SML Movie: Jeffy's Coma [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] hey daddy come on shot and ride my bike yes jeffy as long as you wear your helmet okay daddy on your head all right daddy jeffy if you don't wear your helmet on your head i'm gonna ground you yeah yes i will not yes i will not yes i will not yes i will not these are well go put your helmet on your head and go ride your bike all right all right i'm sitting on my bike got my helmet on my hand i'm ready to ride my bike all right the men's t-ball tournament's coming up and i'm not gonna strike out like i do every year i'm not gonna embarrass myself in front of all those dads they think they're so great just because they can knock a ball off a tee well i can do it i'm a man i'm not much of one but i am one all right all right here we go i can do this oh come on guy it's on a tee how do you miss all right all right this is this is the one all right all right batter up okay okay listen here you you're gonna get hit by this bat whether you like it an eye you're getting hit all right this is the time [ __ ] i'm out of here oh my god mario it's awful i'm so sorry what happened to jeffy what's going on oh it's bad it's just so bad what happened okay so your son was riding his bike outside and i was in your neighbor's garden uh gardening and then all of a sudden i heard this cartoon falling sound like a whistle like like and bam the piano landed right on your son's head well a piano a piano yeah it was a grand piano and it was beautiful and it landed right on your son's head just like in a cartoon and then he opened up his mouth and all of his teeth were piano keys oh what yeah it was hilarious until it wasn't because i think your son's in a coma now a coma what do you mean a coma i mean like coma over here and lick my balls i'm sorry that was inappropriate your son is really hurt well what are we going to do he's in a coma i understand you're telling me that my son's in a coma because a piano fell on his head yeah yeah a piano it just felt right fell right out of the sky where'd the piano come from uh it came from a plane a plane that was carrying pianos piano plane a piano player piano playing yeah yeah piano playing well okay i've never heard of a piano playing how did it fall out of the plane well yeah they must not have had it strapped in right and it just fell right out of the back of the plane landed right on your son's head well i'm gonna go see this piano no no no no i already cleaned up the piano so you don't have to worry about that so you didn't take care of my son first you clean up a piano no there was a lot of wood and stuff in the street it was it was dangerous i had to clean it oh he said what do we do with my son having a coma can't you cure it no i there's nothing i can do to really bring him out of a ho and out of the coma it's pretty dangerous he could die at any minute because he's not at a hospital hooked up to machines that could save his life so my son's gonna die if he stays in a coma yeah yeah pretty much and he could be like this forever really there's nothing you can do about him to come with jeffy wake up no there's nothing i can do um there is there is a really old legend about a remedy that could cure comas from thousands of years ago whenever people would have comas the only way to bring them out of it was to uh get an ogre to fart right in the face what yeah an ogre just fought right right in the face wakes them right up so you're telling me if an ogre farts in my son's face it'll wake him up from a coma oh yeah definitely for sure yeah but i mean where are you going to find an oga nowadays right i think they're all extinct i know an ogre you know an ogre yeah wow i thought they were all dead no i i know one and he loves the fart oh that's great just bring him up here let him rip one right your son's face and he should wake right up oh oh okay well i'm gonna see if he doesn't okay i'm gonna go practice my t-ball swing why can't i fart don't you know how to knock first okay oh i'm sorry shrek but i really need your help not now okay i'm in the middle of a crisis right now oh what's wrong i can't fight donkey well what do you mean you can't [ __ ] shrek you can fight all the time okay it's like someone hit the mute button on my butthole remote i cannot fart what what how long has it been going on months donkey i have not farted in months there is no sound escaping my delectable buns donkey no sound coming from my butthole why are they doing that i don't know donkey i've tried everything i've tried eating a bunch of cheesecake i've tried eating taco bell nothing works okay oh well there's got to be something because look i need you to fart for me i came here to get you to fart okay i have to fart too but i my buckle is not producing sound it is like a mime do you know what a mind is donkey yeah it does it doesn't make noise no sound at all that is my butthole not even the slightest breeze coming from my butthole