I Built a SECRET UNDERWATER House to Hide From My Daddy!

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all right everybody before we eat this awesome hot dog I want you guys all to say that something that you're thankful for all right uh Johnny you go first o Daddy I'm thankful for having a butt cuz I like to poop okay say something different that was disgusting I can't eat a hot dog ever I just heard that I'm thankful that you're wearing a hat right now so I don't know if to see your bald head okay that was mean but you did answer the question okay Daisy you're next well I'm thankful that we have food but I don't like mustard you don't like must so you're not going to eat the hot dog no I'm not going to eat it uh then you just eat the bread how about that works for me okay uh I'm thankful for I'm thankful for all of us yeah really Dy no not at all all right go up e uh I'm thankful for this table and I'm thankful for that milk right there um milk what else o what else I'm thankful for this couch it's really nice and I'm thankful for this fish tank with all the fishies I'm thankful for this pie um I'm thankful for this plant right okay Gooby can you sit down we got it we want to eat food I'm thankful for where are you going this chairs out here and this little table um I'm thankful for this pool and this hot tub out it's hot uh thankful for this tree right here my favorite tree Gooby we got it get back in here come inside I'm thankful for this tree right here Gooby we get it you're thankful for all the trees now come inside let's eat some hot dogs okay okay Gooby we get it okay you're very thankful you're a really good kid we get it okay everyone sit down eat your hot dogs I'm really hungry all D I'm sitting down oh my goodness who's at the door give me a second guys let me let me check let me check through the window okay D oh God it's who is it Daddy guys someone's at the door that I can't speak to right now so I need someone else to answer it Daddy why can't you just go and speak to them because let's say they don't like me very much well Daddy that's pretty much everyone in the whole entire world so no but this person doesn't like me to the point where they're going to take this house away probably okay Daddy how about me Gooby and Daisy go talk to him yes please tell him I'm not here all right daddy sounds good okay come on guys we got this hello hello mister what would you like from our day hello there uh is your father Marty home no no we don't have a dad yeah um Oh Daddy ran away yeah he ran away he went that way uh are you sure about that yes if you just go all the way in that direction he's going to be over there well then this should make things pretty easy uh I'm supposed to uh take this house away cuz he owes me a lot of money you can't take our house away how does he owe you that much money to take the whole house yeah let's just say we had a couple of bad Investments uh a couple of horse races fell through and uh now he owes me about $4 million four $4 million daddy so I'm not here why would you refer to me keep talking keep talking fing I mean e Mary wherever you are that's really bad yeah $4 million time Gooby well uh if you see him again let him know I'm looking for him all right if I don't have that money in 3 days I'm going to take this house what 3 days 3 days oh no I must have misspoke I meant 3 hours what 3 hours how are we supposed to get $4 million in 3 hours I don't know Daisy that well uh I'll be back later you better have that money okay mister daddy get over here Daddy oh no what what he say what'd he say he said that you guys were horse racing and you fell off the horse and now you own $4 million well that's not how it works but $4 million I didn't I didn't think it was that much I thought maybe it was like maybe four bucks no Daddy he said4 million and if he doesn't get it in the next 3 hours then you could say bye-bye to this house wait he said he's actually going to come over here and take this house I love this house yep he's coming right back well uh we need to figure out ideas quick to get $4 million in 3 hours uh start thinking of ideas uhoh uhoh uh we can sell these cookies good idea yeah we could have a big sale $1 million poor cookie no one's going to buy that Gooby we only need to sell four of them no no that's a good idea Daddy but it's impossible to make that many cookies and only three hours it's going to take 3 hours just to make the cookies we can't even sell them to get the money uh what if I sold these fish you want to sell goldfish for $4 million what if I said it's like a high ticket item they're like ooh they're really rare there's like a million fish in the ocean down that way no one's going to want your fish yeah you're probably right okay looks like I'm going to sell the house no Daddy you can't tell the house I want to live you for the rest of my life okay what if we all just make like a crazy new dance and then put it on YouTube ooh that's a good idea and then we go viral in the next 3 hours I don't think we have enough time to go viral guys 3 hours is it's like nothing yeah okay everybody just do this dance okay yeah that's not going to go viral Gooby it's going to go viral you look like an idiot that's what you look like right now go viral it looks like