[FULL TOURNEY] Alpharad's Casual Invitational

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NderCraft πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Neutral z press

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PK_RocknRoll πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
whoo-hooo island and legalize wohooo okay so like that's my boy I actually don't think woohoo Island was legal but I saw him and I was like for you this is your event yes if you don't know there is a Twitter account called legalize wohooo Island and he just bombard like it's like the most gentle form of harassment it could possibly be yeah cuz he responds to every colony crater at every top players saying they're like dude Paula Deen is it's horrible on this stage she's like well how's she doin like he just says every whoo-whoo Island if you'd asked for a character he's like Matt from woohoo island like the boxer the final stage is actually Mario maker which I love yeah seriously just the fact that random layouts and weird stuff can come up in the hand that comes up like I'm so excited but we do have some counter picks as well one thing I do want to say cuz it's funny is I used to host a weekly series and I never had double decide event I always had other side events and we had Mario maker in one casuals bracket Mario maker was the only neutral and he had like five counter picks but like games Mario maker cuz like that's the truce neutral you can get I was gonna say you don't know what you're gonna get okay it could be literally anything and then the counter picks if you want to take it yes so the counter picks are actually gonna be saffron city which is a good counter pick against Ness yes you've never played smash 64 but like for side it used to be I know you think you would know better but yeah so if you go in that gap you can't use up beyond yourself so that's really bad is that gamer that is gamer game well it also have what that's fine find me that's what it is yeah that's a 3ds stage finally guy in HD master then jungle japes jungle japes everybody knows about that stage I want to see the claptrap get a king tonight he's he's a savage I can't and then more rate hours which I honestly feel I just want to throw in like a new stage because we only got four new stages you know wait so magic hands gonna have the flying man yeah yeah we got some to be ones gonna have a double game I didn't even press the prettiest stage of the game we got three we got to go for it I love that sage I was really depressed when it was on 3ds yeah it wasn't only for TP and so we're getting it started off with nairo against cosmos I thought cosmos was gonna go Cory I was gonna say what a surprise starting off this hype tournament with the Muslim airing character and I was going pit in a dark pit cuz dark pit has like an ST R final smash so he hovered Gannon I think they had a mistake I knew Satan I was gaining is mad dirty it's disgusting it's perfectly horrid like disgusting visually even well cuz he picks the ugly one tastes like friggin um well some of them have nice colors like regal yeah it's like someone out there is like super into Ganon right oh god yeah yeah I multiple people I tested a question everyone knows about like Bowser but like I feel like there's like some diehard gayness out there oh absolutely vermin nubes might just be that like for all we know like he identifies as the character but maybe he just has a longing for it oh Carlos pika so of cosmic cosmos the Pikachu maintenance smash board he started out in Texas they're around the DFW area and before corn came out okay before he was good as Matt for he started playing Pikachu and he dropped the cosmic just became cosmos yup and and then he was a corn main in his exact skin and now we got nairo when his Ganon so I wouldn't want to talk about a lot of volatile characters and items and I think Nayar has an incredible items character pool yes what polity is good which is one of his mains yep um Lucy is good cuz she's fast and Lucy was good yes also we got two games on the field this one shows up tilting yeah I guess that's uh that's a deado he's also invincible and he also holds are so smart that's so good can you drop through the platform Oh jab okay he just jacked he did okay now you're starting out strong Ricky healed him a little bit and all Amaro's in the but naira doesn't can roll on dude it's not that casual come on try I like how the dudes following him he's in there Oh would you do it come on get it together oh go on the boat okay this water rapid waters this is a kill for bullets yep yeah that's they're gone oh he's saying you're gonna save him and die off the wall Mary just once this upbeat yeah he really wants to kill Oh super bump in this game it did it's crazy like you can use that as a kill option every time it's nuts it's a capsule the bomb is out it's going into the up smash nice to see you lost like 40 percent are you back shield yep no yeah you gotta watch out for that man get the cover now he got Latios and latias lady barons final smash this is NASA this could be a wash right here oh you fool image yeah okay you got it the strong hit is actually at the scanner sword that spikes in this game by the way we know that of awful things that's fight this is what I left out yeah like the initial hint of dinosaur and his final smash is a spike one of the struggles of the game kill to zero Oh double assist over the Year nearest guarding him oh we got the W got Prince and the moon this actually scares me like I'm genuinely frightened that when I say worthless but you know what's not nairo getting the timer oh that's true yeah pug-nosed shook him quite literally he's gonna spam airdog down ere he just threw that out is like alright maybe this will save me but it did not nitro with an easy easy three stop yeah now is clapping oh there he's popping on like cosmos yeah cosmos is struggling well that's the he was the first scene in this tournament for a reason man nitro super strong at this he knows this stuff cosmos it's got to get it together man that's your PG boy we seeded naira first Mars second and then we randomized the other six what you did all right we got a chance for gamer in the crowd I like the game alright you ain't class I was gonna say Pikachu is the choice are there any gamers out there that's all I'm asking imagine there's got to be one it's gotta be one gamer out there oh and now there's two wrap popping off we're here on healing gamer to gamers fighting on gamer for the gamers casted by the gamers at a tournament run by run by gamers for gamers oh no mom's in the building she hates gay Oh God come on oh it looks like Oh catching that capsule and it goes nowhere as the lipstick - wait download a vlog for you Sam - Sam Mona's Pizza yes why are you I thought it was just warrior where ya from warrior yeah but I thought just WarioWare have the others my dad it's now any song from any series can be better if that's what it is yeah I remember if we Jesus I remember we you the stage Oh God like a song that wasn't a song it was just like noises yeah still in this game oh I was gonna doing it here's the thing oh look at the side BM oh oh he tried to get 400 he could he's no God no no god I do want to say never has the tech this is like if cosmos is on Halo and he summons the timer it does nothing yeah he waited for it yep yep he definitely got what's up pika final smash I always let it rip oh no that's what happens when you don't trust her dud he's not even gonna get the chance dude yeah just been embarrassed enough he's like you know what I've had enough I tapped out he throws in the towel I look at that big buff man oh but Batman just did it all over girls was like cousins he actually got he got Batman he's like you know what I waited for this I stayed up for this I'm going back to my room I can't wait for singles tomorrow yeah yeah you like that nah I'm sure it doesn't you keep beating IRA with items off at Genesis oh you're right yeah he's like now just turn the items off run it back in the hotel room this is quite a comeback this is this is a clap back by nairo saying yeah but you don't play real smash yeah if you are a real smash don't play the Tendo smash dang good stuff there and one thing the note that I don't think we talked about I all items are on except for I think knowing items yeah the lame ones cuz we don't want to see like somebody get a heart I don't personally think Dragoon is lame but we kept it on your goons like I just don't like how it over like everything now you're playing the dragoon game yeah you're not playing smash anymore you also know that as soon as a single Dragoon or daybreak piece spawn no other items spawn until all have spawned yeah it really slows down the pace of the game it just becomes less interactive like if I want to I times I went non-stop chaos basically yeah yeah subscribe that's key yeah they see it I wish they did I put that there for a reason so because I saw VG be seen like when you go to the loo sites they have a twitch on TV is like BBC on that they do yeah I was like that's a genius so the rule said it's called subscribe to alpha res so if you're watching hit that button oh and here's the isabelle's we got up against Barnes coming out now Mars playing Captain Falcon Falcon sick I just want to say South gets very good he had a good south cannon Wii U but nobody knew about it yeah I got the woo I would say Klump is sick in this game flop is probably one of my favorite streamers and all of ultimate right now insanely because he's just good funny and he's like chill you know screaming of the microphone as I typically do for a living but you know I like to be relaxed and I do see Mars utilizing standing Z drops would you saw that yeah I was gonna say chatter thought behind it the steel diver is out strode off double laser from Isabel yeah just shooting the gun as fast as you can that banana gun super stronk for one shot yeah clump trying to line it up boom Oh Perry the banana gun and the nail yo Mars are sick Mars knows what's up easy to cheat you can't use real smash stuff in the casual Invitational no Perry I want to say like first off shout to pk beats second shot to the warp star third shout to Mars he doesn't similar thing PK beats his item combos in trainer are sick yes yeah Oh No yeah Plouffe does not want to go down in the water no no this dog can't swim oh gosh yeah Mars just all over and picks up the thing I don't know him okay yep I'm a chimp one or dude that's just a fair to say look at look at the Z drop see he's he's cooking Isabelle about to build the houses man no loan no insurance oh don't take the hint oh yeah you get what he's tried to pocket it was called a big let's call it a bait no way you missing the final smash that's that's devastating if you want to say Falcon see to your final smash it's not great no it's reactive Oh yep when you can arrow down yeah wolf Falcon Fox overall Spacey's and con they reactive layer not final special Sakura oh no one in the volcano though oh I say when if you put it in the volcano and then stop up it's really trying to get there we go wait oh my god wait so it's the black hole absorbs projectiles and when he did for there it's spun around and hit Isabel and boom why'd the damage and knock-back on it yeah that's absolutely what happened I did not know that I learned so much that's how it works but I just never thought about a projectile base character doing it and mimic you're just taking Falcon down he got abducted oh Jesus alright well he was cast 90 he was gonna die anyways but I didn't realize maybe Q's gonna go down with the ship it just went all the way down and there is a girl here at him say he reflects projectiles like gray fox does he really yep so she projectile yeah got the sauce oh and lost the sauce just like that he should be in Spanish that strong as hell yeah he's just not activate unfortunate orangey dude standings he dropped so sick just yeah does the GUI bomb is that it's gonna switch over to our he's running he's camping now you can't shield it by the way try the air dodging no it doesn't the motion sensor under the middle platform I don't know how where plop wasn't that but oh that's just the stock 60% that close with blasts Owen Falcon is definitely gonna take it or so you think so I think I feel like we had the transition if something although surprise there you go pluck is gonna survive and he's gonna built a house give that house free of charge and then it explodes look at the bar he's going for a man game's not over till he says it's over they get him tomorrow really I put this pressure on plump up luck not having any of it picks the grass he has deck site what an image Isabelle holding death sucks I saw it sweet a long time ago that was like this is what it looks like when you get the free pre-order DLC bonus RPG character starts out swole that's nice for Mars being second seat pluck is making this real close yeah Mars gotta be real careful that this knife is out and I feel like whoa whoa nice Oh God I won't pluck these to get rid of the site because Mars can use it on him Oh oh no dude that was like game it away Oh plum the dog opened up the doggy treat and there were four bombs inside and he used none of them they're the Scooby Snacks are explosive be imagine Isabelle look I'm just saying if I'm Plouffe reviewing the vods later I thought yeah just shaking his head at that play yeah it's really painful to have to review vods where you lose like that especially when it was so close but that's the only way you're gonna improve as the players poor hope Plouffe takes that art how do you want to say real quick I love ultimate I love offering so much in so many different ways yes but I will say I think the coolest thing is we have pluck from melee in Mars from smash for both coming to ultimate and can be together and there they're keeping their own yes I got so it's not like one is overwhelming so go out yeah yeah it's I love that because people want to say ultimate players and melee players are like dad they're broke the ultimate players but one of these the smash for players and the other is altum earth melee it's super cool to see and it's not like something we've seen much and smash I mean like having these people come together yeah and you see it in like even it's smash masters when we have events like that the problem is like certain games are just washings you know what I mean you know they aren't good range blaster from plug-flow percent on Isabel so it's not doing too much damage but I love first that personname is disgusting in this game it's so good dude you see people like Nick see you utilizing that's a great effect but whom not these kind of turn rates lesser oh is you gonna get this night Oh ray twister out so to recap those events real quick Ray's blaster Raina and then it naturally for see due to standing Z drop and in hit a motion sensor bomb and I blew up his oboe and now we got my invincible boy Navis chi'lan yeah he's actually just cheating oh he did he grabbed the site oh no he's good he's trying to get the Falcon it's not gonna kill but some nice damage 40% of roughly that nothing wrong with it standard damage for most final smashes except Ridley realizes like 65% really yeah that's nuts yeah a lowland exeggutor is that you stop bars do the wall jump yep and that is what's up Martin's played this before I said oh yeah you're see a little drop of water go down oh I'm surprised pumped in tech that you got a second attack I'm just saying you should know better if they have a wall there why not take off watch out Falcon has the killing edge he just throws it away alright yeah I've got the killing edge you see that glow you see that aura that's true he's chillin with rockets icicle I think yeah that was really good shovel Knight is here let's get it and he's dead guy is back I kind of liked that character's come back but I think it'd be really funny if they didn't they just like Pokemon don't but a sister Opie's do it's so funny yeah this is like every struggle my cameo like he leaves things like I'm back guys what's up I've been gone for like one day he's got so many cameras also that's a fake smash bomb bold these players so smart they're not gonna fall for something like that yeah also I want to say this is the first smash game where you can be reversed final smashes I know dude I thought the same thing cuz be reversing is one of my favorite things I always try to do it and you can know I I like clubs game playing right here since Mars is at such a high percent he doesn't want to use it on him and he just wants to wait till he's at zero get a little percent so he doesn't waste it on like a nearly dead dog the beast ball is out that's such a strong weapon if you know how to use like yeah just like that let it rip right there might have been able to do it he lets it go but the house back to land I think he's the best assist trophy in the entire game right I don't think I've ever seen this watch this she's probably still gonna take this last dog Black Knight is super strong though I know slow mobility but I dude Tiki is stronger than wrathful oh she has longer surprise ability you can't even hit her and this - doesn't kill him he's gonna be in the top lasso and Kiki's gonna capitalize on fun there we go what here she comes Oh my name is go something that Giratina washout can't go hide dude he has so much cover I was gonna say yeah it's got the whole world on its a what is every teeny you talk to this man like look at right at the bottom is Owen going to the left pup could still do this we watch a lot you can STI out of that Wow damn there's a okay pluck knows not to for there on this one oh he's trying to order up but he has two state transformation coming through though oh boy bill in there that could be a game-changer Oh Matt grab nabbit wait but what if navigates get horses I don't want any of this the devil is here Oh Oh No Mars I'm so he's able to make does not move the blast so just who's the camera and that could be the game that's not it okay okay we got a double pokeball on good for useful also shouts of getting the one closer to Mars first yes I can't I came to run for beware oh oh no that's it that's good coverage from Mars mister today I shot watch this it's genius nabbit what what how you play to get second seeded listen Alex you were beating Mars just fine but how you gonna lose the nap imagine winning Genesis 5 getting what's a third at Genesis 6 and losing to nabbit he didn't even lose against a pretty pin loss against man you lost in a bit okay well my train of thought right there so you know he was in a scary spot he couldn't jump over because he was been there if you you mash out of nabbit you have invincibility frames off getting out an ad really yeah I was like oh plums a genius and then he wasn't it wasn't even part of the plan no he just got a guy kidnap a double limb pups not out yet that's true dude I just couldn't say Plouffe was way scarier than I expected yeah I didn't expect that especially on