SML Movie: Jeffy's New Year's Resolution

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mario i can't believe it's about to be 2021. i know i can't wait for this year to be over with 2020 sucked hey daddy jeffy stop spaking your diaper why because it's annoying jeffy doesn't that hurt nope well jeffy if you keep doing it like that it's gonna hurt me stop it jeffy are you okay [Music] are you okay stop jimmy something you broke something yeah dad it hurt so bad call the doctor call doctor it's gonna be okay jeffy hey there somebody call a doctor on new year's eve oh dear god he's been drinking you know you know i i hope it's worth it because because i ran over my cat backing out of the driveway on the way here so please please tell me what's so important that it was worth me backing over my cat huh ah tell me i i didn't know you ran over your cat is he okay i see okay easy okay you sound just like my wife is he okay well i'll tell you what how about you lay behind the wheel of a ford focus and i'll back over your entire body and i'll ask you if you're okay how does that sound it'll be fine oh well we we called you because my my son is is in pain jeffy show him all right guess what i was doing out stop stop stop stop doing that there problem solved oh bill your insurance what no he said he's still in pain though of course he's in pain he's been smacking himself in his private parts it's gonna hurt well i i think we should do an x-ray oh you you think we should do an x-ray oh i didn't realize you were a doctor well i'll tell you what i'll tell you what you go to two years of community college and you drop out and then go to a halloween store and buy yourself a doctor costume and then you can tell people what to do buddy but for now i'm the doctor uh-huh you got it okay well i just he's still in pain so i would like to do an x-ray okay all right we will do the x-ray okay because me the doctor said we were gonna do the extra because my idea that we do what is that noise what is that there is no noise what you don't you don't you don't you don't hear that noise no huh can we do the x-ray yes yes we will do the x-ray i'm doing i'm doing it all right i got your son's x-ray um what's all these lines on the printer ran out of ink okay okay you probably could have figured that out just by looking at it oh well can you put more ink in the printer oh my god well what you think i'm like superman or something you expect me to do all of these things today on new year's eve you know i'm not even supposed to be here i was at home partying and then you called me and then i ran over my camp mr puffy pants and now he's probably worse condition than your son is god this year sucks you give me 20 20. you suck you hear that you suck this year sucks uh well what what's wrong with my son on the x-ray uh yeah he's son you see those cracks right there yeah yeah they're not supposed to be there that that is the result of years of him doing this little number right here oh well well look he thomas stop oh you you you need to tell him to stop it what stop it tell him he's right there hey hey hey hey you listening or stop it don't have to no no you're right you don't you don't have to he doesn't have to you know but you know if you keep doing it this is going to get worse and then you're not going to be able to walk anymore you're going to be like mr puffy pants it's more like well like this is the flat squishy run over pants because i ran them over i'm so sorry well jeffy if you keep smacking your diaper you're not gonna be able to walk anymore do you want to keep walking yeah i want to keep walking well you can't keep smacking your diaper ooh jeffy jeffy your new year's resolution to be sure should be to not smack your diaper anymore okay yeah yeah my new year's resolution is gonna be to look in the rear view mirror when i back out of the driveway and not to answer your calls on holidays anymore cause look what happens nothing good now if you'll excuse me i gotta go check on mr puffy pants all right jeffy you heard the doctor no more spanking your diaper it's gonna be your new year's resolution what's your new year's resolution a new year's resolution is at the beginning of every year you're supposed to come up with a goal is this story almost over yet jeffy listen a new year's resolution is a goal you set at the beginning of the year and you try to stick that goal see your goal is to not spank your diaper for a whole year wow jeffy you already lost but mario it doesn't start till midnight baby when's midnight um another five minutes hurry order a pizza why mario because if you order a pizza right now in 2020 then after midnight when it's 2021 and the pizza comes we can say what took you so long i ordered this pizza a year ago oh mario i don't think the pizza delivery driver is gonna like that he already has to work on new year's he's gonna think it's hilarious baby like no one's ever done that before they're gonna think it's really funny and and see my new year's resolution is i want to be a jokester i want to make people laugh but mario i think your new year's resolution should be to work on your hairline what uh no no ctc if i'm funny i can make jokes about it like who's the bald guy me see see i like making people laugh i'm gonna order a pizza all right baby i ordered the pizza mario mario the ball's about to drop mine weren't televised when both of mine dropped