a ballerina it's the best sance ever wait wait wait guys I got a such better idea what if we just ask for a bunch of likes and then when people like the video it's going to magically give us a good idea I don't think that's how that works Johnny yes it is guys I'm telling you it's going to work just give it a chance okay fine fine if it saves me this house and $4 million by all means ask them all right d let me ask them everyone watching this I need you to like the video in the next 3 seconds to give us a genius idea please like the video in three 2 1 guys do any want to get a good idea uh oh we can have a hot dog stand Daddy no that was a terrible idea that's the same as a bake sale oh you're right dang it wait I just got got a really good idea from everybody liking the video really what is ity what is it I feel like I'm an actual genius right now okay well what's the idea oo Gooby is a genius okay okay what if we just take everything in the house and just move it somewhere else daddy that's a good idea I like it I like it wait there's one flaw in your plan Mr genius Gooby what that where's the other house we need another we need to build a house so we can actually move everything into it hold on let me just access my genius brain this is so awesome he's doing it you're weaker that means I had a good idea okay what's the idea we make it underwater house ooh W hold on that way that wheel guy can't find us under there oh you're right cuz he's not going to think oh there's a house underwater that's super smart Gooby guys we got to do that let's go okay well where we need to go is probably in an ocean because that's where there's a lot of water guys we have a dock connected to this house we can just go there o Daddy good idea all right everyone follow me go go go go we got to start building uh-oh uh-oh all right here it is check this dock out we can make an awesome underwater base here can I make the ocean look pretty what you're going to make the ocean look pretty Daisy I don't want our Windows to be ugly well are you going to make it Pink no she definitely want are you sure no well if you do make things pink then this is where you're going to go I'm going to drop you in the ocean hey put me down ha there's a couple sharks in there too can you guys stop playing around we got things to do okay Daddy okay well I don't even know how to start building a house okay so what we actually need to do is we need a way into the house so I think we got to make a glass tube that goes from all the way here all the way to the mil ocean ooh I like that we need to build the base in a pretty deep location so what if we do something like over here wait wait daddy right here I got an idea pick me oh gosh what's your idea okay y i see the hand okay Daddy what if we put like a mine cart that starts up here and then shoots you into the ocean yes like a roller coaster mhm mhm a roller coaster Daddy what do you mean shoots me roller coaster you want a okay so where we going to start the roller coaster right here roller coaster yep right here and then it's going to go into the water into our underground secret super awesome base but the issue is we need to hide it cuz if Richie Rich happens to come down here he's going to see it and then he's going to find us oh Dad look he's using these ghost blocks who this a simple secret mhm we could I like that idea I like that idea but uh how's that I don't know how it's going to work Daddy I got it okay everyone just needs to listen to me for once okay I'm listening I'm listening all the ears let me just line it up there we go what the heck so the entrance is going to be right here yep I like it okay we just need to make the actual entrance where you enter invisible blocks oh okay that's actually a really smart idea mhm and then we need the railroad track to go Boop right into the ocean yeah and I'll put a barrel right on top of it so nobody finds it no a barrel what the heck that way super secrets Gooby how is that going to to freaking help us look if if he comes back he can't even get in there okay look what if we add a bunch of barrels like this mhm mhm and now we just make this one invisible boom Oh you go through the barrel that's so cool y through the barrel that's a really good idea uh we have a leak I'm fixing it Daddy fix the freaking leak I'm making the tube all right guys help me make everything look really good in here I'm going to make it have iron blocks cuz they're super strong yeah okay does anyone have a sponge uh no I'm going to need a sponge to get this water out Gooby do have a spongee uh no I can go get one from the house all right go get a sponge Gooby oo you guys are making it actually look really good well obviously dad cuz I'm the one doing it all what do you mean Daisy's right next to you well I gave her the idea to use these blocks all right okay did you want me to make it Pink or something oh no don't please don't do that please Daisy no pink no pink allow think it's for losers no it's not got to get a sponge Hey kid oh uhoh uh hello oh you're still here that's really good hey uh is Marty back yet no nope um he's still out uh very unfortunately uh but he'll be back very soon oh good uh yeah I'm just waiting here to collect my money if you see him just let him know I'm here all