SML Movie: Shrek's Coma [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] don't take 50 layers of creamy cream smooth and creamy salad cheesecake but first I must be wrong don't think I read something oh whiff thing with thee hopefully the little fart bubbles get trapped onto the cheesecake for added texture oh I can't wait to devour you what are you doing okay I'm about to eat this tower of to 10:15 way of a creamy cream goodness well sure you can't eat that much cheesecake here that's sick watch me donkey I've never gotten sick of cheesecake before what will it strike you're gonna definitely get sick this time look at all that cheese is too much cheese cake bogie I'm always up for a new challenge no matter what he says gross anymore cheesecake hey hey beep-beep oh hey yeah I like to make the noises that's why I became a doctor this truck gonna be okay well your fat obese lard ass round fatty fat fat of a friend is in a coma well coma yeah yeah he ate his weight and cheesecake and it clogged up his veins and then his body just shut down oh is that so is he brain dead oh no his brains working just fine he can hear everything was saying about him isn't that right fatty this is your fault oh how long it's gonna be in a coma for well it could be like 10 hours 10 days 10 years 10 decades but I'm thinking like 10 minutes that sounds about right well it's admit it well is there anything we could do to help its coma what's this thing in his ear oh yeah that's the IV drip it's actually supposed to go in your veins but you know I always miss then people like I wanted notice there can actually do it right so I just I just stuck it right in his brain is there anything we do get them out of the coma faster well if a body comes in as totally brain-dead but the body still works I can take your friend's brain and put it in that body what are the odds of that happening don't you die on me you [Music] came in dead what yeah I just like to put on a show got a ham sandwich oh yeah that's like the third time this week yeah you got to watch out for those ham sandwiches they'll get you well what you see you decided that if a body came in you could put my friend's brain in his body hmm okay all right well uh I'll just let you do your thing for you I'm so sorry about your friend well he does it to himself you know hey yeah we uh we lost them I'm sorry I just couldn't do it I couldn't give a straight face you were like oh my god I was like oh man I just couldn't hold it back what's going on he's fine he's perfectly fine the surgery was a huge success what role can we see him see him in my er him oh hey Dante Shrek check out my new Barbie donkey I've lost a ton of weight I'm sexy yeah you are Oh donkey being in this comas completely changed my life total wake-up call donkey what do you mean donkey I don't want to eat cheese cake anymore wait what yeah donkey it almost killed me donkey so I don't want to lose this beautiful gorgeous body I'm not eating any more donkey no aren't you gonna introduce me to your new friend what you've met Shrek before not like this well uh this is Shrek and Shrek this is my girlfriend Rosalina Oh anyway donkey I'm gonna go take a crap I'm gonna see what this new butthole can do Mario what are we gonna hang out with your friend again well Shrek listening you can see him whenever you want okay well let's go watch TV okay what's wrong Mario nothing nothing okay you know what earlier a shrek said that his new body was sexy and then you agreed yeah you don't really think that do you I mean I find him attractive what you say you want to be with him no Mario I want to be with you okay good Oh donkey this buttholes even worse than the last bus home I clogged the toilet bunkie really bad you're gonna need a surfboard and ass morkul donkey I'm gonna go start on round two in another bathroom I'm gonna see if I can climb two toilets in one day whoa that what was what Mario what I found him funny hello is he fine a funny and attractive well yeah both are the one you'll be with them you're fine money don't find me attractive well you're being jealous and ridiculous and I don't not attractive so you want to go be with him no I don't worry you I want to be with you why don't you find him funny in a truck if for the one you could be with him yeah he makes you laugh you think he's really really suck see a really good google him like a high school girl go I do get out I want to see you you want to be with him he go be with him yes are you shits everywhere hey my make out weight ball bad play the game welcome blackish I'm watching TV not anymore now play the game lucky shot I found a really bad day and all I want to do it watch TV block your shot I need your advice yeah okay well today me and Rosalina got in a big argument what yeah she found this other guy attractive well therefore may she be dirty yeah I know so what should I do me do you think I came off a little hard oh so you think I should apologize yeah all right black that's what I'll do I'll apologize to her right now I have a date no Mario you told me to find someone better so I did well we don't have time for this Mario I have a date wait wait you're saying I should sabotage their date yeah cheesecake and he goes back into his coma and he loses his new body oh yeah yeah and then Rosalina won't find him attractive and then she says you're coming back to me you oh you're at genius block Yoshi this is a really lovely dinner Shrek I hope you like lasagna mounted on it wait what I like to mark my territory I'm a very territorial person speaking of that sweet cheeks Oh did you just hear pants maybe oh well how about you tell me something about yourself well my head looks like a pineapple and I like the fart and crap and poop it pretty much any bodily function I like to do it well I tell you something about myself [Music] will there be dessert or did you fern that too yes I have a dozen doughnuts and I farted on each one of them individually the air from my butthole went right through the donut hole and made a whistling sound like oh the doughnuts used to be glazed but now they're chocolate covered oh I think I'll pass on dessert hey Shrek Mario Charlie what are you doing here I want a date and I'm a cheesecake Shrek don't you want to eat me No I gave you up a long time ago you tried to kill me Mario what are you doing I'm the original cream cheese cake Shrek you can't resist me oh you are smooth and creamy surly smooth and creamy oh yeah I am Oh way out cheese 10:5 lair cheese plug cameras trying to win you back he's in a coma exactly what I wanted be be be can you stop that yeah yes so your friends in another Cheesecake coma okay good good what's mean but anyway the good news is that his old body's totally back to normal really yeah I told you only to take like ten minutes this is all you have to do is just take the brain out of that body and put it back in his old one yeah yes it that's all we gotta do just take a brain out of him put it right back in his old body that's it easy peasy easy is that you know that would never work in the real world well this isn't the real world this is find imagination Lane we can do whatever the hell we want I can shoot lasers out of my eyes watch you you see it you see that that doesn't matter either she died like three times right yeah yeah yeah it doesn't matter you know just don't like it don't watch it's that easy you know you I don't yell at you all the time yeah what you just yeah I can do it I can fix them just go home it'll be normal in a minute okay well okay I'm a big fat smelly over again well you know what Shrek I'm glad you're back to normal I missed you as an ogre well donkey I'm gonna go eat some more cheese okay the coma donkey I'm not gonna just stop eating it I love it so Mario is there something you want to do like what apologize oh yeah yeah I wanna I want to apologize for yelling at me yeah being jealous that that - yeah hey boy real quick screw ill-mannered play game black ooze I'm trying to apologize to Rosalina de bop ocean [Music]
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 1,120,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, shrek's, coma
Id: e2ZVwDjskIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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