⚡ THE NIGHT BEGINS TO SHINE! ⚡ Best Moments! | Teen Titans Go! | @dckids

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one 2 3 4 I saw you dance from the corner I called your name in a conv playing hard to get but I can't understand when I look at you I see the story in your eyes dancing cyborg night begin shine cyborg night begin sh the night begin sh night begins to shine when we're dancing the night cyborg yes cyborg we must speak on the topic of the song it's pretty great right you play it every day multiple times a day yeah I do it gets me pumped up bro what's so special about that song on the magnetic strip in this cassette tape lives the greatest song ever written the night begins to shine influenced by the sounds of the80s it was 40% written by Carl berett 40% by Franklin Ania and a sweet sweet 20% by William J Reagan when I hear this song Anything is Possible can such power come from something as simple as musical Arrangements music can transform you girl transform me so I can be Optimus Prime no I want to be Optimus Prime but you can be [Music] Bumblebee [Music] what are you guys doing the blah yeah yep pretty much you know what I do when I feel the blah you play the night begins to shine I play the night begins to shine we've heard that song a 100 times it does nothing for us you got to listen with your heart not your ears it's not going to work wa what's happening to my body that's the block going on at temporary vacation see you in 3 minutes blah [Music] blah how my lip sinking when I don't even know the words the words know you they always have what is happening to reality music is its own reality this is freaking me out what do we do we [Music] ride [Music] you from the cor your name in [Music] a hard to I can't understand when I look at you I see the story in your eyes when we're dancing the night begin to shine night begins to shine the night begins to shine this place is so sick [Music] yo why don't we look like this all the time because it's too rad Robin too rad cyborg I have been wondering in what exactly is this world of the Eternal shining nights it's a mystery all I know is this song is the key to this reality indeed it is and for that reason you will give the song to me who are you and why do you desire the song all you need to know is the song Belongs to Me Now hand it over no you get own's music yo it belongs to every everyone I won't ask again little machine man I won't give it away it's a part of me then I will pull it from your metal bones Titans roll [Music] out [Music] a [Music] CB hang on bro [Applause] no no one can save you now give the song to me no There Is No Escape Metal Man soon the night will shine no more where where we're back but where's cyborg he must be trapped in the dimension of the night shines we got to go back for him but the only way in is through the power of the song then we'll sing our way in when I look at you I see the story in your eyes when you're dancing the night begins to shy the night begins to [Music] shy oh please Beast Boy why isn't it working probably because you sing like garbage the song was made from Magic and the magic is the key to that land without that little miracle created by be the dimension is closed to us forever not necessarily we might not be able to recreate the magic but I bet if we turn to some of the biggest artists in music today they could help us why why would they do that because there's nothing famous musicians love more than fulfilling the weird requests of random fans let me tell you a story Little machine man once long ago I had created a kingdom without rivalry no one dar challenge me but then they came three astral beings born from the Collision of a thousand planets and imbued with a power of Stardust b e r together they created a sound more powerful than any the night begins to shine gave birth to an entirely new reality warping space and time around itself the Millennia no one dared to challenge me my power was so great and yet their song Let Me helpless as a newborn babe they were too radical from that day forward the night would always shine in this land but be R feared what might happen if the song fell into the wrong hands my hands so they sealed it within a cassette tape and hid it away from this world and then like that be disappeared as quickly as they had come I never thought I'd hear that song again but you brought it right to me now I'll use it to take back what is mine you're wasting your time be will just stop you again fool they're inh highed no one will find them beer is gone forever I'm 20% of be so there's still 80% out there until you find car Bernette and Franklin Ania there's no band so where did you think they are no idea these guys are ghosts man Phantoms if they don't want to be found they won't be after all the things we saw I wouldn't be surprised if they disappeared for Good found them you did yeah the internet makes it really easy to find people well you may have found them but I'm not sure they'll want anything to do with beo I just texted them they're coming over now oh Billy Carl Frank Billy Raven Starfire you were not part of this reunion Oh I thought we was just playing the say two names game oh I adore the two name game Jasper Cornelia Dagmar Donald I can't believe be is back together after all the things we saw Frank Carl so many years have gone by tell me about all the things you saw n nothing special I saw some things they weren't that interesting all right y' let's get to business sing the night begins to shine so we can save my dude you really expect us to sing this song after all yeah yeah after all you saw we know what Billy's trying to tell you is we can't we swore a galactic oath to never sing it again until the prophecy is fulfilled prophecy when the night shines no more and the glory of