right okay yes I will do that um I'm just going to go get sponge uh for not any particular reason just really need a sponge so I'll be back uh don't look for me that was close where where's Gooby at we really need these sponges so I can start adding these railroads Gooby where are you I'm here I'm here finally Gooby all right put the sponges over there okay I got the sponges but um the weird guy he's still here wait the guy that's asking for the money in the house yep he's just sitting outside oh no he's camping us well Gooby did you tell him about our secret underwater base no no I didn't tell him all right good good do never tell him never tell him that okay I won't I got the sponge all right Ed the sponges let's put away out yep I have to block up some of the holes the water's been leaking in this a really good little FL hole okay we're doing good we're doing good yes we're using seok seok I think we did it yes all right daddy I'm going to start adding the railroad carts okay I got to add support I think I'm going to make these all powered because you're going to go really fast won't we break the glass no we're not going to break the glass it's going to just be insane all right might break the glass no it's not going to break the glass you're going to break the glass dad cuz you're uh that's not how it works okay there we go now all this is powered and I just got to keep adding some Redstone like this ooh Daisy you're starting to actually build the base yeah I think it's looking really cool yeah it looks like a dome we have to make a bunch of Domes ooh this track is coming out so good so powerful and cool guys I can see so many fishies from under here I know I see a lot of lobster Lobster where they're all in the bottom look there's a blue one I don't actually see them that's unfortunate your eyes are probably bad wao wao whoo whoo wao Gooby slow down oh my gosh you just hit me with your cart Gooby yeah go back the other way go backwards bye whoa Daisy this is looking insane in here we have to make like 10 more of these oh we need to sponge everything I'm going to drown in here I got the sponge all right now we'll just connect this mine cart and then we're going to put a button right here boom all right let me test out the roller coaster and make sure it works wao oh my gosh it's going so fast hi hey Daddy hi see you later see you loser this is insane all right now let me go back the other way I'm coming in hot guys watch out well coming in really high Gooby gooby run Gooby run Gooby run oh that was a close one Gooby I almost just ran you over that was have been really painful yeah you would probably break your legs and break your face and maybe break an arm yep and probably break your sponge too yeah you don't want to break the sponge um Daisy what are you doing over here I'm making it deeper so we can't be seen from the surface oo that's a good idea whoa look at that whale i w this looks crazy you see that whale oh my gosh it's huge doing some flips wow it really is doing some flips I kind of want to be his friend I'm going to go say hi to it yeah I want to go say hi too Daddy can we be friends with the whales uh sure maybe I don't know how that works I mean my daddy is a whale so I guess this whale will like me too no it's no I'm not a whale I hit the whale Daddy I hit it no don't hold him you're going to make them all I'm just petting it Gooby I'm just petting them I'll speak whale to it whale portion come back here WS Gooby how' you even do that hello Mr whale when did you learn to speak whale goobie um I just loed from a movie a movie y wow I didn't know my daddy was an actor daddy that's awesome that you were in a movie as a whale I'm not a whale I think you are no I'm not dude I'm going to help you put a bunch of these iron blocks around dadd can do that no you're doing it wrong why not doing it wrong got to be on the outside layer I'm doing it right you're doing it wrong I'm going to help casy make the ceiling of this place all right me too I'm going to help too what are you doing you're you're actually annoying me now Johnny I'm placing down the glass but guys we need a lot of these domes we need a crazy we need 1 2 3 4 like five more well start making them what are you doing I'm decorating I'm making sure these things don't blow up underwat from the pressure well we do have a lot of stuff from our house that we need to move in so we do need a lot of Domes yeah we need like 400 domes okay maybe not that much is not the right math like 400 no no just five five h no five wait Daddy what if we extend this first one so there's like a bottom floor down here yeah we can do that all right daddy I'm going to work on that make levels yeah I'm going to work on that all right daddy look at this I'm just going to extend it with this glass I like that I like it got to make sure the supports are really strong I want like a whale you know just swimming into the building and blowing it up guys this kelp is so annoying oh break all this stupid CP you just got to break it I can't build I can't build with it in my face Daddy I know I've been picking it up can I eat it Daddy we can actually use it as fuel ooh all right here we go just placing down a little bit more glass wa Daisy and Gooby you guys are making like little sections