Rude Bosses Mistreat Employees | Dhar Mann Bonus Compilations

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is that what you're wearing it's my lucky suit well it's uh it's just awful can't wear that on the air it's not revealing enough but I'm an anchor and an anchor dresses dresses the way I tell them to like I know this is just the evening news but it's still show business got to give them something to look at I think the people just want the news trust me I've been doing this for 20 years when people see a beautiful woman like you you were in the news they expect to see some skin I'm not sure I'm following you why do you think I hired you H I don't know my talent my educational background my experience let me make this very simple either you go change your clothes or I'll reconsider having you as an anchor on the show and I'll find some other beat reporter who wants this opportunity [Music] where are you going to change that's my girl you are going to be so great tonight I can't believe it took them this long to promote you the whole crew has been rooting for you to get girl thanks Sydney I just hope I don't let you all [Music] down wow now that is an outfit well done wardrobe Department but this what what is it no this this hair that's just that's not going to work what's wrong with my hair this is a television broadcast in Los Angeles not Uganda excuse me it just doesn't look like our demographic it's too ethnic well there's not enough time to change it now we're on air in 5 minutes just just put this on what no no David I don't want to wear it no well it's not really up for debate you know and why you're at it give her some more eye makeup and Foundation what's going on here Sydney come on I have enough makeup on trust me and I like my hair the way it is okay so you can either put this wig on and do your makeup the way I just asked you or I'll go down to sports and grab Mark and he can be the anchor chair for tonight your [Music] choice excellent choice you should not have to put up with that from him you're right but he's the boss and I can't blow this opportunity besides this just puts me one step closer to being an anchor for Channel 8 News hi good luck on your first day oh thank you guys hey we'll be watching you from home I love you honey break a leg love you Mama I love you ready our final story is about lucenda Perez a local Doctor Who just received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Medical Association uh when I first started out in medicine I was constantly being told that I wasn't going to make it uh they told me that I I didn't look like a doctor I didn't dress like a doctor and that I didn't even speak like a doctor I stayed true to myself and now I'm being blessed and honored with such a prestigious award what an incredible story and person sadly her story is something that I can relate to we like to think that times have changed that they've improved but just today I was told that my hair my clothes and even my makeup weren't right for Broadcast News [Music] [Applause] and because I wanted this job so badly I gave in to my boss's demands that was a mistake as Lucinda made clear it is more important to stay true to my principles and who I really am than to change just because it makes some small-minded people uncomfortable for channel 13 news I'm Amar Jones good night Los Angeles what was that huh I'm sorry David I had to be myself well I hope it felt good because you're fired when I'm to making phone calls there won't be another broadcast company in all North America who will hire you do you understand now get out of my [Music] face hey hey you did the right thing baby I'm so proud of you I know baby I know you're right but we needed that job I know I know but we will find a way through this you know maybe maybe I should just kept my mouth shut and just play by his rules mom look you're blowing up on Tik Tok I am yeah everyone's saying how cool you are look oh you've gone viral that's so cool well that is something all right oh I'll get [Music] [Applause] that may I help you Amara my name is Val I'm the station director at Channel 8 news I hope you don't mind me coming unannounced but Sydney gave me your address you know Sydney sure do in fact we just hired her to be our lead makeup artist at the station she quit after she heard that you were fired apparently a lot of the crew did as as well I didn't know but that's not the reason why I'm here I'm here because I saw your segment tonight and I'd like to hire you as lead anchor for Channel 8 news really what you did took courage and that's the kind of character we're looking for at the station now not only will I double what you were making at Channel 13 but you can wear whatever you'd like on air you'll get no my management from me that sounds it's fantastic I'm I'm in okay wonderful thanks to meet you hi all right well I'll send over some paperwork okay thank you great good night all right good night good night [Applause] okay oh my God what oh there she is hey Amar hey I've been trying to get a hold of you why haven't you returned my calls well that's because I don't work for you anymore David well no that's what I'm here to fix look I made a huge huge mistake letting you go but I'm here to unfire you I was just really emotional that day and I made a mistake we'd love to have you back at the station no thank you who whoa hey carara don't be ungrateful let's not forget who gave you your start in this business okay that was me yeah you did you did help me get started in this business and then you kept me as a beat reporter longer than anyone else not because I wasn't good enough to move up but because you had a problem with my gender and my ethnicity whoa whoa that is not true that is true and we both know it so thank you for apologizing David but I am quite happy here at my new job working at Channel 8 hey amarar hey oh and the next time I see you here I'll be sure to call security have a nice [Music] life thanks for tuning in that's our broadcast for this evening but before I sign off I'd like to take a special moment to thank everyone here at Channel 8 news for giving me this opportunity and for those of you watching at home remember staying true to who you are will always be worth it good night Los Angeles hey get your dirty hands off my wife relax honey this is just Adam I told you about him we used to date back in school years before we met no way can you imagine you dating a [Music] janitor oh you serious nice to meet you uh-huh so you're working here now started last week so I'm paying you to grope my wife Bruce don't Bruce me R's not here to be your hug buddy he's here to do a job you do realize that part of my job in our company my company is customer relations I was seeing our newest clients out when I ran into Adam anyway we're going to be late for our dinner reservation we should be going okay it's good catching up with you Adam yeah really [Music] nice you missed a [Music] [Music] spot I can't believe you used to date a janitor your standards must have been way low lower before we met now why do you always do that judge a person based on their occupation because 99.9% of the time it's an accurate gauge of a person's net worth and that guy has loser stamped on his forehead actually Adam's not a loser he was a really great guy when we were dating in fact the only reason we split up is because he moved out of town a blessing in disguise if you'd wound up with that guy you'd be married to a janitor instead of a very rich very goodlooking CEO or maybe with my help Adam would have went on to become a successful CEO and you would have wound up the janitor ever think of that that would never happen in a million years in this world there are winners and there are losers and unlike your pal Adam I'm a winner you seem to forget that when we first met you were not a CEO you were a window washer earning minimum wage I was working on my MBA program you didn't even apply to get your MBA until I pushed you yeah well you wouldn't have pushed me unless you wanted the kind of lifestyle that we have now no I did it because I believed in you and your dreams I believed in you and your dreams the only person responsible for my success is me so me being senior manager and being with you since day one helping you build that company means nothing to you do you even hear yourself you didn't help build my company all you did was riding my coattail that is so not true and I let you ride them because it kept you busy with work rather than out there spending my money on who knows [Music] what are you serious of course I'm serious I built all of this everything you have is because of me I am so tired of you belittling me after everything that I have done for you over the course of our relationship it's rude and unfair don't blame me you know what kind of man you were getting when you married me well I guess I was hoping that you would change but clearly you never will where do you think you're going away from [Music] you I want a divorce I cannot be with a man who treats me like I'm some sort of accessory to his life give me a break you're not leaving me oh really and why not because we signed a prenup and if you leave all of this lifestyle that I created for you will disappear no more fancy house no more fancy cars no more fancy clothes you think that I am with you for the money I don't need or want your money I was with you because I loved you once keep telling yourself that nobody believes you least of all me fine just run back to the janitor see how that works out for you sweetheart over the ensuing year things did not go smoothly for the newly single Bruce try as he might Bruce was unable to run his business as efficiently without his wife by his side Not only was Nicole a loving and supporting partner she was the best customer relations manager and a key part of their Company Success less than 10 months after his wife left Bruce had run his one successful company into the ground due to his ruined reputation in the industry it was hard for Bruce to find a new job in fact the only jobs he could even get interviews for were janitorial [Music] positions after months of searching Bruce