SML Movie: 2 Tickets!

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[Music] that was the hit single tito come outside you're listening to 102.7 the splash oh man i'm so glad my dad got me this boombox it's so cool all right listeners it's the top of the hour so that means it's time for us to play what's in my pants what's in his bag what's in his bag what is it what's in his pants whatever game is that if you call in and successfully guess what's in my pants you can win two tickets to punch in the face-a-thon where you and a lucky friend can get punched in the face punching the faces dog i wanna win those tickets here are your two hints for what's in my pants it's big but not too big and it has a hole on top i'll give you just one more hint i'm wearing some pretty big pants the lines are open call now i can call and answer that oh what's in his pants um it's big but not too big and has a hole on top of it um it can't be his penis that'd be the obvious answer um what could it be i know a baby whale where's my phone oh man please answer i really want to win those tickets uh hello who's the lucky caller wait oh my god am i on the radio right now yes you are oh my god can i guess what's inside your pants please do my pants are getting pretty uncomfortable oh okay okay so what i think is inside your pants is i uh i think it's a baby whale ding ding ding he got it i have a baby whale in my pants oh my god wait wait wait wait wait wait so i won yes you did looks like you and a friend are going to punch in the face-a-thon oh my god i can't believe i won but how did you get a baby whaling your pants ha i have some pretty big pants oh my god i can't believe i actually won oh i'm gonna i'm gonna call joseph and cody and we're gonna go to punch that face it down oh my god i can't believe it i won oh it looks like the police are here they've they've come to ask about the whale in my pants you can't come in here you don't have a warrant joseph cody guys you have to come over right now the coolest thing that's ever happened in my life just happened and you have to come over right now okay all right bye guys you're here already wow that was fast wow guys you got here really fast the cops what are you doing here yeah i'm just here to give you your tickets for uh punch in the face-a-thon how is that legal oh my tickets yeah why are you giving them to me oh see we had to arrest the guy that works at the radio station for shoving a baby whale down his pants yeah he stole it from an aquarium and that's animal cruelty oh yeah all right well see you later okay you have fun with that oh man i can't believe i got my two tickets to punch in the face-a-thon that must be my friends guys guys guys i got two tickets to punch to the face of dodge jesus do you always answer the door like that just yelling at people what are you doing here oh well i see i i really hate to ask but like can i use your bathroom why well like you know i just i've been working all day and i really gotta go and i can't really hold it anymore and i mean i figure i'm already here and i did give you your tickets and everything i guess you can use my bathroom oh thanks man that's great hey man thanks for letting me use your bathroom not a lot of people would just let a cop walk around inside the house so uh where is the bathroom there's one downstairs and one upstairs oh oh you know what i'm gonna use the one upstairs i like to feel like i live here okay now that must be my friends guys guys i got two tickets yeah yeah it's just me again how uh well look i i was going out into your backyard because i wanted to see what it looked like and then the door closed behind me and then i realized i was locked out so i had to come all the way back around to the front so here i am okay so so upstairs then upstairs all right thank you yeah thanks man you gotta take a leak okay now that has to be my friends guys guys guys i got two tickets to punch to the face of the dog what no way i thought it was sold out dude yeah how'd you get tickets just come inside and i'll tell you how i got it because we're all going okay so junior how'd you get tickets to punch in the face-a-thon yeah it's been sold out for weeks months well guys i was sitting here listening to the radio why yeah who listens to the radio anymore i was bored look guys look i was listening to the radio and there was this radio contest where you could win two tickets to punch in the face-a-thon and i won those tickets by guessing what was in this guy's pants oh what was in his pants yeah what was in it it was a baby whale oh well that's illegal a baby whale how did he fit it in his pants yeah must have been some pretty big pants yeah it had to be some really big pants but look i guessed it right so i won two tickets to punching the faces on so we're all going to punch in the face i can't wait i can't wait to go i'm going to put through the face we can't all go why but you can't go but no i can go i mean we can't all go because you only have two tickets and there's three of us what are you talking about i have the tickets we can all go now i know you have the tickets but you only have two tickets yeah and i have two friends so my two friends are going with me and that's you and joseph yeah no no junior you you count two you're still a person i count two yeah i count two tickets i count two friends and i count let's go to punch in the face of thought that's a minifigure no no i mean you count as a person