well someone has to you're just standing around doing nothing damn I'm not doing nothing look look what I'm doing I'm making this this really uh secure yeah take that Daddy take what you got roasted by a girl hey no I didn't she roasted and toasted you she said that since you're old you can't do anything she she didn't say that did you just say that Daisy kind of you're doing a bad job yeah got you well then you do we and I'll go pick flowers um no no no no Daddy we don't even need to be helping you I think you just got to pay $4 million to this guy so we can keep our house this is your problem not ours well if I lose the house then you guys lose a house that's how it works well no daddy cuz we're going to have the secret underwater base no this this is my house no it's not yeah it is nope it's actually me Daisy and goo's house yeah yeah who said well Gooby came up with the idea so no but the the subscribers actually gave him the idea so technically it's theirs the subscribers well they said that that it's mine so no no no you're wrong Gooby M if you just continue to be a meanie weenie then you can't be here did you just call me a meanie weenie yes I'm trying it out well does it doesn't suit you guys I see the lobsters oh my gosh there's actually lobsters in the game yeah I know that's what I said before daddy you weren't lying you weren't lying daddy there crazy blue ones all right I got to do the flooring of this bottom Dome this place looks insane guys I think I'm going to make my room in this bottom floor I'm claiming it now that's where we're putting the farm the farm yeah how do you think we're supposed to live underneath the in the ocean I mean I guess that makes sense a farm would definitely help I don't like to eat carrots and potatoes we can put some pigs and cows and stuff ooh maybe there's like a a cake farm right daddy there's no such thing as a cake Farm I'm sorry ooh yes we should make a cake Farm yes that that's a good idea there's no such thing as a cake Farm it's really a great idea it's really a horrible idea you just need to farm all the ingredients of a cake yes exactly so you want to actually make it I we could do that we could actually do that yes let's go now what ingredients do you need for a cake someone tell me cake you just say cake oh yeah I you need icing you need a lot of icing that's for sure you need flour and sugar and eggs so we have chickens E I don't want flowers in mine yeah I don't want flowers either there's no flowers Daisy you can make your own flower cake but I don't want that yeah you can have flowers in yours it's a different type of flour I don't care what type of flour it is roses or tulips or anything like that nope nope not going in our cake okay uh we're working with a bunch of idiots you need flour in order for the cake to rise and it to be you know really really good yeah but if the cake Rises then it won't be here in here anymore it'll be up at the selfish no oh God okay let me see what you guys been working on wao oh these domes are looking really good yeah you like this one I made this one over here yeah this one looks amazing Gooby thank you so we got one two three we need two more domes you make them yeah Daddy why don't you to do something you want me to make a dome I'll make the best Dome here if you don't make a dome you don't get a room okay fine fine I'm going to make the coolest Dome ever y this is my direction Gooby get out of here okay you can see that I just need to get a meal all right look at this I'm making a 10x10 Dome you don't even know what that is guys our base is looking so cool from outside oh my goodness this is actually a secret underwater base I know it's coming out really really oh I see an orca oh no there's a pack of them what does that mean what do they do they're very aggressive they might come and start destroying our base cuz we're in their territory are they sharks daddy the orc are sharks they're worse than sharks they're like sharks on steroids really daddy oh no they eat sharks they're just whales no but they're killer whales Daisy so orkers are just whales orcas orkers no no no orcas I just said that no you did not orcas okay it's pronounced orc Daddy I'm pretty sure Gooby just said that no he didn't no he didn't no he didn't no he didn't pretty sure I did it was really close at least I think you guys need help that's I think help with what just keep build it all right guys I'm going to add a ladder going into this bottom Dome are you sure I can't make this my room daddy yep I'm sure that's going to be where the cake Farm is well what do I do down here uh you got to start making a farm okay we need chicken farm right we need chickens we need eggs so that that's together okay I can do that I'm going to do that right now we need sugar cane sugar cane oh no I don't know how we're going to make this o Daddy I think I know how to make an automatic sugar cane Farm should I do it wait automatic you know we can make a lot of money off those exactly daddy well keep going make it make it make it all right Daddy I'll make it right now why' you say it like that so I need to go wait a minute let me see if I know how to do this so I do this this this this this this this and then I put my sugar cane on top wait okay now that I added all that