SML Movie: Jeffy's Tattoo Problem!

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so guys what do you want to do today oh dude i found this tattoo gun in my neighbor's trash can who wants to get a tattoo oh maybe me i want a tattoo no junior that tattoo gun looks dirty it probably has a bunch of diseases on it fine cody joseph can you please get a napkin and wipe off the tip i guess so dude that's what i said to her i wiped it off are you happy yeah you happy now cody guys why don't we just draw tattoos on ourselves with a marker that's dumb it's not a tattoo it's not permanent yeah it's not real dude we could use a permanent marker no we gotta use a tattoo gun it has to be a real tattoo cody yeah feel the pain okay i guess i'll get a tattoo but you will oh okay what kind of tattoo you get cody uh i want a tattoo above my butt that says entrance only wait how you gonna take a dump who needs to do that okay take your shirt off okay yeah stop moving dude you're gonna make me mess up all right i think i'm done how's it look guys okay that looks really cool yeah it looks pretty sick if i do say so myself okay i'll take your word for it because i can't see it oh you should get a tattoo on your chest what and cover up these six-pack abs yes i mean it would look really good well okay yeah i think i want straight out of the closet on my chest oh and then i want a heart on my bicep with ken's name in it so that every time i flex it looks like the heart's beating okay that'd be really awesome all right coming right up dude and done straight out of the closet yeah i am man cody your tattoos are so cool and i love the one with ken's name in the heart yeah he's gonna like that you guys think i should get a tattoo on my leg oh yeah you should definitely get a tattoo on your leg which one i have three we should probably give junior a tattoo before i run out of ink oh yeah it's my turn to get a tattoo it's my turn what kind of tattoo do you want junior um i don't know oh guys i hate the cleveland browns i think that football team sucks so i'll get i hate the browns on my face wait what did you say no junior you shouldn't do that what's wrong with saying i hate the browns i think that football team sucks their mascot is a pitbull and their logo is just a helmet how lazy is that i get the helmet thing but maybe you should say cleveland browns it's so we can know what you're talking about junior wait put i hate cleveland browns on my face yes exactly that's gonna take a lot of space i think if i put i hate the browns people know what i'm talking about no junior they won't what if i what if i hate the white sox and i put i hate whites all over my face huh you have to put socks on no i don't no i don't oh okay okay guys i think the brown sucks so if i put the brown suck on my face no no jun you shouldn't do that i think the browns were smelly so i put the brown or smelly on my face what if i put the whites of privilege on my face huh huh guys i think we should just get away from the browns tattoo yeah yeah we should okay i'll think of a different tattoo hmm oh guys i want a tattoo that when girls see it they want to come talk to me oh so what if i get come here on my face and then they'll say ooh he wants me to come here so they walk over and they talk to me okay that's better junior i think that sounds like a tattoo i should get wait are you trying to steal all the tattoos cody no i just don't think that tattoo is gonna get the kind of response you think all right um i want like a rapper tattoo like a really cool tattoo yeah ooh like ooh like baller's life on my face oh i like that yeah yeah like i'm a big baller so i put baller's life on my face and then and put two teardrops oh yeah yeah and done dude balls are life what'd you say balls are life dude that's what you wanted on your face i want a baller's life like i'm a big baller b-a-l-l-e-r-z what'd you put balls are life why would you put balls or life on my face why would i want that but basketball dude that's ball is life not balls our life this is a dumb tattoo i'm sorry dude did you do the teardrop yeah yeah they're on there dude okay they look like balls what no they don't dude cody thinks everything looks like balls so you okay cody what does it look like tear drops or balls it looks like a ball sack you put a ball stack on my face no i did it dude oh you don't let me do a tattoo for you i wanna do your next tattoo are you sure it's gonna show up on my brown skin or is it too smelly for you huh guys can we not hey guys what are you doing oh hey jeffy why are you a ball socker on your face junior it is a ball section no it's not uh jeffy we're getting tattoos oh sweet i want a tattoo oh what kind of tattoo do you want i want daddy shucks right here on my arm because my daddy won't take me to chuck e cheese today you sure you don't want the brown suck on your arms joseph look i think i should do the tattoo because you might end up make it look like a ball sack no i won't dude look jeffy just come here dude and done see junior no balls you spelled sucks wrong that's the cool way to spell it dinner's wrong don't much me my daddy tell me dinner's ready if he feeds me green beans tonight i'm gonna say read the tattoo jeffy get in here oh i'm coming daddy jeffy stop that eat your green beans daddy you know i hate it when you feed me green beans so that's why i got this tattoo