SML Movie - Black Yoshi's Job Interview! - Full Episode

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going Mario what makes you think I want to go all the way to the gas station just to get you a Pepsi I'll let you keep the change all right bet I go get you a Pepsi I keep you Pepsis all right Mario so here's your Pepsi and you said I get to keep the change so I get to keep $5 black is not a Pepsi this a glass of water that you wrote Pepsi on with Sharpie Mario now you know you ain't supposed to be drinking sodas they bad for you I'm just doing you a favor so here some water black no you know what fine I'm Tak my $5 back if you don't want to eat my drink I'll go get it myself Mario fine fine FK I'll go get you a Pepsi so I can keep the change man all right here you go that going to be all for you yeah that's it you guys got any discounts cuz you get to keep the change no we don't no a man man cuz I get to keep the change I was one of these guys got that buy one get one half off ones oh ain't got no ones that's all right o hey Mario hit your Pepsi for and you said I get to keep the change right black where didd you get all this money it's the change oh that's the change I only gave you $5 Black Yoshi well the Pepsi was on sale it was 25% soft oh that makes sense so you gave him a $5 bill and he gave you back $1,000 well maybe I'll won a contest or maybe you stole it oh wow just because I'm black you thinks I sto it no because you stole it is why I think you stole it I think you stole it I ain't steal nothings who's that oh hello hey it's black Yoshi here yeah I'm coming in all right Officer Black Yoshi's right here oh that's a nice little nest of money he made for himself K yeah you're under arrest Black Yoshi wait why because you stole a Pepsi and all the money out of the cash register at the gas station he did what oh yeah the gas station employee left the register open so he could go get some more ones and black Yoshi took all the money and the Pepsi and ran hold on I got some excuse for that I can't wait to hear it all right so this what happens so I was at the counter at the gas station and the man opened up the cash register box and he had to go get some more ones well outside I saw a car full of robbers pull up and I was like oh they about to Rob this place and take all the money so I took all the money so they wouldn't take it and I was going to give it back later so you admit you stole the money yeah but only to protect the money okay how I'll tell you what I'm going to arrest you right now and then we'll see what the judge thinks you are guilty as [ __ ] you weren't protecting that money you were stealing that [ __ ] and for that reason I'm sentencing you to 6 months of house arrest house arrest what that mean man why do I got to wear this thing on my ankle cuz you're under house arrest that means you're not allowed to leave the house and that thing on your ankle is an Apple Watch that lets me track all your movements through the find my fugitive app it alerts me if you do try to leave the house wow blackish she all of this because you had to rob a gas station well what if I have to leave the house to go to work good joke you're not allowed to leave the house what happens if he does leave the house oh if he leaves the house he goes to jail for 5 years wow black if you go to jail for 5 years if you try to leave the house Mario I'm not going to leave the house F man calm down sorry for wasting your time officer oh no this is going to be fun just make sure you don't leave the house wow blacki all of this cuz you had to steal money from the gas station Mario I did not steal no money I was protecting it just like Nicholas Cage and the Declaration of my appendix what you mean the movie National Treasure yeah black Yos you're so stupid Mario man come on man I'm on these stupid house AR refs I can't leave house but it's not like I need to leave the house anyway I got everything I needs right here got my Call of Duties I got my Kool-Aid and I got me some TV and I'm going to watch me some TV right now do you like free stuff do you like chicken well come on down to KFC cuz KFC is giving out free buckets of chicken all day long today only free bucket of chicken day I'mma go right now oh but I can't I can't leave the house because of this stupid house arrest so how am I going to get the chicken ooh I got some idea yo Jeffy come here real quick I got you a birthday present there you go boy your very own ankle bracelet now I'm go get me some chicken [Music] oh huh Black Yoshi left the house all right CRA today we're going to be running well does milk come from it comes from girls with big titties and it also comes from cows hey look Cody he drew your mom on the board the cow yeah and if you notice crass the cow also has big titties and milk can also come from almonds that have big titties I'm talking big titties makes you want to go like a goddamn M oh man Junior I wish I had big tenes cuz if I then I'd squeeze them like a balloon until they popped wao Jeffy look at that cool Apple watch thanks Junior some random guy gave it to me all right I tracked Black Yoshi to this room he wasn't supposed to leave the house now he's going to jail all right everybody on the ground free holy [ __ ] CR it's another crazy white kid with a gun all right CR just like we practice run zigzag or pretend to be dead so he thinks he already shot you no no no I'm a cop it's okay I don't want to die Zig Z guys I'm not a shooter I'm a cop it's okay I'm not going to shoot anybody damn it okay that was an accident I didn't mean to do that why the hell did you throw crayons at me good thinking Cody everyone throw stuff at the shooter we're not going down without a fire no no no I'm a c ow ow why you ow ow ow stop stop hitting me stop it going stop it I'm I'm I want to piece of that ass do you know why you're getting suspended guy yeah I have a pretty good idea yeah is it cuz I brought a gun into a school it's cuz you brought a gun into a school you weren't even wearing your police officer uniform I know I know I was in a hurry I was brushing my teeth and I got the alert that black Yoshi had left his house cuz he was on house arrest and I just ran out the door without my uniform you know how bad this looks guy you ran into a school with a gun screaming for the kids to get on the floor yeah now I realize how bad that looks I uh started regretting it when they started beating the [ __ ] out of me yeah notice my two black eyes and my broken arm you do realize you got beat up by a bunch of elementary school children what you want me to do shoot them guy you know I'm supposed to suspend you for a month with pay you realize this right I know but damn it you're my only officer so bring me black Yoshi by the end of the day or it's your ass yes sir hey Black Yoshi wait where didd you get all this chicken from oh uh KFC was having free bucket of chicken Day free bucket of chicken day mhm well how'd you get it you're not allowed to leave the house you're on house arrest oh uh well my uh my my my friend Pooky brought it to me your friend Pooky brought it to you mm sounds like a lie hey Daddy oh hey Jeffy how was school oh it was really cool daddy this guy came in with a gun and I threw a desk at him what yep and then the whole class start beating the [ __ ] out of them hold on hold on Jeffy there's one at the door uh hello hey uh it's black Yoshi here what happened to you oh this uh yeah I uh I uh I they fell down the stairs uh into the street where a school bus came and ran me over and then all the kids got out and beat the [ __ ] out of me I'm so sorry yeah yeah is he here or what oh oh Black Yoshi yeah yeah yeah he's here okay I'm coming in all right Black Yoshi's in here where'd he go Jeffy where did Black Yoshi go he said he smelled bacon cuz the pigs were here so he left oh did he okay well you can still track him cuz he has that angle bracelet on right oh yeah hold on let's take a look hey Daddy look I'm on his phone case yeah buy it all right let's take a look oh it says he's right here it says he's in the room yeah he should be Jeffy where did Black Yoshi go he left the room daddy your kid's lying it says he's right here okay well well then let's look oh maybe he's in the KFC bucket no just daddy I'm going to my room all right well it says he's on the move it said he left yeah where'd he go he's going that way let's go all right says he's in here he is Dad what the [ __ ] are you guys doing in my room he is Black Yoshi in here no this is me and my giraffe's private time okay look the tracker doesn't lie so he's got to be in here somewhere all right I'm going to check under the bed no he's not under the bed all right well since you guys won't leave me and my giraffe alone for our private time we're going outside what he's on the move again he is which way is he going he's going this way okay where does it say he's at it says he's right in front of us doesn't make any sense does it really say he's right in front of us yeah it says he's right there why the [ __ ] do you guys keep following me because Jeffy the tracker says that black Yos is in front of us oh maybe he's in the giraffe yep shoved him right off the ashole of my giraffe you want to check well maybe he's under your helmet daddy how high are you God damn it what's wrong look at his ankle what is that black 's tracker yep yep he gave it to me and said it was my birthday present why did you tell us that Jeffy I didn't know I had to tell you about a birthday present daddy your birthday's not to August Jeffy well that explains why we've been following around all day and why he was at the school this morning morning God damn it I am so stupid let's just go back to the house what are we going to do now I don't know this track is pretty much useless where could Black Yoshi be hey what this plate used to be full of chicken black Yoshi must have come back and eaten it all wait what do you think he's at now I don't know but he can't have gotten far I'm going to go look for him all right yo Mario he gone Black Yoshi you look ridiculous with that wig and that fake mustache this mustache ain't fake see black fake you were not supposed to leave the house but Mario it was free chicken day at the KFC and would you rather me ask you for money or take advantage of the free chicken black Yoshi you have this tracker on your leg you're not supposed to leave the house so you put it on Jeffy and then he went to school which made it look like you left the house why didn't you just leave it on the couch so it didn't look like you left oh well I didn't think about that so when the cop comes back what are you going to do you're going to get arrested no I'm not F I got me a whole bag of tricks look see look Mario my big bag of tricks and he won't know what's coming up next and for my next trick just tell him that's me and I don't have to go to jail okay all right thanks folk officer officer he's in here what oh there you are you bastard get on the ground oh yeah oh oh you're going to jail for a long time thanks Mario uh you're welcome see F now I ain't has to go to jail who Could That Be At This time of night hello is this one yours Black Yoshi Bo I ain't do nothing what officer whatd he do well I caught him stealing inactive gift cards at a local convenience store F I thought they had money on them black Yoshi why would you steal why are you always stealing F I need some money you don't let me use the credit card no more and I'm trying to buy some packs and I need me some money F and my Ware check ain't com in yet whatever black stop doing that what do I got to do officer well his bail set at $5,000 $5,000 Black Yoshi where am I going to get that money F there's a stolen credit card under my pillow the the name on it is John Folk go go get it pay the man his money so he don't take me to jail but that's sto that's illegal black Yosi he don't know that he he think your name John is I'll be right back officer let me go get my non stolen credit card all righty okay Officer here's my totally not stolen credit card no all right go ahead put it in a put it in yeah go ahead put it in my mouth a okay what what what was that about well I have a card reader in my mouth so I just charged you find $5,000 so you're free to go black Yoshi oh man thanks so much I mean John man thanks for the $5,000 bail folk I I'll repay you somehow whatever Black Yoshi so what do we do now officer well black Yoshi still has a court date tomorrow a court date tomorrow mhm what do we do at the court date well at the court the uh the judge will determine if Black Yoshi has turned his life around and if he has great he's free to go and if he has not then he could get 25 years to life in prison 25 Years to Life man that's I ain't going bad folk I ain't doing it I'm not going we'll work it out all right thank you officer have a great night you too uh make sure that monkey behaves what mon you just called him a monkey well I know he didn't call me no monkey wait that's racist it's the monkey behind you oh that monkey clad F that's clad Oh I thought you were calling my my black friend monkey not at all all all right well see you later off all right oh po man got kill Black Yoshi oh man you scared the hell out of me man do you not care that you might go to jail for Life F the cop was just playing man he he he just joking before you paid him $5,000 he ain't going to send me no court like you have to go to court if you don't go to court they're going to send a warrant for your arrest and going to jail F that that's a scared tactic they they trying to they trying to get me folk they trying to scare me into being right man there ain't no harm in stealing some inactive gift cards Black Yoshi you need to get your life on track you're a bad person and you want to know what you is what F you bald give me my give me my hat back black Yoshi you know you're going to if you're going to go to jail for the rest of your life you don't turn your life around oh you going to be bald for the rest of your life stupid Black Yoshi he doesn't understand that he needs to stop doing bad things I wish there was someone that would show him what his life would be like if he kept doing bad things and I would give my soul to have my hair back the devil hello Go away You're evil and mean oh come on and the birds what what wait why are you here well somebody said something about the soul so that's kind of my thing well well I'm not giving you my soul so go away I'm a Christian and and I believe in God oh well okay that's how you feel I suppose yeah wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait look at that hair you have gorgeous hair I mean I know you're evil but you have gorgeous hair really you you think so yeah it takes over your entire head you're not bald yes I guess it is pretty nice yeah it's really nice I would do anything to have that much hair anything no I'm not giving you my soul oh come on man what do you even need my soul for anyway like what do you do with them well I don't I don't really need it it's just part of the job really and you know whatever well just go away oh I guess you don't want hair well no I don't want wait wa wait wait wait come back I do need you for something if if you don't mind okay well my friend Black Yoshi he's he's a criminal he does bad things he steals and he he's mean to everyone yeah he great no that's not not great I mean yeah but anyway um I I need you to talk talk to him and and tell him to stop doing bad things like show him what hell is like and show them what being a bad person ends up doing to you well that that is pretty much the opposite of what I usually do I mean I know I know you're supposed to influence bad things but come on please just do it for me I mean please I mean H well you did you did compliment my hair so sure what the hell huh oh thank you so much he's in that room behind you go in there and just just scare scare him okay make him into a good person okay all right Bo who black Yosi stop playing video games and doing bad things why man what what the hell is is my game broken what the hell is the devil doing on the screen fool look I'm actually over here hey oh man what the hell you doing on my couch fo oh wa some bald guy told me to come talk to you about being a better person man I don't know what Mario done said to you for but I ain't not no bad person is oh well just in case you should come with me and I'll show you around hell and stuff folk I don't want to go no hell oh it's lovely this time of you come on man what El F get Mario off my B yes Play Welcome to hell man it it's hot though well there is fire everywhere so yes well I guess it ain't that bad folk why are people so complaining about it all the time well I could tell you but I would rather sing it instead la la la la man shut over there singing FK I don't want to hear that well I could wrap it for you then yes drop me a bit Hitler you like the hippy hop right yes h oh yes this is some funky [ __ ] right here yes oh word to my dead mother oh yes M rap music sing along kids hail is hot hail is bad all you see is fire that's why people are sad I'm just kidding hail is red loos's on fire my homeboy Chad I'm the boss I give all the qus I'll see you here if you murder or Loy there tell me your soul I only got two quarters everybody's thirsty but we ran out of water man hell really isn't that bad with that rap song F that beat was on point man I kind of like H I'm stick around oh well that's not good uh well what do you like then um I like fried chicken Call of Duty and Kool-Aid well none of those are in Hell none of them what no get me out of here take me back take me back right now F take me back jez BL oh my God oh my God I don't ever want to go back to hell man oh Call of Duty so much BR if you do not want to go back to hell you will have to stop doing bad things oh F I promise I promise I didn't do nothing wrong again Mario Mario see you later Mar I do not want to go to hell fol please don't let me go to hell what do you you mean black Yoshi man I just went to hell for a little bit with the devil man I don't want to go back it's scary man there's no chicken there's no Call of Duty and there's no Kool-Aid okay black Yoshi well you know what you need to do right yeah man I got to turn my life around fol yeah you got to become a better person you want me to help you out yes help me please help me please okay black Yoshi okay well I got the perfect thing okay come on all right all right Black Yoshi you want to learn how to be a better person right yeah folk man I got to keep my my Call of Duty my fried chicken and my My Kool-Aid I cannot go to hell folk I know that so there's three things you need to work on okay you need to learn how to control your anger okay you need to learn how to be nice to people you don't like and you also need to learn how to share so I brought in toad toad hey black what's up buddy you did not do that to me Mario man I hate to for why you do that I know you hate to no you don't yes F I hate you so much sh Black Yoshi you need to learn how to be nice to him even though he's annoying you got to learn how to be friends with him okay so so give him a nice hug yeah yeah yeah give me a hug open your arms this why no no no no I am not hugging too give him a nice friendly hug black Y come on give me a be hug stop stop you can't be violent that hurt black Yosi I I did not want him to hug me folks well black Yoshi you got to learn how to be friends with him okay let's let's skip to sharing um we're going to let toad play your Call of Duty okay nope nope a no no no he's not he not he is not playing my Call of Duty you have to learn how to share learn how to share black Yoshi I've seen a lot nope I'm no no no no I'm not letting you borrow my Call of Duty why why can't I have the Call of Duty you have to learn how to share I don't want to want you to go to jail I will let you borrow anything else but a Call of Duty see I know how to play I watch so many videos on YouTube about it dude I can do it I I promise just watch come Mario going to ruin K you have to learn how to share no you shoot he don't even know how to shoot B sh let him play man oh that's how you shoot oh man I got this now um wait wait what's that guy doing in front of me he's going to kill you f get him I'm shoot him oh man I died game is silly oh I got it this time guys go to I'm going hit this corner oh I'mma shoot him wait that's a wall oh I died again hell no hell no hell no no F no let's share something else we are not doing this in my KD anymore folk you're not playing Call of Duty you not made for this I want to finish okay I got hey to I got something else he can share come with me all right Black Yoshi you need to learn how to share okay all right folk I share anything just not the Call of Duty I got that okay so you'll share anything right yeah yeah so for dinner I got you a 10piece chicken meal from KFC you got me some chicken you got me some chicken from KFC I got you oh I can't wait to do wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait but toad hasn't eaten all day man I am starving you better not touch chicken oh man I've been wanting some chicken you better not Toad go ahead and eat some chicken you better wait hold on black Yoshi I'll save you a piece okay I'll think about you you better no hold on hold on he's eating the chicken b i no he's getting crumbs everywhere you got to learn how to shave no look this is the last piece look he saved you some he saved you some black Yoshi kind cold why want to do that well black Yoshi you had to learn how to share