SML Movie: Jeffy The Good Boy!

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Man, ever since like four years ago SML is the worst. They used to have original content, smaller projects, and more mature humor. Now I guess they’re corrupted like many classic youtubers..

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

People called it with all those "PS5 is released, random YouTuber with a sledgehammer:" memes back when it was announced

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/IniMiney πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The voice acting man... Nice find OP, this guy is a real scumbag.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/David22573 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wow I forgot about Jeffy. That was some funny shit like 10 years ago lmao.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RyallBuick πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

You always gonna here a jetty OOF whenever your in a 5 mil radius of a elementary school

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/2010bru πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

over 2 mill views, probs easily afford the disc edition now. Praise the sun.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/maturehunter πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Jeffy has always been like thsi

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/toenailsareyum πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

My brain began hurting Before I hit the play button

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dgjxc πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

WTF is up with minstrel yoshi lmfao?? "maybe i takes it to walmart and they sees how goods i've been!"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ask_about_my_hentai πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
ding ding ding ding ding congratulations daddy you're now on the jeffy game show and if you answer this one question correctly then you have to buy me the new playstation 5 and the new xbox series x i don't want to play well too bad daddy the first question is what color is my helmet red [Music] ding ding ding ding ding that is correct no you just changed your helmet mario you said he had a red helmet on now he's wearing a red helmet well no it was blue and he just changed it doesn't count well danny i don't make the rules i just follow him well i'm not buying you the new playstation or a new xbox just wait till christmas christmas that's like next month i don't even know if i'll be alive by then you'll be alive next month i know mario that's true the sun could explode tomorrow yeah and if the sun explodes then i don't know what it's like to have a playstation 5 or a brand new xbox well no one will know because if the sun explodes we'll all be dead so no one will care look jeffy look christmas is next month and you have to be good because santa claus is watching oh santa claus watching well what about this santa claus i got a big diaper full of jeffy jeffy that's it you're grounded grounded what did i do mario how about we make him a good boy chart what's a good boy chart here look every time jeffy does something good we put a gold star on the chart and when he has 25 gold stars he gets a prize good idea baby he'll never do 25 good things so he'll never get a prize mario that's not the point jeffy look uh we got you a good boy chart good morning yeah good boy chart if you do 25 good things i'll buy you one of the new systems 25 good things i might as well just wait till christmas then wait till christmas well no daddy tell me what the 25 good things are okay you have to do good things like you can't be annoying you can't poop your pants and uh you can't break stuff well i haven't broken anything all day so gold star oh go get the gold stars no all right jeffy there's your first gold star i got a star daddy that is the tits and you lost your gold star i lost it what did i do you said a bad word that's a bad word most people would say it's a good word jeffy look you can't say bad things you can't do bad things you can only do good things to get gold stars well daddy my butt's mad at you you better gotta listen to what he's gotta say jeffy that is disgusting look you can only do good things so start doing good things okay well what good things do you want me to do then dang one take the microphone out of your pants okay next go clean the entire kitchen and you'll get a gold star all right well this might actually be a good thing he starts doing good stuff yo yo yo mario what's up folks what's up black yoshi yeah man i know you see that new play david five you know the ps4 yeah i saw it in the new xbox yeah well my pockets run a little thin this month so i was wondering if you'd be done slamming that though so i can get the consoles i don't have a thowie owie look like i'm not gonna buy you any of the systems because i have to buy jeffy one if he finishes a good boy chart good boy chops what's that about folk well if jeffy gets 25 gold stars i told my buying one of the systems well why don't i get some good more chop because you just don't get one well hold up vote [Laughter] mario take this out right here this is my own good boy chops and instead of 25 stars i got 50 stars on there like the american flag i'll play the libra do the good boy chops to the united states or give me both the consoles black yoshi what good things have you done uh i'll be done check the mail that's what my mail was stolen oh yeah your grandmother sent you five dollars for your birthday but i already been on spencer like that's a federal offense mario i don't care what type of film it is if it's a picket fence a huckleberry fence the miami dolphins look you're not getting any of the systems i don't care if you have a good boy chart well fine then folk you green i'm just going to take my chalk somewhere else maybe i'll take it to walmart and they can see how good i've been and maybe they just give me the cars for free oh man i don't want to clean all these dishes hey jeffy what are you doing i'm about to have to clean the kitchen so i can get a gold star what happens if you get a gold star well i get to get all the new systems really yeah we want to see my new toy that i just got heck yeah junior all right turn off all the lights all right all right jeffy check this out it's a lightsaber junior that is the tits i know right it's a real lightsaber show if i touch it my fingers are going to come off yeah the wire you must be made out of armor or something yeah yeah maybe i am the bfd with the bfd yeah so what if instead of cleaning those dishes you got rid of those dishes like a sieve oh heck yeah junior heck yeah here use your jedi powers to clean those dishes all right jeffy the dishes are all lined up for you dishes i am your father [Music] [Applause] you showed those dishes i sure did junior whoa jeffy look at the big mess you made i know junior show [ __ ] oh you made a big ole mess now i'ma go tell your daddy oh please don't go tell my daddy i'm supposed to be being a good boy and get the gold star so i can get the new systems well if you help me get the new playstation 5 then uh i won't