SML Movie: Bowser Junior's Lucky Penny [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] all right crafts today you have a math test today and i hope you all study last night because it's going to be a very hard test i'm talking very hard now let me go give you a test what i didn't know we had a test today me neither dude oh i'm gonna fail me too i'm not i studied all night cootie why didn't you warn us that we had a test today yeah dude well you guys wouldn't have studied anyway yeah he's right joshua's right wait wait wait what's that what guys i just found a penny dude is it heads up yes heads up oh grab it that's a lucky penny a lucky penny yeah hurry up and grab it dude how is it lucky dude if you find a penny with his head's up it's gonna bring you good luck really cody well some people say that but i don't really believe it oh well i'm gonna keep it anyway because it's money oh man that's so cool that i found a penny i just need to find nine more and i have a dollar yeah junior you're gonna fail this math test ten pennies make a dollar cody here you go junior hear your test i hope you study oh man i don't know anything on this test i'm just gonna have to guess on all the questions all right those are your tests hey here your test cody all right crass i just passed out everybody test you're gonna have 10 minutes to take test once 10 minute is up i'm gonna make gong sound to let you know that it's over all right don't get started gone sound that means 10 minute is over and you got to turn in your test oh man i so failed all right junior time to turn in your test i know i passed hey joseph did you pass no way dude i just know every single one of them i christmas treated see what chris you drew a christmas tree yeah like who doesn't like christmas all right chris i'm gonna grade all your tests and i'm gonna pass them back out to you oh guys my dad's gonna ground me when he finds out i failed this test ha ha it sucks to be you junior i can't get grounded because i don't have parents wait junior why don't you just try studying because i'm not a nerd cody all right chris i finished grading your test and only one of you got an a pros it's your boy hey here you go joseph there's your test an f how did i feel my dash joseph you literally drew a christmas tree on the back of your test oh you're right i should have drew it on the front of my dish stupid and here you go cody here's your test let me see that hundo a pl wait a b minus yeah cause you missed one question well then who got the 100. junior you got an a plus 100 on your math test i got an a plus 100 i didn't even study i guessed on every question dude it must be the penny the lucky penny what the lucky penny goody the cootie the lucky penny helped me pass the penny did not help you pass your math test you just got lucky but i guess on every single question cody dude it's a lucky penny duh no no he's just a good guesser i can get your mom's weight 600 pounds because she's fat whatever hey guys you want to go get a sandwich to celebrate my a plus 100 yeah sure dude yeah i could use a nice big footlong in me after this bee all right guys let's go okay let me get my penny welcome to footlong bangers our sandwiches are big uh yeah i'll take a foot long banger with cheese there you go wow that was fast cool i'll also have a foot long banger with cheese what's going on are you having a stroke you're our one millionth customer called the one-minute customer come on you get free sandwiches for life you hear that joe's like a free sandwiches for life it must be the lucky penny what cooties the lucky penny no junior literally anyone behind me in line would have won and i was the one behind you so i'm lucky but if i was behind you i would have won it sounds like jealousy to me yeah sounds like a jealous cody yeah what shut up wendy you don't even know all right let's take this cake home and i want a sandwich to go too this is awesome he's a good kid jenny this cake is good but that penny's not making you lucky yes it is dude no it's not the pity is lucky yeah cody the penny has to be lucky look ever since i got this penny stuff's been happening i passed that test i didn't even study for i just guessed the answers and then i was the millionth customer at the sandwich place jimmy that's just two lucky things it's just a coincidence who's that uh hello hey there you're on the hit tv show how many m m's are in this cup oh my god i love this show dude yeah your house was randomly selected to be the lucky house in the show it has to be the pity it's the piston pizza it's the pizza it's gotta be the pizza it's the penny okay i don't know what that's about but if you guess how many m ms are in this cup you win a trip to disney world disney world no way dude all i have to do is guess how many of them from the cup yeah you have to guess exactly how many m m's are in there no way dude that's impossible you can't do that um i guess i would say 384 wow what yeah yeah you nailed it that's exactly right oh my god it's a pity the mini yeah you win two tickets to disney world oh man you judged them yes it was me you dude we gotta go well no i mean you win two tickets but