SML Movie: Bowser Junior's 21st Birthday [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] guys today's my birthday happy birthday dude thanks joseph what you didn't say happy birthday to me cody well i was going to but then joseph said it first and the way he said it was so loud that i couldn't say it so i just figured i'd hang back and say it later so you're not going to tell me happy birthday on my birthday oh happy birthday junior i don't want to say it now you're only saying it cause i'm mad well i wanted to say it before but i couldn't you couldn't say three little words happy birthday gina that's two words i thought you must be smart it's happy birthday but no junior birthday is one word well it's two words oh okay look uh cody listen to this when women have a baby it's called and what's today it's a day it's just a day to you it's just a normal day it's not my birthday what junior come on so you forgot my birthday just say it you forgot my birthday that's why you didn't say it i didn't forget your birthday yes you did you always said it after joseph said i called you out on it yeah dude junior no you literally just said it's my birthday today so of course i knew it was your birthday i have to tell you guys it's my birthday i never said it was my birthday you just said it a minute ago joseph thank you for remembering my birthday no problem dude you know i'm a good friend i'm always here for you bro and i'm turning 12 years old and since i'm 12 i'm a big boy i can do so much more stuff than when i was 11. i'm like what uh like i can uh stay up past 9 p.m and i can uh ride a bicycle without training wheels ooh january i've never seen you ride a bike and i can also um put together a thousand piece puzzle without eating the pieces or choking on them no you can't junior yes i can really okay here's the pieces do it uh show them dude yeah i totally can put this puzzle together without choking on the pieces like the box says just i told you you can't do it the pieces just look so delicious i know junior nobody can put together a puzzle without trying to eat the pieces until they're at least 13. i know just so colorful and weirdly shaped and you can't help but wonder what they'd feel like in your mouth see junior i told you they're just so bite-sized and they melt in your mouth yeah let's get rid of these pieces i don't want to choke all right guys i got rid of all the pieces so we're not going to choke uh junior what you forgot a piece dude stop me spit it out spit it out oh dude it almost had me i know stupid puzzle pieces all right guys so you're saying that now that i'm 12 i can't do anything cool no junior well what age can i start doing cool stuff uh 65 65 what can i do at 65 well you could retire play checkers and then die i don't want to do that yet ooh when you're 21 you can drink what really no way yeah you can drink it 21. no dude he's lying he's lying you're telling me at 21 i can drink a glass of water yeah can i use a straw i don't know about a straw but you can drink what about hawaiian punch yeah definitely so i can drink liquids at 21. yeah dude that's crazy imagine eating mcdonald's and being able to drink a sprite with it i could finally have the travis scott meal yeah with the sprite oh that's right dude okay okay cody okay yeah so um i want to be 21. you gotta wait nine more years junior i don't want to wait nine years that was long i wish there was a way to be older faster wait it is dude what you don't turn 12 until you blow out your candles oh yeah yeah that's true yeah however many candles that are on your cake when you blow them out that's how old you are yeah really yeah so if you change the 12 to a 21 on your cake and the candles and then you blow out the candles you'll be 21. it really works like that yeah okay so let's go change my candle to 21 and i'll blow it out okay let's go do that all right guys here's my cake happy birthday junior junior they spelled your name wrong no they didn't that's not how you spelled junior yeah like read it that's just the month of june and then yeah it says junior my name is junior but no your name has an i in it no it no it doesn't where's the ear it's in the eye it's the junior eager okay you're just making that up joseph can you read that for me uh happy birthday junior yeah it spells junior right joseph um hey cody you don't know how to spell you thought birthday was one word it's two words birthday that's junior my name's two words okay fine fine all right so i'm gonna move the candle to 21. all right cody is that 21 is that 21 yeah junior that's 21. i just want to make sure i spelled it right spelled it right junior it's numbered well you kept thinking birthdays are worse so i want to make sure that was 21. all right guys here's your drinks drinks junior chef phoebe's offering us drinks