SML Movie - Bowser Junior's Daddy Problem! - Full Episode

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learning how to speak Mexican you're going to need to know how to speak Mexican because one day you're going to find yourself at a Mexican restaurant and the waight is going to bring you your food and say hot plate but you're going to touch the plate anyway and burn your hand because you didn't understand what they said because they were speaking Mexican so we're going to learn how to speak Mexican any questions crass um it's not called speaking Mexican it's called speaking Spanish Spanish Mexican same thing Cody do they speak in Mexico Mexican see it's that simple okay well what do they speak in Spain Mexican what what about PTO Rico or Cuba they all speak Mexican Cody but we'll call it Spanish for you you wrote Spanish on the board all right crass no one pay attention to Cody he dumb he not no Mexican anyway crass does anyone know how to say hero in Spanish what about you smartass the Spanish word for hello is Ola no that's how you say hero in Hawaiian I asked how you say hero in Mexican I mean Spanish yes all right so the way you say hero in Spanish is L heroo El heroo CR El hello guys it's not even how you say hello in Spanish very good CR now that you all know how to say hello in Spanish we're going to learn how to say bye and in Spanish the way you say bye in Spanish is adios El Bio God damn it so El heroo crass then when we leave we say El bio what are you kidding me you can't just add L and O to the beginning and end of every word and say it's Spanish now all right crass now that you know how to say by in Spanish you're probably wondering how do you say this buy in Spanish well it's very similar to this buy except this one is is elbio so the difference between Elbo and Elbo is this buy you're going to say it while you're waving so Elbo and N by you're going to say it with money in your hand like you're going to buy something Elbo what what if you don't have any arms that doesn't even make sense well you better have arms if you go into Mexico Cody or else no one's going to understand you all of this pointless if you know have arm arm is very important to the Mexican language so this buy and this buy no one going to understand you if you don't have arm because they're going to think you're trying to buy something and leave at the same time anyway crra so now that you know how to say buy as in Elbo and buy as in you're going to buy something now you're probably wondering how do you say this buy this by is like this book was written by the way you say this Buy in Mexican is let me guess is it El bio no very cross Cody very close but they different the way you say by in Spanish is Elo that's what I just said well what you do with your hands is very important Cody because the way you say this buy is elbio and the way you say this buy is elbio you have to have money in your hand Cody all right and in the way you say this Buy elbio you must have book in your hand see book is written elbio Dr Seuss understand no why don't we just learn regular Spanish this is very complicated I know I know crass Mexican can be very confusing so let me use all three Buys in a sentence to help you understand so what you're going to do is you're going to walk into the library and say El heroo Mrs librarian I would like to elbio a book that was written Elbo Dr Seuss she going to take your money and now you own book but before you leave you're going to set the book down and say albio you cannot say elbio while holding book in your hand or else you look like this elbio Elbo like who wrote this [ __ ] book you know who wrote the [ __ ] book it says druss on the side of the book so you have to put the book down and say Elbo then you can pick the book back up and leave any questions class yeah I'm dropping out of this school all right class we're running out of time so we're going to go through these last three very quickly all right the next word we have is name how you say name in Mexican is Neo Bingo was his Neo very famous Spanish song b i n g o and Bingo what's his name the next word we have is yes does anyone know how to say yes in Spanish see come on guys I thought you were smarter than that the way you say yes in Mexican is Elo everybody understand all right the last word is no does anyone know how to say no in Spanish oh I got it now it's l no o what what what kind of Spanish is that Cody you are so dumb you have a lot of Spanish to be learning the way you say no in Spanish is no no mean no in all languages how you be so stupid l no crappy dumb oh okay oh yeah that's fair I was just putting l and O at the beginning and end of every word like you were come on Cody this is getting really easy Spanish is easy screw off Junior all right cross I know some some of you had trouble running your Spanish today but what I want you to do is tonight go to Mexican restaurant and try to test out your Spanish see how far along you get all right and remember if they say hot plate that means ow no touch do not touch it or else you burn your hand all right I know we didn't get to food items today but remember burrito and taco are same thing in Mexican and also when in doubt add L and and O to the word and you're probably right good luck craft see you tomorrow what a long and exhausting day of school today Cody yeah I know it's almost like we didn't learn anything at all yes we did Cody we learned Spanish no we didn't Junior nothing that he taught us was actually Spanish yes it was Cody he's a teacher he knows what he's talking about he's an idiot he doesn't know what he's talking about and nothing he taught us was real Spanish okay Cody look I understand that you you know we only know English so learning a new language is going to be hard for us so I understand hearing another language is going to sound like gibberish so yes Spanish right now doesn't make sense to us but eventually we're going to speak fluent Spanish and it's going to make sense Junior I've already learned a little bit of Spanish yeah today no no I mean before today like like earlier today no no I I mean even earlier than that like yesterday no I didn't learn Spanish yesterday I learned Spanish like a while back like how like like earlier today like a few hour no no not a few like like a few years ago like okay Cody your time's all messed up a few years ago no like earlier today junior nothing we just learned today is real Spanish I promise oh okay then let's go to the Mexican restaurant and test it out like he wants us to do and we'll see if it works or not Junior we're going to sound stupid no we're not we're going to sound like we're Spanish fine all right let's go Cody oh man this is my first time at a Mexican restaurant this is so cool woohoo can we go now Cody we're not going to leave yet our teacher says we have to test out our Spanish at a Mexican restaurant so we're at a Mexican restaurant let's test out our Spanish Junior we don't even know real Spanish our teacher is an idiot and we're just going to sound stupid Cody we're not going to sound stupid is that real cactus no Junior that's a balloon and a sombrero and we're going to sound stupid cuz we're just adding L and O to everything and besides I can't even eat Mexican food it'll tear apart my butthole not in a good way oh oh hello senors I brought you some chips and salsa and queso and salt cream welcome to border jumping bean my Neo is Burrito Taco Burrito but you can call me Taco that is not your real name oh yes so it is seor what is your Neo Mi is Cody what my Neo is Cody oh Bingo was his Neo what's your name o seor oh uh uh L hello o my name O Junior ah Bingo was his Neo do you Bingo want to order some food um I'd just like to buy a taco in an enchilada what oh oh I'm sorry I I'd like to elbio a taco in an enchilada oh you're leaving so soon see you later no no I'm not I'm not leaving I'd like to elbio a taco in an enchilada ah taco and enchilada for Bingo what about you Bingo oh uh I would ALS also I mean uh Cody can I borrow that yeah I would like to El bio a taco and enchilada also oh okay two anela two Taco coming right up for the Bingos Junior this is ridiculous Cody look we're doing we're doing pretty good with our Spanish You're killing it with your Spanish you said you didn't know it but you're killing it Junior this is stupid this isn't even real Spanish Cody let's eat some nachos all right dingles your foood is ready Hot Plate U it's hot what's wrong Cody I burned my hand on the plate wait hot plate that equals Al no touch you know that well he touched it and it didn't hurt him here you go Senor hot plate that's a good point Cody I'm going to ask him uh L excuse me o l what oh L uh how oh did you oh touch the hot plate oh without it burning your hand oh oh Bingo want his Neo did you get your answer junior did you uh well I think he just really busy yeah that's probably I can't wait to try this food though it looks really good try yours Junior I said I can't eat it because if I do I'm going to have a baby out of my butt well Cody maybe this is Diet oh you know what yeah yeah you're right Junior it's probably diet Mexican food I hadn't thought of that I guess I'll try it then yeah it might be diet they might make it like well it won't make you sick these diet beans are actually really good Junior H Cody you should try this enchilada it's amazing yeah uhoh uhoh what's wrong Cody did you touch the plate again did you burn yourself no no Junior I got to poop I got to poop really really bad oh well then use the bathroom you weirdo no no Junior I never use public bathrooms Cody never poops in public Cody pooping in public never going to happen I never pull a CPP you never pull a CPP no well you poop in private right well oh yeah so that's a CPP Cody poops in private well well it's a CPP but it's not the same kind of CPP look it doesn't matter Junior I have to poop we need to leave right now so you want me to get the check yes please where's the waiter at uh waiter uh waiter waiter get over here did you need something bingos yes I have to poop I I need to check right now oh we're actually running a special today if you El bio this book then your meal is free what I don't want to buy a book I just want to pay for my dinner well that's a good deal Cody if if you buy the book your meal is free we basically ate for free well it's not free if I'm buying the book Junior but the meal is free Senor it's a good deal Cody okay fine I will buy your stupid book what what oh I'm sorry I will elbio your book oh you're leaving so soon without paying you ding ditch no for God's sake look I I I will elbio your book oh okay pleasure doing business with you seor okay can we can we go now oh Cody I say bye to him El bio Dr Seuss what's wrong Cody oh Cody you said bye while holding the book didn't you are you farting Cody junior junior I I pooped in my panties what I pooped in my panties Junior I have I have meshed panties and I just made Play-Doh spaghetti in my pants oh well Cody look at least we learned Spanish and you and you bought a book just like the teacher taught us so you do know Spanish Cody you learned Spanish oh God it won't stop oh God it won't stop junior just keep pooping oh man what a weird dream oh man I'm going call Cody come on Cody answer hello Cody I just had the weirdest dream I had a dream that we were in school and we learned Spanish and then we went to a Mexican restaurant and you bought a book and then you pooped your pants that wasn't a dream Junior that was earlier today I'm still on the toilet now hang up so I can finish reading green eggs and ham I do not like themi am I do not like green eggs and ham hey kids I'm doofy the dragon and today we're doing laundry because my ex-wife loves me again so now I have to be responsible so let's learn how to do laundry together so right now there's towels in here and there's towels right there so does anybody have any ideas on how to get those towels with these towels kill yourself yeah exactly so we're going to start moving these towels over to here count with me Kip one [Music] towel two towels that's lot she left her Pig towel here for me to clean we're not together anymore so we're going to burn that one she left me I guess kids it's time for the bleach is that enough I missed my wife that's so funny to be God this is stupid Junior no no it's not doy's awesome just hurry up and eat your stupid cereal you're going to be for school H okay hey what happened to doy the dragon breaking news guy we just got word that a very dangerous criminal escaped from prison last night okay he's extremely dangerous he's he's known to say things are hot and he's a pedophile so hide your kids okay cuz he's coming for huh I think I've seen him before oh well he's probably just being stupid all right I'm going to finish my cereal and then go to school oh I hate school go to classroom 103117 wink face but but why I like this classroom oh this is dumb oh guys isn't it really weird that there was a sign saying to come to this classroom and why couldn't we stay in the old classroom I mean it's kind of weird but does it really matter I mean I just I really like the old classroom why did Jackie Chu make us come here this is dumb oh oh maybe there's a body in there and it's like dead and it's decaying right right what you don't you don't think so I mean why would there be a dead body in the class I don't know that would be a perfect reason though I mean I mean I mean yeah but I mean right Joseph I don't I mean yeah maybe guys guys you're all stupid clearly they're having a big hunky dance party in there and they just don't want to invite us a hunky dance party yeah that's gay I not you're a fool where is where's your stupid Ken doll at anyway yeah go be gay with that Ken had to stay home cuz he was so tired after what we were doing all night if if you know what I mean that's gross Cody it's not something to brag about sick kind of lost guys what did they do oh well well you see toad when someone loves another person very very much Mushu pork everybody uh ching chang chong chong or something oh hey Jackie Chu oh um oh hey ching chong ching egg rolls or something what happened to your eyes I could actually see them oh uh my eyes uh I got that American laser surgery thing that makes Chinese people look all Americanized wait is that a real thing no it's not I am a I am a terrible liar what see how Jackie chew looks his eyes look all normal now yeah I I'm pretty sure that's not Jackie cheu Junior yeah yeah it is it moo moo Gan everybody yeah you're not my real father what was that son shut up you hot little [ __ ] you're blowing my cover good morning everybody uh I I I am I am so Asian I could not be more Asian if I tried uh I just got out of G I mean I I just I just finished building a a wall a big great wall around my house keep out those uh those pesky Mongolians as as you all know my name is my name is Mr win wink no no not not that my name my name is Bruce uh Jackie Jack Jackie Chan that's it Jackie Chan um don't you mean Jackie Chu yes Jack Jackie Chu that that is what I meant and I do not know how to spell that so I'm going to draw a picture of of an egg roll that that's an egg roll believe it or not ha see Cody that is Jackie chew right Joseph yeah dude that is Jackie chew guys that's clearly just Mr Winkle in disguise what's wrong with you can you not see that's not Mr wiggle that is Jackie chew and get your glasses checked yeah get your glasses checked four eyes yeah four eyes four eyes eyes do that even mean how is that an insult I don't have four eyes I have two eyes and two lenses on top of them if anything I have extension eyes call me extension eyes extension eyes I'm going to be the one laughing when you all get molested okay everybody so uh what what did you do yesterday oh oh I Dre a picture of a bear who is all to captain in a hot air balloon he was flying over an island that was on fire and also it was sunny and it was oh yeah okay that's great yeah that's that's that's real hot yeah whatever uh what what can we do today um uh what's what's hot what's oh there's this thing okay everybody so this uh this is this is the world it's pretty hot and places hot people there uh children oh look there's China that's where I'm from not really from Detroit that might be a lie too I don't really remember who wants to come point out hot places in the world oh I don't want to point out hot places okay have at it oh okay um okay hot places in the world yep just um what is hot I don't think China is hot not really I don't think Russia is hot little spin there um um okay well there goes there goes Africa um oh there that no that that that that's not hot that is the North Atlantic Ocean yeah it's hot it's pretty cold there's boats there people vacation there no it's it's pretty cold just just keep just keep looking um hot places um hot places um hot that was a volcano um hot places uh no we've already been there there was a camel Saudi Arabia right um oh there go go go go go sit down a why did he tell me to sit down that that actually might be a good thing Junior okay let's try something else since you guys seem to have trouble finding hot things I I certainly don't uh well let's everybody break up into groups of three and you're all going to you're going to draw your own Planet yeah yeah draw your own planet and uh whoever makes the hottest planet wins this uh bag of 150 pieces of candy yeah and they uh get to get to come home with me oh my God guys 150 pieces of candy if we make the hottest planet we have to win yes we have to win I want the candy I want the candy Cody 150 pieces of candy think about it you could have a piece of candy every day for like a year I I don't think that's how many days there are in a year dude wait guys he said there's only groups of three and there's four of us what he did say that a group of three and there is four of us man what are we going to do one of us has to go and uh me and Cody are going to be in a group regardless because um Cody's a smart one and he he knows how to design planets yay Cody gets to stay in the group regardless because it's easier for the video yeah so um one of y'all has to go y um dude I'm your best friend you should totally pick me well I mean go come on think about it who do you have more fun with come on it's me right I think we should make him have a kissing contest whoever's the better kisser gets to s e no Cody that's gross yeah Cody just keep your keep over there agree with Cody well okay so um come on come on we're like a trio and I went to Disney World with you come on you can't trade that bad yeah yeah I I can't really beat Disney World that's that's something serious that's real relationship all right we're picking Joseph I'm sorry toad but I mean we're like