but I he drinking I'm so proud of you you learned how to share and you didn't even kill toad I'm going to kill him I'm going to don't kill him you made it this far okay need chicken I'm so proud of you look look here's your here's your piece of chicken still good it's not enough also one more thing your child support came in oh hell no the child is not my folk I ain't paying that iin not paying the child support Black Yoshi you got to pay it you came this far no no I already know where to let it going to say say black Yoshi you owe me a big fat check uh PS your ex-wife your baby mama F I do not owe her that black Yoshi well you got to pay it oh man got bought $500 no you're not borrowing $500 you got to use your own money man for I ain't got no monies well then you got to get a job for I Ain not get no jobs man that's whatwear we F CH is for no one thing that'll show the judge that you turned your life around is if you got a job so yeah and where do you think I'm going to get me as a job I know exactly where you can work well thank you for choosing McDonald sis how may I take your order oh hey um I like to order uh number two no no never mind uh no that's too expensive uh how about uh chicken no no I don't know what that chicken made out of um y'all still serving breakfast no it's 2:00 breakfast stop 3 hours ago a damn uh well how about them chicken nuggets uh no no I want a chicken nuggets it's for kids um what you got on the dollar menu well the dollar menu is up there oh yeah it is up there damn um well can I get two chocolate chip cookies for a dollar but yeah you can get that this this is the problem I don't really got a dollar I'm kind of broke right now then what the hell you doing in the store man get out you can't you can't you can't help me brother out man get out of here your stupid broke ass damn you can't get my service no more what's wrong Black Yoshi man working is horrible man fast food sucks dude I I know I know working at fast food sucks but doesn't it feel good that you're you're helping Society man I don't care care about no sises I'm just trying to get my my job together so I don't go to jail man I'm ready for my court day now Ted the judge I got me a job and whatnot man well well your court date's tomorrow and I hope you do a good job I'm so proud of you black Yoshi yeah F man I'm going to go in there and wck that judge though what yeah I don't know what that means but me do I'm I'm going to do a good job in there all right all right I ain't going to go no jail all right all R for the honorable Judge g go all right settle down settle down all right the first case of the day is screw ball again hey judge Goodman I done Fu up this time I'm I'm sorry I'm sorry all right screw ball um your charge is child molestation okay uh 30 days get it over with get out okay all right the next case is Black Yoshi hey judge it's so in me black Yoshi in bit all right Black Yoshi if you can prove to me you've changed your life around and you Allon go to jail for 25 years of life well I paid my child support I got me as a job I uh I haven't beaten up anybody for taking my Kool-Aid or my chicken or my Call of Duties or anything like that uh I'll set my life straight all right Black Yoshi you prove to me that a black man as yourself can turn its life around you're free to go get out of here really folk really y f yeah Black Yoshi what how' your court date go oh it it went real good F the uh the judge let me off though so I ain't got to go to no jail really you're not going to jail no F man I'm good I'm stra I told you they were just playing well that's awesome okay so you can continue to work and and do amazing in life no man I quit that job that's a joke folk you quit your job at McDonald's yeah why I don't want to De no fast food man I'm a grown man I don't need to work but what are you going to do now then play Call of Duty I do not need a job F black you you'll never change man welfare check here I come Black Yoshi look what just came in the mail oh my welfare check no black Yoshi not your welfare check this month's bills and they're so expensive they're through the roof look at it Mar y man you knows I can't read oh you can't read that no you can read that black Yoshi Mario why the be pass do the're pass do black Yoshi cuz I can't afford the total oh that is a big Tois yeah that's a big tutus it's a big Tois cuz you're running up the electrus well what about the wooes and the Kubo be well I use the kubal and I use the wooes but I'm not mad about those things I'm mad about the electris because you're using the electris every time you're playing your video games well Mario when you watch watch ing the kubal you're using the electrics too I know I use the electric but what I'm trying to say is I want you get a job to help make the payments and what I'm trying to say is no black Yoshi everybody has to get a job Mario my ancestors ain't go through what they went through for me to have to get a job what yeah blacki I want you to get a job blacki what is your reasons for not wanting to get a job I have disabilities folks a what type of disability you have I can't read and I can't pay attention you pay attention to the game Black Yoshi you know what black I'm going to get you some job interviews and you're going to go to them you're going to go to it uh hello let me see your [Music] stairs oh shitty is that why you came over no did you check your mail Mario yeah and I saw my bills and why haven't you paid it well I'm going to pay it I just don't have all the money but my friends going to get a job to help me pay it well that sounds like a you problem Mario well yeah it is but I promise I'm going to pay I promise okay well you have until 3:00 p.m. tomorrow to get it paid or else you know what's going to happen Mario what give me that Slinky okay you are going to be this Slinky you're going to throw me down the stairs I didn't say that 3:00 p.m. tomorrow Mario I'm going to go piss in your sink all right Black Yoshi I got you a job interview downstairs oh haha Mario I I get it April fools sis you white people crazy in your holidays no black it's not a joke it's April 5th it's not April Fools and and also there is a job interview downstairs so go down there Mario I already told you I don't want to get a job you have to Black Yoshi no I don't I ain't going you're so you're not going down there nope I know how to get got you black Yoshi oh man it was a trash Oh the chicken thing worked huh I guess we won't be needing this anymore Mar I don't need a job yes you do black Yoshi you need a job and he's going to help you find a job so listen to him uh hey there uh your friend here says you need a job huh nope but but don't you want to make money I already make money I gets me a welfare chck but but you can make way more money if you actually work nope okay how about I just ask you a few questions and we see what kind of job you'd be good at okay all all right so first off tell me about yourself well my name Black Yoshi I can't read read and I don't pays attention so good okay um so what what is the highest level of school that you've completed uh I dropped out a fourth grade cuz Miss link kiss said I ain't color so good oh I'm I'm sorry um so what is the highest number you can count to 17 17 yeah so you can count from 7 to 8 but not 17 to 18 what's the 18 it's it's the number that comes after 17 oh okay so I guess I can count to 18 now okay good all right so so we're making progress um so so what exactly are you good at well I'm really really good at Call of Duty and stealing things stealing things yeah like I feel like that's not going to help you get a job well what about a burger that's that's not really a job yeah is that at the McDonald's I could be a Hamburglar I'm pretty sure no one's going to hire you as a Hamburglar yeah mayam cheese told me he hide me as a Hamburglar along with Ronald Donald may MC cheese and Ronald Donald yeah okay so let's say you had a job how much are you looking to make uh $100 an hour okay what kind of job do you think is going to pay you that much uh a mailman a mailman Yeah well considering you've told me that you steal things I I don't think I would trust you with somebody else's mail well you don't have to worry about me around Christmas uh okay um look look I I'm not really seeing any jobs that you would be good for so I think I'm just going to take you on as my assistant and then you can come with me to some of my jobs well am I going to be getting paid uh yeah you'll make minimum wage oh oh so $100 an hour what no what do you think minimum wage is I think minimum wage is the minimum amount of money that I get paid to do that job so $100 an hour uh uh we we'll work all that out okay just just follow me all right all right Black Yoshi uh do you mind if I call you black or do you just prefer Yoshi oh kill all right black actually you know what I I think I'm just going to call you black Yoshi uh okay so we're going to be doing some brain surgery here today I've got my iPad over there set to vitals Loop I've got my tranquilized homeless man and I am ready to do some surgery but uh you're going to be my assistant today okay so what you're going to do is I'm going to ask for a tool and then you hand it to me all right all right all right so first I'm going to need a scalpel okay let me get yep just need a scalpel so I can cut scoopers with that that's that's a nice cream scoop yeah scoopers no I I asked for a scalpel hey here you go scoopers no not a scoop I I need I I need like a thing that cuts into things oh okay hold up yeah yeah cuz I I can't really use that to get into that that's a pizza slicer yeah you can cut him open with this no I can't cut him open with a pizza slicer yes you can no no I need I need something to get inside his head I I don't I don't think want to stand I I mean I I need like I that's a mallet no you bash his head with like I I can't just bash you know what just hand me the pizza slicer all right it's the only thing that's actually going to work here all right here we [Music] go I'm just kidding man why you take his brain out oh we had to take it out so we could wash it because uh he had a dirty mind oh okay yeah okay so what I need you to do is to take this brain over to that sink over there and wash it for me okay all right yeah I lost it what do you mean you lost it it fell out the window there are no windows in here well I ain't know where it's at all right great well now everyone's going to be talking about the homeless guy that lost his mind yeah but seriously though you you are really not a good fit for being a doctor I think we should try a different job uh follow me all right all right so for this job you're going to be working as a 911 operator people are going to call you and tell you what their emergency is and then you're going to send me to go help them okay all right so all I got to do is answer the phone yeah yeah whenever people call you're just going to hit the space bar to answer it and then you say 911 what's your emergency and whenever they tell you you tell me where they're located and then I go help them all right okay okay oh looks like we got a call coming in right now oh yo yo yo what you want uh hello is this the police uh yeah what you want um well my son got his peee stuck in the vacuum cleaner it's not stuck mom the vacuum cleaner just isn't big enough uh what you want me to do about it um could you please send some people over here to help him get his peee unstuck like maybe with some petroleum jelly or something mom just spit on it just just hang up yeah okay so that wasn't great uh yeah you could have done a little bit better there what did I do wrong uh well you're supposed to ask where they're located so I can find them okay we we got another call coming in this is your next chance yo what you want oh is this the police yeah what's up my Mommy dropped me off in this park and then she drove away okay where you at I I just told you about a park which park I don't know there's a lot of twe oh look there's a coyote over there oh hey Mr coyote I think he wants to play with me uh um did did the call end yeah it ended oh you know what maybe maybe 911 isn't really for you let's let's go try a different job all right okay so for this job you're going to be a pizza delivery man all right all right okay but I don't really trust you to deliver pizzas to other people's houses yet so we're going to do a practice where you deliver a pizza to this house okay so what you're going to do is you're going to walk up you're going to knock on the door and whenever I answer you're going to hand me the pizza okay and you only accept cash nothing else got it all right all right so let's practice hello hey I got your Pepper's pieces oh how much is it $20 m is there any other way I can pay for it pull it boob is at okay hey hey hey what what do you think you're doing I TR to look at me some boobies get out of the way what no you had one job all you had to say was we only accept cash you are fired you failed this job too man screw this poop's pieces just come in Mario where's my controller folk your controller yeah uh it's right here did you get a job Black Yoshi no no he didn't he didn't no we tried to get him a bunch of jobs but he failed at every single one of them well you failed every single job Black Yoshi Mario I told you I can't read that that had nothing to do with it actually black I needed you to get a job to help me pay my bills now what am I going to do but I don't want a job f i well stay here play Call of Duty you just want to play Call of Duty all the time you just want to play video games look you have to find him a job please find him a job that's got to be one well he likes playing Call of Duty right yeah that's all he does every day all day and he likes video games and stuff yeah that's all he does is play video games so why doesn't he just record himself playing video games and then just upload those videos on YouTube you can make a ton of money doing that huh what yeah Black Yoshi like you play video games all day you're really good at it so why don't you just record yourself playing video games and upload it on YouTube I mean what could go wrong I mean you could get millions of views and and make a lot of money and then you know have almost three billion video views and have over 5 million subscribers and one day they could just take it away from you like like it's nothing you know why why wouldn't you want that you know like why would they do that would they would they just do that to someone with 5 million subscribers they just just take it all away you know and they have to move to another account you know like why would do that why would why why would they do that what back to back episodes of Charlie W I wasn't expecting this Charlie and friends was filmed in front of a live audience hi guys I'm Charlie I'm itching oh I'm itching so bad why am I itching oh my God I think I got the Chicken Box what Chicken Box what is it going to do to you what is it going to do to you Chicken Box how did I get the [Laughter] oh wait wait wait is it funny uh well you're kind of sick I I don't know do you have the Chicken Box no I don't have the chickenpox I'm healthy wait wait wait now that I think about it I am kind of itchy oh I got to scratch oh no I can't the chicken box oh no I need to go to the hospital sh B oh Apple I'm about to chop you up into a billion pieces Junior needs to eat you anyway fatty all right one two sh no my head God God I need I need hey PE I think I got the Chicken Box I need to go to the hospital wait what's wrong with you I cut my hand when you yelled my name what do you have to yell my name now I got to go to the hospital too okay cool we can go to the hospital together wait wait who's going to watch Junior I can't leave him here alone sure you can all he does is play with his toys anyway oh come on my hand is about to bleed out I really need to go to the hospital just find him a stupid babysitter babysitter how am I going to find a babysitter at this time of night don't worry about it I'm going to find one H babysitter oh sure take all the time in the world while I bleed to death oh my head my head o f play some Call of Duty fol I had to change my my Xbox username to midnight chocolate 69 because I think some of you guys tried to report me folk and so I got banned so uh so how's everybody feeling tonight folk yeah yeah we we about to we about to own some Call of Duty now oh Charlie Charlie man what's up man hey hey I sent you a friende request I sent you a friende request and you accept you I'm what's going on Call of Duty fans go PR order of the new Call of Duty Advanced Warfare there's absolutely nothing different compared to the Last Call of Duty but we're going to make a ton of money Char BR Charli BR 678 man I know I know you just saw the the little the little alert about Call of Duty Advanced Warfare folk bother me that's it hold on hold on I got to get Mario I got to get Mario to give credit card Mario hey hey vote hey Mario Mario what do you want V I know I I know this is going to sound crazy folk but I need your credit card for what Call of Duty Advanced Warfare now before you say anything it's not a m pack it's the whole game it's the whole damn game they already came out with a new Call of Duty yeah F it's about to come out and I need to pre-order it so I can get it before everybody else so I can Prestige fast Black Yoshi how about you just get a job you're always mooching off me for money it's like who can I money here and then C the money here and then no [ __ ] listen I can't get a job because my track record I've been in jail too many times folk and my welfare check didn't come in I'm hurting for money folk I I I'm hurting so I need a credit card right now and those it's not an option why don't you just get like some small jobs like mowing lawns or babysitting well who's going to hire me as babysitter I I'm probably going to end up killing the damn kid well I mean I don't know but someone's going to be open to hiring you as a a babysitter or lawn mower or I don't know just just look for a job stop asking me for money Forget You folk hey Charlie Brown you hear this Mario want me to get a job I'm not playing with you anymore babysitter babysitter where do I even begin to find a babysitter oh my God I hate black Yoshi he's always asking me for money Mario what I hate you I hate you too wait wait hold on what um do you know how to babysit by chance well I mean I guess well I really need you to babysit my son for me I kind of have chickenpox and I need to go to the hospital chicken pox you don't have the chickenpox yes I do Charlie told me I know I have chickenpox can you please just watch my son for me please well I mean wait wait did you say you need a babysitter yeah babysitter wait I have a friend that needs a job I mean how much are you willing to pay um D pay gez look I can off I can offer like 100 $1 that's it okay $100 how is that don't don't worry about him he's just jealous he's kind of bleeding out right now oh okay well well okay so I'm going to get my friend okay he really needs this job okay okay hurry up all right T Brad I need a new Call of Duty fol man can you please transfer me some money man I got a PayPal I got a Kickstarter hey man I even tried to Rob St JW Yosi black Yi folk you don't ever use a credit card no folk U turn BR hold on Mario thinks he's black man what the fu I'm sorry black you say folk all the time and I I accidentally said f listen don't you ever say black people words again I'm sorry so take your white ass off somewhere and then come back we going to try this again okay man please please fol I I I really need the money I need you to transfer it now okay man I got a PayPal I got a kick Black Yoshi Black Yoshi F you let me use your credit card woo no I I found you a job where fol well see Bowser needs someone to to babysit his kids while he goes to the hospital and I kind of said you would do it because I mean you need the money anyway and you can get that stupid game you want well how much going to pay me I don't know I mean he said maybe about $100 $100 you know what they can buy you they can buy you anything you wanted like a game yeah but but my but my Xbox Live membership about running out in about a day and I need to renew that so I need at least about 300 plus I need some Kool-Aid so that's that's going to run you about $500 folk well we going to have to ask Bowser about that but still it's a job at least give it a shot all right folk where is it come on where is Mario in this babysitter black GUI this way okay Bowser say hi to your new babysitter but he's black yeah folk and your F tou well are you'all going to do this or not hold on let me examine him I can't just let anybody baby said my angel so if my son started crying what would you do uh probably punch him in the throat f h good answer good answer he's hired what he's hired black you just got a job yeah F that's good but uh what about the money folk cuz uh Mario over here said I get $100 and I need at least $500 maybe a tip H $500 I guess I can do it $500 what oh what's that man what is that oh it's sound like he's giving birth um he's just jealous right now probably cuz you're getting money and he's kind of bleeding out but I'm going take him to the hospital because I got to go and get these chickenpox off me so that's why I'm getting you the babysit all right where's kid at oh oh he's in the he's in the playroom over there all right all right just make sure you watch him keep an eye on him and I'mma be back soon just make