SML Movie: Mr. Goodman's Revenge!

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mario who are you texting just a friend mario do you hear that what's that noise i think it's jeffy oh no he has his hammer what are you doing hitting holes in the wall with my hammer why because it's fun stop it you lost your hammer jeffy broke a hole in the wall mario i went through your phone who's peach it's just my ex but why is there a heart by her name i forgot to delete it jesus christ daddy look at your font size are you blind do you want people in space to be able to read your text messages mommy i promise you he wasn't hiding anything obviously and are you blind because how did you not see him texting her mario why are you talking to your ex oh come on you talked to all your exes and you have a million of them which says a lot about you you take that back well what are you gonna do hit me with a hammer yes yes i am running you're crazy put the hammer down [Applause] what was that oh goodman's car i'm so sorry i didn't mean to did you get the house get the house rosalina why'd you throw a hammer at goodman's car i wasn't trying to hit his car i was trying to hit you i know i wish you would hit me instead because i don't know what goodman's gonna do now mario why were you texting your ex all i said was happy birthday there's nothing wrong with that there she is officer there's the crazy lunatic you threw a hammer in my car all right ma'am you're under arrest under arrest for what for property damage over 1500 which is a felony mario i can't be a felon i'm not from this planet they're gonna kick me off earth what yeah it's true we're putting all the felons on mars now it's part of the mars instead of behind bars program where we put them all on mars instead of putting them behind bars so we'll just hope they start their own little criminal planet up there oh look officer look it was a complete accident she wasn't trying to hit his car with the hammer she was trying to hit me with the hammer oh well that's a whole new charge then wait no no i don't want to press charges then look officer officer i will pay you to to not arrest her are you trying to bribe a police officer well no well i don't think you can afford to do that because my bills are past due my electricity bill is through the roof so you could slide some cash my way i'd really appreciate it listen i'll pay your bills arresters all right you're under arrest no you're not too pretty to go to jail and don't forget to read her her miranda rights ah yeah i always forget those what is it you had the right to remain silent uh something about an attorney yeah mario i can't believe you're throwing me in jail me i'm not throwing you in jail you're the one who threw the hammer i didn't tell you to do that all right come on man oh god i gotta listen to this all the way to the police station god i'm gonna have to put on some kid's bop or something to drown it out what did none of the baby i'll bail you out i promise goodman please drop the charges please i don't want her to go to jail no mario she's getting what she deserves she has to face consequences for her own actions well i know but she wasn't trying to hit your car with the hammer she was trying to hit me with the hammer well then why wouldn't you want her to go to jail for trying to hit you with a hammer i mean unless you're into that sort of thing mario i mean i'm not judging i like kinky stuff too although i wouldn't want anyone hit me with a hammer unless i was paying for it so i will pay for the damages on your car no mario i don't need money i you think that's what this is about no mario i could just buy a new car she needs to face consequences for her actions although the jail is so dark and scary and full of scary people well then good she's in there with the people just like her it was just a mistake she was she was mad okay mario well when i'm mad i know not to throw hammers at people's cars because i was raised right look i completely understand look i will do anything i will do anything for you to drop the charges please i'll do anything hmm well i did have to fire my maid earlier today hmm and she did wear a red thong when she cleaned the house so mario i guess if you're up for it you could be my maid and wear a red thong okay i did it nice what are you gonna do now we'll just do everything i say and i'll drop the charges hey you guys get some earplugs because she will not stop screaming and my kids bop cd has scratches on it whoa hey there hot stuff why are you wearing a thong okay i'm trying to do everything he says so that he'll drop the charges okay i'm gonna pretend i didn't hear that because witness intimidation is illegal but i guess in this case it's more like witness seduction right because oh god look officer can you just please not take her to jail i'll do anything i'm sorry man she's gotta go to jail okay so when can i bail her out what's her bond bond james bond [Music] what's the song that goes oh we were just talking about oh yeah yeah oh so so when can i bail out what's her bond bond james bond i'm kidding i'm not doing that again you can't bail her out till tomorrow until tomorrow why not well she's got to see a judge first okay well is jail gonna be scary it's jail okay so what do you want me to do what's the first thing i'm gonna do hmm i want a big mac and i want you to get it while wearing that thong okay here's your big mac mmm i can't wait you uh you want to tell me why there's an egg roll in my big mac box well i i don't know is that the new big mac egg roll in chinatown well i don't know it was supposed to be a big mac i don't i don't i don't understand hold on hold on it's jail it must be rosalina trying to call me mario why would you want to talk to her anyway uh hello so how is it in there how is it how is it it's gross and there's cockroaches in here hey hey hey mario tell her that when i opened up my big mac box there was an egg roll in there and see if she's as shocked as i was when goodman opened up his big mac box there was an egg roll in there what i know he said the same thing mario i'm in jail because of you because of me i didn't tell you to throw a hammer in someone's car why am i not bailed out yet because the judge has not set your bond bond james bond uh i'll i'll go look at the jail the jail has to set your bail and then you can get bonded out tomorrow tomorrow i have to