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I've been stranded at sea for so long I need to find an island or some land or something or I'm not going to make it wait a minute look an island and what the what is this are the trees made out of gold and diamonds wo and what the big ones made out of emeralds and netherite dude this is no normal Island this is like a god Island and oh look over there there's a sign it says that humans attacked this island humans rule what and hold up there's people over there those darn humans destroyed our entire Castle oh gosh W those people don't look like normal people that red one just jumped super duper High yeah when I see another human I'm going to destroy them humans are evil what these guys are wa guys the red guy and the pink girl both have super jump and super speed what if I see one of those humans they're going to get boomed what and oh no that green girl has explosion Powers Yeah they don't want to mess with us cuz we're going to Bow Bow oh my goodness gracious this is crazy and wait that blue girl it looks like her body has lightning or something yes they can never mess with us wao oh gosh I better not talk with those guys they seem like they really do not like humans luckily I'm super duper sneaky and they're never going to find me hey who's that blue boy over there oh God they saw meop um hello sir nice to meet you I'm not a human uh I'm a God I'm a God you guys are Gods right just and we hate humans oh oh my gosh oh my gosh uh um uh well luckily I'm not a human guys I'm just like you I'm a God so um no need to boo me with your crazy superpowers you're a God then prove it uh how can I prove that I'm a God to you guys what what do you mean by that I could say I hate humans what's your God ability uh well what's your God ability okay uh yeah okay be over here I can be over there I can be I can jump into your hair what how are you going so fast I'm here okay okay I get it you're fast and do you also have the speed that that guy has yes sersi watch this waa okay that is pretty cool what how are you jumping so high I can barely jump up one block that is super awesome and I saw you and you you guys had like explosion abilities when you were talking about if you saw a human charging it up in your oh my gosh I I really don't want this okay all right ow ow okay guys I get it you have the ability of lightning you two have the ability of explosions and you two have the ability of speed and jump um good to know all right uh I'm going to be getting going now nice to meet you guys not so fast buddy uh what's up buddy we don't spare any humans cuz they destroyed our house what uh humans destroyed your house that doesn't sound like something a human would do humans are actually super duper nice like me are you a human are you jealous of our awesome powers no no no I am not no no no no no please put that liting cool then do to make you go on fire no please don't do that look guys uh I'm a God and my ability is okay oh my gosh ow guys I'm a God I promise oh oh you are say less say less oh uh so you guys aren't going to boo me no you have to show us your powers else we're going to kill you dude sorry uh my Powers um what powers does SS have uh I I I could sing really well if you want to hear me sing uh uh I don't remember that being one of the powers guys what is he talking about uh just give him a shot yeah yeah okay this is my hit single you got the keys ready okay is everyone is everyone listening are you excited to hear this this is about to sing like that is not okay okay ready you got the keys you got them to my heart so please it sounds like a dying cat okay I get song okay okay that's stop doing okay it's not that bad it wasn't that bad was it that bad dude cuz I'm about to release that song in the next few days is it really that bad that's going to need some work my boy I had a plan on releasing plush with them but guys seriously listen up to me just how about just let me go home and we could just like never talk about this again all right I'm going to I'm out here you guys are oh bye-bye to your silly boat where do you think you're going little boat oh oh gosh um nowhere okay fine guys fine I have something to admit I have something to admit you might have not have really Iz this but like I'm not a God I'm just a human but wait wait wait I don't want to die I don't I don't want to die everyone I wa um I could do something to help you guys seriously I could do something to help you um a human help us it's not that funny uh I have many skills one of them being singing two of them being awesome and three of them being that I'm really good at building and as you can see your Castle is super duper destroyed some bad humans probably did this what there are no bad humans just humans they're all bad no no no sir please put that away why why do you keep put because I have to kill you you're a human wait wait dude what if I help you rebuild this Castle would you guys let me survive and may maybe we could become friends and and maybe we could like make it so humans and gods are friends guys I kind of think he's cute so let's give him a shot wait what yes girl you think this is cute are you serious I'm very very handsome I've been told look at my cute looks he he's gross well well she said that I could build the castle to earn your guys is trust so you can't kill me I'm sticking my tongue in your face okay stop wait stop put that away show your respect to me I'm your queen oh yes ma'am yes yeah yeah yeah show respect yeah going to get a piece of my mind okay okay guys oh these Gods really don't like me I have to rebuild their Castle so they don't destroy me okay guys the first step of rebuilding this Castle is fixing up the walls what is this have you guys left it like this this entire time when did this attack happen it was just earlier today humans went onto our Island what are you serious and they did all of this oh man that is terrible okay everyone we have to first start off with all of the walls so pink girl you get that side with the really pretty cyan girl and then green annoying girl with the fires coming out of you you what did you say oh my God a lovely Queen don't you dare say that okay okay love lovely lovely love lovely um uh uh girl please get that side What's Your Name by the way lovely