SML Movie: The Dead Body [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] [Music] hey um donnie i got a question what is it jeffy um when i squeeze my ball shack it turns red and looks like a strawberry is that normal it's what normal for my balsa to look like a strawberry it's not normal for you to squeeze your balls out jeffy oh um i'm hungry dying you're hungry well um i can make you some green beans some whatnot some green beans um daddy come here what no come come here i gotta try something okay what come here okay um i hate creeping dad jeffy why'd you get on my ears dang how many times do i have to tell you i don't like green beans well i mean i just didn't know you hate them that way what is it going to take to get through your thick italian mustache not matching the color of your hair school day to know that i don't like grape okay jeffy i get it you don't you don't like green beans i don't like green beans dang i hang them they're not my favorite all right jeffy then what do you want to eat um chicken nuggets chicken nuggets that's not healthy jeffy i want chicken nuggets daddy okay fine we'll go drive and get some chicken nuggets come on one more thing danny what can i drive no you can't drive jeffy daddy i want to drive can i drive you're not old enough jeff you're not driving dad i want to drive daddy i want to drive jeffy you're not driving put your seatbelt on yeah oh yeah no happy birthday to me no daddy i wanna drive you're not driving jeffy put your day off was that what was that oh no dang you shouldn't let me drive do we hit something hold on oh my god oh no oh my god oh my god ah jeffy why go right over all this guy why weren't you doing that jeffy you were grabbing the wheel you made me run them over well danny you shouldn't let me drown jeffy you're too young to drive is he dead is he dead what do you mean daddy jeffy i think he's dead oh damn i got an idea what why don't you run him over again why would i do that because it'd be funny jeffy it would not be funny oh my god oh okay uh jeffy help me pick him up why because we're gonna put him in the trunk jeffy come on just pick him up oh my god he smells bad all right jeffy let him down easy jeffy i said let him down easy um daddy can i ride in the trunk no jeffy you can't ride in the truck why daddy the dead guy gets around your truck don't say that you know you can't run in the truck jeffy no dang don't stop there you ain't jumping with the car [ __ ] if you be quiet they're in the truck just ride the truck ride the truck crank daddy no get the truck oh my god all right okay everything's fine i just hit a guy with my car but but everything's fine you know he's in the truck and no one's gonna find out hey hey daddy what jeffy um the dead guy's butthole is really dirty dang it looks like he hasn't wiped him forever that's great jeffy all right let me just head home hannah and just hide the body which we just hide the bodies we'll hide the body all right jeffy what do we do jeffy what do we do what are we doing today you're the one that killed him look jeffy i not killed him it was an accident no dad you hit him with your car well you were distracting me jeffy no daddy i had nothing to do with this jeff all right jeffy let's just stop arguing how do we get rid of the body hmm yeah how to get rid of it oh i know daddy what what if we called a magician a magician yeah daddy and he makes him disappear with magic oh okay he can make the body disappear with magic but but the magician's gonna see the dead body and what if he calls the cops on us oh yeah you're right yeah well then we killed a magician daddy but then we still have a dead body jeffy well then we call another magician but then we have to kill that magician jeffy hmm well daddy we're gonna need a lot of magicians that's a stupid idea jeffy we're not gonna call magician we don't need that we we gotta think of another idea how do we get rid of a dead body oh my god it's the devil he died look at spider-man well that's a fair spider-man jeffy yeah daddy look he's red jeffy that's not spider-man that's the devil oh who's that the most evil person in the universe whoa whoa slow down i'm not that bad you're the devil you're evil no no i'm a pretty nice guy really what are you doing here well i sensed something evil was going on there's nothing evil going on here nothing evil at all i'm looking at the dead body here well look i hit him with my car okay yes very good on accident and now i'm trying to get rid of the body so i don't get in trouble god god that is very evil look i'm not evil just do you know any idea of how to get rid of this body um well you want him to disappear yes yeah i would like him to disappear um have you tried calling a magician a magician yes he could make the body disappear with magic i like it daddy this is stupid no that would never work why because the magician might call the cops after he sees the dead body yes well then you just kill the magician but but then you have another