SML Movie: Loch Ness Monster [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] so cody yeah uh underneath your hat is your head like shaped like a cone yeah i always wondered that dude yeah you see i've never been able to take off all the hats so i don't even know can i take off another hat yeah yeah i guess if you want okay it's always gonna be another hat yeah pretty much how many hats do you think there are yeah i don't know i'd say millions at least well have you ever tried to take all of them off oh yeah yeah i've sat in front of a mirror for like an hour just pulling them off one at a time and nope just same same thing just hats well that doesn't freak you out oh it does it's it's kind of a nightmare actually but you know i just try not to think about it oh yeah well you guys want to watch tv yeah sure that that would be good to get my mind off all the hats all right hello children it is me dr friedrich finkelschitz and today we will be discussing the look this monster hello i'm the not this monster i live in lake loch ness yes that is right this is the only known photograph of the loch ness monster you see how he pokes his head up out of the water like a jellyfish you see i created the loch ness monster otherwise known as nessie yes i created him in my basement yes some people some people think i am cuckoo for science but no i am not cuckoo i am not a cuckoo bird do i look like a cuckoo bird no junior because the loch ness monster does not even exist what wait what another hat yes it does cody because dr finkelstein has a picture of him yeah that could be anything it could be could be a duck or like a goose or a pig like your mom could be like like a hippo like your mom cody because he's fat how dare you what you don't even know your mom come on too savage cody it's okay i don't i'm not dead okay oh yeah your mom's dead at least my mom's somewhere out there all right cody we're gonna go find the loch ness monster in my backyard because i have a lake in my backyard with junior that's no oh come on guys let's go find okay dude junior this is stupid the loch ness monster isn't even real and if he was real he wouldn't be in this lake he lives in loch ness oh shut up cody julian knows what he's talking about yeah cody i know what i'm talking about the loch ness monster is going to be in this lake he can transport from lakes by going through a warp hole yeah i've seen it where did you even get that from dr finkle [ __ ] yeah so look we're gonna stay here we're gonna wait until the lightness monster comes out of the lake we're gonna be waiting for a long time well when it comes out i'm gonna catch it on camera okay we're gonna be celebrities dude don't worry guys any second now the lock this monster is going to come out of that lake junior this sucks we've been out here for eight hours i've been bitten by at least 35 mosquitoes i've counted and i think i'm just ready to go home well then fine cody go home but when the loch ness monster comes out that lake and we get it on camera me and joseph will get all the credit right joseph well i don't know dude i'm kind of tired too i'm ready to go home well then fine guys bail on me go home go go have gay butt sex yeah i know that's not gonna happen see you later losers i may get all the credit come on lock this monster come out i'm gonna get all the credit this is getting stupid what if i just faked it what if i got one of my toys i just faked it i pretend the longest martial came out oh yeah i can make it believable i could make it believable all right you stupid lobnies monster you don't want to come out of the lake well i can fake it and everyone's going to believe me all right oh yeah that looks believable really believable i'm gonna go show cody oh man i can't wait for them to get here and watch it hey junior we let ourselves in but you sounded really excited over the phone yeah dude okay guys guess what i have a secret deep-seated love for me that you've always wanted to express but you couldn't tell right now because your heart's too full you want to kiss me on the mouth have me junior no cody oh well what could it be because it can't possibly be bigger than that well i have actual footage of the loch ness monster no you don't whoa no way dude no i mean really you don't there's no way i i do cody it's on my camera right now i've been waiting days for it and he finally came out of the lake this morning well let me see it junior okay watch guys watch this so what do you guys think whoa it is so crazy right it's crazy yeah it's so crazy how it just comes right up out of the water like that and starts barking like a chihuahua yeah yeah this is fake junior what what are you talking about cody it's clearly just you holding a toy dinosaur no i can see you in the video junior that that you can see me in a lot of videos check out sml on youtube it's pretty good show junior no one is gonna buy this well well no one's gonna buy your face junior you have terrible comebacks this is never gonna work well if it's never gonna work then why is it all over the news what yeah look breaking news okay a child has reportedly gotten footage of the longness monster we have brooklyn tea guy on the scene now brooklyn oh man it is hot out here today oh we're rolling thanks goodman i i'm here on the scene with the kid who shot the footage of the loch ness monster coming out of this lake here what's your name sir uh my name's junior i'm eight years old and i discovered the loch ness monster okay great so uh tell us what happened okay so me and my friends are watching dr finkelshitz on tv and he was talking about the loch ness monster and how he lives in a lake and i said oh i have a lake in my backyard i bet he lives in the lake