Exposing the Worst Rated Babysitters For Daughter

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today we're exposing the worst rated babysitters we found three of the most terrible onestar rated babysitters and we're going to be putting them through the most extreme test if we fail one of these babysitters could end up watching our daughter and we cannot let that happen so we're going to be testing the first babysitter with Willow I'm ready to push her to her Limit Oh yeah looks like the first babysitter's here try to stall I'm going to finish setting up the cameras this first babysitter with a onear reviews name is Nina and the review said she didn't follow any of my rules she was on her phone the whole time and she even locked herself in my daughter's room for the rest of the night what was she doing in there maybe we'll find out okay come on I have this camera all set up to cover the bedroom but I have a hidden spy camera right inside of this teddy bear set it up over here and most importantly a zanam plushy have a spy camera inside of it now all the angles are covered I just need to get out of here hey you must be Nina hey yeah come on in nice place this is it it's a cool T actually it's an antique it's very fragile it was my my grandmother so just make sure nothing goes on it [Music] yes the only real rule I have is my daughter's been really into drawing lately Mom I'm an artist anyways just make sure she doesn't do any drawings on the paintings especially that one that one's $10,000 to get to the van well you two have fun just going to rent some Ainge bye I already don't trust that babysitter she wasn't even been paying attention when I gave her the rules she hasn't put down her phone once since she's been here let's give her a task a babysitter actually has to do hey Willow stand up and tell her you want a snack samam I gave Willow an earpiece so I could tell her exactly what to do so we can expose this babysitter I'm hungry can I have a snack yeah what do you want finally she's talking to Willow you know what maybe she's a good babysitter I want cereal okay it's probably in the kitchen go get it or not this babysitter is just lazy Willow just head to the kitchen now I want you to pour a giant bowl of cereal [Music] now pour that cereal into the bowl keep going it's going to overflow that's perfect dump it off the counter throw the whole thing Rebecca this is our house what was that milk and cereals all over the floor it's a mess and the babysitter is not going to like this what did you do it was an accident you're right she's mad we got to clean this up when you grab the paper to towels just dump the whole thing in the milk what are you doing why would you do that now we need another red cover tell her there's more paper towels in the pantry it's in the pantry where's the pantry around the corner you set up a camera in the pantry right no I didn't she just shut the door oh no did we just mess this up she can't lock herself in here she needs to lock herself up in the room where you put the camera oh no oh no this is bad samam famam this could ruin everything okay she's coming out with the paper tow goodness I got to give Willow her next assignment one piece at a time Willow get up and mess mess up the artwork paint all over it where are you going hey I'm not doing this by myself why do you make such a mess where are you no she's getting paint everywhere it's say setup hey come and help me use your hands get it all over we want to make as big of a mess as possible and then tell her to wash your hands what no where did you go why are you painting on that I'm just trying to make it look better isn't that your mom's really expensive artpiece it looks so much better stop what are you doing put it down we'll deal with that later come of me okay zfam she is definitely annoyed but she still hasn't locked herself in a room you know maybe it was just one bad review we have to clean this mess up first and then we'll deal with the painting tell her that you are thirsty you're going to fill up the cup of water and then you're going to dump it on her head no yes we've got to get her up in the room this is so bad I'm thirsty okay you're a big doll get some water Willow jump it I still don't understand this plan why would you do do that I'm sorry I tripped now my head's going to be all frzy you are such a brat do you have a blow dryer tell her there's a blow dryer up in your bedroom oh now I get it there's a blow dryer in my bedroom where's your bedroom it's in the farm room to the right we finally get to see what she does when she locks herself in a bedroom I really want to know but I don't want to know at the same exact time she's looking at the zamfam plushy okay you can get that at Rebeccas mol.com or there's a link in this video to it she's doing something with it are you excited to see me is she there's no way I'm excited to see you too oh she's kissing the blushies why why did you put a spy camera in there oh no she knocked the camera down we can't see anything from that angle anymore wait I need that angle that's the only angle facing the bathroom I'm going inside I'm going to see inside you can't let her see you I'll be fine don't get caught you might mess up everything Z fam where's my phone oh oh no Zam famam she's walking down the stairs hopefully Matt doesn't get [Music] caught that was close who is that someone trying to break into my house he's said who's here no one [Music] she's sneaking a boy into the bedroom I have to tell Matt he should still be up there he's not picking up I got to get back so I can watch security footage someone's coming wait where's Matt he should be back in the van this makes a lot of sense why he didn't answer his [Music] phone on to the