So I Created an Invincible Amiibo...

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/TheTophatWonder 📅︎︎ Aug 18 2020 🗫︎ replies
with hard dk out of the picture soft diddy has been forced to grow stronger by sparring with the biggest boy you've ever seen with such fierce competition growing between the two of them surely this would attract other competitors but what nobody was prepared for was competitor from outer space who has killed approximately 14 gods what so i know everyone was scared to see this and everyone wanted to see small battlefield for some reason well here it is look at that so this is kerbo and he is an absolute bastard like more so than anyone else we've ever seen he's the most upsmash happy amiibo that you created he's just an absolute bastard for reasons like i can't explain god i feel like you can probably explain it with auto heal oh yeah he does have auto heal but like like sure yeah he has auto heal but like it's so much more than that oh that's big though that's huge yeah that's an auto heal amiibo he just looks up smash so much yeah he's he taunts on me he caught it three times on you that's so big that's so big oh my god i might do it and if i do i'm probably better than anyone else in this video right okay okay okay oh no no no he's coming for me dude he's running at you oh my god i definitely thought i had something there the bastard proved me wrong and now we're gonna see him destroy all of my fans who support and care for me i think something just clicked with me because i'm learning how to make more gimmicky amiibos yes but they're just now like they're kind of starting to become good i think retro is doing a good job of not getting jb for stock because i think when you're fighting kerbo the bastard that's a victory yeah a lot of people get jb forward stocked by turbo and well you'll you'll you'll see are you okay how how okay let's go retro taking at least one dude that's huge that is huge i think that is honestly why i think we're starting off strong and that's the scariest part oh no he's taunting now he's taunting again he's on it five times six times seven he just he just doesn't stop and then as soon as retro entertained it he punished him debated wait he baited out the kamikaze he baited out the kamikaze amari definitely thought he had something there i haven't even seen humans do that one yet oh no mario what okay so maurice had such a strong chance and now kerbero is just running away with it the dash up roll this just a flex why oh 40 okay yeah that's worthy of a few tea bags turbo you got to do something oh my god a classic ddd starting the game this is canon and much like kirby games dd is going to get the kick out of them i think ganondorf is a really good way to beat him because you saw me play him and that went all right yeah but you got to also give it to the people they are playing on a little bit of lag i really do think this game is kind of onto something he mixed him up with the up smash there all right don't down b what did i just say that's the problem with ai because he has learned nothing throughout this entire match and kerbo has completely downloaded him he has learned everything this is just kind of like a sudoku puzzle for kerbo oh and he doesn't even entertain that i pretend i do not see it no chris you have no one to blame by yourself for that one he rolled in up smash rolled out it's respectable dude he's baiting it's like dash dancing but you're invincible it's better i just can't believe it like this kirby would go 02 in the amiibo league but he is pub stopping like it's nobody's business um i think kerber is going to kill him before 25 seconds pass [Music] what do you think about this i think that this is somehow going to be a good kerbal stage like normally i would think that a flat stage is good for dk but up smash yeah you just kind of land on his up smash and then you're dead yeah yeah wow yeah he did the scrub jump that's honestly well he did the scrub jump back at him though so yeah i think he's dead he has those i didn't think you would pull that [ __ ] out i feel like this is like watching a top player that got gimped for a stock be pissed off in fools oh that was nice kerbos oh jesus chris he's dead already his best like find a way to camp him and cheese him out oh my god he saw his opportunity and he took it he went for that oh my god he's trying so hard to cheat very well i don't i don't think that was intentional so something deep within me says no she keeps removing me to do that i think the only thing that can make kerbo even more degenerate is that kergo would do kirby sides yeah that's the only thing that can make this thing even more terrifying that your queso that's a i'm gonna go on a limit i'm gonna call that a bolts opening you know i'll just a bold opening i'm going to say that was lack of reading ability personally like i know people say the line between bravery and stupidity is a very fine one i don't think they mean literacy [ __ ] queso i think this one's just gonna be an actual jv4 i don't think this is a healing one oh no yeah that's jb4 that's the second one so i think there's one thing to be said about having an anime profile picture having your switch name be an anime name yeah that's a new level yeah i don't think i'd ever get there i i do believe that kerbo he would probably start a war against anime profile pictures you know definitely me being on the receiving end of that oh my god oh goodbye turbo just hates anime i think he hates most gamers honestly he has become the best gamer to rid the world of gamers he he just wants to be gaming all of it and anime just everything you probably stand for isn't that almost over what happened to the second stock i don't know okay so this is good for chiaki because yucky is now getting jb ford which i do think that is where the standard of win falls in this match because i don't think anyone should or will or could beat him so wildcard is doing a very bold approach of just only approaching which like you know i respect always approaching i would always approach if i were him but the thing is i typically lose yeah it looks like one of those times i don't know maybe at a certain point if i'm wild card i say camping gyros won't work maybe this is not an effective strategy i mean if approaching isn't working and camping isn't working i don't really know what the answer is i'll be honest