you got a tattoo jeffy jimmy that's permanent it's never gonna come off well then you'll know you shove forever then daddy oh my god jeffy you are so crowded for getting that tattoo marvin we need to call the doctor and see if he can get it removed well i don't want it removed but what i do want removed is this big hump on my back jeffy eat your green beans we're gonna find out what punishment you're gonna get huh i parked in the handicapped spot even though i'm not handicapped cause i don't wanna walk far god forgive me in my bad knees hey lady give me your car keys uh okay i think i left him in the car that'll be easy for you just take him okay uh and don't follow me can you at least pick me up when i'm done shopping no oh how evil hey ma'am did you call the cops yes some man just stole my car okay ma'am just calm down what did he look like uh he was very scary okay uh did he have any recognizable features like any tattoos oh yes he had a tattoo on his left arm that said daddy sucks spelled s-u-x i thought it was very disrespectful to his father okay ma'am i'm gonna look for that guy right away all right jeffy you're gonna get rid of that tattoo i'll get rid of this tattoo when you get rid of that turd on your top lip it's a mustache jeffy oh yeah what you're calling it marvin we need to call a doctor to see if he can remove jeffy's tattoo oh and also tell him i look like the hunchback of notre dame look i'm gonna call a doctor to get a remove your stupid tattoo hey there somebody call a doctor sorry i took so long i had to change out of my cop outfit into my doctor outfit it's fine you didn't take too long all right so what's going on well my son got a tattoo and i want you to remove it oh i've been there i've had plenty of bad tattoos in my life like i got my ex-wife's name i got my other ex-wife's name and i get my soon-to-be ex-wife's name you have a lot of ex-wives yeah they know how to get me they just don't know how to keep me oh and then this one time i had a birthmark that looked like a seahorse so i got it traced in a tattoo and then it turns out it wasn't a birthmark it was a rash and it went away so now i just have a really badly drawn seahorse on my butt cheek i'm sorry to hear that yeah all right so look the tattoo my son got is he got daddy sucks on his left arm [Music] are you okay your son's under arrest what except your son's under arrest what hold on let me get my cop outfit on what's going on all right i'm back and your son's under arrest for what for stealing a car it's still a car oh yeah well i got a call before i came over here from some lady that said somebody stole her car and she said that guy had a tattoo in his left arm that said daddy sucks well but jeffy didn't steal the car though when would he have had time to do that yeah jeffy's been with us the whole time he never stole a car well of course you're gonna say that you're his parents you're gonna cover for him i get it but what if there's a guy with the same exact tattoo as jeffy oh come on what are the odds there's two guys with the same daddy sucks tattoo that's a possibility and you know how i know he's guilty because you called me over here to have the tattoo removed that means you were trying to get rid of the evidence and you didn't think i'd notice but i did because i'm smart and you're dumb no no we want the tattoo removed because the dumb tattoo we weren't trying to hide any evidence because there is no evidence because he didn't steal a car because if he did steal the car where's the car at then i don't know you probably parked it in the woods and then lit it on fire i don't know how you dumb criminals think because you're dumb did i mention how dumb you are you're so dumb we didn't steal a card you don't have any evidence to arrest him well that tattoo is evidence enough for me come on jeffy we're going downtown no do you get him looks like we need to call a lawyer we're gonna get a lawyer jeffy we're gonna get the best lawyer we can get thanks for being my son's lawyer goodman oh don't mention it but i do charge 800 a minute 800 a minute we'll start talking okay talk faster well i was reviewing your son's case and he screwed screwed why because the tattoo matches and that means he's guilty he's not guilty other people have that tattoo and they haven't found the stolen card well i was comparing your son's case to a previous case where the cops arrested this kid named jimmy because he cracked corn and they didn't care so that's where the song came from jimmy cracked corn and i don't care well anyway jimmy got the electric chair and then his parents cared so then they renamed the song jimmy got the electric chair in his parents care what does that do with my son's case oh it doesn't but there was also this other case where there once was this farmer who had a dog and the dog's name was bingo well anyway the farmer got murdered and then they found blood on the dog and so then they used the dog as evidence and bingo was his nemo so so what you're trying to say well what i'm trying to say is if you can find the stolen car and the guy with the tattoo that's your bingo okay so if i find a stolen car and the guy with a tattoo then my son gets set free right bingo okay i'm gonna go find it marvin what did the lawyer say he said if we can find the stolen car and the guy with the tattoo that let jeffy go i could have told you that so