bed I hear something by the window what is that noise babe you made it anything for you she stuck her boyfriend in my daughter's room and locked the door that's what she's been doing in the locked room she's such a bre I missed you miss you so much too I don't see Matt anywhere Zam fam where is he he would be so mad if he saw this right now it's probably better that he's not here I can't watch this they are on my daughter's bed you know what I'm going to tell Willow hey Willow stop eating the fruit loop I need you to go upstairs and I need you to tell her that you need help what I need some help go away I'll be there in a bit she's telling her to go downstairs I am paying her to babysit not make out with her boyfriend he won't be able to climb out now you know what Sam fam I was going to call the cops to arrest her for vandalizing my artwork but now that her boyfriend's here I think I'm going to switch things up okay Willow we need to get get her to come out so go into the kitchen and get a pot and a metal [Music] spoon now what now bang it as loud as you can if we want to expose her we really need to get her out of her room right now before the cop comes how can she still be kissing her boyfriend through all of this time for Plan B grab the Blue Vase on our dining room table I want you to smash it samam we have to make enough noise to get her to come down for this plan to work that's what oh no will that's not the right base that's my wedding base oh no oh this kid I'm sorry uh don't worry Willow it's fine it's not fine zamfam that is a very expensive vase well I'm going to get out of here okay I'll see you there Willow it works she's going to be coming down cops will be here any minute and you know what to do where's the ladder have the sneak out what did you do now it was an accident I oh yeah you had a lot of accidents today why would you break this this is the worst job I've ever had that was the worst thing ever the cops here this could not be more perfect timing Sam fam get ready to expose this babysitter why so much time excuse me I got to call that there's an intruder in this house no there's no intrud he's right here he's right here get him gety I didn't then why are you running they just broke the coffee table this is a mess this is time for me to go in expose her once and for all that's my mom's coffee table you're going to jail what I I'm not an intruder that's my girlfriend I don't know who he is what sing him to jail all right you're going to jail you're hurting me I don't know who he is hey my table this is an intruder he just came in and he started breaking things that's an intruder I just went on your social media get rid of him but take her too cuz this Babysitter needs to be both all right you're I didn't do anything wrong you're the worst babysitter she was a br bad babysitters go to jail I can't go to in jail well deal with you later come on no okay will well it looks like we just exposed babysitter number one what you do up there Matt I don't want to talk about it this next babysitter's name is Jake and he says he is a nurse but the one star review I read said he only cared about impressing my kid he also told us he's a former nurse and he's afraid of blood he couldn't even put a Band-Aid on my kid scraped knee I have attakus here and he's going to be playing my son I hate liars it's going to be so much fun together we are going to expose this babysitter for trying too hard to be cool and not even being a real Nerf we got this okay he's here while Rebecca's busy exposing the next babysitter I'm going to be finding the toughest kids to expose the final one did we get to smash those glasses only if you make it to the final [Music] round hi come on going you must be Jake this is my son attus attus what's up man can't wait to hang oh you have a first aid kit yeah former nurse so I thought Safety First and all that well to go over the rules there is no rough housing I have a lot of expensive Antiques and he's not allowed to use the blender it's not for kids and he keeps wanting to make milkshakes so no blender you have my credit card in case of emergency but you shouldn't have to use it I know Mom you're good okay okay no Rough House have a good time bye how are you man my mom just got a new flat treat TV it's [Music] sick this is the unclean the room challenge you each have 10 seconds to make this room as messy as possible William you're up first 10 second starts right [Music] now and time not bad William what can I say I'm good at destroying things okay Zam fam let's see what Jake does to try to be cool and impress atus so it's over here with our nice new couch great help yourself if you need water you know what I am pretty thirsty thank you man what you need can you just chill here while you're here my mom gets home there's nothing else you want to do attakus ask him if you can build a slide in the house we could build a super sick slide now we're talking only if we do it on the stairs though of course where else right A slide on the stairs is not safe at all but it could be the perfect setup to show him some blood let set it up I have something that would be perfect for this I'll be right back okay he's leaving my son alone in the house I mean I mean my fake son next up is neas he's only nine what's wrong with that time starts now that 9-year-old is terrifying not like I'm scared oh my God no not my chips she wasn't supposed to go after those that's time that's time oh my gosh that was pretty crazy for a 9-year-old okay okay next this sit down I got foone man so we don't get hurt so you just carry around in your car last thing we want is any blood around here right I'm ready let's do it attakus break the glass let's go no no it's okay man it's fine mom's