stay all night in here mario i can't rest there's people screaming and i'm starving they only give us bread with peanut butter on it well that sounds yummy hey mario you want to know what's not yummy opening up your big mac box finding an egg roll in it baby i promise i'm doing everything i can to bail you out mario you don't care about me at all don't care about you you have no idea what i'm doing right now to get you out i'm literally in a thong a thong that must mean you're with your girlfriend what i will i will bail you out i'll talk to you later so mario i have a question for you what where did you go besides mcdonald's i only went to mcdonald's i went to mcdonald's and got you a big mac i don't believe you there's no way that you went from your house all the way to mcdonald's and then back to your house and somehow magically the egg roll fairy put an egg roll in my big mac box i promise you i only went to mcdonald's all right mario then get your phone and call the mcdonald's that you went to because i want to speak to them okay all right goodman it's ringing here oh thank you for calling mcadams my name is jackie two what can i do for you today never mind i got all the questions answered i needed all right mario sorry i doubted you i just didn't think it was possible so is there anything else you want hmm well i'm still hungry and i don't want to eat this questionable egg roll so why don't you go downstairs and make me a hand-tossed pizza with all organic ingredients i don't know how to do that well you better learn mario if you want me to drop the charges okay we'll make you a pizza this is the only pizza i know how to make mario what are you doing in my kitchen i'm trying to make a pizza dang mario dummy thing i know i have to be oh come on mario let me smack it no you just got your cheeks hanging now come on i'm just trying to get rosalina out of jail rosalina's in jail yeah she tried to throw a hammer at me and i'm trying to get out of jail we throw a hammer at you why because she was mad are you trying to get her out of jail yeah because you know jail's really scary i don't want her in jail you know that's where she belongs right that's what that's what happens to criminals when they do bad things mario i know i'm just trying to make an organic pizza okay oh nothing's organic about this it's all preservatives and pig nothing but preservatives and pigs can you open the stove please okay okay oh really just gonna throw it in there like that i don't know how to make it no care huh can you just please make it for me please i don't know what i'm doing oh i guess so mario so mario where's my pizza it's in the oven hey you better watch your attitude before i decide not to drop those charges oh god help me hey thank god you're here yeah thank me what's that thing on your ankle oh yeah i'm under house arrest for what well i got another pui on new year's eve well if you're under house arrest what do they consider your house well i created the entire universe so i can go pretty much anywhere but i can't leave the universe which sucks because there's a great party in another universe and i really want to go because all the other gods will be there like zeus and poseidon of course i call him poseidon you know because he's always swimming in well you know the ocean because he's the god of the sea oh well i really need your help god yeah yeah you only call me when you need my help look my wife is in jail i know i saw it's rad well like i want you to help me get her out why do you want to get her out she threw a hammer at you bro because she was just mad yeah one time i was mad i threw a rock at the earth and i killed all the dinosaurs which sucks because they're my favorite thing i've ever made and then i tried again with you guys and you guys suck you're the worst dinosaurs ever oh god i don't want her to be in jail jail is scary well it's fine i've been in jail tons of times what you have oh yeah i'm really popular there i mean a lot of people find me so they like me i've got great street cred this one time i traded a guy a debbie cake for me to turn his toilet water into wine and i did it it was awesome wait do you smell something burning yeah it smells like burnt pizza oh no art pizza hey god get a look at this there was a egg roll in my big mac box crazy oh god please don't be burned please don't be burned oh man this is the only pizza i had i have to give it to him all right there's the pizza where's the pizza right there yeah i think that that is supposed to be a pizza there's no way mario did you go outside and get a tire off my car and try to pass it off as my pizza no no that that's a pizza yeah it looks like the meteor i used to kill the dinosaurs it looks like you took it right out of pompeii no look look you see the pepperonis you see them that they there were pepperonis yeah there were yeah it used to be okay look it's a little overcooked a little wow yeah wow just a little bit mario come here come here what come here come on okay hey you hit me oh yeah and i'll do it again come over here you hit me so i'm gonna call the cops and press charges on you oh no yep yeah i'm gonna press charge on you and you're gonna go to jail so mario i can't go to jail i'm a billionaire well i'll not call the cops to press charging you because if i call the cops i have god as my witness and then they're gonna believe me so if you drop the charges i won't call the cops all right mario i'll drop it like it's hot as long as you drop it like it's hot one time in that thong go ahead drop that thing okay very good where are my ones at don't drop the charges all right mario i will i'll be right back mario thank you for getting me out of jail uh-huh mario why are you wearing a thong because i like the way the couch feels on my butt cheeks daddy got that wagon let me [ __ ] my daddy got that butt floss you know i guess the best part about you getting bailed out is i didn't have to pay your bond bond james bond [Music] you
Channel: SML
Views: 21,081,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, mr goodman, revenge, roslaina, jail, prison, arrested, super mario, mario, nintendo, corvette, destroy, break, hilarious, comedy, skit, entertainment, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, puppet, jackie chu, maid, laugh
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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