what's your name my name is none your business okay really okay what's actually your name though seriously it's Alexa miss queen Alexa persley okay nice to meet you miss queen Alexa p like and what about you red dude what's your name I'm Roxy 3 * X to destroy of 3x worlds uh okay nice to meet you I'm just going to call you Roxy my name's Ms by the way what about you pink girl the one with the super speed hi my name's Lily oh you seem really really sweet I like this one the most and I'll kill you if you talk back okay okay wow uh wow um okay these guys are kind of crazy and uh you green boy what's your name by the way my name is Lucas p Lucas chus Lucas why don't you guys just say your name is your name just Luke swaggy if I wasn't done okay sorry don't don't kill me please just swagging III all right I'll just call you Luke and oh pretty girl pretty girl you you over ma'am yeah you what's your name my name's SS oh hi my name's Crystal oh nice to meet you and wait guys I want to show you guys something really really cool it's called the magical W if you hey wo are you pointing a weapon at me boy it's a wooden axe no no it's not a weapon I would never do that please put that a weapon hey put that thing down my gosh it hurts when snowballs okay that doesn't hurt at all but that hurts when you Bo if you left click over here then go up to the other side and right click over here check out what I can do boom magic black magic no no it's not magic okay guys it's not it's just science it's because when you reverse the PO it of the magical wand onto a block entity it simply adds more so this is a real Emeral day blocking yeah yeah you can make as much as you want it's awesome sauce and it can help you guys out so much with your building like check it out over here you see this Tower what we can do is we could build up one corner over here just like that all the way to the top set the first position there second position over here then we could set it to Emerald blocks and I know you're going to say it's not Hollow but to hollow it out we could at the first position there go down over here second position on the bottom then boom set it all to air just like this check it out guys it's completely hollowed out what human you lowy cooking yes sir and then check it out we could put the blocks all around so it looks just like the front end oh Lily you did the same with the magic wand yes so SC I figured it out nice and now we have to do one over here Alexa you should do this side so it has an arch what do you no no use a magic wand not the explosion um I think you got this confused you take orders from us not the other way around stinky butt okay okay okay just don't hurt me don't hurt me um what should I do miss queen Alexa Queen goddess you need to tell me what to do how to build what use the magic gu to make this Archer Tower over here please Alexa oh that's what I thought what look she just made me tell her what to do when I told her what to do in the first place dude she gets like that sometimes you just got to give her flowers and then she's chill oh my gosh all right but wait guys was your floor always snow cuz this doesn't really look like a god house this looks like snow what what is that don't you dare make fun of my house it's five stars there's no house here sir I just I'm just trying to make it the best so you guys don't kill me and also I feel like we're building a really good friendship Bond wouldn't you say so Lou yeah I love you guys a thank you so much but if you try to break my house I will boom you uh uh I won't be doing that ma'am but at least one of them likes me you like me too right Roxy cuz look have you noticed that our outfits look kind of similar oh yeah cuz you copied me what I did not okay why why why this guy's untrustworthy okay all right you guys are actually going okay everyone relax we have to redo these floors and since you guys are Gods it looks like you like diamonds gold emeralds and even netherite okay which one of those blocks do you guys think would look good as a floor for your awesome Emerald Castle H what are you thinking neite NE Che kiss o yeah that is the chef's kiss okay okay okay let's set the first one right over here and then we can fly all the way down over wait we have to go down inside like this over here then let's set it to some netherite blocks wo this place is looking awesome check it out Alexa I told you I could help out so much it's looking literally brand spanking new yes I'll give you a little bit of credit but wait there's no brooms there's nothing what um yeah well wasn't it empty before I got here there there was nothing here so I shouldn't be held responsible so we would have an empty broom yeah but I I didn't see any rooms let me just I'm going to head out I already built the castle that that was a deal right that was a deal uh uh you just started oh uh okay well please don't boo me what do you want miss queen goddess Alexa how can I serve you ma' I like that I want my queen's throne a queen's throne and ooh I can make it like your goddess ability theme and your theme is explosions right yes it's a hero pomeg wa that's awesome and your theme is speed right Roxy yeah Roxy Destroyer 360 parkour Master SS is not that guy I'm that guy and and and and 360 trick shot the best player in the world what name that's official that is not he just made it C tickets oh my gosh and then Crystal you're the god of lightning right yep that's right don't do it please don't do it please it hurts so much when you do it it lit okay so I'm going to make a giant Throne that is all of your guys esteemed and while I do that Roxy can you make a cool red carpet and Alexa can you do some cool designs on the sides please uhuh you did not just tell me what to do okay um Queen Alexa can I have permission to tell you what to do yes you may are you serious build something on this side and that side please so it looks nice while Roxy builds the carpets and then I build the giant awesome throne with all our themes yeah I could do that okay wow all right I'm going to make the back of the throne have this awesome TNT design so it's going to go red then white over here just like that then red over here just like this then we're going to switch it again to some white like that and then finally one more red like this then we're