so you need a ticket yeah i'm a person those are tickets and punch the face-down is an event that we're going to but no we don't have enough tickets what why are you trying to bring someone else not kidding oh wow he's trying to bring ken he's saying he's not gonna have enough fun which is me and you he has to bring someone else no okay so why don't you go win your own tickets no no no that's not what i'm saying at all i'm saying i'm saying we only have two tickets but there's only three of us you don't understand i i understand that i have the tickets to go i won the do you think the tickets are real they're real i know they're really i won them on the radio did you hear what he said he won them no you understand i understand that you won them i'm very proud of you okay okay okay okay think of it like this okay say you have two apples right okay and you have three people who want to eat those apples what do you do you cut one of the apples in half oh well damn it that's okay okay bad example i shouldn't have mentioned the apples yeah why are you bringing up apples do you want an apple that no no it was you always talking about apples like this is the first time i've mentioned apples okay so why are you bringing up apples we're supposed to be talking about punching the faith-a-thon i was i was trying to explain it okay okay so what does punch in the facebook have to do with apples well i'm trying to explain it do you want to bring an apple with you no i don't care about the apples forget about the app then why are you bringing up apples it was supposed to help you understand it okay then explain how apples are important to this conversation because it was supposed to represent the tickets because we don't have enough tickets joseph do these tickets look like apples no not at all because they're one of them that's why you need glasses what are you talking about because you think these look like apples i know they're not apples so they take the glass off if they're not working no no the glasses are fine okay you're the idiot yeah i'm the idiot you're the one thinking these are apples i don't they're tickets they're punching the face-a-thon that we're going to i know they are taking i won these tickets i stopped saying you won them i know how you got the tickets okay we're all very proud of you winner winner chicken dinner oh i get it now yeah he wants to go to a chicken dinner before the punch of the face-a-thon event chicken and apples that's a bad meal yeah well you're talking about apples and chicken dinners if you're so hungry we can go talk to chef pee pee he can make you a chicken dinner no it doesn't it doesn't start till 8 pm shut up okay look i'm sorry i shouldn't have mentioned the chicken dinner okay are you just hungry no no you're saying i want apples and chicken dinners everybody shut the hell up shut up okay okay watch it right this is my ticket right yes okay this is mine whose ticket is that joseph's oh ooh i'll get it now where's your ticket junior i won them i know you won them okay we all agree you're asking where i got the tickets from i said i won them that's not what i asked i actually didn't ask that at all i said you said where's your ticket jr i said i won them oh junior you make me so mad okay okay this isn't working screw this i i'm gonna i'm gonna go get something we're gonna figure this out an apple or a chicken dinner what's gonna go around i'm so hungry dude okay junior what is three minus two why are we doing math we're supposed to be getting ready for punch in the face-a-thon don't don't worry about it okay just trust me we have to do this what is three minus two one good okay you're not totally stupid at least i don't think tickets look like apples that's not okay don't get distracted okay no no again three minus two you just asked me that i know but i really need to make sure you know this what is three minus two ah one good okay if you have three sticks and you take away two sticks how many sticks are left one stick good good great junior you're doing a really good job okay you see these people here yeah they're very happy yeah they're happy yeah you see these tickets okay these are tickets now this person does not have a ticket so he is sad oh he's so sad yeah he's sad because he couldn't go to punch in the face-a-thon and get punched in the face like these two people here oh that's really sad so do you see now why we can't all go well i see why they can't go but they're drawings they couldn't go anyway junior okay oh it's fine it's fine it's fine we're gonna go back to the board we're gonna keep doing this okay you see these white circles here yeah they have tickets now you see this black circle he does not have a ticket now do you understand why he does not have a ticket oh wow yeah i get it yeah so black people can't have nice things either we can't afford tickets yeah he said he can't afford it because he's black what are you trying to say yeah wow yeah why why why the white ones have tickets and the black one doesn't no no no no no no no oh it's too expensive for them whoa oh they won't like nice things too and why is there a wall between the white circles and the blacks or was that segregation no no no oh do they have their own water fountains too what yeah you're gonna start writing some stuff like this no you're gonna get canceled for stuff like this no no no no no what if that one had a dream huh that he could go huh oh he's just not allowed to go think