Isabelle whose character he doesn't play please mega man gives a little bit of ridley it's like his top five most played those yeah definitely pulls out long stream but that what Mars could win the tournament though and that's how close Plouffe was keeping it I'm really excited to see Mars against nitro if they play to their seat if we have those guys that's gonna be super fun oh my gosh oh god yeah that was the funniest me that could have ended just an average taking him away how doesn't even jump that high he doesn't like I have a backpack does he it's just invincible man he does whatever it is he never doesn't play by our rules that's why he's a stage hazard not in the game I'm just saying like I'm pro nabbit if he's a character like if we're at miscellaneous villains to imagine Abbott I think it's like a main character in the New Super Mario Bros Wii U switch deluxe now out for Nintendo Sweetland we can't we with Luigi bro that was ooh that one too yep that's the one dude I can't I don't know those games feel so different like I love the old games I mean it's because I'm maybe I'm a Boomer I don't know but I love those old games but new Super Mario Brothers is just like I don't know man I play with friends cuz it's co-op but like do you like for player I don't like dude okay cuz the thing is you get to harass your friends in the game like it's not yes it's a free-for-all you pick them up them yeah my own poor my other friends they all play through it and they had a contest to whoever had the least amount of lives at the end had it on their let's play flop they said whoever has the highest rope vote a comment has to do whatever did that challenge so the highs photo comment on that video was beat Christopher Robin and then my friend Dylan spent 22 hours fighting Christopher Robin and did it he want yeah alright good back to whoohoo Island MBD vs. voyage Roy I think the Roy was decision I think Picchu is horrible and items horrible with meter and terrible against snake I could see that I could definitely see that yeah but oh no no he's fine but maybe if he thought well he's gonna to blow himself up though yeah he's still fine oh no way you spread them and dying you'd see it see boy just lying again I'll take the free damage that's true yeah he's got the green shell throws it down oh we got tricks yeah that's the free sister Oh for you oh okay movie - gasps eights they definitely want the trade in that assist trophy duel yeah we got island card against the bone the mood is popping out with the boat only hits one spot I ate the bones free and yeah just camp the laundry why okay think he'll kill ya yeah that's not good it looks so much worse than it is super launch star interesting volatile item because affects both players what is sick let's go boy look at that center stage just like that point just taking stage control there so this is one of the best finals mentioned 1v1 not great free-for-alls because now Longson avoid you dies the way you beat that is grab a Ledge put there ain't no ledges around right yeah Bomberman has appeared finally he's not mad about not being a character why would he be he's totally fine he finds trove only a gaming icon for like years and years and decades even but he's not bitter at all he's just gonna blow up his opponents Boosh sick alien MVP he's Jason you know what snake needs a better recovery in the tail that's something like MVD would say no that's kind of like anyone else nake sucks team they're like yeah if the tilly sucks anyways yep just make him a tanuki yeah Nvidia MTV plays with them like you already have the tanuki just flies up in the air anyway let's see oh tries to get the four deer in the back here the club orders out yep that our club we got to watch our club yes look busted it it's a projectile it shoots a projectile and it has super armor on the charge what did that have I have no idea I just I'm gonna act like I knew that that was nuts I feel like that happens a lot more in this game that it did ever Umbro on like the seaport just randomly appears it's not your on the real broken track if your player one with snake oh that's tough oh no if you're playing wrong with snake put the c-4 on the ground hold your red shield up you can't even see it flipping that's a scum trash know all this stuff like this is high this is what this is my just as your like this is what you live for yeah alright Boyd has really cute approach going to the top flash aha was questionable well I don't think you meant to go that high but the screwattack just I don't even think you should jump period like you're gonna accept then you're gonna get hit do it on the ground and look how salty Boyd is he's just so bad calm down dark Ford come out items boy being very unsportsmanlike right now he they have his jersey on like he's it he's naughty sports right now man that's ridiculous he doesn't want to soil the CLG Brant was to her current toxicity as MVD and him decide on the next stage their bans right there there no fans there are two bands two bands okay yeah I think I made the rule set and I'm pretty sure I'm right but we'll see I mean you could just lie now be like oh no bands I'm saying the truth even can't be alive yes bring it to peach Castle of 64 we got the bumper up top and everything which hazards takes that out and that's a power play that's so sad yeah oh there's a bumper I actually think the bumper is a hilarious way to like this match for I played Mario and if you know as like all movies played on the stage I were just up being the bumper you're out a disadvantage boom do it result in the motor so funny cuz you like the camera deliberately obscures it like the cameras pretending it's not there yeah it could just be pulled back a little bit but the camera is like no nothing up here also I really like NBD spot dodging the well being the piece piece ball yes because well oh my god because like if he just hits it he's gonna it's gonna come back and he gets a no chance I'll say that hitting him up during shadow poor play you want to keep him on the grounds and get that final blow when he does the final chaos control or that F smash and someday my boy Vince oh it's your boy he painted a pretty cat look okay go Vinny yeah who's it the free 40% I don't know why I love tomato but you can't see what snake is doing isn't that broken what a delicious tomato you think that's gonna kill snake oh now he's a pretty bird correct my fellow cat that is a bird is it a bird is it a plane oh that's broke that's nasty just go bought a blast zone even like jump down you're gonna get hit us yeah yeah good yeah oh but he's oh I like the play though he got crystal I swear the appearance rates are broken on this he goes like Chris well here's way more than others crystal is very common yeah yeah I feel like it cuz like I know that Pokemon come out it's different you know appearance rates I mean not all of sister over you can spawn on every stage oh really yeah there's like a whole very in-depth list cuz like funny like it's is like on 75 meters like half these six rupees can't spawn cuz think about it yeah but that's what I see is out car cannot spawn on the Wii Fit studio because there's a mirror yeah that's really funny dude they really go above and beyond it's not yeah I really do think boys adapted you either want to grab the lead you want timeline disability role yes good yeah not bad at all okay I like that play if you don't get legend blast zone yep super scope is out killing edge why would snake even want a sword yeah cuz he has McKee - OH - the Mukunda why don't we just legalize that as people have problems with snake just put that in the game oh that seeks him to the heavens he doesn't even want the golden hammer yeah he's like I got a snake on this one because word is counters different yes exactly if I'm right I ain't take it yeah yeah he's going for it yeah keep in mind you can actually float in the air with it I don't know Boyd knows that he's got a match jump oh no he's gone he's got to grab the ledge again look whale it he hit the block I guess so yeah but now boy has final smash he's gonna let it rip it oh that was it Howard is literally be reversed it Oh buddy capital edge watch out Oh Hank that was the one spotting contact - that's nuts guys those are perfectly placed I feel like you always hit those he could have there yeah you just hit the button Gus pillows are out going crazy and BD not gonna be affected by him too much kind of a bummer he's not done yet it's over well right now why can I clean it up I was gonna say Black Knight might might end the fight against Roy he's from that game right sure yeah no yeah yeah he's from some fire and I don't know before pulling it back MVP going is main in casual invitationals he does that's an MVD thing to do and on the next your speaking like there's a secondary yes Bobby fine oh yeah bro he played duck gun cuz he was worse snake that's right now he just has me give the real snake yeah played a little Mac yeah I remember that I jabbed it 30% yeah buddy 3ds baby that was the time oh it's the bird the bird it beats what point was yeah Johnny yeah what use your words John John you got it that's how you got it that's him Ella Fox help what's his name I'll come up Bureau never sing the like red gamer even when hazard John has a drop whatever still gives you one out of seven random layouts this probably the most competitively viable one we could have gotten and these items yeah actually it's pretty good yeah good split you can see void kind of camping under the platform it has the most boring assist trophy of all time makes an appearance it's hammer bro why isn't anyone want to talk about that psybeam that's a big smash call you mean boy do you actual idiot you've dumped you see the smash logo every week everywhere you go we should have had like the fancy bracket there were say like how many games are Smashville like how many idiots break the pits basketball and the casual invitational so far we're at one yeah I'm gonna guess one more and it's probably gonna be void again that's my guess but just to keep doing China's best man Oh downers you're punished oh I guess does a lot of damage I've never seen it move like that - Boosh Boosh Oh big snake try a game off we made a mistake go back go back this is now he just has brought it punches it's fine it's broke it's just brought hitbox so light skills Eliza all right missus trophies out go as guile it's your boy I love guilin so much look at that flash kick no hit run flash kick watch that boy Sonic fool he does have the assist trophy base not even get to you to get to use it thanks Gaia very cool of the rambling evil mushroom I love that thing I love it so much it does nothing against good players but point is already shown it's pretty dumb so I don't know if it's gonna work here and we got meter yo hi can't the platform can't the platform tech oh yeah get under it just get under it get under it oh my Tiki sure yeah the strongest this is trophy in the game yeah oh yeah now you decide attack huh wrong way good zombie boy is so dumb I love going someone oh good town they're beautiful hammer okay actually Tiki done did it work [Music] let's go Paul wait no it's not Paul tv-game 15 oh I got that knowledge don't worry I almost looked it up in the book I was so close so wow a neutral I was about to cast those the pong game going that's way more interesting I wish like both like it became a warrior where minigame it you just both got a paddle and now you're just playing pong randomly if I've ever seen it if I've ever liked making the video I'm always like I'm now casting the pong game way more interesting than anything going on it's so good Oh Mike if you don't know left paddle one with the two oh just got still following swift - oh just like you need just one with to one voice gonna have to work on his I hate the wait Corey claps his hands by the way he's like clapping like right like it's not both hands are coming up he's like hitting his other game can I get a swap to the game I mean I need some you we're Boston oh my god right buddy okay na production okay great next time I'm coughed up its two cups all right oh my god rifle all right George tom messner out of that / unrivaled waiting in line if you want to rotate out all right guys we got more coming up next match is gonna we haven't seen mew2king it's God becomes king could be mute King could be Isom he's a man me too King even those two are ECM of course very casual friendly player am you cheating no stranger did he go straight this is probably like one of the better matches we're gonna see yeah I mean we saw it last game it's like voided so many right things and also so many wrong okay I've never seen someone do so many incredible item play in what world it's insane to me I think everybody saw it and we you I think that's when it when it happened and everybody's like nobody's ever gonna hit that danos it's new to this game we'll see oh okay that's what it is I still think it's hilarious so like it's not like boy was a stranger to the items he was definitely using them in their proper application and then he's like yeah that looks like a final Smash Ball [Laughter] well he just saw the pretty ball at him is he hit it twice dude that's the funny like he didn't even just hit it was he's like I made it was even pressured if it he was responding huh there was a low and executor between them he like kills metal that was so funny all right battle of the ball here he's King against East Sam let's see how it goes but he does get these sales bald he's very bolts yeah why are you so bald I want to suplex him anyways back to the match brutal Betsy the same as a bunch of wolf I wonder how he feels about Ken there we go I don't know if there's a reason we have not seen Ken in this bracket yet but anyways back to the match that was looking scary like that that pipe placement right there that looks like a Wolf Den yeah this is uh well I get that crazy no your stage who made this this is so polarizing press one in the chat if you made this I know one of you made I didn't slay me for not being it I'm not looking forward to playing the sequel my level GG's I made this yeah alright here we go some music on wolf easy Emma he says to him he just let it go yeah dude that that pipe though is gonna you're gonna be able to tech on that so much oh the beetles out so throwing it against the wall is a genius idea Oh or is it it is because you can read grab it unless you let mute you can grab it and they don't even match erica is like some of the best Mario Party mashing I've ever seen play as smash mashing is subpar it's funny because those are two different things yeah absolutely smashing because one is single finger the other is multi feel so great Fox is out but mutating just ducking him just trying to get away I want to say if wolf or Salmons really want to be lame and camp half the stage just throw a projectile over the pipe yeah bring us six minutes could be here all night hope they don't use the rest of the six minutes but they might so I don't think Meucci King knows Eric you just let the cutter what does it think bomber is that was just bomber okay it's lame that's kind of for know why Crabbie's sister oh right hit it ah the Wolfpack is here getting his boys in the building the hunt is on take it you didn't even see anybody else you can't see it yeah you can tuck it he knows it I met you can't see like Leon the great that sucks mother brains out there the reason why they're in the cars and on except not net you should dude you're gonna do thug finals I want to see that oh there's an arrow again my mother brain is out and she is gone very young almost competitive match if he said could get the stock you're not he's getting gonna jump to the other side oh it wolf is gone okay there you have a launch star and out of there that's why it's like volatile because this doesn't only hit your opponent can also hit you in Eric's just waiting it out playing so lame yeah Oh God against the spirit if he played like an intelligent character like Ken's different world but now it's back thrown into the bombs also Bob bombs were changing this game from previous smash titles you get they went down yeah if you throw it down Bob Bob explosions no longer hit you if you did not activate them with the hitbox yep yeah I will say mew2king is cleaning ah yeah he's looking very nice here let's see if this is his trophy turns these around akamaru makes his third appearance of the night really trying to get in the game it's not gonna happen buddy I mean all like a huge line like even it really was in front of him and that's hard to believe yeah I know like if people want Gino who hasn't been in a game since 1995 like sorry bucko get to the back good smash final smash but it's not enough to get the KO also took less knock back to the wall he can't detect this so but the thing is I have lapped it out you have six frames before you hit the wall so like it's unreactive all you have to know with a cut tenth of a second yeah I think it depends I think white claims the part it might be like between two or six eyes no it's super low yeah Eric getting washed unfortunate yeah that was that was not go but echo fox mew2king shaun white earned his sponsor then one on the other side panda global East Sam doing his best to make his sponsor proud let's see what happens in the second half it sounded familiar that means just have I heard that but it's a sportscaster I thought I thought it was like it was like a Wii Sports kind of thing it's like all right so they're both taking a look at the stages I want to see some different stages I would I do add you can't even we got so many pretty stages and I can't believe that whoohoo island is like the ps2 of casual gamers like smash bros yep yep Eric looking very distraught really thinking about that game and so many plate points where it just went wrong and he chiqing given will eyebrow shrug verbally abusing E Sam and saying let's get back in this next game now so Picchu it is peachy wolf a very hard matchup without items but of course wolf is gonna have a way to normalize this bold move Khan I think Pikachu or pshew is horrible in this game type I could yeah I I could see that with items and everything in the chaos with meter because here's the thing Petry Megan comeback sucks cuz self-harmed that's like that's like the only place up Hawk really sucks is making a comeback but now I'm not making a comeback with meter all right let's say how much damage we're gonna do he was charged on that charge it you fool he just let it go throws away the puppies this teachers don't want to be caught that's all it is it's the tools of his oppression I can hit my mom just saying mom mom just likes beat you better not like the stepmom man like she's turned a blind eye trying to be cool and all while be choose the baby that's what it is he being coddled huh yeah exactly like the youngest child that's the baby Ricky is out doing something I don't I don't know okay down to the expert Oh Ricky actually healed