one of them has to be an adult oh i guess i'll just take chef pee pee then oh well it was cool that you won though yeah it's super cool because it was a pity yeah yeah all right your flight is in the morning it's six o'clock so you better get to sleep okay oh we'll get there oh that's awesome oh my gosh guys i can't believe i want a trip to disney world dude it's the penny this it's not because of the penny it was just a really lucky guess yeah a lucky guess because of the penny no junior if you didn't have the penny you probably would have guessed the same number no if i didn't have the penny i would have probably said there was like five m m's well junior there were a lot more than five m m's in there how do you know because i looked at it okay well if i didn't have the penny i would have probably said like a million m m's well that would obviously have been too many well well see that's why it was a lucky guess because i guess the number between five and a million yes junior you just had to guess a number between five and a million yeah and i got it that's why this penny is super lucky and also it was really lucky that they chose my house for the show well yeah that was lucky but it was still just a coincidence no it's because of the penny well anyway guys i gotta go to bed because i'm going to disney world in the morning so i'll see you guys in a few days okay dude oh man oh man i finally get to lay down and relax oh hey chef pee pee what do you want junior guess what i want a trip to disney world wait how did you do that it was a game show they came to the front door and they said i wanted trip to disney world because i guessed how many m m's were in a cup are you sure it's not a scam no no it's real chef it be so wake me up at 6 a.m because that's what time our flight is okay six in the morning okay junior all right yeah okay wake me up what time is it hey chef pee pee oh what junior what time is it oh no take your phone my phone hey siri what time is it hey siri what time is it hey siri what time is it it's 6 34 p.m chef pee pee we missed our flight well it's not my fault oh my god we missed our flight to disney world oh baby i thought i had a lucky penny what's wrong junior you sounded really sad on the phone yeah dude well guys i missed my flight to disney world cody what was that for yeah so rude i was just laughing because it proves that the penny isn't lucky what are you talking about well something unlucky happened to you you missed your flight so obviously that proves that the penny wasn't lucky after all hmm i guess cody is right maybe the penny isn't lucky yeah i guess all that stuff yesterday which is a coincidence maybe a stupid penny i guess we'll just watch tv [Music] breaking news okay a plane on its way to disney world this morning has crashed and there were no survivors truly sad oh my god the plane i was supposed to be on crashed thank god i overslept dude the penny it is lucky this penny saved my life yeah what cody this penny saved my life it's really lucky i was supposed to be on that plane but since i had this lucky penny i overslept and i didn't get on the plane so i survived wow junior that's really lucky i'm sure all those people in the plane crash who died are really happy for you well cody they should have had a lucky penny junior i'm pretty sure somebody on that plane had a penny i'm getting word now that no one on board the plane had a lucky penny although there was one guy who had a penny but it was tail side up truly sad wow see cody this penny is super lucky actually junior it's still not lucky because you won a trip to disney world but now you don't get to go to disney world yeah cody has your point dude yeah i guess since i don't get to go to disney world i'm not really lucky breaking news okay disney world has been nuked and if you had plans to go to disney world and you didn't go you're extremely lucky oh come on see cody even the news says i'm lucky yeah super lucky dude come on guys everybody knows that north korea hates disney world it was just a matter of time cody why is it so hard for you to believe that this penny is lucky yeah because all the lucky stuff that's happened has just been a bunch of coincidences it would have happened whether you had the penny or not cody what can we do to prove to you that this penny is lucky um let's go bowling okay okay then all right junior if you're so lucky then bola strike blindfolded dude he's gonna do it he has the lucky penny yeah i have the lucky penny cody so let me bowl the strike wait where's the ball uh down there it's down there dude oh okay watch me pull this strike i believe we can do it dude okay i got this what what happened junior that's impossible dude you did it dude it's the penny it's the penny i got a strike yeah that's the penny cody has to be the penny it's not the penny it's just luck i couldn't even see what i was doing so cody did that prove to you that this penny is lucky no it just means you're good at bowling cody what can we do to prove to you that this penny is lucky um okay grab your phone and follow me okay okay junior if your penny is so lucky then drop your phone off the balcony and see if