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and our last Super World I said if you hit 50k likes I would make a brand new and you hit 100k so 100 whole ass hours later a brand new super world and trust me this one's good this isn't nearly as BS as the last one even matpat could beat it though guys second place to rubber off hey but I'm just gonna walk through it because everyone liked it when I did that last time it trust me I am so proud of this world so if you want to try it go ahead I think this is like actually just a good game so challenge all the other youtuber streamers to beat this because oh this is one's good I'm happy so the first few levels are all grass themed like I said just throwing random levels together I made one cohesive world and they're all pretty easy and the difficulty gets more and more intense as it progresses you know like a video game well I'm allowed to die in my own super world you know just so other people can so they feel good about it and there are four red coins hidden in every level they're not required they just kind of give you bonuses and stuff like that you know the tons of those secrets throughout these worlds oh okay there there you go that's what you do you don't have to kill all the Yoshi's but like what we definitely can we will kill this one and that one you have to kill that Yoshi to save this Yoshi you leave that one for dead and then you take this one in the back room and no one knows what goes on in there yeah I bet you're as surprised as I am none of these blocks have intentionally killed you yet it's like I actually put a hundred hours of effort into this and like I know that a lot of people have tried to speed around my levels and you know inevitably people will try and speedrun my super world so I left a lot of skips in here for you guys because if you take this propeller hat over here you can uh you only have to use it twice I'm pretty sure and I mean three times you can get this cat suit and you know take some damage so you don't have a propeller hat on you anymore and did you know that cat suit can go through invisible blocks and that's just one of the many exploits in new super Alfred world and there are 35 levels in this so only 27 are required I think Limi is just like kind of come up a seeder you know so I just wanted him to look like as worthless as he possibly could cuz he's just hanging there he's not doing anything and then if you just go down it just feels like he doesn't know how to put his castle together you know yeah you can just you know over here yeah and this POW block I would take this if I were you because then you can just throw it and kill them immediately it's just funnier I think it's good I like this level it's simple and it's bad but like that's kinda what the little Timmy is you know what I mean and yep world too this is where we start to run into a lot of branching paths for speedrunners I definitely think up is fast or not only is it just one fewer level but you can go in the top a little fast you guys remember this jump right as elegant as always it always seemed upsets me that like we only got link I would have liked a Kirby Samus would have been cool like I don't know why they just ended at the link and again I'm not gonna play all the levels cuz like you know you can play it if you want you can stream it just tweet up me if you stream it because I'll pop into all these chats I just want to watch people play this it's so fun and this time not nearly as sadistic as the last world so this is like an autoscroller right but it's an autoscroller done fast and which is kind of crazy you know because like you don't have to go on the path that the game wants you to you can just go as fast as you want it just looks like an autoscroller guy promise you every time you have to go slow in this game there's 100% always a way to go fast and then we just beat up the bully the arse gets so scared that bullet bill always terrifies me it's rng sometimes he blows up sometimes he doesn't I never really know what to do but I kept him because again it's just funny so unlike the last level there are things that can actually kill you here because Roy he knows how to design a tower and I mean you can just damage boost through that come on uh you can one cycle Roy they just kind of made him a I thought this would be like more interactive but oh god oh god oh no okay this is the actual boss fight oh oh my god ah that's I'm pressive okay they've infiltrated all right all right all right help how how how did I end up here I had no reason to survive that that was a certified gamer moment if I've ever seen one like first of all it was impressive to be stuck there and it's even more impressive to get out of there in one piece I'd love to see like 80% speedruns on this eventually I will hold a contest for the entire super world so get ready for that but in the meantime just time yourself I think this is probably gonna end up being like 3045 minutes and if you're blind running it probably like three to four hours so good luck this was the first level I made for the super world cuz like you know the last patch nature do super worlds and all that but also all these new hats so this was just me like messing around with a bullet bill and then I go oops I am just gonna make a whole new super world and a lot of people might be saying like oh what about the first super world it's gone now you can only have one I just made a new account so both super worlds are still existing oh yeah