him last minute if he lived because that never been done seems that what Ricky does Ricky heals yeah okay all right he does like one of like five things and sometimes it benefits your opponent because why not so he's like tinkle yeah okay okay tinkle I will say tinkle remove his in Cicero penis game that's nuts which means he's gonna come as DLC right oh no oh well the last time we get another Zelda rev blowing youngling yeah - Lincoln that was just another young way yeah but now there's young link again what rot wait dummy nice try why is mom outside now just keep an alert see okay sometimes I'd be doing homework in like high school and my mom would like run from the other room Sonic speeds like you do on Facebook in like no and she's like good you'd be grounded if you weren't like well why why mom yeah I'm not doing nothing but that wolf is tho s smashing p2 into the blast zone and then we gotta disclose three two game apiece you've got that fun flash on deck now do it this kid's room is chaotic I couldn't get anything done if I was this child he knows it and that's why I as his caretaker checking in on him or his mom whatever you want to call the cat can open the door by himself like hey how did the cat learn to do that cats yes they don't do that all right well my cats do I don't know what you're can see they're much better trained the nine I guess it's one of those handles that they can jump up and pull it's one of those one of those cats one of the viral-video kind of cats I wish I got a fight I got a smug face count like this fairly viral he sleeps though that's all he does all right start man shooting some bolts not hitting anything but he looks very proud there we go try to carry teacher the tops plasm activate the cutscene and he just went over yep he sent me to learn that tech timing him trended in lab this out look at his bracket that's wrote in write wrote in what bayonetta character wrote in yeah rodent okay Brody got it that's how I thought I do think it's funny how every smash veteran who was going through a character crisis just said yeah well that's fine yeah because in reality it is and now Rohit double-fist in that future taken up strange in the blast zone this room and being escorting himself to the blast zone it was the Flies dude this kid's room is disgusting there was a mushroom in it there flies I could see why his mom checks in there was like electric radness weird he's a rat in the dog what did i patch I don't know what happened in there's a story behind that one if my son had a room like that I would check on him all the time - there's like a return policy right like on kids on kik yes good can I put him back like like what's the limit like two years I don't want this anymore I thought I was repaired you know I'm not you were my mom my bed whoops reproduction whoops that's a big oopsie i-isn't hope seat all right so II Sam now she's gonna watch this mutant gang on the hatches his diabolical plan for Game three as we peacefully segue is not next topic jokes for that but I didn't want to make any of them I was I skipped through like 12 like right now I made that I would like to do it we had so many and they would have happened if they were not on stream where's my team you slash Coney you you get the rest of the jokes right yeah that's a there's a lot that would have it said Saffron City getting hovering above sakurako-san for me to please run for me I just want so differently going beggars rule ooh you know how they wanted to help you out straight Alfred there you go let's go saffron city here we are almost every stage didn't take II can't say that about other stage lists so I'm feeling good hi I picked her good safe side oh we got a lot of representation supple Paul will take three Bowser's no way on saffron city yo one question why's Bowser racecar in this game just looking if the get well they can't - watch it out of the cab they run out of room otherwise flavored you're like 40% it's nuts do tener is weird because Nair like will do 6 ha ha but then suck ah you a dummy Oh runaway venusaur combos so narrow does like 6% but it has this magic hitbox where it does like 30 but I don't know where it is like it's Matt your guy's a goods mine it's a roulette wheel alright so the killing edge is out goal getting it he sure is also don't be as a spike now i'm so hype about that dude the fact that it doesn't kill i actually so i was playing in a local and i got hit by Bowser bomb at like 170 and I did not die blew my mind booms and spike hitbox on the ground what do you do what you gotta up he passed them his hammer now oh good mix-up he's got to stay there well he's trying the platforming challenge he seems that no I made this he's plating the jingle in his head he's got it on his iTunes he's got it do that it's a banger though Oh a lowland Vulpix is out not really doing much of anything but another it's his trophy ting shadow is we've seen a lot of shadow Jay I think he still gets the pun is she's not mutually not gonna aggravate that situation oh okay cool I was hoping he would just rack up so much damage off that yeah give the Hammers alright yeah it's like I think it's kind of the right play cuz oh they're nice bunch yeah cuz it kills occur over a hundred yeah but I was like yeah he might die before then you lose your meter so it's like it now your organ in meter management which is something smashers aren't familiar with at all is that one of those final smashes where like you just disintegrate yeah I love them execute is the term okay there we go I love it you just get sent to the Shadow Realm yep watch out for that bomb thrown it down just cuz he can yeah I want to say he said very harmful play I've trained him in items easier easier Kemosabe besides oh he hit the bomb himself he Sam hit the bomb shoe and gave himself just enough damage to die to that I wouldn't hit in the bottom then you gives a ticket yeah yeah I'm fortunate he went a little bit too low but then but then mew2king could have just waited like UV trying to exit time though it's a time oh yeah you're right time if you just dropped right they're going to kill them you you are the shao kahn of items like you're you're just sitting on this throne just the leader of out world like it's insane he's making the calls man alright the bees blew up with the Deku nut the bees are here who aren't even from a Nintendo game they're just from real life flight crossing boom but like bees exist in real life yes so does I guess bananas digital Oreo okay there's a Mario somewhere there's a duck Bowser so like why can't there be a bar I guess so all right so the orc Club is out also the bullet bill a lot of people don't know you can aim it and mute your game might be one of those people yeah Oh drop up throw up throw ah okay he's running away swamp yeah you don't want to pick up bomber why you just if you K breaking records becoming the first person and time if I swap I don't know how it does this breaking records all over the place hit a bomb or two yeah I didn't know that it worked like that I thought it just wasn't gonna activate all right Howard you see I'm gonna do what he can oh no he's in a bad position here he's gonna get on Ally oh he looks like you're gonna alleviate the pressure good bait he definitely better eat same jumping in trying to garden from okay this is just mini Tiki spoke mr. Pokemon son himself that's my name for now he just shoots three cheeky blasts wherever ECM is so is that Pokemon literally the Sun sure is like one Pokemon is apparently literally like the creator of all things oh yeah which blows my mind look man I just played a flute and summon him in Pokemon Sun I don't really know much more than that that's fair yeah we've got the final smash up but yeah you think doesn't want to use it right away get some damage pretty good percent oh they both got it they're mad no way yeah yeah m2k definitely just did that so to prevent him from doing good oh he does it daily so if your opponent uses it you okay I died is what ya sayin oh he forced that landing good good girl lost a jetpack last-second okay Oh free we got a free pass it Rafiq Stephanie crystal again yeah she's not great but he's Sam look shocked that means getting survived and we're getting down to the wire boat you say crystal pointed enough for easier okay I'm just an easy pop off like that all day just say it I don't know why popped off you didn't even do anything there where's crystal I want to see her pop off camera man I know that ee is popping off cuz EE his Most Wanted character in the game is crystal for some Cod for some reason I'm not surprised me I don't know I II fell crystal got a kill your girl crystal got a kill your favorite what okay alright struck me as a little bunny kind of guy who is it if I'm being real like I'm just saying if that's wrong I don't want to be right like space to you too though I want to talk about that oh listen Lola bunny isn't that's a purse isn't the whole shoe shaped like a parasol candle is not name I will say Jessica Rabbit doesn't count me that's an actual woman that's okay she's not natural roaring right just granted she just likes rabbits all right like it's better to not know at some point you know all right we got Panda team Co at least one of these ladies knocking last place pretty cool panda yep there we go some Ridley and cause they're Ridley on plot cosmos again picking the most boring character in the game for the most exciting game mode but that's the cosmos we cutters out but as one say we got two dragons on deck well make it one oh all right how to take bombers out god I'm so glad you remember that name it should I love Pikmin I'll that's actually my favorite the Nintendo series I don't weird right well that or talking to a country you know but oh you see he was trying to the jab reset off a sister OPL but the fire homegirl something a better Fire Emblem girl the Tiki coming out full force oh the route dragon showing up yeah was that teak yes it's weird just like I saw them hit the flamethrower a couple other times but not like that like no Tiki does like 25 to 30% per hits like look at that she's not done this yes she's done now the like so much damn I'll by the way did you know that's not dr. wily explained that's widely Texel that's what it's called yeah uh-huh I swear it's right here oh you're right you're going to show you I don't know why I didn't realize that I have to be correct with that but you're right you're absolutely this is the only time in my life I'm gonna be right about items I have to take it yeah hammers out 141 yeah he's trying he's camping that assist trophy there better be something good inside there's gonna be the man I love to play right back oh no Rathalos dimly the second-best assist repeat so a bit like five dragons yeah no this is a dragon field game we got Jake longshore now next we got this is just dragon fest alright here we go big transformation so you know like final smashes you know they killed different characters based off way things of the such yup house smash works Ridley super consistent it is forty it does 65 percent so and it executes set 100 so it kills the entire cast at 45 Wow and commas on the back throat that's really good Tom without a back throw until like 80% now I know my main and uh tangible invitational for next year oh that's my boy I have an e mode of assurance in the chain people love to share I love to share this sharing is my boy arrest him yes right there officer go back to the sheriff I don't want to watch this I like how you're still putting the gun Oh be care we go you got a kill he got his kill justice is served look at this can we come back to my planet a real quick one oh my godness he real kill oh yeah now we definitely can okay let's go Gus fellows but wait cut ties cut boys no look let's talk about the share real quick good do it there you go justice prevails baby in the name of the share this sheriff is a sheriff is easy let's get it going I did dude I I feel like the sheriff is like it was a one in 300 chance of showing up but when he does your board it's time to go with my favorites the sure I like Tiki for reasons thank you so like oh it's not lame and oppressive I really like well I like Black Knight honestly I like Black Knight like I'll think about it I'll think about it more I think my favorite assists in general ditto oh yeah yeah like I've seen Dino in levels nine fights and I gotta say I don't know what it is about it but ditto fights like a level 10 computer something I've never seen so you can go under the turtles neck right you have to air dodge under and you go through it giant Isabela's here yeah Isabel Overlord man Isabel the big yellow dog who's the mayor now huh I didn't even realize it yeah Lauren match up let's go jeez stop it fires over old man and dokin is here remember never ever you'll never have them in the game never ever ever just always an assist trophy for anyone who wants him in the game never ever ever blue shell coming out for cosmos hey I'm a Lin fan ah yeah I know it sucks that's real school kid pants I feel you i banjos coming stay ahead deal see baby yo D ox what's that g ox is one of the best worst Pokemon ever strong but like how do you get hit by that all right well no I like it I like contracts paying back yeah it would've worked too alright look at me look at the synergy here the what is that the hot head the hot the Sun moving around the alone an executory can assume like he doesn't care dude they're friends it hurts but a loved one executor will do for his fruits instead of inspirational yeah we need more people like that in the world great Kingdom Hearts s beautiful friendship prevails all that's Kingdom Hearts for you and you know 11 hours cutscenes but anyways I heard somebody beat that game in eight hours yep you skip all the cutscenes in the blind speaker oh oh yo that's the new tech ine know about that one I wonder what you can do with that truck probably nothing but like he probably could've staged my commander would have been funny oh he's gonna know he drowns here okay I don't think I've ever seen a Todd to get body like that oh he's drowning well he drowns here yeah don't like Kirk on deck today no oh my god Oh golden hammer though we tried to pocket it these droughts no huh Oh have you pushed him a little forty what a drink he would have but he okay he knows to hold on just go around he's playing a very dangerous game okay he survived I really respect plouf decision there he saw that he had the final smash and refused to get the assist trophy like that was so smart very smart yeah chef Kawasaki he's one of my favorites too I like all shout Kawasaki that's a boy now oh cooking it up serving it up is so excited for her meal and she passively got her finals match it was a delicious meal all she needed he somehow made iced tea out of that boiling pot boom he's out of there here we go he's out man coming out again also never ever Oh real said doc he's got a ticket yeah got it check this big Boosh alright still fine ya know what I really do like a lot I think go goats won my ferret assists he's cute he doesn't do nothing no just like hangs out dude he's here for the park just an actual animal okay I've never seen someone die - Gus bellows on wall hot water yeah earth Bishop is specifically water well it looks like cosmos fighting the most valiant way that he can but I guess you might have seated this correctly because cosmos looking like an 8c right now at this eight men and potato bucket are we gonna have the power gentlemen oh my is all I'm gonna do nothing I'm sick I'm gonna throw up hey can we turn the screen upside down yeah to production thank you can we fix this light something's wrong with the setup the tech guy helped us thank you thank you yeah oh it's pretty nice here are you will night nice baby building we're getting this kill and arms - it's coming - the switch here he comes I'm sure he's gonna be thought about and he's gonna do something so it's gonna so spring man has a final smash in this game or like it a super from arms but it only activates if you hit him that sounds like arms in a nutshell on very defensive all right well okay I thought he almost summit like three different girls samurais I'm glad that ninepin oh no samurai what it is about doing you that day he was just so aggressive he ever turned on the Godfather dude one doesn't run that deep like he'll find out like alright good stuff - Plouffe he's gonna get the win both these guys decked out there panda global geared I think Plouffe is one of my favorite reactive players cuz every time he wins in the cheeky way he always like is trying not to smile look at it like he's like thinking about it was like smile I don't want to be rude but like he's so trying not smile trying real hard not to be toxic that's what it is I appreciate and now we're gonna have a nice view of claw checking him out all right like what's this camera nah let's keep it there let's keep it focused full body view baby all right next up who did he pick you look yes what the sad boy you got it became fired you know okay I'm gonna say something well I'm sorry there's might be a call-out to a large majority of people but there's something different about Lucas means like Lucas means into Lincoln mains same energy yeah III feel that yeah there's what it is there's something very strange like what I used to think before the game came out I was like hey roll mains are probably going to be like 15 of them sleeping in the same hotel room one of them in the bathtub you know like yeah like they would be that but no now nobody mains can't roll so it never happened like nobody plays I'm here after Sakurai even said they're like yeah character didn't really do great on a leap smash killing anywhere yeah yeah who cares all right yeah Lucas kind of a strange character will say he has the peace ball now though oh gosh that's his B's ball now yo he can break shields so if you throw B's fault and hit with a knee move it's a kill booth it breaks your shield but that was sick gonna we're so good I'm shocked it didn't come back there yeah genesect he goes 1 2 1 2 watch this what boom what is that a butyl pork what is that did you have but another one no he jumped over that one I legitimately never seen that I just don't don't worry I will say Karkos has whipped a lot of final smashes so Lucas definitely improves that because now you just control this yep carry them off the side you just play Boyd he'll like that's all this is oh please even make it out Touhou master it's not great no it's not but hey more damage who's better than that or net net uh this is bigger and slow is goes a smaller and faster ago yeah but like Oh Joe which is up with characters that's always how it goes yo he's trying to STI that Fluffles actually SD eyeing that didn't do anything because ultimately what so Isabel knowing that Lucas has been through some bad stuff tries to offer him a brand new house but doesn't happen Lucas says I don't need your charity this house won't bring Klaus back what is that