water there now I could place down the sugar cane all right now above it I'm just going to do something like this with pistons and then above that we need to put these absorber blocks oh I did that totally wrong no I think I made my bubble too big well it's your own false MDI it's going to be super epic but it it's definitely a big project yeah well I'm making a battle station uh wa Gooby that's the whole idea is to hide this bace not to show the whole world yeah but what if they those crazy killer whales come back or like a giant squid attacks that is true you know what you're kind of right you're kind of right okay Gooby you're the only one that's allowed to do that okay so I made like a little base right here with a lookout and I'm going to put uh some weapons and armors in here okay that's good that's good we could use that we'll use your room as like the battle station room daddy my sugarcane Farm's coming out so good right now let me see what you're doing you're going to be so jealous when you see it ew it looks super ugly hey no it doesn't it actually looks super amazing well you have to detail make it look good cuz I can't be living in a house that looks like poop daddy I'm not done yet I don't know it looks like it's almost completed okay so I need to do this now I need to go around here oh no there's a lot of whales near us it's fine I'm outside and they're not even hurting me I have a bad feeling they're going to destroy my base and only my base that's since you made the biggest base or the biggest target you're right Gooby why are you always right uh probably cuz the subscribers made me into a genius oh I forgot about that part why' you guys do that cuz they're the best daddy don't yell at our subscribers what is wrong with you I got to whip them into shape just like you Johnny hey with this subscribers how about you uh get me to be smart yeah be like really handsome you can save my hairline no one's going to subscribe for that and leave a like for that all right my sugar cane Farm is almost done I just got to connect all this with redstone now there we go now all of that is completed fill that back up with some glass oh it just did the thing it just did it let's see all the sugar cane oh I just got eight pieces of sugar in here Daddy it worked wait what worked my sugarcan farm daddy it did the thing it did it did it did what thing daddy look when it grows up to the Observer block it all gets killed and then it goes into this chest no way but now you got to make an automated chicken farm how I do that you like put chickens in a machine and they poop eggs and then you can actually cook them and make chicken okay Dad I can do that wait what else do I need for a cake so you got the sugar for the sugar cane oh we need a cow for milk oh and then I need wheat oh gosh so you got to make like a little Wheat Farm you got to make a chicken farm and you just got to put a cow in the corner so we can milk it okay Dad I can do all that I got this wait do you want to live in my bubble um I think I want to live with the chickens yeah I can split it though it's so big okay fine I'll live there okay okay here we go we're just going to do something like this put some glass there and then I'll just build this up by one and boom boom boom boom boom boom boom chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken oh my goodness look at those chickens that's a lot of chickens now they're going to poop out eggs and then when they poop them out they're going to poop them right into this chest I'm a freaking genius all right now what I need to do is I need to add a cow um where do I add a cow over here is going to be the wheat farm so maybe I add it in this corner there we go do something like this now put two cows in there this is looking pretty good all right there we go now you can get some buckets and then you can milk the cows let's see if it works give me your milk I don't think they're ready to be milked yet now finally I got to add a wheat farm okay what's the best way I could do this probably just adding a bunch of water and then a bunch of dirt there we we go do something like this and now we just got to add water all right now I just got to H the floor there we go just do a little bit that little bit of that and then boom she she she she why is it not working daddy the seeds aren't working oh come on you need light that's what you probably need any light put like a lamp down are you kidding me there's a little lamp okay what about a torch sure that works if this works Daddy I swear all right I guess over here I'm going to put a light it actually worked yep I knew it I knew it I knew it are you kidding me I didn't even know that all right well there we go now that it's all litty over here I'm just going to place down a bunch of those wheat guys I think I did it I made the ultimate Cake Factory wait I'm coming down dad you got to check this place out wao isn't it awesome wait what is this oh that's a chicken farm they haven't pooped anything out yet well D I'm waiting for them to they should be pooping out something soon right I mean I guess so but okay so you got the eggs you got the sugar you got the milk and you got the wheat okay that works that checks out I got it all Daddy I did it you made a successful cake Farm