to do that I to buy an online subscription that absolutely works oh we're going down it's essentially over at this point yeah so this is another one the split pass these all focus on like aerial abilities you know one is the catsuit one is the acorn and after messing around with acorn do this sucks why why did they introduce a padded in Mario maker I think I'm the most disappointed by this one and yeah like I don't want to like reveal where all the red coins are because I want some mystery but like they're hidden all around you you just kind of explore a little bit [Music] and I don't know why he did this was I out of ideas did I just think the scenery was pretty probably a combination of the both and then this one what is this oh this is rainbow way this one is sick but in like a hard way or heart in a sick way I don't know it's a lot of platforms going down a lot of jumping over munchers and this is one of those levels where I think red coin is actually like faster and honestly easier if you know the strats and I think the stress for this one are pretty cool because you got to get this piece which and oh oh well some speed tech for it wait hold up gamer focus because this one's hard I was Miss position on the door oh I got it okay that's it I'm not gonna get this checkpoint because if I die I don't want it I'd rather get all the red coins and Oh sick jump oh oh oh my god oh I only have myself to blame for that one actually going from all the other levels this is kind of a ramp up in difficulty but it's like the penultimate level before the boss I like I guess it makes sense but oh you're ready to see the boss level after this cuz it's a great gaming Oh got it oh alright it's not over yet it's it's a still still a little bit more we got to make this one jump this jump and now go in the door go in the door bro okay this level is supposed to be intimidating there is a whole lot of level here but I'm just gonna show you this trick because like some people might just jump on that then go in this door and be like wow there is a level but what if I told you there really isn't a level here yeah so if you get a running start and start spin jumping on this bomb you just kind of fly forward and if you time it right oh oh secret door I don't really know I put this in there it just it it just felt fun I think I wanted these skips to be prominent because if people want a speed run this entire super world playing like 40 levels it's a lot because even like original Mario you know they spread it all up but this is like got to make it as fast as I can you know I didn't realize it but the vine velocity and rainbow way were made in like the same day so you can kind of see the similarities between them because like these jumps with the falling platforms and mantras are like very similar and then right here I think this is good design because if you hit it forward you get that red coin but if you don't and you know you don't lose anything and aught of being going the door this part is just kind of like a reaction test I'm just gonna get all the all the coins and this is the last red coin it's just you gotta spin jump the bomb again hit it the right direction okay that's a that's a that's a key alright and now you can go up and do the rest of the level or if you get all four coins say see ya here is a split path I'll be honest I don't remember what's right there but I do know that sunken mansion is the faster route swag jump okay oh there's a swag jump do it again oh oh god I'm so good at Mario this game really makes it feel like Mario you know so this is supposed to be like a ghost house you know and ghost houses have secret entrances just like this ghost house so what you need to do is get a fire flower kill the Goomba but what if you didn't you just got to hit the p-switch going here and then watch this the bomb clears this path for you because it's programmed to wear the things don't come down if piece which is active which i think is pretty cool and so you go in here get people hoon and you hit the P switch and you have to rotate before pressing a gets a rotate and then see there we go that's how you do it and now you can see the exit to the sunken mansion because it doesn't it feel like a ghost house exit because that's 100% when I was going for because they need to do some dummy back in the day and then you get the split path you can go to that castle if you want or you can just go to the bigger castle and all of this we are now getting to the point where I can justify having harder in cooler levels and this is definitely one of those Soleri spinning Tower is like a vertical spin jump level and I don't feel like I see a lot of those it's all about just utilizing spin jump as well as you can and oh it's so cool alright get on the right side ok so just pretend I was the first try cuz it was and against more bomb jumps but now you're going up and then you gotta hit the right way hit that on switch and you're golden and now it's time for the final boss I have gone through multiple concepts for this one but all of them just turned out to be too hard so yep yep that's it oh he's not dead what what oh he was airborne well oops mmm this whole world's momentum Mountain you remember the sickness level I made imagine that across like a whole world snowing a sense really sick there is one very it's so tight this front this tech I discovered on accident so like it's hard I'm there's no way I'm gonna do it but like I'll so if you can oh my god I think I lined