Oh Abra okay there we go I just want to make you sad that's that's fine dude this is the first Super Start we've seen actually yeah I thought they were turned off because I thought they were like what the healing items and stuff like that yeah they're lame but oh well had no impact on the game we'll move on sir likes drops down kamek is here he's not mrs. trophy he's just a big old meanie stage thing oh my god let's go NAB it this may have been coming in for seconds [ __ ] watch out wait oh no oh no he can't escape a bomb in there huh oh no he's been kidnapped Sekou came a shout in that oh is it all through the bomb hit nabbit Navin still okay though because he's literally invincible y'all would have told us how plump is had to chokes on this transformation specifically nabbit and just taunting yeah that's kinda it's it's certainly become his trademark wait is that so I'm gonna finish this combo okay no dude you manage it just join the house that's a sick combo ok stage is looking mad nice for Lucas right now yeah I could definitely see why he countered wait starts throwing this out not doing anything you sucking min with you that's why but oh yeah it's got Matt and I off the side good for there trying to get this hit goes through the stage but he's able to make it back don't hop it's a bomb that's gonna transfer it no yeah I never did it Oh watch out plum push try to misery loves company you gotta respect that so incredible drama Kosmos what happened you coming alive today that cosmos is fight back but this house might be the jolt of lightning that plump needs if you can just get a little bit more percent I think the shoot kill now yeah oh that is a game changer at a game ender yeah I think so pups gotta play that you can't air dodge again so he gets away and that's it yep yeah oh wow that was a close game I'm surprised she plucked fall but cosmos moving on and racket upsetting his seat yeah cos best ain't seat of the tournament it was scooped it up for plum yeah absolutely excellent run going to so doing his best let's talk real quick so I don't really think plop underperform his seed and like every place I'll accept two moments and I think you can blame nabbit for all of it like who does plump have more losses who this year hbox earn avid bike it's not fun I paint having to fight against nabbit every tournament I'm just saying I get taunting and wanna be funny and stuff for like best [ __ ] was broken and he was asking for a nap smash and plop is like kotomi briefing well NAB it's uh nabbit strikes again but hopefully we will see the last of him I want to see the flying man come out that's so we have not got magic ink I want flying man more than anything in the world we're always to pick it well yeah when flying make it be it arms - okay there you go yeah the higher changes of mother 3 being localized haha never ever my heart I I played mother three probably like eight years ago and I still vividly remember it yeah it's a good game like I the first time I've admitted this opinion Bret new hot take didn't really like earthbound that much no it's not that good serious mom but mother three loved it well hold on when we're talking about not liking earthbound do you mean like so I love earthbound for what it is and what it represents yeah but the gameplay itself is awful it's like 1995 it's like yeah I I had to play it with a turbo button you know like yeah yeah so slow like I get what you're saying it's a I try to like I love the humor I love the characters which is like as a game as a whole you have like outside of the vacuum of these individual categories like I just I didn't fall in love with it mother three hit me in a very special way it's it's really good solid game mother three is much more like modernized you know what I mean it definitely like improved upon it so I definitely feel you on that I remember there's somebody good Chuck anyways we got period versus 2k like lol mm zekkai and I really like the I'm mr. 2k like very good like NBA 2k and 2k he's mr. to kids or 2k so here's DM me a lot about like Twitter YouTube related questions and I don't know if he's ever picked up on a exclusively referred him as mr. 2k and like I think he's like I don't have that many subs and I'm like okay don't miss you too Kay something suit you kidding and as he's embracing that I don't need you guys to embracing it Lulu Island again this is just the ps2 of casual yeah everybody wants to go here also I want to talk about earlier okay he got a kill with side beat oh it's your boy sigh B for Roy is like smash for limit cross like yes and no one's talking about it yep because nobody's hit then nobody's really playing right turns wolf into a pretty cat meow oh there he goes okay he's back cats coming back no and he comes back as a tomatoes natural evolution has - checkmate evolutionary for but yeah I thought there was a second wave my cult leader light amidst the meteor I didn't know level six and everything and I ended up with tomatoes I have a great for this oh boy is oh no the lighting freaks showing up for the first time today oh he waited the sand yes that's neat he can do that the beach dude there's so much at the beach supposed to be insightful but just true volleyball in a boogie board you can fly around every oh yeah I thought he hit knuckles I was like yo you got chips and a lot of eat cheese in the building you know he's gonna turn into a character soon yeah well Luigi is here like I thought we would've paid pennies why do we attract [ __ ] euros in the worst place possible no executives like come oh alright alright alright here it goes please Trump is out oh it's my boy I just love eggs a low of executor because he just shaped like a friend no wait so is the tail his actual head isn't that outward yes I go yeah something like that what wait stop Oh spring me a common woman oh you just drop down just drop down boy the protagonist of the hottest switch game of June 2017 oh he's an incredible game an incredible protagonist seventeen the best game that cannot do 2017 where is now not represented any longer no star for you but you even represent like really waiting a little bit and getting that oh nice kill the thing is meter denial is so important yes let's talk but Joey was winning by a lotta yeah right I'm seeing rated bad good comeback I do want to say like meter management is so important and like I wish some ashes got to experience that but now we were turning it off but that's ways it kind of stinks cos like it's such a different piece of the game and yeah I remember a lot of people thought it should be on and then I'm you're like it's like deep in my heart I wanted to be legal but it's like I look at some of the finest fashion they should but I think like as a concept it should have been it's abated maybe a little but and then I think there's too many polarizing final smashes to really accepted they're doing like experiment with it it's kind of the same way with customs that's I definitely saw that oh here we go yeah buddy hold on wait but you so we missed something you missed something yeah that's it that's the stop are we've got handed a sign that said okay we're gonna show it right here you go you guys we'll see you guys also that's a wolf killer right there or is it it's yes [Laughter] you were seen running traffic a decided to jump in it jumped right back into it your resina roaring rapids and said yeah that looks like fun we out he's diving in the dog is he go let's cheer for the dog is that what else do anything we messed with but that is the biggest dog on the planet look at like consider the perspective here where there in the sky like thousands of feet in the air that dog is a terror she's just a sky Ramada the other day man everything could be a sky run ankle everybody press one in the chat if you pet your screen just now to pet the top press to win the chat up tv-game 15 okay left palm scores the first ball service eight see them not even close all excellent more returned by it and growing out your running interference on that yeah oh oh wow he's doing trick shot fake shots off the castle oleg goes on top one one yeah we're gonna have to see the conclusion of that later on tonight I'm short overall score 101 left paddle in the lead just same for all the folks watching at home yeah hey I know you guys are counting sport alright so played that chessmen is a grass but he explodes right explode you don't know either anyways fire tide won't talk about fire right is a fire-type Roy is like fire metal I guess I mean every starters firefighting so let's just roll with it nice charges the smash Wolfpack is ready I walked out for that side view oh that's a bad move yeah don't do that let's talk about going to game so many good moves play after play then he's like yes final smash I would charge the last option I have he bounced off the Lego - yeah you had like a whole six train to react to that my dude come on you should know better oh he's bouncing oh yeah he's gonna have to use that upbeat trying to get through gets that hammer did he try to counter it he messed up countered again okay baiting it out yeah can't shield that one I thought he was gonna go off the platform but not quite now he's just pulling mr. Saturn oh yeah you can't make it back and the master ball is there - oh god you white Lyla even legal you know I hate that stage that's true you can't you ain't gotta tell me twice you're gross okay now Beauty key just sealed his fate because you put Roy in permanent aerial mode which is exactly what he wants thank God that sticks him there he just stays there all the time oh good oh my god he's done he's done yeah there we go yeah okay if I'm Roy yeah you know you know what I'm saying he's got the range blaster and final smash while he's losing up old the counter white but he popped out he got hit by the explosive crate okay I just want to say boy won that game that's not what the screen says the screen is gonna say meat all right the screen doesn't say anything we just how much we need to be Popoff break a table hit do the e same way you take the console out and try and change the controllers God you ever see a man who deserves me suplexed only once only one only one man I hope he comes back on stream also I just have a we have a quick reminder for all of you at home arms nice the hit game of July 2017 is now purchasable at all local retailers and in the eShop arms for the Nintendo switch can I get an arms nice in the chat I agree okay all right I agree do you got oh you're absolutely right arms nice he's got on the astrick oh absolutely by any standard it is a phenomenal game for all be raisin if you agree then your whole fam I can't because it's gonna show up as a what have you did it in permanent that's how serious I gotta make my point I'm anyways we're moving now we're bringing out the champ nairo versus Mars this could be a final set yeah this could have been grants yeah still could be these guys fought earlier in doubles we saw tweak and Mars take it over I'm sorry no nairo and lay Oh play we're going I baked gentlemen okay I'm fine with it I can't okay wait hold on pull it I just want to say s passport bootcamp Martin and I replayed and I wrote the casual acclaimed God got rocked by I do remember that yeah I do remember that yeah today police retribution I don't know I just I feel like this stage has no competitive merit I don't know why you would go here as opposed to something like you know shoutout to Nintendo for a little little cheeky secrets you know those little hydrants at the start yes we push them to the left like just walk into them to the left you get it you turn super turn like to a giant really yep why like mushrooms don't even spawn out of it it's just like you turn super if you push it that's very strange can't tell you why but it was in Smash 4 in this game that's sure I wish they would stop fighting when it says great time come on like anal dress yeah exactly like this is where's Morgana that's what I really need we need the cats go to bad bedtime yeah you look tired and then what is up with this they go into a door that was all right he lived yeah he did the door sent on to the fairy and the fairy gives you shoes what okay maro maro durant like an 11 right now when you go to okay you have two twin oh oh no just spit on it Dewey the two each week I overshoot you to the left on a walk off not horrible couldn't be the well Michael where is it this is where the real platforming begins bed you know who's beaten super meatboy by how they control this dirt okay IRA do it is so great trapped in that that was a checkmate right there I had no idea I hope they take the spring nobody ever takes the spring take this braid take this ring don't jump thank you no oh spring oh yeah and it is starting the ride oh is that oh my god oh he through the front flame bar Adams to live oh my God look at that radar thank God that radars there that's all we're looking at the plasmas are so white out oh my god Oh all right here we go we're back home miss pac-man was waiting for us the whole time neither of these men are married to Miss pac-man by the way you know I never thought about him getting in there off the side almost oh my god are you going what what okay what start man is back never how to hit actually a 0% Cup finals matches this tournament this is right there we go pal block is out and either these guys knowing about that uh the hydrant tech get all dude your moves are double double dog back double damage it's great Oh genius Zack Wow insult to injury summoned Goldeen this is my pet fish Benjamin watch this bigger holdup Cleo that's the name is chance of Benjamin my old pet fish like I was in college I didn't want my roommate had a cat our roommates cat killed my fish no she'd do what you think she's one to play but the fish she didn't eat him she's kept tapping on the glass was like hey yo I'm a I'm a cat can you kill a fish that way by tapping on the glass they just hated him and they found a way I guess he died of a broken heart anxiety do you think it anxiety ha that's true yeah do fishes have words not that one back to the sewer he goes man I never got another fish after that I was heartbroken alright gamer counterpick from now definitely see why he chose this and mom just broke the window to live on solid place yeah that's expensive like that's the kind of stuff my mom we're doing more like you need to you need to repair that oh my god okay vibrator right here right here we go yeah this is leather all the peanuts here we go and what a stage to have this on yeah yeah it looks like right paddle really had gotten unfair shake on that yeah that was very hard both in that very vault I already might see a three oh you'll clean sweep get houses believe 2-0 and nairo is popping off the mods gonna take a quick sweep throughout the room fights in one take he just threw the flower for just for damage he tried to give it to mom like please don't kill me I love you mom one of my favorite things about guidance is that whenever they feel like they haven't had a neutron erection too long they mask that downbeat but yes yep yeah I haven't played the game at about 20 seconds uh-huh yeah 20s pretty Jenner is like he's like 500 Oh Alucard and Falcon taking the hit Marilyn come on you know you're supposed to hit these final smashes okay think about it that lows are both popping off too if you watch the player game they're both trash talking the whole time no I love them they're so beretta bull oh the fight Oh No so if if Mars is really next level I'm thinking he's doing the same thing boy did where he hid in 2k and then the barrel blew him up out of the final smash yeah yeah because I really do think Mars could be that next level I mean like he gets it dude that's why it's the second seat here and I think it's actually seated like forth because they're playing but he was second see boy we moved it for regional conflicts you know why his kin and a Pokemon master he's got three things down there Jesus all right there you'll finally they're all gone and that is go okay he's dead nice knowing a man he's dead instantly oh nice nice covered from Mars oh oh getting the hug oh my god get it again he's going to end it he wanted in the right there Kenan has a pretty flower he's gonna use it oh yeah yeah it's just pretty much yeah I do think narrows wild enough to Texas I want to see side bets no he'd be good chance yeah he didn't I don't know if he didn't the I adore what homerun bat is out the move that I haven't hit since 2002 cash but I'm glad it's here dude have you hit a full charged homerun Ben yeah yeah okay all right so we're lying down words that we're doing we're just like best Raptor vets all right I got this buddy you're throwing it I know you're throwing it that's what we're both doing crazy huh there we go Mike right there goes off stage oh poor word I'm flat-out accident it just happened I was like oh cool I'm observed enough so analysis analyzes shits the superscope cat shows up hi kitty goodbye also you can double jump with super scope in this game and it feels yeah yeah it does not feel natural Oh Mars only needs one more stock to end this game the soccer ball is out again and only throws it out but it doesn't work he intercepts it with Falcon kick Oh Oh a pill you can use a soccer ball yeah I was like that's gonna be the sickest left guard don't need no tries to take it all the way off doesn't happen somebody help that chicken help the small game it ain't gonna invade Hyrule like this look at all the chickens out Oh No baby Gator look out oh damn it this happens oh oh no wait wait he might be ever maybe he could maybe contend out in latex well there's no way Oh God he bounced like three times on that easy game from our it's easy quick - OH no challenge from nairo did nothing in that set okay I just want to say I've not seen a pop-up like F remarks like I saw him Sora let's make move and it was like a jump in C get like the like double armada you know I think he had a Popoff like that at Civil War and nonsense like he had a big thing I can't believe that the yeah it makes sense from ours like this is what pulls out I believe it I would love to do this all the time this is my this is this is my bread and butter I love this stuff we're gonna have more coming up guys so the next match should be if we're staying in winners mmm it's gotta be yep NBD yeah yeah everything you said yeah there we go battle of the roommates right here yeah these dudes have played each other for a very long time and I'm interested to see like how much they I know they play a lot how much with items do they play like nothing right no they don't they leave I wish they hate fun yeah it's really funny once I'm in particular you know you know I got Internet funny man like sometimes I'm sitting down recording videos one time I said hey you Sam you want to record an eye on this video with me I said sure that'd be fun this man is smash4 by the way and this man did nothing but let's trap me with Pikachu I ignored all the items was like we're supposed