SML Movie: The Redo Button!

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oh hey we're gonna be learning about recycling recycling is when you reuse something over and over and over nineties water wha see I've already finished drinking the water out of it so instead of putting it in the trash can I could reuse it I could put more water in there and continue drinking out of it or I could even peel I know the whole small but that not a problem for me cuz I got a tiny egg roll you know I'm saying oh if I'm really accurate I could even poop in there and save thousands and thousands of gallons of water a year instead of flushing the toilet oh I could get put more water now it took a shower you know so any punches Crocs I've been using the same water bottle for years dude I use it for everything I've been saving the planet and I'm accurate oh hey teacher can I go on push the drinking water in my water bottle yes Joseph you could fill up your water bottle big teacher oh man I'm so thirsty Oh oh Christ and we also have a brand-new a foreign exchange student who came already for running and his name's Harry come on in Harry my name is Harry totally good seeing you all today Hey he sounds funny methylase recycled water that's disgusting I'm trying to save the planet all right Harry you can sit Oh Cody see cuz he doesn't like coming across anyway hey you can't take Cody seat no any more is not oh crap you are they be [Music] upside down high test tomorrow upside down live and for every I written on this board that's one question that's gonna be on your test any questions about the upside down on yes okey-dokey then alright Christ so you better study for this test tonight and I suggest you study with someone small cuz you don't want to fail this be [Music] upside down I test tomorrow upside down hi oh man I'm gonna fail this test I know dude me too I could help you go I study shut up here you like up taco meat on your head well my friends didn't call me taco that in your voice sounds weird you says I catch something you throw yeah you look weird - but shows if we do need his help we're not smart and he does look smart so here I come to my house and teach you to study okay Joey goes alright Harry help us study so get passed this test tomorrow yeah uncle head all right boys the subject the test will be all subject like math or science or history or geography I don't know the subject do you Joseph no dude I wasn't paying attention I don't know the subject either alright everything learn everything dude that's too much if they pick all my time to learn everything what if we just guessed on the test tomorrow dude what if we fail you're right we can't fail I wish there was a button we could press that if we failed the test we just keep doing the test over and over and over again until we passed like a redo button well I can invent one of those well usually our friend Cody invent stuff okay well would you like to call Cody and see if he'll Inventure a redo button no I didn't think so because he's Corning T yeah he doesn't hang out with us anymore alright well I'll get off to inventing the redo button yeah go go invent it can't even admit that I hope so alright nice I got your redo button why does it say no well if you did something that you didn't want to do you press it like no I didn't want to do it that way and then you get a chance to redo it it would make more sense of it said redo yes but if you flip it over it lets you know that it's on okay so how does it work so what you do is you go and fund something up and then you press the button like me and you get a chance to redo it I bet my mom would she had that button you know to which that I was never bored works like in the past few minutes okay so I'll go test that with chef peepee hey chef peepee what are you doing oh nothing just making green beans hey what are you doing nothing just cooking green beans no what are you doing what are you doing gonna pour me some Minute Maid it's already in the bottle you don't need to pour it look don't make a mess okay I'm not gonna make a mess what are you doing doing it I have a question chef peepee what do you want mustard all over the kitchen no why would I want mustard all over my kitchen well you got it do you what are you doing no nothing just gonna break this glass cup what yeah the button works it does too yeah I miss a chef peepee I broke a bunch of stuff and made a mad but then I press the button Junior why did you break that glass in the kitchen oh you better clean it up chef baby I'll clean up in a minute with my friends oh I thought you said you press the button I did press the button I just didn't press it the last time when I broke the cop car thought was funny when chef if he was mad dude I want to see the bun work Oh Joseph you have to see this button work ooh I can call Heidi from our class and ask her to be my girlfriend wait who's Heidi Heidi go Seiji the hottest girl in our class oh yeah Heidi is hot yeah she'd say no if I asked you out so I'll just keep pressing this button until she says yes dude it always works yeah no doesn't mean no did their what are you doing in my laboratory I love that show well I'm gonna call Heidi hey all right guys I'm calling Heidi it's ringing dude how did you get her number I heard her giving it to someone else and I wrote it down hello hey Heidi it's me jr. the hot kid in your class hello did she say yes no she hung up on me Oh poppycock well we didn't do that yeah it was just a phone call hold on let's try this again hello hey there sugar muffin who do you want it to be Yoshi dude what'd she say no Jerry's not here bye she was asking for someone named Jerry let's try it again hi hi yes oh it's a it's a friend of Joseph's oh hi yeah I was wondering if you'd be my day hard to get off the floor but who's that yes my dad hi do you know it's karaoke night it's time to go to karaoke I'm gonna sing put the money in the grave buy a drink you know I'm gonna die put my money in the grave I really got to put a couple camels in the place I've left all the camels in the race when I die I put my money in the grave you know the words come on honey let's go okay Charlie yeah all right guys I think I got it this time hello Hey ugly oh hi hey yeah I know you have a really ugly nose oh my gosh do you have such a way with words your voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard oh well you sound really handsome yeah you're really beautiful oh right I almost had her Oh fun fact my glasses actually don't have lenses in them all right guys hopefully this is the one hello hey there baby yes the names jr. jr. jr. jr. like in my class yeah put it on speaker so we all can talk shut up Harry yeah dude I want to talk guys shut up yeah it's just my friends we want to run a Thomas on you well Heidi will you be my girlfriend yeah yeah okay tomorrow guys dude okay all right guys so this button is really cool that we're definitely gonna pass that test tomorrow so tomorrow I'm so nervous about this not now sugar boys I'm glad to take this test yeah yeah they all say that oh man I'm so nervous about this test me too dude the drink some water don't be nervous cause if you don't pass the test just hit the button and keep doing it don't put this button back up yeah here oh she's what are you doing all right guys let's take this test all right is everyone done with their test yeah dude cheerio I don't know what that means everyone turning your test all right price I'm gonna pass out your test Junior you got a F all right Christ I'm gonna pass out your test Junior you'll fail all right Christ I'm gonna pass out your text Julia you gonna pass all your texts Junior you got a name really hey all right class I'm gonna pass out your test Junior guess what you got and now oh all right class I'm gonna pass out your test Junior guess what you got I swear to God if it's an F it's an F all right I'm gonna pass on your test Junior guess what you got please God please God don't let it be enough Junior go for you got an S that took forever to pass that test what at least a pass dude I'm gonna have some more fun with that button yeah okay uh what's up we can do ooh i'ma go mess with my dad hold it running the marathon all day hey Dad what do you want to you know not important hold on I got do something what are you doing please work please work should you come here we're going to euro and breaking all your toys Harry Harry how did you make another redo button jr. cut me your room with breaking all your talk [Music] hey fat boy you wanna fight yeah you wanna fight ok you wanna find blood hey fat boy you wanna fight all right you wanna fight that's right you wanna fight tonight hey fat boy you wanna find out do you wanna fight
Channel: SML
Views: 22,029,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, puppet, funny, jokes, bowser jr, bowser junior, bowser, chef, hilarious, redo button, redo, science, comedy, skit, teacher, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, joseph, cooking, break, mess, charleyyy, charleyyy and friends
Id: 4OHsO3jYWOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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