SML Movie: Jeffy Goes To Juvie!

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all right crafts today we're going to be doing wood shop so with the very dangerous and high-powered tools on your desk you're going to be making a wooden sculpture oh man this hammer's so cool whoa isn't this kind of dangerous awesome hey cody tag you're in joseph get away from me you're going to poke my eye out with that thing dude it's what i'm trying to do you know what oh yeah teacher what are we supposed to make anything you want see i made a birdhouse so get started crafts okay teacher jones they put cody down but he's having fun put him down all right dude oh god i'm gonna throw up cody are you okay ah dude stop being a baby i gave you a roller coaster ride yeah cody what are you gonna make out of wood i don't know probably a unicorn gay well what are you gonna make oh a shark straight i know what about you junior what are you making i think i want to make a dinosaur why did i only get tape and scissors because you're a girl you can't be trusted with high-powered machinery us men can handle this not you whatever i'll still make something better than you hey idiot what are you gonna make i'm not really sure you should be calling me names today whatever idiot don't do it jeffy don't do it uh teacher can i see the nurse is that an axe in your head yeah oh crass make sure you be careful with the tools you only have 15 minutes all right chris stop working your 15 minutes is up i'm not gonna come around the cross and see what you made hey cody check out my dinosaur sick i know junior not cooler than my shark though hey penelope what'd you make i made a house what a lame house you didn't even put a door i didn't have enough time junior hey everybody look at penelope's lame house she didn't put a door that means any guy can come and go whenever they want like between her mom's legs [Applause] what did you make i need a house okay where's your door oh i didn't have enough time okay b-minus all right junior what did you make i made a dinosaur great where's his eyes uh it it's a blind dinosaur b-minus all right joseph what did you make oh i made a shark head okay where's his body uh b-minus ah all right cody what did you make i made a unicorn head oh yay finally someone who made exactly what they said a plus what that's not fair all right jeffy what did you make i made your machine gun oh jesus christ he's finally doing it everyone under the destiny we practiced so we'll call the cops i knew he's gonna do it it's always the weird kid i thought cody was gonna do it thanks junior get out of the desktop all right kids i'm here stay calm it's safe now just everybody stay under their desks what's going on hey there crazy just calm down don't do anything stupid i don't know what you're talking about it's okay just hand me the weapon it's made out of wood all right i'll be the judge of that i know a gun when i see it all right everybody i got the gun there's run run for your lives wait wait a minute this actually is made out of wood man you're in big trouble for getting my hopes up like that i thought i was going to be a hero today but still you're still in big trouble because you could get expelled from pulling a stump like this you're lucky i don't arrest you i'm sorry what's wrong marvin i have this weird feeling that jeffy did something bad at school today oh marvin you worry too much just sit back relax we'll watch tv okay [Music] breaking news okay this student made a weapon during his shop class and sparked panic across the entire school cops are on the scene now dealing with the situation more on the story as it develops oh my god well i told you i had a feeling jeffy to do something bad daddy guess what so i was doing my project in school and the teacher said i was doing such a good job that i got to come home early and now i never have to go back jeffy what did you do your son did the worst thing imaginable what do you do well on the car ride over here i was drinking hawaiian punch and he asked me if he could have a sip and i said no you have little kid germs and he said don't worry you'll waterfall it so he goes to drink it and he spills it all over my car it gets on the seats it gets in the cup holders it gets on the floorboards big sticky mess i am not happy no no i meant what happened at school oh that yeah that wasn't as bad yeah he just made a gun out of wood and everybody thought it was real so they got scared what hawaiian punch baby we're past that part no i know but it's just so red and sticky yeah i know believe me i have to clean it up i'm pretty pissed no no no the more important thing is let's talk about jeffy at school what's going to happen oh he's getting expelled expelled well yeah but the school said they'll let him go back to school if he completes a one day juvenile detention class school thing that i teach okay when is the class oh it's tonight and if he fails he's going to go to jail go to jail so he has to pass it he has to pass it to go back to school and 99 of the people who take my class fail well doesn't that mean you're just a bad teacher no it means they're bad people it's not my fault okay so jeffy's gonna go to the class tonight and he's gonna pass are we right jeffy yeah all right oh i'm gonna go clean out my car okay jeffy why did you do that it's not my fault i spilled the hawaiian punch he went over his paintball well no i'm not fat why did you do the thing at school well because the teacher said that i could make whatever i wanted out of wood so i made a wooden gun and it doesn't shoot [ __ ] chubby language okay look let's just all calm down jeffy you're gonna go to the class tonight and you're gonna pass it okay aye aye captain hey do you guys have napkins like like a whole bunch of napkins yeah in the kitchen oh okay i'm gonna need a lot of napkins though oh okay go go to the kitchen oh my god does it why is this my life [Music] this looks so yummy hey can i have some of these paper towels yeah sure thanks hey hey what are you doing what are you doing hey what are you doing i'm getting paper towels you said i could why so many look man my car is covered in hawaiian punch i need this many paper towels no you don't yes i do no you don't yes i do no you don't hey look over there what wait hey stop it yeah you can't stop me with my favorite towels god he was so annoyed who is that what do you want hey i'm gonna need a lot more paper towels than this can i have the rest no i don't want to be here hey kid what clothes your blood what happened to your eyes i tattoo my eyeballs with my pencil all i see is darkness uh you want to try no suit yourself i style your fire i don't regret the people i killed give me your eyelids no i said give me your eyelids go away all right all right settle down you freaks welcome to be good school where i teach you how to be good all right you are all menaces to society the world would honestly be a better place if you did not exist so i'm gonna try to fix you now there are three main rules on how to be good the first rule is manners now that includes