going to make it say TNT and oh that actually looks so good so let's grab some black wool just like this and Alexa check it out I'm making it a really cool TNT design for you wow that's actually super cool thank you and wait I need to get some reference from a TNT block and oh gosh oh oh gosh I did this completely wrong Roxy don't tell don't tell please don't tell please don't tell Alexa Alexa he he supposed to he supposed to be here he a TN what was that how dare you oh wait wait what do you mean it's completely right Alexa no no no look Alexa I don't know what roxxy's talking about it's completely good he must be uh bugging he must be bugging n oh maybe I can make like one more thicker if that makes it look better does this look better Alexa boom check it out I made the red one thicker on each side uh do you like it you're missing a color oh yeah yeah the black the black for the TNT and let me get this reference so I can do it perfectly just for you uh nothing's wrong right fine it's good oh pH that was a close one but now let me put the TNT just like that and then finally one oh wait I should make it move over here so it actually fits the T then white white then red red red and then red red and then white white awesome sauce we have the giant TNT over here now we need to do another theme H ooh I could use crystals lightning theme and I'm going to use diamond blocks for that and yo you guys are making this place look awesome I like the little sparkles you put up over here Lily thank you so much I love Sparkles o nice and ooh what are you doing over here Crystal I'm making an awesome lightning bow uh wao that is sick I'm going to make lightning bolts come out of the throne over here so wait Crystal do you think you could throw me your lightning ability thingy please I I'm not going to use it I promise promise just a w if you use it I will destroy it okay I won't use it I oh my gosh I'm using it I'm using it okay no I'm just kidding I'm just kidding okay hey I'm just kidding oh my gosh I'm just kidding but okay the lightning Bowl has like a little zigzag so it goes up just like this first up and around then it pulls back a few blocks like that then it goes up again over here like this wa ly can you help me do that design on this side please yes s ski I can do many things ooh thank you and hold up what of the guys just got along with me he didn't even yell at me or make fun of me or thre to Boom me with his awesome powers this is good progress was that just nice to a human oh gosh he's confused too maybe gods and humans can get along let me keep trying to be nice to these guys so let me fix this up and uh ly can you try your best to make it exactly like this please oh yes of course omy P sure uh okay you're being really nice and uh Crystal here you go I finished I did one side of that so now we have the TNT for Luke and Alexa then we have the lightning for Crystal now for Lily and Roxy we have to do something that involves speed hm what's something that involves speed what could I do for that I fire because when me and Roxy run a fire Trail appears wa that's actually such a good idea and W wao Roxy this red carpet is looking super duper good dude I'm messing with it heavy dude oh it's the best hey really guys St cing me check it out if we break this little path you guys made we can make it so it leads into this room over here and then we can break it over here so it leads into this room as well over here that's such a cool design and now I'm going to do a little fire design on the floor ooh that's going to be lit yeah you feel me oh literally lit I get it I get it and wait ly can you stand over here so I could see what fire looks like yeah only my real friends can call me ly oh oh Luc is Lucas Lucas no no no it's just Luke to you my boy okay what about Luke lucass Senor Luke Senor Luke can I look at your flames my sir please so I get reference yes you shall look at my butts hey y oh wait you actually do have flames on your butt okay wait that's actually very useful okay stay right over there and oh it looks like you have white in the center of it so I'm going to make the base over here out of white just like that hey please stop moving your hey hey no touch only look okay I'm not touching your butt bro just just let me look okay and now it goes to Orange so I can make it go Orange orange into red going up like that so let's grab some orange blocks put it around what are you doing ly why are you shaking your hips like okay wow what am I looking at uh Lucas please stop doing that dude please all right fine I'll stop I I mean hey hey LC oh yeah Luke sorry I didn't mean to call you Lucas sorry about that and whoa Lily Roxy check out the awesome Flames I put it goes from white to Yellow to Orange then up over here to some awesome flaming red like that W I love that and then it has the lightning on the side with the TNT in the back and hold up this God decorations is looking so good you guys have some super duper small flowering aelia then mini trees then golden blocks wo and Crystal what happened to the lightning you were doing over here uh it looks really bad oh my gosh well hm what should we put on this side of the castle pick something good or you die what what do you mean I've been doing so much hard work for you Queen Majesty goddess Alexa I of course I put the steak in your car okay okay well um what do gods like to do I I need know specifics about you guys what do you guys enjoy doing in your free time so I don't mess up please I need target practice cuz I'm a God I need to know how to explode everything wait wa don't do it that me I I'll make you a target practice oh my gosh no wait Alexa chill I didn't to practice on I said I'm I'm about to okay Alexa please stop I'm making you a place where you could practice all of your God abilities like how you explode things fine only cuz I don't want to blow up our house oh okay few that was a close one oh my gosh Alexa is the scariest God her explosion Powers really hurt my booty but I have a great idea I'm going to make an exploding area over here so she can practice exploding stuff who are you even talking to right now oh I'm talking to the viewers they're watching the video H do you even get any likes let me see the video right now wait wa wait wait it's not ready don't don't look yet don't