donkey okay well there's got to be something because look my son is in a coma and the only thing that'll wake him up is an ogre fart so i need you to fart for him to save his life okay there is only one thing that'll make me fart what is that bean soup donkey bean soup i have not had bean soup in years i haven't had it in so long because it just creates this astronomical crisis donkey i need bean soup in order to fart it never fails donkey okay okay i'll get chef pee pee to make a pizza okay how are you donkey my bowels are going to explode i can't wait till i'm done cooking these little weenies so i can put them in my mouth no homo though wait that sounds really hormone hey sure baby i need a favor from you uh what do you want mario can you see i'm cooking these little weenies i'm trying to put them in my mouth no more oh okay good thing you said that mm-hmm oh anyway i need you to make me a bean soup well i need you to get out of my face mario okay no no no like seriously i need you to make me a bean soup but why can't you do it because i'm busy cooking my wieners okay look this is what's happening look my son's in a coma and my friend shrek really needs to fart in his face mario what kind of weird [ __ ] are you on please get out of my face no no no no no no the doctor says the only way my son will get out of the coma is someone farts in his face it has to be an ogre and my my friend shrek hasn't farted in months so he needs a bean soup because that's what makes him fart so can you please make it for him one question mario why would i actually care oh i'll pay you a hundred dollars wait wait a hundred dollars a hundred dollars a hundred dollars man money talk you should have been saying i'm about to make you some meat okay this bean soup turned out perfect oh yeah this is definitely making fart mario your bee soup is ready it's ready already yeah it's right here oh my god that bean soup looks perfect okay i'm gonna give it a shrek see the beans are good for your heart so it'll make you fart all right i really hope it does it really needs to make them fart mario what where's my hundred dollars oh uh you you get your hundred uh after he farts you know wait wait that wasn't the deal all right shrek here's your bean soup oh donkey that bean soup smells so good i haven't had bean soup in forever donkey the last time i had bean soup i thought it's so loud that it ruptured the eardrum of everyone within a 10 mile radius donkey it smelled so bad that people had to cut off their noses so they wouldn't pass out donkey it genuinely seared their nose hairs right off donkey dokie you don't understand how bad it smelled like it came from the hairiest and the smelliest butthole donkey my butthole my butthole is so hairy that it looks like a spiderweb that the spider hasn't had time to eat all the bugs out of the web yet that's a sick shirt that's sick donkey my butthole is so smelly we didn't even have to nuke hiroshima or nagasaki donkey if you would have looked up at the airplane as it flew over those places you would have saw this donkey yes my big ogre butt just farting away into the wind okay donkey chernobyl is in my rectum donkey my butthole is chernobyl so let me ask you this question donkey are you sure you want me to eat this bean soup well jeffy's in a coma so the only way that he'll wake up is from an ogre fart so i just need a small fart it's a little tiny one well donkey then this'll do this old dude okay oh okay those beads were delicious all right now let me see if i can fart come about you why can't you fart i don't know donkey don't get them all backed up it's like it's like my rectum cannot produce air donkey it's like i got an extra pair of lungs in my butthole and i'm choking donkey i can't breathe don't get go cpr no shut up no stop strike okay what do we do why does this not work oh donkey i don't think the beads were more was powerful enough i think we need a bigger bean donkey a more powerful bean a super bean donkey oh okay all right i'll i'll tell chevy that this doesn't work all right okay oh man i just ate a whole bowl of bean soup and i can't stop farting oh hey chef pee pee oh hey mario wait did he fart no wait what mario what are you talking about i just ate a whole bowl of beans soup and i can't stop farting oh oh he said the beans aren't powerful enough the beans are too small he needs a bigger bean a more powerful bean a bigger bean a more powerful one how am i supposed to do that mario well i don't know that he just says he you need to do that so can you make that i don't even know where to begin you didn't even pay me my hundred dollars well okay how about this if you can make a bean soup that will guarantee make a fart will give you five hundred dollars now five hundred dollars five hundred dollars i'll be the richest [ __ ] in the world i never had five hundred dollars not at once oh my god oh my god so it will if you can make a big bean soup with the biggest beans ever i i can do