SML Movie: Jeffy Fakes His Death!

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hey marvin your phone's ringing i know i can hear it it's right next to me okay fine hello oh hello this is jackie chu jeffy's teacher i was trying to tell you that jeffy gonna be getting her report card today just in case he doesn't show you all right thank you for wanting me who was that marvin it was jeffy's teacher let me know he's getting his report card today daddy help me i was playing on my shirt and it started eating me it was not eating you dropping it was just stuck all right thanks danny from saving me from the big bad shirt monster well look jeffy your teacher just called me and let me know you're getting your report card today so don't try to throw it away or anything you have to show me okay danny well there's not going to be any bad grades on it because i'm your smartest boy ill well look if there's a single f on that report card your life's over you're grounded for a year okay daddy but there's not going to be any fsh on it oh look get to school get your butt to school oh just my butt can you help me take it off get your whole body just get go to school all right all right crass today before we get started i'm going to hand out your report cards here you go penelope here's your report card all a's yes junior here's your poor con only one f that's a new record and joseph here's your report card oh dude i finally did it all else you know how hard it is to do that wow joseph that's very impressive thank you and cody here's your book called always i knew it you know sometimes i get tired of being so smart maybe you should get all else like me i'm good all right bori here's your report card yeah whatever i'm just gonna be a trashman like my dad anyway and jeffy here's your pork cart oh no all apps my daddy's gonna kill me guys guys i got all apps on my report call high five no because my daddy told me he was gonna kill me if i got a single f well i don't have parents so well jeffy why don't you just take cody's report card home and say it's yours no that's not gonna work because my report card has my name on it and besides i save all my report cards because i want to get into a good college someday oh and my mom gives me servers on my belly for every a i get what's a zerbert it's where she blows on my tummy and i'm super ticklish god i hate you cody but guys for real my daddy said he's gonna kill me if i get an f on my report goal that's it jeffy why don't we fake your death why don't we call your dad and say you died at school today and he'll never see you ever again but no junior that's a terrible idea doesn't that seem kind of extreme just to avoid getting punished well my daddy said he's gonna kill me anyway so we might as well do it i've got my phone all right guys it's ringing aren't they just gonna look at the caller id and see who it is i blocked my number cody shut up baby can you answer the phone sure marvin hello hey i mean hey this is officer tells bad news johnson i'm calling to inform you that your son jeffy died today at school what i know you seem very upset if you have any questions feel free to ask what happened well um jeffy and another student were playing tag during recess and jeffy fell into a pile of ants and then a plane crashed only killing your son the ants are fine though their fire ants they were normal ants until the fire from the plane explosion turned them into fire ants but uh he's dead oh my god no it won't be on the news because the owner of the news sir isaac newstone was the one flying the plane and he didn't have his pilot's license so he crashed his plane and that will make the news have a bad name so we just don't want anyone to know about it oh my god yeah so he's dead so you'll never see him again i'm so sorry bye all right guys they totally believed it sir isaac newstone who do you think have been in the news cody i don't know sounds believable to me thanks joseph so my parents really think i'm dead yep they think you're dead so you don't have to go home and show them your report card sweet but wait where is jeffy going to live because he can't go home oh you're right jeffy doesn't have a place to live hey cody can you stay with you for a while but me i don't want him living with me but it's your fault that we do that whole phone call thing how is this my fault i told you it was a bad idea because you wouldn't let us borrow your report card well i would have rather you take in my report card than have him live with me well look it's your fault and now you have to live with you but why can't you live with joseph dude i live in a cardboard box okay fine he can stay with me for one night come on jeffy baby what's wrong what's wrong what's wrong with what say it without crying jiffy died what but why are you so calm you told me to calm down but how did jeffy die what did they say a plane crash a plane crash really that sounds like a prank call let's call the real cops and see if it's true hey there somebody call the cops oh yes officer we got a call from another officer saying our son died today oh well who was the officer that called you officer tells bad news johnson really officer tells bad news johnson no that's just ridiculous officer tells bad news johnson retired 20 years ago this is probably a prank call a prank call baby what else did the call say well there was a plane crash and the guy flying it was sir isaac newstone sir isaac newstone now that name's just silly yeah this is definitely a prank call well why would somebody want to fake our son's death well did your son have something big coming up that maybe he was trying to get out of well he was getting his report card today yeah i bet that's it i bet he got a bad grade and he faked his death to get out of it why would jeffy do this because he didn't want to get grounded thank you for helping us officer okay yeah i just um i guess i'll take off just uh just leave honestly i really don't want to go well you don't have to leave oh okay cool thanks what about our son he'll probably come home baby he has nowhere else to go yeah yeah so um what do you guys want to do i i mean there's nothing to do find our son hey you want to play slap hands what's that well try to slap my hand ha ha i got you loser well you tried to slap my hand okay easy loser let me try again okay nope nope marvin nope nope marvin nope what i gotta slap his hand nope nope nope nope nope okay that's uncle uncle get off me okay jeffy you can only stay here one night and then you have to go okay now look my parents are a little weird so just ignore them oh hey mom hey dad