look yet um um everyone like the video before Alexa looks like it right now quickly um 1 second Alexa they're liking it right now um it's going to be right now you probably got no lik no no no it gets a lot it's come on guys like so Alexa doesn't make fun of me wait oh my gosh you're actually getting so many likes a second right now yeah see I told you people really like the videos so I'm not I'm not a loser just just letting you know and over here is where your target practice is going to be so Alexa do you mind using your explosive powers to get rid of those trees over there we need some room hey yes waa spam that John Alexa spam it we need all those trees to disappear and while you're spamming it I'm going to grab the magical wand so I can make where you're going to do your target practice and since netherite blocks are indestructible I'm going to set it over here and we're going to make it go down this way wow it's all gone wa okay Alexa you're actually crazy for that now over here is going to be the target PR ice where you could practice explosions so let's make it all around over here like this and I'm going to make the outlining and Alexa you're not going to be blowing up any more holes it's going to be a lot cleaner so you can practice more okay yes I need to have my aim be perfect oh wait why would you watch your aim to be perfect do you use it a lot on people please tell me no yes especially humans not like me though cuz I'm your favorite human and you don't like humans except for ohms right just just to make make sure I don't like it any humans a well Crystal you like me right you think I'm a cooh [Music] human uh you can pass yes okay chryst says I can pass let's go Alexa at least one of the Gods like me yay so I'm going to set the first position there second position there then set it with some netherite blocks boom and hold up I'm faster than a god at building right now sorry Alexa you're not that quick you have black magic no that's cuz I'm just better at building and then Boop set the floor over here just like that Bop and then finally over here just like this and this is going to be your training area and we should put a roof on top we can make the roof out of glass and we could use a block called reinforce glass not even a God's explosion could destroy this glass Alexa give it a shot try and blow it up over here I wouldn't be so sure about that boom Oh my gosh no effect let's go what how is that even possible sorry Alexa reinforced glass is super duper overpowered so come on everybody let's set it all down over here just like that boop boop boop boop boop reinforced glass on the roof and here Crystal I'll help you out with these lanes over here thank you it was taking super long yeah but working together everything is easily done yes and I really think the gods are starting to like me and even Alexa Alexa are you starting to like me now uh in your POS dreams buddy what well what if I made you a really really good training course check it out you could have to be behind this red line over here and I'm going to put it underneath some reinforced glass since you can break it so when you're behind over here you're going to have to use your explosions to Boom things that spawn in and H what's a cool way we could have random things spawning in I know I know I know what we could do is we can make it so mobs randomly spawn along this line so we can put a dispenser there one over here one over there and one over here just like this and at any moment they could spot in so the way to do that is we grab a dispenser just like this and Alexa you're going to have to be really really fast cuz you're going to have to Boom them and if you take too long then you lose well too bad I'm the best that's ever done it ooh okay we'll see about that let's set down a bunch of lanes over here for some Redstone like this then we're going to put one over here one over here one over here one over here and we're going to be using the most advanced Redstone engineering ever it's called the chickens yeah huh what's the chicken going to do my boy the chickens are going to randomly walk and we're going to grab some pressure plates so they're going to step on top of the pressure plates and when they do a random mob is going to spawn in and you're going to have to Boom it oh no I'm going boom them before they even spawn in oo and wait yeah ly you and Alexa can do it that's fire okay okay so let's set the glass all along over here so the chicken doesn't run away and Escape so let's put it like that boop boop boop and ly can you do the top blocks over here please I'd really appreciate it yesi I'm a professional builder wait Luke just let me call him luky oh he's starting to like me yay Luke are you starting to like me dude oh gosh why I let the humanoid call me Lucas pukas yes sir okay okay and let's make sure to cover it up over here like this we don't want the chickens escaping anytime soon now we must grab a bajillion chicken so they can randomly walk around so let's go over here and let's spawn bo bo a bunch like that oh gosh oh oh okay only one escaped only one escaped now let's go to the dispensers and spawn in some mobs Alexa what's your least favorite mob in the game well after humans it's spiders ooh spiders I hate spiders too they're super Icky Vicky let's grab some and I'm going to put some in this dispenser over here so whenever the chicken randomly steps on it a spider's going to spawn what else do you not like Alexa I hate dogs uh Alexa especially blue ones okay and Alexa there's spiders over there get them get them get them don't mess with me y'all whoa awesome job Alexa maybe not dog I see a blue dog that's me that's that's me Alexa that's stop Crystal stop her please stop her Alexa let's like keep him a break oh wait thank you Crystal I appreciate it I thought don't take advantage of it okay I'm not taking advantage of it okay okay oh my gosh the gods are liking me the gods are liking me okay let's go let's go okay for the next guy we could do something that's also really really annoying let's try a cow okay yeah yeah cows always be going moo so Alexa could move them out of here then Alexa pick two more animals can't be a dog something other than a dog I want to get some mushrooms o mushrooms yeah those are fire let's grab some mushrooms throw