i feel like this guy played pretty well and he nobody is immune from the jv oh that's the g oh nice wait it's genji the amiibo slayer he was the one who finally freed us from the bowser amiibo oh oh he traded that was the gimmickiest [ __ ] i've ever seen and then he healed for it he just came oh my god gunji no you can't you're supposed to be our hero this is what happens whenever the avatar does die wow roll back dash attack ego just enough smashed i i do like roll back dash because that just feels in character you know yep i think that's the kirby meta i just feel like i've been so ignorant of it for so long okay i don't i do not think gunji is going to get jb forward though so at least he has that going forward because i think gunji deserves better bro how do you get outrageous violence with kirby they took him back to magic did they not see what he just did on the stage has this shoulder not heard the legends of roll back dash attack he pushed old kerbo and he did nothing well two frame but it doesn't how did you still die out of that man oh my god turbo's about to get another jv4 it looks like you can get a hit he mixed up the dash attack with enough smash all right i'm going to call it i just don't think anyone can get close to beating him so let's give the people a bit more of a chance so they're not teams so uh they can team up if they want or dude no dude it's smart you know go after the weakest link together seem valuable to all the cargo i would absolutely is he just joining the allegiance yeah no this tk does not get the memo i'm trying to help you like he's trying to fight the good fight dk is just a stage hazard for him dude they got some good synergy though you know look they're covering all the rules genius play this is great double synergy the humans don't have as good of synergy as the human with ai that's true so i'm going to go out on a lemon say that's more of a human did you see that that was genius he finally inhaled donkey kong that was genius and then he used it to attack violet i'm saying shellux has no loyalty to anyone dude he's just playing for a second i respect it hey that's a stock from shellex see they are doing better by default because there's more of them there truly is strength in numbers somehow the two people can't hit the single kirby but the 81k the donkey kong that's fair every dlc character gets a hit donkey kong on twitter day one and kerbo that's just a way of life okay so uh at least they took one stock together oh i did not mean to legalize this stage oh this this uh this one was an accident like men men's busted on this stage i feel like but it doesn't look like a tin can really carries about for flossie at all you were sad he got so game oh my god that incineroar went for gold he's taunting yeah i really feel like synergy is just out the window with these two i don't think they're trying to hit each other which i i think that counts for something no but they're not trying to avoid each other which is significantly worse i think they're trying to avoid each other but they're not trying to not hit each other yeah oh my god bowser died out of that yeah yeah um and there was lucas and he is did he think he was doing something there i don't think he thought and kirby's at zero percent i i just feel like they try to fight kirby they couldn't kill kirby might as well kill each other yeah they're fighting for second place it makes i got some bloodlust and someone needs to fall oh my god did he just did that he just did that oh why oh goodbye bowser oh oh my the double dare 2000 it's over i don't think this lucas has too much fight in them how is he genuinely doing better now there's more people in here i think the competition only makes him stronger he's dead you know he's dead yeah it didn't even entertain it with the zoom in screen even the game was done with that game at least we haven't seen a doubles team get oh no do you think turbo did that just to get a better stage actually i think he might have because this is a good cargo stage honestly yeah this is a you have to come down on the curb on this stage i'm just saying if he hides up there this ceiling looked kind of low and that up smash looking kind of strong oh my god that samus was like no no you're my dude you're my bro i'm not gonna do that and then you saw the opportunity for the clip and he was like well you you get it you know that this does stage spike actually two birds with one stone and he's almost fully healed dj i don't think you're ready we're trying everything to just give people a chance to take him down i feel like a 3v1 kerbero has to lose right zombies he literally killed them all three with one f they are like all holding forward and that's actually kind of scary yeah i feel like that is kind of the strat but that's where it becomes a problem yeah then they just kill each other i think white people are scared of the day that ai becomes smarter than humans because it looks like we're already there yeah i don't think we're waiting much longer dude he's just up smashing below them like he's letting this kerfuffle happen and he's just reaping the benefits yeah he's like navigating his way through like a sports car and then just driving out in front they're just playing the game of life and he's the grim reaper waiting to strike dude spoon's not loyal to anyone he's teaming up with his kirby friend maybe he thinks curva will be impressed and kerber wasn't he disconnected the entire game wait purple just replaced the kirby he's the ultimate life form that's that's all he's trying to show he absorbed kirby's power and i don't think kirby can be defeated now oh good savings oh phenomenal save there's no way that was intentional but what a good save but then the plants nice and out of it really spike i never see that move spike that's a dumb that's a dub for the human race can they keep this momentum going oh they just don't know what they're getting themselves into man especially the bowser's already attacking the inkling or i think he's just pressing the a button i think the smart people are the ones that have just kind of given up on winning yeah i i really think they can only fight for a second now but that's the thing if you come together i feel like they could take them out i don't i'll be real man i don't think they can we've seen people try time and time and again to take out so many of these amiibos but