sure you watch him he better not cry my phone will do like you got a job folk Mario what I say folk what I say trying to be black all right dinosaurs today we're going to be taking on the biggest Challenger yet the PIP squeak asaurus oh help me have a pip squeaker and I'm stupid you must be a kid folk oh my God black guy don't take my money protect me dinosur why is everyone in this house so racist fol man I'm your babysitter man my babysitter yeah folk you Dad hire me to watch you while he went to the hospital sh pee PE folk I have a babysitter it's going to be so much fun you have play dinosaurs with me no why not but why why would I want to play dinosaurs be because you're fun I mean look at him look at this T-Rex oh I'm a grown man I do not play dinosaurs but I want to play dinosaurs folk you better cut that out right now f i I ain't getting paid enough for that but please I want to play hey hey stop crying folk if if you stop crying I'll play dinosaurs for like 5 minutes yay he's got to play dinosaurs okay um um how how you play dinosaurs folk okay okay well uh all these dinosaurs are mine so you can have that one uh this weak ass dinosaur F why do I get the weak ass dinosaur because you're level one and I'm level a th000 billion jillion cuzan I'm like number one what what what what are you do with that gun oh uh what about handicap fol what what do you mean handicap well uh I'm level one apparently and you level what a th000 yeah yeah so I have handicap you shoo my dinosaurs you breaking them uh well it's my handicap folk don't don't don't shoot my stop shooting my S stop it oh well looks like all you d by folk it looks like I'm level like 5 billion Folk a weak ass dinosaur ain't weak no more he 5 billion level 5 billion in your face in your face I'm going to cry hey quit playing quit crying folk but you beat me at dinosur no one ever beats me at Din you cheated uh no I didn't vote it's called handicap so we going to go pick another game to play and and you going to quit crying come on F oh almost forgot all right F so what do you want to play now I would love to play trained all right folk I be the blue one no why folk but I'm always thas I'm always always always Thomas you got to be the ugly red one uh not today folk I'm going be the dad blue one but but I'm always Thomas oh listen you are not going to be Thomas today I'm going to be Thomas and you will play with the raed one you'll be liking it but that much ugly hey calm down F what's your problem I'm always number one Thomas Blue Train he's my favorite he's my favorite uh no do you want me to get the the handicap again no no don't get the handicap you're going to break my toys all right so you going to play with red and you going like the raed one fol I don't want to play trains anymore hey then what do you want to play f um I got the perfect idea of what we can play what I want to play Doctor uh no folk what why uh because you do not have a medical degree and it's just dumb man no no it's it's pretend okay we're going to pretend that you got shot and I have to extract the bullet from you are you crazy how about I actually shoot you folk and then we try to extract the bullet no that would hurt how about you get shot oh fol you think I 50 c you want me to get shot hey black Yosi oh you just shot my friend toad yeah F now you got 30 seconds go get the bullet out your patient's Bleeding Out F hurry I don't know how to extract a real bullet oh I suggest you get the that little uh stethoscope in the syring folk you better get to working but it was supposed to be pretend not real you got like 15 seconds then he going to die I don't want to play this anymore hurry folk you want to play doctor hurry up no it's too much pressure I can't play this oh he Flatline now F [Music] be you crying because you killed my friend oh technically you killed him cuz you didn't save him you wanted to play doctor we play doctor folk I wanted to play pretend doctor not real doctor I don't know how to be a real doctor well folk uh doctor really ain't pretend it's real folk you didn't say I don't want to play with you anymore you're dumb and stupid and I hate you I don't want you to be my babysitter anymore well too bad folk you stuck with me until your dad goes home so why don't you go watch me play some Call of Duty folk what what's a Call of Duty you don't know what a Call of Duty is no man come on come watch me play this okay all right folk so this is Call of Duty man this the controller and up there there screen okay all right here we go we going to start the match now all right all right here we go woo wow W that was that good kill first kill the game you shot him in the head wa you you're really good at this game my grenade fol ooh ooh Sniper got the sniper rifle o sniper on the roof here go here go oh oh you're really good at this game you're awesome yeah folk can I play oh no folk my smoke grenade flashbang can I can I please play no folk man leave me lone man I'm trying to I'm trying to I want to play hey no don't you touch my control you just kill me man what's your problem I just really want to play what's your problem your I want to play all right guys midnight chocolate is back in acent I apologize about the little round that we had like a little distraction sorry for that one death hey shut up man shut up all right all right so so we back in Action we about to turn up this round fol hell yeah thank God I don't have chicken poxs yeah you don't have chicken pox but I have a pizza cut for hand don't be sad about it SHP at least when I'm ready for pizza you can cut it easier o about to get that 25 kill streak excuse me what is going on here why is my son tied up well boo let's see here well your son wanted to play cops robbers though and so I was the cop and he was the robber and so so I tied him up folk no well that sounds legit well anyway turns out I don't have the chicken pops I guess Charlie was wrong but you know I'm healthy and I'm going take my son with me well that's good folk at least you went to a real Hospital you did have your son try to diagnose you here cuz he probably would have been wrong yeah he's always wrong I don't I don't listen to him at all yeah but uh yeah go ahead go ahead take take your child all right come on Junior and I'm done with all your shenanigans it's time to go to sleep oh and I I uh I expect my money to be piding full you know I uh I got PayPal a quick starter yo Mario man what's up folk what's up Black Yoshi not much man just being a Kool-Aid fan a Kool-Aid fan what's that it's like a elephant but with Kool-Aid very cute black Yosi yeah Mario but real quick you got $5 I can have no blacki why would I give you $5 because you drank on my Kool-Aid see it's EMP like I did not drink your Kool-Aid you drank it no I didn't folk I only had like uh four five 6 7 8 9 10 cups yeah yeah yeah black he has a lot of Cups and how many cups fit in that uh well it says on the back he can make some grape what the [ __ ] are you talking about Black Yoshi just let me watch the news it's coming on breaking news Dr frederck fingertips has made a groundbreaking discovery that Kool-Aid should be illegal let's hear his that explanation now hello I am Dr Fredick fits and today I will demonstrate that Kool-Aid is more addictive and dangerous than crack I have with me here a real crack addict that I found on the street you enjoy crack yes yes I do I love crack yes now crack is very very dangerous and it is illegal and you should never do it but I will now demonstrate that Kool-Aid is also dangerous and should also be illegal now crack at it I want you to try this Kool-Aid why I got crack right here what this Kool-Aid is better than crack come on I love crack and this is crack look I promise you if you try this Kool-Aid you will enjoy it more than crack fine but after that then can I get the crack yes but only if you don't like the Kool-Aid fine now that's some good stuff now that is way better than crap oh my gosh this exactly what they talking about I need more I need more where is it I need your I need more so you have it there Kool-Aid is more addictive and dangerous than crack and it should be illegal Outlaw Kool-Aid right now wow that is truly a remarkable Discovery yes wait yes I'm getting word now that Kool-Aid has been banned in all 50 states it is now illegal to have Kool-Aid in your possession it is now listed as The Most Dangerous Drug in the world if you have Kool-Aid in your house now you better flush it if you are caught with Kool-Aid the penalty is the electric chair what Kool-Aid illegal do you hear that black Yoshi Mario I'm a little Kool-Aid pillar and in a minute I'm going to go into my cool [ __ ] and then after a while I'm going to sprout and be a big beautiful Kool-Aid to fly what black you didn't hear that Kool-Aid illegal now what' you say F Kool-Aid is illegal now black Yosi they're going to stop selling it they're saying it's worse than drugs man nobody's going to stop me from drinking some Kool-Aid you got $20 you're going to go try to buy Kool-Aid yeah I'm sure the sto still got some no black they they took him off the stores no one's going to sell him cuz Kool-Aid is illegal now folk give me $20 and I'm sure I can find it you know what here's $20 all right f i be right bet good because if he gets arrested then he's out of my life wow oh hello anybody here I'm looking for a dolphin dude wearing a jacket he can give me illegal stuff hey shut up what do you want oh hey man what's up oh I need something and I heard you was the guy that could get it for me maybe it depends on what you want me to get oh that Kool-Aid take shut up you can't say that here it's illegal you don't know if the cops are listening call it something else oh I need that grilled cheese what grilled cheese yeah that doesn't make any sense it doesn't even look like grilled cheese call it something else all right uh that cremated Bonnie that Bonnie dust I might have that that depends you're not a cop are you you know you got to tell me if you're a cop that's the law man I ain't no cop I ain't no snitch I ain't no Pig h all right this is what I got man where you get all this from F let's just say I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy whose sister's banging the Kool-Aid man oh man what $20 get me $20 I get you one pack one pack folk man what about the drip uh all right fine a pack and a drip and what about this pound folk how much this pound cost no that's a grand $1,000 man why is this whole expenses cuz it's illegal it's hard to get man you said uh a pack and a drip $20 yeah all right what about uh a pack and a drip drip no how about two packs no drip drip so pack pack no drip drip oh man pack pack no drip drip all right man I guess I take the two pack pack no drip drip all right you take these and if you get caught you didn't get them from me okay all F to he he I got that Kool-Aid boy can't wait to go home and drink me some of that Kool-Aid man what's that sound man what's them lights it's a poo man I got that koola in the car man I can't go back to jail man I got to pull over and hide this roll your window down roll your window down more man this is all I behal to I know my ripes okay how about we lower the window just a little bit just a a little more just a little more come on keep keep going a little more come on just a little bit more okay we're almost there all right all right we're almost there I still see a little bit of window all right now was that so hard to listen man why you be doing this man man what's your badge number you had anything to drink tonight no you violate my ripes you uh you don't have any Kool-Aid in this car do you no you know it's illegal now right yeah and I ain't got any H so you're telling me if I search this car I'm not going to find any Kool-Aid nope you can search my car you can search my car you can search my shoes search whatever you want but you cannot search my sock I want to do nothing more right now than search that sock but you can't because it's against the law my great great grandpappy done told me that the police can search whatever they want except for your socks so go ahead search the car search the shoes search whatever you want but you ain't touching my sock man there is no law that prevents me from searching that sock I am going to search that sock yes there is a law that prevents you from searching the sock he in the costum matous wait okay so you're telling me if I search that sock I'm not going to find any Kool-Aid nope oh God no Kool-Aid huh man you playing it that no I didn't well it's not mine it's my boy Rufus what's Rufus is Kool-Aid doing in your sock that's not my sock that's Pooky sock okay what's Pooky sock doing in your car it's not my car neither okay we got a lot to talk about you're coming with me what's that is that a shooting star ooh what wait there's no shooting star there it's cloudy what what I've been had I wonder if Black Yoshi got in trouble Mario please help me folk the craziest thing just happened did you buy the Kool-Aid yeah Mario I bought the Kool-Aid and I was heading home to drink it and then the cops pulled me over folk and and and I knew I had the Kool-Aid in the car and I'm like I can't go back to jail folk so I had to hide the Kool-Aid so I hid the Kool-Aid in the one spot the popo can't search my socks so I put the Kool-Aid in my sock wa wait wait wait what your socks yeah Mario they can't search your socks black Yi they can search your socks no they can't hand folk is in the concious my great great grandpappy done told me if I ever get pulled over by the popo to put whatever I don't want them to find in my socks it's in the conscious article 14 Thou shalt not search thy socks black doesn't make any sense they can search your socks all they want they can search anything they want they can put their hands up your butt if they want to well anyway folk they did search my socks and guess what they found the Kool-Aid and so now they done violating my RS and I'm a suit black Yosi they can search your socks no they can't fol I already be told you it was in the Constitution okay so anyway they found the they found the Kool-Aid so then what happened well they found the Kool-Aid and they was trying to arrest me so I ran really really really really fast like I was in the olymp Nicks wait you said you were driving whose car were you driving yours black you were driving my car and you got pulled over with Kool-Aid in it yeah and you left my car with the cops yeah black Yi I'm going to turn on the news I swear swe to God if my car's on the news we having Kool-Aid in it oh my God breaking news M the Kool-Aid man is now number one on the FBI's most wanted list he is the one who has created Kool-Aid and he must be punished the FBI is doing everything they can to bring him to justice that that right there is the face of Pure Evil he goes by the name Koolaid man there's nothing cool about AIDS bunch of Street whack I've heard he's smuggling 500,000 kilos of Kool-Aid right across our border and we need you to bring them to justice but why us mate because you two are my best officers and you're the only ones that can stop this Menace so go out there and get them and bring me pictures of Spider-Man all right Simmons the Kool-Aid packs end here we got to find that Kool-Aid man how do we do that mate uh all right I have an idea oh yeah yeah oh yeah oh yeah uh mate why are we saying oh yeah cuz that's the colda man's catchphrase he says oh yeah oh yeah yeah oh yeah mate hey oh no hey hey you get back here Kool-Aid Man freeze oh no no no don't don't jump that fence don't jump that fence oh mate it looks like he jumped the fence fences my only weakness all right it looks like he got away this time come on Simmons what the Kool-Aid man is wanted Kool-Aid is illegal what world are we living in a white man's world everything got to be white we got a white president a White House racist where the black house at where the black president at we just had a black president where the black house at I don't know see there you go racist black you're just mad because the Kool-Aid is illegal and and you want to drink Kool-Aid and you don't have to follow the rules well man the rules are just so hot Mario I just can't walk outside without breaking the rules and doing something bad like you see like all you have to do is follow the rules it's that easy but it's so hard why they got to make the rules so hard Mario who's at the door black if that's the cops you're going to go answer the door cuz if it's a cops I'm not answering go answer the door right now all right fol oh hello oh no the Poo hide me you're the Koolaid man oh yeah oh no I can hide you from the popo but what you going to offer me oh yeah koola come on in Koolaid man Mario Mario Mario guess who was that the door F was it the cops no it was a Kool-Aid man see he brought me some Kool-Aid the Kool-Aid man what's he doing here well he's running from the popo he asked me if he can hide here and I said yeah well you said yes black he can't hide here what he's right here Bo oh yeah black the Kool-Aid man can not hide here why because black Yosi he's on the FBI's most wanted list and if we get caught hiding him we're going to go to jail too oh no it's the poo Okay I'm going to go ENT the door and you hide him okay you hide him all right F uh hello you sucking on a lemon oh hey Mario uh so we found your car and it had Kool-Aid in it in a sock and the guy that was driving your car ran away so we're just going to go ahead and blame you oh no no no no no that's fine look you can just keep the car you know just keep it I don't need it just just keep it as long as you don't come inside the house you can keep it and just leave okay now I really want to come inside your house cuz you're willing to give me your car to prevent me from coming inside the house well no no no it's just that you know my house is dirty I haven't cleaned it in a while and it's not like I'm hiding the Kool-Aid man in my house or anything you know Kool-Aid man it you said Kool-Aid man I didn't say that you said that yeah I I said it's not like I'm hiding the Kool-Aid man like in case you're going to assume that because you found Kool-Aid in the car and in case you're assuming the Kool-Aid man's in here he's not in my house so he's not in my house well I wasn't assuming he was in your house but now that you said that I really want to take a look around well there's no reason to look around because it's not like the KOA man is in my house that's why I said that because the Kool-Aid man is not in my house you know so you're telling me if I look around your house I'm not going to find the Kool-Aid Man nope nope you're not going to find the Kool-Aid man on God m oh no no Kool-Aid Man huh is that a shooting star oo wait a minute we're in a house hey hey you get back here Koolaid man run Koolaid man run oh no all right Kool-Aid man you're under arrest for creating the most illegal substance ever and Mario you're under arrest for harboring a fugitive what hold on is that the news all right everybody we we got to listen breaking news M guy it turns out that Kool-Aid is now legal again Dr Frederick pickled dicks lied about Kool-Aid being dangerous he apparently did so because he was upset about the Kool-Aid man banging his sister let's hear his apology now yes it is true I Dr Fried fingers [ __ ] have lied about Kool-Aid being dangerous I only did this because the Kool-Aid man was banging my sister and it was making me angry so for that I am sorry banging his sister ladies and gentlemen banging his sister wow Kool-Aid is now legal for everyone to have you can have as much Kool-Aid as you'd like now yeah the laws change every 5 minutes in this [ __ ] town all right Mario I guess you're in the clear in Kool-Aid Man Kool-Aid man looks like you're free to go oh yeah ow you son of a [ __ ] you're under arrest again get him s you're under arrest this time he's resisted he well black Yoshi Kool-Aid is now legal again yeah I'm so happy as Folk yeah but the Kool-Aid man got arrested again but that was for assaulting an officer what you shouldn't do don't do bad things but it's so hard not to do bad things it's not that hard black Yoshi just follow the laws that's all that's all you got to do oh oh folk I love Duty so much [ __ ] I love it better my big mom shut up we don't care Charlie Brown Charlie Brown 678 is that you is that you talking mess I know you ain't talking M after I Whi your booty last time my blind Grandma can play better than you and she in a nurse home dude I don't about grandmother okay just shut up I'm trying to play this game I see how it goes you better you better watch out next game I got you f Call of Duty fans get ready for quadruple XP Weekend it starts right now four times the XP all weekend long quadruple XP Weekend folk Charlie Brown Charlie Brown you quadruple XP Weekend leave me alone about to turn up man got to get my 5 out energy cheers Jesus all right about to turn up man Charlie Charlie I just got me a 5 Hour Energy for about to turn up this quadruple weekend how about you V if you don't leave me alone I'm going to report you yeah all all all right oh man that that 5 energy F ain't doing nothing for me man feel like a 5c energy man I'm about to go ask Mario for his credit card about to go get me some energy drink folk I'll be right back man hey Charlie Charlie hold it down folk hold it down I'm reporting you where Mario at I'm reping what are all these charges on my credit card bullets Kool-Aid a mat pack what's a mat pack hey fol come here what do you want Black Yoshi I need you