SML Movie: Jeffy's Medical Problem!

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all right class today you have a test today so today I'm gonna come around and pass out your test today and you will take your test today and then you will turn in your test that you took today and upgrade your test tomorrow wait I'm confused when is the test go big but we get our results tomorrow okay thank you I was very confused all right Jeffy here's your test I'm going to fail this show hard and here's your test today oh I didn't study all right cross you may be getting your test today and remember no cheating oh I don't know any of these dance I can't fail my mommy's gonna ground me I'm gonna try to Google the anchos hey Patrick are you using your food to cheat on the past sorry I didn't mean to that's it you'll fail go to the principal's office now okay he's having a seizure someone get the nerves oh my God poor Patrick whoa dude that boy going bonkers no I think he's challenging us to a break dancing competition oh no the way I can break dance better than him no I can't no guys he's having a seizure I bet his favorite pizza place is little seizures hey knock it off you're distracting me from my test did someone call the nurse all right everybody calm down here all right you just calm down now what happened you just experienced a seizure now come with me to the nurse's office and we're gonna get you home oh it must have been my low blood sugar I have diabetes okay that was crazy all right Patrick I hope you get better soon I'll just go ahead and pass your test for today all right everyone back to taking your test no way just a goddamn second this kid gets to act like a bag and shake them up fries from Burger King and get you an A on his test and I'm over here scratching my balls trying to figure out why there's letters in mouth I passed him on his test because he had a medical emergency he couldn't help it okay that makes sense well if he can do it so can I teach her I don't feel so good oh my God I bet jeffy's favorite salad is seizure salad I'm really good at Food based seizure jokes me again not as good as last time oh my God come on now just calm down do I get to go home of course you do now come with me heck yes I'm out of here guys all right Jeffy I hope you feel better suck on this teach right this way I know man you got you got a broken like fries get back to taking your test guys I think Jeffy just faked his seizure so he didn't have to take his test it looks like he really seized the opportunity whoa okay that's messed up yeah what I thought we were making jokes you can't make jokes about seizures that's wrong yeah it could be you you never know dude well bully was making food jokes I bet him and Patrick are gonna go eat at Steak and Shake [Applause] you're supposed to be taking your test hey Jeffy what are you doing home from school so early school just started Jeffy well I got a show faster my testy teacher said I could come home you got a on your test I sure did dang I'm back at me with flying colors please you never got nay on your test before Jeffy that's amazing Jeffy yep and there's gonna be plenty more age on my desk coming around because you've been studying so hard yeah let's go with that well Jeffy we have to go out and celebrate but first go do your chores go do the dishes and take out the trash Jeffy knock it off go do your chores seizure hey there somebody call a doctor yes doctor he won't stop shaking whoa whoa hey calm down champ tell him I can't do my chores doctor why is he shaking oh looks at me like he's having a seizure why uh maybe he's epileptic what does that mean it means you have seizures well what causes them yeah how do you start from happening again everybody shut up I don't know I don't know okay I'm not a very good doctor and I cheated on that part of the test I don't really know anything about seizures I just know they have something to do with your brain okay then what can we do to stop Jeffy from having seizures in the future um I guess we could give him medication I mean I heard THC helps okay where do we get THC oh lucky for you I'm a doctor I can hook you up yeah my friend sold me these brownies and I was going to eat them alone in my house but I'm pretty sure there's a good amount of THC in here so if Jeffy has one he shouldn't have any more seizures all right Jeffy look eat a brownie and I'll eat one with you yeah me too what do us and those brownies have in common we're all baked whoa look at my boy Jeffy he is in space my guy he is [ __ ] zooted he is in Andromeda right now no no no no no no no no no he is he is beyond the Andromeda he is an Alpha Centauri he is riding the Hubble telescope whoa whoa Marvin Marvin look at this can you see my hand oh my God I have the reflexes of a cat oh I think I could catch a bullet oh my God I don't I don't I don't think Jeffy could take these brownies every day I can I think he needs real medicine oh wait wait did you say something I I don't I don't feel good um hey I I think I'm I'm gonna I'm gonna go drive home Jeffy I'm gonna go to bed okay now that we're all sobered up we have to find a realistic way to treat jeffy's seizures well maybe because Jeffy got so zooted it cured his seizures do you think they're cured Jeffy well it depends on if you tell me to do my chores or not no I think you should stay away from chores I don't want you get dizzy I'd fall over yeah I agree no chores for me