SML Movie: Bowser Junior's Breakfast [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] [Music] is it morning time i think it's morning time it's morning time thomas i touch you while you sleep i know oh my god i can't believe it's morning time i'm so hungry i want the biggest breakfast ever i want bacon i want eggs and i want i want waffles and pancakes and um and um what else do i want a hot dog and a turkey and a cheeseburger i'm so hungry let's go see chef people making something to eat peppy [Music] do you have to wake me up like that junior oh my head hurts in my back oh god why are you sleeping in the kitchen chef pee pee well your dad says the couch is too far away from the kitchen and i need to sleep where i work so you have to sleep in the kitchen now yes i hate your dad well that's stupid i know well anyway me and thomas are hungry and we want you to make us some breakfast well you might be hungry maybe not thomas thomas he's not real what is wrong with you thomas is real he can be hungry right thomas hungry for your moms wait did he just talk like no thomas can't talk chef pee pee you're crazy whatever well what do you want to eat then um well me and thomas want the biggest breakfast ever we want pancakes and sausage and waffles and cheeseburgers and bacon and eggs wait hold on you're you're adding too much stuff that's way too much food you're gonna get fat oh well i'm really hungry well limit it down to like one or two things so what do you want okay i'll just take some eggs and bacon and pancakes okay let's see what we have in our refrigerator okay stay right here thomas oh boy oh boy chef pee pee i hope we have eggs and bacon and pancakes and sausage and waffles and everything i really hope we don't but let me check the refrigerator move i bet we do have it but we have all my favorite foods oh man oh i forgot we didn't go to the grocery store this week oh where's all the food chef pee pee i don't know and they're not in the refrigerator it looks like it all you ate or didn't you no i didn't eat it i don't even eat that much it probably was your dad well what am i gonna do i need food check maybe i'm a big boy and i need to eat a lot well i guess junior's just not going to eat the day he's going to starve no i can't stop look how about this i'll go and see if her dad has his card and maybe we can go to mcdonald's or waffle house or something i don't know okay that's gonna be fun oh yeah you dirty [ __ ] you don't play by anybody's rules do you just a nasty little [ __ ] oh your sister's coming to join i gotta get the lotion for this one bowser there's no food in the kitchen and your son is hungry chef pee pee get out get out now you know what just stop invading my privacy get out but bowser your son is hungry just take my credit card and get something to eat get out go go go go and buy more lotion on your way home hey chef pee pee what was my dad doing in his room don't worry about it junior he's very weird oh but i want to know it's not for you to know it's it's weird just get in the car okay oh can we put the top down please chef pee pee i really want to put the top down you never put the top down please i don't want to be seen with you junior what part of that do you not understand what's the point in having a convertible if we don't put the top down please i promise i'll be good at the restaurant if you put it down i guess for once one time okay yay yay we get to put the top down this is coming off chef pee pee i know i call shotgun well who's gonna get in the front if it's not you idiot start the car chef pee pee start the car start the car start the car be patient now put the top down put the top dab chef pee pee oh god put the top down oh yay the top is coming up i can see everything i can see the moon chef peepee i can see i can see saturn and and everything else the moon is not even out the sun is out you idiot you liar okay turn off the tunes i listen to some music with the top yeah wow hi thanks for joining [Applause] some type of bird flu or something like that oh why do we have to put the top up i don't want to catch it okay better safe than sorry oh so we're going to mcdonald's for breakfast right chef pee pee no it's already too late it's like 1 30 in the afternoon geez well you took forever with the top and everything chef pee pee it wasn't the tub it was you getting dressed you little idiot you dressed like a girl oh what are we gonna eat for breakfast then looks like you got to go to waffle house or something since mcdonald's is not serving breakfast anymore okay well i like waffles if you go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go gears jeez oh my god we're at waffle house chef pee pee i know i'm doing the driving i'm gonna get the biggest breakfast ever i'm getting like seven pancakes and wait wait hold on let me stop you there you're not getting any pancakes you know why because they serve waffles this is waffle house they would have called it pancake house if they wanted to serve pancakes well i want pancakes chef pee pee i bet you they sell pancakes i'm going inside to get pancakes you're such an idiot oh boy oh boy chef pee pee i'm gonna eat the biggest breakfast ever okay it's gonna be so good i'm gonna get like eight pancakes and um and like it's seven uh sausage biscuits and they don't sell pancakes it's waffle house idiot they sell pancakes i know they do just find something to eat um where'd the pancakes sit huh i was in the wampos oh hi mister hello you have a weird nose you can't insult people like that junior he's a stranger but he knows he's weird you got to agree with me we're in public you got to act civilized okay can i get you anything to drink um what do i want to drink um um um do you have um do you have um pepsi you can't have a pepsi or a coke it's breakfast time you got to choose an orange juice some milk i don't want orange juice to milk they're stupid um i want a coke the biggest coat ever and i want um i want two coats no no you can have no coats no cokes three cokes four cokes four cups i want four cokes to write it down four cokes how can i get eight orange juice please why don't you want four cokes i don't want cokes it's breakfast time i want four cokes go get it mister go get it i get four coats you're such a bad child i hate you here you are you're four killer stuff yay four coke chef pee pee you better drink every sip i mean lick the bottom of the cups i swear to god i know i'm gonna do to all four coaches one two three four four cokes yeah i know can i get you anything um what do i want to eat um uh mister i don't see pancakes on your menu but i want seven pancakes i'm sorry sir this is a waffle house we don't sell our pancakes wait hey what's your pancakes chef pee pee