finally found a company that was willing to give him an interview Nicole what are you doing here this is my new company I started it last year your company how turns out after all those years of working at your company I was able to build a really fantastic network of clients once they heard that I was on my own they flocked to me you stole my clients no they chose to leave you and follow me didn't even have to poach them you look mess Bruce what happened to you I lost the company my house and pretty much everything in my life fell apart the moment you walked out the door I'm sorry to hear that truly no I'm the one who should be apologizing to you I took you for granted I treated you poorly anyway I've been thinking about you a lot recently and how maybe we should give our relationship another try Bruce that is not going to happen no look I know I messed up in the past but that was then I'm a new man now I need you beside me to rebuild my life again I'm married home are you interviewing the new janitor without me Bruce um it's good to see you again after we split up I reconnected with Adam and even though it had been years felt like home so what you called me in here just to humiliate me then not at all I picked out your application blindly because you had previous cleaning experience I didn't even notice the name we're seriously trying to fill this position well get someone else Bruce remember before we split up I had mentioned that with my support Adam might have become a successful CEO and you might have become a janitor guess I was right after [Music] all hey take order Randall is that really you holy cow it is hey good to see you Lance sorry I'm just in shock what are you doing working at a fast food joint aren't you like 55 now talk about embarrassing oh don't worry it's cool we're all friends from college in fact back then all the professors thought Randall was the star of our graduating class boy were they wrong about that you know it's okay Becky it's okay it's all right okay okay I'll have the uh double cheeseburger meal with medium fry and a large soda it'll be right up probably don't seem many of these anymore huh [Music] Randall here you go oh hold up I said no pickles no you didn't when I was inputting are you calling me a liar that's some real good customer service no no I'm not saying that what I was trying to say is let me be clear I want a new burger without pick Pronto if I send it back they're going to take the New Order out of my paycheck and how is that my problem went along now get me my new burger or do I have to call the manager out here to complain is everything okay out here actually it's fine Gary I'm just giving this customer his Burger okay that was nuts I was right there and that guy did not say anything about pickles I know he's always been a jerk I know well why do you give in to him I've got your back if he says anything to Gary that's appreciative becking it is but that's only going to get us both in trouble and that guy is not worth it oh waiter uh clean up [Music] please oh I'm so sorry it slipped everyone in our class is going to just love this photo I think I'm going to make it my [Laughter] [Music] Ownage what a jerk are you okay I'm fine really fine Randall you back here yeah boss what's up you're f that's what's up what why I just got a call from corporate apparently a customer who was here earlier today called to complain about your lack of professionalism Gary don't do this please you know how much I need this job sorry corporate made the call it's out of my hands hey are you okay not really I just got fired what because of that guy that's ridiculous I'll go talk to Y and Tom that he was being a jerk to you it won't matter maybe it will if I quit unless they hire you back I appreciate you watch my back but you need this job just as much as I do your tuition is due next semester thanks for everything but don't worry about me I'll end at my [Music] feet today my coworker got fired because of this guy oh oh I'm so sorry this jerk came into our work and started harassing and belittling my coworker all because he works at a fast food restaurant in his mid-50s I know that some of you might think it's funny that someone in in their mid-50s Works a mick job but that's because you don't know his story a couple of years ago Randall found out that his wife was very sick they were high school sweethearts and had never spent a day apart in 20 years he couldn't bear the thought of losing his best friend and His companion so he did everything he could to help her get well including giving up his high stress and high-paying job so that he could spend as much time with her as possible before she passed unfortunately she passed leaving him heartbroken and bankrupt with a mountain of debt from all of her medical bills that's why he's worked with me for the past 2 years and I have never heard him complain a single day he is the best employee he is so kind and so generous and now he's unemployed because some big shot thinks that it's funny to mock him for trying to make a [Music] living he doesn't know I'm making this but um if you could help them find a job I would really appreciate that then so would he [Music] [Music] I know you're really busy up there sweetie but if you could send me some kind of miracle I would really help get me out of a jam where have you been I've been trying to get a hold of you for days oh uh my uh cell phone is disconnected uh what's going on I have great news okay come on inside so last week I made this Tik Tok about what happened to you it went viral like viral viral neat well it's good to see you no I don't think you understand look so someone heard your story and created a GoFundMe and check this out wait that's a million dollars and it's all for you that's too much I can't and I can't accept Randall this is for you it's okay to accept it tell you what I'll accept the money if I could put some of it towards your tuition no no no no no I I could not let you do that well if you don't let me then I'm not going to take the money if it wasn't for you none of this would have happened thank you oh wait one more thing you know your friend Lance check this out when our Tik Tok went viral he got fired wow that happened so quick it's the power of social media well I guess I should start a clip Club account huh I will help you make an account thanks for the miracle the marketing plan I created will increase Revenue 10 to 20% excuse me I'm so sorry about that we we can be next [Music] week you can't just leave a presentation like that I'm so sorry Lou that Nasha hit me out of nowhere you said when you're pregnant you assured me that it would not interfere with your work it's not like I can control nausea you love with no other choice but to fire you you're firing me for being pregnant you can't do that I'm firing you f failing to fulfill the duties of your position I brought in that client just like I brought in 19 out of our top 20 clients I mean without me you wouldn't even have a company I see being prayed also makes one delusional everything you think you've done around around here I could have done just as easily you know what just pack your bags I want you out of the office by lunch got it babe you will not believe the kind of day I just had Lou fired me Jason what what's going on um this is awkward but uh I was just hoping I'd be gone before you got home gone where look I'm leaving okay I can't take the idea of being a dad it's it's too much pressure on me what no you cannot leave our baby needs her father it's better this way okay I'm not meant to be a Dad look look look I know it's scary okay but whatever is going on we could work it out how now you're unemployed that puts even more pressure on me I I think it's better for every everyone if I if I just split no no no no no Jason please don't do this to [Music] [Music] me I don't know what I'm going to do Mom I lost my boyfriend I lost my job I mean I have a little bit of money saved up but that's going to go quickly once the baby arrives I I know things look Grim right now but you're better off trust me I don't know how I could possibly be better off for one you no longer have to work for that talentless hack you used to call a boss Wen you always telling me that he was always taking credit for your ideas he did so forget about him and as for your boyfriend any man that runs out on his responsibilities for his family is no man to begin with consider it a bullet dodged yeah but I'm still stuck without a job and a baby on the way what about opening up your own advertising agency you were always talking about it sure but creating a startup is expensive and now is not the time to be adding expenses now is the perfect time remember what I used to tell you when you were a little girl when we get knocked down we get back up and I know I didn't raise a quitter I guess there is no good reason why I can't run the business for my apartment at least a start till I build up my roster enough to be able to move into a real office space that's what I'm talking about bow make that boss of yours regret the day he got rid of you thanks Mom oh love you so much motivated by her mother Tracy gets to work starting her own company yes that one was sent over as EPK electronic Tracy's reputation for hard work and creativity allow her to build a loyal client base quickly correct and with the support of her family Tracy was able to juggle the demands of running her own business while being eight months [Music] pregnant within the first several months of being open her company thrived and became the hottest name in advertising in the entire [Music] city I think that this is a mistake we don't need to add a new partner at this time I have everything under control considering the way you have run this company into the ground over the last year I highly doubt that I know that business has been slow slow snails are laughing at [Music] us oh Tracy what is she doing here I fired you last year that you did and since that time how has your company been doing Tracy's company is harder than ever combining her Client List with ours will be a win-win for everyone in this room a merger completely makes