the land has fallen only then will the song be heard again so you can't help us get into that other dimension where cyborg is trapped afraid not well unless we can come up with a new song that's great then do it easier said than done it's hard recreating that kind of magic not to mention dangerous but we must rescue our friend he's going to be trapped in that Dimension with that Dragon forever forever forever forever forever forever [Music] forever wao yes it's working it's hard to sleep cuz your mind is playing tricks on me I'm try to keep my hope feels up from missing a beat and I'm trying to let you know how you love makes me want to go go go and I'm try to make you see how much you mean to me me me forever [Music] forever forever [Music] you did it we've been away so long I was starting to wonder if maybe I dreamed at all it's no dream Billy I never thought we'd come back and you'll wish you never had it's an ambush you were fools to return and now with your help I will take over this land once again it's over Dragon it has only begun the song is mine you [Music] fools I told you the song Belongs to Me Maybe the song but not b e r [Music] see the world while you're young and beautiful come with me build a dream life is here for us to seee feeling new all inun the Melo shines over you let the music make your morning Groove with the be that makes your body [Music] move the r up come on and with me [Music] prophecy you are calling upon rise up feel the wave of the energy rise up rise [Music] up we [Music] see away the walk the Sands of Seven Seas when the music takes us away the be find [Music] come on and go with me say the word and feel the way the energy rise up rise up of the energy rise up rise up sa the world that'll set you [Music] free say the [Music] world your reign of terror is here [Music] dragons You Haven't Seen the Last of Me with the that make you words music will set you [Music] [Applause] free [Music] [Applause] [Music] night begin to [Music] sh so this is it the city is finally tearing down the old Tower I can't believe that after tomorrow there won't be anything left it all went by so quickly like the blink of the eye y'all want to take one last look [Music] around would you look at this place it hasn't changed a bit yet I do not recall so many of the unpleasant odors o ve that was me I've been eating a lot of fiber on the account of my poor digestion did you hear that I already said it was me not that you dummy listen I don't hear anything me neither there it is again I think it's coming from the couch well I'll be it's my old B mixtape what's a beer H this is another local ice cream store it's the name of the band that created a magic Melody I'm more of a mint chocolate Chipman myself I'm not talking about ice cream I'm talking about the Magical song written and performed by Carl berett Franklin Anil and William J ran also known as b r that could transport us to an alternate Dimension wait wait wait are you saying we aren't getting ice cream we should go back for Old Time sake that's a young man's game s cyborg we're too old for popular music we might be old but music is forever fine we'll go but we'd better be back by three we do not wish to be late for the meal of the supper booo prepare to enter a world of music and Magic do G it it's been a while since I used it hang on there we [Music] go the night begins to shine wa how is this possible music has the power to transform you friends look the mighty Suite has fallen no sweet I'm sorry if we hadn't been away so long do not be the hard on yourself it wasn't your fault any idea what could have done this something more powerful than anything we've ever faced before the twin moon shine upon us for the heroes of old have returned what what what an honor it is to meet you dragon slayer you've heard of us everyone knows of your heroic Deeds from the Legends passed down for Generations hear that we'd be legendary yo allow me to introduce myself my name is backstory the leader of this tribe then maybe you can tell us what's going on it would be my great pleasure soon after your defeat of the Dragon be our return to the heavens they left us sweet to guard over our planet there were Ians of peace and prosperity across our lands but all of that ended the day our Guardian site was attacked and destroyed by the dark wizard ultral he spread his evil across the land ultrak conquered the world and outlawed the one thing we cherished the most music it's so hot can't we take some break not when the freedom of this world depends on us finding those stems any luck with the radio I'm picking up a song signal but I can't get a lock on its position what we need is a local who can point us in the right direction perhaps those men can help [Music] us you're not from around here are you we've come from Another Universe and are on a galactic Mission and what would that be we're looking for a song a song can you help us yeah I think I can first you pack up then you get out of town and never come back what's his problem you don't take kindly to strangers then maybe you can help us we need information about a song you're in the right place then this here mine is Cho full of the things but the songs do not come from the ground around here they do long ago musicians from all over the land buried their songs deep underground to prevent them from being captured by ultral life but ever since the sheriff put a bounty on music folks like myself have taken a Min in those songs for Cold Hard Cash what happens to the songs the sheriff delivers them to ultral laac to be destroyed that's wicked yo how can you profit from the destruction of music you don't know how hard it is out here now are you going to tell me what it is you're looking for we are looking for the song that was written and recorded by