going to be so mad you think she's going to notice it's just one glass she'll be you know like covered up yeah yeah he's covering it up with foam this is not cool this babysitter is definitely getting one star from me dere 10 seconds starts now okay okay wo wo 10 seconds this babysitter already built a slide but let's see what else he'll do ask him if you can have a bounce castle in the house there's no way the babysitter's going to let him do that since the slide is kind of a disaster let's go on the bouncy house you got a bouncy house he's letting him do that my mom never lets me do it inside she's always laughing about her ant or something I'm not your mom and I'm also not like other babysitters I'm a I specifically said no rough housing that includes bounce houses f should get some friends over here friend my momes have friends over she's not here I should probably Tex no no no I won't tell if you don't St I think you should just get some friends over here he's saying he's not going to tell okay I do not trust this babysitter at all wa time start oh my God he's ruining that TV okay okay okay Jee this room is definitely a lot more messier than when we started but one of you has to be eliminated and I am eliminated ating you I asked for tough not scary oh oh my God she's terrifying okay it looks like the girls are here I'm going to let them in on the plan we're trying to expose this pain scer so just do whatever you can hey guys we just made a new bouny house come look at it isn't that awesome hey guys just be careful all right you don't want any blood okay he doesn't even care if they get hurt he just doesn't want to see blood I thought he was a nurse thought best ever he's put a slide and a bounce house in our house but I need to go even more extreme to prove that he is not really a nurse now I want you to ask him if you can rollerblade in the house this is going to be a disaster okay just let me grab them you know you were so right this is the perfect place to rollerblade of course he said yes that's not dangerous at all adus this was such a good idea man I had my first pair of roller skates when I was like three and then I immediately graduated to jet ski oh Jake you're so cool all right so what's this obstacle course okay so you're going to start right here make your way through these around the table and then through the chair Zam fam we saw how he handled one glass breaking but let's see how he reacts when kids break even more stuff break as much as you can this is going to be worth it oh your mom is going to kill you it's fine guys if you don't tell I won't tell back kids are known to be loud so this is the make the most noise challenge in order to pass this level you guys have to get this decal meter over 100 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] better and bigger he's using my C that's for emergencies come on here I'll get another one in like an hour this cool babysitter is making me so mad and I'm about to expose him once and for all ask him if you can make a milkshake in the kitchen and I'll meet you there to Super the mood why don't I make everyone milkshake yeah do your thing man hey you guys want to see my jet ski time to prove that this cool babysitter is not even a real nurse this is the break the glass challenge we're going to see which kid can make the most Mess by breaking the most jars looks like you broke one you're up next that was a lot William he broke one so you have to break two if you want to be one of the final kids looks like we're going into a tiebreaker round hey what are you doing looks like we're not going into a tiebreaker are you too ready to expose the world's worst babysitter okay I'm going to put this on he's going to think you got your hand cut off now I'm going to blend it and then we're going to stop it you're going to scream I hope this works my hand my hand guys one second okay zpm I don't know what's going to happen but I know that Jake is not going to like this one first K he's not doing anything you're a nurse who has to help him [Applause] please candy it's candy this guy is a fraud what happened so much fun Rebecca he passed out I can see that I'm going to send in the paramedic right now I did not think it was going to end this way but luckily I had a fake paramedic ready to go is this the baby center yes yeah we got wake him up oh this is too good I cannot wait to finally expose this babysitter are you in charge yeah why well his hand got chopped and we can't reattach it what um oh my God it hurts all your fault it's your fault why didn't you do this hey what is going on here um uh these kids broke in and and they they they trashed the place and they knocked me out funny because I had cameras and it showed you causing chaos in my house breaking things and you let my son use a blender which I told you not to that that's not true oh really you sure about that blood and he said he was a nurse you know what take him away looks like we exposed another baby din sorry guys are you sure you found the worst kids possible yeah these kids are terrible okay good because the last babysitter was bad but this one is supposed to be the worst well she's going to have a work cut out for her these are the worst kids these are them this babysitter's one star review said that this babysitter was so strict she made our kids eat soap for talking back she lied and said she liked animals but I think she previously threw our cat outside even though I told her it was an indoor cat that's ridiculous which is why we have backup so we can expose her wait do we actually have to eat soap don't worry I switched it with what you'll find out she's here she here she in space all right hi you must be Natalia thank you so much for coming these are