to do me a solid fol now even playing what is it fol I I need to borrow your credit card why do you need to borrow my credit card Black Yoshi because Call of Duty is having a quadruple XP weekend fol and I need I need some energy drinks energy drinks yeah fol H you're not going to buy energy drinks with my credit card Black Yoshi energy drinks are bad for you why fol because they're just not good for you you need to go buy like a salad or something and stop playing Call of Duty so much that's how you do please go play go play a sport or something like football come on please let me borrow your credit card you're not borrowing my credit card Black Yoshi there's charges right now that I don't even know what they are what the what's a mat pack well I don't know what you crazy white people buy I just need energy drinks you're not buying energy drinks with my credit card Black Yoshi just go away Forget You folk next next time you need me I ain't going to be there forget you okay forget you Mario okay whatever I got to call the bank I don't know what a map pack is chef peei chef peee can you tell me what do you see on that plate right there the steak you ordered H the steak I ordered that's really funny cuz I never ordered a steak I ordered a hot dog do you not remember that chef peipi chef peipi I'm hungry so I want you to make me a medium rare steak and I want it in five minutes or I'mma kill you you got that good a hot dog you never asked for a hot dog you asked me to make you a steak medium rare steak I remember you came in here like shut B make me a steak I've been hungry all 5 minutes please make me a steak or I'm going kill you and then you have your son coming in here like your oh please please I need a snack oh come and play horses with me ah please please that doesn't fly with me now you can't even make up your mind over this thing come on Bowser give me a break first of all me and my son do not sound like that your imitations are so horrible and second of all this steak needs to be turned into a hot dog in five minutes because you suck at cooking I never ask for a stake and you need to get it right okay or I will murder you I don't like using killing anymore killing is a bad term I will murder you you got that okay Bowser I I can't stand him I know he asked me for a steak I know it and then he expect me to change this into a hot dog how am I going to do that I'm not a magician God I wish I could just kill him get him out of my life why oh I can I can hire a hitman oh why didn't I think of this sooner yeah where's the phone book where is it time to find this hits man hope it's easy enough uh no we don't need any life insurance we're trying to take life right now um o need a Hitman called Black Yoshi 555 o folk I don't know what a folk is but whatever all right three 5 five5 oh Folk okay man forget Mario man he won't let me borrow his credit card to buy some energy drinks man whatever I'm just going to sit here and play me some Call of Duty oh man my phone ringing y what's up F who's this oh hello uh my name is Chef peei uh sorry F uh I don't deal with pee PE that's gay folk no no that's my name I'm I'm looking for a hitman be come on man be for real F your name PP what's code word man code word code word code word o code word uh the code word is Kool all right Bo who am I looking to kill it's my boss Bowser he makes me so angry all right uh one angry boss that would be about uh uh $5,000 fol $5,000 I can't afford that there has to be something else I can do I'm a chef I I can cook something for you I know um I got some steak right here nah folk I only take cash who hold on folk you said you said you a chef right yeah I'm a chef I can cook anything oh folk do do you think you can make me uh an energy drink with purple Kool-Aid in it that'll keep me up like all weekend long F I'm talking energy and purple Kool-Aid folk can you do it uh uh yeah yeah yeah sure I can do that all right we got a deal then you made my Koolaid and I kill booa all right I kill your boss for you all right bye-bye thank you so much thank you thank you thank you all right folk I'll be there soon bye yeah I got my Kool-Aid energy drink F yeah yes finally I'mma Be a free man now I got to make some some type of energy drink how am I going to do that oh I can't really make one but I I have the money to buy some okay I got every single Monster I could find this will be perfect I invested all of my life savings just for this one moment and then I know it's going to be worth it he's going to kill my boss my boss Bowser now I got my theory it's going to be the perfect Theory correct me if I'm wrong but if I mix every single one of these energy DRS and just put it all into one it makes a big explosion of energy in your system oh he'll be full of energy for like weeks it'll be the perfect one and I got to add that little Kool-Aid that he's been asking for but mix it all together and just he just takes it to the mouth just G it down he'll be full of energy just just running everywhere I'm full of energy just talking about it it's time to get started but first i'm going start my music playlist oh yeah [Music] oh yes my beautifuls [Music] [Music] okay I got the picture now I got to get all of these little bitty drinks inside of this thing we're going to start with this one sounds nice oh a little bit of flavor M come on incredible Hook oh someone going to need some muscle after this going to need a red have after this drink woo oh man I can smell the energy smells nice [Music] [Music] my concoction is complete oh yeah I need my special ingredient ah yeah it's perfect now oh yeah I almost forgot I got to get the Kool-Aid we going to come in here and check on my man and see how he's doing with my Kool-Aid energy drink all I got to do now is that is finally ingredient the Kool-Aid who wao fol what are you doing man you you told me to add the Kool-Aid this is the Kool-Aid right fol everyone knows black folks don't drink Cherry Kool-Aid since when oh since forever folk since the beginning of time man they drink great Kool-Aid man what you doing so where am I supposed to get this great Kool-Aid I got it right here fol okay then just you this is how much you add right here what that that much yeah FK look at it's already oh look at it's gorgeous Folk what I want you bald out here man you got every one of the monsters I tried to make the perfect one for you just make sure you kill my boss we'll do F yeah to start and give it one good start yeah does it look appetizing right it it looks delicious huh yeah F man we going we going to turn up with this right here delicious enough to kill my boss absolutely F okay that's that's good enough to know oh yeah F that that good right there delicious right yeah F you you going to pull me some or what you just going to stay here and smell it all day of course I got you I got you here yeah oh look at it looks so energy like and full of drink I guess all right about to take a sip see how good you did man it looks pretty damn good but you know I'm I'm going hit that sit one time okay go what's what's wrong are you okay what the [ __ ] go Black Yoshi come down here right now you still have to kill my boss what what did I just hear what I think I heard uh what did you hear Bowser uh that you wanted to kill me oh no no you have it all wrong Bowser it's just a misunderstanding I meant that I wanted to kill your tast bus with this energy drink I just made energy drink you're supposed to be making me a hot dog see see it's it's hot dog flavored I had to grind up some hot dogs in the blender and made the drink for you H I guess that does make sense my jaw was hurting a little bit yeah yeah you should take a sip of it okay um Miss there something wrong yes my energy drink is making everybody disappear hey shabi what you up to uh nothing you want to try my energy drink black Yosi what are you doing about take me a Kool-Aid baths a Kool-Aid bath yeah F you never heard of it that's gross black Y is disgusting F Mar we do it in the hood all the time but defeats the purpose of a bath Black Yoshi anyway Mario what you doing in here I I wanted your opinion on this black Yoshi oh man Mario that's a nice ring how much that cost it cost me about $2,000 $2,000 man oh man what you do with that oh I'm going to proposed the Rosena tonight o f man I wouldn't do that cuz the second you and her get married she's going to get fat and she going to cheat I wouldn't do that folks but black you she's the girl I want to be with for the rest of my life all I'm saying is don't do that do not marry her F Black Yoshi I'm going to marry her she's the girl I love what is your controller doing in here oh cuz I'm about to play the game folk play the game yeah well you can't play the game while you're in the bath watch me folk black you're stupid oh [ __ ] D no d call duty you okay you okay oh now the controller too Mario helps me oh yeah she's definitely going to say yes Mario help me call now11 call the police even though I hat some call what happened Black Yoshi Mario I dropped my Xbox in the koola bab Black Yoshi I told you something stupid was going to happen you shouldn't have play your game cou on the back I know Mario that I should have listened but I didn't so please I need some money for a new one F black I don't have any money to buy you a new Xbox I I I spent all my money on this ring well Mario I need a new Xbox and the M PS and a controller folk like Yoshi I don't have any money rosaline's going to be here in a few hours cuz I'm going to propose to her so I don't have time for this I got to take a shower Maro pleas man what's someone going to do for some monies nah sorry man it's fake no no it's dud no no I know a fake chuckecheese token when I see one got a whole container of real ones right here hey if you going to use that kind of language just get out of here cubert hey man this a pawn shops yeah sure you're looking to buy your pond I want to sell that for cash okay let's take a look at it mhm oh yeah it's definitely real mhm all right so uh you looking to sell or you want to trade something I got a whole bunch of stuff to trade I got all these Chuck-E-Cheese tokens got a voodoo doll got a Mr Potato Head arm that's very hard to find I got a Elmo's a a zoo adventure for the Nintendo Wii it's light new and I got a hand grenade no man I'm just trying to get cash out of day H all right uh I'll give you about $500 for $500 man it was worth $2,000 well not here it's not uh all right fine how about $500 in some Chuck-E-Cheese tokens no man I can't do that how about uh $500 in this Mr Potato Head all whoa whoa not the arm and the arm is way too expensive uh all right I tell you what how about $500 a handful of chuckecheese tokens and that hand grenade all right Black Yoshi Rosal is going to be here in 30 minutes I'm ready to propose quick Black Yoshi where where' you get a new Xbox and new controller from I found it you found it where'd you get this hand grenade from Black Yoshi I found that too black you wear my raino oh yeah you know what happened someone sto it and they left me an exit box you know what I think happened I think you sto my ring to get a new Xbox and you wouldn't be lying nether black you sold my ring for an Xbox boy you Cal down boy man I'm saving you from yourself man she a hoe anyway I need to get that ring back by tonight by the time Ros gets back here for man she a hoe and you don't need to be marrying her man what black I need that ring back by the time she gets here tonight oh I'm kicking you out why you would do that to me yes I would black you don't get that ring by the time Rosena gets here I'm kicking you out on the street you're going to live on the street black GUI you give me the ring back right now I'm King you me f i don't need you black GUI if you don't get the ring back by tonight I'm kicking you out man F damn man I get the ring bit no sorry Mr Potato Head it's going to cost you way more than your mouth in your glasses to get your arm back hey V man I need to buy that ring bed what the the ring I ped earlier man I need a bed oh well that sucks I already sold it sold it to who I can't give out that kind of information unless you had some chuckecheese tokens chuckecheese token man hold on who' you sell it to all right I sold it to a cop a cop why man well his wife lost her ring or something and he needed to replace it where' they go I can't give out that kind of information either unless you had some more Chuck-E-Cheese tokens hold on oh yeah all right I'll give you the address as the camera pans up pretty pretty just look at it it's so pretty I've seen it Sharon bought it oh thank you so much I'm so sorry I lost my other one okay whatever I'm just trying to watch TV okay be quiet bu you should try it on I'm not trying on your ring Sharon oh come on try it on Bo it's your ring I'm not putting it on it'll only take a second it'll be so much fun Sharon I got work in the morning I got to be a doctor I got to be a firefighter I got to be a police officer all you do is talk about work cuz that's all I do Sharon I only get 1 hour off a night please just let me watch TV come on bu just try it on fine if it will shut you up I will put on the ring here put put it on ow ow it's tight a boy that looks so pretty on you yeah whatever it fits your finger perfectly actually Sharon it's kind of tight could you please just take it off oh fine Sharon quit playing around and take it off I'm trying Bo I think it's stuck you better not be stuck Sharon I got to go to work like this oh no you'll be fine Bo you'll get tons of compliments well you would get tons of compliments but I'm a man Sharon I can't do this they're going to make fun of me they're going to call me a fruit cake they're going to say hey guy nice ring you look like a fruit cake oh boy you'll be fine Sharon Sharon I'm a man I can't be seen like this well let's just go run it under some hot water no no you you know what Sharon I'm going to go to bed and tomorrow morning I'm going to slip it off with some butter or something good night Bo good night Sharon so Bo do you want do you want to fool around a little bit no no Sharon I don't I got work in the morning I'm TI oh come on Bo no Sharon don't touch me I'm upset I got a ring on my finger I just want to go to sleep okay Bo what are you doing I'm chewing gum why would you chew gum in bed we're about to go to sleep do you want some no I don't want any gum Sharon Jesus if you're going to choke if you have that in your mouth when you're sleeping I swallowed it you it's not good to swallow gum Sharon whatever just I'm going to sleep okay boy God kill me just kill me just do it end me God damn it K oh yeah man this a place this place oh let's get that ring oh there you go boat man where this ring at got to find it no no where is just ring it no bo bo wake up I'm not going to that building it's on fire you crazy Bo wake up right now what what I think I hear something in the house oh yeah you need to go check it out I fine no who's making all that noise Santa Claus oh hi Santa Claus R I'm going back to bed Santa just eat the cookies bu bunie what was it that's I don't know just let me go back to sleep please okay Bo [Music] off me bees stupid bad bees wa oh man W come on all right L more cut my fingers off I got to find them put them on Ice I got a few hours for some back on man all [Music] [Music] right back off Steve you know I deserve that promotion tell Bob you peeing his coffee man I ain't got time for this nice to meet you Mr President man it still ain't come off man screw this Folk Mario there's candles and low light what's the occasion well you know we've been dating for such a long time uhhuh and I thought that you know maybe it's just me I got the ring V you got the ring yeah V's right here is it my ring yeah V that's your ring open it let me see it no man no time you got to give it that one uh uh yeah so I thought you know maybe it's time to you know take our relationship to the next level Mario go your gumball machine R recording Mar I will marry you I will I'm I'm going go play some Call of Duty wait you said you said yes yes wait but even with that ring Mario it's beautiful okay yeah yeah I picked it out just for you yeah it's beautiful Mario it's shiny like a star put it on Mario I love my ring it looks like a star where did you get it Walmart uh no no no I got it from the the most expensive jewelry store in the world I'm so glad you like it though I can't believe I'm engaged uh black I still don't understand why you have a hand grenade what what why is it making this noise oh Mario get rid of it my Xbox Mario please I need a new Xbox Yeah Boy where'd you go I woke up in the middle of the road somewhere B you really got to stop sleepwalking whatever Dar I want a nice calm robbery okay I don't want anyone to get hurt all right and I don't want anyone yelling or anything okay okay okay smooth and calm I know how to play it okay everyone hit the ground now this is a Roby oh [ __ ] I love playing my Call of Duty man getting that kill streak though boy hey black Yi what are you doing oh hey Mar I'm just playing me some Call of Duties man what you up to F nothing I'm just I'm just bored I don't have anything to do hey black y are those new shoes oh yeah F man need my new red JS man you like them folk yeah those are those are awesome I mean Che the bad boys out yeah whoa I I wouldn't mind having a pair of those how much those cost oh the about uh $3 $400 three or $400 yeah for me fly man wait black is that a new gold chain yeah look at this the 24 karat gold chain I told B I said give me them carrot he's like what's up doc I said give me them cares he said all right I got the gold chain folk are those new headphones over there oh yeah my my my turtle beaches folk how are you affording all these expensive things Black Yoshi I got this loan though a loan who give you a loan the loone shark folk a loone shark he's more like a lone dolphin though a lone dolphin who would give you a loone black you know it's dangerous to get a loone from a loan shark they'll kill you if you don't pay it back it's already it's only $5,000 F $5,000 Mario stop getting your panties in a bunch yeah it's only $5,000 what what what did you spend $5,000 on black H uh about these about these fly kicks got this chain got my my tortoise beaches over there bought my mama something uh ba my friend Pooky out of jail I got some uh some Kool-Aid some watermelon uh Fried Chicken uh some candy some Skittles some Starburst all those things don't matter black you didn't need those things those are wants they're not needs P black like how are you going to pay him back well uh what I think it's getting close to the first of the month my welfare check be coming in any day welfare check's not going to cover $5,000 loone shark loans he told me I got three months to pay back welfare got to give me something folks 3 months okay well how long has it been since you got the uh hold on hold on hold on there's one at the door I'll be right back you you handed it huh I wonder who this could be uh hello wait are you a doph yes I'm a dolphin it's black Yoshi here uh um I I don't know does he owe you money yeah he owes me about five grand uh well hold on let me let me go see if he's here y man what the hell you doing folk there's a dolphin outside is he wearing a leather jacket yes he's wearing a leather jacket F that's the lone dolphin man what is he doing here F I owe him money F it's been 3 months yeah F I thought the welfare check come in what do I tell him uh yeah F tell tell him I a here folk tell tell him I'm in jail or something man all right uh Black Yoshi's not here I can hear him we have impeccable hearing man why you just playing for me I was in the bathroom oh right sure you're in the bathroom where's my money oh I I I ain't got it fol oh you better have it you're going to be sleeping with the fishes and I can do that too cuz I'm a dolphin may we calm down stop being all hostile folk man Ware cut me loose this month I I ain't get no I ain't get no Chi you better get a check you better give me my money now or I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to a damn it why do I do that oh you you all right yeah I just do that whenever I get agitated all right look sir listen Black Yoshi's stupid and he loan he he took out a loan for money that he knew he couldn't pay back and uh we just need some more time to give you the money back we're going to sell all this stuff and we're going to get you your money back so can you just give us a little bit more time I guess I could find a hotel to stay at with a with a pool sure but I'll be here tomorrow morning you better have the money or I'm going [Music] to oh oh okay I I what you say man blacki get the house get in the house man going to play some Call of Duty folk black Yi I am so mad at you well I'm so mad at you fol telling him you going to sell my Js in my chain hell wrong with you because you are going to sell your JS in your chain because we need $5,000 to pay off the loan dolphin or we're going to be sleeping with the fishes but we can't sell this because I lost the receipts how' you lose the receipts well when I went out to store for buy my J's and my chain I said money ain't a thing make a ring I threw the receipts in L money is a thing Black Yoshi we need money to pay off the dolphin or we're going to die F how know what you be so hostile for folk I'm being hostile because we owe $5,000 to a porpus or he's going to kill us F man we ain't nothing do no poose purpose it means dolin Black Yoshi how are we going to get $55,000 