SML Movie: Jeffy's Imaginary Friend [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] all right crass today we're gonna be learning about the bird the doodlebug is extinct the reason why the doodoo bird is extinct is because he smell like doodoo and no one wants to mate with him the word extinct means dead no longer existing girl in china soon to be extinct oh so that means joseph's parents are extinct don't remind me dude all right crafts you are probably wondering why you have prado on your desk the play-doh is not for you to eat the play-doh is for you to do your partner project i want each and every one of you to pick a partner and you're going to combine your plato to create an animal that you think may have gone extinct we get to choose partners cody you want to be my partner yes junior i never thought you'd ask oh dude i wanted to be your partner why don't you be a partner with toad oh yeah come on joseph oh okay dude i'll be your partner okay we all pick partners there look how long my tongue is hey patrick you want to be my partner okay mr bullet man oh oh teacher i don't have a partner jeffy why you cry like real [ __ ] because you have no friends you get extra prayer oh all right crafts now everyone take that prego home and bring your project back tomorrow so i can pray hey daddy hey jeffy how was school it was terrible daddy we have a partner project and the teacher told me to pick a partner but i don't have any friends well jeffy the reason why you don't have any friends cause you wear a diaper and you're 14 and you have a pencil up your nose and you're one of those kids that run to lunch i just really like naruto believe it well jeffy look if you want some friends you just have to make some friends jeffy make some friends yeah make some friends okay darren said i gotta make my own friends so i did i made bungal and he's gonna be my best friend forever i just wish he could have been red no i like being blue bungal you're real of course i'm real you just made me without any pee-pees going in chinese ah who needs those when you have your imagination okay bunghole do you want to be my best friend forever of course i do forever and ever just you and me nobody else okay bumhole well then you can help me with my partner project i am your partner project jeffy just use me okay that's a great idea bunghole can i show you my daddy yeah let's go see him all right let's go bun hole hey daddy wanna see my bung hole oh jeffy no i don't want to see it you show it to me all the time but this time it's blue ew jeffy why is your butthole blue not my butthole my bum hole see he's my best friend say hi bunghole hey yeah mr jeffy's dead i'm bunghole see jeffy who are you talking to there's no one there i'm talking a bottle hole hey buttonhole tell my dang and joke that's so funny bunghole where's he come up with this jeffy there's no one there who are you talking to i'm talking to bug whole daddy he's right here and he's blue jeffy there's no one here there's no one in bungalow there's no one belittle blue thing daddy he's right here and he just told you a joke jeffy you sound insane right now you don't even know what you're talking about but did you get into the flintstone gummies again no i couldn't get the cap off well you know what jeffy i'm gonna call it doctor cause you sound crazy jeffy oh but he's right here you're dead so silly jeffy why couldn't he see you bung hole i don't know maybe he needs glasses maybe bung hole okay you call the doctor what seems to be the problem all right doctor so my son jeffy is talking to someone and he says they're right here but there's no one there so he sounds insane show him jeffy well mr doctor man i have a best friend named bunghole and he's right here but my daddy says you can't see him so i think my daddy needs glasses see what i'm talking about okay i think i see what's going on here he just has an imaginary friend what imaginary friend are those even real things oh yeah everybody's got one isn't that right booger you ain't me brooklyn guy you're the man you're the man you're the man there was a man it's you yeah yeah yeah shut shut shut the [ __ ] up okay okay but it's long time now yeah who are you talking to talking to my imaginary friend booga you see when i was in elementary school i picked my nose and all the kids made fun of me for it and so i started talking to the booger and it told me how cool i was and it just never really went away yeah cause cause you're the man yeah even in elementary school you were the man you were a child but you were stupid you've explained that thank you i've heard it i've heard it okay so uh so imaginary friends are normal oh yeah it's totally normal and he'll probably grow out of it eventually okay so um you can't make them good like you can't get rid of them or anything oh no no it should go away on its own i mean unless you demand then it stays cause the man needs his man sometimes it goes away if he's lucky okay i'm gonna go blow my brains out sorry you to me all right jeffy so the doctor said it's completely normal for you to have an imaginary friend or whatever imaginary daddy well jeffy he's not real he's not really there you know what i'm just gonna make dinner okay jeffy but he's right here you see that jeffy your daddy tried to get rid of me he did yeah but you know what we should do what we should kill him kill him yeah or we could play hide and seek with this dead body all right jeffy here's your dinner a big plate of green beans i gave you extra for your imaginary friend man i hate green beans yeah i don't want to eat these green beans you know i'm really starting to not like your daddy jeffy he would look a lot better with his head cut off what yeah throw this plate of green beans at him throw the green beans at him usually i just throw my green beans on the floor no throw it at him kill him [Applause] you gotta kill me jeffy there's nothing in the bundle you're just making it up today that's it jeffy you're grounded you're not allowed to do anything but go to school come home go to your room and then go to school okay oh daddy but it's not my fault it was butthole jimmy there's no such thing as someone called bunghole you just made that person up so you can do bad stuff you're grounded oh bunga this is all your fault you got me in trouble oh i was only trying to protect our friendship jeffy remember we're best friends forever and ever oh okay