SML Movie: Jeffy's Anger Management!

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all right chris i am so mad i am so angry cause one of those stupid little kids pooped in the sink in the bathroom so when i went to wash my hands i got a poop all over my hands so i want to know which one of you did it hey dinner it was me so no one's gonna fess up to it huh all right so that means the whole crash is gonna get punished so you guys are gonna have to write senses right sentences he can write these nuts all right class since no one wants to admit to pooping in the sink all of you are gonna have to write i will not poop in the sink one thousand times okay so get started a thousand times hey junior look like drew here's the teacher jackie poo oh who poop in the sink teacher jeffy drew picture you shut up jesus christ grass i can't enjoy my cat dog chicken and my fortune cookies without you interrupting me jeffy let me see the picture let me see that now let's see what we have here oh ha ha very funny jeffy jackie poo because my name is jackie chu and you just replaced the chew with poo because i got poo on my hand anyway jeffy because you decided to be a comedian today you now have to write 10 000 sentences okay that is your homework good luck writing all those sentences loser look at him right away like a little baby ding ding ding are those boxing gloves i so tired of creaming jeffy go to the principal's office what's wrong mario i have this weird feeling that jeffy did something bad in this corner recently suspended from school assault charges pending weighing in at 120 pounds jeffy the bully slayer [Applause] we have a winner whoa great job dude you're an animal yeah that's my boy right there what's going on officer oh well your kid beat the crap out of another kid at school jeffy why would you do that because he made me mad what's gonna happen officer well now he's getting suspended for 10 days yes that's what i'm talking about daddy i want to take that you uh-huh yeah or he could take anger management classes and still go to school well he definitely needs anger major classes because he's going to stay in school i don't need anger management classes okay well clearly you do who's going to teach him anger management well that would be doctor me who's that really me i'm the doctor you're looking at him you really dating somebody that's stupid okay look he needs anger management so so do whatever you have to do all right let me go change hey there somebody call it doctor dr me it's so good to finally meet you okay we're gonna get you checked after this because there's something wrong up there yeah no jeffy stop playing your cat piano the doctor's here yeah hey there jeffy it's nice to finally hear you jeffy okay jeffy uh we're gonna try some anger management exercises okay now the first thing we're gonna try is taking a deep breath when we're mad like this ready can you do that for me what daddy jeffy stop it okay no no never mind we're not gonna do breathing exercises uh okay try this okay how about this now whenever you get mad try counting to 10 until you calm down let's try that now uh i'm just going to make you mad how am i going to do that yeah oh yeah that now yeah this stupid thing give me this yeah what's this oh it's a cat piano is that what it is what's stupid i mean like make up your mind are you a cat or are you piano like what's this dude yeah so predictable it makes me how sounds it's so dumb people who like this are dumb this is dumb [Music] okay so count to ten one two three four what comes after four i'm not gonna tell you what comes after four like what are you stupid you dump like this piano ow okay all right never mind that didn't work uh okay i have another plan do you have any balloons what all right jeffy this one's called the balloon exercise now do you have that needle i gave you yep right here okay good now what we're going to do we're going to pretend this balloon is a person and he's going to insult you what i need you to do is hold back your anger and try not to pop the balloon do you pop the balloon you fail got it okay all right here we go oh jeffy you're so stupid and ugly i'm glad i don't look like you which is stupid and ugly no see jeffy that's bad you're not supposed to pop the balloon jeff you're not supposed to pop the balloon okay let's try this one jiffy you could talk to my swamp you're too stupid and ugly to be in my swamp way nope see you're not supposed to pop shrek that's bad but jeffy hold your anger back i'm trying zoink scoob it's jeffy don't give him any scooby snacks he's stupid and ugly no that's bad jeffy you're not supposed to top these balloons all right let's try this one no jeffy it's me the terminator nah you're so stupid and ugly put the cookie down nope not quite jeffy jeffy you're failing all right i got one more for you jeffy ravioli ravioli give me the formula well i actually like plankton there you go that's great okay good we're making progress but he popped four balloons well yeah but he didn't pop this one so he's doing good oh okay follow me jeffy all right jeffy this is called