sense being that I know your clients and your personnel which means that I also know where we can trim some fat this is ridiculous I'm ready to sign when you are as long as Lou is no longer affiliated with this company yeah right like that'll ever happen congratulations Tracy you have yourself a deal thank [Music] you Jason what are you doing here you look you look great Tracy I saw the ride up in the uh the times about you and your business looks like you're doing really really well thanks yeah well the reason I'm here is I I realize that I'm really screwed up by walking out on you and the baby the way I did actually I am glad that you did what it was just the wakeup call that I needed to get my life back on track but but I think you were right I think that we owe it to our baby to give this another shot what do you say babe how baby the one that you haven't even bothered to meet I am very sorry about that I will do anything to make it up to you both oh Jason it's a little too late for that but you're the one that the baby needed a father and I have hey hun put him to bed hey is everything okay over here yeah everything's fine I'll be up right now okay my baby already has a wonderful father but um thank you for stopping by Jason bye-bye Now Tracy it's there you go uh by the way this was on the door another notice I have got to close this deal so that I can pay the rent oh this is black isn't that how you wanted it no can you put some cream in it Shena please you know what don't you have like an easier nicer her name that I can call you kids in school used to call me Shannon perfect but I prefer Sheniqua it means the gift of God in my culture well I'm just telling you that name is definitely not a gift of God I hate to say this but um the client who is coming in today is really important can you do something with your hair oh um is there something wrong with it look the braids are just not very professional that's all this is part of my Black Culture oh God can we not all right just can you just just please like do something with like ticket hey Jim good to see you good to see you um uh this is my new assistant Shannon all right nice to meet you toet and Jim come here sit down talk to me tell me what we can do for you today well we have just come out with a whole new line of lip SC scrub it's the hottest thing on the market right now and we want you guys to run the ad campaign for it that is amazing uh Shannon start casting models right away and we will come up with something for you in no time at all great then I will be back tomorrow with my boss by the way if she likes what she sees this could be very big for you ah that sounds incredible oh and uh the company is really focused on inclusivity no worries they don't call me Mr inclusive around here for [Laughter] nothing um you going to put some cream in that coffee or what yes yes yes yes okay let's take a look at these models what's this who are they these are the models that I chose sir let me talk to you one second what are you thinking we're casting a beauty campaign okay not a rap video but you heard what Jim said his boss really cares about inclusivity this could be our chance to really shine I let me explain to you what people mean when they use the word inclusive it means that they want a taned skin girl so that they can feel Progressive okay they don't want this they don't want dark skin models because this is not beautiful how could you say that black is beautiful okay why am I wasting my time arguing with you you either get me the models that I want or you are fired Shen Shannon whatever this is what I'm talking about right here boom wait are you sure this is the right decision we don't have a single dark skinned model this campaign it it's not going to okay you know what affirmative action is not my job my job is to create a beauty campaign that sells period and speaking of that I'm pretty sure I told you to do something with your hair so maybe you should go do something with your hair I don't understand what's wrong with my hair are you trying to make me lose this account huh you cannot even follow basic instructions can you don't start crying do you know what makes me look like if you start crying in front of everybody you know what I've had it with you I have truly had it with you up to here get out you're fired what fired but for what reason because you cannot even follow basic instruction about your own look now get out of here no no no don't look at her look at the camera that's right come on smile bar oh hey Jim get over here good to see you my friend what do you think um they great um it's just um didn't you and I have a little conversation about being inclusive there are no dark skinned models here okay look look look I get it inclusive you say that and it means you want a a tan skinn girl to feel Progressive I get it but I mean seriously you did not really want a dark skinned girl here did you what's wrong with dark skinned girls Barry this is my boss Laquisha oh hey you're um uh black no say a woman I mean no I mean yes of course you're a woman but I mean like no tall tall yes you're crazy tall so nice to meet you and I love your name you didn't answer the question uh-huh what's wrong with dark skinned girls oh oh no oh nothing nothing uh inclusive right you want it inclusive yeah okay so hold that thought let me get that for you right now don't go anywhere come on get up get up hurry hurry hurry look look look what I got for you here look at this beautiful woman what's your race darling I'm half Mexican half white guys she's half Mexican you cannot get more inclusive than that B bam well all the girls are lovely yes but I'm sorry I don't think you have the vision we're looking for have a good day no no no wait wait wait come back uh Lita Latifa get out of here go back to work um hey Jim where you going Jim can you believe that guy no that was really something oh hey hey Shannon right you okay no I just just lost my job Shannon worked for Barry oh my goodness I'm so sorry honey what happened I was trying to cast some models for a beauty campaign but my boss got mad at me because I chose dark skinn models and then he fired me because he didn't like my hair or my name my name is Shenika by the way it means the gift of God I know how would you like to work with us really hey great great great hey hey you found my uh my little assistant uh sh Sheniqua and she has the most beautiful dark skinn models in there that you are going to love stuff it Barry I heard all about how you treated her which is why I've decided to offer Sheniqua a job with us uh no you can't take my assistant no she's not going to be an assistant how would you like to be the face of our new Beauty campaign no way me the face of your campaign but I I don't know um I may be too dark to be a model are you kidding me black is beautiful how about we go to my office and talk about this I would love to let's go okay no but wait hold on a second wait a minute you know what I can give me another chance maybe I can go hey Jim Jim listen I really need this job because I have to pay my rent guys um uh uh Shannon I mean I mean oh so basically it's a dating app but when two people match each other they have to play games to unlock information about the other person pretty cool right yeah I just I didn't know we needed to bring our own code oh uh we don't I um I I thought it would be nice to show it off to the developers here get some new feedback yeah um I don't think we're going to be talking to the developers on our first day oh I also don't think you needed to wear a tie what oh come on man don't don't you want to make a good impression make big moves here yeah uh the only moves we're going to make is towards that coffee machine over there for the employees oh well regardless I'm going to do my best to stand out I'm I've got Big Dreams you know my goal is to be the next Kevin sister of the dating app world wow I don't know who that is but that's really cool I'm trying to get my college credit so I can graduate that's the CEO we're launching in two weeks it's going to be our biggest app yet just you wait and see that's what you said about the last three at this point the shareholders need to see some real results okay well this time it's a sure thing you know come into my office and I'll show you our first quarter projections I didn't realize you hired some new people uh I didn't realize either I'm sorry who are you guys again it's an honor to meet you gentlemen um I'm Joe I just started here and uh this is David hello uh what are you working on oh uh this is some new code it combines game features with uh the matchmaking process it's very impressive uh what program are you using python it's actually a combination of java and PHP sir that way I can process the game features faster while also allowing for Less developer hours to make changes efficient and mindful of cost I like the way he thinks is he one of your new Engineers I wish I knew I'm sorry what is your job title again well I um I actually just started as an intern but I intern they all think they have the next Steve Jobs you never know I'd keep an eye on this one I can see him definitely going places oh yeah I see him going places too I see him going straight into the break room to make us some coffee how do you take yours uh two creams two creams for Albert you heard them in now off you go boys yes sir you know what hold on you uh do you mind meeting me in my office in just like a second yeah of course thank you I would appreciate it if you kept your little homework assignment to yourself I don't want my shareholders thinking that you somehow represent my company but he seemed to like it he was just being polite okay you're an intern you're barely an adult what could you possibly know about developing an app but sir I've been doing but nothing you're an intern okay I want to see you sorting mail and making coffee all right stay in your lane right uh and I will take two creams in my coffee as well thank you now off you go goodbye right away ah can I help you I'm sorry I don't mean to intrude I was just um I was admiring your work you know code kid yeah yeah I've been writing it