a trio we're like in every video together I guess so well who am I going to work with well you can work with Patrick a planet made completely out of mozzarella cheese and onion rings okay cool yeah go work with Patrick toone all right all right guys let's get a piece of paper and Design This hot planet yeah all right guys let's make the biggest hottest planet ever I really want that candy dude I do too 150 pieces I know that candy looks so good all right so uh what's a big hot planet that we can make he got a guarantee win oh I got an idea what why don't we just draw the Sun that would guarantee win it's a big hot planet yeah that's a genius planet right back up what what the sun is not a planet Junior what Cody why you ruin stuff the sun is a planet yeah it is no it's not it's a star you got to be joking he's [ __ ] the sun is not a star that's a star up there look that's a star yeah that that is a star but it's not the same kind of star no the sun is a planet the Earth is round it's a planet Mercury's round it's a planet Jupiter's round it's a planet the sun is round it's a planet he knows what he's talking about Cody stars are round too Junior no that's a star dumb ass look up there use your glasses that that's a star a star has five points that is the two-dimensional polygon of a star a real star is a round burning ball of gas no it's not do you not know education stuff my God who died and elected you Bill KN a science guy yeah the sun is a planet it's absolutely not a planet I were you going to say that Pluto is not a planet absolutely it's not a planet go kill yourself tonight drink bleach Pluto is a planet you can't be scared the sun the sun is a planet is Pluto is a planet Pluto is not a planet so we couldn't live there no no we couldn't we the sun has oxygen every planet has oxygen no none of them have oxygen so what about aliens yeah how do they live they don't none of them you know what I don't even want to even talk about this anymore the sun is a planet it's a big burning ball of gas and it's a star it's it's a planet Cody you just said a big ball the Earth is a big ball we've established that they're all balls everything is balls everything maybe in your eyes cuz you're a fan every oh my god well okay guys okay look let's look at this straight why would they have the song the name off planets does it go Sun Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto because that's outdated and Pluto is no longer a planet and also it doesn't even start with the sun you made that up well yes well you see pictures of the solar system the Sun comes first why cuz it's a plan because it's part of the solar system that's what solar system is I don't want to hear about you think we take that that's not the truth you know what guys just draw your goddamn son I don't even care anymore see we're going to win you're just mad cuz we proved you wrong real science GE yeah we provve the smart guy we Prov the smart guy wrong all right so uh uh what type of fire do we want for our son that's a planet of course like red fire but I heard blue fire is blue fire why not just throw hundreds of years of science right out the damn window blue fire is also hotter it's hotter than red fire I suppose that's true but the sun's not who asked you Cody Cody the son I'm not going to talk anymore let you guys draw shut up yeah you do that over there yeah you better off not talking imly judge you for wrong yeah do that one y Samantha Samantha could you could you please stop that yeah you're kind of in your way yay onion ring of mozzarella chees planet look at all the onion rings and then there's cheese and it's yellow even though Mo it's a white cheese and it's dripping off the planet cuz there so much cheese is awesome advertizer Planet yeah that's oh yeah this going to be so cool Cody you're missing out all right we're done all right Cody Fe your eyes on the megga sun 2 what happened to the first mega son uh uh it's Supernova it's Supernova yeah it's super you mean like you mean like stars do junior no stars don't Supernova what's wrong with you Cody Planet Supernova look yeah millions of billions of years after the planet gets done burning up all its gases to its core it collapses on itself and it supernovas and makes a white dwarf how do you know this much about stars but you don't know what they are you just described a star perfectly no that's a planet those are stars look look around around my Planet those are all star shapes but there none none of them are actual astronomical Stars those are stars oh look hi I'm these are real stars Cody come on I know you see the paper look we would not be able to stand on stars because they're hot you're right you would be burning to death look at us we have a flag we're we're on this we're on our planet see you're having a great time standing on this star where you would be burning to death no we're standing on a planet look look there's me and and Jo with our flag very and there's you on your propeller plane looking like illusion on my propeller plane in space what am I the Right Brothers they would never work in a million years well yeah it would because you're stupid oh good how how do you we get how do we get how do we get into space now propeller planes H yes yeah that's what NASA does they just put together an old fashion propeller plane and they just fly their asses up there that's that's exactly what happens all right so you're mad we're going to win the contest right yeah let's take it up there to the teachers no please do all right Jackie chw we made the hottest planet ever you want to see it really look at this the mega Sun 2 and we're on it wow that uh looks pretty hot yeah it's really hot it's a big ball of fire it has solar flares wow that is a uh pretty hot planet yeah it's not a planet shut up Co it is a planet yeah Co it has fire and flames we're standing on it cuz we have fire boots and we have a flag on it got two hot little kids right in the cor it's pretty pretty hot planet yeah it's a really hot planet so did we win the candy we had wi the candy I don't know I got to I got to see everyone else's uh no ours is hottest ever no no one can be more hot well I I don't know that come on you you can't be serious yo we need that candy we made the hottest planet ever there's fire on it see the fire Jackie Che we have to have this laughy Taffy nurs and go Stoppers there could be sweet there could be a hotter one someplace no that's the hot that's the hottest one ever wait for everyone else to turn there in that all suck oh he wants to see hot let's show him hot okay all right Jose bring the matches over here okay he wants a hot planet then we're going to light the real Pizza paper on fire that's a genius idea that'll make it a 3D Planet yeah nothing's hotter than real fire okay okay so so light light The Edge on fire we start with the edge we'll start with the edge all right see there's onion rings and cheese and it looks really tasty yeah that's uh not hot at all hey Jackie chw look at our planet what is wrong with it has it has real fire now it's hot not good hot fire hot oh I front of my finger depart the fire everyone there's a fire in the classroom get in the corner and panic now everyone's in the corner I'm about to die hard what the hell are you doing did you not learn anything from last time just just follow me in a line you jackasses okay everybody calm down calm down we got a fire in the school some of you have already seen this before and hey do I know you from somewhere you look kind of familiar U no no no I I'm from China uh yeah um yeah yeah me me Chinese me play joke me go go peee in your Coke yeah go peee and yeah I'll be right back okay yeah I I do recognize you you're that uh that pedophile guy from the TV yeah just you're coming with me just hey why are you arresting Jackie cheu Junior didn't need any of his cereal this morning hey Chef Pee hey what are you doing home early Junior well um the school burnt down and the pedophile came back what what what someone to the door hold on wait wait who Could That Be hello hello that's weird what who is that it's me put back oh yes it's me now let me in D it I have to speak to your father okay this is a nice couch uh so you want me to go get my dad of course I don't come to see you oh well uh is this about today yes yes yes don't mention it oh okay uh dad what do you want junior uh principal Stein bag's here he needs to talk to you what yeah did you fail no I oh my God I fa I swear to God if you fail I'm going to be the black off your ass I'm not black don't even need doio I haven't had these since I was a child [Music] Mr St hi Bower um hi um I came to meet up with the parents today to notify you about the incident that happened today what incident it was out of my control I I completely I'm being honest with you right now it was out of my control what was out of your control the pedophile that was let loose today that you heard on the news he he kind of came back to the school to teach the children or molest them I don't know which one was which but in the school burnt down that's was more important the school burn down it burnt down yeah the school at the classroom somebody get lit it on fire just so in order for us you know you not to sue us we're just going to pass your child Junior wait wait pass him to the next grade he's going to go to the second grade but it's not going to be too easy it's going to be way more harder than it was in first grade we basically just let him walk through so if the school burn down are y'all moving to another school yes we're moving to another room and everything so we'll see you next year okay that sounds awesome okay can can I have the doofy oh sure sure go ahead thank you doofy y look at this mess oh shfp oh man my old stuff from high school man I can't wait to see all the memories that left behind hey Dad what are you doing what do you want junior I'm trying to feel young again damn Bowser 1985 dad you're old no I'm not you're just mad cuz I graduated okay this is my high school stuff oh cool can I see no no no no no I'm looking at my stuff look at this oh this so cool what is that Dad uh I don't know but it's cool oh yeah what else I got o h look what I got I had a Rubik Cube oh man in ninth grade I used to hit nerves with it I was like despite kids with it oh it's so cool you just broke it oh man look what I got Barney dude oh love you you love me oh man I had so much fun in high school dud yeah Barney was cool back then maybe not now but back then oh we have doofy the dragon now who cares about doofy okay oh what is that book oh this is just my yearbook you know look so fly my can I see you can I see you in the yearbook oh you want to see your old pops in the yearbook look at me son just look at me I had a nice little mustache growing and I had a huge afro black power wao dad that's so cool you had an orange afro yeah yeah all the ladies digged it you look like you're about to shoot up a movie theater in Colorado yeah yeah just never got around to it well Dad who's this guy that's Mario stupid nerd how did he end up with a girl like Peach wait he ended up with that girl yeah she's hot she's really hot I know she's blonde too wait you said he's a nerd right yeah did you hit him with the Rubik's Cube maybe that would have been cool dad yeah I did I did all right but anyway dad what what what what is that oh that's just my clown car clown car yeah I got it for graduation what does it do uh it does nothing much just shoot cannons everywhere and stuff like that yada yada you know can I can I play with it no no you can't play with it I got that clown car from my dad on graduation day right before he left for the war but but Dad it looks really cool it shoots cannon balls and I know it's cool but you can't play with it but Dad you're way too big for it can I please have it please hey don't make fun of my weight damn it I'm using Weight Watchers okay but can I please play with it please no no you're not playing with it okay I'm taking the whole box with me I don't have to worry about it D but Dad I want to play with it a stupid D I really want to play with it I'm going to play with it I'm going to play with it so Junior can't mess with it now I'm hungry shabi where are you oh how am I supposed to get up there oh stupid dad I really want to play with it where's a ladder or something shipi what Bowser I'm about to go grocery shopping I want to go with you I'm hungry well come on then jeez I want chip they left me home alone okay if I can just get that clown car off the top of the refrigerator I can play with it but I can't do it on my own I'm going to invite Joseph and Cody over hello yo what's up dude yeah it's sounded really important on the phone oh okay there's something on top of the refrigerator and I need y'all's help to get it cuz I'm too short okay Junior we're controlled by hands I mean look I see we can go as high as we need to stop breaking the fourth wall Cody yeah Cody always he's ruining stuff something really cool on top of the refrigerator just come on come on come on okay okay that guys that's what I want well that's just a box of your dad's stuff Junior yeah but inside that box is a clown C that can fly and shoot cannonballs who are you serious BR yes I saw I saw with my own eyes so um I need y''s help uh for me getting it cuz I'm too short okay like how are we going to get it though we do um I know I saw this in a cartoon one time all right so Joseph stand right here okay Cody get on top of him what can Dude shoulders how that feel I'm climb on top of Junior why it's making me taller a little higher guys a little higher get off my neck come on I my shoter come I got it guys finally dude oh man thanks guys for helping me get the box down yall are awesome yeah whatever dude I want to see that clown thing first okay because I had Cody's nuts all over my head in my neck have that smell Joseph you know what Cody shut up hey guys guys calm down y y already see his clown C right yes yes show me the car dud where that where's that oh here it is look at this thing that is cool yeah it's awesome how does it work Junior yeah I I I don't know I think you I think I get inside it or something are you Junior what's it like up there uh I can just I can see everything it looks so cool y'all look like ants really really yeah I can I think I can see my house from here I want to drive can I drive it I want to get in it no you can try in a minute Joseph I'm going to look inside these cabinets I've never been this tall before oh what's up there uh knives there's a lot of knives and Co and uh hammers there's hammers up here why would they hide this from me I don't know you're a danger to yourself and others I don't know wao this is cool wa guys this is so cool I wish y'all could see what I was seeing I've never seen my living room like this before y'all should come in here okay dude Junior why do you have a Barney dog yeah uh I I I I don't know I think it's my dad or something he said he had it when he was little or something hey dude didn't you say that thing can shoot cannon balls uh yeah but I don't I don't know how to do it oh oh maybe it's this button awesome Junior were you were you supposed to be playing with that yeah dude uh no that's why it was on top of the refrigerator but uh that was awesome right guys that was really awesome right right right right I mean we just need some tape tape I'm out of here dude I'm not going to be around for this wait wait Joseph where are you going he probably doesn't want to be here for when your dad comes back and beats your ass what no no no all we need is tape so get some tape and we can we can we can put it back together right okay um I I'll just I'll just go get the tape okay I'm I'm I'm going look at the damage uh yeah yeah Cody it's pretty shattered yeah I I didn't ask that Junior oh you got the tape yeah I got the tape okay so um what we're going to do is we're going to start taping all the pieces together to make the table back okay really yeah yeah really so uh look you start taping those three pieces and I'm going to tape these seven pieces and uh we'll be done in no time cure the tape Montage [Music] okay Co Cody it's like a jig saww puzzle we got to put all the pieces [Music] together all right Cody another one here just [Music] grab look at all this we're getting there I think we ran out of t [Music] good as new right Cody you know what Junior I think I'm going to take off um I I I have this thing it's really important but but but Cody the table looks brand new my my dad will not tell it ever broke it it looks amazing great yeah the only mess I need to help clean up is look look at all the glass on the floor I need you to help vacuum it up can you help me vacuum well I guess so where where the vacuum uh the vacuum's right here you know what Junior that thing's really important so I think I should probably get going no whatever Cody leave I can do this myself look at this table this is basically all my idea it looks beautiful looks like he bought it right from the store yeah yes so my dad's not going to tell I broke it um but this mess I got a vacuum where's Dr Seuss when you need him and The Cat in the Hat he cleans up messes um open the door oh no my dad's home I'm not supposed to be in this thing um um I'm just going to turn off all the lights maybe he won't notice why is it so dark in here what don't don't don't screenshot peip his ass is going to military school CH all right wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait that's not what a train sounds like a train goes B yeah but uh but I like chugar chugar better all right Thomas are you ready for some chip tooy chocolate chip cookies oh man I love chip tooy chocolate chip cookies what how of cookies sh baby I'm out of cookies I don't care about the cookies don't you just shut up but I'm out of I'm out of cookies okay what is on this list Zebra Cakes Cheetos eggs 10 10 sh I'm lot of cookies I really want cookies look Junior I don't really care about your cookies I got to go to the store anyway wait wait you're going to the store yeah yeah I'm going to the store well give me cookies please give me cookies please look I'll get your stupid cookies okay you promise you're going to get cookies yeah yeah yeah I promise but don't forget I'm not going to forget God okay got all of the groceries and I think I'm I'm good right sh bab did you get my cookies uh uh oh you know what honest mistake I forgot you forgot I told you not to get the cookies you you promise I had to make sure I get the bread I forgot the tampons too B just going to be mad I wanted cookies though oh look look I got to go to the store tomorrow just don't worry about it what a but the cookie Chef peepi look Junior I have to go back to the store tomorrow anyway