I Turned My Room Into A Secret Trampoline Park!

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day three of building a secret base every day until my friends find me yeah you can't get me now oh dude no way and today I'm just in my bedroom but I have one special secret and underneath my bed is the secret entrance to an entire but we'll get to that later got to keep it a little lowkey for now I want to give you guys a tour of my bedroom we got my two favorite movies this goes to the rest of the house we're just going to lock this door for safety we got plans over here for me building my next secret base I really want to go to New York boys are never going to find me there my bookshelf and then I got Bruce anytime I get bored I just slap them I'm working on a Lego set right now I left a bunch of clues for James and Gabe they're not smarter than a fifth grader so I don't think they're ever going to find me that's it right yeah it's called Reunion Tower I have the address listen look for the spot he might still be here for lucky I mean this is what the background was you could see the city but where was the spot maybe right here oh yeah there was a window this looks look that's his greasy Head Mark right there cuz you know he went like this yeah so we're in the right spot it's a little windy up here dude we're so high up dude I look over the head I get a little weird feeling in my stomach I want to see if I can find a hint what if we're running around and he's on the other side running around no he wouldn't do that bro I see everything but a hint you don't see a hint do you what it's called old I can't believe he drove all the way to Dallas I think this was just something to slow us down I mean it's a cool view get in the elevator we need to go down I want to decorate the bedroom a little bit this Wall's looking a little empty we're going to do it with photos God so bright dude we're never going to find him dude he could be in that building over there and that building's like twice the height we are right be on another roof just watching us hey guys told me to this you what is this house you had this the whole time yeah it was in my pocket you're just now giving this to us you guys your friends you're lucky I know what this is dude I'm going to kill you we need to get in the car and hurry if this is what I think it is he's still there he has to be we need to do like a proper photo shoot yeah take a [Music] photo oh creeper that's actually still how I take thumbnails so this house huh dude this has to be it this is the only house I know of that looks like that we need to hurry we need to find him now all right simple rules you got downstairs I got upstairs okay fair enough he's not going to be just like in here eating breakfast I have to look at every single detail in this house kind of sus hello I don't know I'm getting some he's at the aquarium Vibes right now a lot of sea creatures in this place a lot now that I'm thinking about it I'm going to autograph every single one of these and you guys can buy them on our website unspeakable.com I think you should take one on your bed yeah I can do that just like laying down yeah I'd say just on your Minecraft [Applause] pillow okay I took it there's always a trapo underneath rugs I don't hear anything the floor is solid oh dude no light switch is no way look at this look down the hallway you see nothing hello Nathan where did we just go what in the world that is the weirdest closet to a different bedroom I've ever seen in my life I have found the Gizzy room yo what yo what is this yo how does he even find a place like this well you think they got some snacks oh my gosh of course James dude this house is creepy I walked through a closet and I came into a new dimension open the fridge oh dude this is the biggest fridge I've ever seen in my life oh Taco Tuesday yeah I was looking for a snack but oh it's uh yeah it's there's no snacks but I was too scared to go down there alone so you know I understand I got you it's like a hospital in here it's just bright well I found the snacks it says push oh oh dude no [Music] way oh snap there's a lot of fridges you think we're going to have to go through every single door what in the world definitely not in here dude the glizzies are chilling Gabe Gabe I don't know what I did I found a cow the cow is trying to work its moves on me or something yo you think they got desserts in here desserts these are looking so good a true work of art that's what a bedroom's all about right memories memories with your friends your family memories too bad James and Gabe will never find this place or if they do I'll be long gone cuz I got a flight booked in about 5 hours we were searching all over until we found you're going to ask the statue oh he left us a clue thanks statue I don't know it's an ugly photo of Nathan though this is the address we need to go to hold on yeah yeah yeah hold on hold on all right I got the photo put it back put it back and let's go let's go you hungry bro yeah I could eat want some what you trying to order oh nuggies on Deck bro that's been in there the whole time yeah come on if you insist bro is this Polynesian sauce oh yeah this is lunch and dinner so eat up fun fact when I was a little kid I had a mini fridge in my room and I always had pizza rolls in it oh yeah this is the right address oh dude is that house that's a mansion this is the biggest house I've ever seen in my life this is the address 100% let's look for Nathan I guess well I hope we find him cuz we don't have much time left oh now we're on [Music] camera oh my gosh dude be quiet oh this unlocked oh maybe I should knock first you heard that too right yeah did you hear that yeah no one answered okay you think we should split up uh we can if you want all right I'm going to go this way okay I'm go this way while James and Gabe think they might be getting close do you remember that secret from earlier but I have one special secret and underneath my bed is the secret entrance to an entire trampoline park I'm getting kind of bored I think I want to go jump on some trampolines I'm excited to check this place out boys here we are this place is crazy we got trampolines we got dodgeball two obstacle courses we