since I was 10 I'm hoping I can be in here working with you guys one of these days Wow since you were 10 guess it's true what they say you are never too young to go after your dreams I 100% agree with that you must be Edward head of engineering I saw your picture in the break room that's me thank you well let know if there's anything I can ever help you with oh wait do you want to take a look at something sometimes it helps to get a fresh set of eyes of course what's up I've been working on these few lines of code for a while and I keep running into a logic error I'm curious to see what you've got okay um see do you mind if I H take take a okay oh okay I see what's going on you do mhm it looks like you don't just have a logic error in here if you taken a look at what's in this array it should just be the meta details I think there's an index error hiding in here are you sure yep okay and that should do it you want to take a look what in the world is going on here oh I was just helping Edward with the code you know I asked him to you're my senior engineer why would you ask a child for help and you little man are you trying to run my company into the ground no sir not at all I was give me that you're not at home playing video games okay this is real life you probably just broke some something Edward will you please fix whatever he just messed up thank you and you from now on leave the coding to the developers okay next time I see you you better be sorting mail or handing out coffee and if you're not I am going to fire you do we have an understanding all do respect you know what I know want to hear it do we have an understanding Edward he didn't sabotage anything too bad did he no as a matter of fact he just caught something the entire team couldn't he probably just saved a solid day of work at least okay well how incompetent can you be if you need an intern to do your work for you maybe I should be paying you what I pay him which is nothing I just don't think there's any way we're going to be able to get all those features done in time for version one okay well then how are we any different from Tinder or any of the other hundreds of dating apps out on the market okay we we need something unique people if we are going to be better than all of them so you really think we're going to be bigger than Tinder I'm I'm sorry what was that I didn't hear that can speak up can you did you have something you wanted to share with the group Edward yeah no I didn't think so okay we need something that is going to make us stand out I'm not sure if there's enough time to add any new features before launch she's right can't we just push back the launch now that people that right there is a great idea push back the launch date and then um we can put a big sign out in front of the building that says failures push back the launch we've already done that twice Edward and the shareholders are breathing down my neck as it is what if we added customizable interfaces like you could make your profile pink or add you mean kind of like Myspace in 2005 H that's adorable people you all got fancy schmancy degrees at very expensive schools and not one of you has come up with a decent idea you better be raising that hand asking me if I want sugar in my coffee no I have a suggestion okay little man how many times have I told you to stay in your lane give him a chance to speak Calvin what have you got to lose isn't that the kid that fix a syntax error I like the hear what he has to say me too okay fine I will give you 30 seconds and then you go back to sorting mail go okay well it's basically a code that I already made it processes game material on a dating app platform without slowing things down if we implement it into the script that would allow for some really cool add-ons what is this this code that this person is talking about has anybody seen this code I have um but I really think this could work well I mean if the other intern thinks it could actually work then I'm sold I mean his idea would definitely be unique I've never seen that done before yeah I think it's pretty genius like Words With Friends for dating exactly and all this code is already written yep all I need to do is my grade it over to the production server and run some tests on it if it's already done then there's a small chance we can actually make it by the deadline but the question is does this code actually work I don't see why it wouldn't I mean I haven't tested it with real live users but theoretically it should okay so the answer is it only works if nobody uses it that's great there's only 2 days left unless you want to upload V1 without any additional features I suggest we try this is 2 days even enough time I'd need to pull some all nighters but so long as I have some caffeine in me I should be fine maybe you can help yes yes I I can make coffee this is the best shot we have what do you say okay fine I will give you a chance and if it works you will become part of my development team as of Monday really and if it doesn't work you get your stuff and you get out of here and I call every single person I have ever met in Silicon Valley and make sure that you never work in Tech again how's that sound little man yes sir I understand I I won't let you down don't all right well what do you all doing sitting here get back to work welcome to the development team even if it is just for 48 hours shall I show you to your desk uh yeah that would be great thanks what should I start working on first you tell me you're in charge Joe walks off excited to join the development team while also hoping he made the right decision he's given a desk and starts working right away trying to add his gaming feature to the app launch he works all day and all night even long after everyone else has left well mostly everyone that is Joe pulls an impressive 48 hour straight regardless of how tired he gets he keeps pushing through to try and make the deadline and then comes the day of the launch Hey Joe hey wake up man what time is it what time is it it's 3 minutes to 8 everyone's literally coming up right now did you finish it I think so um just yeah all done I just need the go signal to take it all live all right I hope it works me too thanks okay people we are taking this thing live in 2 minutes are you ready kid yes sir I just finished just in time all right everybody to your stations please uh you get me a coffee everybody listen be on your Aames today please we cannot have any hiccups all the shareholders will be watching everything's looking good so far but there aren't any users yet that'll be the real test all right well the uh the email blast with the ads and the press release it's going to go live in about 1 minute so this better work kid well I'm pretty confident oh have you load tested the servers yeah I did they're all set to AWS to autoscale so we should be able to handle however much traffic we get but we do need real live users to make sure okay here we go Edward take us live in 5 4 3 2 1 we're live we did it di relax don't celebrate just yet let's make sure that everything is running smoothly everything's looking good so far we have 5,000 people downloading the app already no no way yeah and the servers are holding up just fine 10,000 downloads 10,000 are you Ser like and there are no errors coming in ah the load's not even spiking we just rolled another 10 servers the scaling seems to be doing great yeah we're looking solid 25,000 downloads in process and Counting 25 down 25,000 downloads are you kidding me like that's unbelievable our last app did not have 25,000 downloads in its first year I can't you I can't believe I'm saying this but welcome to the team uhoh what oh what is the oh I mean why is she saying oh oh shoot we've got a problem what what is the problem tell me what the problem is tell me now what the problem is some of the servers seem to be faulty we're lagging hard y just crashed no no no no get us back up online quick little little man go do something it's probably something to do with the AWS I'll I'll do what I can oh and terrific Albert is calling already nope goodbye let me just go to the server room so I can fix something and oh you know what forget it don't touch anything this is probably your fault hey don't get mad at Joe there's a number of reasons why this could have happened you do not defend him I knew I should not have trusted this kid he probably has no idea what he is doing and Albert is calling me again well just give me a chance no more chances for you you know what I've had it get out of here you're fired no Calvin don't do this I just did it little man you're not listening to me there's the door I said get out of here you are fired wait just let wait for nothing I don't want to hear it from you anymore you're trying to run my business into the ground get out hi Albert yeah yeah yeah no no no don't don't don't worry everything is fine it's just a little technical difficulty it's a nothing to be concerned about we will be back up online in a minute [Music] I know what you're thinking if I had another hour I could fix everything no no I'm thinking that I'm I'm a failure I'm a loser I suck God I really wanted this job to work out maybe I'm just not a developer why because you couldn't handle 25,000 concurrent users on your first ever launch none of the people in there could handle a fraction of what you just did Calvin's right I'm just an intern I should have stayed in my Lane no you are a coder one of the best I've ever seen hands down yeah a coder who is never going to work in Silicon Valley again you heard what Calvin said do you think that Calvin has that kind of power his Mark is a lot worse than his bites I'm honestly more worried about him finding work again if this app doesn't work out he doesn't have the best track record well that makes me feel even worse considering my code is what crashed the entire app have you ever thought that maybe your code isn't meant for Calvin's app it's meant for yours what are you saying I'm saying you're a smart kid and you are a risk taker that's a good combination you should be making your own apps but I'm only 18 years old well then it's a good thing you 100% agree