things like saying please and thank you and according to my wife not pissing on the toilet seat but i do it anyway it's not my fault you have to pee sitting down just pee standing up like a man anyway who wants to give me an example of manners can i please start a fire well no you can't start a fire but you did say please and i like that that's one step in the right direction and then five steps in the wrong direction because you asked to commit arson okay one i'll give you a real life example of manners okay let's say you're at a restaurant and you order some chicken strips and a side of ranch and so the waiter comes and he brings the chicken strips but he forgets the ranch and you say excuse me i think you've forgotten my ranch and he says oh right i'll be right on that and then i don't see him for 15 minutes and then he comes back and he says can i get you anything and i say well i really would like my ranch and then he says oh right of course the ranch and then he disappears for 30 goddamn minutes and then has the balls to come back and say hey can i get you the check and i say what you can get me is my [ __ ] ranch and he says well you can't talk to me that way and i say i can talk to you any way i want let me see your manager and then he says i am the manager and i say well that's funny because your name tag says waiter so go get me the manager so then the manager comes over and says is there anything wrong here and i say yeah look at my dry chicken strips i want some ranch you're gonna copy this entire meal for free or i'm gonna put one of my bowl hairs in the food and say that you did it and i'm gonna get this entire restaurant shut down and then the manager says oh i'm so sorry sir i'm gonna comp you your entire meal all your food is free today and then i say thank you see that's manners i said thank you so did anybody learn anything um i learned not to forget you rich yes yes you don't forget the ranch that's exactly right i mean chicken strips without ranch it's like a car without tires what are you even gonna do with it yes exactly you're gonna make an excellent waiter someday if applebee's ever starts hiring felons okay now the second one is helping people you gotta help people it's just the nice thing to do okay now i'll give you an example what do you do if you're driving down the street and you see a girl whose car is broken down on the side of the road you stuff her in the trunk no you don't do that you set her car on fire no what is it with you and fire what kind of car is it why does that even matter maybe i can steal it oh no you can't steal it because it's broken down and you shouldn't even want to anyway because that's wrong come on think people do you cut off her face and wear it i don't think it's that one it's definitely fire no no no no no no all of you are stupid does anyone have an actual good answer um pick her up and take her on a date to applebee's but you no not applebee's were you even listening to anything i was saying no she'd be better off just on the side of the road she'd be just as hungry you know she'd just have to wait 30 minutes to get her chicken tenders and ranch anyway no no no no look i'll give you a real life example of helping people so my grandfather was incredibly rich i mean he was a millionaire just filthy rich and so he was in the hospital and i was visiting him every day you know to make sure i got a piece of that and i see that he's on life support he's being kept alive by a machine now i'm thinking what kind of life is that that's no way to live being kept alive by a machine but he seems happy he says when i get this heart transplant tomorrow i'm gonna feel so much better i can't wait to get out of the hospital and i hear i can't wait to get out of the hospital so i'm thinking i'm gonna do the right thing and i'm gonna help him and i'm gonna i'm gonna end his suffering and pull the plug so i do any flat lines and all the nurses come running into the room and i just say that i tripped on the power cord and they believe me and then come to find out what did he leave me in his will a sofa can you believe that i killed my i mean i helped my grandfather go to heaven or hell probably if all he left me was a sofa hey you know what kid ask your dad if my grandfather's in hell okay thank you see there you go he's helping me by asking if my grandfather's in hell alright so we've covered two already manners and helping people we just have one more left to cover now does anyone want to guess what that is starting fire eating people's faces total annihilation picking your nose and eating it no to all of that because most of those were crimes and the third one is don't do crimes okay now crimes is stuff like killing people stealing things yes setting things on fire is a crime and what i did to my grandfather was a crime and so is what i will do to you if you tell anyone you heard that all right so now we're going to have a test that will make you have to use all three of the be good rules okay and you have to pass this test to not go to jail but first i'm going to have a lunch break and eat my very big foot long imaginary sandwich i just hope it's not too big um he's joking we have to do something richard said i'm on fire while he's choking we should eat his face and we choke too let's just watch the other wallet i'm coming to help you jeffy you saved me thank you you're welcome c-class that was it that was the test jeffy passed because he did all three of the be good rules he helped me when i needed it i said thank you and he said you're welcome so that's manners and he didn't commit any crimes like the rest of you did by not helping me because that was the crime of criminal negligence so jeffy is the only one who's not going to jail so how do you think jeffy's be good school is going i think it's going to be bad you know because it's called be good so he's going to be bad be bad yes like guess what i passed you passed sure did yep he saved my imaginary life you know most students don't save my life whenever i choke on the imaginary sandwich but your son did so he passed he learned how to be good he learned his manners he learned that he should help people he learned not to do crimes and he learned that he should get me my ranch at applebee's so does that make up for the hawaiian punch um i forgot about that before now all right listen kid you better hope i never have to see you again well jeffy look at least you passed you're not going to jail and we can put this whole thing behind us yeah hey so i got a call from a kid with an axe in his head and he said you did it all right we're going back come on oh jeffy [Music] you
Channel: SML
Views: 28,000,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, juvie, jeffy goes to juvie, bad, trouble, marvin, brooklyn guy, story, hilarious, logan, puppet, puppets, show, junior, joseph, cody, jackie chu, wood shop, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, joke, entertainment, laugh
Id: E-tw00i8oxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 24 2022
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