good job proud of me Daddy now I can be fat like you I'm very proud but we have a bigger issue what I need you to build a room o Daddy I can do that next come up here let me see where you want me to build it right over here guys this is looking insane so we got Daisy section we got Gooby section okay wow Gooby your room is coming out amazing over here look how big this space is wow you and me are going to split this in half okay Daddy uh which half do you want you can take that half no I think I want this half okay fine I'll take this half no I actually do like this one better so it's the same thing it's the same thing yeah but I I actually like this half a little bit better hey you stay stay over there stay over there I'm going to I'm going to start I'm going to bite you okay Daddy okay I'll take this section that's what I thought that's what I thought so we're going to put a line down the middle all right daddy let me make it are you sure daddy I think you got a little bit more space than me it's even I don't know I think I'm getting cheated no you're not it's legit even look this is the middle block and there's a line all D if if we just move the line over here no no no no no I'm not living in the corner why you can't I bet you can't even fill this whole Space up okay Danny uh I'll fill it up right now fill this up real quick what are you doing you said I do was a challenge I'm filling it up I'm talking about with furniture and beds and a kitchen or stuff like that stuff to make your room look cool yeah Daddy I'm going to do something a little different this time well you can do whatever you want but keep it on your side all right Daddy I don't want to see your face what are you doing there we go what are you doing Daddy don't worry about it just work on your side stop worrying so much what what are you are you making a pool no you're definitely making a pool I'm not making a pool Daddy you're supposed to put a bed I am it's going to be on the pool okay fine you're making a water bed I get it okay so stupid it's a big water bed daddy well you're not allowed on my side you're on my side okay okay okay I'll get off of it get out of here you want to come in my pool Daddy come here no no I don't want to go in your pool leave me alone leave me no I'll put you in my pool no no no no stop it put you in my pool Daddy yeah I'm going I'm going to put you in my pool I'll put you in my pool here you go Daddy get in there no why are you on my head go off my head all right Daddy just go on your side let me make my pool all right I think I'm going to put my bed over here and we're just going to make it floating so if I want to go into my bed I'm going to have to put my bathing suit on to go into the water all right then we'll put some yellow carpet going around like that we also need a cabinet there we go put a cabinet right there and then we'll put another one over here let's go that's looking sick e looks horrible oh God the yellow it's piercing my eyeballs hey Daddy oh Gooby look check out my base isn't it coming out Jo shck what's going on there a leak I better put some sponges while you no no no no sponges no no no no no no no it's supposed to be an indoor pool Gooby indoor pool but we surrounded by water no that's that's but have is there a pool are you allowed to go into the ocean you're going to get eaten by that whale if you go out there Gooby oh yeah SW I guess so so I'm adding an indoor pool and then that's where all my stuff's going to be like look at this putting a little Lantern see that it's like instead of a water bed you have a bed that's in water exactly Gooby exactly see you're a genius that's pretty good wait Gooby are you done with your base um almost you want to come see yeah I want to come see let's see what you've been working on yeah okay all right let's see if you come over here oh got the Armory you can make you get all the weapons and armor nice I like that Gooby look at all cool almost W they're blue just like you yep yep and then if you come down here this is going to be my room ooh wo you have so much space in here yeah it's going to be like a little secret base type of thing you could do so many physical activities in this thing like like squat like that oh yeah and one rounds wait but Gooby what is this you can go up oh yeah so this is the lookout oh my goodness this is actually so genius you can see all the things like a Shar or boat or something you even see your daddy right there wow jum Daddy I hate you guys okay that was mean that was mean that was definitely mean well I want to go see what Daisy's been working on Daisy I'm downstairs wa I like your your house here I don't know about this carpet though that's a little weird just fix that for you what are you doing oh nothing let me just do this real quick all right let's go downstairs wow there's so much space down here yeah I just add my bed this is awesome it's supposed to be pink wait what I didn't change that though you just did it again I didn't though I'm I I I'm not doing this it's a ghost a ghost is taking over my hand and my my mouse and I'm I can't do it there's no ghost in here Johnny stop all right bye Daisy I'm going back to my base bye wa Daddy I like the books that you're adding here this cool this is my section get off okay