Marvin I think I have the munchies yeah me too let's go downstairs and get something to eat well if we don't get Peach I'm think I'm gonna have another seizure again so Marvin what are we gonna have for dinner yeah Daddy what's the move Pizza Time no Jeffy I know what you're gonna eat you're gonna eat a big old plate of green beans to help out your brain and need some vitamins oh no Daddy I feel it coming what I feel it coming [Music] seizure what do we do beat you Marvin we have to call the doctor okay I'll get a doctor doctor hey there somebody called Dr Doofenshmirtz what you know like Phineas and Ferb Candace Candace wiener fit in your mouth you're still zooted yeah I get hungry on the way back to my car so I had another brownie well look jeffy's having another seizure hey hey man come down you're good bro see you're good what happened we tried feeding them green beans and he had another seizure oh I see what's going on here it's time for dessert is he a Marvin no more seizures oh Jeffy my brother in Christ you're in another dimension my boy see he can see colors we can't even imagine colors that are not even on the color wheel hey Marvin hey Marvin you know what my favorite Yu-Gi-Oh monster is it's red eyes black dragon you get it because he's baked oh hey hey Marvin you know what pisses me off is when people say tomato tomato but like I've never heard anybody say tomato like like I'll give you that cheeseburger but no tomato nobody says that or like like potato potato like nobody says Auto either like like I'm gonna go play with my Mr Potato Head or or give me that bowl of mashed potatoes oh man okay all right I think I'm gonna go home okay now that we're all back to normal Jeffy we have to find a real way to cure seniors other than eating those brownies but Marvin those brownies help s well we can't eat those brownies his whole life you can't function being like that all the time so Jeffy just go to your room and lay down until we find out a way to help you but I want you play fortnite all night you can't play fortnite Devi that's a video game and a video game is flashing lights on a screen that will cause another seizure it will yeah so go lay down but what if the video games help my seizures it won't Jeffrey just go lay down and rest oh great and make a loud noise if you have a seizure okay guys guess um uh wiener is it a wiener a crooked wiener a crooked wiener I'm seeing a crooked wiener no uh uh a drippy wiener a crooked drippy wiener no it has a big a boss a crooked drippy weiner with big balls no look Cody it's a faucet like a water faucet oh I'm so close hey guys oh hey Jeff you have a question did you want did you fake the seizures at school today to get out taking the test sure did Junior and I've been faking seizures all day and getting baked rad Jeffy was faking it this whole time oh he's so grounded baby what's wrong Marvin did you know that jeffy's been faking his seizures all day don't say that no no no I just heard Jeffy tell his friends that he faked to see Jordan score today to get on taking a test what so it all makes sense now Jeffy fake the seizure to not do his chores he fake decision not to eat his green beans faking his seizures all day oh my God Marvin what do we do we whoop them Jeffy get in here dearest father are you going to give me a spanking oh you're damn right I'm gonna give you a spanking whatever fall because you've been faking your seniors all day Jeffy no I haven't yes you have oh what if he's actually having a seizure I'm not falling for it this time Jeffy knock it off all right you caught me see Jeff you've been thinking your seizure that is so wrong that if you're making fun of people who have seizures I'm sorry Danny no Debbie there's people out there really suffering procedure you're sitting there faking it for your own personal gain that is so wrong Jeffy I know Daddy I won't ever do it again you better never do it again right it's so wrong you know what I'll have to call that doctor back and let them know that we're sorry for wasting his time because Jeffy was faking his seizures all right I'm just starting to think you guys are just calling me for my brownie no no no no brownies I just want to let you know that jeffy's been faking seniors all day and I want you to tell him it's wrong it's all good in the hood bro well no it's not all good in the hood what Jeffy did was wrong I want to be grounded hey hey hey man you need to calm down you know what I think I think you need to have some more brownies do you see you Marvin you're not so mad anymore are you hey hey you know what word I hate nonchalant it doesn't even have an s in it it's shalant with the CH and that's some [ __ ] and you notice you can never be shalant just nonchalant you never hear anybody say man I am very chalant I'm having a bad day I'm feeling very chalant today you never hear that hey hey you know what else is crazy like like wood comes from trees but houses are made of wood so if you think about it all houses are tree houses man damn [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 9,207,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, jeffys medical problem, brooklyn guy, puppet, puppets, show, hilarious, joke, adventure, brownies, patrick, jackie chu, marvin, rose, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, logan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 12 2022
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