you're never too young to go after your dreams you're right wow I I can't believe I almost forgot that you don't need Calvin you don't need this job all you need is this and maybe some funding oh yeah right where am I supposed to find that who do you think helped Calvin find his funding let me take care of it really wait you do that for me I don't want it to seem like charity I will want a percentage but that can come later for now get your app working and give me a call when you have a prototype all right yes thank you so much Edward I am never going to forget this you see maybe it's a good thing that you got fired yeah that's a exactly how I'm going to explain it to my parents good luck Kid Joe is once again excited to go after his dream he spends all day and night coding again except this time it's for his own app he works harder than he's ever worked before and after many all nighers he finally completes his first [Music] prototype a few weeks later Edward sets up a meeting with the well-known investor it doesn't take long for the investor to be convinced to help fund the app Joe couldn't be more excited oh over time Joe opens his own office Edward becomes his CFO and David becomes his coo together they all create one of the top dating apps in the world with so many users buzzing about their Innovative [Music] features and then one day Joe gets a visit from an unexpected person uh who am I meeting again today he says he used to work with you Calvin hey hey long time now see what brings you here well you know it's funny I was reading the magazine and for some reason you just uh popped into my head oh I hate that picture I cringe every time I see it come on come on it is amazing how well your app is doing congratulations I am just so proud of you I appreciate it you know I I could say it's all thanks to you oh yeah yeah uh if you hadn't fired me I probably never would have started my own business oh well see I am I'm glad to have been part of your journey well you didn't have to come all the way out here to tell me that an email would have been just as good no no no I am here with an offer an offer a job or no no no no here sit down I would like to buy your company oh yeah yeah an all stock deal I give you 10% of my company in exchange for 100% ownership of yours you do that for me yeah absolutely I mean a young smart guy like you knows an opportunity when he sees it right I mean you could go anywhere live on a beach in Costa Rica or something like never work another day in your life do you mind me asking how much revenue your company has well I None right now because our our app hasn't taken off yet but when it does it is going to be huge I'm talking billions you'll see mhm so you're asking me for 100% ownership of my company in exchange for 10% stock of a company that makes zero Revenue I don't know if you know this but we're on track for 50 million this year you are mhm with a 300% year-over-year growth rate isn't that right Edward sorry but we're not interested come on at least think about it no sorry there's no way I'm going to change my mind okay you know what little man you are going to live to regret it hey are you new here yes sir I'm an intern it's an honor to meet you if you'd like any coffee or need help with any of your mail I'm your person that'd be great thanks you know Alex here was actually just telling me some good ideas that he had some new features that we could maybe add into the app H is that so yeah I know it's probably hard to believe because I'm young no not at all you know uh a wise person once told me you're never too young to go after your dreams I love that if you ever have a moment I'd love to show you some new code I was working on you know what I have moment right now want to step into my office that sounds great so coding what school you go to all right excuse me who are you oh hi I'm quig today's my first day you want me to shake that hand stop don't be that way hi Greg it's nice to meet you I'm Peter and this is Mark I always wanted to have a job when the code that's a good one I doubt you even passed what third grade how would you learn how to write code so Greg is there something you need or are you just here to waste our time because we don't get paid 30 bucks an hour to sit around talking to the help no offense oh right sorry canar me that just can there you go what Mark whoopsie why would you do that well don't pick it up that's his job Mark Peter can I have a minute of course sir I've got some good news our series a funding just came through so corporates really ramping up the hiring you may notice some new faces around here I sure have that's Lisa she's a new intern here as I was saying with all the new hires we need to add more management so that's why corporate has corporate has added a new senior manager spot and our new VP you know wants to promote someone from within you boys should really think about applying senior manager H that sounds like a fancy title to give someone more responsibilities without any more benefits why would anyone ever want it $40 an hour plus a private office and your own secretary wow you say 40 we're in and by the way did I say how much I love your tie sir oh yes thank you Mark but it is not me making the decisions it's the new VP she'll be in here later this afternoon so she's the one you got to impress good luck wow private office you imagine yeah hey maybe you can visit me sometime after I get that promotion [Music] huh hey what do you think you're doing sorry no no no no these are not kids toys you could break something what how did he two creams no sugar I'm sorry you're the new intern here right Lisa I'm Mark it's nice to meet you you as well are you a programmer yeah but not for long a new senior manager position just opened up and I'm pretty much a shoe in for it well you're very confident I'd say realistic is a better [Music] word you know one of the cool perks about being senior manager is that you got your own secretary is that so yeah and I know you're just an intern but if you play your cards right who knows I might just put in a good word for you to be my secretary wow you do that for me and you learned all of that just through YouTube yeah wow that's so impressive I take it a thank you Greg you're so sweet I'll see you later bye and don't worry when I'm at the top I won't forget about [Music] you so are you not going to offer to pick up my trash oh sorry I I didn't notice I'll take it no you were too interested in the pretty girl no it's not that I just take it uh-huh oops you can pick it up Mark come back here and pick that up Mark I'll get that sorry about him is he always like this I'd be lying if I said no Mark's a nice guy two people that can do something for him but everyone else not so much here you go thanks wait are you always s to me well my dad taught me that a person's character is defined by how well they treat someone that can't do anything for them in return so you should be just as nice to the CEO as you would the janitor thanks I like that Peter I've been looking for you the uh vp's here if you still want to apply uh yeah absolutely all right see you she should be here in just a sec great yeah great can't wait to me her by the way did you get a haircut I must say it makes you look what 10 years younger thanks Mark but again I'm not the one you got to impress it's ah here she is I'll get out of your way hello ma'am I'm Mark and as a very dedicated employee here Lisa hi Mark please have a seat I'm confused so you're telling me that you're the new VP not men I thought that before I made the decision to promote someone I would go under cover see how they really are [Music] Ah that's brilliant I I've really love that idea actually and by the way that blouse that you have on is just so it turn into us but isn't it Greg what are you doing can't you see we're meeting with the new VP Lisa she's not an intern oh Greg knows very well who I am he does well I should hope so because he's actually my brother and he has told me all about how awful you've been to him and also about how great you've been Peter so with that I would like to offer you the position of senior manager oh my gosh really no Peter oh come on I'm way more qualified for the job than he is Maybe so but unlike you Peter here has a skill that I highly value in my leadership team character he is kind to people even when they can't do anything for him including the janitor so what do you say Peter I'm so grateful you're even considering me but I don't only do it on one condition Greg here takes my current job he's an excellent programmer he's been learning online and I think he's more than capable probably even more than me I think that's a great idea welcome to the programming team Greg oh why thank you so much now you just have to decide who you would like your secretary to be if you don't have any ideas I do have someone in mind oh yeah what are you looking at me for and everyone's very impressed up in the board I'm I'm more than excited no cream Two Sugars thanks M no problem no problem sir [Music] I I'm still so impressed how fast you got that last job done oh before we go through it all would you like some coffee uh yeah I go get it uh nonsense that's what we have Mark for om Mark Mark you wouldn't mind getting Greg some coffee would you he can get it himself come on he doesn't make 30 bucks an hour to make coffee that's what we have help for now be a good sport and get him a [Music] cup oh and when you come back I'll have you take the trash out since we no longer have a janitor oh the cupcakes aren't in the oven yet they're supposed to be here in 2 hours hours to pick them up for the New Year's Eve event what is taking you so long sorry I just got off break I was just finishing up something I'll go put them in now finishing up what wait wait wait wait this does not look work related to me oh it's not it's Jenny's New Year's resolutions let's see lose 5bs go on a cruise ah start a baking business oh you're cute you start a business wow I don't get what's so funny about that you've taught me a lot and I feel ready oh really you really think you have what it takes to start a company you're barely old enough