Aphmau and Aaron STRANDED AT SEA!

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hey guys AAU here or you can call me Jess that's our real name oh and this is Aaron for Jason whatever works today we're celebrating 20 million subscribers never in a million years did I ever think I'd have that many wonderful people watch me it's actually insane and I've been making videos for 10 years now which means like if I were to count on my fingers that would kind of be um uh babe we don't have fingers in this animation oh and to celebrate such a wonderful moment for limited time you can pre-order my 20 mil merch check it out at ail.com thank you guys so much from the bottom of my heart we've had so many memories together through all kinds of videos and I'm looking forward to creating many more happy memories you guys have no idea how much we appreciate so here's to our beautiful 20 million subscribers uh is that a fire over there should we should we put that out Aon it's me you the SP and this water isn't it what you've always wanted I just wanted a coffee this is the opposite of that Aaron just love me oh here comes the items uh let's see I don't have a fishing rod but that's okay um let's can we I got a lot of wood look at all this stuff wait wait wait wait is are those Palm leaves whatever I'll make a crafting table real quick grab that I I got I got a crafting table wait what I made the crafting table first I just want the world why you were saying hey wait a minute there's a uh fine I'll make a chest Aon look I got an Ian block oh let me see that real quick I'm just going to take this whoa listen we don't need any trash on our boat nice all right oh look we got another one take a look look at this Aon see D people really need to stop throwing trash in the ocean oh let's see what are you going to do with that wait wait wait I've got an A mlock does that have the coffee you promise me Aaron you know what maybe it does here how about I open it and oh huh these AR coffee Aaron Aaron they have names I can't drink them can we keep them please can we keep them where are we going to put them oh they got a little house they got a little baby house oh and they got a food look at me oh I got a food for oh oh no no no I'm putting this away all right um wait what I want to know is why do they all have names oh there're so Aaron Aaron they're getting items oh are useful and no shark pets oh that's not a pet Aaron that is a that's a shark and that is not another pet we have um that okay that yeah yeah I'll make a sword just in case oh look at this oh look at lucky he's working so hard I like this one Aaron this is my favorite one no oh my God Aaron babies babies um I don't think lucky was very lucky Aaron make a shovel please make a shovel sharks seals you know the shark eats seals how was I supposed to know that it's nature it was like a nugget to the shark that's not nature Aaron don't make go up make a make an axe make an axe please hurry make an axe okay oh you got it I got it I got it I got it I got eyes for the shark um yeah I really I I I I just come on come on maybe they can uh come over here can they uh fishy fish oh wait what's going on oh good rain uh all right they stay here stay right there make a fish I don't want them going to the sides of the shark okay I'll build out a bit uh make a fence or something no we need shelter first yeah and I'm going to get um let me see I'm going to get build this out just a little bit more what's what the lighting to the block away you can get electrocuted how do we make shelter where the lightning takes the fire fire back maybe nature wants the seals no never we just got to find something else maybe the leaves leaves oh that's new uh can we use this at all huh Aaron wait the leaves uh that's cute actually wait god it works okay put more down put more down oh no it's helping it's helping just uh use the axe to get rid of this Aon just put the leaves there I can't believe this works put the leaves up there I got it I got it look hey it's actually not hitting okay all right the leaves are useful Aaron oh more than seals I see Aaron they're doing a great job by just existing and being cute what are you doing there Ellie get get out of there get shoot no it lived oh I got him I got him okay now that's lucky okay it's fine it's fine it's fine I'll put the baby seal down baby seal go down baby seal okay how long is the storm going to go uh okay um ooh nice all right the baby seals are fine uh wait I don't want them to go I want them to start uh let's see maybe we can get them to like I'm not sure if that works I don't know if they'll go over there and uh Ellie Ellie Ellie Ellie seems to be the problem child I don't know she's not leave her alone she's doing her best she's not the problem child she's she's all the work fine we'll take care of the stupid seals wait wait you know what what we need a much bigger wrath for them yeah let's make it bigger I don't want those that shark to mess with the baby seals cuz lucky died lucky guess he was unlucky he was unlucky he was a star but he died died died with the shark oh you made a grve for the water rat I know don't call him a water rat he's he was delicious apparently you know what it's fine it's fine you know we still have we still have Bandit uh Cece and mellow like a marshmallow not for the stupid shark the shark where' the shark go is the shark still here there he is just swimming the murderer uh I got a sword if he attacks again we'll be ready perfect okay all right um let's see oh nice job with a little Hut look at that thanks there are different types of leaves so yeah I thought it looked pretty nice oh that's so cute let me see oh I'm I think I'm oh there we go here we got a but I was only able to make one so it's o no no no no no this is my bed now this is my bed I'm going to push you off I'm going to push you off oh like you normally do yes I'm pushing you off like normal and this is my bed well we better make room okay um so let me see uh what do we got going on oh so I made this little thing for the