by tomorrow morning I don't know F how you going to get $5,000 I don't need to get it you need to get it how do you usually make money uh I usually uh Rob some gas stations folk Rob some gas stations well get going Rob some gas station get the $5,000 see F I can't why cuz right now I'm on some promotions and if I get if I get if I get caught with doing anything wrong they going to put me in the L chil Pro you on probation Black Yoshi yeah promotions probation whatever folk me I'm on some promotions they said if I do it again I'm going go electric chest so you got to do it folk the electric yeah you you do have a lot of felonies well I mean how are we going to get money then Black Yoshi uh you can rob the gas station fol what yeah you white they ain't going to do nothing about you f trying to fix I'm not going to rob a gas St Black Yoshi that's illegal I will go to jail F you're white you can get away with it though Black Yoshi I'm not going to rob a it's stupid that's crazy I'm not going to do it well this poop is going to kill us then oh you don't care he's playing Call of Duty like nothing's happening well uh I don't owe no money to no poopus so uh you owe money to the loan dog the loan dog whatever you want to call F you need to get to $5,000 to pay him off f look look right here I just need to think I just need to think about maybe I'm going to go ask my bank if they'll loan me $5,000 okay well if you do that I'm play call dut this no no why I really need this loan Mister please I need the $5,000 loan no I'm not lending you a single penny Mario you're my bank you're supposed to trust me and give me the money please can I get the loan because you have bad credit and you haven't paid back any of your debt Mario jeez I don't know where I'm going to get this money now I guess I can ask Bowser can't wait for Charlie friend to come on hey hey Bowser what do you want Mario I'm waiting on Charlie and friends to come on oh well um I I need a favor from you uh can can I borrow about $5,000 $5,000 no I I don't have it I already have too much debt from credit card bills I've been buying so many toys for this little bread of mine oh okay well I guess that makes sense well well you're in debt right yeah I'm in debt so oh a bunch of money so so me and you both need to find a way to make money right yeah I guess so well I mean I got a idea Black Yoshi gave it to me it's kind of stupid and crazy so uh what is it well well don't call me crazy but uh would I'll try not to would you like to rob a gas station with me Rob a gas station yeah yeah I know it's crazy never mind hell yes I would what you will yeah dude I haven't robbed a gas station since I was like a teenager so you're completely down to do it yeah man I need some adrenaline to you know pump in my veins all right cool yeah me and you can rob a gas station yeah let's do it dude all right all right let's go plan it out with black Yoshi all right okay oh F got that kill stre though hey hey Black Yoshi what's up folk me and Bowser have agreed that we're going to rob a gas station yeah y'all crazy f y really going to do it yeah you B yeah we're going to do it all right all right well if you're going to do it you going to need this what yeah my trusty old Glock no we don't we don't need any guns we're not going to be hurting anyone see you say that for yourself I I'll take it see B got the right idea no no no we're not going to hurt any we're not going to get any waiting just to slay somebody we're not going to get any murder charges we're just going to do this calm and simple we're just going to get the money and get out you want to do it the boring way Mario you ain't got to kill anybody just going there waving around SC some people F what gas station do you recommend that we rob oh the one on W Street Bo that one is stack what stack mean PS of cash pounds of cash all right all right so what time do you suggest we go uh about 2:00 a.m. there's going to be a little girl in there she she she weak folk all you got to do is just wait at at her she ah save me she she she fine fol she just going to give the cash up all right 2: a.m. gas station on W Street all right you think this going to work out yeah F just go in there oh maybe bust a little caps off in there just scare them a little bit no no we're not shooting any guns just just for show it's just for show boo bu caps know I'll try all right all right so 2: a.m. G Street all right if you run into some trouble tell Pooky I said what's up but you just you bu man he called me back he said got back in well thank you for wasting your money come on B let's go rob this place all right Bowser we're here are you ready oh yeah yeah mask going and gun loaded wait why is the gun load we're not killing anyone oh man just in case she tries to run off or something we're not killing anyone Bowser okay look I want a nice calm robbery okay I don't want anyone to get hurt all right and I don't want anyone yelling or anything okay okay okay smooth and calm I know how to play it okay everyone hit the ground now this is a robbery okay you run that [ __ ] I need all the money in the register right now okay I I can and I if I hear that silent alarm I swear to God it's just going to be over with right now oh but Bowser bow don't don't be so rude Mario why are you saying my name you just said my name God damn it now I got to waste the [ __ ] no no no no um ma'am can we just can we just get you know the money in the in the register you know stop playing knif you got to this is a robbery you got to be for real we need the cash right now put it in the bag you have to buy something oh don't play with me why do I have to buy something you you damn we have to buy one get one fore granola bars well I mean I mean I I kind of am hungry I'm hungry too but these cashiers always trying to rip us off with the with buying stuff well get the granola bar God you do you have cash on you no I love I love in the car I didn't think we were going to be buying anything well I didn't either this supposed to be a robbery now we got to buy stuff in order to get cash how much of the grola bar 79 cents oh okay well that's good yeah well can I guess go and get get 79 cent out of the car I'm trying to roll something right now Dam jez God all right ma'am 79 cent finally all right all right now ring this up lady yeah now ring that up oh yeah you better get that cash and I want all big bills I need it now I need it bad I got a son at home lady only got $25 $25 what I'm going to do with $25 yeah yeah we need we I I saw I saw more money on the yeah it had to be more money in the register where is it you only keep $25 in the register yep believe this let's go take other step okay fine yeah yeah we can't just leave this place like this all right hold my gun Mario why man I got to give me a slushy I just can't let this chick rip me off all right Co o I'm going to mix it up I going Mount dup blue raspberry and Cherry okay you got you got all that yeah yeah I need get the top hold on hold on no you don't have time for that I man I'm making a mess already man jeez come on guys all right all right all let's come on okay let's go let's go wait wait hold on do you want anything I mean it's chips over here we have I mean come on you got to get some Doritos yeah I do want some Doritos let's go my hat my by B hey Mario Fire some shots off make it seem realistic okay we like Cowboys what an adrenaline rest right yeah I mean but but we only got $25 I mean that's pretty good for you know first time robbery right no we needed $5,000 look baby STS Mario baby STS we got to take small steps first but we need $5,000 by tomorrow we only got $25 from this gas station well we can just you know take that $25 and maybe invest it in the stock market you know that takes too long and also they know our names Mario and Bowser we said it on the cameras they they know who we are aren't we going to get caught well I I think this a bunch of Bowsers and Marios in this world Mario well I guess you're right I'm pretty sure we won't get caught yeah I guess you're right but what are we going to do we need $5,000 by tomorrow and I mean I don't think we should stress over it that much yeah I guess I mean we did we did get a slushy yeah I mean and Doritos too so we got snacks on Deck yeah I mean yeah we robbed her like she didn't know what H her she was so scared you look on the look on her face she was like no don't shoot me I got kids at home maybe I just assume yeah up the cops oh God pull oh Mario you got the $5,000 does it look like I got the $5,000 no I got $25 $25 Black Yoshi from an armed robbery that place supposed to be stacked you told me it was supposed to be stacked but they only got $25 help me take my mask off Mario you fall everyone everyone shut up yeah you you ball like you what are we going to do how are we going to get $5,000 by tomorrow well I I don't know man every time I go in that place it's always de I don't know what's the problem my granola bar I'm hungry oh oh uh I ate it in the car you ate it I mean I mean I didn't think you was going to eat it you know it was ganol know I thought wasn't it buy one get one free damn it was she a that cashier Lady Ripped us off wow she robbed this and we're Rob hey wait what is that oh what is that what is that that's a scratch off oh I heard it in before my friend Pooky W $5 on it wait I we we didn't steal a scratch off no we didn't she must have gave it to us as a constellation prize for robbing her it says went up to $5,000 someone someone get a coin we got to scratch this we got to scratch this get one get one get one all right I got it coin I'm scratching come on Bowser come on Let It Be A Winner Let It Be A Winner we need that $5,000 block here come on yeah okay what's it say what it say what's it say I can't read this junk oh let me read it it's so stupid you match three and that you win that amount all right let me see we got 5,000 5000 oh my God what is it we won $5,000 winers you what we going to do okay so now we got to go cash this ticket in and we get the $5,000 to the dolphin no no no we we got to get half of it to the dolphin and the other half we buy some more JS with it though no I say we get some food we give it all to the dog it's Kool wait what someone who's that at this time of night hold on hold on H who Could That Be uh hello it's alone dolphin what are you doing here yeah it's it's me I uh couldn't find a hotel with a pool so thought I'd crash here for a while are you are you bald yes I'm bald but that's besides the point anyway we have your $5,000 oh oh you do wow I'd like to see that oh we won it on this scratch off look see it's a winner it match three take a look at that wow holy you actually pulled it off I did not think you would do that wow that's yeah we we won $5,000 Black Yoshi come here I was the loone off may give him the ticket yeah I know I'm going to give him the ticket just uh just put just put it in my mouth okay so once we give you this you won't kill us right uh no no absolutely not all right there you go yes we paid off your debts Black Yoshi now get in the house all right okay black Yoshi I hope you learned to not take loans from bad people whatever Mario I got you $25 though whatever fine all my worries are taken care of who Could That Be uh hello I mean I mean hey officer uh what seem to the problem well uh I just stopped by to question you about something that occurred earlier this morning Mario oh what happened um where were you at about uh 2: a.m. where was I around 2: a.m. um were you at a gas station no I I wasn't at a gas I was here playing bingo with uh my friends mhm so you were here at 2: a.m. playing bingo with your friend yep all right uh do you have anybody to back up that story uh yeah yes I have my friend Black Yoshi Black Yoshi come here what's you want fol uh where was I at 2: a.m. this morning oh 2 a.m. you are robbing the gas station with Boozer uh-huh so uh Mario uh you and Bowser are going to have to come with me oh no I got to waste the [ __ ] no no no o f I just got him that's my fifth kill in a row I'm so glad I'm playing a new Call of Duty that came out right before I went to jail I haven't been able to play it for 6 months since I've been in jail hey Black Yoshi F why you always got to interrupt me I'm trying to play my Call of Duty I just want to see what you were doing F I'm trying to play the new Call of Duty I haven't played it since I went to jail 6 months ago the new Call of Duty that Modern Warfare 3 what's good that what's good that's not that's not the new Call of Duty what you talking about that's not the new Warfare no you're talking to the Call of Duty expert over here Modern Warfare 3 thank you but you've been in jail for 6 months that a new Call of Duty came out while you were in jail nope you're lying folk no it's it's called Black Ops 2 it's called Black Ops 2 Black Ops 2 was a myth that those W it's it's been out since November Call of Duty land people be thinking oh Black Ops 2 it's February Black Ops 2 is out you're missing out that's an old one no one's even you're not even playing anyone you're playing computers you're playing computers F Call of Duty 3 Modern Warfare 3 Black Yoshi Black Ops 2 is the new Call of Duty it was released while you were in jail okay it's it's out and you just you're not playing it you're no no it's not it's Modern Warfare 3 I promise you the new call dut is Black Ops 2 all right folk we going to look this up okay I promise you I bet on everything that uh Modern Warfare 3 is the new one okay okay Shake Your Hands Black Ops 2 go look it up all right F come on now come on let's go okay Black Op look on the computer look that is Black Ops 2 look at the picture F no it's not no F you made that photoshop no I did F yes see see the pixelated this see it that's cuz the computer zoomed in it's a picture F Photoshop that okay you know what call the game store call GameStop and ask them if there's such thing as Call of Duty Black Ops 2 okay oh I can tell you right now they ain't but okay if it makes you feel bad I'll call them give me the phone where phone at call come here okay okay you can use my phone hold on let me find the contact okay here's GameStop okay call them put it on speaker phone I'm going to ask if there's such thing as Black Ops 2 all right press the button okay I'll put on speaker so you can hear yeah just put the speaker forone okay I just love working at GameStop I get to wear a suit and tie every day yeah um I like to play uh all my favorite video games oh I have a phone call thank you for calling GameStop how me I help you oh yeah uh this is Black Yoshi I'm a regular and uh I was wondering if y'all got the the Call of Duty Black Ops 2 yeah the new Call of Duty um yes we do we have Call of Duty Black Ops 2 oh you do um do you hm uh do you have any copies I told you they had it f I didn't know the new Call of Duty it's the new it's the new the new Call of Duty it is the new you Photoshopped it I swear to God F something your ass I'm sad to say that we are currently sold out F what do you mean you sold out what the hell F yes we're sold out it's a very popular [Applause] day well ask me ask um do y'all know anywhere else that carries the game there's another GameStop in town that might have it try calling them all right fol all right we called him next bye I told you that Black Ops 2 existed F hey they don't have any copies so we going to call the next though and if they don't have any copy you lying you folk you lying maybe you called in maybe you maybe you put some money on okay look okay here's the next GameStop okay look if they have a copy we'll go get it okay all right fol put on speaker phone yeah I just love working at GameStop my twin brother works at the other GameStop couple miles down the road yeah we both get to wear suits and ties oh yeah I get a call thank you for calling GameStop help me I help you uh yeah yeah um uh do y'all have any of the Black Ops Call of Duty 2 thing um Call of Duty Black Ops too we're currently sold out y y'all are sold out too we just called the other GameStop and they were sold out do y'all have any copies no we just sold it what you mean folk why' you why' you sell it to that guy oh my God what he look like why would why would you aam all right what type of car was he driving red Camaro oh a a red Camaro Mario hey man that's Tope of car you got I I know but all right which way was he headed east east okay folk all right East all right East red Camaro black guy kind of sort of bald with maybe kind of sort of goatee black go is ridiculous we can just wait for it to get in stock folk no I deter I'm going to play this new Call of Duty tonight folk I'm going to find him I'm going to take that Call of Duty and I don't even care if I go back to jail I ain't going back I ain't going back I ain't going back okay thank you for letting us know bye one more question he hung up I'm I'm going to find them I'm going find a phone no that's a oh yes got the last copy of Black Ops 2 oh yes all right now I got to go celebrate get me a ice cream comb best things in the world oh I got to get them come on oh yes I got Call of Duty Black Ops 2 and I got ice cream it's the best day ever oh why you so good ice cream oh why why oh yeah I think that's enough Vice cream no no so good [Music] F I'mma stand out here and wait for him to come down the road see there he is right now and when when he gets here I'm going to jump out like a hitchhiker and see if he'll pick me up then I get my Call of Duty all right here it comes folk hey F hey hey I need to ride F yeah yeah it's working folk you get me hey folk I need to ride oh come on dude get in where you need to go just like uh like a a block or two up the street okay I can do it all right folk just watch out for my Call of Duty oh FK I want I on that Call of Duty oh so I see you got the new Call of Duty folk yeah you know I had to get Black Ops 2 I've been waiting on it for the longest man me too folk oh man I'm just ready to play it oh have a have a oh just awesome time playing online get all my kill streaks just murder the mess out of them yes oh I sure wish I could play me talking about it getting me oh all tensed up and gravy like and whatnot yeah so you ready to go and get dropped off yeah fol let's go okay let's go hey remember like a block or two down the road is all I need to go and then I got you no problem dud all right thanks let's go so why were you stranded man oh I just go on walk sometimes and and so I I was just I got lost and so uh I feel you I get lost too yeah Bo yep so uh hey can I read the back of that Call of Duty yeah you yeah sure here you go thank you yeah he's going to be the best dude I bet money oh I've been waiting on this yeah I see there the new zombies on there too oh yes [Music] zombies oh [ __ ] jeez yes I'm sorry I just those damn zombies get me excited man I don't know something about him oh is the four players it can be up to four players you and three of your homies can play of course you know I got three campaign like all right man hey this this this my stop right here this is it yeah I'm just going to put this right here yeah um you having trouble yeah F I think your do Jam I think you should like come let me out or something F it's jammed it's Jam it's jammed on this side okay got you um yeah just hold on I'll come to your rescue yeah yes you forgot the Call of Duty folk oh man can't forget my Call of Duty yeah damn folk he's supposed to leave it in here so I can just drive off get the car and the Call of Duty Call of Duty Call of Duty it wasn't lock dude it wasn't jammed at all nice to Mee you dude yeah yeah give me that Call of Duty folks take it man come on get get oh man I like these slides too folk I'mma take these taking these slides so him in the car long with the Call of Duty now I got to get him in the trunk we going to get in the trunk get in there okay he's a little to bit too big for the trunk we might be able to like move them around in there come on man you got to get in there all right I think that works all right we got to go we got to go folk got to go I hate playing Fruit Ninja they had to have like vegetable ninja or something hey Mario what would I done get how how did you get Black Ops 2 they said it was sold out I could be did murder and I stole his Black Ops 2 from that guy who bought it yeah folk I killed him and I put him in the back of his car you you did yeah F hey is that a wire F freezing K yeah they they made me wear it hey F I ain't going back they I I ain't going back black Yoshi you're under arrest for murder and steal the car and steal Black Ops and admitted to it on microphone you didn't see uh wait don't you work at GameStop um that's my twin brother okay you you have two twin brothers yeah well there's actually 12 of us but we all came out say okay anyway go back to my mom was just popping them out go back to what you're doing all right BL Yoshi please put your hands behind your back fit you're are watching the spaghetti and the meatball Channel nothing but spaghetti and the meat balls 24/7 M that does look good will be back to the spaghetti and the meat balls after this commercial the break what if World War II happened on the moon oh yeah we're definitely running out of ideas this time Call of Duty World War II on the freaking moon it's World War II but if it happened on the freaking Moon oh yeah you should go buy it cuz it comes out in November you should pre-order it because the stores might not have enough copies but they most likely are going to have enough copies but we still want you to pre-order it