them in here and you have one more opt one more I've been wanting to get these for a while o what it's those pandas what what did pandas ever do what they thought they could slay in front of me okay W oh my gosh you just eated that cow okay okay I'm getting you pandas don't M with the girl okay relax Alexa okay wait I want to see you in action are you going crazy with it go crazy Alexa destroy them don't mess with me waa wait Alexa you have to be behind the line behind the line yo Al Alexa Alexa really I spent a lot of time doing that did you not even like it a little bit is it trading ready guys yeah it is ready but Alexa blew it up she blew up the dispensers oh that's an easy fix no worries oh oh thank you L I guess so Roxy can I talk to you real quick I put in a lot of hard work for Alexa for her to like me and seems like she really do well actually she looks like she's having fun she never has fun dude what Alexa let me look it she actually having fun right now put some creepers in there I want them to go boom boom wait you're right it does look like she's having fun she's playing a lot and wo over here looks really really cool Roxy could this be our TV area where we could watch some awesome movies yeah that's what Lily buil oh and wait she put a separation What If instead of having two mediumsized screen we just had one gigantic TV screen with the coolest movies ever WR that would be awesome all right all right check it out check it out check it out what we could do is make this TV screen super big and I like this show cuz it's Lily show but I'm going to put on some human shows are you ready for this this is one of my favorites it's called Kung Fu OHS this is the first one there's a bunch of versions check it out Roxy Bo is this not awesome what is is that even a real story no no it's real this is Luke and then this is SS and then this is us doing some Kung Fu battles um I'm sorry to break it to you but you don't know how to do com what yes I do Roxy and wait let's throw some more shows and oh it's the dude peeing hey yo look at the pee Roxy that's sussy Bess I know up look Roxy you're getting K Fu wow what you're getting straight K Fu UPS W selection oh yeah that's awesome yeah yeah yeah yeah I like it I like it here I'll help you out there you go no no no UNC all right what what is that Roxy look at that look at that oh my gosh those are adorable now we have an awesome giant TV screen but we should add some couches for all of us to sit on so we can all hang out and I know exactly the best blocks we could use we could use some Royal sofas W check this out Roxy it's so golden and Royal no that's lit and then for the carpets we should set it with all of our colors dude oh yeah red orange yellow green that's wrong wrong song Wrong song Wrong song it's Roxy ly Alexa F by Luke that's the song My Boy and Crystal really what are you about to say about Crystal crystal that's the last one oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I thought you about to say like something with me and Crystal there's like a song that my friends would sing it at home but like luckily you guys don't know about it wait is it and Crystal sitting in a tree oh k i no you never heard of that song I heard that uh first comes love [Music] then comes marriage wait look look look look what comes next I think like uh uh the baby and the Baby G are you serious that is not I don't no that is not true lily tell them to stop that's very rude what do you mean it's true all right let me just grab the carpets first we got to get the blue for omy poo pink for Lily red for Roxy green for Luke lime for Alexa and last but not least cyan for Crystal now let's set off the carpets like that bow bow and bow and wo it had just enough and I'm going to make it a cool pattern so what we can do is after it does all these colors we can make a pattern just like that then we can flip it again over here just like this oh yeah that is looking super duper fire yeah yeah yeah and yeah all the colors are set down everyone check out our movie area there's so many shows watch we can all watch together and hang out yay everyone let's watch a movie come on wait all the gods want to watch a movie with me a human that means I'm doing a really really good job at making them my friends uh guys is there room for one more can I sit over here at this awesome movie um sorry but this is only for gods and goddesses what well come on how about I just say sinxi over here look it fits me it fits me perfectly right uh uh up up up you're not Royal pick it up are you serious right now you can sit next to me wait are you serious Roxy can I actually thank you so much dude oh hi wait but but but Roxy not a real God what well I'm I'm a good friend to you guys right Roxy can you tell her cuz I've been trying my best with Alexa and she still doesn't like me yeah Alexa has been kind of nice I think he's chill everyone on this side of the chair thinks I'm chill do you think I'm chill Crystal of course I do wait really yes two people so far what about you Lily are you on the chill oh side or the non-chill oh side yeah I'm almost there but I don't know yet oh gosh I still need to build my trust with Lily well what about you luk come on we were vibing out dude when we built the throat and like the awesome course the boom stuff it's also for you and Alexa I don't know Alexa doesn't really trust you well what does that have to do with you bro you're your own guy you don't have to listen to her she my wife bro why why you all up in our business oh oh so oh I I didn't know that sorry I didn't know that but Alexa what about you do you think I'm chill uh SS all you built was our living room where are we going to sleep tonight oh gosh you're right ah we made the castle looks so cool in the living room we completely forgot about the bedrooms but Roxy I have a great idea on where we can make our bedrooms you see this TNT over here we should make it open up to a secret awesome bedroom and we could have sleepovers together oh yes we going to be like a maze to get to our bedroom but we only know the code yes sir okay okay everyone out over here we're going to make the bedroom this is the outlining like that then all the way down over here you guys work on making the actual walls and all work on making it super secret just in