two ten nine eight seven six five four three two one happy new year baby baby you hear that the doorbell mario that's supposed to kiss me i gotta make that joke oh man this is gonna be so funny uh hello hey there did you order a pizza oh good it's you the guy who made me run over my can oh i'm sorry yeah and i hope you're happy because i also ran over my dog on the way here oh well what took you so long i ordered this pizza a year ago oh i get it yeah like a year ago [Laughter] happy new year did the pizza delivery driver laugh at your joke well he kind of laughed and then he threw the pizza on the ground mm-hmm mario you didn't kiss me on new year's oh baby i totally forgot like i was trying to do my joke it was supposed to be a funny joke um daddy i really need to spank my diaper right now no jeffy it's your new year's resolution you can't spank your diaper for the whole year okay daddy hey jeffy huh daddy did you say something no it's me your diaper what my diaper don't you want to smack me yeah come on jeffy smack me you know you want to i really do want to but i can't i've been a naughty diaper you need to smack me oh i know you've been naughty mr diaper i want to smack you so hard hold on let me ask my daddy um daddy can i smack my diaper just one time no jeffy it's your new year's resolution you cannot smack your diaper you can't do it but i really wanna smack my diaper no jeffy oh sorry mr diaper my daddy said no don't listen to your dad smack me well i have to listen to my daddy because it's my new year's resolution god smack me no diaper i said no smoking i said now smoke me jeffy stop screaming jeffy why won't you smack me everyone stop yelling at me jeffy who's yelling at you you're yelling at me and my diapers yelling at me your diapers yelling your diaper's not yelling at you yes he is daddy he really wants me to smack him and i'm trying not to well don't smack it jeffy i'm not see hear that mr diaper i'm not smacking you please no mr diaper i don't care if you shave please he keeps talking to his diaper i don't know what's going on mario i'll give you a cookie if you smack me hmm a cookie that is tempting smack me but if i smack you i'll lose my new year's resolutions all right i'll do it for a cookie wait really yeah and zombie gets chocolate chip oh yeah oh yeah that that right there is what i'm talking about oh yes sir yes sir oh hit me harder oh yeah oh yeah um mario what jeffy jeffy you just messed up your new year's resolution you're gonna hurt yourself but my diaper said you're gonna give me a cookie wait jeffy your diaper's not gonna give you a cookie stop it hey why'd you tell him to stop jeffy i can't believe you already ruined your new year's resolution mario he lasted a whole two minutes a minute and a half longer than i did anyway jeffy i just i can't believe you like the doctor told you you kept doing it you wouldn't hurt yourself like you don't care about walking you're gonna lose your ability to walk and why'd you do it jeffy well daddy the diaper said he was gonna give me a cookie where's the cookie at huh where's your cookie at mr diaper stop talking to your diaper jeffy it can't talk god help us hey happy new year oh god yeah she's drinking hey how's everybody's new years going um it's going pretty bad jeffy already broke his new year's resolution hey yeah yeah me too oh hello hey did it hurt did what hurt when you fell from my house you get it because i live in heaven oh yeah i get it yeah oh oh party foul sorry about that hey hey hey if i made you in my image i must have some nice cans that's my wife oh oh oh oh oh oh sorry man i'm sorry i didn't mean to make you mad oh well what are your plans for the new year oh i don't know i might uh just uh flood the entire world again thinking about doing that i did it one time before you know but then this guy this crazy lunatic made a boat and saved all the animals in the world his name was like old mcdonald's or something that's crazy yeah please don't do that yeah or or i could have aliens take over the entire world see how you guys do with that no please don't do that either yeah yeah you know how the mayans thought the world was going to end in 2012 maybe they just got the numbers backwards maybe it's 21. stay tuned and find out oh well um i i need a favor from you god yeah yeah of course you do what is it so jeffy cracked his pelvis and i want to know if you could you know fix it um yeah sure whatever poof jeffy does it work try it all right hold on you guys didn't hurt anymore dad thank you god yeah yeah you'll just blame me for your next problem like you always do anyway this party's lame i'm going to vegas see you all right jeffy god fix your pelvis bone so don't smack it anymore because you got a fresh start all right daddy i think i'm just going to limit myself to 30 diaper smacks a day which is less than the 300 i usually do no jeffy don't smack your diaper well at least we're in the new year [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 14,791,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, new years, jeffys new years resolution, resolution, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, super mario, mario, video game, hilarious, comedy, skit, entertainment, rosalina, brooklyn guy, x ray, puppet, plush, talking diaper
Id: PrOQoPlb9y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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