but we're not 21 yet what that's against the law dude it's totally illegal he can't do that yeah junior chef pee pee could go to jail for offering us drinks we're miners uh chef pee pee you do know you're offering us drinks yes how else are you gonna eat your dry cake oh he doesn't understand what he's doing wrong junior i think we need to call the police if we accept those drinks then we're breaking the law too yeah we'll be underage drinking and i'm not 21 yet until i blow up those candles yeah call the cops cody i'm on it uh chef pee pee we really don't want these drinks whatever i'm gonna go get one here's such a problem all right junior i called the cops where are they oh that must be them oh god hello thank god you're here my personal chef is offering us drinks and we're not 21. wow yeah that's a pretty serious offense he offered me coke wow okay yeah what's going on here this is my first birthday party yeah i'm turning 12. wow okay yeah that's a big no-no i gotta talk to this guy he's in he's in the kitchen all right officer that's the guy right there that's the guy that offers the drinks and the coke right yeah him right there he's going to jail for a long time right after we stopped by my house oh man just got done cleaning my cake pan now can have some delicious coke oh man did i just hear what i think i heard what was it with officer what are you doing here oh you seem flustered all of a sudden you're surprised to see me or something yes you're in my house what are you doing here well i'm here because i heard you were handing out drinks to miners yes i was and coke wait no no no it was for the dry cake oh dry cake is that what you're calling it now okay yes it's dry cake i cooked it it's over there it's a lot of it oh there's a lot of it what are you distributing i made it myself oh okay escobar i didn't realize i was taking down the whole operation all right you're under arrest turn around you have the right to remain silent but sometime if you can't afford a lawyer too bad so sad all right you're coming with me i'm so glad we got chef pee pee off the streets yeah the world's a better place now anyway junior i already like your candles all right i'm gonna go ahead and just blow them out okay wow why you're not going to sing me happy birthday uh oh you just couldn't let me blow up my camera nothing to have birthday no i i just i i i i just forgot it was my birthday no i didn't forget it was your birthday i just lit the candle maybe you lit the candles because it was getting cold and you want to get warm i'm not a caveman junior well you're not gonna see me have a birthday joseph can you sing me happy birthday please i got you dude thank you happy birthday to you shut up cody happy birthday to you happy birthday to junior he's the coolest kid in the world thank you joseph that was beautiful only for you bro i'm glad i have a friend that cares about me and remembers my birthday and just doesn't just light my candles without asking me all right well guys am i 21 did it work and i think it worked it worked joseph is there anything different about me dude why are you talking like that it's weird yeah you sound like barney what am i talking like do do i sound different i'm just screwing with you guys yeah i just want to do a funny voice is there anything different about me though we have a mustache now i have a mustache but why oh well everyone just spontaneously grows a mustache when they turn 21 even girls well really is that why chef pee pee has a mustache yeah he just never shaved his whoa i have a mustache that's so cool i'm gonna go drink all day oh careful junior you don't want to do that yeah i do i'm gonna get the travis scott burger with a sprite oh sprayed yeah i'm gonna go wait let's go get it all right everybody my name is brooklyn guy and welcome to aa addictions anonymous everybody here is addicted to something that's okay we're not gonna judge all right we're all weirdos here like me i'm a workaholic that means i'm addicted to working i have a whole bunch of jobs and i apply for new ones every day now i don't know if that's because i want to get away from my wife or what but that's my addiction so we're going to go around the room everybody's going to introduce themselves and explain what their addiction is all right we'll start with you there shrek hey all you donkeys my name is shrek hi shrek and i am addicted to cheesecake well that sounds pretty serious oh it is mr police officer donkey i just can't stop eating all the cheesecake i have cheesecake for breakfast for lunch and for dinner i just can't stop eating all the cheesecake oh well that's that's too bad i really hope you beat that someday me too mr police officer volkey all right let's see who's next how about you the superhero judah baby he talked to you i won't stop saying my name