okay so I'll get it then wait wait wait you have to go back tomorrow yes yes I for please don't forget the cookies please don't forget the cookies I won't forget your stupid cookies how about you just eat a zebra cake for now I hate zebra cakes I'm not a lion cake what what does a lion have to do with anything cuz lions eat zebra so lion cakes eat Zebra Cakes Junior you're making me Dumber just stop okay but you're not going to forget the cookies tomorrow are you no no it's long as you remind me I'll remind you I'll make sure you remember Chef PE I bet you will I'm going to make sure Chef peipi remembers to get my cookies so I'm going to leave a sticky note right here on the refrigerator saying cookies so when he sees it he knows to get me cookies so yeah he he'll definitely see it before I go to the store again let me make sure I don't forget anything so what else do we need uh okay we need milk and some eggs okay milk and eggs I'm make sure I get that okay got everything so I don't have to go back to the store baby you got my cookies right you got my cookies right um you know what Junior you you're going to laugh at this it's going to be hilarious where's my cookies you know what I I forgot right how did you forget I mean you said you what forget look look what about the sticky though it says cookies wait wait this was here yes I I put it there this morning it couldn't have been I went through the refrigerator and never no no no no no I put it right there how did you not see it you know what it must have just went over my head you know I just did not see it Junior you didn't see it no you you you didn't see it no no I didn't I didn't see it Jun you you didn't see it why are you mumbling you you didn't see it you didn't see it do he just put it in a better place that I can see make it more visible he didn't he didn't see it he didn't see it that kid has issues he didn't see it he didn't see it he didn't see it he didn't see it he didn't see it he didn't see it he just didn't see it he didn't see it stupid Junior yelling at me over stupid cookies I can't believe it I mean he doesn't even need them he's fat he's blubbery he needs to lose some weight I got get the stupid cookies another day it's not that important I just need to take a nice nap go to sleep sleep good tonight and I won't worry about it [Music] [Music] what what what what what the what what was going on what the oh my God [Music] just why the whole house why are you serious why just why G do do you see him now Chef Pee Junior what the hell what is with all these sticky notes you forgot my cookie Chef Pee so you just sticky not the whole damn house uh yeah I just want to make sure you didn't forget but put sticky notes everywhere yeah I mean you're not going to forget are you no I'm not going no I'm not going to forget I see cookies all over the freaking house there cookies everywhere you wrot it on every sticky note put it everywhere Junior why uh because I don't want you to forget my cookies you're such an idiot oh my God are you going to go get my cookies right now sure Junior sure I'm going to get your cookies sure okay okay I can't believe him I can't believe him I'm going to kill him I swear I'm going to kill him how can I kill him I'm going to choke him am I going to St he hey Chef peipi uh make sure you don't forget my cookies I'm not going to forget any cookies you idiot well I just want to make sure you don't forget so I put a few reminders around the house a few Junior can't believe Junior stick Junior you're sticking on the front door too uh yeah I just wanted to make sure you didn't forget my cookies oh how could I forget you sticky noted everything Junior well look I mean what does that say right there it's just cookies I'm not going to forget your stupid cookies Junior what does it say on my head it's cookies Junior it's the cookies well don't forget my cookies go get them shut get stand you Junior I can't believe Junior actually did that filled up the whole of apartment with stupid sticky notes four cookies oh my God I can't stand that little brat but I'll get your stupid cookies oh I get your cookies God come on garage I need to hurry up and go to the store jeez wait what what what what the oh my God the car no no no no no no no no no why oh my God are you serious you're not going to forget all you SHP what the hell jul I'm not going to forget the stupid cookies okay how can I forget you come in the car why I just wanted to make sure you didn't forget God you just just leave me alone please for get the cookies shut up I'm not going to forget the damn cookies everything's freaking cookies cookies everywhere I can't believe it Junior get on my nerves I swear I can't even find the stupid handle God oh man look at this look at this I can't even see out of the windshield are you serious oh my God [Music] don't forget shf B here junior here's your Stow chocolate chip cookie yay chocolate chip cookie cookie what you got what you wanted what they're not chips or Hoy cookies wait wait you never said chips or ho yes I did chips or Hoy is my favorite this stupid store brand poop I don't want a chips or Hoy cookie you just said you wanted cookies Junior how was I supposed to know you wanted chis aoy you always eat chocolate chip right got to start over what what what what are you doing one wait wait wait Junior stop it no the mail now let's see what we have today nothing but bills nobody wants to see bills wait wait junior junior has mail wait no it can't be junior come here oh yeah SHP you have a piece of mail that came in the mailbox today a piece of mail for me yeah yeah I don't know what it is let me open it what could it be it's some type of card hold on a credit card Junior how did you get a credit card I don't even have credit what are you talking about hold let me read this dear Bowser Jr it is our pleasure here at Goodman Bank and Trust to inform you that your application for a line of credit with our institution has been accepted you will have a $10,000 credit limit on your credit card congratulations and happy spending junior did you apply for a credit card no tell me the truth do not lie to me Junior well I I I don't even know how to apply for a credit card I don't even know what this is I guess you're right you're just a child and this must be a mistake from the bank cuz they shouldn't give you a credit card wait so I have $10,000 no no no no no no you don't have $10,000 it's the bank's money you're just borrowing it from the bank but but but I can go spend $10,000 I mean yeah you can go and spend it as long as you don't go over the limit so so I can go spend $10,000 no no no no you can't because you're a child and you shouldn't have I'm just going to clip it up how just give it to me you're not going to give it to me you're not going to cut this J Junior look look you're not responsible enough to have a credit card it's for ad dolls this has to be a mistake but but I want it and I'm not going to spend it I just think it's cool I can I can brag to my friends cuz they don't have credit cards because they're children they're not supposed to have credit cards Junior they're supposed to have like toys well the bank obviously thought I was a big enough boy and they gave me a credit card I'm not going to use it please I'm not going to use it I'm just going to brag to my friends and show it off you know what fine fine I'm I'm done arguing with with you fine you can show it off just show it off that's it okay Junior okay fine I'll only show it off I I won't spend any of the money $10,000 in my hand oh man I can't believe I have a credit card with $10,000 on it that's so much money $10,000 I could buy anything I want but um Chef Pee said I can't I can't use it okay I won't use this credit card unless I absolutely have to use it you know if there's something amazing that I have to have right now then I'll use it but until then I'll I'll just have it just to say I have it so watch some TV hey all you kids out there do you like to bounce do you like to bounce on balls do you want to bounce on Spider-Man's balls well now you can with the new Spider-Man ball bouncer you haven't lived till you've bounced on Spider-Man's balls it's only $29.95 and you can bounce to the Moon you need to get the new Spider-Man ball bouncer [Music] yeah you like it when I ride you ball huh you like it when I ride you bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce oh man it is so worth $29.95 oh my goodness but I'm not going to use my credit card again I only want to buy this one thing this one thing choo choo choo Thomas the Tank Engine wants a ride from you only $100 the new ride I'm Thomas the take engent [Music] toy oh man I can't believe I'm riding Thomas this is so cool oh no there's a kid on the train tracks Hey kid take your headphones out where's the horn K get out of the way oh no oh oh ew look at all the blood and guts oh we just killed a kid oh man this being stressful being a train conductor well it's the fifth kid this week but oh my God this credit card's so awesome okay so I bought this Thomas for $100 and that for $29.95 so I've only spent about $130 and I'm not going to use it anymore unless I absolutely need something okay I think I got everything I need I don't think I need anything else with my credit card yeah I bought everything I'd ever want so uh I won't have to use my credit C card ever again so Shep won't get mad okay I mean that's a decent amount of stuff that wasn't that much money probably a couple thousand but uh there's someone at the door hello what's up dude hey guys wait why are you dressed like that yeah yeah you kind of look like one of those weird hippie guys but it's cool you look like a douchebag actually what are yall jealous of my new outfit guys I'm not really not really J those clothes look expensive how did you even afford them yeah well um let's just say that I uh came in some money dude your dad watches Charlie and French every day how do you run into money yeah well come in I'll tell you outside I'll tell you okay then waa dude how did you get all this stuff how did you get all this stuff junior is this a gumball machine actually coach it's a gumball machine inside a gumball machine wow why why would you want that in case my gumballs want gumballs yes yeah wait wait dude is this a Lego Space Shuttle dude I always wanted one of these as an exact replica of the Challenger what before they look so happy that's cool man how did you afford all this stuff dude yeah how did you afford this uh well uh check it what is that no way dude it can't be it's a credit card guys what for real yeah with a $10,000 limit that's awesome how did you get approved for a credit card you're only seven well the bank checked the big boy list and said uh we got a big boy in the house oh yeah so they approve me for $10,000 Junior I don't think that's how this works you have to pay that money back you know that right you're just borrowing it yeah I have to pay it back when I'm like 50 yeah no no probably like next month next well well that's next month Cody yeah next month I'm buy it now yeah I'm buying stuff right now look at this look at all the stuff I'm buying probably return this before they come and take it Junior they can't take it I already bought it and opened it I I don't you're in big trouble do what are you going to buy next well I'm actually trying not to buy any more stuff good don't buy any more stuff return this stuff shut up Cody you such this poor pooper scoop yeah I'm I'm trying not to buy any more stuff cuz I already bought a couple stu oh dude you should buy a trampoline to see how high you can jump I could probably jump higher than my credit [Music] liit oh go this is so much fun oh God I never had a tri before I never thought I'd own one I want do a backflip ah you see that guys oh man it's getting hot in here guys it's getting hot dude you know how to cool off if you were to buy a swimming pool we could just jump off the trampoline in the swimming pool I can buy a swimming pool you can't buy a swimming pool Junior you live in an apartment Junior this is really fun and all but what are you going to do when the bank chases after you uh run faster right Jose right dude do a cannonball Joseph okay bro wa nice black dude y Josh I'm getting hungry though dude yeah me too yeah well I can eat 10 pizzas right now 10 pizzas no don't no Junior no not a hair hair okay you bought 10 pizzas and for what just to let them float around in a pool and get soggy but Cody if I want to buy 10 pizzas I'm going to buy 10 pizzas cuz I got the credit right Joseph right bro J what you have is the debt because you owe all of this money to the bank Cody I think you're just jealous cuz you can't buy 10 pizzas yeah you don't have the same credit as junior junior why would I want to buy 10 pizzas if they're just getting soggy this is disgusting Cody just shut up and eat some soggy Pizza I'm not eating this this is gross yeah it's really good look at all that hey what are you going to buy next dude well guys I think I'm actually going to stop and not buy any more stuff good don't buy anything else well yeah I've been buying a lot of stuff I'm going to take a break for a while that's crazy dude you could you could buy like a bounce house right now no you know how fun that shows a bounce house no a bounce [Applause] house this is the stupidest idea you've ever had dude this is so awesome oh yeah Cody at the bounce house in my apartment look how big it is they not supposed to be indoors let's just jump in it guys come [Music] on this is so much fun guys how much was this uh I don't know probably a couple Grand I don't know how much money do you even have left on your credit card I don't know but I had 10,000 it doesn't matter Cody yeah you're going to run out of money eventually Junior well shut up Cody yeah dude you know what I'm thirsty dude I want a slushy well well then let's go to the gas station come on let's take the slide down to the pool with the pizza okay dude okay guys put your stuff down there dude I can't wait way to drink this slushy yeah cash or credit guys he's asking me cash or credit credit yeah I just swiped that thing I got $110,000 Li know right doesn't know about that yeah it's not going through what it's not going through what's that mean means it's not going through Junior uh swipe it again it's not it's not going through wait wait so so what what what what's what's going to happen I'm going to cut it up cut it up wa wa cutting up your card dude wait you cut out my credit card yeah that's what they do junior wait can I still get this stuff no what yeah what get out dude come on sucks dude get out H guys he cut up my card why so mean dude why do you think he did that I don't know because you ran up your limit Junior you reached your $10,000 and they're not going to give you anymore so what does that mean it means you're screwed Junior and I don't want to be here when they repossess your stuff what Cody he's not a good friend let's just let's just go bounce in the bounce house come on yeah I'm ready to bounce a Joseph my card got declined I know and it cut it up dude I know the guy at the gas station so mean and rude and Cody's stupid for leaving us Cody Sucks wait wait wait what happened to your bounce house dude I don't know what did happened to my Bounce House that'd be me what who are you I'm the lone dolphin and uh Goodman wants his money Goodman who's Goodman he's the guy you got your credit card from uh credit I don't know anything about no credit card no credit card here yeah I've never seen a credit card no all right sure well uh Goodman says you ow about $110,000 $10,000 10,000 uh I I don't owe anyone $10,000 I mean my dad bought me all this stuff yeah yeah yeah yeah right well that's not what Goodman says and he wants his money well I mean I don't have $110,000 I can't pay him back right now you don't have $110,000 well uh that's going to be a problem that's uh that's going to be a real problem what what who was that sorry I I I do that sometimes well what's going to happen if I don't pay him back well if you don't pay him back you're going to end up like your uh bounce house here what I'm going to delate your face oh I'm going to hurt you is what I'm saying don't hurt me dude I'm going to leave dude I'm G Joseph come back here all right so uh give me that $10,000 by midnight or uh balloon house there's no way I can do $110,000 by midnight Shing shf baby sh baby what do you want junior what are you wearing uh an outfit wait how could you even afford that wait you used that credit card didn't you oh Junior why did you use it why Chef baby I messed up really big this time I maxed out my credit card to $10,000 and now a loan doin is coming after me and he said he's going to kill me my God Junior what did you buy with the stupid card um toys and and a bunch of bunch of bunch of pizza and irresponsible things oh my god really are you serious are you that stupid Junior well what do I do Chef B help me get out of this mess please no no I'm not helping you with any of this okay you wanted to be a grownup so you handle it like a grownup I don't want to be a grown up anymore not when they're coming after me look you better either give away all your toys or you you know maybe die they they could kill you I don't want to give away all my toys though you got to be a grownup about the situation do you want to die or do you want the toys you're right Chef peee I have to be a grownup I got three more credit cards hey it's midnight time to pay up uh not a problem you want to use my gold card my blue card and my green card doesn't work like that you can't pay your credit card debt with more credit cards sure I can I got a $50,000 credit limit on the gold one a $25,000 limit on the blue one and a $155,000 limit on the green one so which one you want to use can't do okay let me explain imagine you borrowed $5 from me right yeah and then you went to pay me back that $5 and then you asked for5 more dollar to pay off that $5 oh see that doesn't work yeah that that doesn't make any sense yeah I still owe you $5 I'm going to have to start taking your stuff well that's my stuff actually it's my stuff what who who are you uh I'm Mr Goodman I'm the owner of the bank that approved you for the $110,000 credit card that you ran up and decided not to pay so uh how did it feel how did what feel when you [ __ ] me what what you [ __ ] me hard and so now I have all this [ __ ] on my hands I have a [ __ ] choo choo train with a face on it that's that's [ __ ] mine how so you can go ahead and take that too take my two favorite lollipops my favorite men my broken heart because I got [ __ ] what what are you talking about you [ __ ] me because you didn't make a payment on your $10,000 credit card you [ __ ] me you [ __ ] me good and hard what I have a damn space shuttle that you [ __ ] me with what so you can take that too and then this right here a [ __ ] gumball machine inside a gumball machine yeah it's really cool right Merry [ __ ] Christmas to me I didn't know I [ __ ] wanted that on my Santa Claus list what and I have a [ __ ] I have a [ __ ] pool full of pizza over there I didn't know I wanted that either but you [ __ ] me what you [ __ ] me hey those are those are mine no the [ __ ] they're not no the [ __ ] they're not they're my [ __ ] glasses so I I want to [ __ ] know why did you [ __ ] me don't answer that why did he [ __ ] me answer not clear because it's [ __ ] not clear why you [ __ ] me my [ __ ] is so [ __ ] big I can fit that eightball in my ass you [ __ ] me and you [ __ ] me good and hard what do you have to say for yourself I lost everything well no more credit cards for you so what do you guys want to do today my dad has this new toilet that can flush 18 golf [Music] balls there's no way Junior it it's going to happen if you say so it's going to happen all right Joseph flush it okay dude I got you well that's that's a hell of a toy I told you that's unbelievable Junior Lunch is ready say Lunch is ready come on get it all right brass your stupid corn dogs already but corn dogs ew corn dogs are awesome right dude they're awesome no they're gross no they're not Junior it's a wiener on a stick it's the best possible combination what more could you want in life yep and I eat them because my mom's dead but they're gross though hey hey hey hey you guys dare me to see how many corn dogs I can fit in my mouth at one time you guys dare me no how many do you think you can fit I don't know you guys are the ones that dared me you guys are crazy I didn't dare you what corn dogs are gross I can't believe actually eat that dude they're not gross they're delicious like next to Pizza Pizza what what wrong do you think you can fit another one I'm joking what you what joking he choking Oh e has a spit on it e oh my God oh my God guys I can't believe you dare me to do that you guys are crazy you didn't dare you to do that but but but how did it look though like like could you still see the corn dog how deep was it it was a little bit you can still see a little bit man oh yeah I forgot the ketchup and the mustard for the corn dog ketchup and mustard ketchup I love to me some ketchup you me I hate corn dogs why' you make corn dogs because corn dogs are good there's nothing wrong with those stupid corn dogs just eat them N I want macaroni and cheese look I'm tired of making macaroni and cheese just eat something different well I hate corn dog I don't care what you like or what you don't like look just eat it God Cody he's choking Cody dud what's your issue dude I I can't believe you guys dared me to do that especially after the Cor you guys are so crazy but but but but but did it look good did it look better than the corn dogs like could you still see the bottle still see the bottle guys I hate corn dog they're gross they're disgusting I'm don't do that Junior I would not do that matter you you're going to piss off the corn dog god Junior yeah the corn dog God I forgot about him dude the corn dog god yes Junior the corn dog god you haven't heard of him th shalt eat corn dogs and thou shalt like it what I've never heard of that you guys are screwing with it's a part of The Commandments dude yeah it's really serious Junior so what if I don't eat a corn dog well you then you get the corn dog curse yeah the corn dog curse no it's awful what's the corn dog curse nobody knows nobody survived it you guys are stupid and I'm going to show you what I think about corn dogs what I think about stupid corn dogs Junior why would you do that what why would you do that what what do you freak out about you just pissed out the corn God J that was a really serious insult to the corn dog dude guys yall are stupid Junior this is not this is not a joke man this is really serious dud dud dude he's going to kill you dude he's going to I hate corn dog no no no dude I have a dead mom I can't deal with this he me might kill me I'm going Joseph junior junior that you really should not have done that this is really bad Cody come on just come inside you're being stupid Junior no come on Cody let's just watch TV Junior I don't think you're taking this very seriously you could have the corn dog curse Cody there's no such thing as a stupid corn dog curse let's just watch TV Cody junior did you just turn the remote into a corn dog I think so all I did was touch it oh God Junior that's the corn dog curse no it's not you're telling me everything I touched turned into a corn dog yes Junior that's the curse it has to be okay then if that's the truth then look Junior am I a corn dog uh yeah damn it Junior I told you everything you touch turns a corn dog I'm sorry Cody I didn't think that was real I thought you were just screwing it with me well clearly I'm not I have a corn dog curse yes Junior that's what I've been telling you let's go tell sh I'm so sorry Cody sh baby sh baby damn it Junior what do you want I'm trying to clean out the toaster I have the corn dog curs what a corn dog curse there's no such thing as a corn dog curse Junior show me everything I touch turns into a corn dog that's ridiculous look look look look what what the hell what happened to my doter I turned into a corn dog Chef B wait how did that happen I have the corn dog Cur everything I touched turn into a corn dog no no no wait no way how does that happen that's impossible Junior I had the corn dog curs I didn't eat my corn dog so now the corn dog God's mad at me what that that makes no sense Junior I turned Cody into a corn dog Cody Cody why don't you follow me to the kitchen because Junior I'm a corn dog I can't walk wait wait wait that corn dog is cie yes chef PP I'm a corn dog now but I'm actually not that mad because having a stick up my butt 247 is pretty nice how the hell did this happen because I have the corn dog curse shpe everything I touch turns into a corn dog W how did you get this curse then well see he didn't eat his corn dog so now the corn dog god is very upset yeah can you just take me to the hospital so they can fix this look look I don't I don't even understand this I don't think the doctor will understand shy can you just take me to the hospital please oh my God Junior just come on okay Cody just stay right here yeah oh sh just please take me to the hospital please Shadow Junior just get in the car okay sorry shf B I didn't mean to sorry what do you mean sorry you turned the damn guard into a g dog cuz I touched it I'm tell shf get now just get in the damn a well that was fast what did the doctor say oh we didn't see a doctor he turned the to a corn dog and I can't drive a corn dog no no you can't that's the corn dog curse what am I going to do guys everything I touch turn into a corn dog Chef if you can't use your phone I'll call the doctor and they can come over here okay uh here it is what you turn my phone to go do I'm sorry shy I touch it out the got contacts in there that I can't get back sorryy I don't know what to do yeah I can't believe you didn't see that coming actually I'm sorry z b how about you make me a bath so I can wash the curse off how about you give me another phone so I can call somebody CH just just make me a bass please oh my God I can't stand you you stupid bro everything I touch Junior Your Bass ready okay my bass's ready maybe this will make me feel better [Music] okay I turn the water in the corn do and Sh me I can't believe dream's turning everything into a corn dog sh bab I just turned my bath water into corn dogs help me Junior did you just turn me into a damn corn dog I'm sorry shf B I didn't mean to what am I going to do now I I can't do anything I can't cook I don't have a life what am I going to do I'm sorry have a monster Junior Cody wait where's shfp I turned you turned him into a do I turned him into a corn dog I'm such a monster Cody what am I going to do my life sucks Junior I'm a corn dog how do you think I feel c c what do I do what do I do I don't know Junior you should have eaten your corn dogs what if I cut my hands off well that's pretty extreme Junior what if I cut my hands off I guess that could work yeah okay I'm going get a knife get a knife junor what I touched the knife and it turned into a and it turned into a corn dog why is my life suck so much great job Junior turn the couch into a bunch of corn dogs I'm sorry Cody I didn't mean to touch it I'm touching much where are we going to sit now I don't know why we going sit sit on that couch all right fine just don't touch it okay hey hey could you pick me up oh yeah yeah oh you're still a corn dog yeah obiously all right Cody I won't touch the couch this time all right good how do I get rid of this corn dog curse well Junior the only thing I can think of is you have to summon the corn dog God how do I summon him well you have to repeat the corn dog chant oh what's the corn dog chant well it goes like this corn doggy doggy oh corn doggy doggy corn doggy doggy oh corn doggy doggy corn doggy doggy oh corn doggy doggy who summons the corn dog God it was us you're coring us my friend here has your corn dog curse because he didn't eat his corn dogs he didn't eat his corn dogs yes I know it was very foolish of him but but he's very sorry yeah yes I'm very sorry well there's only one way to get rid of the corn dog curse I'll do anything I'll do anything what is it to remove the corn dog curse you must make a song about how much you enjoy corn dogs especially with mustard and ketchup what a song you don't want to piss him off twice Junior just do it okay I'm waiting all right how about this I love me some corn dogs ketchup and mustard I love me some corn dog I love me some corn dog with ketchup and mustard love me some corn dogs I really love corn dogs ho holy [ __ ] you actually did it that that that was great yeah I did so so is The Curse God no no but the actual way to remove the corn dog curse is to go and eat the corn dogs you threw outside what I just made that whole song for nothing all right I'll go outside and I'll eat those corn dogs all right oh God do I really have to eat all these corn dogs have been sitting outside all day oh they're so gross but it's worth it to get rid of the dog curse but which one do I want no that one's gross um I'll just eat this one and remember kids that's why you always eat your corn dogs oh man I love playing fortnite who's that uh hello hey dude hey Joseph what's up oh nothing much you want to come outside and play catch come outside and play catch yeah dude ew it's hot outside and catch is boring no it's not I throw the ball to you you throw it back to me it's fun that doesn't sound fun to me you know what sounds fun what sitting in the nice cold air conditioning and playing fortnite no it's not air conditioning sucks and fortnite sucks dude you're only saying air conditioning and fortnite sucks because you don't have air conditioning or fortnite because you don't have electricity because you're poor I know I'm poor but I like the hot and I like to play catch dude come outside you need to get some fresh air I don't have to go outside to get fresh air because you know what I'm outside in fortnite I cut down trees all the time and you know what catch is stupid I'm not playing catch Joseph come on dude I don't want to play catch hey son who's at the door oh it was just my stupid friend Joseph get this Dad he wanted me to go outside outside and throw a baseball like a ball like ew it's hot outside I want to play fortnite throw a ball that actually sounds fun yeah that's stupid oh throw a ball you know what I'm going go and uh check the mail with my baseball glove yeah yeah I'm going to do that oh man I have nobody to play cat with wait oh there's a fly hey Mr fly you want to play catch with me oh okay catch oh why does everything in my life has to die wow that's really sad Hey kid huh do you need somebody to play catch with you oh yes sure Mr Junior dad sure well I'll play with you but I haven't played in years ever since since my dad play with me well I'll go over here and you just throw it to me okay okay then all right kid show me what you got throw it to me okay Junior's dad whoa you got a cannon son son he called me a son I'm a son I'm a son all right you showed me you could throw now let's see if you could catch wow great throw dad nice catch let's see if you can catch this Dad wow great throw let me tell you about my best friend best friends forever really cool and clever couldn't be any better my best friend son I never had world's greatest day never makes me sad yeah [Music] yeah yeah that's my best [Music] friend oh Joseph you're the best son ever I love you so much where have you been all my life oh I love you too Dad wait Dad what's going on wait who are you again I'm Junior oh yeah hey Jimmy um I've been hanging out with your friend Joseph he's so cool but why you been hanging out with Joseph oh well he he needed help with his homework yeah so I've been helping him out you've never helped me with my homework you never asked yes I do every time I ask you to help me with my homework you hit me you know what just stop bringing up the past okay well how long have y'all been hanging out for oh dude your dad is cool we've been hanging out all day man why don't you hang out with your dad more often because he's always watching Charlie and friends speaking of Charlie and friends do you want to go watch it with me Joseph I would love to let's go hey that's my dad come back here why is jph hanging out with my dad it's my dad I never get to hang out with him it's not fair sh Baby M how do you do it sh B every God Dam time look at it you just make masterpieces look at this [ __ ] shut baby oh what do you want junior okay okay so Joseph's been hanging out with my dad all day today so now my dad doesn't think I exist he thinks that Joseph's his son instead of me well Joseph is pretty cool that's my [ __ ] right there well I know Joseph's cool but the only reason Joseph's hanging out with my dad and trying to steal my dad is because Joseph's dad is dead so what do you want me to do about it I don't know shfp we we got to find a way to make my dad want to be my dad again look I don't care Junior let me finish is cooking my food that's it chefi that's how I get my dad back what my food no no not your stupid food get out of here what the hell Junior no no this how you get my dad back look you're going to pretend to be my dad and we're going to have a huge Father and Son montage and my dad's going to see it and he's going to get jealous and want to be my dad again J that is the stupidest idea I've ever heard come on that doesn't work that's it's only happened in movies it's going to work chy come on Junior come on stop let me tell you about my chef always cooking food in a bad mood always always being rude my chef friend always by my side tries to run and hide commits suicide yeah yeah yeah that's my chef friend all right Chef Pee wasn't that a cool Montage no what do you think my dad saw now he's jealous no well I'm going to go see hold on I'll be right back I'm going to get back to cooking all right son are you ready to watch the funniest TV show you ever seen yeah yeah Dad okay let's go Charlie and friends was filmed in front of a live audience oh hi guys I'm Charlie and today I'm playing football got my foot and I got a ball so I'm going go for a field goal home run wait that's three points right Charlie you're so hilarious uh hey Dad what are you doing oh hey Johnny wait we get out the way and watching Charlie and friends but but Dad I want to hang out with you no I don't have time to hang out with you me and Joseph are watching Charlie and friends we're enjoying it but but Dad I'm your real son I want to hang out with you don't you have video games to play with oh well I mean I I have video games but I don't want to play video games I want to play with you Dad look I don't have time to play with you look I'm watching Charlie get out of the way okay Dad are you enjoying this right shf b shf b my dad didn't even see the Montage we made he just been watching Charlie with Joseph he doesn't even care about me anymore Junior I don't even have a dad that cares about me so tell me why would I give a [ __ ] what why would I give a [ __ ] about your dad not caring about you my dad doesn't even care about me okay so just leave me alone I'm just trying to cook my food okay leave me alone please just go and hang with a friend or something okay Chef peei God Dam D oh I miss having a dad Chef peipi said I should just hang out with a friend I don't know what friend to hang out with I guess I'm just going to have to hang out with you Jamal [ __ ] okay hey Jamal you want to go on a big friendship montage and make my dad jealous she a chicken all right come on let me tell you about my black friend always EA a chicken always finger licking always C and picking black friend never on time always talks around always still in dim yeah yeah yeah that's my black friend man Jamal that Montage sure was fun but I just don't think it was appropriate [ __ ] chicken yeah chicken you know what I think I'm going to call my friend Cody I need his help I really want my dad back hey Junior what's up you sounded really upset on the phone well Cody the reason why I'm upset is because chicken oh hey Jamal oh yeah Jamal's here oh I'm about to leave y' I'll see you later Jamal well Cody the reason why I'm upset is because J has been hanging out with my dad all flipping day all flipping day all flipping day and it makes me really upset because my dad has forgot who I am he doesn't even care about me he only cares about Joseph he thinks Joseph is son now and and Joseph thinks that my dad is his dad it just makes you really upset well Junior you barely hang out with your dad anyway so what's it to you what's it to me what's it to me is that that's my dad nobody else can have him I'm my dad's only son and he's my dad no one else's dad he's my dad so Joseph can just F off well junor Joseph doesn't even really have parents so why not just let him hang out with your dad and if you need somebody to call Daddy you're looking at him you can call me daddy as much as you want Ken calls me Daddy every night he better well Cody please help me get my dad back I just want my dad to love me again what do you want me to do junior I don't know oh I know my dad loves Joseph so much I should cut his face off and wear it and then I'll be just like Joseph what the [ __ ] what yeah I'll be just like cuz obviously my dad loves something about Joseph there's something so special about Joseph's face so if I could just wear his face