bunhall we have to go to bed because we got school tomorrow okay jeffy all right crafts i hope everyone have that prego project i'ma come around the class and you're gonna tell me what animal you made and why it would have gone extinct all right patrick and bori bill what do you guys make i made your poop with bubble gum in it cause my mommy says not to eat bubble gum cause you're gonna get stuck in your poop so this is what my poop would look like if i ate all the bubble gum you were supposed to make an animal that could have gone extinct uh well this this could have been an animal that that got eaten and then turned into poop you guys get deep loss i'll take it all right junior cody what do you guys make uh well we made a dog with a big crank oh big crack how did big crank go extinct uh well his crank was so big he couldn't walk yeah and so he starved because he couldn't move yeah okay you guys get a plus yes all right toad and joseph what do you guys make oh we made a frog with chicken pox on it and how did the frog go extinct because there wasn't a cure for chickenpox duh okay okay oh b-minus because you didn't cover entire frog body with chicken pox only his back man jeffy we're gonna get an a-plus on this project yeah all right jeffy where's your project at he's right here beside me i made a bun hole say hi bunghole he said hi where is he i don't see it he's right here beside me you don't see him no and since you don't have your project you fail you get out oh he gave you an f jeffy yeah and now my daddy's gonna ground me cause i failed no he's not you wanna know why why because we're going to kill him kill him yeah throw your chair at him but i'll get in trouble do it all right crass i hope you all enjoyed working on your prado project oh [ __ ] dude jackie's hardcore is the teacher okay [Laughter] good job jeffy he'll never give you enough again if you're shane show bum hole hey daddy i got arrested at school today jeffy you got a resident at school yep he assaulted his teacher through a chair right at his head and the teacher's pressing charges jeffy why would you throw a chair at your teacher it wasn't me daddy it was bubble he told me he'd do it okay look just because the imaginary friend tells you to do something doesn't mean you actually have to do it but you might kill me if i don't do it okay that's a red flag uh maybe we should arrest this imaginary friend too yeah we should all right where are you come here where i got him all right you're under arrest you're coming with me step stop with this thing oh no he's got a knife come here i'm choking him all right oh okay yeah you you guys saw that right i i had to kill him he had a knife let me just uh let me just plant one there we go yeah he had a knife he was gonna stab me but bonehole is right here oh well then who did i just kill oh oh i killed booga oh thank god no problem uh i'll just get rid of this body ah come here all right so booga's dead but we still have to arrest jeffy's imaginary friend so jeffy tell your imaginary friend he can either come quietly or he's gonna end up like booger over there oh oh bum hole you have to turn yourself in now jeffy why would i do that without putting up a fight die copper but what do you say he got a gun oh [ __ ] what i if i get shot with imaginary bullets do i still die like how does this work take this he just shot you oh i i well i i don't really feel anything so i guess imaginary bullets can't hurt me so what are we gonna do i i don't know i can't hurt him and he can't hurt me well so what do you think about imaginary friend and then you get your imaginary friend to kill his imaginary friend oh i just killed my imaginary friend can't you pick your nose again no i promised i would never do that again come on it's for your job it's for it's for it's for freedom okay call me a nose picker what do it a nose picker yeah i am a nose picker nose picker yeah i'm just a nose picker nose picker stupid nose picker no you the man poo broken guy you're the man i was just hoping to be telling god i was like this means to me and god and he said he really wants to meet you but he can't because you're never gonna die cause cause you're the man you're the man brooklyn guy i miss you hey hey booger you know what's up man you know who thinks i'm not the man nobody cause you're the man well actually that guy over there says i'm not the man the the not not the kid in the helmet the other one the blue furry one yeah i guess i can't i can't really see him but he says that he's the man and i'm not what how could he be the man of your man man i don't know but you should go show him i'll be right back oh my god you can stop shooting he's dead now how do you even have them with ammo daddy there's blood everywhere i'm stopped look at come on you don't have to teabag his corpse i can't say [ __ ] what's going on okay okay so here's what happened my imaginary friend pulled out a gun and shot his imaginary friend i think jeffy what's going on on your hand butthole's it's good that you have a red couch because there's blood everywhere oh okay so here's my friend gone is your imaginary friend gone oh no my imaginary friend's right here yeah you and me brooklyn guy you're the man actually you know what booger you're the man no no no no you the man brooklyn guy you you're the man no no no no you're the man booger no you the man no no you're the man nope you are the man no no no you're the man no you you're the only man no come on booger though you're you're the man god damn it book i'm telling you you are the you're the man you are the only man god damn you bunga bunga i'm telling you i'm not the man because you're the man there can only be one man do you have to go yes i i'm sorry we should we should probably go thank you for getting rid of jeffy's imaginary friend daddy i miss bubble so much jeffy look jeffy you don't need an imaginary friend because you have the best friend right here you're dead i'll be your best friend you said i ran to lunch you do jeffy but i'll run to lunch with you okay let me just do what you do [Music] the jeffy puppet is now on sale so go get yours today at [Music] you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 1,041,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, jeffy, jeffy's, imaginary, friend
Id: IS9GC-AKb10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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