case any humans ever come in the future they're never going to know where the bedroom is oh yeah so it's super safe exactly and check it out look at the kind of block I'm going to use to make it secret ly check it out boop boop I use something called a ghost block look it's completely normal looking but you could walk through it that's totally legit yes sir what's up dude we can easily walk in and out and in and out and only we know about it and we know because it's seriously in the middle of the TN do you like it Alexa what that's actually kind of cool yes sir skin wa Roxy Lily you guys are doing amazing progress on the wall you too Crystal and you too lugie let's go and hold up I just came up with a really good idea what if we made the wall all of our different colors we already have green for Luke and green for Alexa what if we did C for me and you Crystal cuz they're kind of close then we could do like half red half pink on this side for Lilian Roxy yes that's a great idea okay okay okay to do that I'm going to use the magical wand and set it halfway over here and then I'm going to set it all to some red wool like that then over here I'm going to it all to some pink wool just like that Roxy do you like it look at the wall dude look at the wall it's literally Roxy Lily themed this is so cool when you go like far look at it wait let me check it and wao dude the Castle's looking sick you're right Roxy okay okay now Crystal we should do the same design for me and you let's set the first side over here second side over here then let's set it to some light blue W and Boop now we can set it with some canyan w for you yes I've been needing some Scion in my life exactly and then wait ly I'm going to make it normal green and then some Li for you and Alexa hold up that's actually relationship I mean friendship goals wait I thought you guys were married Alexa are you married to Luke by the way is that true I don't see a ring on any fingers what oh no ly you said that y'all was married luk were you capping about that bro is you capping you said hello dude what okay I didn't know it was a secret we were supposed to be keeping what are you guys it's a secret like thing what okay awkward and waa Roxy what design are you doing dude I'm going to make a staircase roof cuz it's a castle wa wait that's actually fire okay everyone we're all on staircase roof duties so lock in bro really said Duties are you what's so funny about that duties in our house is hilarious how is that funny that is not funny at all nothing's wrong with duties guys come on let's make it go all the way up over here and Roxy we're about to meet up dude we're about to meet up this is awesome sauce let's go all the way up over here and wait are we going to meet up at this rate and uh wait I think it needs to go one lower like that like that no it could be like that oh oh uh uh yeah I guess that works okay now let's top blue crystal what are you guys doing wait the corners get a little tricky oh you're doing Corners hold up that actually looks so dope but wait this side should be lime so let me just replace all this over here with some lime just like that Boop and yo you actually did a really good job with the corners wait let me fix this one line over here that had Emerald blocks and I'm going to set it all with lime so it stays consistent with the rest of the wall just like that Boop then I'm going to go all the way over here and I'm going to do the same with this cuz here it should be light blue so let's replace all these Emerald blocks like that Bop and Bop perfect and wao oh okay wait that actually looks fire and then let's just make sure that oh gosh uh guys SS and Roxy may have messed up on the corners it does not look as good as your Corners No Cap wait no it's good look it's good Roxy look at this side over here compared to that side oh no and wait wait we should make it so like it has like a cool design over here wait there's not enough lime oh gosh Luke we're really messing up badly right now dude I'm not going to lie BR you can't be folding right now still going boom you oh wait what please don't boom me and wait Crystal can you make the lime go deep down over there please and H how do we do this so it looks right and oh Roxy you're actually doing a really good job make the sign come out more over here the S and the lime are kind of mixed up with the red wait it's good wait yeah pretty good um I think what we should just do is we should just make the green Loop into this way so let's set it down over here and we should do the same staircase design but just make it with the green and red colors wait it's actually coming together look at the top yes sir ski dude okay okay let me set the red and Roxy help a brother out bro help her brother out wait I need to like make the corner tipping like just like that you're doing a great job dude you're doing a great job let's set the corner down over here one like that make it go up one like this and then we have to shred the blocks up over here dude okay now it's looking good and oh Alexa thank you for clutching up over there and yo that's looking so cool let me enter it and let's see if it works out and oh gosh guys it is so dark in here I literally cannot see anything I need some help with light duties Lily can you come down and help me please yeah I'll handle my duties that is not funny at all we need to use a block called glow stone check this out it makes a bunch of light this is what humans use to make everything braak wow this is so cool and there's also another really really cool block called sea lanterns it's basically glowstone but it just looks really cool we could do an awesome design on the inside I'm going to make a giant X on the bottom just like that oh gosh it's a little uneven don't worry about that ly don't worry about that just just trust we can make it like have a random design right so it doesn't look that messed up yeah let's give it some waves oh yeah oh that's looking swaggy yeah oh yeah actually the wave design is kind of fire oh and then it all leads into the center with some glow stone yo no no no I'm messing with the wavy design now we need to make the walls super bright and what if we put our letter on each of our Colors oh my gosh that's genius genius oh that's so good okay Luke do you want a sea lantern