it up too you can stand on that Bullet Bill and go into the door there oh yeah what you really got to do here you just grab this duck and yeah you know yeah there's tons of like secrets for all the Red Coins and whatnot which I'm not really gonna waste your time and show you all of them because you got to find those on your own that's a scavenger hunt right there okay okay we're going yellow now to the left is the door I'll tell you that much and now I'm just trying to survive okay get rid of that shell we're pulling down going over here it looks like you're gonna die though doesn't it like just for a split second you have no faith in what's going on but it's okay cool okay but for real talk you remember momentum Mountain this was just kind of like a streamlined version if I took the best parts of it and just put it into one smaller level that little flop jump that everyone hated yeah it's optional it's only for a red coin now so it's like the Red Coins to me are just in a completionist route because I really do view this as like its own video game and then here's the momentum Mountain jump that everyone knows in love it's much more generous now so like it's it's okay if you mess up I won't judge see I didn't get the red coin but that's okay it's okay I see good enough is good enough here I'm not requiring frame precision anymore which I don't think a lot of people loved will there be an Allred coin speed run category yeah I would like to see people like trying to speedrun all red coin eventually that'd be cool too and this is just a race you know and that's like the first time I've eaten both them on the first try because the race actually gets easier the second try so yeah that's it oh this level is hard only like the first five seconds are hard but those first five seconds are just very hard that's not the hard part of the level I just it you know you just got a wall jump right there and the timing of it is a little hard but like it's definitely oh okay then so this is some real my mind wanted to make a route that was like 100 percent optimal and it makes the level like exponentially faster but you you run the risk you know I don't remember the exact timing on these but like you give what I'm going for I'm probably not going to do it but you know what I'm trying to do yeah it's close uh-oh oh god oh oh okay this puzzle is actually not as far as it looks you just can't hit the piece hmm now you actually want the Icicle hit the p-switch oh and then if you didn't take damage you're still builder mario you can go through that um I haven't done any optional levels during this because I want you to witness them but I think this one's cool it's just it's a coupe of the quick race recreated in like mario maker I made this level while I was making a so that's why it's like only 20 seconds long you know it just requires you to go fast and yet to outrun him he puts checkpoints there so if you go too slow you die and you need him to get to the finale otherwise you uh he does it for you you can't beat it without him this whole snow world cuz you know everyone thinks I see is like all bad movement stuff like that but funny enough this entire world I think like it's all about movement even the castle it's the exact same way I think the reason I went all crazy in the ice world was because like now you can just uh it's just the aesthetics are nice you know oops there's a secret right there by the way if you can get Yoshi to take damage you Mario gets invincibility frames and that is what I'm trying to show you like that and then there's a door right there which isn't really well explained but I feel like if you explore it enough you can figure it out and there you go and then this part of the level is just a whole bunch of go fast eat ass and just do all the spin jumps oh and if you go fast if you get that coin and now you just go fast again ah it's so scary none of it looks like yeah that's a changeup right there it got me I got myself there like I made this level but I made it months ago like when did this pack come out cuz I started working on the super world that night so it's taken me like a few months to make this but so like these levels some of them were made months ago and I've genuinely forgotten some of the haha gotcha moments and since it's been so long I am haha getting myself this boss however is sick because this is just a survival thing and uh you yeah it's just it's just a lot of fancy movement and also Koopa shells get rid of fire oh I should have jumped there but every time Morton ground pounce which he has not ground pounded a single time yet has anyone found out what makes him groundcar because sometimes he'll just ground kind of like three times in a row and I have no idea what controls that and sometimes he just likes to throw fire at me which i think is very fun whoa oh my god I panicked that wall drop was a complete accident oh my my heart like dropped there is so many avenues I could have just died there that all right and now we go to the desert level which is also very movement based but in like different ways you know what I mean it was just like a bullet hell you know it's it's people in which I think people aren't really cool I haven't seen a lot of people utilize it a lot it's not like a bullet helpful at hell but you know I'm trying to say yeah you can do this sometimes you do it right what I just did was not about surviving because there's the pink coin exit right there which makes me think pink coin is actually