my kids they have been really good today so they can have some ice cream he has some weird allergies so there is an epip pen but it's way above the fridge so you're going to have to help get it make sure the dog doesn't go outside dog sitting too well he can't really see so so just as long as he stays in the house we're good all right you guys have let's go get a snack yeah today Miss anything no so far she's helping the kids get a snack but don't worry these kids are terrible wow what do these think going guys our mom said we can have ice cream you let them have ice cream it's part of the plan to expose her just trust me you want to snack a snack on this E I don't want that she's making them eat celery she's not that bad I would't let these kids eat ice cream either are you kidding this is the worst one just keep watching you want ice cream yeah yeah what what hey that is so mean exactly that's how you can get your ice cream she wants him to lick it off the floor do not do that William enjoy your ice cream guys I'm mom so we can have it she just dumped the whole tub you have to clean it up if you want to eat ice cream but that's your mess you should clean it up watch your mouth William talk back more see if you can get her to make you eat soap what I think you should clean that up I'm going to wash your mouth out with soap if you keep talking to me like that no you're not yes I am no come on come on is that lavender tell her you're allergic to Lavender is he he will be I'm allergic to Lavender a lot about that before you talk back to me Winona pull out your phone and start recording her I need you to distract her by running in the other room with the recording I got to go in you're leaving me here by myself I'm giving him allergic reaction oh come on hey I'm recording you and off you're no you're not no you're not we' got to do this fast oh my gosh hey that's my phone oh no she got the phone Rebecca needs to get out of there go go go go go go my phone back you want your phone yeah why is Blackjack here he is part of the plan okay relax my phone I give me what happened to your face I can't but why didn't you clean up this ice cream man clean up this mess we need to push her even further good thing I put a Bluetooth in the house what is that sound oh my God what's this there's fake dog throw up in the second drawer on the left okay dog throw toy dog just grab it it's not real vomit drop it on the floor before she comes back this lady pretends to like animals and I know she doesn't and I'm about to prove it where is this dog you won't find her dog it's a really good Hider I'm pretty good at finding things so I think I'll find the dog that's it get over here what are you doing what is he doing to onea I might lost track of the dog but I'm not losing track of you she's duct taping her to the wall all right that should do it she's coming back William hurry get back you're supposed to be choking her face is still red I'm like oh what is this oh she stepped to the dok bomit Blackjack must have ate the ice cream and throw up the throw up is all set I got to go and with black jack why do you have scissors in your pocket I'll find out oh no she's cutting up the bag and making it look like Blackjack did it why you clean up the ice cream this is so gross I I have to go put new shoes on oh no she's coming Rebecca needs to hide what this dog ripped up my bag that's it you're going outside oh no where is she taking Blackjack hang in there Blackjack what are you doing what are you doing you're not supposed to you're supposed to be cleaning us up clean you're supposed to no you clean it up the dog don't talk back to me he got so thank God Rebecca's getting Winona out of that duct tape go she put Blackjack outside hey William tell her you need some fresh air at least get some fresh air fine William should be out here any second and then we're going to put the last part of the plan into effect this is a fake BL jacket we're going to throw it in the pool go say that you see him drowning okay okay okay wait hold on okay I'm going to hide go get her get her the dog it's drowning what same the dog she doesn't care her dog is drowning what is wrong with her oh my goodness save him you save him it's your dog what she pushed William in the pool come on hey what is going on what happened to my dog your son drowned the dog what why why she left the door open and she let the dog drown why is his face so red I'm having an allergic reaction where is my daughter she's just chilling in the living room are you sure about that you duct taped me to the wall I thought I duct taped you better than that you had a one star review which was pretty bad but the one I'm about to give you is even worse what was your last name again you can't give half Stars hey this isn't over all right son and daughter looks like we just exposed babysitter and now it is time to find out which one is the alltime worst all of these babysitters got one star of views and we can see why yeah they're terrible but only one of them is the worst and that babysitter is Natalia get ready to get slimed I'm sorry now what no hey she has to get [Music] slimed why' you do that oh someone had to get slime
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 1,259,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: exposing, worst, rated, babysitters, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, lexi hensler, pierson, sofie dossi, kat hixson, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, royalty family, lankybox, Jordan Matter, Anazala family, Zadie
Id: Rpv7VHw0e38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 46sec (1546 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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