anyway cuz then you get map packs that you'll still get anyway but just go pre-order right now oh no a new Call of Duty's coming out I know what that means black is going to ask for money what what's that noise I want to go check it out so loud what is [Music] that hey Mario you see the airplane yes Black Yoshi I saw the airplane well did you read it yes I read it it said Mario please it said that black Yosi how did you get my name written in the Sky by an airplane oh my boy Pooky he got the airplane your boy Pooky got an airplane sure do y why don't you ask him for money he obviously has money he has an airplane well cuz he spent all his money all his airplane Bo he ain't got $500 what $500 black that game do not cost $500 yeah it do Mario see I need the M pack I need the console I need the game I need the headset and the controllers oh and my Xbox Live descrip is don't run out well black you don't need all that stuff you just need a game look how about this how about you ra money like a normal person kids do it all the time they have lemonade stands they they wash cars hold up f a lemonade stand no no no man people drink that Kool-Aid now we we a drink no lemonade well then sell your Kool-Aid then you have plenty of it in the refrigerator that's the thought Mario good idea B it's a it's a good idea look just sell it for like 25 cents a cup you'll make a lot of money all finally d purple is cool way $500 come get you some purple cool wa I can smell that a mile away mhm and I got me some watermelons too ooh M you got the watermelon oo I got to get me some how much is it $500 wait wait $500 what does it dude kill caner no he just good as hell folk oh man well the Jew and me saying no but the black and me saying I got to get me some what he get you some for $500 it's $500 though I can't do that I can't spend $500 on no Kool-Aid man get your broke ass out here damn mhm me why iin getting any customers hey guys look he's selling Kool-Aid who Kool-Aid I want some actually Junior he's selling that purple KOA oh look and it's only $5 only $5 I I'll take a glass me too to no no me it's $500 wait wait $500 $500 for pures koid I thought he just forgot the decimal this is ridiculous yeah why are you selling it for $500 because I need that cash f I need well why don't you just sell it for $5 yeah because then I wouldn't get that cash and I need that cash well we're really thirsty can you sell it like cheaper like just this one time please uh no it $500 $5 you can't buy it I can't afford that a man man I have not sold a single cup of the purplest Kool-Aid man what am I doing wrong H maybe I need to raise the price excuse me sir is this your Kool-Aid Stand yeah it is but i s No Pigs o o what did you just call me a pig that's what I said o o all right well I see you selling Kool-Aid for $500 I'm going to need to see a business license if you're selling it for that much A Biscuit license man I ain't selling biscuits folk I'm trying to sell me some Kool-Aid well well yeah but you see people need a business license in order to sell things that's expensive well I just told you I ain't trying to sell biscuits I ain't trying to sell biscuits I ain't trying to make biscuits I'm just trying to sell me some Kool-Aid man so if anything I'm going to need some Kool-Aid license yeah okay well let me see that I ain't got one well well you see that's the problem if you don't have a license I'm going to have to shut Stand Down B man don't shut my stand down here try some try some Kool-Aid man and see you see that so good you w to shut this thing down all right I guess I'll have a taste mhm this tastes like normal Kool-Aid to me yeah cuz it got drugs in it I'm sorry it has what in it yeah I mean it's purple yeah I don't care what color it is if you don't have a license I'm shutting your stand down sorry sir oh man why you do that in my stand man now I'm going start looting and riding and all kinds of other [ __ ] man I'm going to the news with this one all right you do that o Mario Man O Black Yoshi how' your Kool-Aid Stand go Bo it went terrible man the Poo done shut it down the popo shut it down yeah man the popo shut it down they came up to me and said you need a biscuit license to sell this KOA and I ain't trying to sell no biscuits what a biscuit license yeah for me I tried to tell him I said look poo I ain't trying to sell no biscuits I'm just trying to flip this koola real quick and they think this [ __ ] popy what what well are you sure they didn't say business license b i I swear to God he said biscuit license and then he flipped my [ __ ] tail F Hopkins who was diagnosed with cancer last week has earned over $1 million on her GoFundMe page oh wow she raised a million doll for her cancer treatment I hope she gets better morio man you see that she just got a million dollars folk yeah people donated to her to help her with her cancer treatment they use GoFundMe G fund what GoFundMe it's a website where people donate money to people who need help so you're telling me all I got to do is go online ask for money somebody going to give it to me man that's better than welfare well no black youo she they use it for a good cause like hers she needs cancer treatment and she can't afford it so everyone gave her a million dollars like people use it for good causes well Bo man I'm a good cause but I need Xbox I need a Call of Duty well black the reason why they donated her is cuz she's sick well I'm sick too Mario I'm sick and tired of the white man trying to shut down a black man's biscuit shop black Y no no no no one's going to donate money to you if you make a GoFundMe Mar can I use your computer uh yeah sure it's over there you're not going to sell it are you no man all me this go for me pay all right let's see here all right let's see in your goal $1 million okay that 6 Z campaign title I need cash for Call of Duty all right who you raising money for myself heck just be myself all right oh it's all set up now look good look good now I just got to watch his cash roll in all right I'mma check back on this in a few hours okay let's see how much money your boy got all right let's see 0 man this can't be right let me refresh page that zero man this can't be right let me show this to Mario Mario man what the heck is going on B what's wrong Black Yoshi I made me and go funds me page and ain't nobody give me no money what you have a million dollar goal why do you need a million dollars read it f okay okay I needs cash for the news Call of Duties please I ain't got no monies so I need you peoples to giv it to me so I can have it yeah yeah also I need a Lamborghini a Lamborghini yeah man the car and a mansion cuz I want to be rich a mhm f as [ __ ] okay thank you for the cash money sign cash black Yos people are not going to donate to that well they donated to the cancer chick because she has cancer Black Yoshi she's sick all you want is free stuff yeah and black no one's got to donate to that people only want to donate to stuff that like helps out with people like if they're sick or something sick huh yeah if you're sick or you know if you need help or something okay yeah yeah yeah I'll be right back Mario man I Rich As [ __ ] f i rich as F what you talking about Black Yoshi F all I said was I don't feels good and I got paid you got pay what $1.4 million hell yeah for man read it okay well I don't feels good uh yo I super six I got to flesh eats and btis assis on my brains I am in a comma and can't read I also got penis AIDS and haven't boo boo in three days please make my sickness goes ways yeah man Mar I'm so sick f black that's lying so black you can't lie like that to get money that's fraud Mario I don't know what you be talking about when you say fraud I'm not talking about a black Yi look that's lying you need to donate that money to someone who really needs it or you need to cancel it and give all the money back oh I already need the money no no you don't black you you're lying black man has raised over $1 million on his GoFundMe page for having flush eating bacteria penis AIDS and he can't read oh great black Yoshi now you're all over the news now everyone think you're really sick good man it gets my name out there so they keep donating money black G you need to take this down you're stealing money from people I am not stealing anything Mario they chose to give me the money folk because they think it's going towards your sickness that you don't actually have well F I'm not making them give me the money what's the worst that can happen if you get caught you're going to go to jail I'm not going to go to jail cuz nobody going to find out uh uh all right black I don't know who that is but just just stay right there all uh hello hey Mario hey what's going on you smelling ew what is that it's my new suit it was expensive as [ __ ] yeah it was how much $100,000 oh don't worry I'm going to tell you why it cost $100,000 it's because it was made out of elephant [ __ ] yep elephant [ __ ] uhhuh Ju Just the [ __ ] just the [ __ ] did you come over just to tell me that no not really I'm the owner of GoFundMe and I brought my doctor here Brooklyn te guy go ahead and tell him yeah so I I basically came over to make sure your friend Black Yoshi's actually sick and that he's not lying if he's lying I'm going to change the name of the company from GoFundMe to go [ __ ] me cuz that's what he would be doing yeah yeah [ __ ] me yeah so if he's lying he's not getting any money uh uh uh okay um so so go do your assessment and I'll be waiting in the car all right I'm coming in uh so soon uh God I need to stall I need to stall uh so how long you been a doctor for what I don't know so where's this black Yoshi guy uh he's upstairs but before you start anything do you need a drink no I'm good a bath a bath yeah a yeah actually no one's ever offered me a bath before yeah I'll take a bath are are you serious yeah yeah I I I'd like a bath um just make sure it's lukewarm though I got sensitive skin um oh and you have mred a bubble that'd be cool are you being serious yeah you offered me a bath I'm taking you up on it I didn't think you were actually going to accept it well you'll just offer somebody a bath if you're not going to give them a bath okay fine I'll start you a bath come on thank you all right there's your bath ooh this looks nice yeah oh I see you get missed the bubble too too that's perfect yeah just like you asked yeah this is great it's not too hot is it nope it's just a little bit warm oh yeah this is this is awesome all right uh do you need anything else uh no no I'm good oh one thing uh you you got any scented candles I I I just really need to set the mood for my bed you know $2 million fol and black Yi black Yi oh my god oh look I just got $2 million F that's great black but look there's a doctor taking a bath right now and after his bath he's going to come up here and make sure you're actually sick or you're not going to get the money what blacki there's a doctor from GoFundMe and if he's going to come up here he's going to see if you're actually sick and if you're not sick you're going to get arrested and you're going to lose all that money bo why did you lay him in the house F because he's from GoFundMe they they they send someone to make sure that you're telling the truth because if you're lying Mario Bro man just calm down f i can fake being s watch this at you see black you just not believable you need to have a flesh eating bacteria you need to be in a coma Mario just go get the doctor man and I'll sell it for you f I'll be I he'll be able to tell I'm I'm good all right Black come on just just make it look like you're sick all right $2 million f 2 million oh that was a really great bath but ah don't you just hate when you get water stuck in your yeah see you see I like to pretend I'm a shock when I'm in the bath and I just like Chomp on stuff and I get water stuck in my ear anyway pink Pink's not really my color but you know you take a bath in a stranger's house you think what you can get huh yeah so you're not going to get dressed no no I I like to air dry you know just freeballing it's all Loosey Goosey down there but uh anyway where's this black Yoshi guy uh he's over here he W he doesn't look too good no no no he doesn't I'm so sick wait how's he talking I thought he was in a coma uh it's a miracle he he's out of his coma he just woke up wow well that that's good I guess um I I am going to need to take off those bandages so I can check on the flesh eating bacteria well you can't take it off he lost all his flesh from the from the flesh eating virus bacteria thing oh my God that that's horrible yeah yeah we put the bandages on so to protect his organs wow well he still has penis AIDS right yeah he still has the penis AIDS yeah so so we we can at least unwrap his penis so I can check on the penis AIDS I mean I mean what do you do to check on it well you see it isn't too complicated all I really got to do is inject him in the penis with this big needle oh hell no Mario I think I feel much better folk now I'll see you later where is it going oh my God I feel so much better now now I think when I saw that $2 million it healed me wait wait I I'm not buying it why does he have skin uhuh he grew bad okay what happened to your penis AIDS uh it fell off I'm not buying this I bet you he can read oh I really can't I I I I I what's going on here Black Yoshi tell him the truth no what truth Black Yoshi it's gone too far look when he made the GoFundMe he he wasn't really sick he just wanted money to buy video games and stuff we knew he was lying Mario you a snitch man we're going to have to get back all that money Goodman's going to be so mad somebody's definitely going to jail no no no no no no no one has to go to jail how about something good come out of all this like what well um you know when those people donated that $2 million they donated to him cuz they thought he was sick so how about yall take that $2 million and give it to a bunch of people who actually need the money Mario you crazy as hell F I don't want you giving my money away well that that money would help a lot of people yeah yeah yeah yeah just give the $2 million to a bunch of people who are actually are sick yeah yeah we'll do that we'll take his money and give it to real sick people yeah yeah yeah in black house you won't have to go to jail right yeah yeah that's a good idea um okay uh we'll just do that but um can I keep this robe uh sure yes Mario man you just let him give away on my money B but black look you not have to go to jail and look you actually helped a lot of people they're going to give that $2 million to people who are really sick well what about me B man what about my Call of Duties well look black Yosi you just helped so many people by giving that $2 million to a bunch of sick people how about in November I'll buy you the new Call of Duty you buy me the game f yeah I'll buy you the Call of Duty and the man PS no just the game I'm going to go get Pooky in his airplane I'll be right back black Yoshi man I finally get a break thank you Jesus woo now I get to eat some Oreos and watch some TV oh I wonder what's on the television right now Charlie and friends the movie is in theaters right now Charlie and friends the movie no I I know what that means oh my oh my God oh my God shipi there goes my break chipi guess what just came out today totally infinish the movie right of course and you got to take me to see it I have to be one of the first ones to see it well I I I really didn't want to go anywhere but no no no you have to take me Chef peipi well do I have to stay there and actually watch the movie with you Bowser or can I just drop you off or something um you can drop off but you're going to miss out on a really funny movie well I I'll miss out on it this time okay uh well hurry up let's go before uh junior wakes up all right Bowser it looks like we're finally at the movie theater yes the movies are you sure you don't want to come in and watch the movie with me yes I don't want to watch Charlie and friends the movie with you okay well suit yourself um just make sure you come back and pick me up in 2 hours all right whatever I can't miss this movie I can't miss it Charlie and friend I'm coming I'm coming oh my God oh my God Charlie in the movie finally I've been waiting so long just for this movie to come out yes thank you Lord Jesus are you a turtle shut out the movies about to come on jeez so rude oh my God the TR lights are coming on you know those are good what would happen if you tried to use applesauce for everything a a sponge a [Music] lamp even a bar of soap how about shampoo how about even a pin now that's Apple sauce man I got to see that I got what do you want from me that TR was funny right Jesus God [Music] boo who wants to watch a dumb chick fck let's get to the Charlie movie dude shut the hell up you know what you shut up that's what I thought keep it moving keep it [Music] moving wasn't the smartest decision [Music] boom explosions oh man did you see that action what is wrong with you man I'm ready for this charling for this movie this is going to be [Music] awesome the girl who just sits there and sits there literally just sits there while the camera slowly Zooms in it wasn't that scary why oh what was the popcorn for that time I mean you know the pop-ups and the scary movies [ __ ] oh oh excuse me oh I can't wait for this movie to start oh I need some popcorn wait wait where is it I I ran out of popcorn oh oh you think you ran out of popcorn it's cuz it's all on the ground or on me well no no no you took my popcorn didn't you uh no no I didn't you dumped it out on top of me well you want to share no because you spilled all of my popcorn too you don't have to be rude god well you'll hold my seat so I can get some more popcorn anybody want to take a seat anybody oh okay did I miss anything I got some more popcorn are you sure you got more popcorn are you sure my shirt didn't get more maybe maybe the floor got more popcorn jeez sh the movie is starting the movie started guys who's excited who's excited I know I am I got a tweet about this one okay Charlie infer the movie is finally started waited so long # YOLO put your phone away shut up don't you need to be at a Bart or something sorry creep jeez excuse me sir for this movie oh oh hello hello um what's wrong you have to put your phone away okay the movie starting what I'm tweeting about this movie this is supposed to be a good movie I'm trying to promote it I don't care okay you got to put that away look I pay the same amount of money as these regular people here too sir sir I don't care I don't care you got to put that away if I come back in here again I'm kicking you out look look look I got to watch this movie okay I'll put it away put it away thank you time for like where is got everything he likes to eat and but awesome here the Charlie's coming on guys sh sh sh sh oh hi guys I'm Charlie Charlie hey wait did I fall asleep in the bathtub again silly me I'm Lely louter than you oh man that's hilarious I'm getting hungry though I think I'm going to get go get something to eat let me get in my car oh God that was a good soda oh hold on let me get my Twizzlers God dang it these stupid to how do you open these you want some help with that no I think I got it hold on just give me a chance I don't think you do no I know I got it jeez come on open damn it God these Twizzlers they make it so hard okay you know what [Music] well damn oh I forgot we have stairs here I'm feeling a little edgy today I think I'm going to dive head first don't do it please don't do it he's going to do it did it D no why why darling why did you do it you just had to didn't you what car am I going to drive today I know [Music] Mama Mia oh my God Charlie you're killing me don't do it boy I really hope someone doesn't try to Sho up this movie right what the movie is still onoo this is a hot ride and I'm ready to get something to eat it's time for [Music] breakfast wait wait wait hey excuse me can you get your feet down yeah yeah that's what I thought you seen that you see that right what yeah yeah I'll go to the window then I'm almost there [Music] guys of you yes can I get a sausage burrito please get whatever you [Music] want oh my God Charlie why why would you do that he did it again he did it again thank good day you too I got my order guys now it's time to get my food [Music] f h burrito M sauce burrito mil sauce thank you sir you have a good day you too H I'm Charlie H Charlie you are amazing that's why you got your own movie I'm almost home guys a come on Shucks looks like my car broke down you know what that means when your car breaks down you got a ho ho wo oh I suck at that too oh man Charlie you surprise me every time oh hi guys I'm mini golfing now oh the hole's right over there all I have to do is just go over this little Hill and then it should just go in shouldn't be that hard let me get in my St okay touchdown I did it guys oh oh Charlie now that's comedy right there that's comedy boy in my third thirsty but there's no Cubs you know what that means that's good Charlie you're such a genius you're so hilarious how do you think of this oh man I had a long fulfilling day today I did so many things but now I'm getting a little sleepy guys so that's the movie I think I'm going to take a nap [Music] oh that was the best movie ever oh my God oh my God oh my God I'm talking the best movie oh Charlie you know how to make a movie kudos to you you deserve a 10 out of 10 wait where you going the credits are still [Music] rolling the credits are even