then my dad would love me again well Junior I I think your dad wants to hang out with Joseph because Joseph wants to hang out with him it has nothing to do with his face well do you have a better idea of what I could do well I think you should just go up to your Dad and tell him how you feel good idea Cody okay me and Joseph will hang out of a window and my dad has to choose which one to save good idea Cody what that's not what I said at all that's exactly what you said Cody I love you so much for that all right I'm going to go get Joseph we're going hang out the window just get my dad and tell me he needs to save us I have to now Joseph Joseph dude what I'm hanging out with my dad there's two squirrels humping in a bush you want to see it two squirrels humping yeah yeah I want to see it oh Dad I'll be right back okay whatever dude dude dude where are these humpy squirrels the humpy squirrels are in that bush right over there in the bush yeah you see them in the bush no I see the bush but I don't see the humpy squirrels you got to look a little closer I'm looking dude a little Clos oh dude Junior what the [ __ ] you just murdered Joseph okay now I'm going to go wear his face but no Junior go talk to your dad I'm going to call an ambulance okay uh dad what do you want Jesse wait wait where's Joseph uh he fell out of a window what but but Dad there's something I want to talk to you about what do you want to talk about James well Dad it's just that I feel like you don't care about me anymore like it feels like you only care about Joseph and and I'm your son dad get to the point Jarett well well well I just I love you so much Dad and and I just want us to hang out like father and son and I want you to be my dad again so I was wondering if you want to play catch Junior you want to play catch with me yeah Dad I want to play catch with you just me and you Father and Son cuz I love you I love you too Junior we can go and play catch right after I go and take a pee yay my dad loves me again hey Junior well hey Cody Joseph got LIF flighted to the hospital they said his spine was broken but he's going to pull through yeah so it was all worth it cuz Cody my my dad loves me again yeah it it it was all it was all worth it yeah it was completely worth it because if I wouldn't have put Joseph out of the window then my dad wouldn't have talked to me yeah you could have talked to him before you shoved Joseph out of a window but that that's fine yeah I guess it worked out we can just say that Joseph took one for the team yeah so what do we do now Cody Montage let me tell you about my gay friend not in the chicks always suck dicks don't think you'll quit my gay friend carries around the doll hot dog down the hall in the mid yeah yeah yeah that's my G okay one right here and I need some more dominoes I got to make this super long okay it's finally finished my row of dominoes and my house of Cs is complete my doctor said I needed a stress reliever cuz Junior and Bowser stay stressing me and I think this is it all right Thomas today we're going to be playing blindfolded ball in the house doesn't that sound fun okay so the rules are you got to take this ball and throw it into that lamp right there all right so I'm going to throw it in [Music] it no please oh thank you baby Jesus what up you see my ball what is wrong with you Junior I spent all morning stacking these stupid Domin no and freaking cars up what is wrong with you what are you talking about Juni I can't what are you doing in the bathroom Chey why what what I'm not in the bathroom you idiot oh sh you made a huge mess oh oh I made the mess that's what that's what happened where's my ball at I don't know what the hell is wrong with you what are you talking about can I make it in the lamp junior junior oh scool I got it the lamptop junior why just tell me why did you have to do that I spent all morning stacking up those stupid dominoes in a damn house of Cs well that's pretty stupid look I don't judge you it was just to relieve stress and you just keep on causing it well I made the ball in the lamp so I get 10 points what the hell does that mean why can't you just play outside Junior but but it's Thomas's turn to make it in the lamp look why don't you just play outside there Street lamps outside they're super tall you could be shooting for days Street lamps Thomas come outside going to play outside W now that's a big Street Lamp but I forgot my blindfold and where's Thomas oh hey dumb oh hey Jackie chew is that your dog oh no this is my dinner your your dinner oh yeah every day I go to pet store and uh pick out dog for dinner you're very expensive oh well why are you going to eat him cuz he good it's Chinese tradition oh what can I pet him no affection spoils the meat it makes it less tender oh okay okay well nice seeing you Jackie chew well see you later D oh hey that dog looked really cool I want a dog I'm dead come on magical eightball you have all the answers now tell me will I ever meet Charlie try again later no I need to know right now damn it Dad Dad Dad what do you want junior well I was outside playing with my ball and I saw Jackie chew and he had a cute dog that he was about to eat and it made me realize I really want a dog wait why do you want a dog dog now that'll be very expensive and I don't think we can have one in this apartment right now be because the dogs are so cool and I think every kid should have a dog because the dog would play with me I'd always have someone to play with and he would bark and it would just be really cool I mean that's kind of true nobody really plays with you like that so yeah so I need a dog um look look I just spent all my money on the stupid eightball already I can't I can't spend money on a dog right now dad I really want a dog Junior please how about we just wait until Christmas will bring you one I don't want to waste till Christmas I want one right now you're the worst dad ever stupid spoil brat oh wait maybe I can make a dog um I got this eightball right here that could work that could be the body and uh I got a slinky that could that could be the tail yeah um how am I going to get this to work oh oh I could summon Craig yeah he knows how to make inanimate objects come to life yeah I'll do that uh how am I going to summon him uh Craig where are you Craig Craig hey there oh oh hey Craig I need you to do a favor for me okay oh okay I need you to make this eightball and this little slinky into a dog okay into a dog yeah you don't know what the dog looks like right yeah I know what dog okay well uh you do know that whatever I make will be evil yes oh I have no issue with it I'm not going to was the dog anyway perfect okay now stand back oh okay go oh away that is not what I had in mind at all oh he looks perfect oh you're so beautiful perfect yeah oh yeah yeah he looks like a real dog like a German Shepherd wait where you going I need to show you the juler you're welcome Thomas I'm really sad I want a dog and Dad s to wait till Christmas I don't want to wait that long hey where are you hey give me back Thomas what are you doing to Thomas so do you like your new dog Junior that's not a dog Dad what's wrong with you he's so cute yeah he is a dog what's wrong with you no dogs are furing and they have tails look he has a tail look at the Jane on the back what he's so cute but Dad no that's ugly that's not a dog look I just had him summoned and everything okay so you're going to play with them and you're going to learn the responsibilities of having a dog okay okay Dad yeah we're doing all that whining over stupid dog um can I have Thomas back I'mma reach for him um oh I know I'll trade you something for Thomas uh um o look at this nice TV remote you don't want the TV remote okay um uh stay right there oh man I can't believe Junior just knocked down my dominoes now I'm going to clean it up oh I can't stand that brat hey Shari oh what do you want junior um do we have any type of meat or dog food in the kitchen um we have like gross beef in a refrigerator but don't touch it it's supposed to be for dinner okay I won't touch it okay dog I got you some roast beef hey why are you chowing up the pillow stop okay e you pooped on the couch that's disgusting wait what hey you spit Thomas out ew he's covered in slobber e I'm going to go wash him off God now I got to wash these all right shfp can you turn on the sink so I can wash Thomas wait wait what are you washing Thomas for well my dog just chewed and slobbered all over him and I want to clean him off what are you talking about when did you get a dog um like about 2 minutes ago wait I got to see this come on yeah okay Chef peipe he's in here what the hell happened in here what what's going on what happened Junior calm down SHP he just chewed on a few things a few things the couch is destroyed the lamp is tilted over and the painting is about to come down this is more than a few things Junior where the hell rabit I don't know he's just a Rabbid dog and he chews on it and he poops everywhere too oh my God it's poop everywhere oh my God disgusting but where is he I don't know you tell me get it there's my dog SHP what the hell is that that's my dog that doesn't look like a dog Junior I know what a dog looks like that's not it well Dad said he made it you can't make a dog Junior are you [ __ ] oh my god well I mean dad said he made it oh we have to capture it way somehow this is weird Okay well um staring at me well let's try to let's try to Capt him in the bathroom let's make a trail of food or something and we can Capt him in the bathroom Okay um do you know what he eat garbage couches and stuff okay just get a bunch of stuff and then we'll we'll th them all right Chef peip I found something better than food and couches a rubber chicken what a rubber chicken what what the hell why because dogs can't resist Rubber Chickens I watch it on Animal Planet all right so what you're going to do is you're going to squeak the toy and I'm going to Y doggy come get the rubber chicken and he's going to run really fast and you're going to throw the toy in the bathroom and we're going to capture him in the bathroom you really think this is going to work uh yeah so just pick it up and I'm going to call his name all right doggy we got a rubber chicken sh's coming throw it okay okay please help me don't know to doop please stop I don't know what to do oh my God it hurts it hurts I'm in so much pain all right shfp I got you a mushroom here eat it okay what is it supposed to do well you eat it and it makes you feel better okay that's stupid bad dog get out of here stupid dog you feel better now chefi yeah damn what was in that mushroom it it tastes real good and it got me cured wow it should be in hospitals yeah I don't know dad uses them sometimes and Mario does too but anyway we got to find a way to capture that stupid dog do you have an idea or something no I I think I know hold on just stay here okay this should take care of him wa Chef Pee what is this oh it's the K9 Cannon or a tennis ball shooter oh wow so how is just going to take care of him oh oh I just aiming at him soon as he comes around that corner just blast him and then he won't know what hit him wao that'd be so cool I'm going to call him okay okay okay doggy come here okay sh shoot shoot him okay I'm [Music] ready what was that supposed to happen CH me no no no and I'm out of ammo down I don't know what to do man I feel so much better now shpee you need to stop being attacked we're running out of mushrooms well tell your dogter to stop attacking me then Junior I don't know why he keeps attacking you maybe he likes big noses cuz you have a big nose really yeah anyway we got to get him in that bathroom well um I'm running out of ideas and why are we focused on the stupid bathroom anyway we should be getting him out of the front door well I mean we got to get him in the bathroom because something for my video Game Pass is telling me that we need to give him a hot bath that would calm him down a a hot bath Junior yeah a hot bath I don't know what's telling me but we just got to give him a hot bath well how are we going to get him in the bathroom because the bathtub is in there we can't we haven't even got him in there yet in the bathroom well all your ideas were stupid and they failed yeah I know I got to get a hold of that chain behind him if I can grab that chain I can drag him into the bathroom okay how do you plan on doing that then um I don't know we can't get behind him cuz he's always focused on us I know you can pretend to be a big juicy steak and then when he comes up to eat you I grab him by the chain a steak Junior yeah you can yeah pretend to be a steak do it God damn it um okay I'm I'm I'm lying here no make steak noises steak noise Junior yeah like Sizzle Sizzle and stuff Sizzle Sizzle yeah Sizzle Sizzle Sizzle Sizzle louder Sizzle Sizzle say you're a steak I'm a steak louder oh Sizzle Sizzle I'm a steak Sizzle sizzle I'm mistake he's coming CH I believe in you I got him the chain I got him the chain I got got oh god oh come on you stupid dog okay you stupid dog wa he's all happy now Junior it actually works I can't believe that yeah it's really awesome he's really calm now that's cool wait wait what is that what I I I think it's a shine Sprite well um what does it do you get it for doing something good are you going to touch it well if you touch it I think it ends the episode I think you should touch it well okay I got a shine fry M man this smells delicious junior did you just throw that water balloon uh no what who threw it then uh I don't know look Junior if you throw another water balloon in this house I swear to God I'm going go in to tell your dad and you're going to be in trouble you're going to get grounded junior junior put that water balloon down put it down junior I swear to God if you throw that stupid water balloon I'm Junior what the hell throw with you I I didn't throw the water balloon I threw a cup that doesn't make it better look I'm going to tell your dad right now you're getting grounded Bower Charlie and friends was filmed in front of a live audience oh hi hi guys I'm Charlie and today I'm going to be a fish I'm a [Applause] fish oh my God Charlie you're not a fish oh you're so hilarious oh Bowser what do you want Chef peee well your son junior is in the kitchen throwing water balloons and breaking cups wait he's what oh Junior yeah Junior yeah Dad Chef peee said you're making a mess well Chef pee's a snitch so you did do it I can't believe you tried to throw a water balloon at me and mess up the kitchen junior I'm sorry Dad uh uh uh uh no sorry you're grinding for a week Junior a week yes a week I'm talking no toys I'm talking no friends what with no toys oh yeah no toys so I'll be taking this with me Dad and I better not see you leave your room Junior stupid dad oh this is all Chef B's fault if he wasn't a big fat snitch and didn't tell on me I wouldn't have got in trouble oh hey Junior it's me Thomas what's the matter buddy Thomas n this just me [ __ ] I hate you shfp I hate [Applause] you somebody's at the door hello hey shipi uh can I come in and play with Junior oh no he's grounded for a week no toys no friends oh it's the best of both worlds so just leave Joseph Joseph God is that you what what why did you take my M from me why no friend no toys there's nothing to do oh hey dude it's me Joseph what's going on bro Joseph how'd you get in here I'm not allowed to have friends over n be again [ __ ] C your ass twice got twice I hate you hey dude it's me Joseph open the window nice try Chef peee I know it's you wait what are you talking about dude I know it's you Chef peee no ow ow oh dude dude what was that for nice try Chef wait wait Joseph yes me dude who else could it be I I thought you were Chef PE what are you doing here well I brought some toys for you dude what you brought you brought me some toys yeah well I'm not allowed to have friends over but uh uh come on up come on up okay okay sorry about that Joseph yeah it's not easy climbing up here dude all right come on in all right so Joseph you brought me some toys oh yeah dude shfp told me you were grounded and you couldn't have any toys so I brought you some for my room well thanks Joseph or what' you bring me oh dude the best stuff I got you all the best stuff that was in my room okay first off I brought you some swiss cheese swiss cheese oh yeah dude you can count the holes all day I always lose count oh man um let's see what else I got oh oh I got a pair of my mom's panties oh dude they're like a scratchy sniff sticker you just scratch it and oh God smell like she had an infection or something hold these oh and what else God dang it oh Jesus you okay oh dude you brought me a a mouse trap yeah dude I mean they're fun to play with but when it get on your face it hurts dude let me see what else I brought okay oh yeah I brought you one more thing it's your voodoo doll dude ew it's ugly what's a voodoo doll oh it's a cool doll it's like whenever you're mad at somebody you imagine it's this doll and then you take your anger out on it wait wait really yeah yeah dude you should try it I do it all the time since my mom's dead Chef's coming Joseph jump out the window okay dude see you later dude oh no uh junior what do you want Chef Pee PE I made macaroni and cheese and I brought your food to you because you can't leave your room but be careful it's kind of hot and I brought a napkin just in case you make a mess what should I make macaroni and cheese well that was nice of him nah [ __ ] just me again got your ass three times [ __ ] baby I hate you stupid Junior that's what he gets for being a brat and now I got a big bowl of macaroni and cheese all to myself stupid Chef beep well give me any macaron and cheese always tell my dad I hate you SHP I'm just going to go to bed what the voodoo doll you know what I wish you were Chef peee then I would teach you a lesson you know I I would punch you right in the face like like oh damn what the hell was that did somebody just punched me in my face oh that's what it felt like oh yeah you like that you like getting punched you know what that was weird oh my God what's going on oh my back you want some more Dolly huh dud you want some all that noise in here uh junior I said no toys now give me that toys no it's no it's my no you're not supposed to be playing with toys give it [Applause] here Dad I want to play with it no give it here now you're grinded for 2 weeks Jesus Christ what's happening to me Junior knows how to piss me off what is this stupid thing anyway I mean it's it kind of looks cute you know what it looks damn sexy oh hey baby things I do to you oh like I just want to wait what's going on what's going on wait where's my shirt baby you are amazing oh you're the