SML Movie: Jeffy's Pet Dinosaur!

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all right class today we're going to be learning about dinosaurs and their bowls dinosaurs have teacher teacher i can do a dinosaur impression do it junior you done you feel better now that you got that out of the way now with your permission if you don't mind i'd like to finish teaching the crafts anyway crafts dinosaurs have a lot of balls i'm talking about rattle balls and they lived over a hundred million years ago which means dinosaurs are all day all right chris stop creaming like a dinosaur you're not a dinosaur so you can't cream like them all right as i was saying dinosaurs lived over a hundred million years ago and their bones are buried underneath the earth so if you want to when you get home tonight you could take a shovel and go in your backyard and start digging and you might find the dinosaur bone oh jeffy when we get home tonight we should try to dig in our backyard to see if we can find dinosaur bones heck yeah junior and if we find one we can chew on it like a dog yeah we can see what a dinosaur tastes like heck yeah let's go do it yeah wait wait where you going class isn't over yet they're gonna fail anyway all right jeffy you ready to start digging for dinosaur bones f yeah junior f yeah so dinosaurs existed about 50 billion zillion years ago sounds about right still how far do you think the bones are under the ground probably a strong two feet well they start digging jeffy junior i'm hitting something jeffy it's an egg do you think it's a dinosaur egg junior it has to be it was underground wow ironically enough right where we started digging we found a dinosaur egg well let's take it inside okay jinger oh man jeffy i can't believe we found a real dinosaur egg how do you make the dinosaur come out junior get out your dinosaur get out right now i think you're supposed to sit on it well that's why i told her junior but she didn't listen no no i think you're supposed to sit on the egg like you know like how chickens sit on their eggs and make them hatch well it's not a chicken egg junior it's a dinosaur egg well i still think dinosaur sat on their eggs i mean i mean if they sat on they'd probably break them because they were like a million pounds yeah but try sitting on it all right now what now we wait how long i don't know maybe five minutes okay junior nothing's happening well maybe the egg knows that you're not a real dinosaur so it's not going to hatch hmm i got an idea junior just stay right here rawr i'm a jeffy rex junior whoa you look just like a dinosaur jeffy yep sure do this egg will definitely hatch now when you get on it you sure are a wild one all right now i'm going to ride you into the sunset all right jeffy i'm going to go play toys let me know when it hatches all right junior whoa settle down there bessie you sure are a wild one jeffy we're home roar daddy i'm a dinosaur jeffy what is that it's my sack daddy i think it's a little bit swollen does it look normal to you maybe you should put your hand on it so i can cough jeffy really what is that daddy this is what happened so i went to the shed and i got a shovel and then i went to the backyard and i proceeded to dig a huge hole but you what daddy don't be mad and then i found the dinosaur egg so now i'm going to [ __ ] on it until it hatches so i can become a mommy dinosaur jeffy there's no way you found a dinosaur egg in the backyard then what am i sitting on daddy mario he could have actually found a dinosaur egg well even if that's a dinosaur egg it's probably millions of years old it'll never hatch oh no daddy i feel something maybe you should get close and listen jeffy you're disgusting daddy you want to know what that was four cans of spaghettios cold because i couldn't figure out how to use the microwave jeffy get your stupid egg off the couch and you get all that stupid ridiculous costume oh no daddy i actually feel something this time no i'm not gonna fall for that again oh no i think the egg's hatching oh my gosh is that a dinosaur mario jeffy had a baby dinosaur and it's so cute i'm a proud mommy jeffy what are you gonna name him meatball no we're not naming it because once you name it you have to keep it we're not keeping a pet dinosaur sebastian mr wigglesworth no mr fluff bottom you don't even know if it's a boy mrs fluff bottle no we're not naming it squeakers no it's a dazzler doesn't squeak blue it's green damn i got the perfect name i'm going to name him booger oh i like boogers ice cream like a booger you're not keeping a dinosaur named a booger hey booger say hi to my daddy give me my hat give me more oh you know i'm going to call a dinosaurologist paleontologist mario yeah i'm going to call up that