or a glow stone for your l sea lantern all right I got you let me put a ginormous out like that now Alexa glowstone or sea lantern for your a glowstone okay let me set your giant a just like that boop boop boop boop perfect now a crystal for cc Lantern or glow stone uh I'll take sea lantern oo okay let me set your ginormous sea just like that now SS will be taking some glow stone over here just like that for a ginormous oh now Lily do you want glowstone or sea lantern for your l h I think I'll take sea lantern ooh nice choice let me set down some sea lanter just like that Bop and then finally Roxy sea lanter or glow stone for your arm wa een Meeny mo catch a tiger by so if you haul it only go een meenie miny mo SE line turn oh okay I got you dude and well Roxy Lily are matching just wanted to let you guys know that I have a feeling that they're like relationship goals ly would I be right about that no cap on a stack I think they're dating oh no wa no no no no no no this bedroom is awesome and wait wait wait we should break the top over here to leave some natural lighting we should add glass at the top right oh yes natural light is good for us I know right boop boop boop now we can see so good it's so bright in here before it was super dark now we have to add how we want our bedrooms to be I want a bunk bed with Alexa wait wait wait Alexa and Luke should have bug beds and then Lily and Roxy should have a bug bed Roxy make a bug bed over here dude and then Luke and Alexa build a bunk bed over here and then me and Crystal are going to build a bunk bed over here it's going to be lit YY best bunk bed is the best couple I mean French gos what uh what was bro yapping about best bed has the best bed okay let's do it Crystal we're going to make our bunk bed super duper high up check it out this is going to be the frame of it so it's very stable let's go all the way over here just like that and then make it go down like this and Crystal can you fill up the platform over here for me please yes but I call top bunk oo okay I'll take bot buck and then let me set it down all the way over here this is where my mattress is going to be and Crystal did you set Yours up over here yes sir that is looking awesome now let's get some ladders so we could easily climb up we could set it down over here just like that and boop boop and wait we got to put some reings cuz I do not want you to fall off that would be terrible yes I would hurt my booty butt so much I know right so let's put some fences all like that boop boop boop boop and ooh nice you're adding your cyan beds that looks fire and I put down all the fences and I'll even put some over here so you don't slip off on the side that would be bad as well and wait let me add the fences like that so there's literally no room to slip whatsoever you can't even slip through the cracks huh yes cuz they're so small I know right boop boop over here then let's go all the way down and boop boop perfect Crystal now your bunk bed to the top is completely good and your bed's over here nice and oh are you even adding drawers inside your bed yes sery this is going to be like my little Hub wo and oh you should add a mirror so you can do your makeup in the morning and then like a little chair over here you could have like your whole dresser area over here and wait we could break over here and you could have like a little closet as well oh my gosh yes this is like a whole room I know right okay I set up the closet for you so you have some room to put stuff okay I'm going to do the same for mine cuz mine is looking super duper underdeveloped and wo look at Alexa look lit and Roxy and Lily's look like an exact copy of ours really guys really Roxy what is this what is this uh it's not a copy it's just better are you serious Lily explain yourself right now what is this what is that uh Roxy told me to do it me oh my gosh ain't no way but I'm going to grab my light blue bed and I'm going to it down like that and since I do be tossing it during that night I'm going to make mine super big and I'm going to put an awesome closet over here and I'm going to make the closet literally straight made out of Glowstone it was about to be so bright in here so I could pick out the best outfits possible baby so let's go like that set the glow stone up over here then we can do the same on this side boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop and Boop over here now wo oh this closet is aite guys this closet is aite it's so big and I need to add a little door so let me grab a I'll grab oh a light blue one perfect just like that so inside my closet now I got to add some fire drip so let me grab an armor stand like that BOA and let's see what armor would make me kind of look like a God cuz I do look like a super Noob right now compared to everybody else uh what would a god wear what would a god wear something wo Divine helmet that's such a god fit Divine chest plate Divine leggings okay yeah the Divine set is what I'm going with now let me see wao what that looks like it's already pre- Enchanted I've never seen armor that's pre- Enchanted before that's awesome wait let me put the drip on in I look like an honorary God oh my gosh Crystal check me out do I look cool do I look like a god just like you guys oh my gosh go you fit in so well are you serious yes and wa Crystal I really like what you did with the mirror that's awesome and wait what are you doing in your closet why' you put so many fences this is to represent all my clothes oh why don't you just use armor stands and then you could like literally put armor what what are you doing oh my gosh yes that's such a better idea really CHR on wait over here you could set these blocks with some oh sea lantern so matches your theme better than glowstone like that so it's still super duper glowy and over here you have room for two armor stands you could put one over here like that and one over here like that and pick out the coolest ones let's find something that would suit you hm what do you think I should pick Let's see I'm scrolling through I'm trying to find something that's Crystal themed uh ah nothing yet nothing yet uh oh my gosh wait I think I kind of found something that would suit you really well check this out it's called the electromancer armor this John looks super drippy here throw