okay okay I'm going to go back to my water base oh yeah this looking sick wait but wait I have a question I have a question what you want so I think my side should have the kitchen and your side should have a toilet so I could use your kitchen you could use my toilet yep that's the only thing we could use no jumping on each other's beds okay Daddy I'll add a toilet right now all right good I can add a toilet super easy I'm going to add it over here in this section it's going to be the pooper section there we go that's looking nice I think I'm also going to add a little shower as well even though you could just shower in the pool we'll also add a shower ooh the toilet area is coming out really good I just saw have a really amazing idea what if we put a bunch of lily pads where you could jump onto to get to other places you don't have to get wet every time you want to go take a poop all right there we go do some parkour and boom and now I want to go back to my bed and go back to sleepies and boom I'm back to my bed this is such a good idea all right now what do I want to put over here in this section let's see what I could add ooh I want to put a chest area but I think I'm going to use these Oak boat with a chest in it and then I can have floating chest that can go anywhere I want wait that's actually kind of smart and then maybe in the middle right here I put a little water fountain water fountain go yeah that's super sick ooh Daddy are you going to put a TV somewhere nope well I'm going to edit TV in my floating bit wow isn't that something I wish I cared hey you do care Daddy no I don't going to be sick be so sick that I'm going to throw up every time I look on that side all right I'm going to put TV over here in this section oh God there's a big TV we need a smaller TV there we go and do something like this and boom now you can sit down and watch TV in the corner I'm so freaking smart all right my base is done uh daddy you want to come see my room over here uh sure let's go look at it let's go see this horrible base okay it's official done just got to jump on the little lily pads just like this okay boom now you made it to my bed nice cool I like it water bed now you do a big a big leap over here and then you make it to the couch well I can sit down and watch some TVs I like it yep yep then over here I got my chest area some plushies and then over here I got the toilet ooh and then there's a shower as well if you want to take a shower this makes no sense though I'm going to get out of the shower when I'm wet just go back into water and I'll be wet again hey makes sense to me so well I want to check out goobies and Daisy's base Oh Daddy yeah you should theirs is so good also Daddy I might need to do some updating to this kitchen it's very red yeah cuz it's mine um you said we were sharing so just going to switch those out okay now I'm happy okay sure whatever you say let's go check out Daisy's base all right daddy Daisy we're knocking we're coming in what the heck what was that I'm downstairs we're to coming down wao this is cool ooh Yep this is the room you got some plushies you made this look so much better you even have a gaming setup a dang it I should have of that floating in my pool we can take turn playing fortnite let's go my Gaming's set up too now and I get a kitty you got a kitty cat wa ew it kind of looks ugly he's not ugly wait let me see a kitty cat ooh Daisy uh does your cat like to play fortnite yeah he plac it on the TV though no way oh my God since he's a baby you need to train him to be the best fortnite player ever when he grows up he's going to be way better than us yeah he is this is the dumbest conversation I've ever heard in my life the cat can't play fortnite yes he can yes he can daddy he's probably better than you how's he able to play he doesn't have fingers well he's got Paws and he has his tongue that he like lick stuff okay that that's just really disturbing you know what we should do right now we should go check Gooby oo yeah I want to see goobie's Bas all right everyone follow me Gooby gooby where are you yes I'm down here in my secret base ooh well we want to see what you've been working on so everyone lets go downstairs W this is crazy Gooby check it out oh my goodness so I got my my TV room and it's just got a fish tank floor wo that's so cool and they have these giant big shells right here okay the comfiest shs ever and then in the middle of them is my gaming setup with a smaller Shale wo you got like a chair inside of a chair here yep it's pretty amazing and then if you look over here I have a giant bed wow yep it's super fluffy and soft this is pretty awesome Gooby I like it I like it thank you guys I think our secret underwater base is pretty much completed what do you guys think yeah I would say so I think this place looks great mhm it's pretty awesome there's so many different rooms and you can do so many things in here wait wait wait Daddy I forgot something oh no Johnny what did you forget well in our old house that's going to get sold um I think I have my Nintendo switch up in my bedroom and I need that Nintendo switch why do you need it we could just get a new one no Dad I can't get a new one why can't you get a new one because on that one I was playing a level and that I