there's three of them joe yeah but you know there's just one kerbo yeah but they're also hitting each other a lot we've got to turn on teams and team attack but then remove team attack you know what i i think that might be the next step just to give them a chance i just want to see one victory wow you can recover your isabelle brynden they even killed my controller's battery they just don't care anymore the batteries my brain cell what else is left to die that is so mean that is just so mean big why would you do that he's just pulling the plug man so this is officially a 3v1 amari just got an invincibility star from hocus pocus which is a pretty good omen i'd have to say now he can for sure not be hit by his teammates hey we turn team attacks off so if they just keep pressing buttons in kerberos general direction they should just win wow okay yeah they destroyed them so maybe uh we made it a bit too easy that time [Applause] i don't know what the sweet spot is though between challenging and two heroes and a k-rool holding forward [Laughter] turbo really hit them with beginners mode he really gave him easy he showed them the endless easy of this game and now he's angry he just wants to prove how just his cause is or maybe how unjust it is either way he's here to prove a point captain tophat it's all up to you what do you have in store against the bastard all right so game three um the fact that i haven't killed him already makes me think that they're not going to win i just don't think there is winning because they did get that one game because we you know made it as easy as we possibly could we drove the car for them yeah now that we've taken away those training wheels it doesn't look like they really have a chance oh my god if he pulled the trigger he could have done something [Music] oh my god how did he turn that around on him i think that was a phenomenal reverse edge guard and i i don't i don't think anyone could come back tonight in any circumstance yeah like this guy's been running the lobby already and you've wasted three of your socks that's rough i i don't see any coming back from this oh how how how is he still alive i'm already trying as hard as he can again oh that's it that no he's dash dude his way out how did kerberos survive that they had just been spamming it they had every opportunity to kill him he's just standing there he's just sitting here what is he doing oh i think amara's a little pissed he just takes jay out okay sleep oh okay that would have been sick i like what they're going for he used to stages of recovery that's brutal i'm alright it's all up to you and he served it with a smile athena the goddess of war i do not think people are ready for how powerful this amiibo is and above all else it's just kind of good this amiibo is honestly one of the bruce amiibos you have the ai is phenomenal and look at her power like she is she has the highest stats of any amiibo i have ever trained and probably one of the strongest gimmicks and it's rng i just want to say you don't want to see zelda get her final smash especially someone like athena oh okay well i'm sure a lot of people have figured out just the basics of it zelda kills like what 50 damage with their final space uh it's a 40 yeah i think it's like 41.5 normally okay so um that's roughly one move now yeah she's an amiibo and given how high we made her attack stat it's it's honestly a little insane how strong she is uh-oh dd you kind of you've got a messed up if i if i were you i simply wouldn't have gotten hit by zelda final smash yeah i don't know why he would do that giant zelda oh my dreams coming true oh my god look at that percent stack up oh my god bear just did 60 damage yeah uh the next video we make with this amiibo should be utterly terrifying oh we're going back to warioware that's just unfortunate for amari oh he's trying he's running away he is running away though so like he does have a strategy here which is more than most uh but he got dash attack so naturally he's dead yep i i simply would not have gotten hit by that f smash uh and she gets a wet that's disgusting that's so rude okay a little tea bag from zelda oh there's a free stock at least yeah but you lost a mini game so who's the real winner here zelda actually won that and counted it hey man she didn't get hit on the floor oh no you cannot afford another one of those i really think the amiibo were haha funny at the beginning but they're just becoming too powerful now especially the zelda i think the worst part is that she now got what everyone wants a donkey kong wow see what i mean everyone wants a donkey kong oh my god she she didn't even wait to use it she just let that rip yep all right well she used her final smash and shellux gets to live another day yeah well for no actually he did not he gets to live for like you know another 30 seconds is gonna have 200 yeah yeah easy 201 will you hit 200 you know that's it he just walked right into that yeah um wow i know this is supposed to be a preview for the next video which just means you're going to see a whole lot of this in the next video but i just really want to talk about it now because this [ __ ] has me [ __ ] up all right snakes kind of kind of nasty leg trapping yep and that feels 60 uh oh snake uh if i were you i simply would not have gotten hit by zelda final smash yeah you should learn try not to do that again next time wow this is definitely the best anyone's done how far can he take it i i can see snake taking another stock maybe there we have it i think i can too i can also see zelda taking another stop uh for that was sure soft what do you think about cheap versus zelda uh yeah i do think that athena's going to destroy him yeah now that wasn't even me bro and that that herded the raid the absolute read okay this is a four stalk that's okay this shouldn't kill you know like this should only give them like just under a hundred percent oh see like that's not too bad oh and sometimes zelda just gets two of those yeah you should have been ready for the second see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Alpharad
Views: 2,482,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alpharad, super smash bros ultimate, smash bros, not, not alpharad, alpharad smash, nintendo, nintendo switch
Id: gd3cFxkt9TU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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