eats your pancakes i told you this in the car say waffle house not a pancake house but i want pancake chef creepy um i want pancakes mr um can you um can you go go buy pancakes and then bring them here and then make it i'm sorry but i want pancakes look please mr keane like negotiate with me come on just just smash your waffle or something just smash it and turn it into a pancake he wouldn't know i can do that wait wait i get a pancake you get a pancake i get pancakes i weigh seven up i want seven no you're not getting seven pancakes only one junior but i won seven one pancake look uh just get one and i'll play with toys with you later how about that toys you promised your pinky promise uh yeah pinkie pie yeah okay i'll take one super big pancake and um um i want the booby eggs the eggs that look like boobies and uh i want a cheeseburger and um biscuits you don't even need that much what the hell is wrong with you junior um but i really i really want a cheeseburger biscuit whatever um what are you getting chef peepee um can i get the all-star special please and uh i would like a bacon and hash brown for that not great that'll be all are you gonna get a cheeseburger i don't need a cheeseburger because i'm not a fat ass like you okay okay let me get this straight you want an enormous pancake yeah yeah one big pancake booby eggs a booby egg a burger yes sausage biscuit and then for this guy over here he wants some cheese eggs and ham bacon and hash brown yeah yes yes don't forget the waffle too and the waffle yes oh wait now can i add something um i want a pizza they don't have pizza they'll sell pizzas i want a big pizza i want a pepperoni pizza i'm sorry i i want a pizza can you just i can't like pepperonis on top of a waffle fine yeah i get a pizza chef pee pee yeah you get the pizza okay mitchell go make it um i want it in like two seconds okay all right hurry up oh chef pee pee i'm so ready for my food never never again never again what i will never take you to another restaurant you don't know how to act why i just like all my food chef pee pee you're not even civilized look you you haven't even drunk your freaking coats well i'm gonna drink them in a minute my stomach hurts whatever you have excuses for everything i'm gonna throw stuff at the guy cooking the food junior what the hell are you doing um making a ketchup picture this is not art class what you can't make pictures in a waffle house oh but it kind of looks like um your big fat nose that was a noise hold on i'm like what are you doing now hey take that mister that wasn't noise junior stop behaving he didn't even see it i gotta do it again no oh someone killed me sir baby look it's snowing stop making messes in the store junior oh wait was snowing it's the cool little white stuff i don't know what it's called look mister can you please tell them to stop making messes please stop never oh she's such an [ __ ] oh boy i can't wait for my food chef pee pee be patient oh here it comes oh oh wow there's my sausage biscuit in my cheeseburger all right you better eat every bite of it i am i'm gonna eat all of it chef pee pee thank you sir hey wait is that mine isn't that my pancake no that's my waffle there's your pancake i have a feeling this isn't a pancake chef pee pee that is a pancake i know exactly what a pancake looks like but it has holes all over it um maybe it fell on the ground or something and he picked it up oh well i want a new one don't worry i want a new i want a new pancake i'm sorry that's perfect pancake my booby eggs they look just like my mom's oh my god they look so good oh wait where's my pizza without your ass what are you saying don't worry about it just start eating okay please just start eating hey chef pee pee come look i made your face on my pancake why are you making messes dude look it looks just like your big mean face i don't have an angry face i'm chef pee pee i have an angry face it looks like you need a life junior that's what the hell you need hold on hold on hold on what are you doing did that mister you just have to throw stuff don't you yeah just because he because he didn't um he didn't make my pancake the way i wanted it well you can't always get what you want junior um um hold on uh what should i use for your big fat nose nothing oh look you're crying oh he can't beat me too man he's crying see the tear coming out of your eye eat the rest of your food you still have your biscuit you have your burger and you have your waffle you haven't touched well i wait did you just say waffle i mean pancake you know what it mystery is that a pancake or a waffle that's pancake who should i believe you heard the guy he fixed the food if i find out that this is not a pancake i'm gonna i don't know what i'm gonna do but it's not gonna be pretty you're probably gonna cry hey look at this pickle it looks like a mustache look junior i've been watching you sitting over here and play over all of your food i swear to god if you don't eat your food i'ma tell your dad you've been playing over it the whole time and you're gonna get a beating no don't tell my dad so you better eat every single bite okay i will um hey hey mister um eat my sausage biscuit for me eat it eat it yeah okay okay okay there goes dad oh chef pee pee huh i ate all my sausage biscuit wow that was fast yeah yeah i'm gonna eat the rest of it no you better um all right mister get your fat ass over here take that hey clear the plate bring it back do that real quick oh chef pee pee uh i ate all my uh booby eggs you're pretty fast with these booby eggs guy all right um i just have a pancake and my cheeseburger um um chef peepee chef peepee huh oh look look i finished all my food wow that's surprising you ate that really fast you are a little fat ass huh don't call me that look you didn't finish all your food see you're wasting food see look i'm watching my figure okay geez whatever oh oh thank you how much is it oh 21 oh it's still expensive you haven't even drunk all your clothes well i wasn't that thirsty he gave me too many cokes you wasn't that thirsty no you asked for four coats no huh i asked for one he he wanted to charge us more he's fraud whatever here you go guy all right now come on judy let's go oh okay junior i have to give it to you i'm surprised you ate all your food though yeah i would never waste food jeffy i ate every single bite i promise yeah yeah but wait what is that then um my pancake i didn't eat it all come here [Music] you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 1,789,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, bowser, junior, junior's, jr's, breakfast
Id: -ZkKWw01Ucg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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