faster and is it red coin is that pink coin it's both I'm as woke as a suburban white mom because I just don't see color you know now we have I think this is the last level the most recent level I've made for this powerup plateau this is the moment where I'd like to shout out loogie and Tobias bergdorf because they've made like tons of Mario maker content and a lot of it is just like here are new ideas you can do so I did take like a lot of proposals they had and I try to put my own spin on them but sometimes it's just like I took their concept and just kind of like put it in here and dude good content you got check them out if you're struggling with ideas cuz all I did for these levels was watch other streamers see what they do watch other creators cuz that's where I got the idea for this jump because that's from like a panga level and it just works well you know this level is treated very interestingly because if you couldn't beat that you would eventually go into that piranha plant pipe and then it gives you a star if you can't do it and this is a spring jump where oh I messed up the spring jump I'm no good at this game yeah no it's this level just begs you to beat it it just who so desperately wants you to beat it because like this pipe right here there are like 15 different ways that I found out to get in it so like if you want to do the same piranha plant chop if you just want to stack boxes if you want to damage boost off fit anything works like really anything did I just talk through that entire level I don't even think I'm editing that I think that's just a oh if you go right there you can actually like first cycle it I always forget about that but it's possible and the strat here I guess it's better for me to show you this you just arrow bomb and then you get strapped but I want all the red points so I'm gonna I'm gonna get that real quick goodbye Wendy's dry dried dungeon I think this is the part where you can see that my sadist nature starts to come out a little bit because why would someone else make this level you know like look at this little guy peeking out if you mess up you die but do you want to commit too hard I you know no no um alright I always had to like he's like remember what I did because I don't know how twisted I was feeling that day like yeah I stub my toe is that why I'm taking all my anger out and you you know form of Mario maker I'm glad I spent like this entire session garnering live so I can like throw them all away in this level you know what I mean oh go in the pipe huh oh why do I do this why do I make these things Oh wall chop ah it's so hard okay remember that what I just did let's do it again next time it will feel bad when people wall jump instead of spin wall jump he goes like it it makes a little bit of a difference do I have it this time just realize that like if I'm the creator of these levels and I'm suffering on them if you do it's okay but oh look there is a coin down there wouldn't it be great if I got it it's a kaiser block but it doesn't kill you it just wastes your time so I have lab out this whole level and I think like the real strat is to not even like get hit right there but if you just kind of walk in this left corner after the beginning I think you're just fine nothing can hurt you except that because now I'm shown in the exact same space I was last time but we won crazy oh why am I the way that I am why did I put more level after the boss fight so people can die right there something is wrong with me isn't it it's like when you see this you've done it before all this stuff was already in the level the heartbeat doesn't help but now you're just like it's so simple where I'm gonna feel so stupid if I mess it up and good thing I didn't just destroy all the Windy's okay on to world seven is this one fun I don't remember is it going to scar me they can't cuz I made it it can only scar all of my loving and supportive fans so this is like a cute little trick I'm happy with it what you're supposed to do is the whole castle revolves around spike see that's what you're supposed to do but at the same time if you take the shell with you you can just bring this up and just destroy a block and yeah that's probably the speedrun strat oh that did not look like I hit it that did not look right to me but we take it nonetheless oh oh god please don't kill me I'm sorry I made a mistake oh and now it's Gucci just cool oh this is just dumb low boss fight it's like Bowser jr. hasn't gotten to level yet so I just thought you know might as well give him some love oh okay hey can we be cool bro for you bro come on come on okay I know how can I know how I can do this I know I know I can by dying and resetting yes so the real strat I had I was gonna try and like spin jump off yeah just break my own shell by hitting another shell into my shell I don't think I've ever died on this boss like they're all the testing I don't think dying on this boss was ever something that happened so it's just I don't know what about this level today it was like if you've played the super world yet you know that like this is not one of the harder levels yet here we are after losing twenty plus like okay what just look at that stupid baby and gay baby jail yeah that's why thought oh yeah there's a time line where I died yeah there's a secret path right here which is just a bullet hell level and it's a lot and optional because it's a lot and I think this is one of the sickest levels - block blitz yep that's the one this one was