have slides all of these trampolines and over here that is my bedroom it Blends in pretty well there's just a bunch of Black Walls back here it's time to have some fun though p p park staff supervision required for this attraction put me on fast mode yeah you can't get me now what are you going to do now James and Gabe are never going to find me scrubs I don't know if we're supposed to be in here this looks like the master bedroom somebody was in here at one point oh my gosh dude look at this bathroom oh my God what in the world D that's a nice [Music] bow see what kind of snacks they got up here we got to be very careful cuz we're right next to the front I have given these noobs enough Clues to make it here oh they got the fruit blocks let's go they knew we were coming the juice blocks the fruit blocks you guys can get these at every single Walmart I don't think anyone's here this is the right address it's a nice home it's got to be where Nathan's hiding oh dude if he's in here I'm going plch his [Music] head there's a towel on the wall he had to be here want to have a Nerf War I give you the big one first one to get hit loses busted oh your guns busted oh you better run boy I'm out of ammo I got to reload oh you got another one holy CRA oh you got another one I'm about 360 no scope you why you running [Music] no no I'm out of ammo hey bro no no no I got no so bright what is wrong with that ceiling fan you call that a fan that ain't going to push any air oh dude dude dude dude dude dude what oh my gosh yeah we're in the right house yeah he was here 100% what does this even mean it's just a bunch of screenshots from our videos you're telling me this man was laying here and looking at himself they all have trampolines in do they yeah every single one has a trampoline so this is our next clue trampolines trampolines trampolines trampolines he's that a sports store yes I I know what a I know I know what a trampoline is but what doesn't me the only thing I could think of is he's at a trampoline place let's go check it we'll start with the Clos this one let's go I just saw two cars pull up I think they're just random people I want to be safe and go back to the bedroom just in case we should probably do something out this hole yo I think a kid puked in here I'm not even kidding I think we need two trash cans woo pck that's good that's good ladies first go ahead that means you go no come on you said ladies first dude that's it that's it that's it that's it I know I missed my turn but I'm I got I got this we got to find him pull up in the closest spot closest spot you want me to Ram it through the front door sure if you want to door's crack doesn't even work wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh yeah he's definitely been here juice blocks fruit blocks get at your Walmart type beat right here he's here yeah but where his distraction is going to work though I'm definitely going to drink this come on it's good stuff oh yeah sorry we should be the only ones here should go check no I shouldn't go check they'd be dumb what I'm going check up there check underneath the slide I'll be back for that oh that's deep someone definitely could be inside that checking them pH pits huh I thought it would be less bouncy I'm going to peek under do you see him not in that phone pit no I feel like you would have screamed if I jumped on him he's not on the slide I don't see anything at least we'd probably see him if he tried to leave dude he's not in here maybe if you jump on that side he'll be in that side you think we're going to find him here I mean juice blocks were here and the last clue was a bunch of photos of trampoline we're definitely on track it's them it's them it's them there here gab's right there why is this closed off weird where am I going to hide I'm already hiding I'm in my bedroom we need to hide in your hiding spot dude they weren't supposed to make it here this fast I think he's in one of those tubes up there he's not up there should I go to my hiding spot n bro they ain't going to fight me he's still in that same Corner what are you doing just bouncing around I thought it was harder than they're going to check this place and they're going to go somewhere else I don't think they're going to find bro I'm trying to listen to what they're saying amaz where are you it'd be too easy to be underneath all the trampolines right but you got to check this is going to ruin all my freaking plans if they find me I have so many secret bases set up after this I got to climb out I got to climb out you got to help me climb out you're just going to be playing around and stuff we're running out of time this looks sus why it's a wall I smelled it and it smells fresh it smells likees why you smelling walls tell me that's not fresh it smells freshly cut they're going to find me bro they're going to freaking find me you got to go I I am oh hey I found it that's how you get in oh dude what the heck go hurry up yo it's smaller than you think hurry up have you ever crawled before in your life bro stop [ __ ] you're in my way get out of the hole I'm out of the hole and I'm in the dude the only thing I see is Bruce stupid oh wait dude we need to get out we need to go check okay hey Ethan how's it going it's been a long day for you huh a little not too bad these idiots found my room but they didn't find me are you just trying to move the bed do I win anything for finding you do you win no they have to find me not you oh okay okay yeah hey chicken boy I'm over here Chicken Boy what kind of insult is that hey pretty boy come get me I'm over here feel like this is like a scene in Home Alone you ready watch this you going to go get him he's going down the slide oh no dude I'm screwed Dave I told you you'd be on the slide J on you you thought you could delete our Channel who sending us on a wild goose chase it's been 3 days did you give him a goo goo you win you win we don't have to get rid of the channel we're saved gab they've been on the run for too long yes
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 2,021,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: rvlol2mjTJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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