the beer the motherload I just sold it to the sheriff first thing tomorrow he's going to deliver it to ultrag you what don't you know how important that song is now what do I care songs ain't brought this land nothing but trouble well I see it music is nothing but a curse we have to get it back before ultral gets it the stem you're looking for is on that train settle [Music] up you think you can rob my [Music] train let's move it's time I broke out the big [Music] gun got you what are you all standing around for get [Music] him we'll cover you now go end of the line Sheriff are your hands may be nimble on them strings but I'm a fast draw enough [Music] talk your days as Sheriff are over there's the stem hurry the bridge is [Laughter] out hey you can't leave us like this y'all are just going to have to trust me on this [Music] one it looks like we're all on a one-way trip to the [Laughter] Boneyard [Music] what are they [Music] [Applause] [Music] doing [Music] [Music] Master we weren't expecting you did you come to oversee our operation because I can assure you we've been working our fingers to the Bone I'm searching for the heroes of Legend they are attempting to restore be's lost song I haven't seen the master but I wouldn't worry they will never find those stems fool they found one already I want you and your men to double your workload we need to rid this land of Music before they make any more progress right away master and Lord Fulon if you fail me your bones will become two toys all my house understood speed it up move you Lacy pile of bones we've got to stop them before they can destroy any more songs music is the lifeblood of this reality you want us to attack this entire Factory Yes sounds like my kind of party time to close up shop Fulon the Legendary Heroes here you don't have the Manpower to defeat me destroy them you'll pay for that [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] no what was that thing I don't know but we need to keep trying cyborg wait I don't think we can do this yes we can but getting past that thing is impossible there is always a path I promise you and I know we can find it by learning from our mistakes are you sure about that bro the stem is so close I can taste it now tell me are you ready to do this yes I can't hear you are you ready to do this yes then let's do [Music] this again again [Music] again again [Music] one life left then I guess this means if we try again and fail it will be the end of us that's it I can't do this no more you just need to calm down don't tell me to calm down I've had it with this place Perhaps it is the time for us to call it the Quint cyborg that's not an option we're out of options admit it cyborg we're beat we're beat there's a rhythm that's it Titans the music is the key give it a rest bro yes friend cyborg we cannot retrieve the stem without our superpowers but we can with the power of music trust me and if you can't do that then trust the music first take a deep breath now imagine there's nothing in our way focus on the music that's calling out to [Music] you let's [Music] ride get ready here comes the hard part we cannot do it trust the [Music] music wa gnarly be must have been using the stem's power to sustain the void now that we got all three what do we do with them Yo bringing the stems together is having an effect on the radio and it looks like it wants us to take them to the top of that Peak what do you suppose is out there I don't know but we're about to find [Music] out what's we going to do yo I don't know we need some kind of [Music] Miracle e e r this can't be I destroy your music e e r is music and music can never be destroyed Neil you got to stop this now Neil no longer exists I am ultrak I will a sheep this world with silence and darkness but the four of us made this world together this place is our home a home where I was forced to live as an insect but I should be a god everyone have serve me or they will perish we need to rock It's the only way to take him [Music] down they absorbed the song No it isn't possible music can't be destroyed it can only create something new like a new m M of B eer it's the last song they're playing it what's [Music] happening you see radical you're going down ultr you are no match for [Music] me is that the best you've got a do not worry I have plenty more in store for you [Music] is stand you're watch can I destroy all your friends the only thing that's being destroyed today is you [Music] [Music] you're you want escape the ultra l surrender I do not surrender I'm [Music] strong I will drive the music from your body he's in trouble p r let's rock any last words you're the fs the night with you're the one bringing the you're the one to make it right you're [Music] the [Music] oh you know why yes you did it cyborg thanks to you today marks a new era for peace and musical Prosperity across the land I guess the only thing left to do now is to go back home we are home you're the one who fills the night with life inside you're the feels the night with light [Music] inside
Channel: DC Kids
Views: 242,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DC, DC Kids, DC Comics, Cartoons, Kids cartoons, Superhero cartoons, Superheroes, YouTube Kids, Watch online, Watch free, Full episodes, villains, vlad and niki, Teen Titans Go!, teen titans go, team titans go, team titans, teen titans, raven, cyborg, beast boy, starfire, blackfire, robin, the night begins to shine, night begins to shine, song, music, fall out boy, karaoke, dragon, sped up, slowed, B.E.R., ber, lyrics, full movie, sci fi, 80s, fantasy, serious, music video, sing along
Id: I4yye8mUzWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 46sec (2266 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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