more funnier than the movie oh man Charlie Charlie Charlie oh you know how to make a movie I hope there's a part two well how was the movie Bowser it was wonderful what do you mean how was it it was hilarious except for the people that was rude and throwing popcorn and just being obnoxious I just wanted to enjoy the movie well that's people at the movie theaters for you yeah yeah that's true but I can't wait for this movie to come out on DVD I'mma watch it every night before I go to sleep so so hurry up and take me to McDonald's I'm hungry now oh [Music] God going there ly it's a me Super Mario Logan that's my Irish accent cuz today is a St Patrick's Day a St Patrick's Day you're not wearing green ah you're not W green either oh [ __ ] ah a does that hurt do that hurt like I don't like it I don't like it either hey no no stop all right guys so today is St Patrick's Day and so it's St patri day we're not wearing green because it's a green screen behind us so if if I do the green screen effect it's going to take out our chest and then you're going to see through us like we're a ghost cring cringy you know what pinch oh yeah you ain't wearing green you ain't wearing green you're not wearing green suck that that so uh it's like I got your nose that's my dick it's tiny oh my God you got delete that no I don't no I don't cuz we're on stupid Luigi Logan oh that's right you could do anything here yeah so today we're reacting to pinch pinch pinch pinch pinch ow I don't like pinches we're reacting to pinch pinch pinch which my St Patrick's Day uh special that I made on Super Mario Logan a year ago if you have not seen this year's St Patrick's Day special go watch it I uploaded it yesterday uh the day before St Patrick's Day cuz why not but anyway yeah go watch it it has Jeffy in it so you'll like it but yeah that was a good one nice so we're reacting to pinch pinch pinch and yeah so if you haven't seen it watch it here because no point watching on Super Mario Logan uh so we watch it in three two 1 Pinchy pinch pinch this smells delicious smells delicious missing something missing something oh it must be the seasoning yeah the Italian seasoning I'm going to add some of this maybe a little L's not controlling Bowser cuz the hands are white that's what Lance did to me when I was younger like go watch my draw my life he so dumb wear green idiot okay shfp would be knocked out me in the head with a bath what is this problem anyway that hurt he'd be dead why he would be dead Junior why would you hit me on the head with a bat my dad said I had to oh why he said you weren't wearing green or something St Patrick day you idiot if you're not wearing green you get pissed what pinched yes not hit in the head with a backat okay in the neck why is the neck oh God that would hurt you pinch your friends you idiot your friends so I go pinch my friends if they're not wearing green yes duh isn't that racist no it's not about skin color if they're not green Pi exactly not me you [ __ ] okay do aliens celebrate St P day this St patri thing sounds so cool I get to pinch anyone that's not wearing green oh man I'm pitch everybody who can I pitch who can I pitch I'm okay I got it I got it that hello hey dude why would you call me gay Joseph's wearing green he can't pinch his too pinch me why would you want to pinch me I want to make Joseph red like I I want to like get a Joseph with a red shell you got one I know but like I want to like transition it like Joseph breaks a shell pick someone you know how you going do that I don't know like exactly I just think J would look cooler if he was red cuz Cody's blue Junior's green yeah then they're both green and then oh my God actually that that scene's like Overexposed like it's like dark hello hey Junior what's up uh nothing um nice clothes Cody come inside come inside Cody isn't wearing green he's about to get can you do me a favor quick pinch SP the title I I just read that you like what you see oh I like what I see I'm going to pinch him Junior why would you pinch me because you're not wearing green and it's St Patrick's Day I forgot it was St Patrick's pin p stop stop oh my God PCH lot stop stop this isn't even fair I don't have any green clothes well that's not our fault buy green clothes St guys you're only supposed to pinch the person one time I didn't read that in the St Patrick's Day rule book the ru Junior stop pinching Juni Junior if you pinch me one more time you're going to regret it oh what he going to do make me gay where's your Make Me Gay I believe you said that that was that's amazing yeah he's beating him up what's going who called the cop yeah come on me up cuz I was pinching him cuz he's not wearing green Junior I told you not to pinch me all right so so so so why were you pinching him he's not wearing green and it's St Patrick's Day yeah oh yeah it's St Patrick's Day yeah Bren guys Hat's about to fall off no you get to pinch him like one time anything more than that it's ass salt not wearing green didn't tape it down you're not wearing green yeah okay hey you do not pinch a police officer but you're not wearing green it doesn't it doesn't matter that hat is barely hanging on you're notar oh oh my God what Junior I'm so sorry I I I just peed he was coming at me oh my God I shot a child he knew a child has been shot by a police officer after the child allegedly tried to pinch the officer who is couldn't couldn't the cop shoot a kid for trying to pinch him that's assault you messed up big this time guy you shot a child on St Patrick's Day for trying a pincha that's that's an excuse sir have you ever been pinch it it hurts it just it pisses you off so much I don't want to hear it guy I got the Press on my ass I got the da breathing down my neck I'm starting to melt in their hand not in their mouth I hate you do this to you guy but I'm going to need you to turn in your badging gun but but sir I've been on the force for years I die please your badging gun I'm sorry sir oh oh my my badge is sewed onto my shirt then just take the shirt off off guy damn it you are my best officer okay sir but but can I just say one more thing before I go you've said enough guy you shot a kid for trying to pinch you on St Patrick's Day and you're not even wearing green he can pinch you sir I was wearing green underwear please your badging gun oh that's it yeah oh my gosh yeah the rest of the video the rest of the video is an update I remember that year it was really short and I really wanted to get a St Patrick's Day special out that's why it's called pinch pinch pinch I couldn't think of any other better title oh my God I need I needed more I was wear green well okay so first off what would you do if someone wouldn't stop pinching you now guys I want to tell you where I got this video idea from and where I got this year's special done okay so I have a friend named j oh JJ 2.0 if you 2.0 if you watch Chile's Vlogs okay so I true story My my friend James he in Middle School it was St Patrick's Day it was in Middle School he got in a fight because this kid came up to him and kept pinching him and James wasn't wearing green but the kid pinched him and James said if you pinch me one more time I'm I'm gonna beat you up so the kid pinched him again so James picked him up and threw him into a vending machine and and like got in a huge fight because the kid wouldn't stop pinching him James James he had he had to go to anger management he got suspended cuz he got cuz the kid wouldn't stop pitching that hurt I mean it does hurt but okay but that that's not the end of it so that happened in middle school right then again in high school it was St Patrick's Day and James wasn't wearing green and this kid came up to him and pinched him again the same guy no it was just some other kid pinched him and James said if you pinch me again I'm going fight so the kid pinched him again so they got a huge fight oh my gosh so James has gotten in two fights on St Patrick's Day cuz somebody wouldn't stop pinching him he should just wore green well I think the second time he was wearing green I I don't know that's even worse James if you're watching this you need to make a video explaining it more I just I remember seeing both fights happen but I don't remember ex I just remember him the kid getting thrown to a vending machine but anyway but anyway yeah that was but the reason why I did the green underwear joke was when I was younger I got pinched on St Patrick's Day but I was wearing green underwear and and like after they pinch me i' like but I was wearing green underwear and then they'd be like that doesn't count cuz we we didn't see they see it we didn't see it but I was like but I W GRE yeah so guys I usually make videos based off of like experiences you know so you know you know how Junior's always getting beat I never got beat I never I never got beat but anyway yeah that was uh this St Patrick's Day reaction video so yeah uh if you liked it then hit that licky like button that licky like button I like that now guys last thing I want to talk about because this video is not 10 minutes yet and I'm trying to milk it you know oh of course of course I hate this [ __ ] shirt look look it's a nice blue shirt nice blue it's actually really gorgeous and it feels nice too what the hell is this thing what is this black zipper thing where does it go to is that nipples no no it's a pocket it's a pocket why it's fing me what a waste of a shirt what what a what are you going to put in there we you got you can you put this Gatorade in there uh it's supposed to be a phone oh so tight Oh Billy it's so tight Billy no what a dumb shirt that zipper is so weird it's throwing it off and I almost said Tito can you please change your shirt before the reaction cuz I don't like it I would have I don't like it all you have to do was say something I'm going to burn that shirt Reese's Pieces pieces rock paper pieces oh I like that rock paper P oh no think it rock paper pie rock paper pie rock paper pie rock paper P rock paper pie rock paper pizz rock paper pie rock paper pie rock paper P rock paper P rock paper hey guys it's Logan I'm here with Pablo hi I'm Pablo yeah and if you notice there's a problem right now guys can you can you point out the problem it's me I'm the problem it's Pablo now you're like Logan what's the problem what's wrong with Pablo what's wrong with my what's what's wrong with my main man pobs well there's a green screen behind us and he's wearing a green shirt MH and I always say don't wear green shirts because if we do a reaction it you're going to see right through him yep I'm going to be a floating head it's going to be a floating head well I mean no he has yellow on his shirt so basically throughout this reaction now he's going to be missing his shoulders it's going to be grainy it's going to look cool though yeah it's going to look like a mess but we don't try anymore anyway so anyway uh yeah so if you're wondering throughout the reaction wait why does Pablo not have a body yeah yeah it's it's because he's wore a green shirt with a green screen Rie mistake I have a blue screen but I want him to be punished yeah this is this is my punishment for wearing green yeah so anyway uh we're reacting to the golden egg last year's Easter special because tomorrow is Easter and uh yeah Paul do you do you celebrate Easter I mean I color eggs that's it pretty much like do you do the do you do a hunt I no I do get a basket full of candy though but like you don't do a hunt no why don't you do one tomorrow I you know why cuz it's fun you got to find the eggs but I mean I I could I guess I guess you know well I'm I'm having one tomorrow oh really my grandma's also she that every year wow they do it that sounds cool I mean not really they're kind of out in the open cuz I have a little sister oh yeah yeah but anyway but still I wrecker I'm like I grab them all and I'm like Get Wrecked what do you get for getting all the eggs uh usually like $100 100 yeah I got 20 when I was a kid yeah know it's like if you find the golden egg there's $100 in the golden egg a 50 in the silver and you don't get a priz or finding all the eggs yeah know we had a money egg the golden egg if you the golden egg what you're reacting to right now full circle yeah all that was intentional all that so yeah we're reacting to the golden egg last year's Easter special um so yeah so 32 one clickity clack we are crack like eggs okay or hippity hippity hop we Kids Bop hippity hippity hop here's the Bop I can't hear anything no it's muted you want to try that again Chief how all right let's let's figure this out let's get that okay hippity hop here's the Bop okay you had another chance and you still went with that what you with I don't know I just I figured hippity hop hippity hop watch the slop much better Al still me I can't hear anything what is going on this is a [ __ ] show all right guys we had a a minor technical difficulty yeah it was it was muted it was muted and I we had to fix it anyway now we're we're now we're clickity clack back and now we're going to hippity hop watch the slop I had full screen yeah te okay guys we're back from another technical difficulty we suck we suck so much um anyway we're back now so hippity hop Hop On Pop hippity hop Hop On Pop hey shy look I drew your face on an EG juli that look like me Chef it looks just like you look it's got your stupid googly eye your little poop nose and only a mother could love what say a poopse I don't know what that means you know what you're not the only one that can draw look this is [Laughter] you yes [ __ ] you're a big stupid [ __ ] so what I had to do was I had to switch over to Mario I'm painting my face on an egg Jeffy how's it look wow didn't D oh cool Jeffy you P fan made that for us yeah a fan made that and we use it in a video so if you want to send us cool stuff send us fan mail you pain we might no I didn't there's no paint on my face Daddy Jeffy I know there's no paint on your face cuz you didn't paint your face but you painted your face on the egg no I didn't that all I did was paint the egg see this is the egg and this is my face no and you painted your face no I didn't daddy do you see paint on my face Jeffy I know you didn't paint your face but what did you paint on that egg paint look when you took the egg okay okay you painted your face on the egg right no what what did you paint on it paint that's it Dy why would you doing that took a couple your anger to clean that up well Jeffy was just making me so mad at last I am finally free from that egg prison what are you the Easter Bunny Genie yeah it sounds suspiciously like the corn dog G it's voiced by Pao I am the Easter Bunny Genie I have been trapped in that egg for thousands of years and you have freed me I like are you serious wait wait does that mean we get wishes please tell me we get wishes yeah please tell me we no well not yet by freeing me there is now a golden egg hidden somewhere in this house if you find the golden egg it will grant the finder only one wish one why why did he hide it why didn't he just give it to him no I'm going to find listen you egg I need the wish more than you I want to find an egg One Wish no no wishing for more wishes and no wishing to wish for more wishes no wish wishing oh man no wishing you not find me no I can't help you but I also can't go anywhere until someone finds the egg and uses the wish so whoever finds the egg first gets the only wish go now he's trapped in an egg for generations and now he's trapped in this room for even more time oh my God where's that gold egg where's that gold egg I need to fun oh I remember this this is fun he also put a bunch of random fake eggs too that table's gone now genus Jeffy throwing everything everything you can find thr we got to find that golden egg if you find the golden egg I'll never make you eat green beans for the rest of your life okay this is the happiest day of my life I'm to find the no you're not I'm going to find that EG don't even bothere just get the K I'm going I had to break as much stuff as I could I got to find the egg theg that's where all M I've been breaking to be of here the has to be in here come on where's that ddy need a mess of everything pretty much come on come on [ __ ] almost exactly the same yeah where there's probably some stuff in there that's still there yeah I'm sure there is slow off me Jun I I didn't add punching sound effects cuz there's too many punches yeah hello hey junor why you all out of breath you you look at a picture of me no Cody today's Easter no is it I'm Jewish we don't really do that yeah an Easter Bunny Genie came out of an egg and he had a gold magical egg around the house and it only grants one wish I'm trying to find it [ __ ] [Laughter] way I'm going to find that golden egg oh dude I need a new mom I got to find it guys guys guys guys how about we agree on a truce a truce yeah yeah look if one of us finds the golden egg we all agree to sh share that one wish no way wish is mine man what are you going to wish for Cody well I'm going to wish for all the guys in the world to be gay yeah just super super gay just every guy in the world's going to want me like you and Joseph just so gay Joseph we got dude I got to find an egg I really need a mom I want a beard what a beard yeah I want a long luscious beard Cody it give your mom a nice warm place to sit oh my God the dance you can't do that dance anymore well you know what if I find it I'm going to wish that you can't have a mouth so so you can't talk to me anymore well well well if I I if I find it I'm going to wish that you don't have a mouth so you can't wish that I don't have a mouth well if I find it I'm going to wish that you couldn't wish that I didn't have a mouth from your wish that you wish with your mouth well well if I find it I'm going to wish that you couldn't wish that I could that I couldn't that that I'm going to find that egg no no no I'm going to find that egg I know you are but what am I what I I you're going to call me a name like you usually do but but you didn't so I want to find that EG I love the smooth jazzz playing the back come on find it come ony find it yeah find it where's that golden egg music ending I like it Mario man why you destroying your house F because black Yi there's a magical golden egg that grants one wish I'm trying to find it oh what would happen if I found the egg well you give it to me then cuz I need that wish give it to me what if I wish black Mario you might as well give up because I'm going to find that ass up yours PP up yours PE did you find it his name is an insult by itself good boy Jeffy good boy I looked everywhere in this freaking kitchen where that golden egg he L looked everywhere CL how there's nothing in any of these I never I don't know what to put in happy Easter to me happy Easter he does every Easter every day oh no Chef donkey I haven't seen any golden eggs but uh there are lots of egg shaped things in the toilet if You' like to my God we can't show that anymore did you find what you're looking for sh donkey no Shrek I'm trying to find a golden egg oh donkey well why are you looking for a golden egg in the first place look this golden egg can grant one wish and I really want to be rich H golden egg gr any wish I could wish for a lifetime supply of Cheesecake I got to WIP first oh do I wipe or let it crust wiper crust wi I wish I had a coin to make crust we're going to let it crust crusty guys do you do you wipe or let it crust I hate Easter I used to be the Easter egg honey Champion but Junior only the true fans understand a throwback is it I can't even find eggs the same anymore like where's that blue egg I was looking for I can't even find it damn it Isa is not the same May one the rare times when his pillows actually came together in front of a live audience oh I remember this oh guys I'm Charlie and today is Easter he's wearing a shirt from our high school if you eat a whole Easter egg the Easter Bunny will give you a dollar Charlie to date a dollar you want to give me a dollar right well I'm going eat the whole Easter egg L really did this tastes good man looks good he's the only one who will do this none of us uh-uh uh-uh uh-uh that's uh-uh oh yeah how's that salmonella taste oh God he sucked it back in it was totally worth it it was totally worth it that's acting right there uhuh the crying isn't though I remember he had to wash his whole mouth out yeah wait oh God The Blue Egg oh my God wait I found the blue egg wait that means I haven't lost it right I can feel it in my hands it's a burning sensation I haven't lost it I'm back baby I'm where's the golden at Junior Dad should check somewhere that isn't the couch what Dad look I lost my nuts to you 3 years ago when you beat me in that Easter egg hunting contest and I want him back your nuts yes my nuts look you took him for me 3 years ago and I need I haven't been that manly ever since and I deserve a rematch look give me me my rematch okay give rematch but I'm kind of B I'm looking for an no that's what I want to do I want to look for eggs okay Dad how about this uh the first person to find a golden egg wins and they're the number one Easter egg looking Champion ever is I just didn't know what to say just made up whatever I oh really now you're challenging me I'm challening you're not going to find a gold that I'm going to find it find it I'm going rub it your freaking face oh you're going rub it in my face face okay show me he going to work to my F he's going to find it and give it to me no fair Junior using your hot dad to find the egg for you I can't find that