to drive a car a lot of people my age have their own business oh no I highly doubt that you know it took me 10 years to get this Bakery up and running and I was 27 when I started well just because let me ask you something do you know how many bakeries there are in this town just yours exactly and do you know how many have come and gone over the years Lots it's a lot harder than you'd think and certainly a teenager can't do it now I'd suggest you get back to work if you don't want to lose your [Music] job you sure Wanda won't be mad about me using the oven no way I use it all the time I don't know what you're putting in those cupcakes but they smell amazing wand is going to need to take some notes thanks I'm experimenting some new recipes for my menu oh well if you need a taste tester I'm available and so is my stomach I'll keep that in mind maybe you should talk to Wanda about some pointers on how to start your business you know she did start from scratch did you see what I did there aha very funny but I don't think Wanda would be down for that you're probably right I've been here what 4 years and she still won't make me a manager yeah I was going to ask what's up with that honestly I don't know it like seems like we're going in that direction I mean she is having me find some new recipes which is kind of cool but who knows well maybe it'll come sooner than you think I hope so where are the cupcakes the customer's going to be here any minute don't tell me they're still in the oven nope they're right here ready to go come then why is the oven still on who are these they're mine I was experimenting with some new recipes for my new menu oh you're using my equipment to test out your own recipes I was told that you let people use the oven so I thought I'd give it a try my kitchen is not for your recreational use I I'm sorry I hope I'm not over uping but I use the oven all the time for my own stuff well that's different that's because what's that smell oh it's burning oh my gosh they're ruined who cares about your cupcakes what about my oven I I'm so sorry they were fine just a minute ago you know what just stop stop talking now I have to get this entire thing cleaned and you want to start a bakery what a joke I just got distracted yeah well an experienced Baker would not take their eye off the oven if anything is broken it's coming out of your paycheck [Music] understood I'm really sorry about your cupcakes it's all right maybe wanted is right maybe I'm not ready to start my own business what because you burn some cupcakes come on girl don't let Wanda scare you every Baker Burns things from time to time it's part of the territory have you ever burned anything why do you think I keep a fire extinguisher here and I keep the fire department on speed [Music] dial but seriously you'll be all right and Wanda she'll forget about it so I take it you don't want to taste test girl you clearly don't know me at all burnt cupcake is my absolute [Laughter] favorite happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you make a wishz [Applause] thanks guys this is so nice and the cake looks amazing are you really going to act like you didn't bake it wait you made this cake yeah it looks super nice yeah Lauren had me B this cake but I didn't know it was for me well I love everything you make and if it saves me a few hours I'm all about it I didn't know you were this talented Jenny thanks I hope that it tastes as good as it looks I just tried out a brand new recipe so I'm sorry I'll get it hi hi sorry I'm late I had to stop at the bakery oh happy birthday thanks do you want a piece of cake sure why not um I just have to use the restroom real quick yeah it's um right this [Music] way I am so sorry I invited her before everything happened between you guys it's fine don't worry about it what happened Wanda being Wanda you know how she [Music] is so how about that cake oh yeah [Music] look like the cake [Music] okay where is that cake from I made it should have known I'm so sorry I I don't know what happened I thought I did everything right yeah well obviously you did not that cake is drier than the Sahara Desert I was just experimenting with a new recipe oh God not this again are you still considering opening a bakery you just turned 19 and you can barely bake a basic cake [Music] right yeah okay I'll be [Music] there I have to get back to the office Lauren I need you to come in at 5:00 a.m. tomorrow to meet the truck no problem I'll be there the Ki wasn't that bad jeny he it looks beautiful and that's the hardest part yeah and it was just a little dry just a touch of syrup glaze or soak into cake and milk you're right I didn't know Wanda was going to try it I shouldn't have experimented that much she'll probably never eat any of my Creations again actually that might not be the case I have an idea [Music] I don't know about this Warren would you stop it Wanda put me in charge of finding new recipes you're actually doing me a favor there's nothing to be afraid of okay oh your first customer you got [Music] this welcome to wandas oh what can I get for you um I'd like a red velvet cupcake please sure a thing that'll be $478 [Music] okay thank you so much have a great day Excuse Me Miss um so we do this thing where we feature a new recipe each month and I was wondering if you'd be willing to try one of my cupcakes and give some feedback it's free oh okay I love the idea I'll take one of these pink [Music] ones this is delicious what recipe is this it's a new one that I just came up with this is one of the best cupcakes I've ever had you're really talented well hi how are you hi Wanda I am great even better now that I've had one of these new flavors oh it's really sweet of you to let your employee showcase their work she's an amazing Baker oh well I wasn't aware that we were featuring Jenny's recipes I guess I missed that memo somehow yeah it's great definitely a 10 out of 10 anyways I've got to get going hats off to you this cupcake is to die for thank you take care you too bye-bye you have really crossed the line This Time Jenny this is not one of your high school home at classes where you get to test out your recipes I am running a real business with real customers making real money it wasn't her fault you put me in charge to find new recipes so I figured why not just use Jenny's you heard the customer she loved Jenny almost killed me with her recipes last night we are not using them anymore from now on just stick to making things my [Applause] way you know you've been extra mean since you saw my New Year's resolution mean you think I'm being mean I am trying to save you from the heartache and loss you'll have if you actually go through with this silly dream of yours oh so now what you're having a temper tantrum how appropriate this isn't me having a tantrum this is me saying I quit quit that's great go ahead and quit I can't wait to see you come crawling back here in a couple of months begging me for your job back it's going to be [Music] fun Jenny Jen what Jen wait I'm so sorry about that I had no idea she was going to react that way it's not your fault I just can't do this anymore I don't blame you Manda is just so old school and she's just can be such a nightmare sometimes so what are you going to do now I'm going to start my own Bakery I don't even know where I'm going to find my first customer but I'm going to prove prove wand wrong I love that idea just promise me one thing what's that don't do it for her do it for you that's the most important thing thanks [Music] Lauren Hey I'm was just coming to see you I was thinking about that cupcake that you made if I'm being honest it's the best thing I've ever had at Wanda and I've been going there a long time wow thank you you're welcome I was hoping to get more of those for my son's birthday party I'm going to need about four dozen or so unfortunately I don't work at Wanda anymore I just quit oh no I I'm so sorry to hear that there's plenty of other amazing things though I'm sure you'll find something happy birthday to your son wait is there any way I could hire you on the side to make more of those I was really hoping to get the ones you made really um yeah okay I can do that amazing let me give you my [Music] number [Music] great can't wait to do business with you same thanks so much thank you look over here what are you doing I'm taking a pick for your new Instagram I made your profile you did uh yeah girl you need social media marketing now smile come wait till you guys try these you thought wandas were good this is Heavenly well I can't imagine anything being better than wandas yeah I've been going to her for years just trust me here oh my goodness okay you were right these are better than Wanda this is unbelievable I could already feel the 10 lb I'm going to gain same but I don't care I need two dozen right now I'm hosting a baby shower and these would be perfect good idea my Rory turns 10 tomorrow I know it's short notice but can you get me four dozen by the morning I'll pay you extra for the last minute request um I would need help yeah I could make that work um just give me your phone and I'll put in my number and then send me your contact and your order details Jenny you're the best Wanda always requires a 48 hour notice and she's not always the most Pleasant to deal with well I think Wanda better watch out because there's a new girl in [Music] town girl you need business cards hey um there's not much left for me to clean anything else you want me to work on no God I can't remember the last time we didn't see a single customer in 4 hours this place is like a ghost town business was booming a month ago I don't get it yeah I think I might know what's going on well what Jenny sweets she's been really blowing up well I haven't heard of another bakery shop opening so her business runs through Instagram and delivery apps she doesn't have an actual store it's the direction a lot of businesses are going really mhm wow I don't know anything about that but I'm sure it's not going to last right work oh yeah where have you been you're 20 minutes late I'm sorry I mean why are you wearing that t-shirt I'll just I'll cover it up with