the sore loser exercise so for this exercise i'm gonna beat the crap out of you in air hockey and you have to try not to get mad like a little which believe me is gonna be hard because i'm going to own you an air hockey because i'm the best at air hockey you're going to be like how is he so good at air hockey and i'm like i don't know it's just a natural gift i have all right so turn it on all right jeffy this puck is going in that hole ready okay that's fine beginner's luck i let you have that one no problem all right prepare for a slaughtering here we go all right all right i like a good comeback store you're not getting another point all right all right i know you think you're good but you're not okay i let you do that so you'll be more mad when i win okay now get ready all right all right you're kind of starting to piss me off a little bit but that's fine that's fine all right get ready i'm going to wreck you all right all right i was playing around but now i'm not playing anymore okay i let you get a five-point lead because that's what you're going to need if you ever want to beat me okay but i'm not playing around anymore this is for real ready all right all right yeah you have a six point lead yeah i know the first of seven wins okay i know but don't worry i'm gonna make a comeback it's fine i can do it i'm gonna win you watch now i can see you getting mad over there i can see it in your eyes but don't worry i'm not mad i'm not mad no i'm cool i'm cool as a cucumber okay i'm getting ready to be mad because i'm gonna win come on come on oh daddy's in oh oh no no i'm gonna strangle you oh you come here come here i can't get out of him but he cheated hey he put like butter on the puck or something i don't know he made it faster oh you need anger management no come on let's do another exercise all right jeffy now we're going to try pet therapy yeah so whenever you get mad you just pet a little kitty like this you know like me whenever i lose an air hockey you know how that makes me mad because i was all state and i lose to some little chump who doesn't really know what he's doing and he probably cheated and that's probably what he won in the first place which is ridiculous because i'm a champion but you made the cat run off yeah yeah i'm sorry about that okay it's fine let's try something else okay all right jeffy now we're gonna try something i like to call money therapy which is what i do and all the other things i try don't work so i just try to bribe the person to stop being mad so i can go home okay all right so i'm gonna sit here and insult you and every time i insult you and you don't get mad i'll give you a dollar how does that sound sounds good to me all right let's get started jeffy you are so ugly that when you were born your mother asked the doctor if you were a boy or a girl and the doctor just said ugly all right here you go all right jeffy you are so ugly you look like your mom get pregnant from a dirty toilet seat okay good it's working jeffy you are super califragilistic xbl nope okay that's that's good okay all right you are so dumb you wouldn't remember to breathe if your brain didn't tell you to wow okay this is working it is working okay all right you are so dumb that when you say your abcs you just stop there yeah it's pretty good right yeah good yeah all right all right this is good this is good are you always this stupid or is today a special occasion all right i think that works it works okay so if we pay me just doesn't get mad yeah i think this is pretty foolproof now why did you call me all those games but i gave you the money though no you have to give me more money to not get mad i'm never gonna forget that that's all the money i have do you have any money i don't have any money why did you tell me those things do something i don't know let's try something all right doctor what do we do i don't know i don't know how about we just try asking jeffy what calmed them down the most okay uh jeffy out of everything we've done today what calmed you down the most well i really like the money thing we can't do that we don't have all the money in the world well the breathing exercise helped oh daddy okay well i don't want jeffy doing that either would you rather him go to jail for beating somebody up no you're just gonna have to live with it then um daddy can't play video games all night no oh daddy please give it to me oh okay okay fine fine okay fine i i guess whenever you get mad you can just do that noise and just just not just don't beat people up hey there how's it going what what what's going on oh this is dr me that i was telling you about yeah with twins i knew there was two of them [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 27,892,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, anger, anger management, jeffys anger management, brooklyn guy, rosalina, super mario, mario, nintendo, puppet, hilarious, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, comedy, skit, entertainment
Id: AriKdb0ZgOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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