can get your hands on you sell we're going to be like Amazon but better okay I got it so hold on I'm getting a phone call what do you want Lawrence I'm in a meeting I don't have time for this [ __ ] it better be good oh it's the Gregory Brothers what are they offering no [ __ ] [ __ ] are you [ __ ] kidding me and they think I'm gonna bite on that no mergerman merge them in oh hey Gregory Brothers it's me Mr Goodman yeah I got your offer four percent right well this is what I think of your offer if you can hear that that is the bone going up my ass because you're offering [ __ ] that's what I think of your offer [ __ ] hate the Gregory Brothers they offered me four percent and I wipe my ass with four percent I don't get hard for anything less than 30 and thirst it okay all right now come on Marvin let me show you around the office okay all right Marvin this is the front desk every morning at 8 A.M sharp you're gonna check in on this tablet if you're even a minute late it's your ass and this is my receptionist Susan good morning Mr Goodman thank you uh Susan what month is it September sir okay so it's not October no sir so then why the hell do we have Halloween decorations in a month that's not October well I thought they were cute and festive sir nope Susan if a customer comes in here and sees Halloween decorations in a month that's not October they're gonna think we don't know what month it is and then they're not going to trust us with their money do you understand Susan yes sir spanking now we don't have an HR department here so there's a few things we need to go over well let's go over them well Francis called he needs the day off because his wife is nine months pregnant and she could go into labor at any moment no he's fired but his wife's about to have a baby I don't care he can file for unemployment have all the days off he wants okay sir well I also need your lunch order for today okay Chick-fil-A sandwich mayonnaise packet Chick-fil-A sauce and a root beer but sir it's it's a good way for them to open up and make me my lunch okay sir you want anything Marvin I'll take a root beer no you're an intern you don't get anything uh sir the phone's ringing answer it Marvin the people who work Goodman's Incorporated Goodman's it's Goodman one me only me singular uh please hold sir to your ex-wife you haven't paid child support this year tell her I died ma'am he said he's died uh he she wants to talk to you okay give me the phone which one are you oh small tits yeah I hate you and I hate the kid too hang it up hurry faster faster you know what Susan you know what run a lap what run a lap around the office run a lap you're so slow go geez she's so slow all right Marvin you see those files back there those are all of our customer Social Security numbers in a single second whenever I want to I can ruin their credit Follow Me Marvin oh okay all right Marvin this is the break room but you're not allowed in here because you're an intern and interns don't get breaks and also notice as there's no chairs in here because you're supposed to get your [ __ ] and get back to work something faster the phones are ringing uh I do have a question why are we open on Sundays because money never sleeps Marvin we're the only Company on Wall Street that's open on Sundays we got to stay ahead of the competition now come on let me show you the bathroom tell you the rules all right Marvin here is the men and women's bathroom notice as I said that men and women's I don't play that [ __ ] where sometimes you have a dick and sometimes you have tits just go in the bathroom of which thing you have and if you ever don't know what thing you have go outside and use the bushes okay hey you that looks like a really big dump in there and did not flush that's my maid quinceanera she cleans my house but here I have her clean the bathrooms also no banging in the bathroom between 11 A.M and 1 p.m that's my hours wait meet the gum in our jewelry now because someone took a really big dinky in the toilet go flush it okay all right Marvin meet me back in office in three minutes hold on quinceanera how bad does it smell in there all right Mark in five minutes it's blumpkin time foreign sorry about that Marvin I like to relieve stress before lunch speaking of lunch certain service that's right here sir oh wow you actually Chick-fil-A and he opened up for me okay shoot Marvin is my trash can over there yeah it is can you put that in wait you want me to throw it away yeah I'm not gonna eat it I don't want that I just give her impossible tasks to see if she can do it I'm looking for a reason to fire her I guess I'll just try again next month okay I mean can I eat it no you're an intern nuts well where do I work oh let me show you your desk come on all right Marvin this is your desk and you see that phone over there you pick up that phone and you grab a phone book and you call any and every number that you can find and you sell sell if you don't make me at least ten thousand dollars a day you're costing me money that sounds like a lot of work yeah it is but we don't play around here okay if you need me I'm under hear me if they're grooming ah wrong desk mine's over there okay man sorry about that Taco Bell doesn't know where she's at but uh if you ever find her crawling underneath your desk just kick her she'll know where to go now you pick up that phone and you get to sell them Mister okay I'll try okay come on hopefully this works hello hello sir my name is Marvin I work at Goodman Incorporated how's your day going oh my kid is showing hi kick how about yours it's