this absolutely not you you are not going to be promoting some other business while you're working here what were you thinking I wasn't thinking I was just helping my friend I'm sorry what you need to be doing is dedicating more time here and then maybe my business wouldn't be this slow you think I'm not dedicated I've been working more than 60 hours a week for years here and I'm not even the manager you manager are you kidding come on what do you mean you've been telling me for the longest time that that was the direction this was going in please I just said that so you wouldn't quit wow know what I don't need this I do so much for you and you don't appreciate any of it I'm going to work for Jenny Jenny you know if you want to throw your career down the toilet be my guest it's going to be fun watching the two of you fail we'll just see about that take care Wanda while Wanda's business started going downhill Jenny's business started to really take off as word spreads about her amazing treats Jenny starts making deliveries All Around [Music] Town each customer would refer her to even more people so her business quickly began to [Music] grow Jenny started off baking in her kitchen with just a few people but as time went on and her popular clity exploded she had to hire more and more to help keep up fortunately for her she had a good manager in place to oversee everything and then a few months later Jenny and Lauren come to pay a visit to their old boss hey Wanda oh Alex look I just need a couple more days for the rent okay you've been saying that for past couple months ownership isn't happy I know but business has been slow but I'm going to think of something so I just need a little bit more time look I know you've been here for a long time and I hate to do this to you but I have to serve you with this notice no Alex are you serious but you know me I know and I'm really fighting for you but they've got another tenant who's ready to move in no who is it another bakery shop I can't say but what I can tell you is that they're willing to pay more so I can't give you any more extensions 3 days that's it thank you H don't tell me it's you two trying to take over my place what are you talking about please don't play innocent with me I just found found out that someone's trying to take over my place and now it makes sense we honestly have no idea what you're talking about oh okay so you're just here to rub your success in my face no not at all we actually came to work with you work with me I I don't [Music] understand as you probably know we've been expanding pretty quickly Jen sweets has 25 different locations [Music] now and what we've come to realize is that if we want to grow as fast as we want to grow then we need to start partnering with other bakeries to keep up with the supply chain demand so we're wondering if you're interested in helping make cupcakes for us oh I see so in other words you want me to work for you no to partner with us we would agree to purchase a large volume from you in exchange for a small discount of course but the margin is great it's a really great margin and the best part is that we'll pay you up front what do you say really why would you do this for [Music] me I was so mean to you because you help me if it wasn't for you I would have never quit my job and I would have never started my business I learned so much from you seriously thank you come on just say yes thank you guys so much you have no idea how much I needed this right now you're welcome and I really am happy for you both I guess you can start a business at any age after all and I take it you're the manager of Jenny sweets nope I am a partner Jenny just gave me ownership it's the least that I could do partner huh mhm well you deserve it Lauren I'm really very sorry I never gave you that promotion because you deserved that too that acknowledgement means more than anything else is that it's my new recipe if you like it I'll to It's My Number One S get her some water gotcha sorry I had to but this is really incredible thank you partner get over here D I want you to meet Carson I just hired him it's nice to meet you um Gordon uh do you mind if I speak to you for a second sure why is he talking through that thing oh he's non-verbal autistic but don't worry he's really smart shoot I got to get this wait are you sure about this I mean business has really been slow and having someone here with a disability could make things worse oh don't think of autism as a disability think of it as a different ability that's all sorry I got to run um hey you uh uh we what should I work on hey boss the Fryer's not working can you come take a look at it uh yeah sure look just stay out of the way okay come on work okay so what are we going to do we got customers coming in an hour we need this fire up and running well I don't know what to do look let me just try to get some help in here hey get away from there before you break it even more I can fix it well if we can't fix it I highly doubt that you could fix it who is this and why does he need that device to talk no he's nobody he won't be working here long look I'm going to go make some calls and see if I can get to this thing fixed just don't let him touch anything there it's a lot of fun you want to give it a try yes ah okay come here and I will show you how to make a flower all right so you just go like this now you try [Music] wow you are a natural so have you always wanted to work in a restaurant my dream is to become a manager well I'm sure you will be in no time so yeah right there just what are you doing oh well I am just showing Carson here how to put on icing are you trying to ruin our cakes give me that look what you did now this cake is ruined because of you I'm sorry it wasn't his fault don't you give him another cake he's just going to ruin [Music] it how about we give it another try yeah okay hello hey uh we have a group of friends and we're trying to decide where to eat can we look at the menu of course wow that is so cool yeah seriously what's your name name Carson you know what Carson we don't even need to look at the menu we' love to read here we'll go get our friends why are these customers leaving did you talk to them on that thing yes oh great no wonder they didn't want to stick around you know I told Gordon it was a bad idea hiring you they said they were getting their friends they was just being put light but of course you can't pick up on that or anything else for that matter that's not true you see growing up kids never wanted to play with me if they only gave me a chance they'd see that I had a lot to offer it hurt a lot when they'd exclude me [Music] but if they just took a second they'd see how capable I was but What Hurts the Most was when people would hide me like I was some embarrassment if they only knew I'm actually really great with people so you see I don't don't think of it as a disability I think of it as a different ability oh come on hey I'm all about supporting people on the Spectrum but we all know that autism is a disability is everything okay no I told you it wasn't a good idea leaving someone like him here he almost destroyed our fryer he's ruined a brand new cake and he just scared off two customers we need to let let him go immediately what is this true hey good news the Fryer's working oh great that company I call come fix it no Carson did it what are you talking about there's no way he could have fixed it no he did it took him like what 5 minutes it's pretty impressive actually I've never known anybody as smart as he is well I uh I don't understand uh he hey tell Gordon how Carson ruined that cake ruined the cake are you kidding take a look at this wow that's beautiful Carson did it not only did he bake the cake he also did the decor honestly I've never seen anyone learn as quickly as him he's so creative sounds like Carson's doing quite well no no no no no no I'm telling you okay let's ask these Customs now Carson scared them off watch hey hey did you mind telling my boss what happened earlier how Carson scared you off what scared us off what are you talking about well that that is why you left isn't it no we left to get our friends because of him your your friends yes mhm they're coming oh they beat us feeling guys and this is the guy I was telling you all about oh yeah Carson Carson hey Carson it's nice to meet you I haven't seen the restaurant was busy in months looks like Carson's got a special gift he'd make a great manager that's not a bad idea wait what him the manager but he's got a disability I told you autism is not a disability think of it as a different ability you'll be reporting to Carson right [Music] away oh this is ridiculous I can't believe this you know what we can decorate that last batch of cupcakes when we get back hey I just got another call about that kid's birthday party you got it [Music] boss you see this is exactly what's wrong with the [Music] world what's wrong what's wrong what are you blind can't you see it's disgusting two women should not be getting married yeah wait what are you doing excuse me oh can I help you yeah I have a business here in this Center and I couldn't help but notice what's going on in here I know aren't they the most stunning couple you've ever seen well stunning is not exactly the word I had in mind uh Trey shouldn't we nobody wants to see a gay couple picking up clothes for a wedding excuse me well look at you how ridiculous aren't you embarrassed you should be ashamed of yourself women don't wear tuxedos wow and I don't need you bringing your little pride parade into my neighborhood scaring away my customers you know it's really none of our business they're just trying to shop like everyone else they are not like everyone else okay that's enough I need to ask you to leave you want me to leave you're the one that's supporting people like them I'm serious out you know it's wrong I'll call security yeah come on Kristen I'm really sorry about my boss I think you guys look great I'm terribly sorry who April hi I'm all ready for you here yeah have a good one bye hey Sam so great seeing you always a pleasure thank you so much have a good one you too [Music] thanks