baby all we have to do is find the stolen car if the police can't find the car how can we well we can just go to walmart and look in the parking lot and see if there's any cars with the same that looks the same i don't know what i'm doing baby i'm not a bounty hunter oh baby i got an idea why don't we go pick up a homeless guy give the homeless guy the same tattoo jeffy has and say the homeless guy stole the car that's terrible we can't do that sure we can look the homeless guy will get three meals a day a bed to sleep in and a shower in jail if the homeless guy wanted all that i'm sure he would commit a crime and go to jail himself well maybe he hasn't thought of this baby look we're doing a good thing here marvin that's terrible no we can't do that baby please come on we'll get jeffy out of jail and the homeless guy gets a new place to live no i don't want to be a part of this well i'm going to do it anyway to help jeffy hey hey hey i don't want to go to school hey hey hey there buddy it's a nice box you got there my box uh yeah your box um i noticed you're not wearing a shirt how would you like to wear a nice bright orange shirt oh cool yeah and bright orange pants to match oh these pants are poopy okay well you come to my house i got rice krispie treats oh snap crackle bop yes not snap crackle pops come come to my house all right buddy there's your rice krispie treat yummy yeah it's real good so so while you eat that i need to draw something on your hand with this gun beer what beer well i'll get you a beer after i do this tattoo thing be a forest okay i'll get your beer all right there's your beer cheers bald man cheers okay so while you drink that i'm gonna give you a tattoo on your hand marvin what are you doing i'm doing my plan no i told you no he's okay with it did you ask him can i give you a tattoo on your hand aliens at my brain don't eat the yogurt it's alien ectoplasm see he knows what he's talking about that was not a yes maybe he's okay with it no i'm gonna do what's right come on let's go outside oh i like it here no come on let's go outside you stink i don't like this lady this lady is me mean lady yeah exactly mean lady does he know what you're trying to do oh bald man's nice bald man give me beer and rice krispies no bald man's trying to put you in jail oh bald man wouldn't do that would you bald man give me a hug look he's fine see he's happy he likes his beer and his rice krispies and he's gonna be okay with this tattoo no hold still now all right it's done i can't read it says daddy sucks and clearly you think that because i mean your dad wasn't there for you look at your situation oh bad daddy yep bad daddy now i'm gonna call the cops you are the worst person i ever met marvin i'm doing this for jeffy i'm being nice look are you ready for some bright orange clothes and a bed and three meals a day yummy and maybe tv oh fancy yeah awesome so i'm gonna go call the the the cops hello hey there you call the cops yes i found the real guy who stole the car and has the same tattoo as the guy that you think he did it but really yeah he's upstairs all right there he is officer there he is and there's his tattoo nah it's not him what do you mean it's not him well sucks is spelled right what do you mean sucks is spelled right well and the tattoo i'm looking for sucks is spelled with an x oh damn it ha ha sorry for wasting your time sir oh bald man gives me beer and rice krispies oh really well bald man never gives me beer and rice krispies when i come over what a good friend bald man can i have another beer no leave oh but what about the clothes and the tv yeah marvin what about the clothes in the tv and the three meals a day oh the three meals a day marvin yeah you can't forget about that well go commit a crime and you'll get those things oh who's that i got it no i got it no allow me hello freeze is a burglary oh officer what was that screaming give me all your jewelry whatever you want eat your rice christmas trees we're here today to thank this homeless man who's oh oh god your breath stinks could you back up a little bit thank you uh we're here today to thank this homeless man who helped catch mr mina the criminal who stole a car and also shot me and his pants are falling down on live tv this is very embarrassing for him can we get a sensor bar there i'm just going to keep going we're rewarding him this key to the city which will allow him to sleep anywhere he wants on the street in the city here you go what all right okay see baby something good happened to the homeless guy after all not because of you well actually it is because of me because if i would have got him off the streets into our house he wouldn't save the day you always have to make it about you don't you well the most important thing is we have jeffy back home well daddy we never got this hump looked at my hump my hump my hump my hump my huge back hump [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 26,729,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, jeffys tattoo problem, tattoo, problem, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, logan, lance, junior, joseph, cody, friends, friend, entertainment, show, puppet, puppets, brooklyn guy, mystery, marvin, hilarious, laugh, joke, adventure, cool
Id: WXPwrsOIf9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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