body yeah you would have to have a lot of magicians i know you're like five of them we're not doing the magicians okay that's stupid we're not doing that okay geez you act like you've heard this before do you know any other idea to get rid of a dead body hmm um you could burn it bernie that that's really bad it's gross i can't do that okay um let's see uh you could eat it eat it i'm not gonna eat a dead body um i'll do it jeffy you're not eating a dead body all right well um could i put ketchup on it oh yeah go crazy no you're not gonna eat you're not eating a dead body how else can you get rid of a dead body an either way a better way i don't want to get caught let's see you could cut it up into little pieces and then dump it in the ocean oh i like that one i like that one too we cut on pieces and drop them in the ocean and then sharks would eat the rest wow that yeah really that that's pretty messed up actually yeah let's do that i like that one thanks thank you thank you a lot okay goodbye weren't you supposed to like poof in the smoke no i'm just gonna walk home from here okay all right jeffy we got a good idea we're gonna come up into pieces and drop them in the ocean okay i like it now oh we're gonna do that who's that jeffy who is that um probably the cops down no don't say that jeffy it's not the cops just hide the body jeffy just hide the body and when i get back just make sure he's gone hide him uh hello hey mario oh well what are you what are you what are you doing here don't you want me here uh not not not really i mean not right now well fine mario i didn't want to be with you anymore either i didn't mean like i'm busy you know i got stuff going on you know is there another girl over what wait i mean look at me do you think that's gonna happen oh good point i mean just come on inside okay why are you acting so weird mario i'm not acting weird i'm just doing jeffy buddy rubbing sunglasses oh who's this oh it's some dead guy daddy hitler in his car what no no this is jeffy's friend from school oh you made a friend at school jeffy tell her about it yeah he's dead what what no he's not dead he's uh he's deaf oh yeah he can't hear yeah probably because he's dead daddy what he's not dead he's deaf jeffy doesn't know the difference in the words yeah hey well what's his name pants piss pants jimmy yup cause you pissed his pants when you hit him when your car died what i did not hit him with my car i picked them up in my car at school they wrote okay you hit it with your car and then you said hurry up debbie get him in your truck before somebody sees us so then we wrote in the trunk in the trunk no they wanted to ride in the trunk because they're stupid i mean i hit him you know what fine i hit him with my car and he's dead you killed him no no we killed him daddy you need to start with his weak [ __ ] you're the one driving the car you grab the wheel jeffy i don't even know what a wheel is i was grabbing the steering circle it's the stairs i'm wearing the steering wheel i'm gonna call the car call the cops you're closing hey gold magician grab the duct tape the what the duct tape the duct tape yeah duct tape what is that daddy it's tape tape did you have a duck on it like no it's just a type of taste dang do you want a duck or a tape jeffy it's like silver tape what daddy where'd the duck go well there's no [ __ ] duck oh god damn it dad i don't even know what you want just did you just take it just take some daddy tape scotch tape jeffy well daddy you said something about a duck and i didn't know what you're talking about all right jeffy it doesn't matter how we're going to cut this body into pieces we're going to cut the body in the piece and dump them in the ocean how are we going to do it oh dad i know what if we use scissors scissors yeah danny like snip snip will get my hair cut jeffy yep jeffy stupid okay how about a knife we could just you know slice some stuff off oh daddy i know pick me pick me dang okay what [Music] are you sure this is a good idea yeah okay you're gonna be cutting the pages like you wanted okay it's just it's gonna be a mess and it's gonna be gross you know i don't wanna watch so just can you do it and when you're done you just come upstairs and tell me all right daddy okay jeffy's doing it by himself i don't i don't want to watch look i'm sorry you're tied up but you're trying to call the cops on me uh uh i don't know who that is shut up shut up just shut up oh hello you see when you answer the door like that you make me nervous oh i'm sorry i'm just i'm just shocked to see a cop here because there's nothing illegal going on here so i don't know why you would be here why are you here that's kind of rude but i got a report about somebody running over a body and then taking it what what wow how how illegal yeah that is really illegal and they said it was a red car and you happen to have a red car in your driveway there's a bunch of red cars why would you think it's me i mean yeah but you know