seal yeah I made this for the little um seals I don't want them to get hurt wait what if I click it uh no no no don't wait don't don't what what wait what got wait why do I get a ball you got a ball and there's more seals here take it oh look at this oh great more water rats if I if if I if I right click hold on one second let me put this away let me put all this stuff away uh put this here okay wait wa wait wait wait F what are you up to okay let's see what if I right click a seal pops down oh no oh Aaron look at this one he's asleeping oh they sleep outside not on the bed okay what happens um uh what does this what does this thing do why does it take power six oh this holding oh no oh no no no no no no no no Aon make a boat make a boat not no no no no no no no no no no no that's just nature no I don't like nature Aaron nature speed stop clapping you guys all right all right so we've got everything going on we need to make sure we expand this area I think I'm going to make like some fences and like make wait wait why don't we use that friend block we found it could be useful um oh that's right let me see uh wait hold on oh wait Aaron Aaron what are you doing no wait no no no no what if mine spawns more seals I fine all right so what friend blocks do we got we got we got Zane Casey Pierce all right so we'll call them as we need um but I don't know if there's going to be a reason why we need them is that what is that thing looks like a boat wait wait wait wait wait what does that say oh no it's a Sephora going to spend all of our money again I want uh get it get it get it get it oh I need to get a fishing rod uh wait huh oh what oh jeez what the oh look at that this isn't for survival we are Sur okay okay wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute listen to me Aon mhm we're surviving on this this is a blessing from nature okay Aaron we don't have to be surviving an ugly can't eat this it's not natural no no no no this look at all these natur ingredients why is sunscreen even in the game oh my gosh and lip oil watermelon glow oh what on strawberry glow what even is blush stain oh my gosh Aaron can you just appreciate the ketchup just like a ketchup I'm not falling for that it's it's fine it's fine okay just uh let's see um how are we going to Ford any of this we are actually what do we use this for exactly uh oh what the oh Aaron Aaron I'm sunburn oh you're sunburn oh in Minecraft oh no no no no no no no they look like tomatoes okay we need to put uh emeralds we don't have any emeralds we need the sunscreen oh no no no no no no no uh wait Zane I'm going to call zaye because zaye he has emeralds he has he's he's a good player right he'll help us out uh yeah quick go see give me a moment um ah z z now okay okay okay yes yes sh I need your help Zane don't ask questions can I please borrow 10 emeralds I will pay you back okay wait wait wait my only question are you guys sunburnt or yes Zane we are emerald oh finally someone other than me has gotten sunburned do you know how much of a pain it is when you're the only one that gets sunburned funny we're dying okay okay okay fine fine fine I'll give quickly before we die fine fine fine fine fine thank you thank you thank you thank you 10 oh I'm kind of his though 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 oh I got the sunscreen okay uh how do we use it can I use it on you uh let's oh nice oh I can oh I've only got one thing left uh oh perfect well I have to admit it's kind of good seeing someone else get the short end of the stick for once really man yeah good thing I'm pretty covered no burnt Zane today oh oh oh oh oh my God Z use your emeralds I don't have anymore I gave you all the emeralds I had the son the SPF it's bouncing me he he died had 10 emeralds he died oh no yeah the karma got him okay well maybe I can get some more stuff W huh no it's gone how the hell will we survive whatever will we do Aaron it's fine it's fine all right I'll just I got to add some more stuff to this then let's get building out a little no no no not again no more Graves don't worry I got this i got this okay oh they're so precious please don't throw another ball out into the ocean and where's that I'm not the only one who throw it out Aaron Aaron Aaron Aaron huh there's um there a SE oh great Sky rats oh well at least I don't do anything yeah they don't they just we don't have food on us so they're not probably not going to bother us at all so we should just oh my goodness got iron axe by the way okay uh what is the seagull doing what are they what seagull why are they making that noise stop stop wait why are they attacking us oh back off rats uh sorry seagull okay I need a hand oh this isn't normal up here oh oh oh my gosh I got me get away these things H do you have a bow or anything give me a second I'm trying to deal with these seagull they're je they're actually really annoying Aaron Aaron Aaron I'm good oh my gosh okay come on let's go come back oh wow these things are uh oh hey I got I guess they all the seals got me an iron axe what are you talking about I crafted that oh that's right I forgot sorry I'll build some more shelter wait I have an idea what if we pull some help cuz this is a lot seagull got friends we got friends too okay uh yeah we can feed him to the SE go yeah uh oh ah no let's see um over here uh let's pull in Casey Casey's good with animals right just go oh hey oh hey AA hey okay girl look look look look look at these cute little seals you see them oh they're so adorable this one's sleepy aren't they okay but listen we got some serious problems we've got some seagull here okay um can you please help with them uh maybe oh why at just destroyed casy oh no going to do that St back okay uh um um um okay wait wait uh do you have any others got this yeah I have a Kim just quick come on got her Kim Welcome uh okay what the Kim follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me in the house in the house in the house don't actually what the heck is happening Kim we've got a seagull problem okay the seagull