and i'm going to see what's going on with the stupid dinosaur because it doesn't even make sense if you're telling me it's 100 million years old then why is that a pits on his nose it doesn't make any sense i'm gonna call diverologist hey there you call me yeah are you busy yeah not really i just plugged in my new lava lamp hasn't started moving yet but when it does it's gonna be sweet oh that's really cool so i have a question well can i see you yeah no not with the lava lamp just you oh yeah what's up are you a paleontologist yeah i can be okay so here's what happened my son started digging a hole in the backyard and he found an egg no no more lava lamp okay what's up oh look okay focus so my son started digging a hole in the backyard he found an egg and it hatched and it turned into a dinosaur that's that's that's not how that usually goes yeah so like what do we do with it like do we throw it away take it to a shelter what do we do i mean i keep it my grandma's calling oh hold on let me decline that okay so what do we do about that i i keep it oh you keep it so we can keep it no no we're not keeping it look look isn't it like dangerous to keep it like like like what does it even eat i mean people probably or whole cows if you have those uh well we don't have those we only have that could work if you have a cheetos of cheetos no we're not no okay look look man can you just say that it's illegal to have a pet dinosaur that we should get rid of it well no it sounds like it'd be cool to have a fat dinosaur [Applause] no no no no you know what you don't even know what you're talking about you're just dumb okay well don't call me next time lose my number well they only call you a paleontologist because you're pale and tall if you look at me you can tell that neither of those are true i'm tan and short okay well you know what just hang up and i don't want to talk to you anymore okay all right jeffy you can't keep the dinosaur anymore one daddy the guy in the phone said i could keep him so i'm going to keep booger no you're only going to spend a few more minutes with him and then we're going to get someone to come take him away from you well me and booger are gonna go play come on boogers gun mario just let him keep it no baby it's a dinosaur it's gonna take big dinosaur poops all over the house it's gonna destroy our furniture it's gonna do a whole bunch of bad stuff so he's not keeping it you didn't hang up huh what oh yeah oh that's so sick hey junior guess what what booger hat oh that's so sick that's a dinosaur yeah junior but my daddy won't let me keep him why not cause he's a boomer what are you gonna do with him then well junior i'm not gonna let him out on my site because if i do my dad's gonna try to take him and get rid of them well then what are you gonna do when you go to school tomorrow i'll just have to put them in my backpack and take them with me well i guess that's what you're gonna have to do then but that is a really cool dinosaur i have to find a way to get rid of that dinosaur mario just let him keep it no it's too dangerous oh i got an idea while jeffy's sleeping will sneak in his room grab the dinosaur get in the car drive really really far away and leave it on the side of the road that's so mean you can't do that to him baby it's a dinosaur when it gets older it's gonna get huge it's gonna destroy the house and it might even try to eat us mario that's his baby it's not his baby all he did was sit on the egg it's not like he banged the dinosaur hey mario i gotta watch charlie and friends in here something wrong with my tv charlie and friends was filmed in front of a live audience oh hi guys i'm charlie and today i'm a dinosaur i'm charlie saurus rex oh my god charlie that was so hilarious you're not a dinosaur i got an idea baby what i'll do is i'll hire charlie to pretend to be the dinosaur's dad and i'll dress up like the dinosaur's mom and when jeffy gets home from school tomorrow we'll say the dinosaur's real parents came to pick up the dinosaur oh i don't know mario good luck with that i've been trying to meet charlie for years now i'll find a way to get him all right baby how do i look mario you look ridiculous no i look like the dinosaur's mommy and jeffy's gonna believe it no he won't mario there's no way i'm getting a phone call hold on hello hey hey you beat you busy right now no i'm kind of busy why well dude you have got to see this i mean look what the lava lamp's doing it finally started moving it's getting all blobby and stuff that that's really cool yeah yeah look at that all right class so today we're gonna be having a test today on the dinosaur balls so if you left class early yesterday jeffy and junior then you're screwed so before we take the test let's