in my backyard and my gay friend cody said there's no way he lives in the lake in your backyard and i said cody your mom's a pig oink oink oink so uh we grabbed that camera over there we set up to record and my friends bailed on me joseph and cody bailed on me so i don't get any of the credit i get all the credit i discovered the loch ness monster so i sat here for a few days and finally he came out of the lake he said hi to me he said sup junior really cool you're really cool and cody's mom's a pig so uh yeah that's what happened okay it's a rude monster but uh so what did he look like uh did you not see the the [ __ ] video it's all over the place i saw the video you little [ __ ] it's called journalism answer the question uh uh he he was green and he had a long neck he kind of looked like the toy that i bought from toys r us a few years ago but yeah he was really cool um after i stopped recording he came out we played minecraft together and he gave me an autograph oh okay okay you heard it here first folks uh the the loch ness monster likes likes minecraft yeah and i discovered it junior discovered the largest monster all me not cody not joseph all me yeah okay back back to you goodman see cody wow junior i'm really glad you called my mom a pig on national tv well it's not really news they can walk into any buffet and see for themselves what are you doing standing up you look ridiculous [Applause] you who savage you now let me hear you [Music] savage [Music] oh so when i do it it's too far but when you do it it's savage yeah yeah this savage who's out at the door i don't know hello no children it is i dr friedrich fingershield oh we know who you are yeah dude we love your show yeah we really do good good i am i'm not supposed to be within 50 feet of children but this is very important is this where they look this monster was found yet it was in my backyard with the lake yeah yeah go and sleep god oh yes take that baby take that area 51 can i see it sure yeah yeah sure thank god all right so like the loch ness monster came out like around here yes i see this is great oh i just have to take a few scans oh oh this is good this is good oh that is a good one oh perfect perfect nessie oh nessie come here nessie it is me this is finger [ __ ] it is your father come here nessie come say hello to daddy come to papa come to papa i have to breastfeed you lazy let's see let's see why do you hide from papa let me come here let's dude what's dr finkle says doing yeah what does he want uh he's yelling at the lake what why because apparently he's the dad of the loch ness monster and he's telling her to come home oh junior i told you he was crazy he's not crazy he's a scientist cody yeah cody something you wouldn't know about yeah nerd ever since you butthole poop [Music] oh [Music] ever since you faked that video now you have a man yelling in your backyard this is getting out of hand it's not fake cody it is fake junior guys what what what i have something to tell you what what is your dude that video that i showed you of the loch ness monster yeah it's fake what oh oh oh my god junior it's fake i i never would have guessed the cinematography the lighting how did you do it well cody well calm down it wasn't that good i know junior it's fake i knew it was fake to begin with okay cody now that i told you the truth don't act like you knew it was fake junior i already told you it was fake but no you were just as full as joseph junior i know he's pretty full and i'm gonna hit you so hard all right guys but since i faked that video and and the news believed it do you think anything bad will happen i don't know junior hold on guys let me answer that door okay uh hello yeah hey uh you remember me from the news oh yeah you're the the news interviewer guy yeah yeah yeah that's me uh in the in the interview you said that the loch ness monster gave you his autograph he did yeah you said that he oh yeah yeah he did yeah yeah he gave me his autograph yeah it sure did yeah great so so i'm gonna need to see that autograph you know to make sure you're not like a phony and a liar uh uh oh okay uh yeah what if what if he actually didn't give me his autograph well then then you'd be you'd be you'd be lie alive pants on fire you know you don't want that you know that that'd be bad yeah yeah i don't want that um yeah uh what about that i was just joking he gave me his autograph well that's yeah that's good just give me one second uh okay i want one second dude just one second one what's wrong junior uh who's at the door dude uh the guy from the news is at the door and uh you know how on the news i said i had the locust monster's autograph yeah yeah well uh they want proof or they're gonna find out that i'm a phony well well junior you are a phony i know that cody but i don't want them to know that well okay so what are we gonna do we have to fake the lotus monster's autograph how do we do that he doesn't have hands well he's a dinosaur right oh yeah so uh he would take a bite out of the paper right that's genius yeah totally all right cody take a bite out of the paper but me why would i take a bite out of the paper cause you're the only one with teeth cody yeah but i guess but junior it's gonna be really gross take a bite out of the paper cody yeah man up yeah all right fine oh god that's gross i didn't tell you to swallow it cody well that was just more of a challenge for me cody what is that what fat that's a bite junior i wanted a dinosaur bite not a wussy crybaby bite well i'm sorry junior that's the biggest bite i can take i wanted like a your mom bite i mean but if she bit it she'd eat the whole paper don't get up oh yeah uh-huh i could do that too no you didn't earn it all right guys