best I ever had 10 you're 10 baby oh let's go and get you cleaned up you don't want to get any stains on you all right baby let's wash you off wait what are you doing wait no no no no no no no all right I'm going to let you soak for a minute I'll be right back okay [Music] baby uh uh Dad wait what are you doing out of your room Junior I got to use the bathroom well you get one bathroom break so you better make it count okay stupid dad the doll what are you doing in here I'm going take you back to my [Music] room oh thank God God well I'm glad to have you back voodoo doll so I can beat you up and pretend you're Chef peee now if you were Chef peee what would I do to you um oh I know I would tie you to a rocket and send you into space so I never have to see a big ugly face again wait I think I have a rocket left over from the 4th of July oh yeah you're going to space okay Chef PP are you ready to go to space yeah all right Chef pip I'll see you in space hello yes 911 something's wrong with me I think I'm possess what the hell's going on oh man that was really fun I get back to my room though well well well you left your room Junior you know what that means right qu leave your your room God and Junior now you're grinding for 3 weeks what three weeks yeah 3 weeks and did you apologize to Chef P for making that mess what no well go and apologize wait what's this oh oh those are Joseph's mom's underwear oh really oh man Finders Keepers losers weepers what that those are mine go and apologize to Chef P I don't care what's yours apologize to Chef Pee Chef Pee I'm sorry for making a mess what Chef Pee what Shah peipi where did Shah peipi go [Music] Junior it's Easter it's Easter yes Easter Easter it's Easter it's Easter e Easter [Music] where's my presents where's my did the Easter buddy not come dad dad dad what time is it oh man it's morning time oh it's Easter oh man you know what that means the Charlie and Friends Easter special got to turn this on hey kids are you ready for the Charlie and Friends Easter special freaking yeah I am look at these eggs Charlie and friends was filmed in front of a live audience oh hi I'm Charlie and this is the Easter special and we're going to color EG how do you color eggs I know how I do I made a horse that's not how you paint eggs Charlie you're supposed to die oh man I forgot to check the mail me Charlie my my dad dad dad the Easter buddy didn't bring me any presents and you're surprised why because he was supposed to bring me presents why did he bring me presents isn't it obvious son he must have got hit by a car but but then how did you get eggs it's called Walmart junior oh well well are we going to do anything for Easter this year we're doing it right now watching Charlie well I don't want to watch Charlie can we please paint eggs or something well Charlie's painting them right now you can watch them paint eggs no well can we at least do an Easter egg H what did you say an Easter egg hunt you know where we hide the egg we got to find them Easter egg what's funny oh man Ju Just go go along and play Let me watch TV what what's so bad about an Easter egg hunt what's your excuse do you really want to challenge your father at an Easter egg hunt yeah what's so bad about that just finding eggs it would be fun you lying naive little son of mine what's so funny just walk along with me come on I got to show you something okay uh Dad where are we going look son I have something to show you you were too young to know about this before and I didn't want you to idolize me for my greatness but I think you're old enough to know about it now what is it Dad your father was a 10 time Easter egg hunting Champion look at the picture I was young fit and in my 20s had women all around me oh so this is really cool are all these trophies from Easter egg hunting of course what else will they be from well well he's holding a bowling ball this is a bowling trophy no it's not but he's holding a bowling ball no it's a really big Easter egg they like to roll it on the ground whenever Easter comes around and hit basket oh well what about the bowling pin that's not a bowling pin it's just a a really big carrot that was deformed or chewed on something like that okay dad well well still this is really cool I didn't know you were an Easter egg hunting Champion yep I'm going to brag to all my friends at school about this you should cuz I'm I'm basically a celebrity just look at me just I'm smiling look at those teeth shiny and white oh can we still have an Easter egg hunt please please please you still want to challenge me I'm your father I'm the king of Easter egg hunting yeah I want to challenge you this would be really fun cuz then cuz then if I win I can get your your bowling I mean I mean I can get your Easter egg hunting Champion trophy you'll never get that trophy never please okay how about this how about this we we'll we'll have an Easter egg hunting contest and if I win I get your Easter egg trophy and if you win um um um I'll never bother you ever again while you watch Charlie drive a hard bargain please I guess so just get your basket and get ready to get whooped okay Dad this going to be so much fun fun oh you're going to get wood boy my son wants to challenge me you can't challenge a champion at Easter egg honey oh I have to show him good thing I got my mighty basket with me One Mini in my day with that one I got to practice make sure I still got my skills it's just the first mess up nothing too stressful come on come on no come on oh come on come on am I a failure have I really lost it I can't lose I can't lose to my son and I can't lose my trophy I got to go and Bri Chef P so I can win this match chef chef got to wake this man up who turned on the lights Bowser what did you do that for look I need you to hide these eggs for me me and Junior are having an Easter egg hunting contest and I need you to hide them and tell me where you hit them at now why would I do that why wouldn't you do it is is is that what I think it is is that a $50 bill of course it is it's not a 20 I never seen a 50 before oh yes I got to see for myself let let let me see I got to make sure it's real you might be joking with me oh man of course I'll do it for you I go and hide it right now you want me to hide it for you I I will I I I just go I I'll do it now everybody gives eggs eggs for everyone I'm so happy oh yes we all love hide some in the blender oh we're going to hide the bunch in the blender oh yes what else the stove stove is the perfect place ah put them all in there put them all in there the microwave too what not for the a party in the microwave no where else wait a minute that's way too easy we got to make it harder refrigerator why not where the eggs more eggs eggs more eggs more more more more toilet why not Bowser I hit them all good where did you hide them at well I hit majority of them in the litter box so if I was you I would check there awesome plan I'm going go and get Junior so he can get ready for this hunt whatever I'm going go and count my money 50 50 oh yeah Julia are you ready yeah Dad I'm ready I got my basket right here that's your basket huh yeah do you like it no it's cheap cheap cheap hey you might break it stop because it's cheap just be quiet and listen and get ready to lose okay I'm not going to lose I'mma count down from 3 to one on one we go the eggs are hidden all through the house I did not hide them I did not slide Chef PE a $50 bill or anything he just hit him himself okay now I'm going to tell you a couple of rules before we get started all right all right so before you lose you need to know that when I push you down I mean there's no pushing down there's no kicking there's no punching there's none of that and if somebody finds an egg they get to keep that egg it's fair and square okay all right Dad that's that sounds fair now get ready okay okay let's go I'm ready dad all three okay uh two okay one okay go okay I got to head start I can't go to the litter box cuz I don't want them to think I'm cheating already now where would they be where would be the easy ones be the M away yes come on got to get him off come on I got to get him off got get him got to get him I got to find some eggs I got to find some eggs um um oh look at all these eggs found the first get oh I got to get them all got to get them got to get them all Hey Dad I saw first look next time I I want an egg oh he he left one behind come here egg okay there's one in there I got it how did I not see these oh I got to get these oh yeah get them all get them all right he's down now I got to go to the litter box that's when 90% of them are time for the litter box Loser come here egg come here egg I'm stuck I'm stuck oh stupid egg this is not fair I haven't got one egg yet and Dad's cheating where am I going to find an egg ooh oh a gold an egg this is cool okay at least I got one egg let's go find some more the litter box perfect idea nobody would come in here it smells bad guess got to dive in where are the eggs come out eggs eggs eggs where are you why is there chocolate in here eggs come out [Music] shabi lied to me well I still got a lot of eggs I think I'll still win anyway Junior The Hunt is over come out wherever you are all right Dad got one I only got one egg you only got one yeah loser l o z e r loser it's a pretty it's I don't care about how pretty it is loser that's what you are loser loser loser loser loser loser all these eggs look at all these eggs it was sure hard finding them the stove was very hot they were in the stove yeah it was like super hot I think it was on like 500 I felt I felt like I was melting but I got them all oh D did you guys start cting yet no we haven't start counting our eggs and and how did you get all those eggs I still won I never lose I don't lose I win I win wo there just easy up with the tamper Tantrums okay I played for I got all these eggs so I won okay no you did not win I was supposed to be an Easter egg hub for just me and my son we did not invite you we a guy that I don't know so where did even come in at this place look dud he hey hey how about we stop arguing and let's just look at this pretty egg that I found look how pretty it is w what did you get that son son where where did you get that I I I found it Dad the Legends are true the egg exist the golden egg exist what's the big deal dad oh man what what's going on the golden egg whoever finds the golden egg it's the master of Easter egg honey really that means I'm the master of Easter egg hunting hey toad I won I'm the master of Easter egg Hy you're the master of Easter egg honey I get my dad's bowling I me Easter egg trophy W yeah hey Dad I get your bowling me it's I I want I want it be square hey toad take my picture Easter speci is about to start oh my God it's one day early it's going to be so cool yeah yeah oh oh hey kids happy Easter you're probably wondering why I'm uh packing heat well the Easter Bunny didn't put any candy in my eggs he just gave me these little plastic pieces of so uh let's pay him a little visit the Easter Bunny didn't give me candy so I'm going to shoot him in the face he he's going to bleed everywhere and hopefully doesn't f the carpet oh hey e bunny little son of a you enjoying that carrot huh let's add some lead to it die die die oh man even doofy the dragon can make Easter funny man I'm going to go ask my dad what we're doing for Easter tomorrow uh dad what are we doing for Easter tomorrow Dad Dad where did my dad go chefi a little bit more cleaning and then I can go to bed Chef peipi um do you know where my dad went oh yeah he like left for Canada for like the weekend I think because uh oh yeah he was ashamed to see your face because you beat him in the uh Easter egg hunting contest last year he's still upset about that yeah I guess so he has issues oh that was a year ago so what are me and you going to do for Easter Chef peei me and you yeah what are we going to do nothing we're we're not doing nothing maybe watch TV but chef PE I want have a fun Easter what are we going to do when the Easter Bunny comes the Easter Bunny is not a real Junior yes he is I've seen plenty of bunnies and and and and tomorrow's Easter look look look look look bunnies are real okay yeah Easter is real too right yeah it's an actual day yeah okay so Easter's real the bunny's real but the Easter Bunny is not real yes it is [ __ ] B you're just stupid because you don't have a religion shut the hell up Junior just go to sleep as why as your bed time anyway I want to get something cool for Easter and you're ruining it by telling me the Easter Bud's not real whatever well it I guess this kind of sucks for him not to have nothing for Easter um but he's a brad I'll just give him a basket that'll do shpep such a jerk saying the Easter Bunny's not real and my dad left cuz he doesn't want to see my face because I beat him he's a stupid short loser the Easter Bunny is real you know what you know what I wish Chef B was the Easter [Music] Bunny oh man it must be morning man oh it's Easter oh I totally forgot oh man I got to deal with Junior oh man I'm still tired though I want some orange juice though and some carrots for some reason let me go to the kitchen H where is this orange juice H orange juice orange juice no orange juice darn it at least we have some carrots go carrot carot carrot carrot carrot carot wait why do I have a craving for carrots today oh this is weird oh well give me some carrots oh my God carrots I don't know why I'm craving you so much but I just want to chump on you wait wait oh man that Easter the Easter basket for junior I totally forgot and it's morning time I should go and take it to him I don't want him to have the worst Easter it's horrible dad leaving him or whatever oh junior junior junior if you don't wake the hell up it's Easter I brought you a basket the Easter Bunny shut baby you're the Easter Bunny no I'm not the damn Easter Bunny just because I bring you a basket doesn't make me an Easter bunny I'm just trying to be kind okay no no no you're the Easter Bunny my wish came true what the hell are you talking about are you doing drugs no no no no I I wish for you to be the Easter Bunny and you're the Easter Bunny you're a bunny Junior if you don't stop with all the foolishness and just wake up it's not a dream okay you're alive you're breathing you're actually alive it's Easter this is a basket I'm not a bunny okay I'm about to go and brush my teeth cuz it's ridiculous sh EAS your bunny sh Junior such a stupid idiot it's a waste of time oh but I'm going to brush my teeth I got to keep my teeth pearly white oh my God I can't believe this what the is going on what the what the how the hell am I a bunny rabbit how did rabbit tell me how sh I told you you're a bunny rabbit why I become a rabbit what the did you do tell me what did you do please tell me what what did you do junior well you remember last night you said that the Easter Bunny isn't real yeah because he's not real so I wish for you to be the Easter Bunny you com mother why would you do that I don't want to be a bunny you know what just get out of my face because I will kill you right now cuz you just you just ruined my whole day I didn't want to spend my Easter being a bunny okay well then what are you going to do then I'm going go and call a doctor and see if I can get this changed well why don't we go to Easter stuff no why the hell would I do Easter stuff I don't want to be a bunny don't you get that but I wish for you to be a bunny for the entire day I shut the hell up shut the hell up what sh B doctor um yes see I know this sound crazy but I woke up this morning and I found out I was the Easter bunny wait hello God damn it you sound silly Chef I'm not silly none of these doctors believe me I'm trying to tell them that I'm the Easter Bunny well I woke like the Easter Bunny but they don't believe me well it does sound kind of crazy it's not crazy you did this to me turn me back immediately well no sh I'm not going to turn you back oh man I'm so stressed I'm so stressed I need a carrots oh give me a carrots oh yes you're eating carrots cuz you're the Easter Bunny damn it I'm not an Easter Bunny you made me like this turn me back junior I don't want to be the Easter Bunny this not how I want to SP Easter well how about this if we do fun Easter stuff together then I will wish you back as as not being Easter Bunny why why why okay of course finally you can have your way what what do you want to do well I want to do Easter stuff what's some stuff we can do for Easter um we can dye eggs how about dying eggs that's that's pretty simple dying eggs what is that what is that you're such an idiot just just get the carton of eggs from out of the refrigerator and bring it over here okay dye eggs okay I got the egg Chef peee all right I got the let me go and get the food coloring wait Chef what is this called again it's called dying eggs dying eggs yes dying egg we don't need food coloring watch I know how to do it what you need food coloring what the what the hell is wrong with you Junior you don't do that you don't hey that doesn't sound like the Easter Bunny junior junior what the hell is wrong with you you don't do that you don't throw the egg down to dye the egg that's called No the egg died oh I did it wrong yeah yeah you did it wrong die no you you don't do it harder you dumb hey you you don't do it harder you dumb you use food coloring to dye the eggs that's why we have water oh you should have just said that shfp you mean painting eggs Junior if I wasn't a bunny right now I would strangle you with my fingers but I don't have fingers so how am I going to clean up this mess wait why don't you have fingers because I'm a dam bunny what do you mean you wish me like this you I don't want to do this egg anymore let's do something else well let's have a Easter egg hunt Okay Okay Chef peee where are we going to hide this Easter egg hunt at we're going to have it in here in the living room okay so what do I do you're going to turn around while I hide the eggs and when I finish hiding the eggs I'll tell you to turn back around and you're going to find them okay so I'm going to turn around okay yeah yeah turn around you stay turning around that way okay you better not peek I'm not peeking all right all right I'm done hiding them okay I'm ready to find them wait je they're all right here what oh my God Junior how did you do that oh that was fast I would have never guessed that you know how long it took me you know how long it took me to hide those it took me a while to hide those like the whole time you were standing back there really yes how did how did you find him that fast you no wonder you're better than your dad sh B you you didn't really hide these oh oh man you got me Junior you know what I'm