now would you look what the cat drugged in hey dad who cody who's your sexy friend meow hey woman keep your eyes on me i'm the only one that can cheat in this house yes daddy guys this is my friend jeffy his parents kicked him out and he needs a place to stay so can he spend the night if his parents don't wanna what make you think we do no tyrone that's not how we treat our guest so what's wrong with you you some kind of junkie or something you're gonna hurt our little cody yeah what you got what you holding huh huh no no god guys he's not a junkie he just needs a place to stay so can he spend the night i guess so cody but i don't want to hear any of that loud rap music after midnight yeah this is a jazz household we don't like that rap music oh and cody dinner's going to be ready in a few minutes we're having pierogies and party pizza ooh perogas oh we feasting tonight baby so you and your friend go wash your hands and feed okay okay jeffy welcome to my room what ken cover yourself up you dirty dirty boy we have company sorry about that jeffy ken just doesn't know how to act around company i think he needs a spanking hear that ken i'm gonna spank your little plastic tush boy you look weird old dinner's ready god come on jeffy boy will you hurry up i'm hungry i'm here dad wait where's jeffy's food oh cody your friend's not eating at the table with us yeah his plate over there in the corner on the floor why well we don't know where he's been he might have rabies yeah he like a stray dog i go to school with him he doesn't have rabies cody don't argue with me i'll smack you ugh okay i'm sorry jeffy you have to eat on the floor oh okay oh hey don't touch that food we haven't said chris yet all right everybody bow your heads dear god thank you for this delicious food and thank you for not letting any of my scientists get pregnant well thank god for that thank you for good health in a short refractory period amen amen that's just a beautiful prayer honey that's how prayers should be straight from the heart i meant that okay cody eat your food mom what is this it's a pierogi eat it you're gonna grow up big and strong yeah big boy's gonna eat their perogues oh i hate eating off the floor so boy how was school today yeah cody did you learn a lot of new stuff well we got our report cards oh my god tyrone he got all a's great google and moogly you know what that means server time um i'm done hey hey hey shut the hell up it's serving time boy it's summer time let's go to the bedroom okay cody let me see that belly but my boobs nah baby give me some servers i need something one more one more oh oh give me some more baby give me something [Music] okay come on come on do another one the [ __ ] is going on come on baby yeah i need something so ticklish oh i want to go back home all right marvin your turn hmm oh you're so done i didn't mean to do that oh you did not just do that you just lost check it out connect four i win i did i mean to put it right there you suck i wish my wife sucked as much as you she's really good at connect four she beats me every time we're playing again can we please go find jeffy baby look jeffy faked his death he has nowhere else to go eventually he has to come home oh hey you know to be funny whenever your son comes home you should pretend you can't see him like he's a ghost you know because he's dead that'd be so funny that's so mean that's what we're gonna do baby whenever jeffy gets here we're gonna not talk to him we're gonna act like he doesn't exist that must be jeffy let's answer the door and act like we can't see him okay uh hello hey daddy i'm sorry i faked my own death baby there's none at the door do you see anybody i sure don't marvin daddy i'm right here must have been a prank some kid rang the doorbell and ran away i guess so why can't you see me i'm right here i wish jeffy didn't die me either marvin i didn't die i'm right here let's go upstairs baby okay daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy got it who's at the door is that your son yeah play along okay daddy i'm right here i miss jeffy i miss him too baby i'm right here hey i know you're going through a lot with your son dying and all but i'm ready for the funeral we're ready for the funeral too funeral we don't need a funeral because i'm alive i'm right here okay here's his tombstone oh the tombstone here's his body oh not his body oh no that's not my body i'm alive i'm right here daddy i'm right here i feel his soul trying to contact me okay you ready to start the ceremony yes all right we're gathered here today to be sad about the death of jeffy who is taken away from us too soon we don't usually question god's plan but today we ask why god why did you take this young man away from us in such a tragic and comedic way why i curse you god amen would anyone else like to say a few words for jeffy i would jeffy if you could hear me right now we love you we wish we could hear your voice one more time i'm right here here's my voice let's just have a moment of silence for jeffy i pooted you folks have a nice day i'm right here i'm right here in front of you wait a minute i i think i hear jeffy from the great beyond what you do i think so jeffy are you there yes i'm right here right in front of your face oh i i can hear you jeffy but i'm the only one is there anything you'd like for me to tell your parents yes tell my mommy and daddy that i'm sorry i faked my own death okay he says that he's not sorry and he would do it all again what no i'm right here look we can see you okay jeffy daddy you can see me oh jeffy you're back oh i'm just doing daddy i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i faked my own death i just didn't want you to see my report card what why wouldn't you want us to see your report card jeffy why don't you go get it okay all right daddy here's my report card oh f jeffy well i tried my hardest no you did it you did not try at all these are all apps we're gonna need another funeral after i'm done with him well funerals aren't cheap good to see you can beat someone at something you know because he sucks at connect four and slap hands you wanna play slap my hand okay ha you suck [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 15,954,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, jeffy fakes his death, prank, puppet, puppets, show, laugh, hilarious, brooklyn guy, marvin, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, plane, animation, junior, joseph, cody, jackie chu
Id: oGgYgMzuZ3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 09 2022
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