about that yeah yeah why did you have to make those circles white why don't you make those black and make the lonely one white wait it doesn't matter yeah it doesn't matter now oh i'm a white man it doesn't matter you know what does matter look at this black circle oh my god yeah black circles matter black circles do matter yeah okay okay fine fine i'll change the board okay you better change okay i changed it are you happy now finally change after 400 years of oppression this is what obama wanted i don't think you understand dude the amount of pressure lifted off of my family's shoulders okay but do you understand the thing about the tickets we understand that using your voice will make change happen yeah yeah and that black people can finally go places yeah okay but do you understand that this guy does not have a ticket he can't go buy his own damn ticket yeah why are we worried about a handout for mr white man yeah yeah they had to pay for their tickets oh so you're saying the white guy should just be handed a ticket wow yeah wow yeah privilege okay no forget you know what forget this entire part oh now you just want to forget about it it's not going your way you can't forget history yeah you just want to wipe away history i'm sure germany just wants to forget a few years no talking oh my god no okay look look i'm going to get rid of the whole board i'm just going to burn oh wow so you're saying oh that you could just get rid of history well burning a history book won't get rid of the history yeah somebody always has a story to tell yeah okay fine we'll keep the board just can we focus on the pie chart please wow you made a whole chart about pies you're the hungriest man i've ever met first it was apples then it was chicken dinners now it's pies it's a three-course meal yeah you're so hungry like okay okay fine well listen list off your favorite pies it's not even about pie it's called a pie chart so obviously you have a whole list of charts of pies no no it's just called a pie chart it has nothing to do with that you even drew a pie with a piece missing because you ate it okay okay you know what i'm actually gonna burn the board for real this time okay yeah the first the history and then you get mad can we bring up how fat you are what's this problem yeah okay junior i give up i'm done finally now he'll stop talking about food and math yeah dude finally and we can start getting ready for punch of the face no no no two of us should be getting ready one of us can't go cody are you trying to say you don't want to go you can tell me junior i really really want to go this shut up so we're all going okay fine pass out the tickets junior okay cody grab your ticket thank you junior and joseph grab your ticket okay wait uh-huh what where's my ticket yep i only have two tickets i can't go oh my god there it is he finally understands there is a god wait wait you don't have a ticket dude well i only have two tickets and there's three of us yeah yeah that's what i've been trying to say this whole time i know you were talking about pies and apples and chicken dinners and math junior this is what i've been saying no you should have said hey junior you only have two tickets and there's three of us i said those exact words no you said i love pie i love apples i have glasses i'm ugly junior okay guys okay let's not freak out okay i have two tickets so i just have to get another ticket so why don't i just buy another ticket they've been sold out for weeks dude months even okay how about uh i just sneak in junior it's punching the face-a-thon the security's gonna be insane yeah um um okay uh oh i really want both you guys to go what do i do junior i think you're just gonna have to pick which friend you want to go more yeah pick me i'm your favorite right uh i mean yeah i mean i mean but what about cody yeah yeah we're best friends right no no he knows me longer dude he known me longer yeah yeah but he's enjoyed the time with me more no i hang out with him the most but but but but but when you're not around sometimes he calls me and he like moans into the phone and then one time we touched weiners but it wasn't gay i got a way to settle this how about you guys just do rock paper scissors and whoever wins goes no no no i know how we should settle this how we get the tape measure and we whip it out and whoever's peeing is the smallest that's who gets to go and i'll have you know joseph my wiener is microscopic oh okay guys guys i know how to sell this how about whoever does the coolest thing for me gets to go okay yeah yeah i'll get the coolest thing ever oh that'd be easy dude i can do this oh i really want both of them to go yeah check it out junior my gift to you you got me a cake yeah i got you a white cake why is that to be white i i mean it's actually a chocolate cake with white icing oh okay that's better yeah and look what's written on it butt buddies forever junior and cody yeah that's us we're butt buddies what's a butt buddy means i get your butt you got mine and we go to punch-a-thon together oh well thanks for the cake coat it is really awesome oh junior guess what your best friend got you what it's an autographed baseball by harriet tubman hershelf no it's not joseph then what is it cody it's a normal baseball that you wrote harriet tubman on in sharpie no i did it it's legit she actually signed this dude oh yeah what team she played for the underground railroads no she played for the yankees the yankees