it on crystal throw it on oh this looks so cool W I want to see it I want to see it that is swag and even the lightning is coming out of your hands it looks super cool put it on the armor and whoa Luke Alexa do you guys have a trampoline yes Siri check this out yeah waa wait let me hop on yeah yeah and luk wait did you check out my awesome armor I kind of look like you and Alex all right do I look drippy hold up wait a minute you kind of looking cool yes sir look at my cap bro it be waving when I run look at the cape look at the cape oh yeah the J got movement yo Alexa check out my Cape do you like it do you like it it looks good she likes it she likes it I have a feeling Alexa you're starting to like me even though I'm a human I just don't not like you m sure just say you like me Alexa nothing's wrong with liking me we could all be awesome friends fine you're okay let's go and ooh I like your bunk bed you guys have chairs over here where you could show ly uh are you top bunk or bottom bunk I'm bottom bunk you could tell cuz there's books here and the bed is green oh you like to read what yeah I love knowledge wow and wa now Roxy your side is lit is this dragon armor dude yeah my bed my bookshelves nothing crazy dude this is definitely swag bro you got a mirror to be showing love how cool you look wait can you put your dragon armor on I want to see what a godded dragon armor looks like please I I I'll show you I'll show you I'll show you oh come on show me the drip bro show me the drip bro show me the drip bro I'm so hyped I'm so hype I need to see this I need to see this you yeah I'm ready bro come on boom Oh no dude the red matches you so well you look like an evolved dinosaur my boy oh yeah cuz I'm a real dinosaur in real life oh that's fire and then Lily your room's up over here and it looks so pretty what is this this is my awesome to me a vanity what a vanity wa that's very cool yes sersi and this is my bed it's super cozy nice I like it a lot and guys our secret bedroom is super duper lit let's all right who broke the ghost blocks who broke the ghost blocks that was Roxy not me really Roxy really you just had to break dude I I didn't know there was Ghost blocks oh my gosh really dude but guys the castle is actually looking super dripping what someone even made a Gold Path and yo oh wait what Roxy did you add these Mech armor thingies what is this no don't go on it it's supposed to be decoration if enemies come we can fight with them oh yeah we really made this island look a lot better wait wait we should make a gold pla go all the way down so it looks good since the second you come on the island right yeah that would be legendary all right all right crystal fix it up and I'm about to go all the way down over here like that and let's set it to some gold blocks boom and then oh gosh over here we have to fix this up as well let's set it to some snow like that Boop and then finally let's fix these up like that oo Crystal I like how you're making like a real path really good design Choice really good design Choice thank you so much no problem and wait yep I was thinking the same thing make it go down one oh my gosh that's fire and Boop over here like that then boop boop boop boop boop boop and Boop wa no that is lit so once you enter the goddess Cloud you walk among it and let's get rid of this sign that said humans rule we're going to make it say God's rule exclamation mark y this kingdom is lit I know wait Boop glow ink sack so now you walk on in and oh quartz looks so good and dude the castle looks so cool on the outside and wait wait guys we should make it say gods and I came with a cool design check this out Roxy we can make a g over here then put an o in the middle then put a d on this side oh yeah I'm going to get rid of these pumpkins I placed oh yeah that was a little bit random okay okay let's do it and to make a G is like that and I'm using netherite cuz netherite is the most powerful Block in the game it makes netherite armor Okay g just like that and Roxy the O literally fits perfectly dude check that out o right over here bro isn't that fire oh yeah it's the fire yes so wait actually I'm going to make it go up one more just like that so the O is even and I'm going to make the snow all like that so G over here then finally we shall add the D just like that yeah yeah make it go down over here then two like that up one up one and wao and we should make the background of all of it white Roxy for the background of the G can you put white blocks please yep I'm on it thank you so much dude let's throw down the white just like that and oh my gosh we officially have our God Island completely done I guess my job here is now done it's time for me to go it was really nice meeting you what do you have to leave well that was a deal right I help you build your castle and then you guys let me leave and you don't boom me I'd really like to slay but like I don't want to like make someone upset like Alexa Gods let's have a meeting come over here real quick wait what all the gods are about to have a meeting oh what are they talking about over there they're just making sounds are they coming to a decision on if I could say or not what's going on yes uh yeah yeah that's good decis when he did thaty I think you should tell him what what are they about to tell me can you tell me again they didn't even communicate you going to say it are you serious can someone please say it I'll say it I'll say it who's saying it what M you could s a why stay wait are you guys serious can I be an honorary God yes you're already in your God suit uh oh my gosh yay I just made friends with a bunch of gods and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on the next click right here bye
Channel: Omz
Views: 624,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Cash and Nico, Omziscool, Kory, Maizen, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, maze build, noob vs pro, Omz, Lily, Roxy, nico and cash, cash and nico, Omz and Roxy, Roxy and Omz, minecraft, minecraft mod, cash, nico, kory, omz, mia, maizen, Locked on ONE RAFT But We're GODDESS MOBS With CRAZY FAN GIRL!
Id: rjW6XHO7rhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 20sec (3200 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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