not going to ever turn you back into a normal person okay you're not trying to make me happy at all what I am trying to make hold on hold on I'm trying to make you happy man you know I thought this Easter egg hunt will make you happy it will satisfy you no all you been doing is yelling and and and not and not trying you're not trying to be the Easter Bunny look maybe I'll hide the eggs better if uh o h i I could hide the eggs better for you and we can actually have a Easter egg hunt if you give me hands because I can't hide them with these stupid bunny hands well I don't want to wish you back until I have a fun Easter and if I wish you back what if you what if you double cross me and you you don't do what you say you're going to do bunnies don't double cross you got a good point so if I change you back you'll hide these eggs and have a fun Easter with me of course Easter's fun I love to have fun especially with Junior I don't know will you play trains too of course of course I love playing trains okay I wish Chef peipi was back to normal Chef peipi you're back to normal finally you're a human again human actually have fingers all right so how are we going to do this Easter egg hunt I think we should do you damn it Bast can't believe you don't ever T me into anything I is I swear to God I'm going strangle you I'm going cover your throat myself you idiot Grandpa what are you doing oh hey there Sunday's 4th of July and a b's day yeah 4th of July but why are you sitting in your underwear not good is it is my right as an American citizen to sit here in my Underpants and spit on Nazis all day spit on Nazis all day Grandpa the Nazis don't exist that War's over it's still going on to me grandpa just calm down just please put some clothes on we have a Fourth of July party coming in people are coming over they don't want to see that no I want them to see it so that they know that I have the right to do this oh you have the right to do it but just fine look look here's a remote look just watch some TV watch some TV and uh just don't get in the way please okay watch some good old American television there's that Playboy channel no ain't nothing to watch on TV no no nope no a damn Obama new cable rules take a little nap thanks guys for coming to my 4th of July party oh dude no problem yeah my parents are Jewish I don't usually get to celebrate 4th of July oh yeah I know I'm poor so uh-huh anyway let's watch some TV guys Junior who is this old guy oh that's Mario's grandpa is he is he dead who who's Mario oh some guy that we live with because our house burnt down remember um yeah anyway let's watch TV I heard monster trucks is on oh monster trucks yeah let's watch it wait wait what channel hey all you American do you love your country and hate those stupid Nazis then celebrate it with some explosive fireworks we only sell the biggest and most dangerous fireworks so come in and get some fireworks today oh my God fireworks guys cool dude dude there's Rockets they can explode and make big explosions we have to get some we have to get some they look awesome they look kind of dangerous guys what what a dweed yeah Cody dwe Cody they look cool right yeah yes I don't care if they're dangerous they're awesome we have to buy some yeah we have to get them but you have to be 18 to buy some Junior 18 18 we have chef peee and he'll buy us whatever we want right yeah no no yes no wait yes no no a chef BB me and my friends really want to play with fireworks I don't care fireworks are dangerous and you're just a baby I know something's going to go wrong I'm not a baby I really want to play with fireworks please no they're dangerous Junior and I got to get ready for Mario's party well that's dumb I really want fireworks please please please please please no no no you know what I I think Mario might have some some type of fir really yeah yeah yeah uh look puppets what what what's puppet oh oh they're they're just like fireworks you throw them on the ground and just boom explosion really yeah it's like huge explosion it's going to make you happy all right guys look we got this let's go idiot all right guys let's see what these things can do okay dude all right so so how do I use them I think you pick one up and you just like throw it on the ground and it pops all right oh man that didn't do anything that's stupid that sucks um I guess you got to throw it at a harder surface uh throw it at the wall like the wall yeah let's let's throw it at the wall yeah yeah throw it a throw it harder I got it this time oh the naris we got incoming the NIS I'm going to go spit on them take that a off what is the na these things are cool oh yeah oh I got it whoa hey teach me how to do it whoa hey let's go through these at Chef peee oh yeah dude okay shfp I just need you to make a couple sandwiches all right okay I can do that for you Mario all right all right just I got to open up this bag of bread first what what the hell what is thisam it you get over here junior so I can kill you never you're a big stupid butt face and you smell no I don't why did you have to throw stupid puppets at me you could have caught me on fire I'm a stupid baby that's all I heard from you what look look look you're going to give me those puppets right now no I'm going to throw them at you some more right guys yeah look look just stop just give me the puppets right now how how about we strike a deal okay how about um what kind of deal uh h o i got some sparklers I give you the sparklers for those stupid puppets wait what are sparklers I don't know oh there's there're sparkly things that just like when you light them on fire they just Sparkle and make fire things explosions stuff like that really that's cool all right show me and before I make the trade okay hold on I don't know if I should trust it I mean I don't know here it is sparklers see it's right here it says caution flammable so make sure that you're you're very safe with it all right but I'm I'm going to light them with you cuz I don't really trust you all right well we made a good deal cuz the box is empty anyway what so what happens now Chef peipi it's going to light up just give it time okay this is infected okay hey mine didn't like Che sucks for you dang I drink the matches okay now it's lit guys there's fire this is really cool yeah are you excited now let's all Poke shpi with what what a baby guys this is scary this fire this is dumb it's not really doing anything let let's sword fight Joseph no no dude I better beat you I better beat you more you going to make me drop mine shut up C A that's gay M burned out mine's still going though well that's because mine was stupid and how yall keep going I just I don't know okay this is kind of lame Junior I'm not going to lie yeah I want the big fireworks that we saw on TV yeah this yeah I have a plan on how we can get those guys how come on SO Junior how are we going to get these big fireworks yeah you have to be 18 to buy them well well I got a genius idea okay what is it it's time to pull out the stashes the what huh the stashes what are you talking about guys just come with me I have the perfect plan okay then all right guys let's go I don't know Junior I don't think this is going to work yeah it is kind of risky Junior it's going to work I told the guy I told the guy that we're a bunch of adults looking for heavy artillery fireworks and look we have mustaches we look like a do yeah I guess it looks professional it's definitely professional hey Cody where's Ken oh he said he was going to stay home CU it's too risky too too risky he's a doll yeah do you know what they do to guys like him in prison have are you serious guys shut up look get on your aame all right the guy's over there by his car act like a do do uh hey there mister hey you uh you guys cops oh never never never we're not cops no okay good um we're just a bunch of guys with our mustaches yeah yeah yeah I like your mustache yeah yeah we put them on ourselves I mean we grew them ourselves I'm a mustache man myself yeah yeah so uh so uh you you you you got any of the the works oh I have some serious Hardware under here I'll show it to us take a look wa look at those Rockets dude those are huge there some high quality artillery imported straight from China wo I I want to take them we're going to have them do they do they make big explosions oh they make the biggest explosions whoa Joseph so grab them we'll take them we'll take them okay well that that's that's going to be about 50 bucks 50 bucks yeah we don't have any money Miss what no we you don't have any money at all no what is the point of coming out here like you were just going to just steal fireworks this was a high-risk job I just pulled here you know these are very illegal i i i smuggled them in my trunk for about a week this no you need to pay me something for my work here what but I didn't know we needed um We're Cops what we're cops and we're taking this as evidence that's not fireworks that's that's candy wa guys I can't believe that actually worked yeah dude it's so awesome those mustaches look really real didn't they right all right so we have a rocket so what do we do oh um well we light it duh all light it it's going to make a big explosion light it the guy gave me some matches up come on light it light it w w w w w what we do I don't know just I guess we just wait n yeah this is wa W that was a big explosion that was cool W but I wish we we had something to strap onto it yeah wouldn't it be cool if we like put something on it and it blew up yeah um well we do have we do have Ken let's ask Cody yeah wasn't that explosion beautiful Ken hey Cody hey hey guys how's it going it's pretty good well we have another rocket and we wanted to know if uh Ken wanted to go to Mars he could be the first one to Mars yeah Ken's always wanted to go to Mars he's already an astronaut oh he's an astronaut well even better so uh we can St him to a rocket I don't know you guys the last one exploded well that one was like the Challenger the next rocket will be like Columbia yeah yeah that that one exploded too Junior the way back at least they got to see stuff well I guess if you guys think it's okay yeah it's okay just just give us Ken and we're going to strap them on the back of the rocket come on Ken come on Good Luck Ken all right so Ken looks like he's ready to go to Mars right guys Ken please be safe and don't talk to aliens a shut up Cody just hurry up and say your final goodbyes okay uh Ken uh call me every day that you're on Mars and if you run out of oxy wait he doesn't have any Oxygen oh don't worry Mars has oxygen Joseph light it be safe Ken all right Ken's about to go goodbye Ken I hope you have a good trip here he goes the mar have fun K I mean I didn't know it was another Challenger Cody that sucks he dead he might be dead you guys he's probably not dead yeah I'm sure he's dead I don't think he's dead God why can't no no no Cody Cody calm down calm down maybe he's not dead maybe maybe he's not dead he's just a doll Cody no I didn't know he was going to blow up I thought maybe he would parachute hey hey look down there Cody Ken Ken what what he's alive wait where are those rocks from Ken says those are rocks from Mars from Mars he went to Mars wait J I can't believe this he we saw him blow up this this can't be serious are you serious we just we just saw him blow up Ken you must have so many stories I I I can't believe wow he went to Mars y y'all smell something burning what that smell the for is it must been from the firor get let teach those Nazis a lesson Grandpa sh the fireworks about to start on TV hey Mario where cool L is it's in the it's in the kitchen sh made it go get some all right all right guys I can't believe we're going to spend time together as a family and watch you know fireworks on TV why don't we just B the fireworks ourselves because I mean I don't have any look no no we're not going to do that Bowser not again not after last year oh well anyway guys come on let's let's just watch TV together wait wait hey breaking news a forest fire who that's crazy that's a suck I can't believe that what do you think caused it all right Thomas one more point in ping pong and I win okay you ready to lose yes you suck you suck you suck suck Thomas what is all that noise I just beat Thomas's butt in pingpong Foo ball I'm a foo ball I'm a pro at fo ball I've been so good like ever since high school wait you were yeah well no I'm a liar I I I have a problem with lying oh okay well Dad I want to verse you since Thomas sucks oh well well it's on then come on play me then okay no way you're going to beat me you suck junior wait wait wait are you sick no dad Junior you're coughing I I know but hold on oh Jesus my my nose just stopped up and I am having a cough I think I think I could be sick dad y oh my God you're sick oh you might have the flu what the flu oh yeah yeah yes the flu you didn't get your flu shot oh now I got to get the doctor oh I got to call the doctor a flu shot who's flu why' he get shot all right Junior the doctor's here to give us our flu shots but Dad you still haven't explained to me what a flu shot is oh I don't have to he's going to explain it for you hey there I am here way too often you Mr what's a flu shot oh okay well you see this you see this needle here I'm going to put it in you and then inject you with some medicine okay yeah long day in hell oh no really it's fine that's never going to out Junior say that in your head not out loud it's okay really no that's not okay what if I what if I came up to you and stuck you with a needle well you're not a doctor so I wouldn't be okay with that no you're not sticking me with that needle it's cool your pee hole something I'm ready for it I'm already ready are strapped up and everything I want you to inject me slow though okay don't don't do that to my dad all right all right all right don't surprise me surprise me okay well all right oh yes yes oh God oh God I'm seeing Angels it's not even in feels good oh I'm never getting the flu again I'm invisible you need one again next year I think your father has a history of heroin abuse wait I don't want you that to happen to me it's fine really get away with me get away with me with that needle it's totally okay really no no no watch okay so just just hold still hold still you're going to be just you don't even wipe your own butt what that no ah sh sh juli get off of my back I'm not playing the doctor he's trying to give me a flu shot yeah he needs his flu shot wait if you need your flu shot you need to get it then no no no Chef he's trying to stick me with a needle he's not a doctor he's insane you're an insane man you're sick he's a doctor he's just trying to give you your flu shot you idiot no no no no no he stuck with my dad with a needle he went crazy cuz he needed a flu shot okay okay shfp if if you think I need my flu shot then why don't you get one I'll get the stupid flu shot give me a shot now okay yeah you see you see there you go you good got of pinch but but but it didn't hurt that bad y y are insane y like do y like a dinosaur or something well a dinosur really I I don't even understand no no no he's stupid don't don't even pay attention you I am not going to get my flu you're not sticking me with that needle I I have to to give you a flu shot I don't want it you have to get your flu shot J really you'd rather just have the flu you know kids and elderly people are actually more likely to die from the flu yeah something like 33,000 people die every year from the flu I'm not going to believe those lies you're lying to me Li to me you're never going to give me that shot oh no oh no I'm cornered what am I going to do come here it's okay get away from me with that needle just take one minute stick that needle up your butt I'm going to do no such thing I'm going to put it in your leg and you're going to be just fine no I do not want that flu shot hey hey we got to make a deal we got to make a deal with something how about how about this how about this I'll give you 75 cents wow 75 whole cents 75 cents w w w guess what what your father's paying me a whole hell of a lot more money to do this well how about how about um how about how about you lie and say you gave me that flu shot and I I will I will play the part I will say I got that flu shot look look at look at my acting oh Dad I got the flu shot wow wow Academy Award right there yeah right yeah yeah I don't want that flu shot get away from me with it for your own health I don't care about my health oh my God okay so get away from me with that whoa whoa what is that a blue hippo wa I've never seen one a close before what's it doing in an apartment building that's crazy I'm not I'm not going to for those games there's no there's no blue hippo who's a cute little blue hippo w wow that that's a great that is a totally real and absolutely adorable blue hippo that I just wish kids could see man is there really one behind me oh absolutely I mean he is the realest hippo I have ever seen and to think that he'd be blue I mean what are the odds really I me that's that's crazy I mean everybody should be I just give you a shot real quick there you go we're done see you that wasn't so bad [Music] where am I oh no I'm cornered I'm cornered I'm going to stab you with this needle don't worry it's only going to hurt a lot ha no please stab stabs stab stab stab stab no oh no that's stupid needle oh [Music] no Junior what the hell are you doing outside it's been two weeks since you had your flu shot and why are you in the wheelchair yeah I give him a wheelchair where where would you even get that and I brought the doctor over here cuz I know something's up yeah I mean I don't know that I can help him I mean this is like psychological you know what doc what I have night tears cuz of what you did cuz I gave you a flu shot it was just a flu shot Junior are you serious lots of kids get them I have PTSD really PTSD what you been the war now wow Vietnam where the hell did you get a cast I didn't give you a cast where did you get that from Junior doctor what I'm going to shoe you from malpractice I would love to see you try that what judge on Earth would be oh oh sorry yeah yeah I gave you a flu shot I can never walk again it's a fake cat Junior there's nothing wrong with I was shot see I just knocked it off you weren't shot you got a shot I was shot you got a flu shot there's nothing that serious shot look I'm going to get your friends and I'm going tell them to come over here to cheer you up cuz you're being stupid you being ridiculous hey doctor can you will me into the kitchen to get something to eat no what oh get these noises out of my head get out of my head hey Junior I heard you were sick or who dude what the hell happened what happened why are you in