oh my God are you Kyler velvet I am such a huge F well aren't you a dear what's your name little lady Kristen oh is there anything I can help you with sure is I'm having a huge party after my next show and was looking for a place to cater the dessert well you came to the right place these cupcakes look amazing how bet the owner SP spent a lot of time on these no actually I made those ones myself get out yeah you're so talented thank you you should open your own shop oh that is plan I just my boss has been in business forever and I just don't think it's that easy you know of course it is my mother always told me if you stand up for what you believe in you'll always win in the end that advice has always helped me besides I'd buy from you thanks I really appreciate that unfortunately I need this job to pay my rent so anyway do you want to try a sample oh I'd love to how about hey Christen the delivery guy show Welcome oh yeah it's in the back oh great okay what's going on here I'm trying to place an order is there a problem yeah there's a problem you're the problem now go take your business is somewhere else because we don't serve your kind of people in here Trey do you have any idea who I got it honey my people just because I'm Different doesn't mean I'm not equal you're kidding right look at you you're a freak well Kristen here doesn't seem to think so you support a circus clown like him her it's her and and yes I do never mind I don't have time for this just do me a favor and get out of my store this is ridiculous you're ridiculous now leave Kyla Kyla wait I I think how could you treat her like that you listen to me from now on I don't want you to even think about serving people like that do you you understand me we clear hello sir welcome to my shop these were just freshly baked real nice individual cakes I know you like them I can choc hey hi I'm here to pick up an order for a bridal shower it should be under Alex okay on I'll gra for you thank you you see those Republic cupcakes I did so good I'm sure you're excited yes wait a minute I know you two from somewhere oh so I got it you were the couple in the wedding store and you're the man that interrupted our fitting yep and what are you doing in my bakery all right Alex uh 25 specialty cupcakes who wo stop put that down wow what do you mean this is their we don't serve people like them in here you've got to be kidding me do I look like I'm kidding we don't support this it's wrong okay I don't see how our love life is any of your business besides we already paid for the order well isn't that too bad Trey if they already paid for it you kind of have to give it to them you stay out of this Kristen I'm just saying it's not the 1950s anymore right we need these today otherwise trust me we would have no problem taking our business elsewhere yeah the last thing we want to do is be buying from you what okay you want your cupcakes there's your cupcake now go get them hey man what is your problem I don't have a problem it's you two that need help you know what whatever come on babe forget this guy I'd rather have no desserts than bear one more minute with you ridiculous how many times have I told you we don't serve people like that in here it is not okay how you treated them what's wrong with them buying some cupcakes they're for a bridal shower for a gay wedding whose side are you on Kristen theirs you really want to do this there there is nothing wrong with being gay lesbian trans or any other part of the lgbtqia plus Community I can't believe you would support that kind of behavior I don't just support it I'm part of the [Music] community you take that off take it off right now I swear to God if you don't take that off right now you're fire you know what you can't fire me because I quit my only regret is not doing this a lot long time ago you know what I'm going to open my own Bakery and be way more successful than you don't make me laugh I've been here 20 years I'd like to see you try Okay Kristen quits her job nervous but also excited to start her baking business within a couple days she comes up with the business name and starts marketing on Facebook to let all her friends know [Music] to save money she uses her own kitchen to run her [Music] business at first everything seems to be going great her family and friends Place orders to support her but over time that excitement dies down she finds herself going weeks without a single order before long bills start p in up Kristen starts to stress and comes to realize her business may not work out eventually she gives up on her dream and starts to look for a job hi oh hi how are you good can can I help you yeah I was just wondering if there's any chance you're hiring unfortunately we're not that's okay I'm sorry thanks for your time no worries well look who it is let me guess looking for a new job right what do you want Trey nothing I just wanted to see how that new business idea of yours worked out but I guess that resume tells me everything I need to know Little Miss I want to be a success will Baker do you feel better about yourself I don't want to lie a little I had no idea that you would fail what a shock I'd even offer you a job but hey I would rather go homeless than ever work for you again oh you really know how to hurt my feelings well let me tell you something you go homeless don't worry cuz I will find you and I'll bring you a cupcake so you don't starve to death good luck job [Music] hunting hi darling aren't you that girl from the bakery H hi yeah I don't work there anymore though oh thank goodness that man was a Monster yeah I am so sorry again for how he treated you I I feel terrible for not standing up for you more I definitely should have especially since we're from the same Community don't apologize you did the best you could please tell me you started your own business like we talked about I did but it already failed so looking for work if you know anyone who's hiring it hasn't even been that long how'd you Market your business I posted on Facebook and Instagram I told my friends and family it's pretty much it did you do any Target marketing focus on any specific Niche what do you mean well our community loves to support lgbtq plus owners especially since as you've seen some businesses aren't always the most friendly to our people why don't you focus on serving our community I didn't think about that but I don't know I really can't afford to fail again though I'm almost out of cash as it is do you really think I can succeed I don't think so okay I know so you because as I told you when you stand up for what you believe in you always win in the end you're right I should have been focused on serving our community from the first place maybe I will give it another shot great because you know I'm looking for someone to cat to my party in next week and the timing works out perfectly so what's your business called it was Kristen's crafts ooh how about Kristen's inclusive crafts now that has a nice ring to it it really does well I'd love to be your first customer take my number down so I can place my order I'll even help you promote your business on my followers I've seen your work I know how good it is seriously that would be amazing oh my God your Lifesaver what what's your number all right Kristen's once again excited to go after her dream and this time decides to focus on a niche she's amazed as to how much support she starts to receive it doesn't take her long to get more referrals from her own community and her brand quickly starts to [Music] grow as more people hear about Kristen's inclusive Ive crafts she starts to get orders all over town each person she meets ends up referring her to even more people as Kristen's business starts to go uphill the baker's business starts to go downhill he gets flooded with negative reviews from the lgbtq plus community and many people refuse to buy from him and then a few month months later Kristen becomes so successful that she decides to open up her own Bakery and this place has an amazing commercial kitchen so wouldn't require much work for you to get you up and running yeah I'm actually pretty familiar with this spot I'm ready to place a deposit really yeah wow uh that was fast uh let me go and get the lease agreement and we'll get you going what are you doing here hi Trey I suppose you came to beg for your old job back hardly I'm actually showing of this place for rent really well this place is not for leas come on Trey we've been through this if you can't pay you can't keep the spot we've given you more than enough chances it's not my fault business is down the whole economy is down it's not just me I don't know about that Christian runs are all Bakery and her business seems to be booming in fact she decided to put a pause down in the space you I thought you shut down wait a minute are you the one responsible for all those bad reviews I got and now no one will come in my store Trey as much as you deserve those bad reviews I wasn't the one behind them well if it wasn't you then who was it we may have had something to do with that yeah sorry but not sorry maybe if you learned to treat people a little better you wouldn't be going through this right now I mean you should know our community is very outspoken and as I've learned we like to stick together yeah you all make me sick all right bye hey thank you for having my back always I love how much you all support each other so are they the reason for your success pretty much because as someone once told me if you stand up for what you believe in you always win in the end that's beautiful I'll get at least two right away thank yes but I may add one extra conditioner in there what's that I could to try some your delicious cupcakes about online your views are amazing I think I can make that happen let's make it happen [Applause] a
Channel: Dhar Mann Bonus Compilations
Views: 1,308,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, self improvement, happiness, dhar mann, short film
Id: suZve9d-mTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 58sec (7498 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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