golden egg anywhere look I found the gold Jeffy that's yellow no it's not it's gold Jeffy do you even know what gold looks like um no Jeffy gold looks like my shoe you see how it's kind of like brownish kind of like shinier and lighter and not really that that's yellow try describing Gold without saying word yellow and just tell them all about your stupid little egg or something or brown um hello did did I make it I see see I I I I threw the pizza I didn't I didn't feel like walking up to the front door you know if you're wondering how I rung the doorbell I uh I threw I threw my pen you know see that around here somewhere yeah my yeah yeah that's real great but you you going to you going to pay for that pizza why would he um we're little busy in here we're looking for a golden egg that'll Grant any wi he threw it gr grants any wish mhm um I I I hey I I need to come in for a minute immediately believes it too I can't find that golden egg anywhere I know Mario I looked on so manying Pizza Guys here hey what oh good I'm really hungry where's the pizza oh oh yeah yeah I I threw it you threw it yeah I I threw it um that that'll be $9.95 plus tip what tip I'm not going to tip you where's my pizza well well it's on the doorstep over there if you really want it but what are you doing inside my house oh oh yeah I I'm here to get in on that like golden egg thing oh I got to find that golden egg I got to beat Junior B you're not going to find a golden egg we've all been looking for this golden egg and we can't find it wait what you're in on this competition too yes we're all trying to find this golden egg and we can't find well y'all ain't going to be me I'm going find this Dam I can't find that gold EG anywhere look I know Junior SE all guys how about this we go ask the Easter Bunny Genie what's going on cuz we've been looking for this golden egg and we cannot find it that's ni my idea Mario good ide rubbing them on the couch what are they doing d y not even making a move let's do that yeah do no idea what's going on we've been looking everywhere for that golden egg and we haven't found it so what's going on you must find it because if you don't find the egg and make a wish I will be trapped as a genie forever well can you give us a hint yeah can you give us a hint we've been looking all day for we can't find it I I just got here yeah he just got here here bunny R can you please give us a hint I've been looking for the golden egg all day and all I found was this man I sure wish I found the golden egg oh look daddy y y did he just waste the wish yep I don't even know why were man oh D I got the ask for you but Jeffy you used your one wish wish for the golden egg but I wish the golden egg for you D so here take your wish I want to kill him I going to kill him let's all kill him let's all kill him him what a stupid wish wishing for an egg you already had well anyway I'm free um H happy Easter if you had one wish what would you wish for Pablo oh man it's that's hard only one only one only you can't wish for more wishes don't do that right obviously I can't wish for the ability to wish for more wishes yeah I I think I think I I would wish I mean I would it's tough right CU I would either wish for my arm to be normal again or or for my hair back o that's a tough choice really I like choosing which yeah which one I don't know that's an impossible decision well both are constant pain every day every day like the arm constant pain mhm head constant pain both irreversible both lifechanging man I that's a really tough one guys if you were P would you wish for your hair back or for your arm not to be broken 24/7 yep look how broken it is I can barely even move it around yeah if I had one wish I don't know I'd probably wish that people can't be sick anymore that there's no sickness that's like that's a lot more charitable because no one be sick anymore yeah like so the only thing that you could do is you know get killed murdered oh okay if you're not sick if no one's sick cuz like it's not fair when people get sick oh it's fair when they get murdered though no no I'm just saying get murdered usually deserve no look like like if you're not sick the only other way you're going to die is murder or an accident right like cuz cancer kills you yeah you could just wish for people to not just like die of anything other than old age oh that would be good but then people would be stabbing each other for fun so oh oh okay oh yeah okay so I wish that the only way you could die is from old age there you go okay wait but then what about people who who do crimes and like like they murder like they can't murder anybody they can't murder anybody you've solved all of the world's problems I was wondering I was like what are you going to do if there's like a standoff with the police and he's killing everyone who's he killing wait that means when all these people are making bombs and stuff it's not even a threat no there would be no Wars there would be no war wow there'd be no Wars that solves every problem the only way you die is old age so like so if you did go to prison for stealing you just get life in prison yeah old age yeah but then but then okay you still feel pain sure yeah that'd be fair wait wait wait no cuz look cuz here's my thing if you if you still if you ever die and you're in prison and you try to escape and they shoot you it doesn't do anything it's still you still got to feel pain but is feeling pain part of being sick no no no you still feel okay so then if you get okay so if you can never die but only from old age and someone cut your head off that should be the punishment that's your that's the big punishment for crime is that you get your head cut off and does that kill you no that's why it's a punishment oh man that sucks right so jail would just be a bunch of heads and boxes that would be kind of great cuz your punishment is that you lose body privileges that's pretty cool okay man this wish I want this to be a movie don't steal it it's no don't don't you steal there's proof this is we thought of this binding no that's it's genius yeah if the only way you can die is old age and like you you can still feel pain so ow yeah but the pain you can't be in so much pain you die and if you get stuff cut off like you get cut in half you don't have you just don't have that stuff yeah exactly wait so then you you could just not eat there'd be no food shortages cuz if you don't want to eat you're not going to die of starvation so then well but starving still kind of hurts though it still hurts so yeah you'd want to eat yeah wait okay so then if you're missing half your body that might be worse yeah to just be in pain forever well then like also the population no one would only people would be dying through old age and people would beow people would with no sickness people would be living till they're hundred they're 100 that actually might not be because wait people have heart attacks cuz they have heart problems but if you're not sick that's a heart problem so you're I'm we're talking technically Define an old age too in terms of how people die cuz like that's not even yeah people usually people don't just die cuz they're old there's a there's a health problem it's usually like cancer or or like a heart thing so basically if that wish is I just wish everyone would live forever which could be a problem which then cuz then which then life in prison would be even worse cuz you'd be forever that's forever in prison forever head in a box oh man yeah wow this is awful that's kind of the worst actually yeah I'm glad life is the way it is no no no no I'm not it be overpopulated and yeah all right guys so anyway my wish is not a good one okay how about I just I'd wish for I don't get sick okay that's fair selfish but fair hold up say like I wish for my hair back so I mean that's not really much better I could have no I I'd wish for my ads back how about that that's a that's a good I I stay sick it's not self it's not selfish completely yeah cuz yeah that's a fair trade I wish for my ads Back YouTube please give them back do it please do it stop bullying us stop anyway yeah so that was good uh anyway this idea was thought of J uh JJ Chile's little brother thought of this idea I remember we didn't have an idea for the Easter special and then he oh he didn't think of the whole thing he just thought of the the gold concept and I stole it yeah so anyway yeah thank you JJ for this idea I remember I paid him for the idea so oh cool back when I had money so anyway that was the golden egg tomorrow is April Fool's Day April Fool's Day and Easter so I'm going to be doing a Easter April fools type video so yeah I hope you guys like it I probably going to hate it I don't know yeah you could go either way I think it's funny you think it's funny yeah so anyway this this reaction went on a lot longer because of that wish question that was a good was a good little guys if you could wish for anything what would you wish for mhm and yeah you know what I can't stop thinking about there the the life in prison as a head yeah I don't like that that would suck yeah you can't even move you can't go anywhere you're ahead that's a yeah anyway so that's that uh we'll see you guys in the next one what was your oh yeah what was your what was your exit oh it was uh dirty's got a dash dirty's got a dash I've got a dash go dirty's got a a dash hold on TR okay dirty's got a dash right on your arm that's what that crunch all right guys bye I've already dashed so hey guys we're back at it again with another reaction and today I'm here with ten toes Tito they call him that because he has ten toes it's a fact I got T toes tin toes Tito call him that that's his name that's his stage name that's his rap name they're like oh that's tin toes Tito and if you need some Cheetos I got you that's Cheetos Tito that's Doritos Tito that's burrito Tito that's froo Fritos Fritos Tito so anyway I'm here with that torto Tito and uh yeah so anyway uh we're going to react to the pass machine today now this video is not about a time machine it's a pass machine and the reason why it's called a pass machine is you can grab one item from the past and bring it here so like if you want to bring a dinosaur here you can do that it's not it's not a Time Mach you can't go back in time you can go grab something from the past I know tto you look confused that that sounds dumb no watch it no that sounds dumb it's a really good video I it's one of my favorite video honestly I think it's one of the greatest videos I've ever made it's one of the greatest videos I've ever made so it's not a time machine but it's a past machine it's a past machine watch watch watch and learn watch this 3 2 1 clickity clack we are back okay guys so what do you want to do today what do you want to do today dude you guys want to see something cool we don't want to see your underwear Cody yeah we don't want to see your underwear again dude it's not again that they saw it they saw it well it was AIT but I mess with it and now it's a pass machine a pass machine yeah cuz whenever I play it it brings me back to the 90s what does it do oh we can take things from the past and bring them to right now so it's a time machine well no cuz we can't go back in time we can just take things from the past and bring them to right now back it's a stupid inv yeah it's dumb why' you make it's notb it's cuz we could go back and get Abraham Lincoln and bring him to right here right now no no way now it a Lincoln he died yeah he's dead he's not dead in the past you can't bring back dead people yeah we could go back from before he died and bring him to right here right now pretty cool okay watch see how this works see cuz we're only going to bring one person back from the past score that's my high score high score 31 see it's where get that I don't know when I went to Washington DC I bought that at the souvenir shop they had those they really did how awkward is that they want his autograph Mr Lincoln is he okay is he is he deaf they want so like does he die when he pass to the time machine watch he's not talking because oh he got shot what they they got him after he got shot they got him when he shot we we must have brought it back right as he was getting shot why would you do that Abraham Lincoln was assassinated if you did not know that that's some history for you kid he was shot at a theater we Do's him to theath drag him to the bathro oh God what do we do now I I don't know let's just let's just leave him there for a little while okay what about his body just leave it what would we do if he didn't get a shot who would have voice him originally was not supposed to be shot Anthony was supposed to voice him but after I I I went over a few voices and I was like none of them apparently nobody knows what Abraham Lincoln sound like appar Yeah because it was so back there but apparently he had a really high pitch voice that's extremely dang apparently people say he has a high pitch voice and I just like I can't do it I said he's going to be dead we're not doing that Junior that's stupid okay well see Junior wants to bring a din no why would you want to do that so we can beat him up right as cool as that would be I think that's that's probably a bad idea okay well what if I brought back Hitler's mustache why that'd be cool like can it do that can it bring me back his mustache mustache this is before the whole PewDiePie thing start do it just the mustache score yeah Hitler's mustache po it who dude did it work yeah you look just like Hitler bro I have his mustache how does that work that's so cool I don't how does that work I'm going to kill all the shoes I'm going to kill all the shoes you think Hitler did yeah he hated shoes right he didn't like he killed shoes that's what it was he likeo is Jewish right yeah yeah okay I just just really really mad at Poland OH but anyway it's my turn what are you going to bring back your dead Mom Mom's dead I can actually bring her back you brought back a Lincoln oh yeah you can bring back your mom can a mom bring her back see but Cody's mom didn't die she ran she went she ran off she ran away oh my mom it where am I oh Mommy Joseph where am I oh Mommy I miss she brought he brought her back before she won the lottery saw you minut ago oh Mommy you need to come and pay the power bill come and turn the lights back on I just paid the power bill wow just that's awesome get that off your face he was doing the thing getting offensive what weing get offensive demonetized a T-Rex bring back a TX you like this believe me I score1 harambe har oh that that's when he was a thing right that was that was when it was relevant now it makes no sense like har get back here in Rest In Pieces solo I score 31 ooh T-Rex oh my gosh of course that's so cool Believe It or Not guys it wasn't me it's anthon anon's inside the dinosaur because super this is before Tito became the T-Rex no he's not Cody why is it it's so cool though it actually looks like a dinosaur I'm the salid and you're the big man the the big back wait wait why'd he stop because dinosaurs can't climb down stairs stupid dinosaur stupid dinosaur oh yeah apparently that's a Jurassic Park reference or something he doesn't see us I I think he's distracted with the living room okay so he's destroying the couches we need to do T-Rexes don't like couches I know Jesus Christ okay I spent like $200 on dinosaur sound effects finally done with the dishes I had to buy royalty from where five of course oh my God what the is that did hear he turn on up he did so so you fixed it and then turn it up again you fixed it and turn it up just the thing but what is it J trust me I know what to do okay score the meteor that killed the dinosaurs what why cuz that's how you get rid of a dinosaur how'd you get that beautiful stock footage oh my gosh it's called money that's gorgeous guys that's gorgeous cost me a lot of money like $80 man that's worth us Junior what the the dinosaur it's going to kill all of us no last time it only killed dinosaurs well that's because last time there were only dinosaurs know that what Jun um we need something to stop the meteor what could possibly stop a meteor I know what oh just do the thing what is it no just trust me it'll it'll stop the meteor this better here will score1 another meteor wa another meteor awesome see now there's two breaking news well look he thought the other meteor H the first one smaller is headed toward attention to detail look at I like it I personally like this kind of stuff Junior you're [ __ ] I thought the meteor would hit the other Med no now we're going to double die no not do that we Superman he's not real Junior what Jesus couldn't stop a meteor he can walk on water well if we have any water that needs to be walked on we know who to call then how about we spawn God what Junior I need re Solutions there super god Junior okay okay I know I know I really know what press the thing no Junior what is it trust me I know this one you don't get to use this thing anymore thir time to tr Cody trust me you want to live Junior trust me Junior if you screw this up you will lose my trust forever okay [ __ ] score1 the Big Bang what Junior now the big big it restarts life all of it oh my God okay guys what do you want to do today I don't know you guys want to see something cool we don't want to see your underwear Cody yeah we don't want to see your underwear again dude my underwear this time guys look cool I'm poing hey let's go play it just repeats the oh no this time different oh what a piece of this time he broke it so now they can't do it again Junior do you know what you just did what that was a pass machine a pass machine it can bring things back from the past yeah right Cody it was just a I turned it into a pass machine Junior what are you so crazy I was I was going to leave it where it always repeats itself maybe it's for the best I I was going to have it where it repeats itself but I was like no it's a different dimension so like you know how they say if you kill a butterfly like oh and then it'll change yeah I was think it says the universe anyway I really like this video I know it was short it's like only 8 minutes long but dude it was great it's one of my favorit it was great even though it's short there's a lot of stuff packed into that short wait so the original Joseph and Cody and Junior oh dead yeah but I was just doing it where like after the universe cuz look it grabbed something from the past right so it grabbed the big bang that already happened so it just blew everything up again yeah just everything happened exactly the same the only thing that was different was that instead of them actually using the pass machine Junior broke it so technically I guess he should it should have been the same thing over and over and over yeah yeah because if nothing changed what I should have done is I should have repeated the video for 10 hours like just the same thing because oh in the acc's going oh my God the big p somebody do that please somebody literally just take it for when after Junior says big bang and it explodes and it says 14 billion years later just have it repeat with the first scene of video over and over again and make it 10 hours long so someone do that seriously you could you could you literally could that's how it works I should have I should have saved this for my April Fool's Day video and I should have just did that 10 hours God I'm so upset that's such a good idea at least for like 1 hour or something yeah at least for an hour yeah cuz like an 8 minute video so it just keeps going and going and going like oh man April fools is coming up teds I got to think did you know that Easter falls on April 1st this year so I got to do wait what I got to do April Fools and and Easter so the same video how does that even work I don't know it's going to be the first time I blow my mind I don't know what I'm do oh my God I don't know I don't even know what I'm going to do I know it's going to be Jeffy I know that my momy I know it's going to be Jeffy anyway guys that was the past machine I feel like I talked a lot during it and I we stop doing that I I got to stop too and we got to be like the other reaction channels oh yeah and just don't even say anything just that just oh oh no no too much that's too much laughing too much emotion just say really I like Hershey's I wish Hershey would sponsor me that' be good anyway all right guys I think we hit 10 minutes easily totally come on man that wasn't like without a doubt all right guys what videos do you want us to react to also another question do you want us to do anything other than react like is it like would you want to see me and te do anything else like or or me and any other cast members do anything else like talk about stuff or woman to get naked oh yeah get naked I mean come on like we I like I like the reacting thing but I feel like feel like we can do more you know with our talents you know anyway uh yeah I'll see you guys in the next reaction hit me with that Reese's oh no no no no I like Hershey's but you know what's better than Hershey's what I was hoping You' You' do the Reese's thing the pieces oh okay okay you know what's better than Hershey's Reese's Pieces oh gosh one more time let me let me take a bite teach I love Hershey's really yeah but you know what's better than Hershey's yeah what Reese's Pieces
Channel: SMLs
Views: 40,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 199min 5sec (11945 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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