need that saved level are you kidding me oh this I'm going to go back there and risk my life and probably everything just for a level on your Nintendo switch you might die we'll sneak back inside the house come on everyone follow me hey stop you can't go by yourself everyone we we got to go together go go go go go see you guys later watch out cuz that we businessman guy is still here oh you're right he might be here still it's fine I just got to get my Nintendo switch and then we're going to get right out all right guys everyone come up through the invisible Barrel go go go go go all right I just got to walk this way ooh daddy we can go through this area oh my old bedroom oh man I missed this place you to take the pps5 hey no that's okay fine it was mine oh D there's some food in here too you want some no I don't want any okay let's go upstairs now everyone follow me all right guys I think my Nintendo switch was somewhere over here or it might have been in the kitchen uhoh well well well look who it is oh oh gosh daddy oh wait that's not my daddy uh that's someone else right that his name is party my party yeah and I'm very smarty yeah yeah yeah I know it's you Marty now won't you just sign this contract right here and I'll own your house you you want me to sign this wait what do you mean no we have the $4 million what do you mean we have the $4 million oh you do do you uh Daisy's got the $4 million right Daisy yeah I know exactly where it is oh yeah where um Follow Me Wait Daisy where you going where you going I have a plan okay um Daisy where are you going wait Daisy da da this is not the right way to go oh yes it is just keep following me Daisy where are we going Daisy don't don't do it don't do it I think I know what you're doing I have a plan no don't don't tell him the plan this plan better be good $4 million good yeah it's going to be great we we've been working on this if you just come right here the $4 million is right down there oh hey hey we turn out the lights what's going on in here we gave you something special Richie Rich oh there there's a a little roller coaster thing here should I get in there yeah we s to the 4 million oh okay here I go wa wa this is pretty fun actually guys what are we doing why did we just give that guy our underwater secret base we didn't give it to him Gooby can talk to whales right so surely he can talk to sharks wait what you're right if you just calling a bunch of sharks and whales they can go eat them oh yes and then they'll just destroy them and we can keep our regular house exactly Gooby exactly okay hold on let me try come over here and break everything and kill that person right there um is it working I can't tell if it's working or not it sounds like you were pooping yeah I don't know what's happening Gooby all right hold let me try again it's shs and whal here let me see do I see any I don't see nothing no I don't see anything yet wait look com here where oh oh there's a bunch of sharks you're calling them wa sharks are walking sharks go attack him go hey what's going on around here there sharks around whoa good thing I'm in this glass secret base it's pretty nice Gooby Gooby gooby you need to do one more call tell the Sharks to go attack that guy yeah okay sharks go attack that guy please come on come on on go attack him is it walking oh oh the glass is breaking hey oh there's sharks in here they're attacking me no Take that you sharks oh oh my gosh the sharks are in our base they're attacking him this is crazy Oh no I got to get out of here let's go it's working what is this ow oh oh my gosh there's so many sharks oh he died let's go woo yes yes I don't have to pay that guy $4 million I we did it good job Gooby we even get to keep the seet underwater base too yeah so now we have that house and we have this house I think that made me a multi-millionaire by like two times so I think I'm worth $8 million, now well the thing is me Gooby and Daisy did help you build this base so we get at least 5 million um yeah sure whatever you say yay now we're all millionaires yeah but uh one thing Daddy I was actually thinking about our room over there and I think I want that whole room to be a pool so I'm just going to go do that real quick no no no no no no John you're not allowed to do that bye daddy no no no see you later nope I'm blocking you I'm blocking you no Daddy let me go through bye no no no no see you later Daddy well if you guys enjoyed watching this video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now bye everyone
Channel: Johnny Minecraft
Views: 545,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cash, family friendly, no cursing, no bad words, minecraft, nico, nico and cash, cash and nico, kid friendly, aphmau, skit, cash vs nico, Minecraft, sunny, having a family in minecraft, minecraft family, build to survive in minecraft!, minecraft build to survive, omz, minecraft manhunt, slogo, johnny minecraft, johnny, here's johnny, minecraft mod, minecraft funny, Minecraft elements, secure house, I Built a SECRET UNDERWATER House to Hide From My Daddy!, underwater base minecraft
Id: oZA0kURzkC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 56sec (2336 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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