go over the bones of the dinosaur so the head bones connected to the neck bone and the neck both connected to the body bone and the body bones connected to the wiener bone and the wiener both connected to the red bone and the rag both connected to the tailbone one more time class be quiet oh jeffy what are you messing with in your backpack oh a dinosaur yeah right if you got a dinosaur in your backpack then i'm packing more than two inches no i swear it's a dinosaur all right i'ma come check and if there's a dinosaur in your backpack you get to go home for the rest of the day and i'll give you an a on the test all right let me check mommy daddy i'm home i got to come home early because i took my dinosaur to school who are you i'm the dinosaur's mom and i'm the dinosaur's dad and we're here to take our son back mommy is this true oh i i think so jeffy uh-huh we left our egg in the dirt because we had to go to the grocery store yup can't forget the fruity pebbles no can't can't forget though so come on son let's go home man this mask is hot who are you oh hi guys i'm charlie so you guys really aren't the parents no jeffy we're just trying to get rid of that dinosaur because you're not supposed to have it well danny that's rude and we don't need you so come on booger let's go what we're gonna get rid of that guy for eventually when do i get paid look maybe we have to call someone who can really get rid of that dinosaur hey there someone called a crocodile hannah yeah i was wondering do you deal with dinosaurs oh no mate no dinosaurs only crocs well um my son has a croc in his room and he wants to try to keep it as a pet oh you can't do that you cannot keep crocs as pets the two dangerous so can you go in the room and you'll take the croc from him yep i'll go round them up just in a bit mario why would you tell him it's a crocodile well it's small enough to be a crocodile look he'll believe it's a crocodile and he'll get rid of it oh no all right took a little bit of wrasslin but i got it what is that it's a croc no i was talking about a croc i'm confused that's a croc no not the shoe like a crocodile oh crocodile okay where's it at it's in my son's room all right i'm on it but i'm still gonna charge you for this croc okay fine just go all right [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right booger you stay right here i gotta go have diarrhea in the sink oh wow that's a croc oh about 13 pounds yeah i think i can take them thank you so much mario this is cruel no it's not baby we don't need a pet dinosaur all right so that's off to the vaporizer for him what vaporizer yeah how do you think we make crocs we skinned a little fella then we wrap it around the shoe what yeah that's how we do it all right come on off you go mario i hope you're happy um that air have you seen booger tell them mario tell them how sick you are well i've had a sore throat for the last three days no mario tell him what you did to his booger well i found out you were picking your nose and wiping it on the kitchen cabinets and i decided to leave them there if you had daddy give me some knuckles yeah mario tell him what you did i was on the internet and i ordered you a bunch of toys f yeah daddy give me some more nuts no mario tell him what's happening i'm gonna take you to walmart to pick out a lunchable f yeah daddy give me some more nuts that's three effies in a row daddy no mario tell him right now how you had someone take booger away and now he's being made into [ __ ] daddy you took my booger away he's gonna be happier his shoes daddy i hate you you're not my favorite daddy anymore i don't want my boogers in your shoes oh my god you can't have a bad dog no no you're horrible [Applause] when okay i'll try to get them back okay i'll try to get a bet all right just stop crying i'm gonna go get him back i want my hairs back guys give him back hey is there any way that we can actually get booger back hey booger you just had your dinner all right guys stop crying i got booger back i got my booger backpack i missed you so much how did you get it back i just went and talked to the guy all right jeffy look you get to keep booger as long as he doesn't break anything or destroy anything okay f yet daddy [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 10,605,735
Rating: 4.8733764 out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, jeffys pet dinosaur, dinosaur, puppet, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, bowser jr, bowser junior, junior, skit, comedy, hilarious, laugh, super mario, nintendo, egg, charleyyy and friends, bowser, koopa, friends, adventure, show, mario, logan
Id: 6bgvqSn_b6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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