weren't even around when harriet tubman was alive how would you know well and i'm pretty sure harriet tubman didn't spell her first name wrong wait wait what what how's the spell wrong harriet has two r's idiot well she was a slave she didn't have access to education and books look she was building underground railroads well i'm pretty sure my cake is cooler than your stupid baseball oh really oh really yeah oh really joseph oh yeah you're right in my butt buddy i don't care about your stupid ideas where is it where is it oh god i just had that cake five minutes ago hey chef pee pee hey junior have you seen my cake i know you took my cake god i hate you junior i didn't take your stupid cake it was cody wait what look i need your help chef pee pee what do you want junior i have these two tickets to punch in the face-a-thon and both my friends want to go but i don't know who to take i only have two tickets punching the face-a-thon yeah oh my god that was sold out how did you get tickets to that oh i wanted on a radio contest i had to guess what was in a guy's pants oh wow oh wow oh well look look junior i need to go i have to go i always wanted to go to punch in the face with on ever since i was a little boy junior well i only have two tickets and why would i take you you just said you hated me no i didn't no i didn't yeah you you said i hate you juniors what you said my friends really like me and they want to go that must be the awesome is kicking in i did not say anything like that well look my friends are actually doing fun stuff to try to show how bad they want to go well i get those fun stuff how about i want to go really bad uh i throw eggs in the kitchen you want me to throw eggs in the kitchen i throw it all over the damn kitchen bam right there oh another one oh wait one more oh yeah yeah i'm throwing it everywhere oh you want me to slam my head in the stove i'll do it i'll do it give me the ticket oh man everybody wants to go to punch in the face to follow me but i only have two tickets i'm gonna ask my dad what i should do hey hey kid the cop yeah yeah i'm in here you're still in the bathroom yeah are you okay uh do you have any toilet paper i can use i'm stinking up a storm in here and i'm making a butt baby and i ran out of toilet paper yeah i'll go get you some okay thanks but hey don't forget okay okay yeah and can you also just leave the door open i like to poop with the door open i'm very claustrophobic okay thanks this is the worst day ever it's my birthday and no one came in here to wish me happy birthday or even say anything to me i swear if nobody comes in by the end of the day i'm just going to end it all hey dad oh hey junior i'm so happy to see you oh did you want to say something to me uh yeah there's something to talk to you about i'm all ears go ahead and say it son all right dad so happy birthday to you wait you wanna go to sing no no i need to talk to you about something oh why go ahead and talk then okay look look i have these two tickets to punch in the face-a-thon and both my friends you've got a sticker to punch me in the faces on oh my god that could punch in the piece of time no i didn't really get it for you i i i got it for you well you got it for my birthday right that's what it was for what no today's your birthday yeah yeah that's what you got tickets for right uh yeah yeah i got these tickets for our birthday your birthday yeah i know my son i know my son yeah happy birthday dad what's the spoilers pops let's go to the punch of the face-a-thon i've been waiting for this yeah yeah oh man i had so much fun at punching the face of dawn dad we didn't even go we got there and found out the tickets were fake so you hit me on the drive home man talk about a blast uh what do i tell my friends when they ask about the bruises you told them that you went to punch in the face-a-thon because that's basically what happened right right right yeah that's what i thought sonny oh man i had fun though hey there hey yeah i had to use my shirt as toilet paper since you forgot oh i'm so sorry yeah but it looks like you had fun so i guess that's all that matters well i'm really sorry yeah i also clogged the toilet trying to flush my shirt so if you can have fun with that dude hey guys junior what happened to you yeah dude i just got back from touch of the face a thong and you didn't take me or me dude no guys i decided to take my dad because today was his birthday oh oh no what what well it's actually my dad's birthday too really yeah it's crazy and he's gonna be really mad because i didn't get him anything it's gonna be like punching the face-a-thon at my house my dad's dead so i don't have to give him a birthday gift i gave him the perfect ultimate gift rest uh joseph can i have this baseball my dad really likes history no you said it was stupid dude well yeah but so is my dad oh okay we can have it sorry i didn't take you guys i had to take my dad cause today was his birthday and family comes first i guess so i'm gonna go home i wouldn't understand my dad's dead [Music] you
Channel: SML
Views: 33,373,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, 2 tickets, tickets, ticket, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, cody, joseph, friend, friends, comedy, skit, entertainment, show, junior, jr, puppet, puppets, chef, radio contest, fun, laugh
Id: 4xvGJoDbZvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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