yeah I see that yeah uh where did my axe go I don't even look you lost it already to save these baby seals look at this baby aren't they cute are they're adorable you please please help me with the seagull problem uh okay sure so what do you want me to do about it you want me to distract them uh here take a sword you got this go go go go go Okie doie I got him come over here you dark bird give me that afredo some whippy seals there she goes I mean just dropped me in the water so right help don't worry it second oh no Aaron got me any second okay all right follow me follow me we got to talk we got to seriously talk baby get out of there we don't we we we can't we can't have the seals there we go all right all the seals here okay Aaron we have a serious conversation we have one last friend block okay and we got to really it wisely all right um um um oh the oh this isn't good get out of here seagull find them SP Pierce okay um Pierce there we go all right Pierce block uh all right let's see you know sooner rather than later what hey guys how's it going wait wait wait why tall wait what am I look at yourself am I a stale oh my God everything looks so weird what happened to his face what are you guys doing here why are all these Pier let me get down to your level yeah Pier I need to seriously talk with you right now real fast all right so here's the deal here's the deal I don't know what's going on with you okay he look like a handsome snail I got that one thank you oh well thank you actually you think now do you love baby seals look at them look at them they're CLA they are pretty cute yeah it's true well these guys are sleepy look at them kiss he wait wait what about him I summoned casy I summoned Kim I need help getting rid of these seagulls they just keep spawning okay I'll do my I I don't have hands what what do I do wave your eyes at them I don't know actually just uh come here you see oh see I got it oh you got that one okay I got it just keep it up you're doing great oh I got this one don't worry hey oh no no no no I got it I got it it's all going according to plan dude you got this it's all going according to plan everything's great I got this one you guys handle the other ones all right what's the next part of the plan figure it out as I I I think he's uh so uh was that all the friend blocks yeah for now we may need to try to oh the current isn't going um all right let's wait a little bit we going need more stuff yeah let's make another bed see if we can sleep till the next day and then figure out if we can um uh let's see how are we going to get more I think oh I have some wool okay cool we should be good oh that's great I thought we were going to need to get wool from the seals what Aaron baby seals don't have wool do they maybe that's why they're so fluffy oh no I couldn't it was the best sleep ever we slept in baby steel do we really have to sleep with all of them absolutely this is the best they're so cute all right follow me ship log day three I've uh put some incentive for the seals to keep going to work oh uh babe wasn't that there I don't know but o we should try to get over there Aon the baby seals are giving us ender pearls I told you they were useful it's taking up half of our raft at this point okay but look I also updated the uh the gravestones because you know yeah come on come on let's go check it out yeah okay so here here wait wait wait oh you got one too never mind o this is interesting it could be a trap though all right hold on let me eat the potato cuz I don't know what's going to go on here um looks like we have three options oh this place is really cool I'll check this one uh okay wait um maybe let's go to The Middle come on yeah yeah nothing over here let's go oh there's not okay let's do one thing at a time all right let's go through careful there might be traps here and a trip wire a treasure chest you know if we go we should go to sleep more often here you take two all right this feels a little bit too good to be true yeah let's uh ender pearl over there I'm in the wall okay all right well it's not a trap chest I don't think no it's not I don't know wait it's not we're rich all right got oh did you grab the other okay you grabb wow you gra W yeah yeah they stack so I guess that's true all right uh let's see you ready to get out here yeah just aim carefully and made it oh this is way too easy I know right all right let's get wait what what's that noise uh oh uh no idea but I don't like the sound of it there's a little qu they got ninja stars ninja crabs back to the back to the back to get out of here go go go go go go go okay good perfect um let's see oh all right we're good okay we're safe all right we're never going back there okay uh let's see um we should make some tools you know just in case put the diamonds away put everything away yeah we'll make some oh yes some perfect just got a pickaxe and a sword you know maybe this raft isn't so bad after all you know water rats and all uh okay all right so we got set to protect the baby seals to get some more oh they're so Happ you and your seals all right let's oh the shark's back the shark is back we learned not to get too close yeah yeah just stay away it it shouldn't be able to harm us falling you shark the shark is being W wo see destroy the boat no no no no no no no no I really don't want to have to do this but I'm using the friend blocks how I found them earlier here let's try something all right shark catch you think it's going to go for that it's that a shark it actually worked help this is great w and they spawned two more blocks that was you know I'm I'm glad that worked out wow uh it looks like the shark exploded for meting all that trash but no are we still stuck here little steel Sanctuary we can use your side of the bed I took over the whole bed just like you do
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 2,605,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: 7N64RstfBCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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