heavily inspired by one of the loogie videos just cuz like that sure knows God like man he just gives you all tons of good ideas and just gives you the world to work with and I just try to make the rest as good as that one idea he had and this is a little trick because a lot of people want to jump and then go in it but you just use jump in it it's a little bait I actually mash like kidding can I use analog stick and getting analog stick ground-pound right there as hard so I switch the d-pad and start mashing crouched on it during that part in that part only and then I die here because that's just to have tradition and now it's all about a pal hat which oh this also feels satisfying you oh yeah you don't need the bullet bells and also you can save this house and you can either take through that or get that red coin either works oh and now we do this I forgot oh oh dear God okay don't mess this jump up what oh and this is the part where you can die if you want I have like I was just trying to run through the super world on my own the other day and I don't know how but I lost like 13 lives to this one fight I it it was shameful just like everyday I just change up which level I'm gonna be bad at that day and that's it and now we move on to Ludwig's bullet-hell or bullet castle or bullet shooting range I didn't put bullet hell because I feel like Nintendo wouldn't let that pass through there good boy filter alright so you just go through here and this level looks fine and dandy right well no it doesn't actually it looks like hell and that is intentionally done so yeah the P balloon just works best for bullet hell's because you can just you know make Mario the tiny little hurt box photo hoe and smash please sans mecha Koopa sans mecha Koopa and this is the only Castle that has red coins and these are like less collectibles and more so like oh you have to do them this was one of the first levels if you can't tell so I didn't really have that idea in mind but since none of the castles I've read coins anyways it's like it doesn't change up that much alright let's see if I got a good cycle cuz this is all kind of orangey it's not orangey it's just pain I think is what I'm trying describe okay and now it's ludwig boss fight time which have you guys heard of toho well if you have it your you're in for a bad time haha but simple movements is the strategy I have for you guys if anyone's wondering how do I beat this and then after a while I just like to hide over here because it'll kind of play itself after a while see oh you thought it was over huh well it is that's not usually how that level went especially what I was trying to upload it that's like one of the hardest levels and I first tried that but mess up on everything okay and now we're going to the final world This Is It this is what it all comes down to because this is the final battle it's pretty hard then after you defeat the hardest boss fight ever the final level truly reveals itself yeah the middle castle is just a boss rush is just a mash-up of all the bosses throughout the super world so if you want to do that it's completely optional if not you just get to skip it that's the luxury of this and now the new super world would not be complete without a new labyrinth alpha squared so this is the sickest level I have ever made it is a compilation of all of my levels it's like the WarioWare gold you know like it's it just it's good its champions Road theme you know you have galaxy music playing in the background but you know like all these jumps you know and love and you know some that you hate this is just everything compiled into one and boy is it terrifying because there are no checkpoints you play champions Road it's just like that you remember crimson flower Oh cuz it's like that oh my god this this level is not for the light-hearted I'll tell you that much and oh oh but we're doing it oh we're doing it oh holy we're doing it oh my god [Music] or is this this can't be a first try this cannot no wait wait for it holy okay we could do this my heart's being a little bit because like I didn't think I was gonna do this well right out the out the gate so now it's kind of like do it how do I deliver on this momentum if I get hit right here I don't care luckily Mario you know balls of steel there is the actual path to the right but there's a little secret right there I think it's like barely faster it's just easier and it's just like it's cool and now oh my god this is the end oh my god I didn't think I was gonna first try this especially with like how much there is to this well that's super alfred world's who everybody god i hope you like it god i hope you play it and god i hope you subscribe because you know what eventually I might make super Alfred world 3 and that's my 2.5 million sub special I know we're a little bit away from that because I got to give myself time to make that so when we hit that it goes live so thanks for watching have fun running it and I guess subscribe for more [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Alpharad
Views: 3,015,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alpharad, super smash bros ultimate, smash bros, not, not alpharad, alpharad smash, nintendo, nintendo switch, mario maker, super mario maker, smm2, smm, super alpharad world, super alpharad world 2
Id: vWRHrHaeLq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 16sec (1816 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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