going just lovely so I have an opportunity for you today to buy stuff oh okay okay well we we're selling a whole bunch of pins like so many pins okay what kind of pins uh we got some purple and blue I'm gonna be honest with you I'm not really interested in pens okay well you could buy the shirt that I'm wearing it has a tie oh yeah I'm not really interested in that but if you had some huge women's panties I would totally buy uh no we don't sell used women's panties well then I'm not interested bye hey Marvin you see this what is that it's a doctor's note from Tyler you know what we do with doctor's notes what you put them in the shredder because they're no good here you shred doctor's notes now I don't care if you have cancer or covet you're coming to work the phone's ringing answer it okay thank you for calling Goodman Incorporated this is Marvin how may I help you this is the Gregory Brothers is Goodman there uh please hold it's the Gregory Brothers well ask them if they took their head out of their ass and they're ready to make a deal what are they offering Goodman would like to know what you're offering we are ready to offer Goodman 24 they're gonna offer you 24 24 what is that 12 for each of them coming up their ass uh you heard that right yeah you'll tell Gorman we won a meeting he would like a meeting with you well I won't even consider a meeting until they're offering 30 percent he won't consider consider oh were you tell Goodman we want a meeting and we'll make it worth his time they're saying it's going to be worth it okay well if they want a meeting I'll give them a meeting but if they screw me their nuts are going to my Tupperware okay hang on don't listen come on all right Marvin you're coming with so come on okay all right Marvin if the Gregory Brothers offer me anything less than 30 I want you to stand up on this table pull your pants down and take a [ __ ] and then I want you to eat it and say I'd rather eat my own [ __ ] than take this deal I'm not gonna do that have you eating today you wouldn't let me darn it you're supposed to be Brewing up a [ __ ] but don't worry I have one so I'll [ __ ] on the table and then you eat my [ __ ] and say I'd rather eat his [ __ ] but take this deal I'm not gonna do that what's this meeting about well listen the Gregory brothers own Velveeta and they need my money to stay afloat because Kraft is killing them in sales but little do they know I own craft so that's why I need at least 30 on this deal to monopolize the cheese industry and then I can sell cheese to Mickey Mouse or whoever the [ __ ] eats cheese Ratatouille as [ __ ] oh wait they're coming in hello Goodman I am Greg unfortunately my brother couldn't make it because he's sick so instead I brought my brother from another mother Tyrone what's cracking full of business man all right let's cut the cheese and get down to the cheddar all right I have myself start from last week Tyrone helped me oh my bad geez so you'll see it Monday at Market open we were up 10 in sales unfortunately Tuesday and Wednesday we dropped 20 will you tell me Tiki hit why'd you [ __ ] so hard on Tuesday and Wednesday we had an outbreak of E coli in the workforce yeah a lot of bubble Goods how'd you recover so fast well we released our new Mac and Cheese cup and it went wild oh I love macaroni and cheese cups but I have a question why are your tits out yeah I was wondering the same thing I just don't want to ask I forgot my shirt all right well I'm not interested in your weekly cheese chart tell me what you're going to offer me for me to help you oh you're gonna love this I have an even bigger chart this is the new board so good man jeez yes all right now that that's out of the way we're willing to offer you 47 ownership of our company in exchange for 20 million dollars of your money and we'll pay you back five million dollars quarterly in royalties or we'll give you 25 ownership of our company for 10 million dollars of your money with no royalties Marvin [ __ ] on the table but they're offering you 47 you only wanted 30. I know but I really wanted 51 don't tell them that fine all right milk jug tits I actually want 51 of the company see I don't know if we can give up that much of the company okay okay how about 51 but no royalties more of a [ __ ] on the table what I want you to show the table right now what is she doing he's gonna take a [ __ ] on your table unless you give me 53 and I get to smack those big man tits oh 53 I don't know if I can give up that much of the company Tyrone come here oh okay okay got it got it all right Mr copen I have one question for you do you like cheese does it look like I like [ __ ] cheese you have yourself a deal all right Marvin let's get out of here don't look back Marvin that was spectacular I think it was you almost [ __ ] on the table that got us the deal what Marvin here helped me land a deal with Velveeta to her now I own 50 of the company wow damn right well see the Hat cheesy cheesy [ __ ] now Marvin remember Sunday to Sunday 8 A.M don't be late we're counting on you well now you have a job at least yeah but I don't think Goodman's a good boss [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 5,187,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, goodman, mr goodman, marvin the intern, the intern, puppet, puppets, show, joke, laugh, fun, friends, marvin, rose, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, hilarious, job, work, office, cheese, logan
Id: _zpb55h1v-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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