tell you all day that you made a big ole mess so this is what the plan gonna be so what you gonna do is you wanna go steal the gold stars and put it all over your good boy card and then you're gonna take that card to your mama will tell your mama that your daddy gave you the stars and then she gonna buy you the xbox then you take that same card and take it to your daddy and then you tell your daddy that your mama gave you the stars and then he gonna buy you the playstation and then you get playstation to me oh that idea sounds pee-pee well when do i get a system you don't uh all right so go steal the stall and get a car to your mom all right oh my stomach's rumbling i'm really hungry oh me too hey since jeffy's cleaning the kitchen i can go get us some food yeah you should definitely get us some food okay well what are you in the mood for mcdonald's definitely mcdonald's oh mcdonald's we always get mcdonald's but i love mcdonald's and just don't tell jeffy we're getting mcdonald's i don't want him to eat any of it why is that because i want him to eat healthy oh well okay well i'll be right back then all right oh hey mommy what is it jeffy oh before you leave i cleaned the kitchen so good that daddy gave me all the stars on my good boy chart he did jeffy i'm so proud of you yeah thanks mommy oh i'm pretty proud of it um but when you go out can you go ahead and get me my xbox i will jeffy i will oh sweet mommy thanks daddy guess what jeffy why are you talking like that right there good good boy chart full of stars jeffy stop talking like that what are you saying well daddy i cleaned the kitchen so good that mommy go ahead and gave me all the stars but she's not supposed to do that she's always gonna give you one star for cleaning the kitchen well now you gotta go get me my playstation well jeffy don't explain me what each star was for all right well the first star because i cleaned one dish then i cleaned two dishes and then i cleaned three dishes and now i clean four dishes no you don't not clean five dishes you don't get a star purchase all the way down to 25 dishes oh you know what jeffy fine listen i will go ahead and buy you one game system but only one but on christmas morning when you wake up and there's no other presents what are you going to think that there's no santa claus no no because i'm giving you a christmas gift today so when i get your one game system right now that means it's all you're getting for christmas okay so what what system do you want right now oh the playstation 5. all right i'm gonna go get it that's all you're getting good oh [ __ ] it's working folks all right jeffy here's your playstation 5. daddy this is cool as jeffy do not say that word look here just take your playstation 5 merry christmas and a happy new year jeffy go take it jeffy i have your xbox oh mother that is the bosoms thank you for being such a good boy jeffy oh i'm the bestest boy ever enjoy no no no this ain't right what's wrong they went ahead and got us the digital dishes or the ps5 and xbox so they went cheap on us is that bad yeah it's bad because what happens if our wi-fi goes out then we can't access our games so we need the ones with this dishes so what we need to do is i got some playing we're gonna go downstairs and we're gonna break both of these consoles so they have to take it back and get us the better ones so come on let's go all right jeffy so what we're gonna do is we're gonna break them and then you'll take them back to your parents and tell them that they came like that then they're gonna take them back to the stove and then they're gonna exchange them for the ghouls all right all right so i'm gonna hit the egg bot with the hammer are you ready here we go maybe that ain't working i got an even better idea all right folks we're gonna throw the xbox out the balcony here we go all right let me get the playstation all right right here playstation 5 is nick let's go check it out folks oh oh yeah folk they broke it so now what you gotta do is you gotta take them your parents and tell them they came like this all right mario i'm back oh good i'm starving where's the food mario i completely forgot i was just so excited about jeffy being such a good boy i mean he was a good boy right yeah right i mean he cleaned the kitchen right yeah right um mommy oh i need to talk to you in the other room in private it's an emergency okay jeffy all right all right mommy so i was getting ready to play the xbox i was so excited and i opened up the box and it looked like this oh no jeffy it's broken yeah and i read online that all the digital xboxes are broken so when you take it back i think you need to ask for the one with the disc because uh those are stronger oh jeffy i'm so sorry i got the wrong one i'll go to the store right now return it and get the right one okay oh thank you so much mommy i appreciate it oh daddy it's awful what wait a shot old yeller what are you talking about jeffy daddy i was getting ready to play my new ps5 i was so excited and i opened up the box and it was broken broken yeah and i read online that all the digital ps5s are broken when you open them up wha what's that what am i supposed to get well you're supposed to get the one with the disc player i heard those are stronger and they don't break and they're not broken when you when you get them it looks like this thing just snaps back on it doesn't it let me try it no it doesn't look let me try it okay it was dropped off a balcony what i mean it looks like it was dropped off a balcony i don't know what they're doing over there sony okay well then i'll try to okay i'll return it and get you the one that can play disc if this one came broken okay all right thanks daddy jeffy i got your playstation 5. jeffy i got your xbox baby why'd you get up at xbox why did you get him a playstation 5. he said you gave him 25 gold stars he said you gave him 25 gold stars i didn't i didn't whoa what oh jeffy that's it you're grounded you lied to us father please don't raise your voice up no don't talk to me in that british voice it's not going to work this time you lied to us so that you get both systems well only one of these systems is for me then who's the other system for oh you got the ps4 i can't wait to play it no you're not playing the ps5 we're going to return these consoles jeffy you're grounded what am i grounded too yeah you're grounded too you know what actually i think i'm gonna play the playstation five oh i think i'm gonna play the xbox what yep we're gonna play these systems because we bought them and you guys can just sit back and watch and be grounded come on baby let's play these systems come on oh man this playstation 5 is so fun this is so much fun mario [Music] you
Channel: SML
Views: 12,200,297
Rating: 4.8229713 out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, frunny, jokes, jeffy the good boy, gold star, black yoshi, yoshi, funny, comedy, skit, entertainment, show, hilarious, laugh, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, rosalina, mario, super mario, nintendo, video game, playstation 5, xbox one x, series x, ps5, break, smash
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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