anyway uh now that we got the bite now we need a signature signature junior how are we gonna get a signature from a dinosaur well i mean he's a dinosaur right so like he would pick it up with his mouth right sure yeah and then he would have to sign his name because they have to know who it's from so totally dude and it has to be like a cool signature so what if he signed olaki oh lucky yeah from your best bud old locky i like you dude yeah yeah [ __ ] it it's a lie anyway all right old lucky and done all right let's see what we got from your best bud oh lock lucky it that says lock junior oh it says lucky it ends with the e yeah junior it still spells lock well no there's a capital e so it's lock e well junior it's all capital is that a picture of mr potato head yeah why because i want to show how good my drawings are oh dude it's really good thanks judy it's supposed to be an autograph it is then why are there pictures because i mean the lotus monster can be an artist right yeah yeah fine fine whatever are you done now there's one more thing that'll make it perfect come on guys okay all right why why are you getting it wet julian because he came out of a lake cody yeah attention to detail cody yeah i guess that makes sense yeah making sure it's nice and wet yeah it is cool there we go oh that's good that's nice and wet all right that's believable i'm gonna take it to him okay he's taking a long time all right here you go why why is it so wet oh he came from a lake remember so oh oh oh okay yeah that makes sense yeah i'll take that you go thanks kid you're not actually a phony yeah i'm not a phony i'm the real deal so what did he say junior um he believed it he believed it yup he believed it well how long are you gonna keep this lie going junior uh i'm not even sure it's a lie anymore i'm starting to think it's real junior it's definitely fake uh no it's not but junior you admitted it was fake joseph do you remember me saying it was fake no i don't remember anything like that yeah i never said that junior you said it a few minutes ago your mom's a pig cody what uh-huh yep you don't like dude i'm leaving oh man today's a good day josie yeah dude you're dancing his own point yeah i'm getting tired joseph oh yeah me too dude i think i'm gonna head home all right see you tomorrow joseph hi bro i'm gonna go to bed junior junior what did i pee the bed no not this time look get up we have to move what yes we have to move look look we're going to be homeless again junior what yeah it's on the news they're trying to bomb our backyard because there's a loch ness monster in the lake wait what yes yes come and look on the news homeless wait what's going on junior just watch the news okay [Music] breaking news okay the us military is apparently going to nuke the lake in which a loch ness monster lives we have brooklyn t guy on the scene now brooklyn thanks goodman i am currently standing in front of the lake that's going to be nuked uh just a few short hours uh the military says that the loch ness monster is too dangerous to continue to exist uh something about north korea i i don't know but they say they're going to turn this whole neighborhood into a parking lot all the houses around here are going to be completely obliterated so so they're telling anybody in this neighborhood to just get get out of your house is what you can yeah and your dad's pretty upset about it too junior so pack your things we're going to be going in about an hour heck or something oh i don't want to be homeless hey dude i saw the news and i'm sorry that you got to be homeless now you know it's no big deal i mean you deal with it every day right yeah it's kind of like a hobby to me now yeah hey junior i just saw the news and came over to say a few things what cody well you know just because you lied you're going to be homeless now how about i dance about it huh yeah who's savage cody savage savage savage come on cody the man is about to lose his house have some consideration oh oh oh so he can do it but i can't well you're not about to leave your house cody yeah come on guys i don't want to be homeless we just moved in here what can i do junior it's pretty easy just tell the truth the truth yeah tell everybody that you're a big phony and a liar i mean being homeless isn't that bad come on junior you have to tell the truth and the truth shall set you free well cody because you did that liar liar quote i think i will i'm going to tell the truth all right guys all right dude breaking news okay the footage that was caught of the loch ness monster shot by the eight-year-old was apparently faked he's a fraud we're going to the child now uh hello everybody uh my name's junior i'm the kid that filmed the loch ness monster video in this lake uh i just wanted to say that the video is fake i was using my toy dinosaur i'm sorry that i lied uh please don't nuke the lake i like my house um yeah i'm a liar i'm proud of you junior you told the truth yeah dude good job yeah that's what this video is all about telling the truth i mean yeah everybody knows you lied the first time and dr finkelshitz is really pissed off at you and no one's ever gonna believe you again but you told the truth in the end and that's what matters yeah i mean tell them the truth in the end i mean what's the best idea because i would have been homeless yeah yeah now if you guys would excuse me i gotta go film an ending yeah you go do that okay i guess the loch ness monster doesn't exist [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 771,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, loch, ness, monster
Id: 1oIHnwp5HJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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