to be funny and he was like what I can't like turn it all this Hawaii all right buddy video ends here that's the first and only time I've ever stopped recording maybe I'm like it's not working it's not it's not me it's you but yeah damn right yeah I just I'm not getting what I need so that's not your now we heard some interesting stuff from Mars tonight so did you know that all the Piranha Plants are named after the women from Mambo number 5 yep yep so I think that's Rita and the other one is Tina has to be yes so I'm not saying shout out to piranha plant in gothic font summit $40 by the way and putting them on the deck we got Kelly oh one of the best fighters in all smash by the way while we're talking about that is it weird that I like that hoodie with the blue and red things that one's like the nicest one okay but Calvillo is he done no he got one more people Kelly was nerfed in this game yeah not really is strong at all but plain I think Plains so funny they just traded to goofy plan is weird because like I feel like plant is gonna be a character that somebody busts out maybe this weekend and signals it just like people are like wait you claim it how keen oh yeah I think plant is like you know you see Joe characters like like Street Fighter Dan and just like that's not that's not even funny like he's like he's bad yes yeah yeah I think what what they did write about plant is that he's a joke character only in concept yes exactly not in execution and I think that's incredible and speaking to nacho carrots we got PD on that coming up soon yeah up yet where he is yeah but I think Paige we're doing this again huh steel diver is out east am trying to stuff MVD but he makes it back right now the star rod is a bo-beautiful back here for me Sam PB is out like again oh no he actually lost it because he died on the side that heated up him up here no way let's go do my man's got the highlight reels out here oh no not a whoosh you can't approach him wait for it to end in the tip oh my god right Deano could be a final smash to Sam finally be teased back out yet with both of them he has the ditto in the other day I had enough in it get both done dinner's real sad he was like awkwardly they didn't look right all right okay you Sam you want to get that the tower yeah hitbox all right he's back here down there down there down there oh yeah do it again oh so you want do it again no okay okay we made a lot of interesting noises for the last 50 seconds by one too safe Erickson beep dude did you steal that remiel McDonald said he's thought he stole down the sights yes he did what is that Jesus I don't know more fight pose now you're gonna take the stock do you take that look and hide it away to man like alright here we go next game but they're not doing to play I just want to say me brawler has a suplex move and it's so sick it's completely unrelated the suplex boat is why I think brawler is the worst character in the game seriously man don't use that do do sideways explosive kick I think broads fine you're wrong I don't think he's like good I think is neat game give me to Vincent I'm not helping you okay this is a hard stage of hide under I was just thinking that there's like nothing we basically got empty like this is you know yeah your TV turn away from the door and everything bums like no no hello let me see your computer let me see when I walk in this kid that kind of room yeah this kid works really hard he just has like two textbooks and a pet bird man this is a Catholic household it's gotta be no way this kid is repressed he's got some problems like pork he's homeschooled that's what it is but I got a nice pet fur know if you've got a Virtual Boy there's no way you aren't home schooled he's got a nice cat though cute cat and Bert London burg imagine if your mom did this like to you just bursting into your room like oh my gosh all right black holes out nothing's happening I grew up with that I relate to this kid me and my Virtual Boy did your dad ever do this in the back that's his dad right oh no grandpa started dressing up like mom oh he's trying to get out used to oh there we go I always forget that parental paint still active right here yeah the fact it like you can move like the brat plant doesn't become feeding each oh yeah summons PD you know what I do think is really sad though so I have a friend who always wanted Koopa as a playable character in smash like to turtle yeah why that's right that's what everyone said but the thing is he always wanted Koopa and imagine always wanting a miscellaneous Mario villain in Smash and then the other part like everyone said they're not gonna add a random bill into the game and they had another good he said that his homes were brought up as soon as he stopped playing and he was like oh they're never gonna do that again like he was so depressed now hear me out what if all the DLC are just like Koopa Koopa paratrooper it is all Mario villains where you want that or smash for bayonetta but if yeah what if they just it's just sash for Bayonetta again Bayonetta 2 it's just the other John but on the girl men have the red white one oh yeah yeah that one oh that fish yeah it into the weird angle there Joro not really doing anything but being cute mom just crawled out of the TV the Mambo combo she's out of there there we go oh is that a burrowing snag RIT it sure is man is what he aim is that from that's it's from picton in him he died he doesn't make chicken noises in that game I love that he just makes the stock chicken sound event is that like that you've heard a billion times dude give me Wilhelm scream and smash that's all this game is short of a perfect abd something PD last second so he does not get hit by mom also mom freezes right here okay now she's done ice every time use a final smash everything freezes on the field here any destructible items are now indestructible like I think it's really weird you know the other pigment stage was from plant weed over here oh my god that was funny so I do have a next level tech with brown clay I'm gonna tell you you can't tell anyone okay hi so yeah I like to eat you down be a lot it's a funny move you know yes yep of course if you crouch it looks just like your to use and now be yeah yeah yeah he's just I just run up crouch and I'm like alright I'm gonna grab now I love this character dude oh and he does the mouth thing switch back go to game about bat bomb but but but it eventually does phase out but yeah like it's already phased out yeah yeah it didn't take very long I love the plants clap I just love plants a character yeah yeah like I was so shocked like I had no reaction I was just like this isn't right not even PD what he seems giving us a oh alright I didn't have an interview with the Chi have mr. e Sam himself who's messed up yeah yeah they're not lucky the screwattack in the up B that didn't seem fair no originally I thought originally I was like okay I'm gonna do neutral leaves I'm like I'll be cool and then I was like oh I remember seeing Twitter combos my theory Kraft definitely said that wasn't true so you proved me wrong like I saw I was like there's no way you can up B and make it be true so like he did I'm surprised oh you getting here that okay it's very funny it's rare anybody I hate that guy somebody should suplex something yeah no I mean look at him so bald and why are you so bald hate that guy jeez God he's sure is bald [Laughter] we have to running business up in the office we just talked about now ball like we never product ever ever like it's not even a joke we just say god he's falling there's like yep and that's the end of the joke and the start of it all at once it's really crazy when you think about I do comedy for a living you know and that's the joke yeah the like joke I won't say one thing about my boy wolf so I don't wear this yesterday and I've been abusing it you know how a wolf can angle it up and down his side B yes yeah if you do side me down it hits standing tall characters wait really yeah like if if Ganon was X amount of distance away from him and he's standing there both standing he just side me angled down hits gay and sweets by ever done that's nuts yeah I started doing that in friendlies and it's crazy dance I feel like we we've got to see some wolf starting to do that like oh here we go don't let it be known you saw it here first that's not hurting your first okay ghost one of the weakest assist there out do you know the ghost names are pop quiz a Keith binky blinky I'm sorry inky blinky pinky pliers yes good stuff thank you think I'm an OG my mommy's go the laundromat gave me a couple quarters play some pac-man good stuff I always quiz people on that and nobody's got her right well done no way really huh got him so nobody knows it good I was stuttering a little bit cuz I was like oh my god I'm on the spot that's it binky like like Arthur yeah shout to pity the Shasta binky back the binky bet no back with her funny that's what oh I got himself a bunny story for you later oh that's fine kick him out you know what my Luigi that's it's like at this point is funny I want waluigi in the game I do I support your endeavors all right good I love that character he's great I don't agree oh I love Don Luigi because he only cheats because he thinks everybody else is cheating that's the funniest thing on the planet to me are those lawyers like that's his whole MO he only cheats because he's positive than ever he's just anyway it's really funny to me Chan it's very funny it's like I get it why would I get what you're going for no but it's really funny good bottom er there all right it's an IRA with a full stock up he does have to what yeah there we go just can't keep up Prague's in like 35 36 to 40 percent damage it's gonna do a lot very good get to say oh no yeah he threw that the wrong way superstar launched our super launch star it will send your opponent be opposite the direction you threw it so that will now send rights it's the one that you can't it came from correct that's weird yeah that's a weird setup I guess I'm a it's like fine because you can't get like anything super broken yeah cause like what Falcon you can do throw it forward need someone into it then launch them in the blossom you know like unfair alright just waiting this information out looking like the Grand Trent foreground transformation in a pokemon stadium in melee I love how everyone just accepted that yeah like yeah we don't play the game 40 seconds what of it I respect it so it's actually nairo on Ganim what am I saying I think earlier I said uh nairo was uh was doing well but now no no I think we all as it is yeah we all knew that using the staff up close and personal bold move yeah that he's really trying he's trying to make this staff thing work it's just it ain't come out and you saw that naira was like pop it off and trash-talking Mars before but now he's very serious yogi dropped this early and Martin his term is free loafer Mars Oh narrow is supposed to be the guy that stopped them oh yeah music King not letting him use it when you get that assist trophy you gotta wait a second 42 activated all of that fourth wall and wait to get love get him by that room it wasn't worth it no he took like 60% just to be hit by flaw and then lose his final smash and then just perish and then perish instantly yep well look at how seriously yeah there's mad as hell there was something he's like ants okay don't you dare do that again don't you dare don't even don't look at me you're not even don't don't look at me and Sudoku don't look at me Island again can I go to magic ant wait I forgot they can hear us I wonder if we'll see magic and I wonder if I hope somebody goes magic can't you thinking actually just looked at us don't wind it up it's just weird cuz weird oh well uh anyways we're going to anything but magic we're going to woohoo island again this I sleep at the end of the day there is money on the line this ain't a free tournament that's true that's true these guys are competing for a hot prize I believe $600 yeah we've got a $600 pot which you know what's messed up it's more than those plates that Evo size joke just to the reality with the world we live in society surely is it's true this is the sickest Pokemon have you got a good item game and now just do it oh okay he's just what is it you can grab it you're gonna kick it up but like the thing is doozy drop aerial to pick it up it throws out a huge distorted hitbox and then you throw your area it's so sick anyways that sure is a smash tech yeah you hit it music getting right now oh yeah well it's gotta be it has to be yeah I've just like nit thought about I've never seen it reflected because it's more of like I caught you off super oh my god PS dinky petite he's here my recipe care all he says no uptightness he's trying to butter the speaking of trying I just noticed I ruined palutena what is your doing come on man I guess Buchi Kings going bald my kin yeah like like oh he just want to kill Tinky Tinky dude that doesn't work Niner oh oh and Rodan yo m2k Zoran G has been honestly a bit insane yeah this is he's getting really good stuff he tries to hit road him okay dummy he's on your team I do want to say that I know this about what engineers going for but you know how like naira fell to laying on the sand yeah if wolf did his final smash the same would not have spawn yet and I recruiters felt sirs death not what he was going for real but it'd been sick yeah the sand like it just it stops time stops on everything except the players during final smashes I want to see him fly out there no not quite okay the flame Oh watch out watch out expose the point here it comes yep yeah you saw it you know it was happening yep I like this drive-by run off take this backpack that vincible back err it's so good it's got the bomb out throws it out not gonna happen but these guys trying to find the right item that uh yeah that fire flower isn't gonna do it throws the boxart gets in my sights is here watch out left old knocking to execute face guys smash it collect you old throw it this is gonna kill him outright that works - if I was in scared where - throwing it away because now he just picked that up and get a free kill yeah he's such a oh oh he wants it he got it yeah Oh No look I'm sorry I didn't know it's one of the worst place I've ever seen like through James's went wrong all in a row that one's gonna be on a bloopers of the week at SportsCenter tomorrow that so I'm sitting that's America's Funniest Home Videos just put a laugh track on it as a side effect oh boy oh boy good there okay well actually playing smash now black holes out and he's just we got a little taunt you know what back over there not again not again bendy with giant I can hear the laugh track yeah all right nut bow-wow oh yeah hey pokeball he just want oh he just wants to get out of there huh actually these snares explosive playing game plane really hasn't changed much yeah a lot of the people in the audience now standing on their heads for the rest of this match up now almost oh all right let's see what is it hammer okay bro is like in a prime edge like ledge trap position he doesn't do anything though was it hamburger the first this is trophy I think he was okay now he's dead geez Co or there's a timer spawn at the top okay I don't know if anyone else saw them what's the play water and that's fightin down yeah I thought he was going to try to go for a Down air get hit by that up everybody nairo had the right idea just didn't work out oh I feel like indicating things aren't going his way you know doggy hello puppy sure is bud everybody paint your screen what's here I love let's see a dog and chat for dog numbers if you get close to the shaky screen he give you kisses thought he's gone all right freaks go pet the dog on the screen dude dougie all right I want to see somebody going to that damn volcano it's not happening I mean black hole that's which is worse you know well it doesn't matter yeah you can't sponsor shipping close for Bastogne narrowed almost akin this game just don't get it by this oh well well nice trying not their mood to King but narrow going his actual main and pulling it out I told you not to look at me music King God naira I think two of the best trash talkers and all of smash burrs every scene naira Mars Fleming oh yeah laughs it is let Levin so good is spent like you don't you forget how good Levin is because he's a jerk so much but then like that sent the Salem tweet yeah and some from Kingdom Hearts was one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my life also I got a top for unordered I think show fries in there I don't think Jeffrey's ever lost Twitter bottled Avenue anyone you don't think so I think he lost to somebody but I can't remember cuz like it got deleted but I could be wrong it was a why okay so very positive race yes very positive ratio yeah he does very well so I'm very really pulling out the laptop there like pick the pink stay wins he find me either you coward uncle J how he does a jungle James you saw nairo do this town it's no way okay alright actually okay magic aunt sure find me whatever whimsy jungle japes that's true actually yeah a vault thank you above all that's too close right like now I feel like I'm in all right there we go of all the stages not to see you guys know that stage you've seen it for years and years James I'm a chipset you can hit it too you can break it there's a good layout oh yeah we got Randall it again Stanley and we got Brian low block chillin on the left side I feel like the brick on the Left is something a ten-year-old would make latex to save you yeah oh my god that's so cute the Chad Stanley he is the Virgin Brian oh he definitely meant to drop down fair yeah close but no you pump really good if you know how to use it and I really try to make staff work just not today's Mehta button Oh counter yep Oh counter counter yeah just do two top white like what what did you gain by jumping oh the boys in the back mister stagger it back out again yeah just just just lie down there water baby mouse Taggart didn't IRA make this this narrows dude yeah and I remained this layout this spring we're gonna find out oh yeah oh I didn't even think about that don't grant it kids freemen even do anything like he's gonna die nice wave land from spring he's learning melee oh I thought he's really bad visual depth he'll almost hit some spring mans about the teleport broke the update or the block what it does have a hippo okay also incredible in the rug mew2king did that for years in Brawl I'm not surprised he would just sit on the ledge and be like hey come to me and now nairo did it back in incredible work Meredith oh that was a really sad death Moltres probably on the worth legend really good really well it's not really doing anything oh yeah it's like it's strong if it hits it does like forty percent or something but like you have to hit them into Moltres alright so the staff and the super scope are out you're gonna pick up the super scope and Wolf not even going for it these