it breaks cody that's stupid obviously my phone's gonna break if i drop it down there no it won't not if you have your lucky penny dude i don't know about this yeah cody i don't know this is pretty stupid all right well i guess your penny isn't lucky after all okay fine cody i'll prove that my penny is lucky by dropping my phone oh here i go oh dude it sound like you're broke yeah it did oh no what guys look the phone's not broken what it's the pity it's the penny no no maybe iphones are just really durable hold on let me try my phone all right let's see if mine breaks here i go uh that sounds like you're broke cody wow junior wow look at my phone yeah cody it's destroyed idiot me he's the one who threw his phone first but you don't have a lucky penny cody yeah you shouldn't have thrown your phone without a lucky penny what the lucky penny has nothing to do with this i i'm just really hunky and i'm stronger than you so i threw it harder that's all yeah all right cody uh yeah well maybe this is the back of your phone maybe the front looks better oh okay it's destroyed yeah it's done yeah it won't even turn on my phone is ruined we're going back to the couch what yeah junior i had pictures on that phone i'll never get back well then you shut up on your phone cody well i just don't understand why my phone broke and yours didn't the penny cody yeah the penny i'm tired of hearing about this stupid penny it's not lucky cody obviously it's lucky ever since i found it so much lucky stuff has happened to me so it's lucky look i'll do whatever i have to do to prove you that it's lucky junior you can't prove to me that it's lucky okay you know what how about i get hit by a car and if i survive then the penny is lucky what no junior that's really stupid yeah that's a little risque dude if you get hit by a car you're done in rings bro well look if i get hit by a car and i survive obviously that means i'm lucky and it's because of the penny so i'm gonna go sit in the road junior junior junior no junior get out of the road yeah come on dude stop playing no guys i gotta get hit by a car and survive to prove to cody that his penny's lucky you don't have to do this yeah i don't have a lucky penny so i'm gonna go on the sidewalk cody you should probably go on the sidewalk too you don't have a lucky penny junior it's about to rain we should just go in the house no cody i have to get hit by a car well cody what was that it was lightning junior we almost got struck by lightning but we didn't because i have a lucky penny wait so you're telling me that everyone in the world who didn't get struck by lightning is lucky well no we're lucky because we almost got struck by lightning well wouldn't it have been luckier if we didn't even come close to getting struck by lightning no cody i have a lucky penny so we didn't get struck by lightning only because of the lucky penny so go on the sidewalk so i get hit by a car fine dude do you think junior's gonna survive if he gets hit by a car hopefully not so he can learn his lesson what guys there's a car coming there's a car coming yes yes yes sick told you dude dungeon rings all right i'll call a doctor wow kid you broke both your legs you're lucky even be alive you hear that cody i'm lucky to be alive the pity dude the penny you'd be even luckier if you could walk who needs to walk when they have a lucky penny dude yeah cody well i'm glad you guys called i didn't even notice i'd hit you i was just driving home with the music blaring i thought i hit a speed bump or a cat or something anyway see you guys later so cody you believe my penny's lucky now no junior all right joseph dragged me in the road i got hit by another car all right i'm on it dude no no no no junior i'm taking this penny don't worry about getting my penny back the lucky penny dude no junior i'm getting rid of this penny before you hurt yourself again oh no joseph joseph go get my opinion i can't walk okay dude yeah get out of here penny no cody the lucky penny why would you do that i had to get rid of it it was too dangerous to junior oh but i could have had it maybe i could have actually had a family wow cody i can't believe you were so jealous of my lucky penny that you had to throw it out the window i wasn't jealous junior i was trying to protect you yeah you were cody you were jealous you're so jealous you were jelly doughnut jealous yeah yeah cody you were jelly donut jealous i'm not jelly doughnut jealous guys okay fine let me prove to you that the penny wasn't even helping you let me test your luck okay here's some cups and here's a yellow ball i'm gonna hide the ball under one of the cups now turn around and then guess which cup it's under okay okay junior what cup is it under um uh that one dude he got struck by lightning he picked the wrong cup too i guess the coin was helping oh he's done your rings [Music] hungry money lucky penny you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 310,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, bowser, junior, junior's, jr's, jr, lucky, penny
Id: 7-id3t7XO_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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