i'm supposed to be anonymous that's why i have the costume hi everybody my name is judith hey judy donkey i won't stop saying my name baby you already said okay everybody uh i'm addicted to dr peppa i i down him every night yeah she loves soda he's my ob gyn yeah she don't know the alphabet at all okay tyrone it's your turn yeah hey everybody my name is tyrone hey tyrone don't get and i'm addicted to cheating on my wife it's true he's a little horned dog yeah we ain't talking about love wieners on a stick covered in bread yeah i love cheating on my wife and i got a problem ain't that right baby yeah it's okay honey yeah yeah well well that was a very big of you guys to admit that now you see everybody even superheroes have problems thank you for that all right how about you over there me okay uh hey everyone my name is mario and i'm addicted to feeding my son green beans like i don't know what to feed i'm like i i he wants other foods he tells me he wants other foods but i just i just want to feed him green beans i don't know what's wrong with me oh it's okay there's nothing wrong with wanting a kid to be healthy all right i know you the new guy what me i don't even know why i'm here oh i'll tell everybody why you're here if you don't want to okay fine i gave drinks to miners and what else coke you what you're a monster shame him oh come on it was just soda don't try to lie you wait what what i gave them coca-cola for a cake because it was a birthday party coca-cola oh drinks but i didn't ask what kind of drinks oh oh oh okay oh man i am really really sorry that that is embarrassing i i am an idiot i'm sorry everybody guys i got the travis scott meal it's lit it is yeah it's lit right joseph yeah it's lit it's lit well what's lit about it i mean it's just a burger and fries this burger's gonna make me go sicko mode jenny i don't think you should be eating anything that's gonna make you go sicko mode are you gonna get food poisoning did they just not cook the burger cody it's travis scott who the guy from fortnite oh yeah i think i remember seeing something about that yeah the guy from fortnite they gave him his own cheeseburger so he's like a video game character yeah he's from fortnite dude i think he raps no he's from fortnite oh pretty sure he's a rapper dude fortnite boys he have a hamburger because he was hungry oh well i mean i've been hungry before but nobody ever made me into a meal well i didn't get it for the burger i got it for the sprite it comes with a sprite well why didn't you just order the spray well look i'm 21 now and i can finally drink so i'm gonna drink my sprite oh it's so good oh careful junior uh you're not my mom shut up cody i don't even know my mom jenny you really cannot hold your i think i'm gonna barf dude it did make you go sicko mode where's my keys i'm gonna drive what i don't think it's a good idea oh wally we're going for a drive excuse me sir oh shoot it's the cops hey wally do you have any gum are you sure you're okay to be driving that wally uh yes yes i'm perfectly inebriated to draw my wall each night okay is that a sprite i smell on your breath there no i haven't had any sprite i why i know the rules i wouldn't be doing that yeah yeah really because it seems like you've had a few drinks no i i haven't had a few i have one big cup yeah well you do know that it's illegal to uh drink sprite and then drive a wally right yeah i know the rules i'm not i wasn't born um yesterday i was born today is uh is wally flicking me off there ah probably stop it wally doesn't like the police ollie's dad was was was was another wally and he got arrested yeah well it's not a very nice wally yeah bad wally stop it you naughty water yeah yeah you know what i think i'm gonna have to take you in no no hold on you ain't asked for my id it's right here go while you go uh hello is this yours oh peepee i did something bad what did you do well he thinks drinking soda is illegal that's why he called the cops on you look chef pee pee i have been real bad i'm 21 now i i flipped my candles on the cake to say 21 instead of 12. so then i turned 21. what that that's not how that works yeah when i blew up the candles i grew this mustache what you just put that on oh come on i don't have a boring birthday okay the cough crafts going on i can't go anywhere fun so i want to have a fun birthday card yeah but i mean we're still cool though right like from before like give me some skin no that's okay that's okay not this time that's fine okay i'll catch you in the flip [Music] you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 213,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, bowser, junior, junior's, jr's, jr, 21st, birthday
Id: 6buGSx6ESKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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