gang doesn't want to play with these silly items yeah oh oh he's gotta lay it in it yeah ho Genesis watch the his swatch this you know I just gotta say Paula Tina one of my favorite characters in video game history why have you played on prison no I have not oh well that's why that's why okay all right no she's like it incredibly written character I would have never guessed based on this game like I never would have known she so oh here we go ha shocked wait all right what Kawasaki looking very intently at the death sight that's gonna be the plot in the next Kirby game Oh Lord I'm back to the old me Lord forgive me but I gotta go back and look the crowd goes crazy you can see sorry okay goes crazy beauty it just ripped out narrow throat you can see our capacity crowd going wild I mean marrow boobs on but like I mean it looks like it's game I really move on I don't know I see some some innards some viscera what used to be half of nairo knockers dorsal waving at us I'm still not picking magic camp I just want magic ant-man I want to talk over or jape or find my leg find me I feel like they just don't know the stage find me in magic am sure yes jungle japes like that's that's why it's so we're back to woohoo island no again no dude okay from now on is they should be banned so shout to the legalized we're who island the count I feel like he got his research you know everyone likes we're in whoo island everyone's going to it that's actually kind of true I feel like I feel like we're getting a lot of data tonight did he pay them off was he like hey I'm gonna give you a grand just painted over his sand like we have the research now we have years of it you know he picked Daisy they went random you really think cosmos the Japanese culture enthusiasts would go male Robin you know I wasn't with you and I was so ready to take you down until you set the word male and I was like actually he's right yes because Robin I was ready for ya man it's worth yeah yeah God one of these characters very good yeah let's see how good uh every B and the same a lot of people saying that no beach is so busted let's see how busted she is buddy pilot this character as Robin tries to do a punish trips and falls like it's brawl like you tried as ugly I love this song by the way I will say the best part about oh well that bomb will kill you well one of the best parts about Wii Sports Resort there woohoo and specifically is that you can have any something you want oh really cuz it's a to me things am Japanese they just that's kind of like any any non serious base things yeah sure yeah let's get it no no I actually think I think it's actually today I think I think I'm wrong Oh for your way we shop finger if you want be we're just smacking Daisy you'll be where so song it's so scary yeah like chunky about good dinner doubles with a human or beware beware every day it's pretty good you just throw in the beware that's it yeah nice try by those clumps don't believe he's d confirm from this game Oh Daisy pop it off yeah we're seeing one of the early top tier not only is she the best character and ultimate best character with items - yeah that's the thing everybody really lucked out on that random getting Daisy honestly just does that final smashes insane let's see pokeballs out and it's a bird do yo fletchling doesn't work though fletchling fletchling no no cosmos thank you thank you wait I didn't see it what happened he's something Lynn and then you said would it be a funny joke about this killer keep your mouth companies actually dead even that's a DQ ah there we go well you just perished there there you go it's over for him all right cool I'm not ready to segue yet like that's a link if we're still talking about this thing oh [Music] well it may be you know playing Daisy looking very strong right now cosmos struggling there we go consoles get set for its best you really did that you know in front of your face yeah - he knows this is your tournament it's claptrap high-crime trap I love the noisy mates Oh oh that's such good news I love that's good yeah so uh I recently watched part of the Donkey Kong Country VHS series oh boy did you yeah I did you want to talk about that one how familiar are you with it I know I know I watched it a little bit I know uh there are a lot of songs yeah and I know about Buster Kong who didn't show up in any video game for nobody's hero cuz he's got high yes yes yes yes yes yes yes it blows my mind that they got actual singers to do that yeah like those are professionals that know they're good where did knuckles go like there's no crowd for him you know maybe in your world alright that's the only explanation it's that it's tough to come up with a punch line there yeah later oh oh he was at the water yeah that was so smart yeah maybe he only got to heal 60% now like even when it doesn't work it's still were so nasty yeah again oh I will say I actually think that's one of the hardest one to smash to the head no way yeah I guess it's in a line but it's not instant it's not instant not aligned and also every other crimes max that's in the wine going hella far that's true that sounds like of like for Robin links well then for Robins yeah that was my unit measure fart male Robins log ice there we go with a fragment that would actually hurt so bad yeah like if you got hit with like a tennis racket it would hurt but not like that cuz like it's like if you can hit with like the net like that yeah whatever sure yeah you can hear with like the plastic rent was sure they get hit with a golf club yeah it's gonna hurt but a frying pan I feel like nature just make you do like just 40 percent stupid damage actually no she doesn't dump it may be in line with the rest of her kid actually yeah I was gonna say that without sort of add up I think both random again check out that ticker at the bottom that's nice nice Wendy your second-best Koopaling don't want y'all want to talk about Wendy I just oh no yawning oh I lost doing Wendy at Genesis 6 I don't want to see though you have to admit that to you I know I told the whole world it was the best one so that means something right like okay they're just going for his splashdown cool I got 59 on my test like what I'm just prepped up highest F by just bragging all right Knight yeah oh this will kill oh all right that boobs that guy I can't believe it actually hit someone that load was like bottom five and smash I think it was I think it's the worst move in the game I think in this game maybe not in this game can select for definitely was the worst move not yes exactly good dodge oh wow yeah that's smart but it didn't work very smart is taking a dive if you can take the dog with them gray fox stop the O'Connell's camping no one's talking right yeah this is actually camping yeah I here we go party balls out and I never say no one was camping on worthwhile hashtag legalize wohooo island promotes consistent gameplay look at tingle he's popping off yeah he's like a DLC boys I'm coming wait wait topic if you press C out of hits on you can drop it so yeah yeah if you get hit with it you don't automatically die anymore do you know what uh duck hunts final smash is called late on me NES zapper Posse I like it that's the worst I mean yeah that's why I want you ah this one's real bad yep well I mean actually it's you know it's bad it's real bad yeah like one of the worst it's like it's better than others because at least like that might kill more than Mario's is Mario there's no Dan I don't know give it back personally I think Rosalina her sonic have the worst oh yeah Sonic The Dude's actually it's not great I don't want to say I made a tier list on final smashes and smash ultimate and the bottom five smash final smashes in that tearless got bumped in the last patch Wow you think they're there watching I'm just saying like I haven't seen the check in the mail I'm doing the hard part you're in somebody's here I'm in someone's ear oh there it is again just sit you just stand still obviously camera move yeah it's actually better and what one of you know it's better what was it better good legging free bro the camera ruthless also what wily capsule oh so the ice just sinks yeah wise guy tricks like you know how ice normally act with water ice doesn't see I had to think about it yeah why I hit the finish well if it's heavy enough right like yeah we got tears II with the building he probably he'll play with this I forgot easier I have to see him you love that guy I just want to say like I have talked to him several times we even like record Mario Party together once I was gonna say dude he'll a good-looking yeah right you don't expect that yeah you don't expect like is I mean I don't know what I expected yeah but this terms like devilishly good well he's a very attractive guy yeah very surprising oh good stuff there always is appears you yeah I've seen them at the table but I didn't have time to say hello so I've talked to him in like voice call sounds like really nice good dude good for you good for you go for you yeah all right here we go Game three as our capacity crowd gets ready for the final match of this Oh No all right Cosmo says he's cool with this - and Link he gets pac-man MPD used the plain projectiles right maybe you'll be okay god this is just one of those characters like sorry pack mains pac-man pac-man pac-man I never know what to say other eye I was so hoping this character to be awful really I love combo videos for packing but you played against pac-man like not combo videos don't the five minutes before that one combo not so do yeah yeah that's a good way to put it the catch yeah ah all that for a goal team that's it's like when Dyer did all that work for a swamp yeah depressing yeah oh he has the gun to legardie has enough guns well boomer project items wow if that just he was just waiting it out but the slope got double climbing on your face Oh arms spring man against go I'll talk about math real quick oh no this is weak their favorite equation and towards chat in the comments below lay it on me folks 5 plus 5 equals 10 don't explode when you get 10 all right I'll get the timer love it and we go but don't use your final smash thank you yeah but even he's dead he's dead I don't think he is what oh wow what why do you just push the bullet book bill off oh oh no oh me out it's like the DPS of this game does he really do that much so much damage oh he's just done Pacman's in the building oh he's okay what was that wow he lived dude Wow okay well this I guess was at the blossom I don't know the Bison seeps I am we go the Triforce slash I think that's what it's called there we go disintegrate I think using final smashes when they're at that high percent bad move kill them save it for when they're at low percent yeah you'll kill them anyway it's just hold onto yeah cuz came back to me your management you know dick chrome pac-man looks great yeah I want that in my imagine as a skin instead of like seven other yellow Hackman instead of of admit city armbands I like using the yellow ones cuz they're like yellow sweat bands but I just pretend they're muscles he's just real strong you know your playing small pac-man yeah exactly he just bumped up for Miss pac-man as long during a pacman when he's in the air will use the funny hydrant move haha he did silly you just want to grab this height oh it's Martin I like it yeah he didn't even go for anything else the Crom pac-man has summoned the Black Knight he's eating everything oh oh he's trying Oh dodge it perfectly do you go really slow on the last one yep okay neat Wow oh yeah there's gonna get the handoff toss to the Black Knight I just want to know this match has been going on for three minutes and it man versus - no best three stocked this one is really have to be a pac-man player no well I'm not gonna let anyone else play the game did you see Kyle block I was gonna oh yeah Game three so this is cosmos is tournament life and envy these three tournament lives what this is just not ready at that point I got doubts cosmos real man there we go finally hey he's down but he's not out actually I guess a here's the flop with meter in this game you want to say like it's a comeback mechanic it's not it's the rich get richer yeah are you gonna make a comeback when someone gets meter but you hitting them if it's a win more thing yeah yeah oh oh that's that's a win more right there okay Kosmos really wants this no let's see reverse three stock this is gonna be quick if anything's gonna happen it would be in this kind of tournament gets the fire stick down stay away from that hothead the bomber Oh brave man okay he's has to dodge this yep Oh went up he's okay okay he's done he's done he air dodged if he used the double jump and up beat I think he could have made it through but MPD knocks out cosmos and moves on crowd goes wild all six of them left can you believe it yes yeah we're so I am right we're sold out here you just can't buy a ticket the other seats are just to Humble us like it is sold out don't get us wrong standing-room-only baby all right so we got more games happening coming up next season tired yeah I'm very sleepy I still got the energy I got water it's Michael secret sauce you know it was inside you all along real friends were the friends who made along the way meet you bud ah anyways with that being said we have two more players coming up yep it's gonna be Sam and another player I think you're right could it be you know it's Mars if it's winters final so done well you're so tired alright here we go they're gonna repo cruise uncle James play magic hands they said yeah sure I'm care hi there we go we're going to rainbow cruise to start gonna hate them I hate you so much I hate him so James ooh map do map do map map song is a banger song are you here the map song the react that's that dude dude there's a react so bum bum bum bum bum bum there's a Rio it's dope yeah I think it's better than gangplank like it's that good do gangplank is one of those songs that's like it's good but it's like wily to where it's just so we hear it so much yes it was stickerbrush it's like all right come on yeah yeah stickerbrush room bro you don't room wrong custom setups super mario oh I remember that do you remember the song doesn't the male a dog no no that was something else but I do remember that oh wow at that claptrap permanent the claptrap kill even game I wanted that so bad I can't believe easy I made the complete worst decision baby Mars right there arcade bunny in the building you know turning up for arcade bunny hop arcade bunny then win any prizes goodbye sometimes I feel like that you see I'm interrupts RK price she's a trying to have a good time game break fletchling is no fledgling her watch this fletchling watch this let's watch link in a backside no no no no this is so common yes you find out like route 1 that means nothing to me sure bunny hat but does that count as an anti-air oh he hit the lizard with his car crankiest is cooking something Cranky's just crack your with a spare tire no man this comes up with potions I'll tell you what to do in your spare time donkey kong like a it's fine oh it's a coconut safety help you left you have to do that but no how does cranky go anywhere oh yeah if I'm saying oh he's got it he's got a boat where there's nothing like I guess he just has everything he wants Bannerman just just pray taking us out okay I was gonna say I never thought about this whole like is the building on the left his outhouse though they had to jump over a river what no yes steps see oh yes he's very old do it no I've got to say dude if you're that old and have no rails yeah I feel like if if like the what a disability Protection Act visited this place they would give them a lot of farms like where's the rats where the ramp has the dam you live like he's all these stuck in his ways there we go so oh he gave him his final smash why'd you hit him oh [ __ ] and Yoshi bacon off widow baby Yoshi you shoot juice it's not my claptrap oh I can say II Sam has thoroughly impressed me this bracket so far yeah he's been awesome Mars also has been awesome he's just whenever I see him parry anything it's just ten times stronger because it was an item yes my mind play gimme are your pairing items like I'm terrified did you guess stupid nose oh I'll try it yeah he's trying to get away yeah final smash on deck he wastes his double jump catches any bait yeah he's hitting it with the Lion King I have a nightmare like that once yeah like Trevor was traumatized like that all right I hate you wait keep it on don't hit that Oh Tim's ball Yoshi no just Yoshi's fingers and that are the nastiest thing I've ever seen they're just discussing it looks like really old dried sponges - man I want to use like more adjectives to make it sound more discussing like I don't want to make you the viewer feel disgusting it's like Nickelodeon gag that got left in the Sun for three hours it's like just crash like a physical challenge but not fun yeah I hate Yoshi's thing I ain't Yoshi I don't like this character yes I especially hate these to be strained from the beaten path go into rainbow first age not on the ruleset but you know what man whatever I'll allow it yeah by the way this stage so pretty I love the remake of this it's so cool I just love that we every mix of every six stage especially so three years stages yeah like I love the fact that they put in all that work to do that yeah everywhere is here oh you don't get pokey floats yeah hey what yo he's gente lo que si texted but also picked it up in F Tilton with her it's multitasking all right so we're going up magic carpet ride I do want to say the top carpet spot is a little higher or low lower than it wasn't Mele is it really yep also Falcon rapper Jeb based off back in Santa it's insane yeah doesn't say too smashed for - yeah Falcon got you like on the side or somehow strobe a special platform something like that big carpet getting around Yoshi definitely with a very solid fun smash Wow why do you landing fair I would have reacted there duck that's the second time that's happened he just looks for today's hits yeah it's like II Sam is a very greedy and impulsive player could you imagine him going for a hard read on last stock like if you're East Ham fan you're a Clinton fan like that's a good way to put it yeah that's what he does I watch them and I'm like I want to root for man but you make this so hard but that's why you root for him too right yeah like it's the flu so this stage actually used to be legal in Brawl for a very long time and there is a strat where like one person would go to the right and one person would let go on those bricks and it was like a gentleman's agreement I wouldn't touch each other it's like ps1 in May light looks like Mars knows about it that's a little early dummy yet okay there we go you could jump through them before I guess you can do that now yeah you can oh uh Pete now I'm gonna kill you I love the radar cuz I can just see how much they're dancing with the devil you know yes yep yo I love ECM and Mars