that and i know exactly where to get the bean from uh but i'm gonna need junior's help for this uh junior i need your help we're going to chicago uh chef pee pee why are we in chicago oh because of that junior whoa look how big that bean is i know it's huge and i needed to make the perfect bean soup uh chef pee pee i don't want to call you stupid but there's no way you can get that bean inside the house what why junior uh because one it's huge two it probably weighs like a gazillion pounds and three uh there's all these people they're not gonna let you steal that bean whatever junior watch me do it i'm like this being so hard it's gonna start rolling oh okay all right junior watch me flick this bean hold on i got got it i got it oh chef it's not moving i can't see that junior just give me a second oh okay it's not working do you have any other ideas chef pee pee you know what i have the perfect idea just wait here uh chef pee pee who are you calling shut up junior hold on peepers what's up my man oh what's up big c i need a huge favor okay what is it peeps you know i'm a busy man well look i just need you to make a shrinking app for my phone what's wrong you can't fit it all in one picture no no it's not that i can fit it all in one picture look i just need you to make it streaking out so i can go and steal this sculpture and bring it back home all right sure i can do that it's gonna cost you four gogurts though oh my god look i'll get you your stupid cougars okay sweet i'll send it over to you in five bruh all right thank you so who is that chef pee pee just come on and follow me all right junior let's see if this works okay whoa chef baby you actually shrugged it see i knew it would work now it's time to make my bean soup okay grab it julia i can't believe we got it we actually got the bees i know we got it chef pee pee i know it's so big and beautiful oh yeah this would definitely make him fart so damn loud well put it in the soup chef pee pee oh don't worry i'm doing it oh yeah oh this is gonna be beautiful oh yeah it smells delicious too oh can i taste it no junior you're not gonna taste this and stick up the whole house with your gross farts just go to your room okay chef pee pee so weird who's that uh hello before we get into this yes i know i spilled hawaiian punch all over my shirt do not bring it up it will just get me more mad now did you steal a bean sculpture from downtown chicago no no i didn't steal anything what are you talking about come on you think i'm an idiot well i'm not the one with kool-aid on this shirt it's hawaiian punch and god damn it i said do not bring it up i've had to deal with this all day people think i got shot i wish i did this will never wash out i was just driving around enjoying a nice splash of hawaiian punch i ran over a speed bump and boom i got it all over myself well i'm sorry i'm sorry i brought it up look i know you stole the bean okay i'm coming inside to look for it i know i don't have a warrant and i don't care what look i know you stole that bean now where is it look i didn't steal anything it's a big shiny bean it's not gonna be hard for me to find look i promise i didn't steal a theme hmm what you got cooking here oh um it's it's lasagna yes that's it lasagna that's a pretty watery lasagna oh that's because i boil it i like to boil my lasagna it's different boiled lasagna huh mind if i stay for dinner no no no i can't stay for dinner no you don't mind no no you can't stay for dinner okay oh oh okay well i guess i'll just be on my way then what's this uh what is this shiny thing in your lasagna it's a mirror yeah i like to look at myself when i cook i like to look at myself when i pee maybe i should put a mirror in my toilet so i can watch myself pee you know what i like you you didn't steal any bean nah nah you're a good kid ah hi you have a nice day oh okay that was so close i almost got caught let me hurry up and finish this soup so i can get it to mario oh yeah and it's done oh yeah this is the nuclear bomb of bean soups uh mario your bean soup is ready it's ready oh yeah this will definitely make him fart wait wait why is it silver oh trust me he's gonna need to eat that so he can fart his freaking brains out okay i hope you're right let's try it all right be careful in there all right shrek here's some more beans and then chef pee pee says this will work this time all right donkey but what is this silver stuff in my beans i don't know but cheffy said definitely eat that he said that will make you fart all right donkey it's worth a shot are you okay shrek feel it coming donkey you do it's gonna be huge oh really rough donkey wait what [Music] the new sml store is now open so go check it out at [Music] you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 602,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, jeffy, jeffy's, coma
Id: tcgbYF_ckmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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