a wheelchair did you get hit by a car oh wait oh was it a train guys what y'all really want to know what happened yeah tell us Dude tell us I I don't think I can tell y'all come on please it's an ongoing investigation we have to know we have to know come on we won't tell anybody okay since y'all are my best friends I'll tell yall okay okay okay this is the truth and it's kind of harsh it's a it's a rough story okay I don't think y'all can handle it but we can handle it okay so this is what happened me and my dad are hanging out and this guy runs up on us no What What In Your House runs up in our house what he do shoots my dad no no not your dad he's pretty cool but he's he's kind of mean he shoots my dad my dad runs screaming ah I got shot no so I'm like oh no I'm next no no no not you so I run and I go hide behind chef peipe and he gets shot no not Chef peipe no he cooks no he got shot so I'm like oh my God I'm the only person left in the house so I run and I run as fast as my legs can go and I get cornered you you got cornered I got cornered and I'm like I turn around I'm like please pleas please tell me you escaped I said please please don't shoot me don't shoot me no don't I beged for my life please tell me he spared you he spared you please tell me now you're dead this coldhearted motherucker looked me in the eye and said I'm not going to kill you what did he say I'm GNA make you suffer you son of a and he shoot me right in the kneecap oh what what I mean is it better I mean your cast just guys um Can y' can y'all put the cast back on I mean I can I mean is it one of those like flexible ones or something just oh okay then um put shoots me right in the kneecap what else happened and then I lose Consciousness oh God I'm going in and out all I remember seeing seeing that cold-hearted man walk away after he shot me so so I'm gaining Consciousness right as blur yeah and I see Sergeant Daniel's above me he picks me up and says you're not going to die today who Sergeant we're in waste deep Waters what he's carrying me over his shoulders we make it back to the ship and then he flies me home I got my purple heart and I met Barack Obama but you were in that were you in Vietnam I thought you were in the house that was no I got I got shot guys I'm lost but when yeah you lost me when you like we're in a war I don't if y'all don't want to believe me y'all can just leave I know we believe you I mean I I kind of believe about this how about this how about this guys how about this guys how about this how about y'all go get me a chocolate milk okay sure sure Jesus they don't seem like they know how to help me wow clean dishes wait hey hey did you guys thought the Junior yeah it's really messed up what happened to him right yeah dude wait wait what did he tell you he said he get a shot wait what what what did he tell you like shot how he said like some Maniac came in and shot him no he's lying he got a flu shot no no he said some guy came in and he he shot him and and his dad yeah he said he shot you too wait wait wait if he shot me wouldn't I be dead I don't know me check you're a little too close no you're fine oh okay so so he lied to you oh a flu shot huh yes a flu shot wow now I feel I can't believe you li usou dude pretty bad well you guys should probably go and get revenge on them then H yeah yeah yeah we should do that hey Junior hey Junior oh hey guys uh where's my chocolate milk oh sh PP said you were all out so all out yeah we'll just have to go to the store and get some oh no guys there's stairs I don't think I'm going to be able to go with you get chocolate milk that is too bad oh man that sucks yeah it does suck but I still need that chocolate milk so can y'all go get it well are you going to tell us the truth Junior what what are youall talking about you did not get shot yes tell us the truth I got shot guys I got flu shot I got no the guy who shot me was named flu oh oh it was oh man I did not know that come on tell us the truth okay you want to know the truth yes the sun is a planet what oh God why did you do that Cody take that all right guys are y'all ready for game night me and Ken what about you Joseph are you ready for game night yeah yeah I'm ready for game night but I can't figure out this stupid Rubik's Cube dude you better just put it down no one can solve a Rubik's Cube dude it's impossible they can huh Cody you can't solve a Rubik's Cube what yes they can you're a liar give it to him he can't solve a rote solve it then yes solve it work your magic I don't think he can solve it I think he's just trying to he's he's a liar yeah he's just trying to be I couldn't even get a line on one side it like a m what look he finished the Rubik's Cube how'd you do that show me your Dipsy magic I invented an algorithm what what's an algorithm I know a guy named Al he works on like cars and stuff oh well well um um well it's still not impressive cuz you're stupid yeah you're lame yeah what game are we going to play though um hm what game do you want to play Cody I want to play Monopoly uh Monopoly we'll play that we'll play that second yeah um how about Jenga I really want to play Jenga oh Jenga oh yeah let's play it let's set it up I play that in Forever all right guys are y'all ready to play Jenga yes yes dude this looks so cool I know it's so tall I'm going to be first oh I call second Ken wants to be third But Ken is a freaking doll hey be nice whatever thinks Ken is a real person he's weird Okay Cody Ken can be third and and he'll go fourth okay he'll go fourth okay okay I'm going first better not knock it down what piece do I want boy oh boy Choose Wisely I'm going to go for this this middle one over here okay okay okay to got I got it I got it got I got it everybody I got it everybody got it yeah okay your turn Joseph don't mess up can be a loser bro this is easy all right do it come on then ooh almost KN it over for a second I'm going to get this one on the side you're a loser you're a loser not the day all right Cody it's Ken's turn oh Ken's turn your turn Ken take your time I know it's hard you just have to move your legs Ken he's stinking whatever this is kind of get ridiculous this guy is a weirdo why do we invite Ken he's never take a block off and pretend it was Ken woo oh K oh did you see the block K took off K just moved a whole block it was like telekinesis yeah all right your turn Cody oh oh my turn yep it's your turn oh oh hang on let me just get my blueprints what blueprints why does he need blueprints what you get blueprints for this is just Jenga okay I think this cheating I you can't have blueprints which one should I take oh Cody you don't need blue all you do is pick one not that one loadbearing load bearing block he he's taking this game too seriously it's not that hard all you have to do is pick a block yeah okay I've made my choice okay go be very very very careful nervous oh no a you suck you're such a loser you suck just not you know what just finish it off that's how we're going to do it after all of my calculations yeah you and your math you know math is nothing for losers yeah you and your stupid medical disorder that makes you shake can we can we just play Monopoly now please H sure but I'm still going to beat you in Monopoly no I always win I am Joseph his friend for school that always win oh okay well then let's get Monopoly come on guys okay you're a loser Cody all right guys are y'all ready to play Monopoly yeah dude totally finally something I'm good at you're not good at this I'm going to beat you Cody no I'm going to win I'm taking all the money no no I am a I'm the master of I'm going to beat all of yall dude I'm a genius I am V in this game okay well you know what whatever okay let's pick our pieces um I'm going to be the rage car o i called the boat I'm going to be Titanic that's not a good thing it would to be the kitty cat all right be the kitty cat creeper hi there's still a lot of pieces left over um we need another player should I invite Chef peipi yeah oh dude that'll be awesome you should invite him I'm sure he'll like it oh yeah I'm pretty sure he's like begging to play I'm going I'm going to go invite him okay do it McDonald's I love your apple pies they're so delicious and know they're not sponsoring us I should take another bite shfp shfp oh what do you want you're always coming in sh please give me a break sometimes well I just really want to know if you want to play Monopoly with me and my f hey you went to McDonald's without me well I hate to say this but you're not important in my life okay so whenever I go and get food you're not the first thought that comes into my mind but I wanted a Happy Meal suck the suck oh well oh me and my friends want to know if you want to play Monopoly with us um I'm kind of busy eating an apple pie that's delicious right now don't you have a father to play with doesn't he care about you well he kind of takes Monopoly really seriously like last time um I think he had a stroke I don't know what happened but um I just really want you to play Monopoly with us please please please please just one round please cuz like there's like there's like so many pieces to choose from and and we only have three players four if you count Ken but can you please play with us please God when are you going to ever stop bothering me as soon as you get done blame Monopoly with us I guess I'll play one round yay hurry up and we're going to make this quick all right guys I got Chef PE to agree to play Monopoly with us it's going to be the funnest ever I really hate this game why yeah yeah why sh why you hate the game well my parents got a divorce over this game it gets very intense really what wow a divorce over Monopoly yeah my dad started making so much money and my mom got mad and you know whatever what's your divorce we're not going to talk about this all right uh Chef you got to choose a piece um which piece do I want it look like you took all the good ones well I'm the race car and and and Joseph had to be the Titanic you know I had to be and and Cody had to be the the the the Pussycat So so what am I supposed to be a wheelbarrow or a mut a shoe a hat and what is this it's a symbol I don't want to be a nipple I don't think he said nipple I think he said pimple I I don't want to be that either I want you to be the pimple hey guys you should be to be the pimple yes yeah you you do do it please be the pimple she yeah she please be the pimple it' be funny I don't want to be a pimple why do you guys human humiliate me so much well it looks like you kind of have a big pimple on your face you know what screw you Junior that's your nose all right all right Cody put his pimple on the ghost place you're going to be the pimple I ha you guys all right guys all the pieces are on the go place so we can finally start playing Monopoly oh wait wait who's going to be the banker oh oh dude I should be the banker I love being the banker Ken's already the banker what that's not fair how do you make Ken the banker Cody Ken can't be the banker he's a dog what wait Ken's the banker Ken is a freaking doll sh I'm trying to explain it to him he's plastic Cody look um we need a real person to be a banker CU cuz Ken's not a real person count money well is Ken even good with money of course he is a Manion and everything well he has a shipi Ken has a mansion I don't care what he has he's made of plastic how is he going to count money um Cody uh I yes Ken can be the banker what what the hell I should be the banker I'm the only adult in this situation look Chef peipe you're just mad because you have to be the pimple I don't want to be a pimple okay look you have to you get the roll first since you're the pimple okay someone give Chef the dice finally something I can do here you go Chef peee all right Chef peee roll the biggest number ever roll a billion zillion jillion oh no worries I used to do this a lot back in Vegas come on Big Money big money big money come on oh [ __ ] PE you WOTE a seven wo I'm lucky today go ahead and move me on up Cody yeah Cody move seven Lucky Seven Lucky Seven one two yeah three okay and four mhm five you know your numbers six one more seven oh you got the question mark oh question mark go ahead pull a card for me oh yeah get a card Cody here you go all right what it say what it say go to jail I'm not going to jail on my first turn Chef B you have to go to jail no no no no I quit oh you can't be a sore loser Chef sorry but you guys are cheating and I don't like cheaters oh nothing to do with Cody what's going to what are we going to do now I guess he gets the electric chair a man well I guess it's my turn I'm going to roll no I thought I was rolling no it's it's definitely my turn Joseph whatever okay selfish here we go here we go what I roll uh it looks like a six dude I rolled a six mve me six Cody okay um you're the race car yeah you got to make car noises no I'm the race car you're Titanic you must have cheated I could have sworn I was the race car no you're Titanic Oh Yeah I wanted to be the Titanic I forgot go hit a Iceberg the idiot got to make car noises just me room one room two room three room four room five and six rooms you're going to do what what place is that what place is that that's that's Oriental Avenue Oriental Avenue dude you get to get all the Chinese food you want oh okay I want to buy oreon the Avenue wait I can't buy anything because the banker hasn't passed out any money come on Ken you're slacking oh oh ken says you don't have any collateral what's collateral well shu to sh Junior you better find some I wanted Oriental Avenue it looks like it's my turn to roll no no no it's my turn how Ken says it's my turn I I don't think Ken is playing Fair he's on your side hey he's the banker you have to listen to him it's it's Cody's turn whatever just get the dice and roll okay get the dice oh what' you roll I got a a a a nine okay move your player okay I'm the kitty cat yeah now one meow 2 meow 3 meow 4 put a purr in there Pur five meow six meow 7 meow 8 meow 9 oh what place is that that is Connecticut Avenue oh are you going to buy it I have to I have to check my stock portfolio what do you have to check a stock portfolio that's weird what okay really in the middle of a game Cody what the over there nobody even likes Connecticut okay um what are you going to check stocks for it's just a game this one doesn't yeld the very high RI really come on this one just invest in it I'm going to take your money anyways Ken what do you think I agree Cody come on you messed up the whole board just buy it if you have the money for it uh uh Ken says that I should buy it okay well then so do what Ken says yeah but wait I don't you you don't have any money Cody oh ken oh okay Ken says that I've won the lottery what what you won the lottery why did you win the lottery take these hey that's not fair how do you take all your money hey who chooses that you won the lottery I think you're showing favoritism yeah Ken it's just because you like him f up do you like Cody okay Joseph your turn I don't I don't even want to play anymore come on Joe said the banker said he won the lottery so he won the lottery it's your turn time I better win the lottery next come on lottery what five spaces move all your NASDAQ stuff out the way so I can move my move all my money five move me five spaces Cody I don't no okay Joseph moves five spaces yeah five spaces you got to make Titanic noises it's like one sinking ship two sinking ship that type of thing okay one ggle GLE yeah uh two ggle GLE three My Heart Will Go On four go go and five that's you're un reading railroad Joseph oh yeah I'm the railroad yes I want the railroad cuz I want to be Tom you should call me Harriet tman how much it cost yeah 200 oh you don't have any money Joseph you can't buy a railroad how much money does that do I have Baker no oh ken says you have $1 $1 hey that's not fair how do I get $1 off a railroad give me that you only have $1 Joseph I guess it's my turn hopefully I'll have enough to be the railroad okay whatever start rolling I am a I rolled a three Cody can you move me three spaces of course one two 3 a I landed on your house again pay up [ __ ] a how much do I owe you $5,000 5000 sucks I only have $4 well you know what that means yeah I got to spank you how many uh five oh I can't wait watch one two three yes four yes five good thank you oh you're so weird Cody all right Joseph it's your turn man Cody this isn't fair why would you share some of the money with me if you're not talking money I don't want to talk you know what I quit yeah yeah you know what Cody won let's just play Let's play Operation yeah let's play Operation I know win a that yeah and uh Ken can't play yeah Ken can't play yeah yeah he can't play all right guys are y'all ready to play Operation yeah this going to be really fun o can I go first now sure you can go first I want to go first oh come on Cody you're so greedy you like took all the money in Monopoly now you want to go first yeah Cody I don't think you should go first Ken says I should go first oh okay how about how about this you can go first if you just shut up about Ken okay Ken can't talk anymore okay he can't even be in this game okay yeah yeah so okay yes so you can go first you're not in this um can I see the patient charts chart yeah what you talking about with with his name and his information and diagnosis there's no chart it's a board game it's a board game okay uh I need to get my instruments that's the that's the only instrument in this entire game why do you need instruments you're not in a band taking his P Cody it's a board game he doesn't have a pulse he's not a real person this man has no pulse we must operate immediately operate get his heart out he has a heartburn it looks like come on get it out get rid of his heart come pressure don't touch the sides Be carefully W oh no I've killed him oh God no why what kind of God would allow this to happen you didn't really kill him oh no I failed him I'm so sorry not we have to contact the family funeral Arrangement Cody it was a board game it's a board game you just lost you just lost your turn why it's just my turn now it it'll come back to you why don't try to make me feel better this man is dead forever I'm so Sor he's creeping me out now how will I wash this blood from my hands dude I'm out of here yeah I know he he takes board games way too seriously yeah we should like call his mom so he can get him yeah get him out of here I'm sorry Ken yeah let's go I failed weirdo I failed everybody
Channel: SMLs
Views: 93,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0swCZnvihmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 26sec (10226 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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