popping off like even when they're even when they lose their stop they're like oh my god said I've got to readjust got my posture get real focus for this game very seriously for this winter's final set remember all this is best the three know best to fight he's really trying to kill the samurai goroh yeah this is finals though her winner spawn winners fight yes but it's still two out of three all the way through what the heck I was just angry I mean I would be to my partner did that I wasn't even a partner yeah he didn't want that to happen that's a scary place to be right there yeah there we go for that was why so item spotting here not really is common I guess it's just because of how like the stage is shifting yeah not really happening as much ours with another final smash it's trying to rack up damage first though do look at all these uppers oh oh come on he wants to pop it he wants to pop it he wants it so this is the game right here he hits it didn't ICC making a comeback I'll get it that's it yeah Wow double up air into the final smash and that's gotta do it right then I was not even a question nothing on the game three so what illegal said look he says out of his chair it popped all the way out I guess everyone's having a grand ol fun time what war VIN should have side events like this honestly I agree I would love that yeah I love this I'm we I mean they did have all brawl in the past which is kind of the same thing but it has this weird matchup thing where it's like the first matches are free-for-all they turn into I think invitations like this are awesome yeah I have a lot of people ask me because there's like on it for like so how do I enter I'm like oh you don't like Wednesday Invitational like you can't enter like yeah like it's an invitation you have to be invited like oh yeah like how do I enter like what people man I'll email you yes right you just call your PA exactly I've never seen this house here by the way this bird I'm sick of this dude this bird is here all the time this is ridiculous and his little bees have a good time flash punch like in a flash look at that confirm yeah what do you so what a combination guy land is pet bird Oh what's coming out air dogs that is that house full of real people or those dolls they're not moving hey guys like the Lord has to be dolls below it's moving the arms are moving that's me means I'd say literally solver mob coming from the darkness wait wait wait where what Mars I was looking at a sandwich I didn't see it how was I gonna Bob last Mars later I'll but what happened what that first game three winners finals well oh that's scary ah mom taking her sweet time with it she's like I ain't see no nothing I see also the sink confirm talking had so much time to move yeah Black Friday and losses stop what too many trampled jokes wait why do you do that well I do have this theory on long yeah I tried to lab it out and I still cannot confirm it one way or the other but I think she sent you the opposite way of whatever you were additionally holding when you got hit you think so I think so it seems like it'd be easy to laugh but it's just like it always sounds consistent and then it's like I get into an actual match and I like try and apply it I feel that it's it's like I cannot confirm that but that is my current theory on mom I could see that yeah cuz that mob does what mom wants yeah yeah but like that's also what sounds right yes mash I mean it did just under her roof the cat's going crazy yeah I've never seen that cat what TV do you Tom and Jerry it is as out of the TV oh they can't what the hell happened in here I saw another cat I'm territorial I smell something oh my god I love this stage because I feel like I legitimately see something new every time I play yes it's it's a cat's get zoomies Oh e same constant friend cousin it's a trophy frame 1 and hold on to that final smash look it's really good to hit Mars right here oh he bet it all well because he would have gained his final smash through the damage he took and then lose it Joba know Mars might take this back this might be a super comeback Mars to pop it off in his chair he's got a final smash turn look at him look at his focus right he wants this so bad oh he hit it okay so he's not gonna get on the kill yeah usually watch the damage he but he doesn't want to kill Eastham before ECM gets his meter right like the hawk could say pop is in the air though I don't know who it belongs to it's about Thailand watch out often best I know he's gonna hit him in the mom that would have been the highlight okay he's Sam moving on to grand finals I said work Martha's not expecting that no absolutely not good stuff ie Sam it's gonna move on to grands Mars gonna have to wait around for a little bit wait for losers finals I think we've still got semis to play through MPD is still around guys thank you for sticking with us this late I'm literally sticking around I'm super sleepy but I feel like if I wasn't if I was doing like doubles yeah if I was doing like you could I couldn't no I can do this this is great this is awesome thanks for watching like this is yeah I love this and I'm glad that people enjoy this yes yeah yeah this is killer I and it's not even that bad for people in the West Coast I mean they're three hours behind so what it's ten thirty over there they're fine oh yeah they're fine like back home it's like twelve for me even then I'm so exhausted I like that's not going better like eleven twelve been so nice waking up at a reasonable time yeah I woke up it to get here so I flew in today so I got up at 5:00 a.m. oh wow I was wonder where I didn't see you yesterday that makes sense yeah I flew in today got up at 5:00 a.m. to catch my flight and I've liked taking naps throughout the day but I'm still super exhausted you're playing sleeper yeah I'm a plain sleep yeah I can do that I can I can I didn't get a couple hours in I can make it work oh you up pump just turn these guys a little smooch from the both of them you didn't do you know they got it like that but they got it like that alright energy against world's best gaming inkling against pokemon trainer here I'm japes naira public does not write was it was it random it it looks great and I think yeah this looks rained as far as I know I've never seen either of these characters either these players play either of these characters maybe this is how MPD gets back in the term it just convinces all of his opponents to just go random like just whatever don't you love it when I have a source Spirit Bomb with that uh pair several times oh it's not done yet he can do that oh my gosh these dystrophy is the worst thing ever happened to him yes yeah he let it be oh oh it was worth wasn't it it was all worth it in the end justice is here justice will prevail hold it right there stop right there salad dog okay bow all right he's gone is that it what oh I was looking at the game yes it's like a teapot mix with a Brita filter okay I love how like the trainer also one trainer get down from there trainer that's so dangerous what are you doing up there man he's like I'm not going in the house with that monkey that's it guys mean the things he cooks in there he's so mean breaky Kong in there like you don't have to be up there one of the worst final smashes by the way what was now killer whale not good you know Inklings mobile during it right yeah but still I thought [ __ ] I thought it was bad initially but I moved on good like if you get the killer whale you're getting like calm with him you get zero depth and very easily because you carry them to the blast zone in it I guess it's just oh like the thing was I wasn't a believer but I my mind was changed as time went on if I saw more of it yeah oh oh that was ready to a finish yeah perfect yeah like I thought he had the right idea and then you like jump back into it Murphy Tran yeah he's so good he's so good he's so good Kawasaki is just pop it off over there that's fine china that's I love that he just stands there with his hands on his stomach I love calling sake dude what all right oh he's trying to make some oh here we go make you some calamari I like the back here and he's dead the ocean motion sense gaudy poopy wow wow wow wow wow he's doing it for the narrow apex isn't yet you know what man oh my god I got you spot Nagi I was like that's the longest spot Dodger I've ever seen use charging water okay that's oh there is one scene and Kingdom Hearts 3 no spoilers but when woody overcomes all evil in the world from the main antagonist he saves Buzz Lightyear and he says I'm not even kidding like you need to watch this cutscene like what overpowers the power of darkness hey it's hilarious but anyways he saves Buzz Lightyear and Buzz like huh woody where am I he was like buzz yep and then but goes oh it's so how do I get he was like you were such a darkest story mode anything goes but I don't have it dirty and he like it does his phasers like he boomed me like he got God please send me that is so good I think that cutscene was the best part of keyboard Reeves is incredible I don't know how you knew when you skipped them all crazy no that wasn't me toes matter oh ok check that tag attackable nice try yeah mom doesn't give you a chance to your ground you're like no you can't even talk to dad about town all right that guy's name is the dad or super Park Zoo coupon yeah what is he from it's like it's a game similar to Mega Man where you get robot masters and reels like that yeah it's something like that me also this is Yuri right yes yeah sure fatal fury yeah Jesus no fatal brain fatal frame that's it just take a picture man he'll last longer that's that's our whole gimmick oh Jesus sorry I will say crawl probably has one of the dopest final smash in the entire game it's pretty good yeah it's probably one of the few like it looks so weird cuz its cinematic and most of them are yeah but I think that's where I look so cool like after I started more than once they grew on me I like a lot of the cinematic ones honestly I think they're really cool but like the thing is the cinematic ones when they have like an actual cinematics to cut see what it's cool but this one like the cinematic the camera zooms in on the stage and that's why it's different yeah you're ready I want to see it you try to just give try to prove a point okay I guess so yeah huh Showtime there we go I hate that they aren't the same one it's so boring like a thing as I rather them have this than Landmaster god I'm so glad Leah masters gone I want to be doing what I'm doing right here right now lame ask for stole a thing you just give up on smash I don't want to play this boy what mob - she beacon eyes she's good she looking at your grades oh okay that's it dude technology has made it so much worse when it comes to getting grounded my mom pulls out a smartphone app I thought you and Luke groans it's like in game oh yeah - man so technology's made it so much for Hugh sock a real day one it's pretty good but it's so what what it's the lake when you get grounded you just can't do anything yeah Legos in high schools no comic books no fun oh here we go a chicken watch out mobile mom watch out ah well soon the rain the mom's vision don't freeze here so cute I like the warp start bait right there doc Oh summons his chicken family okay there he goes mom is just he's assisant and bomb remains just hanging out at having a good ol time got hella bomberman meat oh he's okay oh yeah hit by the green showing looked actually hurt that bird I hate okay get this bird out of yur the bird flu dude I'm so sick of fleshling I have it I'm so tired of seeing that bird all wrong look at this damage do anything wait watch watch what happened without her gets close to fletchling okay it's gone the birds gone like what did it hurt like a seagull now I just it's all over the place suicune though yeah no one gets my suicune it's like Moltres but a little little better alright we had a green show we got a Boomer a Boomer eats like a sleeper good item ok know that brewery is like an S tier item but has the highest gill cap I feel that yeah but that'sthat's my review on it look at it go yeah stop slowing down oh look at me a mambo combo if it wasn't he does have the final smash oh man Anthony hitting him with the soccer ball if anybody just gets this final stock off I can't see his final smash meet I'll wait over there yeah it's very close oh wow they don't realize that the meter is hidden by the way kinda the layout you guys can't really see it but we can yeah our monitor oh oh wait there we go and I rose out first seed of the tournament he's out of this is the tournament loser semis fourth place in BD big ways and looking confused for whatever reason he's confused do you know what happened though okay dress it so naira through a capsule MBD no no Jessie through her capsule at nairo I mean our Falco reflected it but he was inside guard for so immediately reflection came back to him but the thing was since it was active I want to look at how much damage it did because it goes back and forth long those shines active and then comes back and hits them whose cars are we gonna win that trade well guard about yeah I was gonna say they like that trumps everything right it just likes to imagine if halo 3 bubble shield reflected that's it gotcha yeah all right guys we got a couple more sets for you so MVD mars and ECM are your top three in some order and see how the payouts raters top three I would stop three bit okay so what is it like three two one three two one okay there you go so we've got a SAM waiting and Grands meanwhile Mars and MVD are gonna be playing in losers final hopefully I'm magic cat come come I just want to play on magic camp I don't want to see it once that's a just so everything find me either I do want to say like what violent might sneak its way to a legal stage at this point Delfino yeah sure whatever yeah one of them just let it pick whatever they want I mean like at this point actual money's on the line so like if you wanted to that man yeah exactly oh really and find me find me go magic camp are you saying the people are just say I'm not going magic camp I'm gonna beat mark yeah yeah you want to talk about duck hunt side B that means elbows into duck hunt side B in this game British combos in a duck hunt side P oh I saw a guy one of our full MDBA Duncan's did it grow is yeah it was gross and then he killed with back hair there'll mean I think ray gun is an incredible item to hold because in the versatility it's an incredible throwable item and like you saw Mars utilizing with like Z drop aerials and things of the such like with a good player Reagan is Raygun homerun bat and boomerang terrifying items yes definitely anyways that drill this how you can write the go yeah you just jump on him that's cute pop on the board oh those redownload need not gonna happen picks off the ramp goes it up nice Mars is definitely a bad boy I can see it yeah you get that he loves just the Z drop man with I love watching Mars play it's like what I like to do but better those Bighorns matheus a trophy I think he went back oh it's gross in here I'm just saying I always wanted the flyswatter in the game and I can't believe it's such a camper to help her death for the counter you stupid dot yeah what didn't kill pong - oh no no don't wanna kill pong yeah you get the pong the paddle bone well I'm not standing for that next time pong is on my screen color game 15 or whatever it's out and ready yeah get this out alright I'm getting motion sickness like killing waluigi like i'm like yeah that makes sense but like he's mean yeah but killing [ __ ] what did pond ever do to me personally pong in video games it's like alright so that's that's a gross pokemon i don't know what that is Abomasnow the big boy really there's an abominable snowman Abomasnow yeah actually incredible pokemon cuz he uh he patrols so much space and like he's easy to avoid well even to the fact you have to avoid it makes him that good sight question are poke the same in English and Japanese nope some of them are oh I shouldn't know that cousin Karenin yeah yo Mars is cookin it has a very high hit rate on those finals no like his combo true the final smash is insane it's very good I feel just getting it a lot so the shovel knight named Finley is out here and the sheriff has calls that ain't gold he bounced off the sheriff oh oh he's not such a beefy noise oh I feel like if that has like okay I was gonna say now you get two for that it's gotta be over but he's way too old right yeah I thought that was to righteously what is another poll competed truth who cares bones imagine like a you have a little happy face it should be like imagine dying to that but we said he was at the beach too like he was surfing around that was the perfect spot for it I have no idea what I was saying before that now it wasn't important what is important is now we're on get yes yes yes I would like to recap whatever just happened get the fly man where are we going home we're going you know what was a beauties counterfeit set V DS counterpick it's time for a magic camp we're getting the flying man right now interesting stat we got on screen right now microtube has four more kills on average than player 1 that is interesting it should really balance that mm-hmm should really fix that all right we got the most valuable diddy versus what emerges falcon what a dumb name what no no don't be like this don't play me like now quit one of us is much more passionate about this book we are so I love this stage oh my God look at daddy's face I feel that that's mood ultra everybody went under the stage yeah yeah just remember the some stages get strike by YouTube and switch and wait magical thing no music I match camp yeah there has to be a song turn the music off guys want to see it soon saying I made that stage list for nothing and no one corrected me alright find me maybe I'm so sad I waited gamer gamer again pizza for dinner every night that's what this is okay really took his talk about the fifth time to sweet talk Joe I'll say he destroyed the Galaga yeah he didn't actually bling out the ship excuse me okay oh thank you yeah I noticed that also to say that all this whole % Mars hasn't even play with items he's just overwhelming miss Diddy with this Falcon also let's say it feels good to see the MV Diddy right I guess it's been a while yeah it's weird because like Diddy I don't know about you it took me like three months to see a Diddy wasn't a single one I played online so much no days to be found it's on a real dude yeah Wow eight frames wrapped up with flame bars I mean like that's what you were talking about a player that knows how to use those idols is just so scary beast ball is on oh oh you can't shield mom that's right oh wait what's the setup piece fault it's at all my gun okay I got it respect it you could have just taken the free talking punch or something but I loved what he tried together also I have laptop these balls I think it's like seemingly random unlike which direction