judging by the way you answered the door i'd say it's a pretty safe bet so i'm just going to come in and have a look around don't come in i mean can you give me like a second to clean up you know it's really dirty no of course not especially not now so there's nothing really to see in here uh yeah this ain't looking too good explain that uh me and my girlfriend are we we're into some freaky stuff yeah we're freaks we're a bunch of freaks so you just tape your girlfriend up yeah she likes that right you like that right yeah she doesn't seem too into it this seems pretty suspicious it's not suspicious hey dying the dean is done okay now that's really suspicious what the hell is going on here nothing's going on he's just he likes to eat the tomatoes you untape her mouth right now i mean are you sure you want me to do do it [Applause] mario you're such an [ __ ] oh okay so the tape is taking off okay ma'am tell me what happened they killed the guy he hit them up in the little pieces whoa they killed somebody no no she doesn't know what she's talking about okay then what happened we did not hit somebody with the car we did not cut him up into pieces oh oh really then why is there blood all over his shirt well because he was having trouble opening up a ball of ketchup tell him jeffy yep i have trouble opening the ketchup so i cut the lid off yeah you cut the little ketchup does not make that kind of mess oh yeah yeah yeah we were opening ketchup mario telling the truth yeah all right fine we i hit a homeless guy with my car and we killed him and i was trying to hide the body we decided to cut his body up to pieces i can't lie anymore all right all right there's the truth now just i i need to see the body okay the body um all right jeffy come on let's let's show them the body all right all right so here's the body what jeffy where's the body what body the body that you cut into pieces i can't buy in your peaches daddy so that's a catcher bottle but so you were telling the truth about that part that was a lie i literally made that up well you didn't make it up it's right here well johnny why'd you kind of catch a bottle in half cause i couldn't get the top open daddy why would you want to cut ketchup open well because the zombie wanted jumped for a sandwich daddy zombie what are you talking about well see this is what happened daddy [Applause] i got some cool sunglasses [Music] excuse me mr zombie are you gonna kill me oh hey kid could you open this ketchup bottle for me open the ketchup yeah oh i know how to open the ketchup let me see it so he's alive no daddy he's a zombie he's a zombie so is anybody dead and not i i don't know let's figure that out come on come on that looks good hey hey hey cheeseburger man no no cheeseburger man you are dead i'm dead why don't i hit you with my car um no no no you didn't you went right over me no i remember hitting you so then why weren't you breathing oh that i do that sometimes a blackout you black out yeah so you never died nope so you haven't mustard okay so let me get this straight nobody actually died you didn't hit anybody with your car and you didn't cut anybody into peace uh no no no crimes happened he's alive and no one got hurt wow yeah i guess it was all just a prank or something yeah big prank yeah yeah yeah you got me yeah i was a big prank yeah but uh i'm gonna i'm gonna stop by every now and then check on you okay okay okay yeah but nothing illegal happened it was it was all just a big prank yes that's what i'm gonna tell people it was just a break it's just a break that was a really mean prank you pulled on us today mario well you know i love pulling me some pranks i'm i'm a prankster you know yeah i can't stay mad at you because it was a prank yep it's a prank um daddy i didn't know that was a prank well we'll see jeffy that was part of the prank is is that i pranked everybody even you yeah that's that's what happened oh well um can we go get my chicken nuggets now daddy no jeffy just eat green beans or something holy [ __ ] jeffy language no mommy [ __ ] that this mexican italian looking [ __ ] then she could just give me [ __ ] green beans what did i say earlier today you said you said you didn't like them no [ __ ] no [ __ ] daddy i said i don't like rabies what do you think you just did you said hey dip cookies [ __ ] that daddy [ __ ] green beans i swear to [ __ ] i'm gonna make myself throw up wow don't do that jeffy jeffy stop [ __ ] that guy [ __ ] you and [ __ ] your green beans okay i won't i won't i'm out [ __ ] oh god you know i think he needs anger management [ __ ] that too daddy i don't like green beans okay we [ __ ] buy me carrots or peas or some other [ __ ] [ __ ] leave the green beans at the goddamn store day [ __ ] you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 2,446,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, the, dead, body
Id: 3W5g4TrrNTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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