in sense isn't it the opposite direction value back to what I thought yeah I loved it out no ha like it did it was that for like eight times in a row and it's like that's it then the ninth time it didn't know like huh yeah three damage though how embarrassing watch out for mom okay all that flying knee I mean hey you wanted to fly and man I think you're seeing it yeah okay that doesn't make me feel any better thanks Oh wrong way cubby right now three socks into Mars just kind of run it over for a moms peeking out the TV okay so what do you think as Mars making this run back I don't know dude I wouldn't be surprised I think he's gonna win this set I don't know if he's gonna be decent she's gotta win two cents ghost her out I had a friend I'll go Diddy definitely is one of the best final special in the game really especially the one yeah baby does that 3d glasses on right now dude the haunted TV cat oh my goodness somebody pet that damn cat Jesus okay Mars final smash I can't believe you missed one and well he's not missing another one that monkey overdose I never realized how violently they spin after they get it something just drew attention to me right there he's just vibrating aggressively he's vibrating and wreckage is my ever be that NBD still try to shield mom learned nothing yeah learned nothing yeah no I never learned anything if you tried to stop the ball for ball at for like if you down her one bomb like sure fun like 5/4 your extranet oh oh oh yeah run away from the Diddy what else is new hit the music everybody this song was truck - could you imagine get all this trouble huh huh wait oh I like it really no idea oh that was so smart okay bunny okay Curtis in the building and see how you can mash if he gets you at all that then roof where we got obama snow patrolling the space Oh see Obama's no game in that free Pokemon you see how good a bombers know is what's that that's the big boy no but that one Oh fennekin then it gets yeah it's like Vulpix it's like the same thing cute yo no get under the platform on this bill trying trying to air dodge to it where you say oh good okay good untenable still alive though near even percent all of a sudden though very what is that one spewpa I'm learning so much yeah yeah these I'm home the fever doesn't Oh Alec are in he's still surviving he has a final smash he's good he knows it oh don't robot is it oh my god have any survived Oh Alec are things in the oven Ferguson Ivy deal the big board am is oh that's a pretty killer Oh mom mom he's right this baby another whim but mob got to kill mom how could you Wow everything every sign pointed to a Mars victory that every literally everything that could have happened badly for Mars on that did I think it all went like he was already going south but it went super south as soon as that final smash with I was so ugly that was the wind condition all right so now we're going to saffron city I'm sure we're gonna see the same Mars has really sucked routed his gun for this falcon pick throughout the tournament yeah and would it be cool for Falcon to win a major get doing in melee somebody's got to do it so I go do it saffron city baby let's get it on a popular big stage who's gonna siphon who's coming out the door first uh Charmander I got Venus or money no way electrode electric oh I wasn't wrong yeah there's I was right Mars really has no fear I love it picking up the electrode is so cold yeah like yeah I don't even got a joke for that one my guy just agreed just so cold like oh okay I got safe bars with tanuki terrifying yes yes aerials look at that look at that movement but you have to have more movement options and peach tones when you have to new key on you only sing off great fights and Samer and he's just getting chopped off yeah we're falcon for dinner tonight boys oh yeah I like that oh I really like this boomerang also no layoffs will go down with you later yeah chase you down martyrs just bullying him now great [ __ ] imagine Martin combo video featuring gray fox PSD oh no you know you didn't look at look at these towers you can jump between the two of them your team again account what is that Pokemon fly to what what what hat what ah well is that really how you want it if sound is response that an accident all right I'll do sorry you called it the haters for Charmander so that you win kind of Oh Bacharach I'm just really confused on where that SD came all the way over and BT getting make game coaching looking back at ECM despicable I hear him I hear him saying huh like we could come on beep come on share some sportsmanship Isaac cloud whatever poor Isaac for Isaac vans dude I do feel bad about Isaac pants too like I wouldn't lend in the game but the thing was day one ultimate was announced I got my you know like they showed me lens in the central food Isis band enough to get your hopes up yeah Isaac fans had to wait till the end of ultimate yeah that sucks for them that's depressing it is it really not a better word than the pressure the two fathers freeze yeah like I would get all timer good air dog from Mars oh he's got it all those shells are scary huh it's my touch for every text so you can see visibility huh he's good saved him oh well is he done saving him you think he's good come on Butterfree I jump in it but yeah look at that he jumped in a ninja final smash top layer bars right here and slip on banana hello hello hi Drew's in there now Electra ice I know you you said it you said it every time I don't know this up being of the stage and BD keeps doing like I don't I don't get it I'm sorry is banging into the wall over and over that's what ha you could do that already players have not playing them or they don't want us about No oh that much stuff and that mushroom is evil it's rambling even alright MPD has Charles reverse I think he's figured it I don't oh oh oh he's getting I love the hesitation but people have waited like left is right oh there's eggs good spawn what's in the egg its seagull Joe yo okay so oh and you try to go to the ledge get that invincibility still tried you know that is it game of three going to MB deed I mean Tim Timmy final smash is just you're right I see how I like it looks so bad and then that final hit comes in it cuz it like locks on what more do you need you don't have to aim it you don't have to do anything you press the beat bunny and you take a stock yeah yeah there's nothing like you don't have to hit any other button just hit the B button okay like I'm just saying like it'd be these used to pressing the B button right and let the game play itself out Sarah so here we go guys your grand finals for the Alfred casual Invitational a Sam and mvgame who else could it be right they got second and doubles earlier tonight yeah and now they're do they get a second do they get a ring I got it no do I get a ring we want a mouse Arianna ran yeah but first place first place did get a ring I don't find me but finally doing it they're going to find me there was a song I really like it's the darkest Lord probably not gonna do it you could tell him to pick it ah I'm like actually running out of energy weren't finals so like I need something to happen I know at Mars to bring the heat for me and he did his best he did his best I'm surprised I'm surprised Mars and IO fell short I got third and fourth I know definitely uh big upsets and the Oklahoma is coming out on top of grand finals Game and Watch random we're doing random alright random grants no Eric justify he's like hey shout-out to Taylor so shots of Taylor I'll do it for you Eric I got you Taylor I got you too anyways we got sheep vs. link you know what's crazy one of these is the bottom tier is expected to be late yeah do it my favorite thing with link is that bomb I tell this story every time that bomb looks like it should do like 50 damage it's a 7 so what my friend and I have this court do is every time it goes off you just do the sound effect like it's a nuclear bomb just like that nothing at all it's a pretty lady in the cage who's that it's somebody's me I don't huh oh you got the bomb here it goes he's gonna oh big explosion oh he's to help let's kill the Chain Chomp dude I'm just kidding she can't kill anything with that damage output poor she did I am a vehement believer you know I woke out that Sheik in six months won't be a character I agree I absolutely agree I do think that Sheik is probably pretty decent with the Sheik is probably pretty decent the items on because like oh my god the blast one is zooming it over there and there's okay the stage is coming back that Worman - wasn't raised in the cage brother Oh what up look at that radar the cameraman just can't help himself he's just like look at his concert right dig this I'll spend half my money on gotcha games alright good stuff ISA I actually do think she can be pretty decent in items good whipping his ass she's Hazzard press of neutral yes but now she actually has killed news well she picks them up yeah after I'm so yeah like I don't even better than having card hit Kilmer's like look at this have you seen this one this is don't that's really cool I've never yeah that kills at 12 cheese yeah if he didn't have Wallace again that Devlin would account very lucky Oh Abra putting up some mischief sometimes he had the spicy curry the fire blew the bomb oh wait so the dragon is now yeah if you hit it you just get buff huh watch this you have a speedy wink look at that air speed oh my gosh yeah I don't know what's happening on this stage yes she could turn into what she used to be just need to the super buff he said trying to land on the ground oh my gosh it's the oh that the Wow the longest hitbox ive ever seen and he's down there like that moves out for a little bit the bees extending it i will see some B combos also this this remix Famicom remix song I like it it's play it's got all the hits they hit me with the punch out jogging theme and I was like nice oh oh oh he popped out of the seat he said oh oh dude they're into this it's your boy if you get in this car get off the bus oh watch he's gonna snake dude do a coward get off the bus oh here he comes what that's it curtains right there it's like what that was Elda tell me those out of the whole time I one more game potentially if isom could close it out I'm really sad that nobody got on the Magic School Bus I just want to say shadow she's Sakurai for watching but I also want to acknowledge that I played ocarina of time after melee so thanks for that what so so did he spoil you gara like what that's funny he got you how long how far apart did they come out uh I don't remember not Karina came out I think it's like 196 mayo she doesn't know what five years yeah I don't know it was probably like 98 97 I don't know so NVD got little back one of his former mains yeah I could definitely see him doing well here Ajo see you soon yeah right it's a pretty good theory and when I say I try to live it out I was lying actually have not done that yet very EVR Pikachu pink shirt my game yeah be at you over easy well okay here's the thing all right let's go Pikachu me I say Eevee any other circumstance but like with let's go Evie but poori on is like my favorite Pokemon and I couldn't involve Eevee wait really oh I see okay that makes sense yes okay agenda look at ye Sims head hit this soul ba D Sam so ball oh my god wait there's no punch line of anyways I just wanted to point it out your ease Sam so ball [Laughter] all right everybody has the final smash there may be but they're not even worried about mom no mom is an don't turn back no more I mean you do I guess he thought that it was like yeah ol just the buff yeah no transformation final smash in this game which I'm fine with they ignored me no Landmaster no oh god them this one's sick though why the moon that's what I've always that like a seat he's not like a moon polka moment already no I don't I mean it looked he's a ninja ninjas like night time yes darkness right I guess coded out of that prison imposing me tiny greninja all he's a baby but that really is he's really gonna be okay is he ready for a ninja in a black hole like that sounds like a worse thing has fight all his rage like that's crazy alright despite all the rage oh yeah alright I feel like he's straight too much for the original content that's not as good yeah glad it's good I respect the reference either way just let it rip what is that on the TV I mean my block that channel I don't know what you're talking about just straight Stan yo wait the did oh wait what I'm so late dude it's the wireframe yeah no he doesn't he doesn't using Ram skin yeah he protects his humanity that freaky oh my god all right here we go easy everybody would say that the ultimate mix-up you had no idea that was it saying I've never seen that before hold up easy I've got killed by dead oh well I fight a little back neutral beef wow it dad tried to let it go we got the warp start the tent has showed up soccer ball from across the stage little Mack hits it with his hands though so he is disqualified oh yes love did some awesome meow there's too many cats Matt Wow the cat's dead he kills the cat oh he said is it what they said - Oh sounds like he's filled himself but like literally not not not about it and fill yourself metaphorically from now on please he's the champion of the Alpha right casual Invitational killing the cat I'm so sad we didn't see more Vince I love Vince I love my boys I think I want to change my answer Sheriff I think Vince is my favorite yeah all right well I guess we're gonna have a post tournament interview because the way the champion is forcing himself into a situation now just just say yes it's fine yeah come in come in it's your interview all right yeah but what what what it's saying what it's a frost but it's a frost bite miracle it's snowing in Michigan in February who would imagine how beautiful all right I gotta say this has been an incredible experience absolutely I was I loved casting with you coach so we're gonna do this again are they gonna let's do it next year every better day better yeah and starts at 9:00 next yeah please not until 2:00 a.m. I got a block tomorrow thank you guys for tuning in pods are going up tomorrow Oh Alfred plus and highlights will go up on Alfred tomorrow there you go check it out guys we're gonna have an interview with the champ himself who tried to pick magic camp which I greatly appreciate have a good night I hate fleshling good night there you go there we go I'm so kick your ass in items Oh freak you me at least make it interesting well you know them way better okay I just got lucky like I got you on my items yeah you might get lucky yeah but I mean hey I went to Japan and I played an item's tournament you know I got that much also you've asked me so many questions about items I have yeah I really wanted to win yeah I mean I figured I mean I think everyone fought and I was gonna win yeah yeah I mean you were and I think you were like the initial seating was just like how good I thought everyone was yeah the nice shuffle this I was like PG didn't play be G you didn't play Jesse yeah ECM template like in be a UK did not play plop up and things like that yeah but I think I think we handed you like forth yeah I think we had like Jason 2/5 yeah yeah and then in video 3rd cuz like Jake it's good stinks good yeah I mean a lot of us wanted to more have fun than like super super you know like Claire me yeah I mean but the thing is he has results he won morph meter at yeah yeah but anyways I didn't enter that um so what do you think of this Israel it was really fun I mean you guys couldn't hear I'm sure you can see in the player cams we were all just like talking smack and just all reacting and all talking to each other it was really really fun so much more expressive than like any other top beta because it was like so much yeah more topic yeah um oh there's so much more emotion yeah cuz it's like it's not you know like if you lose this it's like oh man as opposed to like my career's over so it's its lowest pressure so it was just a lot of fun like everyone wanted to win but we wanted to have fun more and that was kind of the point night and I could hear you guys having so much fun casting yeah guys we cannot cast not to am if it wasn't items yeah yeah that is that is reasonable but I think these events are fun I think it's a nice change of pace I encourage other events to release playing like frostbite is a lot of on side the outside side events and I think that's super awesome and I've yeah I propose other events to do stuff like that and I agree I think doubles it's just it's just a side effect of the day yeah yes and one thing that I next year if we do this you have to be [ __ ] finals I thought about that but like now it's 2 a.m. but next year I get a no I'm gonna play you tomorrow or someone okay and then I'll just give you half the money if you want to be I don't care yeah shoutouts to you that was an amazing event thank you for inviting granulations on winning thank you mm-hmm the reason I don't the only reason I went like Picchu against Jason he's circle kami game yeah you circle kami game one and so I was like okay guys I have to go like a good matchup yeah but otherwise it was it was just fun I was super surprised to see Mars lose to Jessi though yeah yeah like six final smashes will do it yeah yeah he almost had that one game they dropped the finest my Oh heartbreaker magic anyways so thank you guys for watching prosper I don't know how long you've been here you could have been here all day cuz they don't Russell's yeah nights over even morning is starting go to bed because they have a whole day of Speight tomorrow and then even more frostbite on Sunday yes all singles pools is tomorrow I think Ronald pools are from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. then at 6 p.m. it starts around 2 pools which gets into top 48 which will be on Sunday thank you everyone for watching again thank you for hosting it yeah of course I'm happy that frostbite flew me out here flew my friends out here and paid Kony to do this this is all their expense so thanks shots of frostbite come next year I'll come next year you know comes like swing yeah I was asking that like do you get a ring no he's sick I'm gonna go to IP UPS I'm gonna go talk to the right people but what we'll find out but anyways thanks for watching shouts a ton rival tournaments for streaming this for you follow the channel follow Channel so I'm just here on would be really once you got Emma's on prime something like that yes there yeah yeah there you go anyways thanks for watching I'm Alfred I am e Sam and Abel see you all tomorrow that was kind of flow ruin anyways we will see you tomorrow
Channel: Alpharad Deluxe
Views: 1,305,737
Rating: 4.8681993 out of 5
Keywords: alpharad, mario odyssey, smash bros, stream highlights, alpharad plus
Id: R2V225SrLW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 172min 11sec (10331 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2019
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